Jordan Peterson: Peddlers of Environmental Doom Have Shown Their True Totalitarian Colors

From Climate Depot

By: Admin – Climate Depot

Jordan Peterson: Peddlers of environmental doom have shown their true totalitarian colours
The Daily Telegraph, 15 August 2022

Corporations and utopians are offering authoritarian solutions to crises only democracy and free markets can solve

Deloitte is the largest “professional services network” in the world. Headquartered in London, it is also one of the big four global accounting companies, offering audit, consulting, risk advisory, tax and legal services to corporate clients.

With a third of a million professionals operating on those fronts worldwide, and as the third-largest privately owned company in the US, Deloitte is a behemoth with numerous and far-reaching tentacles.

In short: it is an entity we should all know about, not least because such enterprises no longer limit themselves to their proper bailiwick (profit-centred business strategising, say), but – consciously or not – have assumed the role as councillors to believers in unchecked globalisation whose policies have sparked considerable unrest around the world.

If you’re seeking the cause of the Dutch agriculture and fisheries protests, the Canadian trucker convoy, the yellow-jackets in France, the farmer rebellion in India a few years ago, the recent catastrophic collapse of Sri Lanka, or the energy crisis in Europe and Australia, you can instruct yourself by the recent pronouncements from Deloitte.

Whilst not directly responsible, they offer an insight into the elite groupthink that has triggered these events; into the cabal of utopians operating in the media, corporate and government fronts, wielding a nightmarish vision of environmental apocalypse.

Outlandish claims

In May this year, Deloitte released a clarion call to precipitous action trumpeting the climate emergency confronting us. Called ‘The Turning Point: A Global Summary’, it is a stellar example of a mentality more common among officials in the EU: one of fundamental bureaucratic overreach (and one which generated Brexit – a very good decision on the part of the Brits, in my view) that threatens the very survival of that selfsame EU.

The report opens with two claims: first, that the storms, wildfires, droughts, downpours, and floods around the globe in the last 18 months are unique and unprecedented – a dubious claim – and implicitly that the “science” is now at a point where we can say without doubt that experts can and must model the entire ecology and economy of the planet (!) and that we must modify everyone’s behaviour, by hook or by crook, to avoid what would otherwise be the most expensive environmental and social catastrophe in history.

The Deloitte “models” posit that “climate impacts” could affect global economic output, and say that unchecked climate change will cost us $178 trillion over the next 50 years – that’s $25,000 per person, to put it in human terms.

Who dares deny such facts, stated so mathematically? So precisely? So scientifically?
Let’s update Mark Twain’s famous dictum: there are lies, damned lies, statistics – and computer models.

“Computer model” does not mean “data” (and even “data” does not mean “fact”). “Computer model” means, at best, “hypothesis” posing as mathematical fact.

No real scientist says “follow the science.” Yet this is exactly what bodies such as the EU consistently pronounce, pushing for collectivist solutions that do more harm than good.

Solutions in sovereignty 

What might we rely on, instead, to guide us forward, in these times of accelerating trouble and possibility?

Valid authority rests in the people. Truly valid structures of authority are local, not centralised for reasons of efficiency and “emergency”. This must not become the generation of yet another top-down Tower of Babel. That will not solve our problems, just as similar attempts have failed to solve our problems in the past.

Ask yourself: are these Deloitte models – which are supposed to guide all the important decisions we make about the economic security and opportunity of families and the structures of our civil societies – accurate enough even to give those who employ them any edge whatsoever, say, in predicting the performance of a stock portfolio (one based on green energy, for example) over the upcoming years?

The answer is no. How do we know? Because if such accurate models existed and were implemented by a company with Deloitte’s resources and reach, Deloitte would soon have all the money.

That is never going to happen. The global economy, let alone the environment, is simply too complex to model. It is for this reason, fundamentally, that we have and require a free-market system: the free market is the best model of the environment we can generate.

Let me repeat that, with a codicil: not only is the free market the best model of the environment we can generate, it is and will remain the best model that can, in principle, ever be generated (with its widely distributed computations, constituting the totality of the choices of 7 billion people). It simply cannot be improved upon – certainly not by presumptuous power-mad utopians, who think that hiring someone mysteriously manipulating a few carefully chosen numbers and then reading the summarised output means genuine contact with the reality of the future and the generation of knowledge unassailable on both the ethical and the practical front.

The impact of delusional thinking

Why is this a problem? Why should you care? Well, the saviours at Deloitte admit that there will be a short-term cost to implementing their cure (net-zero emissions by 2050, an utterly preposterous and inexcusable goal, both practically and conceptually). This, by the way, is a goal identical to that adopted last week by the delusional leaders of Australia, which additionally committed that resource-dependent-and-productive country to an over 40 per cent decrease by 2005 standards in “greenhouse gas emission” within the impossible timeframe of eight years. This will devastate Australia.

Here is the confession, couched in bureaucratic double-speak, from the Deloitte consultants: “During the initial stages the combined cost of the upfront investments in decarbonization, coupled with the already locked-in damages of climate change would temporarily lower economic activity, compared to the current emissions-intensive path.”

The omniscient planners then attempt to justify this, with the standard empty threats and promises (the suffering is certain, the benefits ethereal): “those most exposed to the economic damages of unchecked climate change would also have the most to gain from embracing a low-emissions future.” Really? Tell that to the African and Indian populations in the developing world lifted from poverty by coal and natural gas.

And think – really think – about this statement: “Existing industries would be reconstituted as a series of complex, interconnected, emissions-free energy systems: energy, mobility, industry, manufacturing, food and land use, and negative emissions.”

That sounds difficult, don’t you think? To rebuild everything at once and better? Without breaking everything? Fixing everything in a few decades in a panicked rush while demonising anyone who dares object?

And what will it take to do so? Here’s the most alarming part: nothing more than “a coordinated transition” that “will require governments, along with the financial services and technology sectors to catalyze, facilitate and accelerate progress; foster information flows across systems; and align individual incentives with collective goals.”

A clearer statement of totalitarian inclination could hardly be penned.

Certain outcomes versus predicted outcomes

The one thing the Deloitte models guarantee is that if we do what they recommend we will definitely be poorer than we would have been otherwise for an indefinite but hypothetically transitory period.

Yet any reduction in economic output (however “temporary” and “necessary”) will be purchased at the cost of the lives of those who are barely making it now. Period.

Have you noticed that food has become more expensive? That housing has become more expensive? That energy is more expensive? That many consumer goods are simply unavailable? Can you not see that this is going to get worse, if the Deloitte-style moralists have their way? How much “short-term pain” are you going to be required to sustain? Decades worth? All your life, and the life of your children?

It’s very likely. For your own benefit. Remember that.

All this painful privation is not only not going to save the planet, it’s going to make it far worse.

I worked for a UN subcommittee that helped prepare the 2012 report to the Secretary-General on sustainable development. Whether or not it was a good idea to contribute to such a thing is a separate issue: I do believe at least that the report would have been much more harmful than it was without the input of the Canadian contingent. We scrubbed away several layers of utopianism and Cold-War era conceptualisation and cynicism. That was something.

I garnered a key and crucial insight from the several years’ work devoted to my contribution: I learned that the fastest and most certain pathway forward to the future we all want and need (peaceful, prosperous, beautiful) is through the economic elevation of the absolutely poor. Richer people care about “the environment” – which is, after all,outside the primary and fundamental concern of those desperate for their next meal.

Make the poor rich, and the planet will improve. Or at least get out of their way while they try to make themselves rich. Make the poor poorer – and this is the concrete plan, remember – and things will get worse, perhaps worse beyond imagining. Observe the chaos in Sri Lanka, if you need proof.

