Sea Ice News Volume 3 number 12 – has Arctic sea ice started to turn the corner?

Nothing definitive, but interesting. The area plot above is from NANSEN. The extent plot also shows a turn:

Discovery News Category 6 hurricanes – 'batshit stupid'

Hurricane expert Dr. Ryan Maue pulls no punches when it comes to putting John Abraham of the Climate Science Rapid Response Team in his place: Here’s what Abraham has to…

NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day double blunder

Gee, the AGW meme seems to permeate everything these days. Here’s a place where I least expected it to show up, the venerable Astronomy Picture of the Day, one of…

Warming increases biodiversity, except when it doesn't

From the University of York  news that warming increases biodiversity. Since that’s a buzzword in the biology protectors circle, you’d think they’d be happy about this. Nope. Research reveals contrasting…