June Update. Kidding Ourselves, Temperatures, Corals, and Kings

From Jennifer Marohasy’s Blog

By Jennifer Marohasy

It has been a cold start to winter here in Yeppoon, just across from Great Keppel Island that is part of the southern Great Barrier Reef. And it has also been very cold in Sydney if you believe the readings from the automatic weather stations – and the complaining.

Before they deleted the minimum temperature as recorded at the air force base in Richmond (western Sydney), it got down to minus 6.4 C on 19th June, which would have been a new record cold day. But. Alas. The officials here in Australia do not want to know about cold days. As a nation we have already officially committed to overheating.

Long continuous temperature records for anywhere along the East Coast of Australia – unadjusted/unhomogenised, that is before remodelling – tend to show a cooling trend from about 1920 through to about 1950 (though there were every hot summers from 1938 through 1941) – but overall the trend is cooling and then warming. Until the last few years. At places like Gympie, about halfway down the East Coast of Australia, annual average maximum temperatures were about as hot a few years ago, back in 2018, as they were back in 1919, but over the last few years they have been falling – again.

I recently attended a conference in Gympie – in the Mary Valley, a catchment at the very southern tip of the Great Barrier Reef. The conference was organised in part to draw attention to the real environmental damage caused by massive new pumped hydro, and wind and solar installations.

These billion-dollar investments are ostensibly to save us from the (non-existent) overheating.

Certainly, government coffers are being emptied, someone is being paid. I gather much of the money is going to rich people in Europe. To show for all of this, here in Queensland, we have much scaring of the landscape – not just a bit, but terribly and if they continue to have their way it will get a lot worse.

At the conference in Gympie, I heard lawyer Tom Marland explained the extent of the investment in what is being called the necessary energy transition, with reference to new developments in central Queensland: 10,000 hectares used to be a large solar installation, now they are planning for 100,000; and the wind farms are ten times larger than before, with ridge lines excavated to fit 300 turbines.

It seems extraordinary to me, that the first time a majority of Australians voted for climate change was at the federal election last year, and yet the investments in this necessary energy transition have already been approved.

And the European companies making the installations are apparently exempt from local development approvals because as a nation we are overheating to such an extent – so the propaganda goes – that this is an emergency.

Apparently, what is happening in my home state of Queensland, that runs the length of the Great Barrier Reef and some, is typical of what is happening round the world. And the elites are being rewarded with fantastic profits at huge cost to local communities, not just in the Mary Valley.

I was recently scanning the 2021 report by Bank of America, a multinational investment bank and financial services holding company, that explains the crusade against climate change is going to cost $150 trillion over 30 years with nearly $5 trillion in annual investments. That is a lot of money, that could be spent on other things. (But the new kings are not investing in things like schools or hospitals, they are invested in the necessary energy transition – I will get to explaining this.)

As I understand it, the Queensland government is paying European companies billions of dollars from coal royalties to infill hillsides the length and breadth of Queensland with concrete by way of bases for wind turbines, and infill valleys with silicon – by way of solar panels. That is what the Europeans are being paid to do, with money earned from the profits from coal mining.

If ever it was a case of killing the goose that laid the golden egg, it is in full swing here in Queensland.

To be clear, it is all on the pretext that we have a climate emergency because of overheating – while everyone dons an extra cardigan.

An extraordinary effort has actually gone into recording temperatures across Australia over the last 100 years, and while there are problems with the detail of the methodology – certainly the Bureau should be retracting the many record hot days it has announced over recent years because these are almost certainly spurious because they were not numerically averaging, something they are going to do going forward, apparently – more information here – but the data is good enough to conclude there has never been a recent unprecedented uptick in temperatures as we have been falsely lead to believe.

To be clear, the Bureau of Meteorology, and everyone else who claims Australia is overheating is speaking nonsense, and probably unintentionally – like Jordan Shanks, except he should know better.

