A new meaning to "WiFi hotspot" – increased CO2 may ruin future WiFi connections

From Tom Nelson: Huffington Post: Carbon dioxide could ruin wifi connections for your kids

Climate Change Effects: Things Global Warming Just Might Ruin For Your Kids

[Scroll down at the link above: The alleged CO2-induced wifi problem is #26 of 53]

Here’s the claim:

A 2011 report from the U.K.’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs found that climate change could affect certain infrastructure, like wireless internet. The Guardian reports, “higher temperatures can reduce the range of wireless communications, rainstorms can impact the reliability of the signal, and drier summers and wetter winters may cause greater subsidence, damaging masts and underground cables,” according to secretary of state for the environment.

And, the Earth could be visited by a race of super intelligent Wookie like creatures riding in flying saucers…demanding they be taken to the leader, and some HuffPo denizen offers up Al Gore.

I think the chances are greater of lightning hitting a car traveling down the road than a direct causation of widespread WiFi failure due to global warming aka climate change.

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Man Bearpig
September 27, 2012 11:02 am

That’s it then, we’re all gonna die. Again.

September 27, 2012 11:08 am

This is the sort of nonsense we have to put up with in the UK these days. All paid for by taxpayers and dutifully reported by the Grauniad. You wouldn’t think the country was effectively bankrupt, with huge and mounting debts.

September 27, 2012 11:14 am

Wow, DEFRA, wow. Talk about a government agency that could just disappear without any notice.

September 27, 2012 11:19 am

We can create the WIFI networks but we MAY be unable to maintain them. Oh the Humanity!!

September 27, 2012 11:21 am

ā€œhigher temperatures can reduce the range of wireless communications…”
Then it’s a good thing that Global Cooling is taking over. But then once the alarmists recapture their 1970s refrain of Evil Republicans are going to put us in an Ice Age, they will find a way to Chicken Little this one, too.

September 27, 2012 11:21 am

If, as Hansen asserts, the oceans are going to boil, then shorter WiFi range is liable not to be a serious concern.

Buffy Minton
September 27, 2012 11:23 am

Ahhh….the ultimate scare story for the kids…not the previous “we will all get malaria because of the warm climate” but……..”your iPhone won’t work”!
Now they really are pulling out all of the alarmism stops!
Interesting story though, as I always like to keep track of what the (official) effects of global warming will be, as this seems to change from year to year depending on the “weather”. So DEFRA now think that we will have “drier” summers and “wetter” winters? Quite a surprise that, given that the current meme is that the incredibly wet summer was caused by global warming “melting the icecap”… etc.
I really must try harder to keep up with this cutting edge climate science.

September 27, 2012 11:23 am

It is unbelievable! What the @@## is wrong with people? Hmm. I think I know. They get well paid for writing stupid things. Maybe I should try it. How about “Rising temperaturs make programmers brain working slower and might cause dangerous errors in vital programs causing death in many areas like hospital electronic gears, electronic devices in cars and ships and aerorplanes”. Off hand I can do an estimate of at least 10.000 people being injured and/or killed by fatal programming errors due to overheated brains. Being in Las Palmas and experiencing temperatures near 30 Celcius I really feel my brain working like porridge

September 27, 2012 11:27 am

Do I detect yet another bit of desperation from the warmists?
I just love these stories! We had two fish that were deaf due to AGW, possible alien invasion due to our not looking after our planet and now this. Do they really think that people are stupid (or bigoted) enough to believe this drivel?

September 27, 2012 11:28 am

Sometimes, ya just gotta laugh. What a bunch of Maroons!

September 27, 2012 11:37 am

Higher temperatures can cause more people to install air conditioning, which cools their Wi-Fi equipment, making it work better.

September 27, 2012 11:41 am

Seriously, if I met anyone in real life who spouted such cr@p, I’d be hard pushed not to slap them on the spot. I don’t mind the warmists desperation – even the stupidity sometimes – but this is beyond a joke – it illustrates a massive level of hysteria! (I’m sure a slap was the old First aid approved method of relief?)

September 27, 2012 11:42 am

You never know with the leftist media these days, is this poorly marked satire or the normal deluded fare. Even Paul Krugman can’t tell the difference, and he’s got a Nobel Prize.

September 27, 2012 11:46 am

Wow, just wow. This has been added to the list of claims of the effects of global warming climate change CO2 poisoning climate disruption, right?

John F. Hultquist
September 27, 2012 11:53 am

Uff da!

Juan Slayton
September 27, 2012 11:59 am

Carbon dioxide could ruin wifi connections for your kids
Would that it were true….

September 27, 2012 12:06 pm

CO2 is causing brain damage as we speak and HuffPuff is proof of that.

