Franny's "guilty pleasure"


I was link surfing today over at Dellers, and I found myself looking at the long list of bios for the 1010 team on their website. I noted something curious in the bio posted on Splattergate’s designer Franny Armstrong, because it was rather off the wall. She listed a “guilty pleasure”. Well no harm, we all have those, but at the same time she says her Actual job: “Asking powerful people for money and/or emissions cuts“.

The “emissions cuts” part I get. But wait a minute…not in season blueberries? Hmmm.

Now I don’t know much about growing blueberries, but I did find this on a BBC gardening site:

Blueberries produce fruit on branches that were produced the previous year. For the first two or three years of a blueberry’s life it’s not necessary to prune it much, apart from keeping the plant tidy. After this, blueberries need regular pruning to maintain plant vigour and high quality berry production. Prune them between November and March when the plant is dormant.

They need cold weather apparently:

“These bushes are hardy and require a minimum of 750 hours accumulated chilling time below 8 degrees centigrade in order to produce good yields of berries, so please do not put them into your greeenhouse over the winter.”

OK, so you can’t grow them “off season” in a local greenhouse. That means UK “off season” blueberries have to come someplace where the “off season” is opposite, like another hemisphere.

Looking more into blueberries, I find this from a Latin American Markets site on Chilean blueberry production:

While the US is the main importer of Chilean blueberries, Europe, and in particular the UK, are also strong markets.

“We’ve seen an explosion in UK blueberry consumption over the past two to three years,” says Hortifrut’s Francisco Ortuzar. “Unlike some other parts of Europe, the market is familiar with blueberries and category managers have done a good job of promoting the fruit.”

Huh, imagine that. Demand for blueberries in the UK is ummm ‘exploding’. Given what I know, I would imagine the demand would increase in the “off season” when no local blueberries can be harvested.

I wonder how they get there? Oh, here we go:

Tesco blueberries are harvested in Argentina and are flown to the UK for sale.

So I think it would be safe to assume that Franny is eating off season blueberries, flown in from Chile or Argentina using the speedy but horrible CO2 belching airplanes to preserve freshness.

Yet WE are the ones that have to reduce our consumption of things like “guilty pleasures”. Ya know, modern, guilty, dirty things like air travel, cars, and incandescent lights (though I do like the new LED replacements), to keep the planet from “burning up” due to CO2  emissions. And if we don’t, or give an indifferent shrug like those school kids in her movie…we get the red button.

She also mentions in her bio:

“Not flying to America or Australia to launch my climate movie”

…yet Franny can have her off season jet set blueberries. No pressure to eliminate that. I guess Franny never stopped to think how “not in season blueberries” get to her local shop.

Now that’s just plane stupid.

UPDATE: 8:05 PM PST 10/7/10 I was informed by email of some silliness. For the record, somebody who obviously didn’t like this story has signed up my name as a “supporter” at the 10:10 website, here: along with Christopher Monckton, and James Dellingpole. This is of course false, and the product of a simple minded prank. I don’t know what this stupidity will do for them, especially since it is obvious none of us would sign up to 10:10. Here’s the screen cap:

UPDATE2: 11:40PM PST 10/7/10

It appears the application of names is being handled by a static list superimposed at the website. The people counter continues to rise, but the list does not change. Here’s a screencap from 11:38PM of the “people” page at

If you visit the other pages on the website, you’ll find that static list with my name on it, along with Monckton and Delingpole, superimposed on it, even though the counter has advanced from 94,885 to 94,910 signups, a total of 25 names, more than enough to move the list down.

But it appears the “legal” page here: has what appears to be a correctly updated list:

How fun! Let’s watch the amusement unfold.

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October 7, 2010 3:31 pm

Hmm. I think she should be shown the error of her ways.
No pressure.
Now where did I put my anti-hypocrite button.

October 7, 2010 3:32 pm

As long as she is below the average of the 6 billion or so of us in energy usage then she can hold the moral high ground I reckon..

