Well This is Ominous: Waiting to Declare the Climate Emergency

From Government Oversight & Accountability


From the “Oh, they’d never do that” department we see a couple of emails produced the other night in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation by Energy Policy Advocates.

There’s nothing quite like preparing well in advance to declare a (checks notes) “climate emergency”. Hey, one can never be too prepared!  Even more amusing — in a rather dark, very 2020s way — is the idea of a proposal for a “Climate Emergency Initiative.” And apparently a really good one at that. Odd this didn’t come up in Mr. Goffman’s prolonged, still-inchoate confirmation process…

GAO can only wonder what it’s being held for. What new paper, claim, film release, loss in court, UN Conference of the Parties/political need will necessitate the discovery of a “climate emergency” for which, fear not, we just happened to have an Initiative prepared…

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July 8, 2023 6:14 am

Are the .docx outlines available? It would be interesting to see differences between revisions.

Tom Halla
July 8, 2023 6:25 am

It will be a proposal leading to all mail in ballots.

Reply to  Tom Halla
July 8, 2023 7:01 am

All mail-in ballots, no ballot tracking or ID verification, with an assured sufficient percentage having the “correct choices” filled in.

Tom Halla
Reply to  JamesB_684
July 8, 2023 7:54 am

And same day registration.

Reply to  JamesB_684
July 8, 2023 8:26 pm

Popular vote will be replaced by AI. Saves heaps of money, and puts an end to all the “divided community” caused by the other side of politics.

John Hultquist
Reply to  Tom Halla
July 8, 2023 8:41 am

Eight states—California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Washington—allow all elections to be conducted by mail.
I can’t speak for the others but in Washington State there seems to be no or minimal issues. There is continual updating of lists via reported deaths, mail-forwarding or returned mail, and others.
We in Washington State watch news reports from other states (long lines and so on) and wonder what those fools are doing.

Tom Halla
Reply to  John Hultquist
July 8, 2023 8:51 am

Have you noticed that all but Utah are deeply Democrat? Los Angeles County has more “registered voters” than people resident eligible to vote.
I used to live in California. I wonder if I am still “ voting” there.

Reply to  Tom Halla
July 8, 2023 1:53 pm

You probably are.

The bad thing about dying in Illinois is that you start voting Democrat.

Tom Halla
Reply to  Mike McMillan
July 8, 2023 2:07 pm

My parents and grandparents died in California. I wonder about them.

Reply to  Mike McMillan
July 8, 2023 8:30 pm

George Washington never belonged to a political party, but has voted Democrat for 220 years.

Reply to  John Hultquist
July 8, 2023 2:00 pm

Hi John,

Been a resident in WA state for 27 years. Have to disagree.

WA voting didn’t work out so well for Dino Rossi in 2004 for the governor’s office. He won the election, and survived two “recounts”. Ultimately enough Democrat votes were discovered so that Gregoire (democrat) “won” the “election”. Showing the way, almost 20 years ago.

The republican party is WA is too nice and too weak to fight back, and now are mostly extinct.

Our former RINO Secretary of State, Kim Wyman, who owned election integrity while she was in office joined Biden’s CISA in 2021, in charge of election security. CISA seems a lot like the ministry of truth and propaganda to me. Completely unscientific, but I heard Wyman speak a few times; my gut reaction while listening was that she was lying and hiding something. I’ve learned to trust my gut reactions more over the years.

WA state is government is now hardcore, full on leftist blue. We are number one in gasoline prices thanks to a new 32 cent per gallon stealth carbon tax. New law makes WA a sanctuary state for minors who are confused about their sexuality, and can be taken (“sheltered”) without their parents’ knowledge. Seattle’s decline is well publicized. The rot is leaking out to the suburbs, especially King County.

So no, not everyone in WA state is wondering what fools in other states are doing. We have a government full of fools all our own. If you want to believe that mail-in voting is secure, accurate and has no issues, then bless your heart.

Reply to  davidinredmond
July 9, 2023 5:03 am

I followed that election. I seem to recall something like 2000 more votes cast in King County than registered voters.

And that number was greater than Gregoire’s margin of victory.

Not to mention the boxes of uncounted ballots popping up in the backs of voting officials’ cars…

Bob B.
Reply to  John Hultquist
July 9, 2023 7:26 am

there seems to be no or minimal issues”
Sure, as long as you like the outcome.