There are clearly more important priorities than costly and ineffective emergency climate change reductions. Bjorn Lomborg’s work (among others such as Marian Tupy and Matt Ridley) has demonstrated that other pressing problems could and should take political and economic priority, from the perspective of good done per dollar spent.

Money could and should be spent, for example, to ensure the current health and therefore future productivity (and environmental stewardship) of currently poor children in developing countries. How about remedying the actual world of pain and deprivation of such children rather than saving the hypothetical world, and the hypothetical world of future children, in abstraction?

Stirrings of revolt

Citizens are waking up to this. Dutch farmers and fishermen are rising up, Canadian truckers are pushing back. Such protests are spreading, and increasing in intensity. As they should.

Why? Because, Deloitte consultants, and like-minded centralists are pushing things too far. It will not produce the results they are hypothetically intending. This agenda, justified by emergency,  will instead make everyone poorer, particularly those who are already poor. This use of emergency force will, instead, make the lives of the working men upon whom we all depend for our daily bread and shelter more difficult and less rewarding.

Finally, this use of emergency force will also make the “environment” worse, not better. Why? If you wreck your temporary economic havoc, to (eventually) remediate the world, those whom you sacrifice so casually in the attempt will descend into chaos. In that chaos, they will then, by necessity, turn their attention to matters of immediate survival – and in a manner that will stress and harm the complex ecosystems and economies that can only be maintained with the long-term view that prosperity and nothing else makes possible.

Critics of my view will say “we have to accept limits to growth.” Fine. Accept them. Personally. Abandon your position of planet-devouring wealthy privilege. Join an ascetic order. Graze with the cattle. Or, if that’s too much (and it probably is) then purchase an electric car, if you want one (but no diesel-powered emergency backup vehicle or electric power generator for you). Buy some stock in Tesla. That’s probably the best bet (but you don’t approve of Elon Musk, do you?). Stop flying. Stop driving, for that matter. Get on your bike, instead. In your three-piece business suit. In the winter, if you dare. I’ll splash you with icy and salty slush as I drive by, in my evil but warm Ford Bronco SUV, and help you derive the consequent delicate pleasure of your own narcissistic martyrdom.

Save the planet with your own choices. But quit demanding that the rest of us blindly follow your diktats. Quit demonising and castigating us, merely because we don’t just happily cede to you all the extant power. We’re not evil just because we don’t believe that you are omniscient. We’re not evil just because we don’t want you to assume omnipotence and omnipresence too.

There is simply no pathway forward to the green and equitable utopia that necessitates the further impoverishment of the already poor, the compulsion of the working class, or the sacrifice of economic security and opportunity on the food, energy and housing front. There is simply no pathway forward to the global utopia you hypothetically value that is dependent on force. And even if there was, what gives you the right to enforce your demands? On other sovereign citizens, equal in value to you?

An alternative solution

A better way forward would be to prioritise the problems that beset all of us on this still-green, functional and increasingly abundant planet with the requisite focus and attention demanded of a true political class, elected by the people, capable of and willing to  look at everything, trying to fix where necessary, trying to maintain as much freedom and autonomy as possible, and stop simply capitalising narcissistically on the mere appearance of action, knowledge and virtue.

We should obtain true, cooperative consent from those affected – farmers, truckers, working-class people who have turned in irritated desperation to figures such as Donald Trump – and work with them, rather than forbidding them with your power or improving them so they will be finally worthy of your time and attention. Help replace dirty energy with clean, if you must, but do it on your own dime, and make sure that the results are cheap and plentiful, if you want to help the poor, and the planet.

The warning bells are ringing. Listen to them, before they turn into sirens.

We will not advance without resistance through the straits of your enforced privation. We will not allow you to steal and destroy the energy that makes our lives bearable (and that produces our food and shelter and housing and the sporadic delights of modern life) just to address your existential terror (particularly when it will fail to do so in any case). We will not allow our children to be criticised first for having the temerity to merely exist and then be deprived of the prosperous and opportunity-rich future we strived so hard to prepare for them. We remain unconvinced of your frightened and self-congratulatory moralising and intellectual pretension, ignorance of the limits of statistics, and misuse of arithmetic.

We do not believe, finally and most absolutely, that your declared emergency and the panic you sow because of it means that you should now be ceded all necessary authority.

So leave us alone, you centralisers; you worshippers of Gaia; you sacrificers of the wealth and property of others; you would-be planetary saviours; you Machievellian pretenders and virtue-signallers, objecting to power, all the while you gather it around you madly.

Leave us alone, to prosper or not, as a result of our own choices; as a result of our own actions; in the exercise of our own requisite and irreducible responsibility.

Leave us alone. Or reap the whirlwind. And watch the terrible destruction of what you purport to save, in consequence.

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August 18, 2022 10:03 am

Comes freezing cold winter in the west Europe, paddlers of green power will be chased out of the town, but if you got some gas to peddle you could make fortune.
There are already pressures building on Mr. Zelensky (Green in Slavic languages- zelen, зеленый,зелений, зелен,зелено, zielony, zelená ) to start preparing for some kind of deal with the Vlad Terrible so Germany and co would get more gas from Russkies, and save ones strongest industry in Europe.

Reply to  Vuk
August 18, 2022 11:38 am

Germany gets AS MUCH GAS as they want if they simply pay Gazprom in rubles. Current banking sanctions on Russia make Euros equivalent to Monopoly money to Gazprom. This has nothing to do with Zelensky and everything to do with Germany’s choice to “punish” Russia by punishing themselves.

Reply to  Richard Greene
August 18, 2022 1:37 pm

Ukraine only has three months to prevent a winter betrayal
If the war goes into deep freeze, Zelensky is likely to come under increasing pressure from his allies
Russia reduced gas supplies to Europe by 60% in June. Countries are weighing how to minimise economic damage to their already crippled economies as winter approaches, including by significantly reducing gas consumption among domestic consumers for which one of the few realistic options is an even steeper price hike.
The widespread discontent among voters that follows will focus politicians’ minds and force them to reconsider their already wavering commitment to Ukraine and especially the strict sanctions against Russia which have proven not to have the hoped-for effect on restraining Putin’s aggression.

Reply to  Vuk
August 18, 2022 2:03 pm

The current gas supply crisis is entirely self-inflicted pain. In particular the refusal to open NordStream2 pipe line which would double the capactity of NS1, even if it was fully operational.

Since NS1 is now at 20% full capacity, opening NS2 would multiply gas flow into Germany ( and consequently much of western Europe ) by a factor for SIX and end ALL current domestic and industrial shortages.

Currently no one in Europe has the stones to do that because of threats from USA that require them to willfully destroy their own energy supplies in order to protect their “energy security”. Don’t ask how that works !

Sanctions did not do much harm to Russia, but it seems that destroying Europe as an economic competitor is a good second best for Washington.

Elliot W
Reply to  Greg
August 18, 2022 5:09 pm

Sorry, Greg, but this isn’t the US as the bad guy. Germany (and the EU) brought this on themselves with their doltish green schemes pretending unreliables provide reliable power. Utter stupidity.

Jay Willis
Reply to  Elliot W
August 19, 2022 1:29 am

Yes it’s a very interesting point. The European governments fall over themselves to appease the USA special trade interests such as the LNG suppliers or MIC. They sacrifice their own people, metaphorically in most cases, but literally in Ukraine. These are the real problem, the politicians who claim to be our champions while using us as fodder. They appear to be mostly succeeding.