Queensland, where I live, runs the length of the iconic Great Barrier Reef and a bit more. Anyone who visits the reef regularly, like Stuart Ireland who produces the Reef Today series, will tell you that the coral is looking exceptionally good at the moment – and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) official surveys support this contention documenting record high coral cover.

But according to popular YouTuber Jordan Shanks this must be nonsense. A video that he posted last week ridiculing Peter Ridd quickly received more than 100K likes and there were more than 500 comments in the thread when I attempted to post some rebuttal. Each of my attempts failed, with my comments and links being removed within the minute.

The YouTube video now has more than 160K likes and over 600 comments, but I am still unable to successfully post a single comment in the thread.

Yesterday, my comment began:

“On the topic of 500-year-old corals, well I went out looking for them in November 2020 all the way to Myrmidon Reef. I made a 23-minute documentary about it, that you can watch here: https://vimeo.com/766755037

“… it has been reported that they are all dead because the reef is stuffed. You know the story, the popular narrative as per this video that you have made, focused on The Riddler – Peter Ridd.

“To be clear, the Porites are the massive, ancient bolder corals, some as big as minibuses, that have growth rings like tree rings faithfully recording the climate history of the oceans. Well, they used to. As the story goes.

“I wanted to go all the way out to Myrmidon Reef, because that is where the scientists used to go on really big ships to core the really, really old Porites. To my surprise I found whole gardens of these corals, and so healthy. [end quote]

No sooner had I posted these few words, and taken a screen shot, and it was gone. Deleted. Scrubbed from YouTube.

I can only conclude that Jordon Shanks diligently deletes relevant facts and information, while leaving comments that incite actual physical violence against Peter Ridd, because he really doesn’t care about the truth – not one bit. I can only conclude that Peter Ridd and the Great Barrier Reef are simply content, that he successfully uses to generate followers and income and thus power. This is also the history of the European royal families.

I am currently reading Shelley Pukak’s The Dark Queens, a gripping tale of power, ambition and murderous rivalry in early medieval France.

In between the reading, I emailed Jordan Shanks, that was a week ago. You can read the note I sent as a recent blog post. I invite this popular faux champion of all that is true and fair to actually visit the Great Barrier Reef and see for himself.

Of course, at the very same time that John Brewer Reef was being reported around the world as dead and dying – bleached stark white from global warming – I visited and found an unusually colourful reef. Remember, Stuart Ireland and I made a film about it, funded by the Institute of Public Affairs. https://vimeo.com/775205373

To be clear, the Great Barrier Reef doesn’t need saving. The mainstream media uncritically report propaganda from aerial surveys/from flybys by faux scientists who have also bought into the popular narrative.

And John Brewer reef was reported by Graham Readfearn in The Guardian as the worst of the worst bleached, and then there were the official aerial surveys that also reported on the bleaching.

Last year, there was even the United Nation’s UNESCO people who visited – but not John Brewer Reef. They said it was all dead and dying.

But guess what: the assessment team never actually visited any of the reefs that were reported as bleached/dead and dying. The experts relied for their stories about the bleaching from the flybys that score the state of the corals out an aeroplane window from an altitude of 150 metres.

I’ve tried that. You can’t see much. To know the state of the corals you need to get in and under-the-water.

John Brewer Reef is just off Townsville, a large port that is now receiving so many wind turbines.

To be sure, the wind turbines necessary to solve the faux climate emergency are so many, and so large, that now they are having to be redirected from the port of Gladstone to Townsville.

I’m wondering, where are they being made. Who is being paid for them?

Is it Denmark, with Vestas the largest producer of wind turbines in the world?

I know it was the Danish King Cnut, who was also at one time the King of England and Norway, that once tried to hold back the sea tides.

That was a long time ago, about 1,000 years ago.

The Kings and Queens of Europe have been ruling over us for even longer than that – demanding things like ‘energy transitions’ though in the past they have had other names. Crusading, but not climate crusading. All of them, they have been at great inconvenience to ordinary souls, while at the same time distracting us, and of course causing much fear and loathing.