Susan S.
September 27, 2012 12:10 pm

What kind of garbage story are they pushing? Why oh why do they not take into consideration, the age of lines where the signal is coming from. I should know because I have had the telephone company come to my house many times, to fix my problems. I know the age of the phone line to this house is old and near an underground spring that was here previously before they buried the phone and power lines. Crackling in my phone line every time the seasons changed was what I have to put up with, so it reduces the strength of my signal to the wifi router which would trouble the rest of us who were trying to connect to the internet.
I wish I could give them a good smack on the back of their skulls to wake them up from their stupidity.

Ed Brown
September 27, 2012 12:13 pm

“I think the chances are greater of lightning hitting a car traveling down the road than a direct causation of widespread WiFi failure due to global warming aka climate change.”
I once caught the end of a rainbow on the hood of my 4Runner, heading ESE from around Santa Fe toward I-40 and the Mesa Lands! No kidding!
New Mexico…Land of Enchantment.

September 27, 2012 12:16 pm

Notice the lack of specifics here and their apparent ignorance that it rains already and gets hot already. If they’re expecting that much rain, I’d say wi fi problems aren’t their real problems.

Kelvin Vaughan
September 27, 2012 12:17 pm

No it’s true. Wi Fi hot spots dom’t work in California which has a hotter climate than the UK!

Roger Tolson
September 27, 2012 12:20 pm

The Minister of State for the Environment, responsible for this drivel, lost her job about a month ago, thank the Lord.

September 27, 2012 12:27 pm

In Iowa, we did have a wireless broadband provider that claimed the corn would interfere with some frequencies and cause reception / transmission issues. Apparently when the corn reached a certain height, even though it wasn’t directly in the way, the plants caused the signal waves to bounce “funny”. CO2 leading to taller plants, leads to more interference…

September 27, 2012 12:38 pm

There were actually a number of very interesting things in the actual video. For example, showing the steam emerging from the cooling towers of a nuclear power plant as if it were a source of CO_2. Are they mad, or just plain stupid?
A number of the other things they claimed are utterly bogus. The emperor penguin may or may not be in trouble in one part of the world, but it isn’t because of global warming. Proving that species of tree frog have become extinct from the specific cause of global warming is similarly impossible to prove (assuming that it is true at all). Try deforestation, acid rain, human encroachment on and elimination of habitat — all more likely causes both for tree frogs and just about everything else in the same general category. It is quite impossible to see how spring happening “7 days earlier” is anything but beneficial, assuming again that it is true (earlier than what, when?).
Finally, their assertions of rising sea levels are truly utterly bogus. Sea level rise is measured in millimeters per year, and the rate has held rather steady for 140 years. Their assertion that it has “doubled” over the last 20 years is egregious cherrypicking, especially given the error bars and changeover in methodology (we have direct satellite measurements over a time frame of less than 20 years. The Maldives are not submerging, California is not submerging either, and there isn’t the slightest reason in the data to think that sea level will rise more than 1 inch per decade over the next 9 decades to the end of the century (or roughly 2.5 mm/year). The assertion of a 20 inch rise over a single decade is utter and complete bullshit, akin to Hansen’s assertion, 20 plus years ago, that the Hudson river would have overflowed its banks by now because of CAGW and sea level rise.
Oh, and yes, the primary assertion of the top article, that “global warming” (obviously, caused by naughty humans and their CO_2, not nature) will interfere with wireless is so full of shit that as assertions go, it should explode in one big shit-bomb. Don’t they actually understand that England is in the temperate zone? All of the “conditions” they list as being some sort of dire future state hold right now throughout the tropical world — high temperatures, high humidity (hell, I’ve lived through years’ worth of monsoon rains in midsummer in India). Do they really think that an 802.11 wireless network won’t work in tropical climates? They need to come out to Beaufort where I teach next to the sea every summer and observe that — fortunately — both my laptop and my cell phone seem to work fine under hot, humid, rainy conditions. Poor people living in India, in the Phillipines, in the rain forest! No cell phone for you!
Did I mention the tired (and false!) assertion of more frequent and more violent hurricanes? Where do they even get their data? Don’t they realize that the exact opposite is true, that we have just extended by almost a full year the previous record for number of days since a major (cat 3 or better) atlantic hurricane has made landfall in the US, with no major hurricanes in sight and the season over halfway finished? Don’t they understand that AFAIK even NASA admits that the reason there are more named storms now than in 1900 is that in 1900 many hurricanes went unreported (because they didn’t make landfall) where now every vagrant tropical storm out in the middle of nowhere gets a name even if it never comes without 1000 miles of land before it downgrades to nothing more than a patch of heavy rain? Satellites mean that no hurricane is ever missed. We didn’t have them until rather recently.
So yeah, very annoying article, quite aside from the question begging involved with asserting all of this damage is due to CO_2 and nothing else, as if the warming post LIA is entirely our “fault”.

September 27, 2012 12:40 pm

All of these potential calamities resulting from CAGW remind me of the ridiculous logical chains of causality of the “If You Give a Moose a Muffin” kids’ books.