Reply to  Greg
August 19, 2022 3:13 am

Do you work for Deloitte? If NS1 is operating at 20% of capacity, then the problem is something other than pipeline capacity and increasing pipeline capacity will do little other than reduce utilization further and increase reliance on Russia, which the last year has surely shown is an error.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Vuk
August 19, 2022 5:22 am

The Ukrainians are restraining Putin’s aggression. They will continue to do so if supplied with the weapons of war they need.

We do all want Putin’s aggresssion restrained, don’t we?

Facts Only
Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 19, 2022 1:04 pm

Russia has been remarkably restrained in the face of at least 8 years direct US/NATO provocation in Ukraine – and for a great deal longer if one is prepared to admit the reality which is that Russia’s “strategic depth” starts on the Oder.

Russia agreed to German reunification and to withdrawal from Eastern Europe, naively believing Baker et al when they assured Shevardnadze (?) NATO has no interest in expanding Eastward.

Poke a tired old bear with a pointy stick for long enough, and see what happens.

Reply to  Facts Only
August 19, 2022 5:39 pm

Go peddle your paid Russian propaganda somewhere else. The Ukrainians want to be left alone, and Russia wants to exterminate their culture. It is not an American “provocation” for former Russian slaves to try to ensure they can never be enslaved again.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Facts Only
August 20, 2022 4:54 am

“Russia agreed to German reunification and to withdrawal from Eastern Europe, naively believing”

That’s funny. And not close to reality. Russians aren’t that dumb.

Greg Shark
Reply to  Facts Only
August 20, 2022 5:27 am

the reality of this matter over many hundreds of years is that Russia has absolutely no claim to Ukraine or any of the neighbouring eastern European countries. Historically Imperial Russia is the aggressor and continued that post WW2 with the Berlin Wall, invading Hungary, etc – they had no right! That “Russia agreed to the German reunification and withdrawal from Eastern Europe…” is a utter lie! Soviet Union imploded, East Germany collapsed, the wall fell, East European countries rejected communism and wanted autonomy and independence. The soviet union RAPED the east European countries – that is a fact, I’ve been there, spoken to people and they despise Russia for very good reason.

Reply to  Richard Greene
August 19, 2022 5:35 pm

Russia would have no problems selling gas (or anything else) if Putin would just give up on NAKED RUSSIAN AGGRESSION.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Vuk
August 19, 2022 5:19 am

“There are already pressures building on Mr. Zelensky (Green in Slavic languages- zelen, зеленый,зелений, зелен,зелено, zielony, zelená ) to start preparing for some kind of deal with the Vlad Terrible”

I think the Ukrainians are getting prepared for a counteroffensive against the Russians. The Russians have been brought to a standstill, and are suffering heavy losses, and the Ukrainians are getting ready to push the Russians out of some of the Ukranian territory they are currently occupying.

The only question mark in this plan is will the United States and the EU supply the Ukrainians with the military equipment they need to oust the Russians?

As we have seen in the past, Joe Biden is not a reliable ally. He may throw the Ukrainians to the totalitarian wolves just like he did with South Vietnam and Afghanistan. Depending on Joe Biden is a big, unavoidable gamble. The man is a complete idiot. Has been his entire political career.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 19, 2022 8:32 am

“War is the health of the State”, arguably very closely followed by ‘green’ energy policy. For the life of me, I can’t understand how those who have rationally concluded that ‘the man is a complete idiot’ on the latter can concurrently believe that he is a genius on the former.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Frank from NoVA
August 20, 2022 4:57 am

I don’t know anyone who thinks Joe Biden is a genius on any subject. I saw a poll yesterday where 75 percent of *Democrats* don’t want Biden to run again in 2024.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 21, 2022 9:59 am

I can’t see him going around the country supporting his candidates in the upcoming midterms. But you can bet your bottom dollar that Trump, DeSantis, et al. will support theirs.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 19, 2022 5:45 pm

The one thing I will say about Biden (and Ron Klain, since this is Mr. Klain’s Regency) is that they are Democrats and Democrats do not like to be seen starting and then abandoning wars, hence WW1 and 2. They are delighted to abandon any war that was started (or they can pretend was started) by a Republican, hence the abandonment of Vietnam and Afghanistan, and attempted abandonment of Iraq. The support of Ukraine in the current NAKED RUSSIAN AGGRESSION is something Biden and Klain will have to own, so I suspect they will not soon abandon Ukraine to a Second Holodomor.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Kemaris
August 20, 2022 5:06 am

I know one thing: If Biden and the EU do not give Ukraine the support they need to fend off Putin, then they will be sending a signal to all the murderous dictators of the world that there is no organized opposition to their ambitions.

The other murderous dictators of the Axis of Evil (China, Russia, Iran and North Korea) will be emboldened and then we will have all sorts of trouble breaking out all over. We will have a number of murderous dictators pushing their luck because they don’t see any pushback.

That’s what bullies and murderous dictators do: They push their envelope until they get sufficient pushback. If they don’t get pushback, they keep on pushing. Why wouldn’t they? What’s to stop them?

Reply to  Vuk
August 21, 2022 11:14 am

Jordan Peterson nails it.

The Global Warming-and-Green-Energy narrative is a fifty-year-old fraud, which we published was false nonsense in 2002. Others including the eminent Richard Lindzen at MIT were publicly doubting the global warming falsehoods in the 1990’s. The warmist arguments were never credible, not even remotely so – they were always scary fictions with no basis in science.

Uncommon sense says that no rational individual or group could be this wrong, this incredibly obtuse, for this long – the warmists knew they were lying from the start. They promoted their scary CAGW narrative for financial and political gain – “wolves stampeding the sheep”.

August 18, 2022 10:09 am

China is pulling back and unplugging. Get over it.

Beijing said it would cancel or suspend cooperation with Washington on key issues including direct military talks, counternarcotics and transnational crime.
Eighth and last on the list was halting climate talks, ending any hope that the struggle against global warming could avoid getting caught in the downward spiral of Sino-U.S. relations.

When asked Tuesday in Washington what would be needed for Beijing to rescind its decision, Chinese Ambassador Qin Gang said the U.S. should refrain from any further action to escalate tensions. A day earlier, Beijing announced fresh drills after another group of U.S. lawmakers met with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen—an event Mr. Qin called provocative and unhelpful.

Reply to  ResourceGuy
August 18, 2022 10:27 am

Mrs Peeloose visit to the island of Formosa has done more to do in ‘caca verde’ than most of us the armchair sceptic warriors. Pee loose we salute your this time truly unprecedented achievement.

Janice Moore
Reply to  ResourceGuy
August 18, 2022 10:39 am

What is needed is articulated nicely in this video:

“… tax China very, very, heavily … .”

Reply to  Janice Moore
August 18, 2022 9:38 pm

From reports I’ve read, China is about to have a real estate bubble burst that will make the U.S. 2008 downturn seem small.
Already there are millions of Chinese not paying their mortgages on buildings that are not occupied and some still under construction.

I talked to a precision gear company owner a few years ago saying that he and his friends will not do any more manufacturing in China due to the poor quality and theft of intellectual property.
The CCP has a tight grip on their own people and are trying to get a grip on everyone else too.

Reply to  Brad-DXT
August 19, 2022 5:13 am

The Chinese are so heavily invested in real estate in the US and other western countries that a burst of their bubble will lead to significant declines everywhere else as well. When the Chinese investors have to sell assets to cover their domestic losses, the western bubble will collapse as well.

Reply to  OweninGA
August 19, 2022 10:27 am

The bubble is already bursting in the U.S. Mortgage companies are laying off and the real estate market is pretty flat or declining.