Go to the website of Danish company Vestas and you can read that: ‘Vestas is the energy industry’s global partner on sustainable energy solutions. We design, manufacture, install, and service wind turbines across the globe, and with +166 GW of wind turbines in 88 countries, we have installed more wind power than anyone else.’

Denmark, is of course, the home of Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark, Countess of Monpezat, R.E. She is married to Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark, the heir apparent to the Danish throne. It is not a secret that she met Frederik at the Sydney Olympics in 2000.

Frederick was there with his cousin (albeit distant cousin) Willem-Alexander from Holland, the son of Queens Beatrix of Holland, including to discuss long term plans for how they would save the Great Barrier Reef. It is not so well understood that many of the plans and regulations that have come into effect here in Queensland over recent years have their origins in what was discussed over cocktails in Sydney twenty years ago.

Imogen Zethoven was flown from Brisbane to Sydney at the time of the Sydney Olympics specifically to meet Willem-Alexander the grandson of the actual founding President of WWF. Known as the ‘Flying Prince of Conservation’, HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands held that position from 1962 to 1976.

Imogen had previously been the co-ordinator for all the conservation groups in Queensland and she subsequently delivered them, on a platter so to speak to WWF – that is variously controlled from Geneva, New York, and London.

That was the end of proper meaningful, locally driven conservation here in Queensland. That was when the transition occurred from conservation being about local things to conservation being run by global multi-national corporations who as it turns out, are quite greedy. Apparently there is quite a lot of money to be made our of carbon credits, not to mention contracts for wind turbines and so it goes on, and on.

I know all of this because at the time I was Environment Manager for the Queensland sugar cane farmers, and like Imogen I was living in Brisbane.

I remember being explained some of this at a function at Queensland Parliament House, where we were served wine and cheese. I remember that there were no chairs.

We stood, sipped, and listened to then Queensland Environment Minister, who was at the time Rod Welford, announce yet another new environmental initiative. We clapped.

Imogen told me money, tens of millions of dollars from rich people in the United States (even from Hollywood), that they wanted to donate to save the Great Barrier Reef. That she would be discussing the roll out of the program, that would inevitably result in better laws and regulations, with Prince Willem-Alexander of Holland.

Dean Wells, a lawyer, was appointed Queensland Environment Minister in 2001, and he began the process of legislative change – especially to our environment and planning laws.

Annastacia Palaszczuk was a member of his staff back then, and she also liaised with Imogen, who liaised with Willem-Alexander who is now the King of Holland.

I once got to fly on the government jet with some of them, all the way from Mackay to Brisbane – that is not very far. They were doing me a favour because my commercial flight had been cancelled, and Annastacia didn’t want me stuck in Mackay overnight – so, she said they could find a seat for me, on the government jet. We travelled together.

This is the same woman who is now the Premier of Queensland. And over the last few years she has been organising for her government to own the $19 billion of pumped hydro, wind, solar and battery projects. That is a lot of money. This is wealth that will be transferred mostly, I suspect, to rich people that Annastacia still feels comfortable traveling with on the government jet.

It is about twenty years since I have travelled on a government jet with Annastacia.

How this time has passed, and so quickly.

I image Willem-Alexander has been ticking the boxes, in terms of what they hopped to achieve back in Sydney when they all meet to watch the Olympics back in 2000.

No doubt he has been proudly relaying how much has actually been achieved, when he gets to meet his cousin (albeit a distant cousin), who is now the King of England. I can’t image they discuss the earnings. They would count it all for the environment. How we kid ourselves, even King Canute, all those 1,000 years ago.

That was also when they had crusades, but not climate crusades.


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Janice Moore
July 2, 2023 2:27 pm

“Renewables” (wind, solar, etc.) are not “necessary” nor is there a climate “emergency.”

Not. One. Piece. Of. Data. Proves those empty assertions.

As Dr. Richard Lindzen and Dr. William Happer and numerous other bona fide climate scientists and physicists say: the “climate change” observed is well within the bounds of natural variation.