September 27, 2012 12:44 pm

Kids use smartphones with 4G data plans.
Wifi is mostly used indoors.

Jerker Andersson
September 27, 2012 12:44 pm

So people living southern Europe must have a lot more trouble getting WIFI to work than people in northern Europe, Sweden, where I live if understand it right. Never heard claims before that WIFI only is relieable far up north.

September 27, 2012 12:44 pm

Guess they never heard of the Aloha network model… developped for wireless communication between islands… in Hawaii.

September 27, 2012 12:45 pm

According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, within a few years WIFI will become ā€œa very rare and exciting eventā€.
ā€œChildren just arenā€™t going to know what WIFI is,ā€ he said.

September 27, 2012 12:53 pm

Hold on a sec, more CO2 is supposed to mean BIGGER hot spots, rite? What am I not getting? (playing captain obvious)

September 27, 2012 12:53 pm

I think energy shortages from relying on wind would be a much larger wi-fi problem.

September 27, 2012 12:54 pm

A handy list of EVERYTHING caused/killed/shortened etc by Global Warming.
Warning. It is a very looooonnnng list. Sidebar perhaps Anthony?
[Reply: No need, this list is posted regularly here. ā€” mod.]

September 27, 2012 12:57 pm

Someone should test wifi in a high CO2 conc., high humidity, high temp. environment, like a real greenhouse.

Steve from Rockwood
September 27, 2012 1:00 pm

So then WiFi is like the maintenance free battery.

September 27, 2012 1:03 pm

Does this mean that global warming will be accompanied by the cooling of Wifi hotspots?

September 27, 2012 1:07 pm

Oh! That must be why i can only make phone calls and access the interwebs in deep midwinter,and why our friends in warmer climes have to keep their routers in the fridge.
I`ll hold your coat if you like.
Note to all the fragile flowers still wetting themselves waiting for climageddon,this is not a threat.(probably)

D Bƶehm
September 27, 2012 1:10 pm

rgbatduke says:
“The emperor penguin may or may not be in trouble in one part of the world, but it isnā€™t because of global warming.”
They cannot even get their geography right. The Emperor penguin is only found in Antarctica, which has been cooling for decades.

September 27, 2012 1:10 pm

Total crap.
The only thing that can impact a WiFi signal is attenuation. Whilst heavy rain creates a slight attenuation on wireless signals (about 5.5 Db in the worst conditions) wind and heat have no impact on wireless at all.
And Telcos have been taking rain attenuation into consideration for years. A properly designed and installed wireless system has a built-in 20-20 Db margin of attenuation, MORE THAN ENOUGH to handle signal loss through water.
This is pure and simple deceit to get the teens/20 something people on the side of the Greens.

September 27, 2012 1:11 pm

DĆ©jĆ  vu; didn’t we have a story like in the last year or two?

Laws of Nature
September 27, 2012 1:28 pm

Dear Anthony,
did you by chance had the time to contact R. H. Essenhigh to post about his view on the CO2 level? Perhaps you remember some while ago I told that I would be very interested in his view and a discussion of it and you mentioned that you might look into it (which would be great)
All the best regards and keep up the good work šŸ™‚

September 27, 2012 1:41 pm

Well, this will throw the local tinfoil hatters into a frenzy. Imagine this – the same people who are fecally fearsome of “smart meters”, wifi and all other EM “radiation”, just happen to be the same ones scatalogically scared of CO2. So, if CO2 drops, their potential exposure to wi-fi will increase. They won’t feel safe even many miles from a wifi or cell-tower or microwave oven. Just how entertaining can this get? But wait, if CO2 goes up, all of our endangered species will be more protected from evil EM radiation. (Where I live, endangered species include rational thinkers. Sigh.)

September 27, 2012 1:43 pm

The only ‘possible’ link I could imagine would be to water vapour. The frequencies that are used by wifi are actually ‘deliberatly’ chosen to be absorbed by water mollecules so that they don’t propagate too far. Its actually intentional and its how you limit to a few 10’s of meters range instead of 1000s. Now since there is supposed to be an increase in water vapour in the air with CAGW that ‘could’ in theory mean more limited range to certain frequencies that are absorbed by water.
This is similar to the microwave oven. The frequencies are chosento be absorbed by water which is how it heats food, it only heats the water mollecules in the food because their dimensions are exactly right to get excited by the 2.4Ghz signal.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
September 27, 2012 1:45 pm

Grandpa, what is wi-fi?
That was a short distance communications system for computers before everything went nanowave. It was good for around the house.
Well you had cell phones back then. Why didn’t you just use that?
It gave people a sense of security since you could use passwords and encryption, which cell phones didn’t have. That was before kilobyte-key proximity implants protected everyone, of course. That and they used to charge a lot more for cell use. Would you believe it cost as much to use a cell phone with a computer for a month as they charge for a gallon of real gasoline out in California?