Rich Davis
July 8, 2023 6:36 am

More and more it is clear that the Demonrats and the rest of the global fascist cabal are hellbent on destroying capitalism. They are going to happily tell blatant lies and make bogus emotion-based appeals until they succeed.

Cold dry science is never going to combat this. We must employ our own emotional campaigns. Fear of freezing in the dark, fear of mass starvation, fear of unnecessarily suffering through poverty and having to work much harder to succeed. Fear of bread riots. Anger at ‘entrepreneurs’ and fat cats in big business getting rich off government subsidies. Footnote the dry scientific facts by all means, but lead with NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY!

Reply to  Rich Davis
July 8, 2023 7:07 am

“We must employ our own emotional campaigns.”

Sure, so why isn’t it happening? Here in Woke-achusetts, I emailed the state’s Republican Party to ask its climate policies. Got no reply. Then I email the state’s Libertarian Party with the same question. Got a response saying they’re against government agencies with too much power. Duh!

Rich Davis
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
July 8, 2023 9:53 am

Massachusetts Republicans? A long-extinct species. A few evolved into RINOs who would pass as liberal Democrats in most normal states, but even those are dying off.

Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
July 8, 2023 10:20 am

It’s unfortunate that the voters don’t recognize “no” as a good alternative to bad policies.

Dave Fair
Reply to  More Soylent Green!
July 8, 2023 1:06 pm

“Do something!” “Its for the children!”

Reply to  Rich Davis
July 8, 2023 7:49 am

It’s cultural Marxism, at its finest, the enemy within

Reply to  Rich Davis
July 8, 2023 9:29 am

“Capitalism” is just a stalking horse for individual freedom. The latter is what they’re really trying to obliterate.

And they’re not fascists, they’re obligate collectivists. Fascism, communism, jealous-god-religionism — any ideology will do so long as it can be used to impose the slave-state they all yearn for.

Rich Davis
Reply to  Pat Frank
July 8, 2023 9:48 am

Ok, in reality I don’t want to be misinterpreted as saying that there’s some grand conspiracy actively orchestrated by some sleazy Montgomery Burns-Soros character.

What we have is a large number of different sociopath scumbags acting independently who want to enrich themselves at the expense of ordinary folks.

A good number of them have been convinced that there’s a zero-sum game and to flourish they need to discourage ‘over-population’.

I say fascists because most of them are big government crony capitalists who see their path to the top of the food chain in perverting government into a straightjacket for ordinary people who are to be controlled by a collectivist regime with them at the helm. But you’re right that there are different brands of sociopath out there.

Reply to  Rich Davis
July 8, 2023 4:07 pm

I see it from the perspective of evolutionary biology, Rich — the herd response of a behaviorally homogeneous species. Homo sapiens var. collectivistica as it were. Their psychology makes them obligate collectivists. Morality is ideological and imposed by the collective — usually in law.

Their behavior is uniform. They are outstandingly adept at organizing into groups sharing a common cause. Their herd behavior looks like a conscious conspiracy, but is not. It’s the self-organized outcome of a common mentality. Their societies are typified by hymns.

Both the Greek Enlightenment, and the more recent European version, heralded the emergence of Homo sapiens var. individuus. Their psychology makes them individualists.

They are the free thinkers of society. They are facultative organizers, but tend to live more loosely associated. Morality is subject to reason and is negotiated, making law mutable. Their societies are typified by debate.

The two subspecies are culturally anti-Hermetian. HS var i. can live with HS var c, but not vice versa. A collectivist psychology was probably a successful survival trait in our evolutionary past.

Those stuck in it cannot abide free-thinkers. Individual freedom feels wrong and dangerous to HS var c. So, they rationalize their innate negative feeling by inventing reasons why freedom is evil (it’s never thought of as freedom; it’s always some sort of blasphemy).

Free-thinking HS var i get branded as heretics or capitalists, or whatever label suits var. c.’s need to impose a collectivist (slave) society. Typically violence ensues because the positions are irreconcilable.

Rationalist Greco-Roman society was brought down by the conflict. Current events in the West herald the same conflict. Last time, loss brought 1000 years of backwardness. We can’t afford to lose again.