Tom Halla
Reply to  Janice Moore
July 2, 2023 2:31 pm

We are coming out of the Little Ice Age, known for famine, war, and plague. What minor warming we had since 1850 is a good thing, and it is still not as warm as the Medieval Warm Period.

Janice Moore
July 2, 2023 2:34 pm

You hit the nail on the head, Dr. Marohasy: MONEY.

That is the controlling driver. Uninformed, emotion-driven-“thinking”, naive, people are the only people promoting the human CO2 scam for free.

The rest are coldly cynical, greedy, charlatans (whether they are making millions off market-share-by-fiat wind/solar/EV/other scams or just a few thousand from a propaganda tool youtube channel).

Cui bono.

Reply to  Janice Moore
July 2, 2023 3:15 pm

The oil companies don’t make any money then? That’s a new one on me.

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 2, 2023 3:16 pm

Sorry, MONEY.

Loren Wilson
Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 2, 2023 4:35 pm

But oil companies pay taxes all the way through the process of filling my gas tank, and don’t receive subsidies to provide reliable and affordable energy.

Reply to  Loren Wilson
July 3, 2023 5:22 am

Until the sudden realisation in the West that oil is still needed and in large amounts oil exploration wasn’t that profitable. That’s why the likes of Shell and BP became deeply Green. The UK tax returns from North Sea had dropped dramatically

UK oil and gas tax revenues rose from £300 million in 2020/21 to £2.6 billion in 2021/22. The OBR currently forecast tax receipts over the six-year period 2022/23 to 2027/28 will average £8.6 billion, up from an average of £0.8 billion over the six years to 2021/22


Janice Moore
Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 2, 2023 7:10 pm

The petroleum industry makes its money HONESTLY.

Reply to  Janice Moore
July 2, 2023 7:31 pm

Yes, it’s not as if they don’t attract enough scrutiny.

Environmental activist and UN agencies, on the other hand . . .

Mr David Guy-Johnson
Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 2, 2023 11:34 pm

Dickhead. Unlike with renewables, the government doesn’t compulsorily transfer your tax money to oil companies. They get their money because they sell a product that people want to buy.

UK-Weather Lass
Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 3, 2023 4:19 am

You  live in Northern Ireland which was at the centre of a weather system that gave many places in the UK temperatures in late twenties or higher (it was almost centred over Belfast) for a number of days. 
This was purely random as far as weather goes since there have historically been high temperatures in Northern Ireland in June and high twenties plus are not unusual locally.  The UK’s problem is that the Met Office is a propaganda provider for the fate worse than death gang who just love telling untruths to get their research money flowing in.
Where I live we had one high temperature day in June with some overnight humidity but it lasted less than twenty four hours meaning every early morning in the month was spring cool and of little need for comment other than it was mostly pleasant weather, lots of sun  with occasional heavy showers and some storms .  The local trees suggest they are having a most wonderful time now carbon dioxide levels are at much more optimal levels.
Just why the Met Office guys and their afflicted mates wet their pants every time there is normal UK weather suggests that they are lacking in confidence that climate is doing what they want it to do – hence the drama queen presentations when they seemingly get a chance to claim they could be right about something after all.  There’s always a first time for everything and weather wise there is always someplace that is warmer than anywhere else at some particular time. Whether that is more than a weather matter is something else entirely …

July 2, 2023 3:13 pm

UK just had its warmest June on record, starting 1884.

So I guess we should just hold fire and get the global numbers, in order to put some perspective on things

Rud Istvan
Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 2, 2023 3:26 pm

Paul Homewood disagrees, and he lives there. Let him explain the official falsehood to you.

Rud Istvan
Reply to  Rud Istvan
July 2, 2023 3:28 pm

Further reply since you are apparently research challenged. His website is Notalotofpeopleknowthat. Enjoy, as you are one.