September 27, 2012 1:49 pm

Note that above some people are implying that cellular is not impacted much by water but are using the term wifi as if wifi and cellular are the same, they are not. Cellular picks frequencies that are not absorbed by water while wifi deliberately uses microwave frequencies designed to be absorbed by water. There were cases with ‘rain fade’ when Telco’s used microwaves for point to point communications in the 2.4Ghz band but cellular deliberately avoids that particular frequency for good reason. Something similar happens with fiber optics too. There are certain frequencies of light that are absorbed by the still small quantities of water mollecules in the fiber, as a result we skip over that band of frequencies so that the light can travel further in the fiber.
Not that the above has anything to do with CAGW – however its true that wifi is not cellular and wifi at 2.4Ghz is a sensitive to humidity by design.

Mickey Reno
September 27, 2012 1:49 pm

CAGW makes it BOTH wetter and drier. Too much rain? Bad Reception! Too little rain? Subsidence of towers! And now a lightning strike too! Oh the humanity…

September 27, 2012 1:53 pm

Interesting. If you can’t get people upset with rising oceans, melting artic ice, doomed species, extreme weather, etc., etc, then try loss of WiFi? That’s an absolutely brilliant plan.
I have a better suggestion to panic people: rising CO2 levels may cause more Al Gore appearances.
It’s much, much worse than we expected.

Mickey Reno
September 27, 2012 1:53 pm

Still my favorite CAGW silliness:
Climate Change implicated in increased sex industry human trafficking:

Thomas Spaziani
September 27, 2012 1:55 pm

Oxygen and water vapor are the two biggest gasses in attenuating the signal strength. And while higher temps can hold more humidity, I suspect that it “COULD” lower it.. But it would be so slight as to probably be un-measurable given the low power output of wifi.
But Then… I looked at this neat little attenuation chart. Shown by the chart here..
Water vapor doesn’t really have an affect on attenuation for signals until they reach the 4ghz range.. Give most wifi routers are 2.4ghz,, UM FAIL MR NELSON!
Sure there are some 5ghz wifi 802.11n. And at 5ghz you get 0.0015 db per kilometer attenuation.. OMFG So .. Lets do a little math.. (Its been a while since I was in college so help me out). Maximum power output for 802.11 is 20dbm. I get roughly 400m range IF nothing is blocking the router. Minimum SNR is 10dbm to receive wifi.. So that gives me a drop of 0.025dbm per meter. If we pushed up the humidity and took away a whole 0.0015db per km, thats an extra 0.0000015db loss per meter. In other-words I lost 0.0006m or ZERO POINT 6 millimeters. HOLY COW! I might not get my wifi in my bedroom now!?! Sorry couldn’t resist..
Mr Nelson.. You are a frickin moron.
Please correct me if I did this wrong.

September 27, 2012 1:59 pm

Rob Roy says:
“We can create the WIFI networks but we MAY be unable to maintain them. Oh the Humanity!!”
‘Oh the Vogonity!’ surely?

September 27, 2012 2:00 pm

Do these people actually believe the crap they write?

September 27, 2012 2:02 pm

September 27, 2012 at 12:17 pm | Kelvin Vaughan says:
“No itā€™s true. Wi Fi hot spots domā€™t work in California which has a hotter climate than the UK!”
… and then it struck me ! This is clearly why the Australian Feral Government has embarked on a $65bn national broadband network construction rather than advanced wireless systems. These people are Einsteins ! /sarc.

D Bƶehm
September 27, 2012 2:04 pm

Mickey Reno,
It’s true, global warming causes more sex.

September 27, 2012 2:04 pm

Or climate change could cause more homeless people to sleep under highway overpasses, and their smoldering mattresses could melt 60 conduits causing 8,000 Verizon customers, including large businesses, to lose their phone and internet connections for over two weeks–

Green Sand
September 27, 2012 2:09 pm

Seems to be a bit “Wiffy”?

September 27, 2012 2:13 pm

Just turning off notify.

Billy Liar
September 27, 2012 2:25 pm

Here’s a direct link to the DEFRA report:
WARNING: if talk of doom worries you; best not to read this report. Looks like it was based the UK Met Office fantasy forecasts of regional weather in the 2080’s. If you believe any of it I can probably unload that bridge I’m trying to sell.

Diako Troop
September 27, 2012 2:29 pm

If you think for one moment that we are even close to winning this argument I suggest you read the speech of this moron who, unfortunately, does have power unlike we who do not.
Wifi is the least of our problems.
Ivor Ward.
(Ex Liberal)

Billy Liar
September 27, 2012 2:30 pm

Note for Tom Nelson: a number of people seem to think that you are the proponent behind this story. You may want to make it clear to people that you are reporting a story from the maroons in the UK DEFRA.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
September 27, 2012 2:37 pm

It’s been making the news outlet rounds here in Central-Northeastern Pennsylvania that four teenagers in Luzerne County committed suicide in a week.
Given we have Happy Al in the schools telling our yougsters we will all fry and die if nothing is done to stop global warming, when clearly the global community is doing hardly anything and support for further action is virtually nonexistent,
With the assorted CAGW-pushing sites blaring that action must be taken NOW or it will be too late and catastrophe will be inevitable,
With the resulting emotional distress witnessed even here in the form of distraught young commenters wondering why we Big Oil-funded denying bastards are willing to let the world go to hell and let them and their descendents suffer and die just for our cheap dirty energy,
Is it now official that global warming (hysteria) causes more suicides?