October 7, 2010 3:33 pm

Growing up in the UK, I always wondered what on earth these “blueberries” were that featured so prominently in Hollywood cartoons and films.
We had billberries, blackberries and even rowanberries – but no blueberries.
Now I may have been away from the UK several decades and things obviously have changed and “forbidden fruits” are jetted in – isn’t this on a par with Gore and his energy consumption????
PS Still haven’t tried them despite their abundance down under

James Sexton
October 7, 2010 3:37 pm

That settles it! I’m going to do my part by not eating off-season blueberries! Not a big shock that Franny is like the rest of the lot. Do as I say, not as I do.

October 7, 2010 3:38 pm

And remember to emphasise always that O2 the providers of my broadband right now are the SOLE sponsors of 10:10 and their excellent video they produced together. At least we can change our telecoms providers easily.

October 7, 2010 3:38 pm

And her fancy Levis? Flown in from China?

charles nelson
October 7, 2010 3:39 pm

…and she wanted to hit Ed Milliband (possibly UK’s next Prime Minister) over the head!

October 7, 2010 3:41 pm

She’s the kind of child of whom the CRU said in 2000: ‘within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.’ (
Now if someone could just find a picture of her throwing a snowball last winter, it would really make my day!
Or perhaps a stupid video:-

October 7, 2010 3:41 pm
October 7, 2010 3:42 pm

peakbear says:
October 7, 2010 at 3:32 pm
“As long as she is below the average of the 6 billion or so of us in energy usage then she can hold the moral high ground I reckon..”
To the contrary, I expect she is part of the 20% of the world’s population which consumes 76.6% of the world’s goods (and the energy needed to make them) while 80% of humanity gets the remainder. Seems fair to me?

October 7, 2010 3:42 pm

I see examples of that all the time. Some vegan in Minnesota claiming theirs is a more sustainable lifestyle. Then I ask them what they eat in January and where it came from because no veggies are growing within 1000 miles of Minnesota in January.
They are eating food that arrived from Chile or Argentina or Brazil. MAYBE if they are lucky it came from California which could arrive by train. In my opinion, meat is the best use of vegetable protein there is. It can be kept over winter alive, feed can be stored, and meat can be put to market at any time of the year.

October 7, 2010 3:44 pm

Actually, Franny did fly to the US for her premiere – and Phelim McAteer got manhandled out of the press conf for asking her about it.

I bet he’s glad the RED BUTTON hadn’t been invented then.

October 7, 2010 3:47 pm

C’mon, you’re being unreasonable. If climate campaigners were meant to lead by example then nobody would want to be a climate campaigner.

October 7, 2010 3:48 pm

Well, that’s why it is a “guilty” pleasure. Duh.

October 7, 2010 3:52 pm

she’s just another typical warmista leader . . . do as I say and not as I do. Al Gore’s use of private jets, David Suzuki’s multiple residences and children and now Fanny . . .
They are all the same, convinced their secular religious beliefs in environmentalism are inviolate and that makes them, as progressive smarty pants, have the right to tell everyone else what to do.
Or else.
No pressure of course.

October 7, 2010 3:53 pm

Of course, some are more carbon neutral others.

October 7, 2010 3:55 pm

It’s a ‘guilty’ pleasure because she feels guilt for her hypocrisy. Since hardly any blueberries are grown in the UK, they have to be flown in from all around the world all year round.
REPLY: No doubt, but why broadcast it next to “I’m not flying to USA and Australia to promote my movie”? If kids get blown up for something as simple as an indifferent shrug in a classroom….