Rich Davis
Reply to  Pat Frank
July 9, 2023 4:03 am

Thanks for the mental workout, Pat.

Where to begin? Common ground, perhaps. As a species, Homo sapiens carries genetic traits that manifest as tribal behavior. This seems to be more than culturally-learned behavior. There is apparently evidence that infants instinctively fear people who are a different race from their mother, for example.

These traits were very likely naturally selected by the survival of those individuals who cooperated with kin and avoided enemy tribes and of course other predatory species. If there were individuals who lacked those genes, they were most likely k!lled by warring tribes, predators, or their own tribe in retribution for not being loyal to the tribe. They did not succeed in propagating their aberrant genes.

Your intriguing hypothesis is that individualism is also genetically expressed, resulting in a subspecies. In effect, their genes have mutated and they deviate in their genetically expressed behavior. I think that we part company at that point. But possibly I have misunderstood you. Culture, I think, plays a much bigger role than you allow. The same group may be inculturated into vastly different behaviors ranging from the obligate collectivist to highly tolerant and diverse.

Perhaps I’ll think on it and comment further.

Rich Davis
Reply to  Pat Frank
July 9, 2023 8:06 am

Further thoughts…

We are all instinctively, genetically, tribal/social beings. We are also all to some degree compatible with individual liberty. Almost no one is adapted to anarchy and total social isolation.

If I seek to interpret your words in a way that can be somewhat compatible with my thinking, I would say that just as some people inherit genetic strengths from parents who themselves did not display similar talents, so it is likely that some people express ‘recessive genes’ that make them less tribal and more individualistic. To the extent that society cannot tolerate this, the misfits are forced to conform or die.

I cannot agree with your formulation of homo sapiens collectivus vs. individuus as distinct sub-species, they are all merely homo sapiens.

I would say that ‘Enlightenment’ individualism arose only so late in the Homo sapiens line primarily because it could only be sustained in a society with labor specialization and above all, substantial surplus shared wealth.

However, I do not see black and white, tribal vs individual. We are not evolving from a pure tribalism toward a pure anarchist individualism where each of us decides all the rules. I perceive that we are oscillating around an optimal balance between social order and individual freedom which I would call ordered liberty.

For hundreds of thousands of years we stagnated at the far extreme of tribalism. The Industrial Revolution and most vitally, fossil fuel has provided the surplus wealth enabling us to sustain and perfect ordered liberty.

If society reverts to animal and wind power, we lose the surplus wealth that enables ordered liberty. It will certainly revert us to our tribal nature and all the brutality that that entails.

It seems apparent that you are not a fan of religion, whereas I am more an adherent of Pascal’s Wager. In any case, it’s my contention that there cannot be ordered liberty without some degree of shared morality. One need not believe in God to recognize the utility of the Decalogue.

Christianity then has also been a great support to ordered liberty. Again, you are free to believe that it is entirely a human construct based on a delusion, and yet it has provided a benign (for the most part) structure for ordering society.

Already that support has failed in most of our contemporary world. As St. Augustine wrote, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” This expresses either a belief that God made us with a God-shaped hole in our heart, or if you demur, then something in our evolutionary process has given human nature a deep need for transcendent meaning.

So it must not be a great surprise that having rejected Christianity, Westerners have not lost the need for religion. Climate Change Apocalyptic pseudoreligion derives from this reality.

And so I would conclude with my contention that scientific rigor is not the answer to combatting the delusions of the suicide cult of Climastrology. One does not often succeed at reasoning a person away from a religious belief. It is clear that the high priests and priestesses of Climastrology proselytize with appeals to emotion—fear, envy, greed, piety. Their only use of science is in the name of their false god ‘The Science’.

Those of us who hope to prevent the suicide of the West must employ similar emotion-based appeals if we hope to succeed.

July 8, 2023 7:10 am

“Waiting to Declare the Climate Emergency”

Previously to the last elections in 2022, we’d had a Conservative run council since the early 1980s. Since the birth of Thatcherism. But in the new wokeish uniparty regime even signalling extreme green virtue didn’t save them at the ballot box from the antics of the national party…

“Wandsworth Council declares a climate emergency

Wandsworth Council has set itself the target of becoming the greenest borough in inner London.