Reply to  Rud Istvan
July 2, 2023 3:31 pm

Well, I live there too (the Irish part) and I can confirm that it was as warm/hot as I can ever remember it being at that time of year. And I also have a few decades under my belt, alas.

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 2, 2023 7:35 pm

So you ought to have more curiosity / scepticism of “authorities”, “settled science”, look behind the curtain life experience?

Mr David Guy-Johnson
Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 2, 2023 11:38 pm

You’re lying. There were no abnormally high temperatures in June, just mild nights that pushed the average up to a possibly record June. I love in Northumberland UK. To experience hot June temperatures the last half of June 1975 would be a good place to start. That knocked any June 2023 temperatures into a cocked hat. Dickhead.

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 3, 2023 1:08 am

I reckon you got too many Guinness under ya belt old mate.

So long as there is no rain to allow the Aussies to continue to belt the Poms in The Ashes, I don’t give a f!@# about the mercury in Old Blighty and surrounds….

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 3, 2023 2:50 am

I live in the UK, near the south coast.
June was very sunny, but for most of the time the actual air temperature was fairly cool, and I was wearing a sweater for much of the time, and pretty always in the evenings.

When it’s hot I record the temperatures in the shade.
There were several hot days. On the 13th it peaked at 30.8C. It was very pleasant. Three days were over 28C. But the rest of June was pretty average and also very pleasant.

Since late June it’s been quite cool and today it’s sunny but cool in the shade (of course the sun is very strong at this time of year).

If the temp records were properly corrected for urban warming, this June would probably have been pretty average. Traditionally it’s called “flaming June”. I don’t think June this year lived up to its name.

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 3, 2023 2:59 am

What do you mean by “hot”?

Rich Davis
Reply to  Tom Abbott
July 3, 2023 6:08 am

According to the BBC, 22°C is hot or at least is red on the weather map, about 72°F.

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 2, 2023 3:33 pm

Indicative of nothing. Many parts of the world just had their coldest Mays on record, not just in the southern hemisphere either:


Do you not understand that there is such a thing as natural variability?

Reply to  Right-Handed Shark
July 2, 2023 3:38 pm

Look at the global data; not at cherry-picked points. Even use this site’s own beloved UAH data: May 2023 was the 4th warmest May on its record.

Natural variability should not result in statistically significant long term warming (or cooling) trends,

Something is wrong.

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 2, 2023 5:18 pm

It’s been generally cooling for about 12,000 years with countertrend cycles intermixed within this trend.

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 2, 2023 7:37 pm

Something is wrong.

Yes, it’s denial of earth history and its climates cycles.

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 2, 2023 8:46 pm

Something is wrong.”

Only place something is wrong, is in your thick brain-washed skull !

Global temperatures are barely a degree or so above the COLDEST period in 10,000 years.

We are still very much in a cooler period of the Holocene.

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 2, 2023 9:58 pm

Something is wrong.

Yes – useful idiots who think that climate did not change before humans started burning fossil fuels.

The June sunlight at 55N has been increasing since 1600. It is reasonable to expect that the ocean surface would eventually warm with the increasing peak solar input. The reverse is happening for peak sunlight in the SH. 55S has a slight cooling trend.

Climate is always changing and CO2 has unmeasurable direct influence on climate.

Screen Shot 2023-07-03 at 2.46.08 pm.png
Mr David Guy-Johnson
Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 2, 2023 11:43 pm

But not the warmest. Who is cherry picking now? Dickhead. You will also know that global temperatures as measured by your newly beloved UAH, are not statistically significantly higher than they were in 1997. So where is the alarm?
Of course you know global temperatures have been drifting gently upwards since the early 19th century. And as a climate experts say, you will also know mankind could only have been responsible for warming since 1950.

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 3, 2023 12:32 am

You started with a single country and a single year without citation. And you accuse me of cherry picking. Pathetic. If there were no long term trends we wouldn’t have glacial and inter-glacial periods.

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 3, 2023 1:12 am

Something is wrong.

A void of intellect within what is generally referred to as climate “science”?