Gary Pearse
Reply to  Brad-DXT
August 19, 2022 3:41 pm

I’ve been to China 3 times on business, last in 2013. They proudly told us that the high rise construction crane was the national bird of China. In Chengdu there were, I’d say, more than a hundred empty high rises half under construction. It was if there was a Five Year Plan Quota of some kind. The market didn’t seem to have much to do with it.

Janice Moore
Reply to  ResourceGuy
August 18, 2022 10:41 am

comment image

Janice Moore
Reply to  Janice Moore
August 18, 2022 10:45 am


10 held by H for the big guy.” 

Three years later, [Tony] Bobulinski would tell the world that “there is no question” that “the big guy” is Joe Biden.


Tom Abbott
Reply to  Janice Moore
August 19, 2022 5:40 am

Yeah, it makes you wonder how much that figures into Biden’s decisions on the Chicoms. Biden is very nice to them.

Biden said when he and XI were vice presidents during the Obama-Biden administration, that he and Xi would argue about which was better, a democratic government or an authoritarian government.

Biden said he used to argue in favor of Democracy but it appears he has now changed his mind and is going with favoring the authoritarian style of government signified by his weaponization of the U.S. “Justice” Department against his political opponents.

I hear XI sends his political opponents to the psychiatric hospitals, where they are tortured and driven insane.

Is that next on the list of punishments for your political opponents, Joe Biden?

Janice Moore
Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 19, 2022 10:35 am

Hi, Tom,

Insightful comment about Eleven (or, “smart” phone, is it Ecksl? 😉 ) and “Big Guy.”

Just responding to say “Hi” and to acknowledge (nice to know someone actually read one’s comment!), so, here is all I have to say:

Biden said he used to argue in favor of Democracy but it appears he has now changed [lost] his mind.


Bye for now!


Tom Abbott
Reply to  Janice Moore
August 20, 2022 5:11 am

Hi, Janice. Nice to see you. I always read your informative posts. 🙂

Janice Moore
Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 20, 2022 9:42 am


Reply to  ResourceGuy
August 18, 2022 3:39 pm

China has just announced it is sending troops to Russia for joint military exercises. It’s a great way to de-escalate tensions.

I don’t believe they have done this before, or were ever on the best of terms with each other, so it should be a wake-up call to the West. Maybe Joe will cancel another Minute Man III missile test like he did twice already to show appeasement.

Richard Page
Reply to  Doonman
August 18, 2022 5:21 pm

Not just a few, thousands; they’ve organised a series of joint manouevres with a similar number of Russian troops. It’s interesting as this is the friendliest they’ve been since the Korean War. These are the upcoming ‘Vostok’ military exercises amid rumours that India may also be sending troops to participate, which might be worth watching as India and China do not always see eye to eye. The rations are likely to be a curious blend – curry, black bread and noodles! (ok that last bit was sarc)

Tom Abbott
Reply to  ResourceGuy
August 19, 2022 5:30 am

“When asked Tuesday in Washington what would be needed for Beijing to rescind its decision, Chinese Ambassador Qin Gang said the U.S. should refrain from any further action to escalate tensions.”

Yeah, don’t do anything the Chicoms don’t like and everything will be fine.

Arrogant bastards, aren’t they.

August 18, 2022 10:19 am

Dr Peterson is right in one respect, but wrong in another. He is right that all the current crises can be solved simply by implementing the free market. But he is wrong that “sovereignty” has any part in the solution. As to democracy… well, to me it’s just a saccharine coating on a system that enables criminal elites to rule over us as they wish. Human rights – for every individual – is what we need.

I’ll be pleasantly surprised if this comment is published at all, let alone in the No.1 position! 🙂

Reply to  Neil Lock
August 18, 2022 11:22 am

You mean the human right to abandon a country that needs its own people to solve it’s own problems, to flood across borders as they wish?

Is that the human rights you mean?

Reply to  Neil Lock
August 18, 2022 1:00 pm

Free speech and the right to defend one’s person, family and property are of utmost importance.

Reply to  Scissor
August 18, 2022 3:03 pm

This ^

Reply to  Scissor
August 18, 2022 6:16 pm

He doesn’t want free speech he wants his share of earths resources and life long freebies because he is being victimized and his human rights trampled 🙂

D. J. Hawkins
Reply to  Neil Lock
August 18, 2022 3:37 pm

You fundamentally misunderstand his use of the word “sovereignty”. It is not in relation to nation-states, but in relation to the sovereignty of humans as individuals.

Reply to  D. J. Hawkins
August 19, 2022 5:44 am

I have a feeling Neil hasn’t read any of Dr. Peterson’s other writings. He consistently stresses proper use of individual sovereignty as the cure for most of the human failings in the world. On an individual basis, it is this improper application of individual sovereignty that leads us to bad habits and failure.

I have listened to a few of his lectures and thought his ideas fit well with my concept of governance that I espoused years ago: We live in a series of approximately concentric circles with the self in the center acting as the solver of most (90 – 95%) of the problems in ones life. The problems that are not able to be solved at that inner circle then pass to the next circle out which is the family structure. This circle comes in many different forms and is where most of the remaining problems should be solved. When problems are not solved at this level they then become the problem of the next circle, the village. This includes structures such as the religious congregation, the town, and county. This level should be solving only a few problems if the two circles inside are functioning properly, but since modern society has infantilized too many of the individuals and family structures have been undermined into non-existence, this level is being overwhelmed with problems and is slowly taking over the functions of the family and self circles. This has led to the restriction of freedoms to the individual. Problems not solved at the local level circle flow outward to the state (or regional/provincial governments to de-US the focus). In a normal situation where all the inner circles are functioning properly, the state has maybe two or three things to deal with and have very little impact on the individual. In the current case with many communities overwhelmed with the breakdown of the family and individuals, the state is taking over and mandating common behavior. This has removed more of the freedoms of the individual. The next circle is national governments. Normally this circle only deals with relations with other national governments to regulate trade between people in those countries, and with the relationships between the state/regional governments within the country. In the current situation, the breakdown of the individual and family circles has led to disfunction at all levels up to the national and has led to the national governments mandating normal behaviors leading to even more erosion of individual liberty and freedoms. Some people like to add a “world government” level to this, but such does not exist. What is perceived as such is a part of the national government management of relations with other nations. When it gets to be more than that, we can count on a complete loss of individual liberty and freedoms.

Reply to  OweninGA
August 19, 2022 10:20 am

Your analysis is lacking a salient point. Governments (or a group of elitists) have supplanted the process via media propaganda and censorship to create fear amongst the population.
Governments (or a group of elitists) have tried, and to a degree have succeeded in causing the breakdown of the individual and family sovereignty.
Those that did not succumb to the fear were intimidated with force, isolation, and loss of income. There was not a natural breakdown, but a forced one that exasperated the breakdown.

As a U.S. citizen I have depended on the government to do its job and protect our borders from illegal entry. For several decades the U.S. government has not done its job and has accelerated the breakdown the past couple of years, by allowing an influx of criminals into the country. It doesn’t matter what the illegal’s sovereignty is if it interferes with mine and the rest of my fellow citizens. If a person’s first act to enter a country is to break the law, it shows great disrespect for other people’s sovereignty.
I have also depended on the government to allow free speech and a transparent debate on the issues. That has not been the case for at least 100 years and has also accelerated over the past couple of years.

We are in a war with authoritarians. Unfortunately, a great number of people don’t know yet but, I hope, are becoming aware.