Jeff in Calgary
September 27, 2012 2:38 pm

Here are a few quick facts on electromagnetic wave.
1) air does not provide significant attenuation, no mater how hot, humid it is.
2) the major sourse of attenuation is just free space loss
3) transmitters are tested to work properly in upto 60Ā°C temperatures.
4) although transmitter’s power tends to be reduced due to over heating, manufacurers can just put in more cooling systems.
5) this story is pure Bravo Sierra

Billy Liar
September 27, 2012 2:39 pm

Quote from the report:
New road surface specifications, similar to those applied in the south of France, have been
introduced by the Highways Agency to adapt to higher temperatures.

It’s only sad that the UK is still waiting for its ‘south of France’ climate. I believe it will be some years before Spain can be towed to the end of the English Channel to complete remodeling of the UK to the ‘south of France’ specification.

September 27, 2012 2:41 pm

Thomas Spaziani, you are shooting the messenger, you frickin moron, an apology is required.

September 27, 2012 2:48 pm

“And, the Earth could be visited by a race of super intelligent Wookie like creatures riding in flying saucersā€¦demanding they be taken to the leader, and some HuffPo denizen offers up Al Gore.”
Hmmm…If they’re “super” intelligent (or even just “slightly”), they wouldn’t be fooled.

September 27, 2012 2:49 pm

Not that Globull Warming has anything to do with it, but my sat dish doesn’t like an overhead thunder storm as there is signal loss nearly 100% of the time. During tornado season, it’s an emergency weather radio along with the computer as backup. Likewise some of my acreage is clay, the really bad kind that gets up to 1″ cracks everywhere during a drought. One time we had about a one inch rain pour after a dry spell and a couple of hours later that section looked like it only rained a little as most of the water disappeared down the clay dirt splits. Putting any structure on that kind of soil requires some special care as it shrinks/compacts badly under load during a dry spell and can cause unwanted structure shifts.

lurker, passing through laughing
September 27, 2012 2:50 pm

CO2 seems to be a control knob for the AGW extremist. The more they crank up CO2 as a story prop, the dumber they get.

September 27, 2012 2:51 pm

“And, the Earth could be visited by a race of super intelligent Wookie like creatures riding in flying saucersā€¦demanding they be taken to the leader, and some HuffPo denizen offers up Al Gore.”
If you’re upset because your wife bought black velvet portraits of Al Gore and James Hansen and you can’t fit both of them on your bathroom wall, you might be a Green-neck.

September 27, 2012 2:58 pm

OK, that does it for me. I can put up with polar bears dying by the million, my grandchildren being fried alive and everything else BUT losing my wifi, no sirree. I’ve changed my will and cremation is out – too much CO2 probably.

September 27, 2012 3:01 pm

Peter says September 27, 2012 at 1:43 pm
The only ā€˜possibleā€™ link I could imagine would be to water vapour. The frequencies that are used by wifi are actually ā€˜deliberatlyā€™ chosen to be absorbed by water mollecules so that they donā€™t propagate too far. Its actually intentional and its how you limit to a few 10ā€²s of meters range instead of 1000s. Now since there is supposed to be an increase in water vapour in the air with CAGW that ā€˜couldā€™ in theory mean more limited range to certain frequencies that are absorbed by water.
This is similar to the microwave oven. The frequencies are chosento be absorbed by water …
That answer would be either:
A) Correct or
B) Incorrect.
In reality that answer is actually B) … incorrect.
The actual reason WiFi was placed there is it is a license-free part of the spectrum shared or “in” what is known a an “ISM band” (Industrial Scientific and Medical band) as allocated by the US’s FCC (ministry of post and telecommunications to the rest of the world) it’s a catch-all area where no sat up-links or down-links exist nor where any terrestrial uWave links were ever assigned …
Nothing to do with the absorption ‘frequency’ of water … in industrial food heaters 900 MHz is used, another ISM band …

Steve C
September 27, 2012 3:06 pm

I see … Where can I get a wifi that works in the CO2 absorption band, I wonder?

September 27, 2012 3:07 pm

Jeff in Calgary says September 27, 2012 at 2:38 pm

2) the major sourse of attenuation is just free space loss …

(Trick question follows.)
If energy can neither be created nor destroyed * but only changed into different forms, into what form does the ‘lost’ energy of propagation (due to ‘attenuation of free space’) convert into, if any?
(/Trick question)

Ben D.
September 27, 2012 3:09 pm

Seriousky, if Armageddon doesn’t happen soon, we’re in for even a worse fate, I can’t live in a world without intelliigence..

