Ramaswamy, Not the Washington Post, Is Right About Climate Deaths

All things considered, Ramaswamy is almost certainly correct to claim climate policies kill more people each year than climate change, and thus, contrary to Kessler’s assessment, merited no “Pinocchios,” rather…

Support For Offshore Wind Sinks as Costs Soar

Here’s hoping for a cascade of grief for offshore wind development. It serves no useful purpose, is environmentally destructive, and costs a growing fortune.

Carbon Language in Global Error

“Labeling carbon dioxide ‘carbon’ is as foolish as calling salt ‘chlorine.’

The Conversation: Today’s International Free Trade Rules are Not Suited for the Climate Crisis

Climate subsidies like the Biden Inflation Reduction Act violated international free trade rules. The green solution: Get rid of free trade.

Do CMIP5 models skillfully match actual warming?

CMIP5 models have not been at all skillful in predicting future warming; they have matched the illustrated 1970–2020 observed warming (which was past rather than future warming until the late 2000s, when CMIP5 models…

Net Zero Fail: UK Government to Forcibly Switch Your Appliances Off

Imagine needing government permission to turn up your winter heating when you catch Covid, or pleading with bureaucrats to allow you to heat more rooms in your house. But don’t…

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