Reply to  Neil Lock
August 18, 2022 6:14 pm

Ah yes the entitled generation … just because you were born you are entitled to your fair share of earths resources delivered via your “living wage” while you sit on the couch playing computer games.

The fact life doesn’t work like that comes as a complete shock to you 🙂

Reply to  LdB
August 18, 2022 9:57 pm

Ah no. Sovereignty as in respect for natural rights, which are negative rights, as in the state may not transgress your freedom of speech, movement, freedom from coercion and violence, right to own property, etc. You are fabricating allegations of positive rights, ie the demands for the goods and services of others, necessarily by coercion. The latter are not natural rights.

Reply to  GPS
August 19, 2022 5:50 am

I think LdB was commenting on Neil’s misinterpretation of Dr. Peterson’s work.

I think he was calling Neil a member of the “entitled generation”.

Also: natural rights are not really “negative rights”. They are things that are assured to the individual. Only those wedded to the idea that government is the be-all, end-all of life see them as “negative rights”, because of their tendency to restrain government. It is a little like looking through the wrong end of the telescope.

Reply to  Neil Lock
August 18, 2022 9:58 pm

Democracy is another term for mob rule – the majority rules. The U.S. is a republic that is supposed to have democratically elected representatives that protect its citizens’ individual rights.
I don’t know what you are referring to with “sovereignty” unless you are talking about having borders. Only an idiot (i.e. Biden) would not let a country secure its borders from criminals and social leeches. Citizen rights should be the primary concern.

Reply to  Brad-DXT
August 19, 2022 5:54 am

Dr. Peterson’s use of sovereignty is about the self. Each individual is sovereign over their own thoughts and deeds. Neil, I think, misunderstands that usage, even though it is one of the foundations of British Enlightenment thought that is the root of Anglosphere law.

Reply to  OweninGA
August 19, 2022 10:22 am

See my reply to you replying to DJ Hawkins.

Reply to  Neil Lock
August 19, 2022 8:41 am

To my friends who replied to me above,

I am more than a little surprised (and, in retrospect, quite pleased!) that, by a very small slip, I have managed to get people who ought to be on the same side shouting at each other. I am writing now to point this out.

Dr Peterson wrote, as one of his subheadings, “Solutions in sovereignty.” I interpreted his meaning of the word “sovereignty” as the one that is standard in political philosophy. Sovereignty is a 16th-century idea, that allows a “sovereign” (whether an individual or a clique) to do, essentially, what it wants to the people in the “realm” it claims. And moreover, the sovereign and its henchpersons aren’t responsible for the effects of anything they do.

I saw, when I first looked at the responses to my comment, that Dr Peterson had used the phrase “individual sovereignty.” I confess I hadn’t picked this up when I made the comment. Others saw this, too. D. J. Hawkins correctly identified my error, and OweninGA even used the phrase “individual sovereignty.” But those words are not there any more in the WUWT version. The Telegraph article requires a subscription, so I can’t check that. Something is not right. If article texts are edited after publication, how can we comment about the same things?

Anyway, here are my responses to y’all:

HotScot: You live in Dartford, not in Dover. Of course, your personal sovereignty entitles you to exclude a Syrian, or any other, refugee from your home. But where do you get the right to tell someone in Dover, or at Heathrow, to turn them back? Brad-DXT, you may wish to contemplate the same discussion in your terms.

Scissor: As usual, you cut to the chase.

LdB: You couldn’t be more wrong. By the way, I’m 69, and a victim of a bad tax law called “IR35” that has destroyed my career. Political government is my enemy, not my friend.

GPS: Thank you, well put.

Reply to  Neil Lock
August 21, 2022 2:38 am

ir35 is a good law that stopped people tax dodging. a lot of my friends were affected by it. it was clear that up until ir35 they had just been taking the absolute piss.
i have zero sympathy for tax avoiding scum who claim to be adversely affected by ir35.
welcome to the real world.

Reply to  Neil Lock
August 22, 2022 9:09 am

I live in the UK. I expect our border forces I pay taxes for, to keep illegal immigrants from storming our shores.

They are not refugees. Please try and understand the difference between a refugee and an illegal immigrant. Refugees seek shelter in the first peaceful country they encounter. It’s a human rights imperative.

Illegal immigrants into the UK have travelled largely from the middle east, crossing many peaceful borders, and paddle across the English Channel from France, a peaceful nation itself they have crossed to take advantage of the extremely generous welfare state we operate in the UK.

These are what’s known as economic migrants. Illegal ones at that!

Tom Halla
August 18, 2022 10:20 am

Deloitte has a bad case of the Central Planning delusion, that they understand the economy, and can administer it better than that messy market.

Reply to  Tom Halla
August 19, 2022 12:04 am

Quite so. When was the last time a Deloitte’s forecast was correct … ahhhh never.

August 18, 2022 10:39 am

Thanks. I actually subscribed to the newspaper (free for three months) in order to read the full article. Does this mean that after several days, articles like this can be fully republished? Or did you receive special permission from the author (or the paper) to republish?


Kevin kilty
Reply to  Paul
August 18, 2022 11:10 am

Copyright 2022 CFACT | All articles on this site may be republished without modification and with an attribution of the author and a link to within the body of the article.


Mark D
Reply to  Paul
August 18, 2022 11:25 am

I just read the full article @

So it appears to be not pay-walled @ this time.

Reply to  Mark D
August 18, 2022 3:34 pm

Just checked. It’s pay-walled now.

Reply to  clipe
August 18, 2022 3:37 pm

The paywall is easy to get around once you realize the page loads before it does.

Mark D
Reply to  clipe
August 18, 2022 5:45 pm

Script blocker I use prevented cookie for (among others) and loads no problem. Linux Mint, Palemoon browser, & Noscript. The seems to be the issue.

There are a number of sites I don’t visit because they won’t load with my security protocols in place and I’m horrified at the number of invasive caca that they try to load and they can get spiral inclined planed .

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Mark D
August 19, 2022 5:52 am

I’m a “NoScript” fan.

August 18, 2022 10:54 am

Not just Climate……

Headline:”WHO Renews Push for Global Pandemic Treaty, as World Bank Creates $1 Billion Fund for Vaccine Passports
$One Bill for vaccine passports?
Errrm scuze me, what about even just a poxy $billion or two for the sinking islands, or the climate refugees – you know – as was promised in Paris however long ago?

Yet seemingly this sort of dosh can be summoned ‘just like that’ to create ever more fear, panic, tyranny and control amongst your own people.

Reply to  Peta of Newark
August 18, 2022 11:37 am

Delloite is only pushing this because every business will eventually be audited for carbon nonsense. They will absolutely rake in cash from every existing customer who has nowhere else to go that isn’t compelled to do the same thing.

Money for old rope.

Reply to  HotScot
August 18, 2022 3:48 pm

Deloitte did the same thing 12 years ago when SAP was pushing worldwide adoption of their database and manufacturing program for ISO9000 adoption and certification. You had to hire Delloite to train employees and interface with SAP on your behalf.

MM from Canada
August 18, 2022 10:56 am

“…and align individual incentives with collective goals.”

In other words, communism/fascism (2 sides of the same coin). Do the geniuses at Deloitte realize that THEY also have individual incentives and goals that will be steamrolled by this folly?

Richard Page
Reply to  MM from Canada
August 18, 2022 12:13 pm

It’s Globalism – ploughing under the needs of individual nations and creating an all-pervasive global market where wealth creation is the only goal and the gap between the rich few and the poor masses gets ever wider.

Robert of Ottawa
August 18, 2022 11:08 am

That about sums it up. Our choice is clear.