September 27, 2012 3:15 pm


September 27, 2012 3:18 pm

_Jim says:
September 27, 2012 at 3:07 pm
Jeff in Calgary says September 27, 2012 at 2:38 pm
2) the major sourse of attenuation is just free space loss ā€¦
(Trick question follows.)
If energy can neither be created nor destroyed * but only changed into different forms, into what form does the ā€˜lostā€™ energy of propagation (due to ā€˜attenuation of free spaceā€™) convert into, if any?
(/Trick question)
The holy grail of CAGW, the missing heat?

September 27, 2012 3:18 pm

Steve C says September 27, 2012 at 3:06 pm
I see ā€¦ Where can I get a wifi that works in the CO2 absorption band, I wonder?

Something in the LWIR wavelength area would do it … could use heated tungsten filaments as ‘sources’ (incandescent light bulbs) …

September 27, 2012 3:26 pm

WiFi in Death Valley is just a thing of the past. Kids won’t know what WiFi.

Owen in GA
September 27, 2012 3:39 pm

Dr. Brown: Has it been a rough day sir? Take a deep breath, this sort of idiocy isn’t worth your health. You haven’t been grading undergraduate intro physics papers have you? Those can cause short tempers and hair pulling by lecturers (and occasional belly laughs)! BUT I fully agree with your BS detector going off-scale high in this case.

September 27, 2012 3:43 pm

So, rgb, now tell us what you *really* think. šŸ™‚

September 27, 2012 3:55 pm

Humans are clearly responsible for 100% of climate change, as the Great Guru Joe Biden so sagely informed the world in 2008 while being out-debated by Sarah Palin.
Well, genus Homo did appear at the start of the Pleistocene glaciations about 2.4 million years ago, so Biden might be right, except for the prior 4.55 billion years, of course. And naturally there were more humans at the start of the Medieval Warm Period than during the Little Ice Age, so obviously all the CO2 our ancestors exhaled & our high body temperature must have cause the warming, then the cooling after the Black Death killed so many of us in the 14th century, not to mention the wars of religion in the 17th.
Now our population is back up again to new heights. Time for us all to quit breathing, or at least exhaling.

Chris B
September 27, 2012 4:02 pm

The definition of fear, for Canadians: Global Warming could delay the start of Hockey season, and increase the temperature of cold beer, simultaneously. The horror!

David A. Evans
September 27, 2012 4:06 pm

Billy Liar says:
September 27, 2012 at 2:39 pm

Quote from the report:
New road surface specifications, similar to those applied in the south of France, have been
introduced by the Highways Agency to adapt to higher temperatures.

Couldn’t be a part of the reason that many recently constructed roads have had to be ripped up & resurfaced recently? Notably the A1 Ferrybridge and Wetherby bypasses.
Also of note, the A1 North of junction 49, Dishforth, was closed because of insufficient drainage. The drainage problem is also notable on the M60E around Manchester. Do these people take no note of our historic climate?
Also of note is building on historic flood plains then wondering why they flooded! There’s a reason the village I was born in was built on a hill!

P Wilson
September 27, 2012 4:18 pm

Well, it makes a change from impending apocalypse and doom to dodgy wireless connections.
I can’t wait for the day that Defra says that increasing temperatures (what increasing temperatures?) will lead to trains running 10 seconds late due to expansion of railway lines by 2millimetres per 200 mile stretch

D. J. Hawkins
September 27, 2012 4:34 pm

_Jim says:
September 27, 2012 at 3:07 pm
Jeff in Calgary says September 27, 2012 at 2:38 pm
2) the major sourse of attenuation is just free space loss ā€¦
(Trick question follows.)
If energy can neither be created nor destroyed * but only changed into different forms, into what form does the ā€˜lostā€™ energy of propagation (due to ā€˜attenuation of free spaceā€™) convert into, if any?
(/Trick question)

Simple 1/R^2 or 1/R^3 attenuation, depending on whether you have a line or point source.

September 27, 2012 4:40 pm

As a long time RF engineer I can state without any reservation whatsoever, that AGW causing problems with Wi-Fi is Bull-Pucky.
There is no calculation possible that would influence a 2.4 or 5.8 GHz radio wave with even twenty degrees of temperature variation. The only thing in the atmosphere that influences RF propagation at those wavelengths is water vapor and that only is really of interest above 10 GHz.

Silence DoGood
September 27, 2012 4:47 pm

thats it….I’m going to compile some idiocy, print it out, and put in a time capsule for relatives yet to be born, so they can have a few beers and laugh awhile at the pure ridiculous of this generation of people.

September 27, 2012 4:50 pm

In a hundred years global warming has warmed the plannet 3-5oC, dont you suppose that WIFI 802.11 b/g/n standards will be a little dated?