October 7, 2010 3:58 pm

nice one Anthony, yeah you can always trip the AGWer’s up with that one. Most consumer goods AGWers buy are moved half way round the world, therby guzzling carbon at ludicrously inefficent rates, while at the same time they proudly boast about offsetting their carbon footprint with effectively pityfully weak gestures.
It would be nice to start a meme going, if some AGWer broadcasts some carbon offseting token gesture they’re doing, then they get a photo with an arrow pointing to some consumer good they’ve got on them, easiest thing their clothes, the arrow says where this item came from ( other side of world ), how much carbon it took to travel to them, and how long it would take for their carbon offset routine to pay off that consumer item, like serveral hunderd hours.
It would really nail them to the cross of hypocracy.
Of course, they can’t get us back for us ‘cos we know carbon burning is good! 🙂

October 7, 2010 4:05 pm

This is Frannie Armstrong and Ed Miliband (he was our Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, and also partly responsible for our horrendously expensive Climate Change Bill and our representative at Copenhagen) touring the UK as a double act explaining to warn us of the dangers of Global Warming. Ed is very concerned about ‘negative feedback’ which gives us global Climate Change!!!!
The Age of Stupid indeed!!!

D Caldwell
October 7, 2010 4:06 pm

Typical for a “climate campaigner” to be clueless about her own direct and indirect CO2 footprint.
A well-to-do friend of mine has fully bought in to climate alarmism and is pressing me for silly measures at work to reduce our energy usage. Since she and her husband travel a lot in their private jet, I indicated that when she stops traveling, I will get to work on my office energy saving program. Her reply? “My travel has nothing to do with this.”
Where do you even start with these people?

October 7, 2010 4:17 pm

Yet another useful idiot.

October 7, 2010 4:17 pm

A pious piece by the Picaso pusher on why you should support 10:10

“….they had a team of interns there who used to sleep on the floor of their offices and forage for their food out of dustbins, now that’s dedication…”
(Looks like only Franny got the blueberries – hence the guilt.)
“…these guys seem to have some kind of direct link to the Zeitgeist…”
(Hence the splattered children.)
There are some very curious close ups – I eventually realized that these are designed to capture the dainty 10:10 bracelet – not some kind of fascination for the camera person vis a vis Fred’s trousers.
(I would recommend that anyone seen wearing 10:10 jewelery be avoided at all costs – they may have a button box)
I’m not sure that it would be possible to make this stuff up. Be sure to watch it before it is taken down!

Eric (skeptic)
October 7, 2010 4:24 pm

Sometimes I worry that we are paying armies of these twits through their corporate shakedowns and back channel subsidies from the government. But then I see how truly stupid, clueless and out of touch with mainstream opinion they are. There are a lot of hard working people who might be fooled once or twice by some climate propaganda, but won’t identify with the anti-capitalist brat in the picture.

October 7, 2010 4:24 pm

Is it just my imagination running wild or does that 10:10 symbol really look a bit like a pair of handcuffs!!

October 7, 2010 4:26 pm

I’m sure she has no clues as to how blueberries are grown.. or meat for that matter.
She says she won’t be flying on the 10-10-10 to promote her movie. She does not say if she will fly before or after. Maybe she will already be there.
Just like the Prince of Wales, the environmentalists think they have a higher calling and they are here to save us all…

October 7, 2010 4:30 pm

Most consumer goods AGWers buy are moved half way round the world, therby guzzling carbon at ludicrously inefficent rates,
Wrong, wrong, wrong. The distance goods are shipped has little to do with the amount of carbon used.
Assume her jeans are made in Asia. They will have been railed, shipped and railed. All in relatively large consignments. The fuel usage will be minimal really.
Blueberries from Chile are trucked, flown and trucked. In order to keep them fresh, I bet they are refrigerated most of the way too. That’s a pile of fuel for a small pottle of blueberries, despite them coming from much closer.
The distance = inefficiency meme needs to die. Support shipped and railed over flown and trucked by all means, but straight distance comparisons are meaningless.

October 7, 2010 4:30 pm

So, in the opinion of an art dealer 10:10 are different because they “have a real grip on the science” and furthermore his kids told him they’re cool.
Well, that settles it then – lets start tearing the economy down.
Has anybody else noticed that the 10:10 logo looks like a set of leg irons?
Maybe they’re to immobilise deniers long enough to wire up the RED BUTTON.

October 7, 2010 4:32 pm

AndiC, yes blueberries only started to appear in the UK in any numbers a relative handful of years ago. They were virtually unobtainable – for anyone not in Franny’s circles at least – before that.