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 3, 2023 3:03 am

“Look at the global data; not at cherry-picked points. Even use this site’s own beloved UAH data: May 2023 was the 4th warmest May on its record.”

UAH satellite data began in 1979. I remember 1979. It wasn’t that long ago.

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 3, 2023 6:06 am

4th warmest? Thanks for confirmation of cooling, I was starting to worry.

Rich Davis
Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 3, 2023 6:18 am

Something is wrong

Yes, indeed, Rusty. Your understanding of statistics as well as your lack of understanding of urban heat islands.

Moreover, my ferrous fastener friend, why do you jump to the counterfactual conclusion that a slightly milder climate is anything but beneficial?

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 3, 2023 9:54 pm

“Something is wrong.” You say that so seriously, that ~ 0.15°C/decade is a bad thing – call it 2°C per century. Why? You own property in Spain and other warm vacation areas and Brits will no longer want to escape to warmer areas for summer vacation? You have a dog in this fight that you aren’t telling us about?

It won’t be the true ‘warmest blah-blah on record ” until they can grow crops in Iceland like the Vikings did a thousand years ago, until they were frozen out about 500 years ago.

It won’t be the true ‘warmest blah-blah on record ‘ until be get back to the 10°C warmer temperatures during the age of dinosaurs – an age that lasted for about 200 million years out of the 500 or so millions since large life forms walked this Earth – and most of those 500 million years were warmer than now. We’re still in the middle of an ice age – ice at the poles is not normal for this planet, only a relatively recent development.

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 2, 2023 8:44 pm

By what method of measurement ???

Can’t be the surface stations, they have been tainted b y massive UHI, airport jets etc etc.

Basically.. They wouldn’t have a clue, if its warmer or not.

Rich Davis
Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 3, 2023 6:02 am

Here we are, on the eve of what I had always been led to believe was our Independence Day of 4 July, 1776. Yet thanks to you, Rusty, now I know that I must have been mislead. Surely if the UK only goes back to 1884, then the whole story is suspect. Or was it that the UK only started to have Junes in 1884?

Oh wait, I think I may have figured it out. Although records stretch back to the mid-1600s, you call it the warmest on record, starting on the last date after a warmer record? So if today is a bit cooler than yesterday but warmer than two days ago, by your stylebook I should say that today is the coldest day on record, starting Sunday?

Reply to  TheFinalNail
July 3, 2023 9:25 am

UK just had its warmest June on record, starting 1884.

No source, no context.

I know you can do better than this because I’ve seen you do so in the past !

So I guess we should just hold fire and get the global numbers, in order to put some perspective on things

I will deliberately “misinterpret” the phrase “global numbers” as meaning “all data for the UK” (instead of “data for the entire globe”).

As some poster “down-page” put it, “Look at the global data; not at cherry-picked points” … but if we’re going to “cherry-pick” the UK, let’s see what correlation (if any) there is with some “global, climate related” dataset … e.g. atmospheric CO2 levels.

The UK data can be downloaded from the MET Office’s “UK and regional series” webpage :https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/climate/maps-and-data/uk-and-regional-series

Just set “Region = UK” and “Parameter = Mean temp”, and you can download the data in both chronological (“Year ordered”) and by size (“Rank ordered”).

The “Top 5” values for June are as follows.

Rank .. Value .. Year
1 ……. 15.8 ….. 2023
2= ….. 14.9 ….. 1940
2= ….. 14.9 ….. 1976
4 ……. 14.8 ….. 2018
5 ……. 14.6 ….. 1970

Yes 2023 is the “record high” by a relatively large margin, but only 2 out of 5 in the 21st century … not a good start for your conjecture …

Let’s see how the local (UK, North-East Atlantic ocean region) “natural variability” compares to the “climate forcing” of atmospheric CO2 levels (see attached graph).

There was a relatively large “jump” in the mean June temperature from 2022 to 2023 … just like some of those in the 1920s, 1930s and 1970s …

UK temperatures, at least, seem to be much more susceptible to “natural variability” than being “controlled” by CO2 levels (which is what you appear to want people to infer).