Kevin Schurig
September 27, 2012 4:55 pm

Really? Really? So, as with snow(http://michellemalkin.com/2010/12/20/children-snow/), the kids of the future won’t even know what wifi is/was.
Whenever the loons make such a statement, the following should always be posted.

September 27, 2012 4:58 pm

The funny thing is, this story is even too alarmist for the extreme-alarmist inventor of WiFi, the Australian CSIRO.
I bet they’re kicking themselves now wishing they’d thought of it first.

Robert of Ottawa
September 27, 2012 5:21 pm

I am sorry, I cannot post a polite reply to this post, this latest piece of Warmista BS, being as I earn my keep by electronic engineering.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
September 27, 2012 5:23 pm

From P Wilson on September 27, 2012 at 4:18 pm:

I canā€™t wait for the day that Defra says that increasing temperatures (what increasing temperatures?) will lead to trains running 10 seconds late due to expansion of railway lines by 2millimetres per 200 mile stretch

Shouldn’t happen, as the warmer air will be less dense thus less air friction thus the trains can go faster on the same energy which should compensate for the longer tracks.
Unless they’re real sticklers for staying at a certain speed. Which would likely be tracked by GPS, except the less-dense air will let the electromagnetic signals that check positions between the satellites travel faster, so to the GPS system the world would have gotten smaller, so the faster speeds will appear slower than they actually are. So it should all even out.
Except now they’re introducing the Google-designed driver-less cars. And if the GPS difference leads the vehicles to think they’re going slower than they actually are, that could lead to accidents. So global warming could cause more traffic accidents!

Robert of Ottawa
September 27, 2012 5:25 pm

P Wilson said @ September 27, 2012 at 4:18 pm
I canā€™t wait for the day that Defra says that increasing temperatures (what increasing temperatures?) will lead to trains running 10 seconds late
Would anyone in the UK notice a train arriving 10 seconds even later?
Sorry, couldn’t resist šŸ™‚

September 27, 2012 5:48 pm

D. J. Hawkins says September 27, 2012 at 4:34 pm:
_JIm Q: (Trick question)
If energy can neither be created nor destroyed * but only changed into different forms, into what form does the ā€˜lostā€™ energy of propagation (due to ā€˜attenuation of free spaceā€™) convert into, if any?
(/Trick question)
[A:] Simple 1/R^2 or 1/R^3 attenuation, depending on whether you have a line or point source.

Only partial credit (of course, since the math is correct); but downgraded only b/c no mention or direct address was made about ‘the ā€˜lostā€™ energy of propagation’ (the ‘attenuation’) terminology which gets directly to the heart of the trick question …
(Don’t take this lightly; many people including those in wireless, including not just a few engineers, take this ‘loss’ for being actual loss of some of the signal due to ‘path attenuation’ rather than a 1/R^2 function of distance and RF ‘signal spread’ in two dimensions.)

Tsk Tsk
September 27, 2012 7:16 pm

I would make the argument that global warming ensures we will have wifi for the foreseeable future. Why, you ask? Well consider what would happen to wifi during a glaciation. Attenuation of signal through solid ice is considerably worse than through saturated, warm air. Wifi equipment is unlikely to be functional after it has been crushed under a 1 mile thick sheet of ice. For that matter, YOU are unlikely to be functional after being crushed under a 1 mile thick sheet of ice. The advance of glaciers will also scour all above ground (and some buried) infrastructure linking wifi hotspots.
See? Warm is better than cold.

September 27, 2012 7:33 pm

The reduction of E field (V/m) in the far or Fraunhofer region is dominated by the 1/R term. While in the near or Fresnel region all three terms have to be considered 1/R, 1/R^2 and 1/R^3.
There are some applications where antenna temperature (Ta) is a factor like radio astronomy for example, just not for WiFi where the increase in thermal noise will not be notice by the receiver sensitivity or RSSI.

September 27, 2012 7:56 pm

I bet that the S/N of the WIFI signal is probably affected by the percent change of the transmission media as a function of degrees Kelvin.
This means that if the average global temperature is somewhere around 14.0Ā°C or 287.15Ā°K, a 1.0Ā°C to 3.0Ā°C change in the average global temperature could have the effect of a 0.35% to 1.0% increase in the noise level.
Frankly, running your microwave oven will cause at least an order of magnitude greater problem with WIFI operation than the worst case projected for the end of the world.

September 27, 2012 8:06 pm

Opps .. is a function of the square-root of the change in temperature, which make it even smaller

September 27, 2012 8:14 pm

So, let me get this straight: By their reasoning Wi-Fi doesn’t work in the South, the Tropics, the Deserts of the world, the Rain Forests, anywhere it rains a lot (temperate zone), and places where it’s prone to ground instability (Sorry Florida – no Wi-Fi for you!)…
So that leave, um, San Diego?
Maybe we need to build better Wi-Fi equipment… (But I’m sure I just did a cross country trip and had working Wi-Fi pretty much everywhere even in Florida and the frozen mountains…)

Nolo Contendere
September 27, 2012 8:15 pm

Just for curiousity, is the anyone in science or academia in the UK who isn’t stark raving bonkers? Inquiring minds want to know.