At a meeting on Wednesday night, council leader Ravi Govindia laid out his ambition for the borough to play its part in tackling climate change – with the goal of being carbon neutral by 2030 and a zero-emission council by 2050.

“The threat of climate change to our environment is one that none of us can take lightly,” he said.

“It is a threat to our way of life for us and future generations.”

Most if not all UK councils have declared a climate emergency – because it’s the thing to be seen doing. What I found quite amazing was the seamless transition from Conservative to Labour. Talk about being in tune…

“We will be moving away from methods of transport that are harmful to the environment while empowering and encouraging residents and businesses to use sustainable transport.”

What can they mean when they say things like this:

“Having promised a cut, Labour is increasing council tax, while calling it a freeze.
Earlier this evening, Wandsworth Council voted to increase council tax by 2%, despite a promise at the election to cut tax. The Labour manifesto stated, “We will cut Council Tax.””

They’ve all declared an emergency and nothing’s happening. Although rain did stop Wimbledon for a while.

It’s just words.

Reply to  strativarius
July 8, 2023 7:35 am

“It’s just words.”

Careful . . .

“Words are more dangerous than swords and guns. They reach further and hurt deeper.”
― Luis Marques

Reply to  ToldYouSo
July 8, 2023 7:49 am

Especially when they are the only words you are allowed to hear

Reply to  ToldYouSo
July 8, 2023 7:56 am

Let’s just say “they find it easy to lie” – h/t Ellen Ripley

Reply to  strativarius
July 8, 2023 8:46 am

And here we have The Cherry on the (non) Cake

“”West End play poster banned by TfL over ‘unhealthy’ cake
(TfL: Transport for London – they ‘organise’ the buses)


They are totally deranged.

Reply to  Peta of Newark
July 8, 2023 9:01 am

Yes, I saw that. That’s Khan all over.

Reply to  Peta of Newark
July 9, 2023 2:26 am

deranged fits
so is wedding cake banned now?

Dave Andrews
Reply to  strativarius
July 8, 2023 9:12 am

Has rain ever stopped Wimbledon before? If not it’s worse than we thought! 🙂

Reply to  Dave Andrews
July 8, 2023 9:33 am

Only every year. It would be anomalous if it didn’t rain during Wimbledon.

Reply to  Richard Page
July 9, 2023 12:33 am

Yes but this time it’s ‘climate emergency rain’
so it is worse than we thought !!!

July 8, 2023 7:26 am

The content of the above article is exemplary evidence in support of the following observation:

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
–H.L. Mencken

July 8, 2023 7:38 am

If there ever is a climate emergency, it will be by the hand of Mother Nature, not her minion humans
The whole premise of making anything man made, if that’s the correct term in these dystopian, gender plagued days, is that you can tax the hell out of it, all in the best possible taste of course, making humans feel they are doing the right thing to combat a catastrophe they created – however, when you drill into the logic, the facts, the science, all is not what it appears to be, we are being sold a bridge, a bridge with no engineering concept behind it and therefore, very unstable at best
One of the AGW poster boys, King Charles, according to a pointed out Guardian (I don’t read it myself) report, is due a wonderful windfall (pardon the pun) from the Crown Estates seabed rental income for off shore wind farms from 2022, that will present 440Mn to the Exchequer, who will then pass around 111Mn to Charles to keep the Royal Family in comfort, all one years earning – it’s easy to see why these hypocrites love wind & solar farms, not because they provide cheap, green energy for the nation, but because they are a nice little earner – the King is so enthralled with AGW, he even set off a new doomsday clock to keep it in the forefront of our invaded minds

Reply to  Energywise
July 8, 2023 8:08 am

“”making humans feel””

Is what passes for journalism, reporting and broadcasting, nowadays.

Reply to  Energywise
July 8, 2023 9:13 am

“gender plagued days”

Until yesterday, I thought all this gender stuff wasn’t really taken seriously by hardly anyone- until I looked at a new brochure from the medical clinic I go to- here in Woke-achusetts. It lists all the staff and after their names it actually gives their prefered pronouns. All I could think of wasm “Are they kidding me? This must be a joke.” But it isn’t. I’ve noticed that the YouTube channel for the Babylon Bee has several videos goofing on this gender stupidity. I’ve given the links to a few in previous posts.

Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
July 8, 2023 11:20 am

Like the Oozlum bird they are a long way up their own orifices.

Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
July 9, 2023 2:32 am

hmm any as stupid as the UK medico mobs proposing “bonus hole” as a word for womens vaginas?
so it didnt upset a mentally compromised trans thingy who needed a health check but would be too distressed to admit they have a vagina or a cervix
reported on DM uk and comments heavily moderated to make sure WOMEN had little they could say apart from NO and words fail me
as with the invasion of transsports wannabes and the rest we actual born women are to shut up and allow this abuse of OUR rights it seems

Reply to  ozspeaksup
July 9, 2023 5:39 am

The transgender attack on women is outrageious! The radical left is attacking the basic family unit, and are trying to separate the children from the parents, just like Chairman Mao did in China.

I think the women are starting to push back. As they should.

One organization that formed to fight for female rights in school and athletics, has gained over a million members in less than a year.

The indoctrination of our school children by the radical Left is going to be resisted, and must be stopped if we are to have a healthy society. The radical Left is poison to our society, as should be obvious. They are all about dividing people and tearing things down, as their path to political power.

Ed Zuiderwijk
July 8, 2023 8:25 am

Climate alarmism is a form of zombie-ism. It’s lunacy and it is infectious, spreading like wildfire in a susceptible population. It will develop into a situation as in the movies where the sane slaughter the deranged in order to save themselves.

Reply to  Ed Zuiderwijk
July 8, 2023 9:20 am

It’s presented as if it’s the smartest topic out there- and most progressive- so anyone who considers themselves progressive- has to swallow it hook, line and sinker- and sing their faith at the top of their lungs. There are a lot of people, even here in Woke-achusetts, who don’t have the faith- but it’s gotten so that almost nobody will say so publicly for fear of being canceled and probably losing your job, given that most companies and 100% of all government agencies, at all levels, have the faith. Even retired people are afraid to admit their lack of the faith in “the emergency” because their neighbors and younger relatives might shun them.

Reply to  Ed Zuiderwijk
July 8, 2023 9:30 am

But “they” will decide who is sane and who is deranged. Don’t hold out any hope for the “deniers”.

Harry Passfield
July 8, 2023 10:42 am

This morning Greta Thunberg in Berlin handed the UK Government a final Note stating that unless we responded to her by 11 0’clock that we were prepared at once to decarbonise our entire industry a state of climate war would exist between us and the rest of the world. I have to tell you now that no such response has been considered and that consequently this country is at war with the climate.

You could make it up, but I did….But, you wait….

Steve Oregon
July 8, 2023 6:24 pm

As they become more & more impatient they look for any petty, hair trigger thing to use.
Could be just a high tide.

Keith Ball
July 8, 2023 9:33 pm

I have the opposite resolution:

A resolution by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, motorcycle and automotive groups to Congress to demand scientific transparency and truth for every motoring individual in the world.
Whereas Truth and Free Speech are the cornerstones of our society, motorcyclists all over the country want our rights and the truth to be respected
Whereas Critical Thinking is the backbone of science it needs to be held high for kids all over the world. America always endeavored to be the bastion of truth and free speech.
Whereas science is never settled and the public requires nothing but the truth as it affects their very existence.
Whereas children deserve to know the truth and scientific transparency. No matter who tries to hide the truth, it will surface and the real deniers will be exposed.
Whereas every law in this country that effects the lives, livelihoods, homes, businesses and transportation must be based on truth or they are meaningless.
Whereas criminal governments throughout history restricted free speech. We cannot allow any attack on free speech to infiltrate our government.
A rough draft by K. Ball

Reply to  Keith Ball
July 9, 2023 5:44 am

Here is the mantra young people should be chanting: Question Everything!

July 9, 2023 2:01 am

looks like WEF minions, the recent WEF stunt is to get a scamdemic OR climate emergency to be able to over ride sovreignty and allow them control of nations, this plays into that neatly id bet

Reply to  ozspeaksup
July 9, 2023 5:51 am

If that’s what the WEF thinks, they have another thing coming.

People around here will not give up their sovreignty to some international organization of Fatcats. Of course, I’m talking from a U.S. “Red State” so take that into consideration. We resist our own federal government when they try to push us around, so guess how we will treat International Marxist Fatcats. Not very well.