July 2, 2023 3:15 pm

I think the alarmists have been smoking too much reefer!

Almost zero stories about the current excellent health of the GBR have made it into the U.S. mainstream media!

Reply to  pillageidiot
July 3, 2023 3:09 am

“Almost zero stories about the current excellent health of the GBR have made it into the U.S. mainstream media!”

You are assuming the mainstream media is honest and fair. They are not. The U.S. mainstream media are propaganda organs for the Democrats, and the current Democrat meme for the Great Barrier Reef is it is dying because of CO2 poisoning of the Earth’s atmosphere. Anything that goes contrary to that meme will be ignored by the mainstream media, the same way they ignore Joe Biden’s corruption.

Rud Istvan
July 2, 2023 3:20 pm

Porites corals are very interesting for many reasons, as Jen points out.

In lab aquariums, they survive and grow (slowly) even at seawater pH 7.5. So not at all surprising that GBR’s very old cored porites still thrive under current conditions.

In the proven scientific misconduct Milne Bay coral paper by Australia’s Fabricius, all the porites were dead at a volcanic seep transect with pH 7.7 from bubbling CO2. What Fabricious only reported in the SI to her Nature Climate Change paper was that the specific bubbling seep gas was also 150ppm hydrogen sulfide. For most marine life H2S has an LD50 of 30ppb! (LD50 is shorthand for lethal dose for 50% of the experimental organisms.) Even for shallow water blue mussels naturally existing in dilute H2S producing environments, LD50 is still only 30ppm.

Illustrated and explained in essay Shell Games in ebook Blowing Smoke.

July 2, 2023 4:16 pm

Open a Twitter account.
When you see a new article here, retweet it.
It’s easy.

July 2, 2023 4:43 pm

When Jennifer Marohasy mentioned Australia’s BoM deleting an inconvenient temperature, it reminded me of my local weather reports. We are having temperatures in the mid and upper 90’s F in my area (36-37 C). This happens several times every summer. Every. Single. Summer. All my life, every summer would always have a stretch of temperatures this warm. You know what I call a cool summer? A summer without a single 100 degree day. It has been years since my area made it to 100. But every year, my area will get at least one 98 degree day.

When I was younger, a heat wave was 5+ days with a temperature above 95. The last several years, 3 days of 90+ temperature is a heat wave. Never you mind that the average high in June and July is 90, and that is including the cool 1960’s and 1970’s. Now, weather that has happened every summer since the little ice age is heat wave. I didn’t get AC in my school until my last year. Every year we had days of early dismissal due to the heat. And I started school in late August.

They lie. And you are just supposed to believe the lie instead of what your own eyes tell you. Just like the person in charge of the US health is Rick Levine. He is not a woman, but claims to be. He clearly is unhealthy, but he is lecturing us on a healthy lifestyle. He never was in the navy, but claims to be an Admiral, even wearing an Admiral’s uniform with medals. You are just supposed to believe the lie, not the truth that this fat, divorced, mentally disturbed dude is beyond incompetent for his government job. The same way with the weather. Even as you are freezing, you are supposed to believe the lie that it is hotter than ever.

Reply to  alexwade
July 3, 2023 3:21 am

“You are just supposed to believe the lie, not the truth that this fat, divorced, mentally disturbed dude is beyond incompetent for his government job. The same way with the weather. Even as you are freezing, you are supposed to believe the lie that it is hotter than ever.”

George Orwell describes this aberrant thinking in his book “1984”.

You say Levine was never in the Navy? I didn’t know that. How does he get away with pretending to be a Navy Admiral? Par for the course, for this crazy world, I guess.

Joe Biden is a real piece of work, isn’t he. But he’s not alone, there are a lot of Democrats who are just as delusional as Joe, pretending biological males can become women, among many other delusions from the leftward way of looking at things.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
July 3, 2023 5:58 am

He’s in the public health service commissioned corps, which is a civilian administrative body that uses military ranks. It dates from the US civil war, I think.