August 18, 2022 11:26 am

Yet another glaring example of Hayek’s ‘Fatal Conceit’. I’d be interested in knowing how much ‘work’ they do for our Federal masters – all with an eye towards a future administration saving a few bucks and achieving better results by devolving whatever it is these clowns do to the states and/or the people.

Reply to  Frank from NoVA
August 18, 2022 1:45 pm

I’ll not hear a bad word about Salma.

Reply to  leitmotif
August 18, 2022 4:00 pm

Ha! That took beat or two

August 18, 2022 11:31 am

Let me get this straight.

It will cost us all $25,000 each over the next 50 years if we ignore climate change and accept its business as usual?

That’s $500 per year, not that I have another 50 years in me.

However, my energy bills have jumped about $2,000 a year (in the UK) so $500 dollars from each of my wife and I every year sounds like a pretty good deal. It’s still $1,000 less than what we are facing right now, and there’s worse to come.

However, even with normal rates of inflation, that $500 will be little more than a days wages in 25 years time, if that.

Reply to  HotScot
August 18, 2022 4:06 pm

I just got a bid from a painting contractor to paint my 3 bedroom 2 bath one story house. 3 employees, 2 weeks work (80 hours) 30 gallons of paint. $14,500. Same house 10 years ago was $3200. Inflation rate? Do the math.

Reply to  Doonman
August 19, 2022 12:17 am

Just done my old house here in Australia … nearly AUS$20k !

Reply to  Doonman
August 22, 2022 9:00 am

And I quote “if that”.

August 18, 2022 12:00 pm

Deloitte, like all the big accounting firms, is continually being fined for malpractice

“Deloitte fined record £15m for failings in Autonomy audits”

Dodgy is the word

Reply to  fretslider
August 18, 2022 1:29 pm

I have a relative that works for Deloitte and prior to covid travelled about 100,000 miles per year by jet, the fares being charged to clients with a markup.

My guess is the Deloitte earns more on those seats than the airline.

Reply to  fretslider
August 19, 2022 10:07 am

My son worked for a subcontractor of Deliotte’s for a couple of years after graduating. The routine was looking busy for a while, a mad panic to get out a report, a night at a high end oyster bar with lots of booze, and back to looking busy.

He is now starting out as an independent carpenter-builder on an island after a couple of years working for a big builder. He is doing well and is much happier.

August 18, 2022 12:00 pm

I watched this on ytube and it is much more powerful read via the voice in my head than the new and improved Peterson. I have always liked him but something has changed. Anyways, lots of truth bombs in this speech as the NWO and its storm troopers will not stop marching across the world with mouths open wide full of lies about death and destruction if we don’t give in to what we know is leading to death and pain. This site needs to be shouted from the roof tops so every soul on the planet can learn the truth. I am sick of hearing about CC each and every day on every device we carry as a reminder of how we have lost our place in reality and become so inner feeling the sun is in our pockets. Break out and tell them NO.

Reply to  HOJO
August 18, 2022 12:03 pm

“but something has changed. “

He’s discovered that he can’t be cancelled

Reply to  fretslider
August 18, 2022 1:30 pm

He had an addiction problem that nearly killed him.

Reply to  Scissor
August 18, 2022 1:48 pm


Rob Thomson
Reply to  HOJO
August 18, 2022 12:30 pm

Jordan was rather angry on his YouTub presentation:

Reply to  HOJO
August 18, 2022 2:03 pm

It sounds like you lack contact with the other side. My interactions are not numerous but even anything as simple as pointing to actual, common events are reacted to as ‘big oil propaganda” or devious deceptions so constructed as to be so impenetrable that absolute refusal to engage or acknowledge is the only safe path. In other words, attempts to reach them are completely devoid of useful results.

Reply to  AndyHce
August 18, 2022 10:08 pm

I lost touch with someone I had known for twenty years due to his similar views. I’m happier without him.
Maybe you need to garner friends that are more interested in the world of what is rather than what if.

August 18, 2022 12:13 pm

What an insightful and inspiring dissertation.

We exhort our children from their earliest ages to always consider their options carefully before acting, and make the best choices for the circumstances.

And what are our “leaders” doing? –
giving the kids a masterclass in making the DUMBEST, ill-considered choices guaranteed to fvck life up royally for everybody.

We could do worse than to exhort the younger generations to start asking the ruling classes –

“what are the other choices available to us in order to maintain the historically highest current living standards we have inherited?”

After all, it’s these generations who will be suffering the impacts of the current elites’ obsession with “doing something”.

August 18, 2022 12:16 pm

From an investment perspective, this means that the stock markets are doomed in the near term. The current vendetta against fossil fuels will not end soon and economies are dependent upon those fuels. Economies across the world will suffer, with those whose leaders are most in thrall to the green dream suffering the soonest and the worst.

But the U.S. will not be spared in the near term, even if Congress changes hands in January. The current administration is going full bore toward the green dream and won’t be swayed by an election debacle. If anything, it will order the agencies to accelerate the process using the billions of dollars made available in the ridiculously-named Inflation Reduction Act. If it does reduce inflation, it will be by funding economic carnage.

August 18, 2022 12:47 pm

The more individuals there are whose lives are totally insulated from the actual production of essential goods and services, the more words are wasted expounding on idiotic theories that, when tested in the passage of time, are found to bring only damage and loss. Every end-of-times warning to date was a failure of critical thinking in the mind of the “prophet” and a clear danger to the welfare of anyone who listened.

Climate change is a global Jim Jones cult and Net Zero is the Kool Aid.

Nearly 8 billion people acting for their own welfare and survival can’t be wrong, but it is almost certain that a third of a million consultants at Deloitte are rarely if ever right. Professionally I have worked with numerous consultancy firms similar to and including Deloitte. Others with less critical thinking hired them, usually with public money but, in my experience, they never brought value, just invoices and unfounded opinions, while they left richer and often with intelligence pilfered from my own organization.

Reply to  Andy Pattullo
August 18, 2022 2:28 pm

I once had the misfortune to collaborate with some Deloitte Management Consultants when I was working in the Pharma industry. In my life I have never met people as arrogant and yet worthless. The modern equivalent of Witch Doctors, they cost the firm millions of Euros for their specious suggestions.

Reply to  Graemethecat
August 18, 2022 5:49 pm

That’s exactly the type of “service” they sell to those foolish enough to purchase.

August 18, 2022 12:56 pm

All this CAGW hype has been nothing more than a lever to power from the start.
The Green New Deal had in it Government paying people who aren’t willing to work.
Pelosi said some nonsense recently about The Inflation Reduction Act appeasing “Mother Earth”. How will 86,000 new (and armed) IRS agents make Ma’ Gaia not throw another temper tantrum?

Captain climate
August 18, 2022 1:27 pm

The Greenies are going to be tarred and feathered this winter.

August 18, 2022 1:46 pm

Well said, you clearly state the things I try to say. The primary problem is that so many have handed their thinking over to experts and professionals. That is the number one mistake. The experts and professionals have been wrong so often that I no longer care to hear what they have to say.

Reply to  Bob
August 18, 2022 10:12 pm

“Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts.” — Richard Feynman

I think the statement applies to more than science.

