Forget CO2 and Milankovitch cycles, new study says dust in the wind drives climate

From the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona  a suggestion that ocean CO2 sequestration  is driven by iron laden dust blown into the oceans that cause phytoplankton blooms, resulting in the ocean…

NIPCC, Gleick, heads, sand, water bottles, and all that

I’m sure Bishop Hill won’t mind if I pinch this, it shows a rather head in the sand attitude that pervades the people who get money to study global warming,…

Tropical Storm Irene

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach When is a hurricane not a hurricane? Well, when it doesn’t blow 64 knots (33 m/sec, 74 mph), because then it’s only a tropical storm.…

Nir Shaviv on the CLOUD experiment, worth a read

Israeli Astrophysicist Dr. Nir Shaviv posted a guest essay at Luboš Motl The Reference Frame titled: The CLOUD is clearing In a nutshell he’s saying that cosmic ray flux modulated by…

Reasons to be a Global Warming Skeptic

[Note: Charlie Martin of the PJ Tattler graciously agrees to have this reprinted here. While he’s taken a bit of artistic license with some claims, such as the “big oil…

Newsbytes: Green crash and burn accelerating

By Dr. Benny Peiser of The GWPF Organizers of the London 2012 Olympic Games dropped a plan to cut carbon emissions during the sporting showcase, abandoning a pledge made when…

Hurricane Fatalities, 1900–2010: Update

by Indur M. Goklany Much to my surprise, I heard from NHC’s Dr. Eric Blake today on the fatalities data for hurricanes. I was sure he would take a break…