September 27, 2012 8:51 pm

Hehe. WiFi works quite well in the American South, where we have 3 seasons: Rainy, Summer, and Dry. We regularly survive high temps in the 40c range, low temps in the -10c range, air that is 10% water, air that is 1% water, air that has enough ozone in it that you can smell it, plus we get the occasional earthquake, tornado, hurricane, blizzard, drought and flood. šŸ™‚

September 27, 2012 9:02 pm

I think global warming was supposed to be responsible for a hotspot at about the same altitude planes fly at. That would be handy! If it were true…

September 27, 2012 9:03 pm

i’m reminded of a tip for CAGW-sceptic parents who have CAGW-alarmist children that i’ve given previously:
tell the children that they have convinced you, so you are cancelling the internet connection and banning video games, etc because they add to carbon emissions.

Bob in Castlemaine
September 27, 2012 9:03 pm

Not bad, 1 could, 2 cans and 1 may in a single short paragraph, Super Duper Fast Wi-Fi Connection.

September 27, 2012 9:15 pm

They are going for a two-fer with this one. Shovel out some climate change propaganda and push for a giant new public works program to strengthen our infrastructure against the rigors of water and warmth.

September 27, 2012 9:32 pm

rgbatduke says:
September 27, 2012 at 12:38 pm

… The emperor penguin may or may not be in trouble in one part of the world,

That depends… if NASA is launching more anti-penguin ballistic Earth Observation satellites… probably so.
Both Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) satellite and the Glory Earth-observing satellite had penguin country as the drop area when the shroud failed to open. (in both cases)

Thomas Spaziani
September 27, 2012 11:28 pm

DocBud says:
September 27, 2012 at 2:41 pm
Thomas Spaziani, you are shooting the messenger, you frickin moron, an apology is required.
I see I do. Sorry. The original link appeared as if it was some Liberal blogger just regurgitating the same old stuff.

September 28, 2012 12:18 am

Just build an eco-crucifix and up the power of the routers antenna, it’s not climate science.

David Jones
September 28, 2012 12:34 am

Wijnand says:
September 27, 2012 at 12:45 pm
According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, within a few years WIFI will become ā€œa very rare and exciting eventā€.
ā€œChildren just arenā€™t going to know what WIFI is,ā€ he said.
Oh the humanity!! Our kids will not only NEVER see snow, their WiFi phones won’t work!!
Yet more garbage from CRU.

September 28, 2012 12:46 am

“drier summers and wetter winters”

September 28, 2012 2:42 am

DEFRA, The Grauniad, sorry Guardian, are driven by the BBC.
DEFRA might change as there is a new Minister in charge who hates wind power.

September 28, 2012 3:18 am

Do Wifi users have more problems in Singapore than London? I doubt it despite the large temperature difference.

September 28, 2012 5:33 am

I thought wifi caused global warming (CO2 increase). /s

September 28, 2012 8:05 am

John Marshall says September 28, 2012 at 3:18 am
Do Wifi users have more problems in Singapore than London? I doubt it despite the large temperature difference.

Aside from possible higher user and AP (access point) density yielding a lowered Eb/No (Enegy_per_bit/Noise ratio) relationship on the signal link? Probably not …

September 28, 2012 8:56 am

I liked this one at HuffPo:
What Climate Change Just Might Ruin
52 of 53
Paige Seilhamer
(no further text)
I don’t know what a Paige Sailhamer is but isn’t this just too bad.

Brian R
September 28, 2012 10:39 am

This must be what happened to my mom’s phone. On a particularly warm day last week she updated the OS on her phone. Then just a little later on that same day she couldn’t attach to the wifi in her house. It couldn’t have been anything else. Apple doesn’t ship defective products.

September 29, 2012 8:50 am

‘increased CO2 may ruin future WiFi connections’
‘like wireless internet’ yes I agree with that. Because when it rains my dongle loses contact and we all know that CC theory means there will be more rain!

September 30, 2012 11:25 am

andrewmharding says: Do they really think that people are stupid (or bigoted) enough to believe this drivel?
But Andrew, people ARE stupid enough to believe this. The world is full of left wing idiots who belong to this doomsday cult of junk science, including for example the buffoons at The Guardian.

BerƩnyi PƩter
September 30, 2012 5:25 pm

Fortunately Miami is a much cooler place than the UK, so it can still have some WiFi.

Steve Tabor
October 1, 2012 12:16 am

Another one for the Warmlist!

Brian H
October 4, 2012 8:15 pm

RHS says:
September 27, 2012 at 12:07 pm

UCS finds fault with FoxNews? My respect for Fox is thereby enhanced.