August 18, 2022 1:50 pm

My understanding about all of this ESG and enviro garbage is that the leftists, who are by nature anticapitalist and anti-freedom, learned from the 20th century Cold War that they couldn’t win on the battlefield. So their fallback option was to undermine free market capitalism by weakening its lifeblood, which is energy. They found environmental boogeymen to do this, chief of which was climate change, or more specifically convincing enough people that capitalism will cause catastrophic climate change. I wish I could find the quote of a globalist anticapitalist radical who admitted, outright, that this whole thing was never about the climate or the environment, it was to completely change global world/economic order…

August 18, 2022 1:53 pm

My financial adviser was taken over recently by Rathbones who are now spouting the same CAGW meme as Deloitte. They even won’t allow me to instruct them to buy me stock in any company that gets its income from mining coking coal. They will buy me stock in a company that makes steel, though, and in a company that mines coal for burning.
I would move but all the rest of them are no better.

Reply to  Oldseadog
August 18, 2022 10:19 pm

If my advisor had the temerity to tell me that I couldn’t buy something, I’d can him right then.
I have an advisor and don’t give him access to all my money. I have several accounts including a brokerage account.
Can’t you set up your own brokerage account? Why pay the middleman?

Reply to  Brad-DXT
August 19, 2022 2:21 am

Why pay the middleman? Up until the takeover the middleman knew a lot more than me and served me very well over many years.
Now, not so much.
But I don’t have the time, knowlege or inclination to “do my own thing” and I can’t find a good independent anywhere.

Reply to  Oldseadog
August 19, 2022 10:15 am

One strategy for investing is to focus on dividend paying companies.

Reply to  Oldseadog
August 19, 2022 11:00 am

I don’t know what country you’re in but in the U.S. you are not limited to local advisors. I recommend expanding your search.

Over the past year I decided to use an advisor that uses a manager using trend following software.
I’m greatly oversimplifying here:
When the trend goes down, my investments go to cash or treasury bills. When the trend goes up, my investments go to the equities going up. This strategy has a track record of over 25 years with very decent results. Generally it slows losses and accelerates gains because of taking money off the table during downturns and buying back in at lower prices.
This is an experiment with a portion of my investments. My tax attorney suggested giving it a fair shake for a set amount of time.

All we need now is for the market to show a reliable upturn.
Hopefully the world will awaken from the induced coma provided by the green loonies and elitist cabals.

Kevin kilty
August 18, 2022 1:58 pm

According to the press friendly to the Biden Administration, Joe has just signed the largest expansion of Oil/Gas leases in history. For anyone who has maintained that Democrats are not worried about the upcoming election, this shows the reverse is true. One of two things will occur. Either a surreptitious war against fossil fuels will continue out of sight, or there will be this cease in hostilities until the Democrats are safely re-elected, then the war will resume.

So, not only do we have to fight the bankers who explicitly wish to run our lives, but also perfidy of the dominant press, who toil without end to help the Democrats run our lives. Want an end to this Charlie Brown and the football game? Then don’t be distracted by the sparkly object before your eyes; vote against Democrats.

Reply to  Kevin kilty
August 18, 2022 3:56 pm

Kevin Kilty, according to an article here on WUWT in the past month or so, leases were auctioned off, reluctantly but as required by law. However, drilling permits were not issued.

It seems that leases are useless if you are not allowed to drill on them. So, pResident Brandon can authorize all the leases he wants, one million of them if he wants to, but that’s not what will get the oil and gas to the surface.

“See? Looky looky looky at my left hand. Pay no attention to the shiv in my right hand.”

Tom Abbott
Reply to  H.R.
August 19, 2022 6:05 am

“pResident Brandon”

Love it! That made me laugh! 🙂

August 18, 2022 2:22 pm

I am (re-)reading some classic science fiction from the 1940’s and 1950’s and in almost every case the earth’s future society is – basically – communist. For example, Isaac Asimov’s future earth (Caves of Steel) is a society where even when you attain a private apartment for you and your family, you have no bathroom and must still eat in a communal canteen. Only through playing the game and achieving status can you hope to have anything more and the threat of losing even the tiniest bit of luxury is enough to keep people in check.

What is illuminating, reading this again with more experienced eyes, is that this is not an isolated occurrence – all of the 40,s and 50’s (even 60’s and 70’s) science fiction authors with fabulous imaginations could not imagine anything else! Despite them all being the product of the ‘golden years’ of western democratic development (private cars, indoor plumbing, global supply chains). Even in the middle of this incredible rise in the standard of living, the Malthusian expectation that humans would have to give it all up when the population hit 5 billion was unquestioned.

This is the basis for the doomsday scenarios of the current elite and no amount of contrary evidence will shake them from this belief.

Pat From Traralgon
August 18, 2022 2:27 pm

For my (many) sins, I was a Y2K project manager for an energy company in the 1990s.
The panic came from the big accounting firms, quickly followed by the media.
There was no real problem, but we spent millions anyway.
I particularly loved it afterward, when it was well known that there was almost no real problem, that it got turned into how the problem was avoided by all the efforts.
Never waste a good or even imagined emergency.

Reply to  Pat From Traralgon
August 18, 2022 10:28 pm

Yes, there was a great gnashing of teeth to update the equipment I was working on at the time (PLC controlled manufacturing). It was hilarious.
I had an old computer I kept plugged in just to see what would happen. The date changed to 1980, that’s it.

August 18, 2022 2:38 pm

The Deloitte report is here:
(38 pages. GHG emissions, IPCC RCP models)

The turning point: A Global Summary
As the scientific evidence confirms our planet is at a crossroads, the power of economics, as seen in Deloitte’s Turning Point series, is to point the way to collective and individual prosperity. But this path to prosperity can only be realized when we confront the hard economic truths in meeting the challenges of climate change and decarbonization.

Walter Sobchak
August 18, 2022 2:51 pm


August 18, 2022 3:21 pm

Remember, people who want to lower your standard of living are not your friends.

I keep posting this meme occasionally to remind people that self flagellation does not extend your life, is not liberating and is not fun. If life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is your goal, then get rid of the people who promote it.

Reply to  Doonman
August 18, 2022 10:30 pm

Good meme, I’m going to steal borrow it.

August 18, 2022 3:22 pm

From the article, my emphasis:

Called ‘The Turning Point: A Global Summary’, it is a stellar example of a mentality more common among officials in the EU: one of fundamental bureaucratic overreach (and one which generated Brexit – a very good decision on the part of the Brits, in my view) that threatens the very survival of that selfsame EU.

What happens to all those EU bureaucrats when the EU collapses?

At least tradesmen, mechanics, and farmers can barter goods and services amongst themselves.

With no EU, there is no EU paycheck. What does a bureaucrat that spent a lifetime behind a desk have to offer?

The EU bureaucrats will hang themselves by the ropes of regulations that they made.

jaime lopez
Reply to  H.R.
August 18, 2022 4:21 pm

But the main goal for the article is the totalitarianism that lies behind the climate alarmism, and this is a really big problem for us. They do not want to save the planet, they want to slave it. So, Mr Peterson is calling to note that right now, if we, the citizens of the free world do not put a limit to that, our life is going to be a bad life.

Reply to  jaime lopez
August 19, 2022 6:55 am

Absolutely, jaime. But I quoted Jordan Peterson from the article, and that consequence, the breakup of the EU, just may make our task a little easier and their lives more difficult.

If many of the people behind all the edicts are gone, we will need to focus more on the people at the top. By their own hand, they may clear the field of their minions a little bit.

It was a minor point that Jordan Peterson made early in his article, but it will probably affect the ‘how’ of what he proposed must be done in the bulk of the article.

Reply to  H.R.
August 18, 2022 10:32 pm

We would hope that they hang themselves but, they may need help with the knots. They don’t work with their hands much.

August 18, 2022 4:24 pm

“a coordinated transition that will require governments, along with the financial services and technology sectors to … align individual incentives with collective goals.