July 2, 2023 5:57 pm

Here is the problem a large number of climate alarmists are liars and cheats. I suppose we have some on our side but I don’t know. The problem with the alarmists is that a large number of people in their camp know that lyes are being told and data fudged and manipulated yet they say not a word. They are perfectly content to allow the liars and cheats to continue with no corrections. I don’t know about all the other sites like WUWT trying to bring common sense to the CAGW issue but god forbid someone on our side make a mistake or not use proper grammar or punctuation and our own people are all over us. This is as it should be, I only wish the other side did a better job monitoring themselves.

Reply to  Bob
July 3, 2023 3:30 am

“Here is the problem a large number of climate alarmists are liars and cheats.”

That’s the main problem. And the liars and cheats convince the gullible to believe the world is overheating, and CO2 is the cause.

No evidence for any of that, of course, but liars and cheats don’t pay any attention to evidence, or the lack thereof. They are agenda driven, not evidence driven.

Janice Moore
July 2, 2023 7:27 pm

“The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To speak of many things, of [temperatures] and [coral reefs], of [cabbage-headed kings].”

Lewis Carroll, here. Just putting in my two cents in support of logic and accuracy. AGWists are slithy lizards, their conjecture only a pack of cards….

July 3, 2023 2:17 am

Charlie Boy is not “King of England”. England is not a sovereign country so cannot have a head of state and to call him King of England is like calling him King of Queensland or Victoria or Texas.
He is King of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Of course he is King of Australia as well, or at present anyway.

But keep up the good work, Jennifer.
Regarding You Tube, have you tried posting something uncontentious? It would be interesting to see whether it is your name or the content that triggers the deletions.

Rich Davis
Reply to  Oldseadog
July 3, 2023 7:18 am

Well if we are picking nits, the reference was to King Canute who was in fact the king of England. But re-picking the nit, he did not try to stop the tide. Rather in his wisdom, he demonstrated that his command could not stop the tide.

July 3, 2023 3:05 am

Well I suppose it’s a lot better than gluing yourself to roads or virtue signalling in general-
Reef stars resurrect coral fields on Great Barrier Reef — with help from some local expertise – ABC News

The flavour of the times for watermelons is of course idolising indigenous ‘culcha’ against modernity (reads capitalism) but as always lefties just don’t do irony-
Traditional owners in NSW call for heritage reform to continue cultural practices (msn.com)

July 3, 2023 3:46 am

From the article: “Anyone who visits the reef regularly, like Stuart Ireland who produces the Reef Today series, will tell you that the coral is looking exceptionally good at the moment – and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) official surveys support this contention documenting record high coral cover.

But according to popular YouTuber Jordan Shanks this must be nonsense. A video that he posted last week ridiculing Peter Ridd quickly received more than 100K likes and there were more than 500 comments in the thread when I attempted to post some rebuttal. Each of my attempts failed, with my comments and links being removed within the minute.”

So what does Shanks do when he posts a video like this? Does he hover over the comment input continuously, intending to wipe out any contrary opinions? He must, if Jennifer’s comments were deleted within “the minute”. Editing comments “within the minute” sounds like an all day job to me.

Jennifer, try posting a comment when Shanks is asleep. Maybe he’ll miss it for a while. 🙂

July 3, 2023 5:00 am

No Stokes?

Reply to  Ben Vorlich
July 3, 2023 5:07 am

He prefers renewable energy discussions, power grids, windmills, batteries, solar, data driven essays, measurements, lots of data, math, graphs yes lots of graphs and plots, curves, and dots that sort of thing. Not much interest in coral apparently.

Mary Jones
July 3, 2023 6:06 am

“I know it was the Danish King Cnut, who was also at one time the King of England and Norway, that once tried to hold back the sea tides.”

You are mistaken, Jennifer. It was his followers who claimed he could hold back the tides. King Cnut knew that he couldn’t.