Blog Memo to James Hansen Regarding GISS Southern Hemisphere Land Surface Temperature Data

Guest post by Bob Tisdale Date: August 16, 2012 Subject: Southern Hemisphere GISS LOTI Land Surface Temperature Anomaly Data From: Bob Tisdale To: James Hansen – GISS Dear James: I…

Never before published paper on UHI and siting – Goodridge 1987

Plus answers to yesterday’s Fun puzzle: Name these official stations. Given that California Governor Jerry Brown has recently setup a website at the governor’s office basically telling skeptics to “shut…

Josh's livetooning of Steve McIntyre's talk in London

Josh writes via email: Here are the cartoon notes from Steve’s talk – it went very well, a great turnout too. All the best.  Josh Enjoy the humor.

Climate Craziness of the Week – global warming causing helium shortage

Oh, the stupid, it burns. Helium shortage threatens time-honored Nebraska tradition | Dr. Saturday – Yahoo! Sports–ncaaf.html Face palm! Unfortunately, there’s this nagging little detail about the noble gas,…

Newsflash: tropical species adapt to temperature changes

From Wiley Sciences, some interesting admissions, though I have to think that insects are far more tolerant than they give them credit for. But, take it all with a grain…

A personal note of thanks

It has been a difficult week. I thought it appropriate to share some thoughts and some thanks. WUWT moderator Bob Phelan was laid to rest this morning. RIP REP.

Quote of the week – what planet does Michael Mann live on?

Via Tom Nelson: Dr. Michael Mann, author of The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars, responds to last week’s attacks from Dr. Richard Muller. On the Green Front – Dr.…