There must be an award for the shortest description of Fascism.

Reply to  dk_
August 19, 2022 7:24 am

…and of course this will require that technology firms silence voices such as WUWT and Jordan Petersen to reach those collective goals.

August 18, 2022 4:25 pm

The twentieth century screams at us the cost of totalitarianism, 200 million dead, and it is the same totalitarianism we face today. Without the wherewithal of the USA, dictators would have won WWII. With Brandon et al in charge, the USA has joined the one world leadership, WWIII lost without a single shot fired.

August 18, 2022 5:43 pm

In general I agree with Peterson and the general resistance on the push for centralisation. This centralisation can easily be abused when power is centralised like that, as history has demonstrated numerous times.

The big problem though as I see it, is that there will be more and more requirement for this centralisation as we increase our technological abilities as a species. In the back of my mind is Nick Bostrom’s theory on the “Vulnerable World Hypothesis”

Eventually as technology progresses, whether it is AI, Biological etc, we will invent something that will allow us to easily wipe ourselves out. Theoretically we can do that with already nuclear and viral, but the technology is still “contained” to a large degree and not necessarily available on a wider scale, but at some point we will get around that and a species ending technology may become widely available. In that situation, the only way to mitigate those dangers is via almost totalitarian control and monitoring, which will lead us to a situation of dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t.

Complex problems

August 18, 2022 5:59 pm

Excellent piece from JP.
Here is a Oct 2020 assessment of President Biden’s NetZero policy
prescription by McKinsey, one of the largest US consulting companies.

My impression of McKinsey’s projections:
1- ~$270 trillion (with a “T”) will need to be spent by 2050 [ie ~$9T per year]
2- but it’s worse: the spending needs to be front loaded in the early years so the
“magic” has time to work [as in “magical thinking”]
3- Caveats at the end of the article:
a) there can be no free-rider countries [or at least all the big nations must participate]
b) all the countries have to work together
c) all the new technologies [that haven’t even been demonstrated] have to be built on-time, with few cost over-runs, and work as predicted
d) the environmental NGOs will have to allow more [much, much more!] mining, transmission lines, etc and even more pollution than currently they tolerate
e) they didn’t say where the $270+ trillion was coming from…
And if you think a-e is possible, I’ve got a bridge here in Arizona I can sell you.

Geoffrey Williams
August 18, 2022 6:30 pm

Jordan Peterson is a highly critical thinker.
In this long article he makes many crucial points of discussion and is not afraid to take on the big boys of the multicorporate who are working hand in glove with western goverments in order to line their own pockets. And all at the expense of us, the little guys . .

August 18, 2022 7:21 pm

Is god a totalitarian, eg. the Christian god, ”Our Father who art in heaven…thy kingdom come…” etc

John Power
Reply to  andy
August 22, 2022 5:05 pm

If God is the all-powerful, ultimate ruler of the universe and the Prime Mover of all that happens in it, then I suppose you could describe God as a ‘totalitarian’ of sorts. However, God’s totalitarianism is not like man’s. Human totalitarians are people who think they can have the power of the Almighty without also needing to have the knowledge, wisdom and love of the Almighty to enable them to use power constructively and beneficially for everyone. They are immature souls who are not competent even to rule themselves properly, let alone to rule the world without incurring general chaos and catastrophe.

Philip CM
August 18, 2022 10:32 pm

One expects such alarmist and authoritarian drivel from the left. That is their wheelhouse. Yet more and more, conservative thinkers are, given the last forty plus years of alarmist indoctrination, accepting CO2 as the cause of global warming in spite of the evidence to the contrary.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Philip CM
August 19, 2022 3:45 pm

Propaganda works, even on conservatives.

August 18, 2022 11:02 pm


All in service of a “theory” whose predictions so often fail that possibly flipping a coin would be an improvement. Never mind that the evidence of a correct theory is, guess what, drum-roll, CORRECT PREDICTIONS. It’s that simple.

Yes, while exempting themselves, they will starve and impoverish billions on the alter of their “religion” (or, power). And already have started – ethanol mandates have greatly increased food costs. Malnourished children, methinks.

All for what? Don Quixote, tilting at windmills. GIANTS!!! And if you don’t see them, you are a DENIER!

August 19, 2022 12:05 am

The report opens with two claims: first, that the storms, wildfires, droughts, downpours, and floods around the globe in the last 18 months are unique and unprecedented – a dubious claim – and implicitly that the “science” is now at a point where we can say without doubt that experts can and must model the entire ecology and economy of the planet (!) and that we must modify everyone’s behaviour, by hook or by crook, to avoid what would otherwise be the most expensive environmental and social catastrophe in history.

These aren’t ‘claims’ – they are entirely in accordance with climate science predictions and observations… Deloitte did not invent any of this, it is strictly proposing action based on science and recorded fact. Deloitte is not advancing anyone’s ‘agenda’, merely responding the the material facts.

Rob Thomson
Reply to  griff
August 19, 2022 1:28 am

That YOU, Griff. Learn to read. Start with IPCC reports.

Andy Espersen
Reply to  griff
August 19, 2022 2:48 am

Griff, nobody is as blind as the one who refuses to see. Exactly what “science”, what “recorded or material facts” are you talking about? Mention just one for me, please. I promise I will demolish it – using proper science.

Reply to  griff
August 19, 2022 4:28 am

… they are entirely in accordance with climate science predictions and observations …

Name (at least) three future theoretical “severe [ / 10-sigma / ‘unprecedented’ ] weather events” that would not be “entirely in accordance with climate science predictions”.

Name (at least) three theoretical “precisely on the existing trend line(s) weather events” that would not be “entirely in accordance with climate science predictions”.

“A theory that supposedly ‘explains’ everything actually explains nothing.” — Karl Popper

Reply to  griff
August 19, 2022 8:25 am

The are claims, and not based on direct observations. All these events have happened in the past and will in the future. There are no observable significant changes from past records.

August 19, 2022 3:37 am

There’s always a crisis, and the solution is always socialism.

Reply to  v10
August 19, 2022 1:28 pm

When Socialism doesn’t work, and it never does, the solution is more Socialism.

Gary Pate
August 19, 2022 11:32 pm

Love Jordan Peterson’s work.

August 22, 2022 1:34 am

 will cost us $178 trillion over the next 50 years – that’s $25,000 per person,” $500 a year? Thats cheap, certainly cheaper than the cure!

August 22, 2022 1:44 am

Look, 1930s Germany, Frankfurt Marxism fled to the US, where it infected Universities, and students, for the nest 90 years.

Critical Theory is a feature of this brand of Marxism. The Climate, is a Critical Theory instance. Find a minor issue, elevate it, make it big, lie about its impact, and divide society. And in so doing gain power on the back of the chaos created.

It is Globalist Marxism that is taking over, the WHO, the UN, the WEF, are all infected by it.

Our choice is to sit back and be corralled in a Marxist hell or fight back, and for sure we know it is a hell. Every Marxist society ever tried has ended in dictatorship, death, and destruction.

Don’t forget Socrates: “No man is capable of doing great evil unless he first thinks he is doing great good”

All these ideologies, all these ‘brave new worlds’ these Utopias, look good on paper, but try to implement them and all you get is Pol Pot’s killing fields and Stalin’s Gulags.

Why does capitalism and the free market work? Because it hasn’t got an ideology. It is natural, it is Darwinist. It isn’t trying to be anything, it just is.

August 27, 2022 3:47 pm

While they can’t even do their accounting job right – one of those biggies just got sued big time for incompetence.

Thanks to Friends of Science organization for lead to this article.