October 7, 2010 4:34 pm

“This is Frannie Armstrong and Ed Miliband (he was our Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, and also partly responsible for our horrendously expensive Climate Change Bill and our representative at Copenhagen)”
… and also (she’s now been proven right–@6:35–that he’d be out of office after the election):

October 7, 2010 4:37 pm

“Was a drummer, became a filmmaker, turned into a climate campaigner.”
At least this climate racket is keeping more of the otherwise unemployable off the streets.

richard verney
October 7, 2010 4:38 pm

I thought that she listed “off season blueberries” as a “guilty pleasure” precisely because she knows how they get onto the shelf. This is what makes her feel guilty.
Of course out of season fruit and veg carries a large CO2 footprint. For that matter, anything that is not locally sourced carries a CO2 footprint usually far higher than locally sourced products. This, of course, extends to import of foreign goods which we are all so fond of – witness the rise in Chinese goods etc. As
Adam says:
October 7, 2010 at 3:47 pm
C’mon, you’re being unreasonable. If climate campaigners were meant to lead by example then nobody would want to be a climate campaigner

October 7, 2010 4:39 pm

From a 2009 interview by “Reign of Terroir” [sic] with Franny A [h/t Gareth @ Bishop Hill]

While An Inconvenient Truth deals with the science of climate change, The Age of Stupid looks at the human impact and moral questions…

So that’s the level of her science “knowledge”

When do we sleep? Badly, because of all the time zones…

What with all that flying…

At the moment I seem to able to get through to anybody! …Yeah, it’s a stunning thing, really. It’s surprising to me that you can just make a film and then suddenly you become somebody that’s involved in the debate. I’m speaking to all the people who are making the policy! And I’m throwing ideas in and they’re like ‘Oh! That’s interesting. I think I’m going to look at that.’
I mean the people who are in power are just ordinary people like us. They just happen to be in power.

Did the rather shady Common Purpose promote her quietly, like I suspect they did with Rob Hopkins of Transition Towns (where I met Franny)

Another thing that’s scary is that they swap departments, you know? So one minute they’re doing Education and then suddenly they’re on Climate Change. And they don’t know anything about climate change; they get briefings and stuff, but they don’t actually know that much. (laughs)

October 7, 2010 4:40 pm

Her taste buds know how stupid her extremism is.

October 7, 2010 4:42 pm

Marion says: October 7, 2010 at 4:24 pm

Is it just my imagination running wild or does that 10:10 symbol really look a bit like a pair of handcuffs!!

My thought too

October 7, 2010 4:46 pm

A man on fire, flames billowing from every part of him, turning to ash before our very eyes, THIS is the man telling us, “Don’t light that match – fire is dangerous!”

October 7, 2010 4:46 pm

Now that’s just plane stupid.
Ha! Clever!!!!!! 🙂

CRS, Dr.P.H.
October 7, 2010 4:50 pm

Anthony, you are mentioned by name in this one….a very good read from down under!

October 7, 2010 4:51 pm

Can I introduce a note of reason into this (admittedly delicious) strand of Franny-bashing?
The “food miles” canard was one of the “falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” moments that stepped up my scepticism from passive to active. In my case it was Kenyan green beans, not South American blueberries, but the principle is the same. The warmies assign CO2 emissions of airfreight on a pro rata basis (or claim to, I bet they load it up, but that’s another matter). I have a background in airfreight. In fact the vast majority of this kind of commodity only flies when there is an abundance of spare capacity (usually due to a directional imbalance in the market) available at low, “backhaul rates”. As such, the “carbon footprint” of its journey is negligible – a small increment in fuel burn, but comparable, say, to a single circuit in a holding pattern, which happens all the time. The effect of removing it would be that the aircraft from which they are removed still flies, but under-utilised – great job, warmies.
High-quality horticulture is one promising way for 3rd world economies to develop away from the primary resources/tourism paradigm in which so many find themselves – it ought to beggar belief that people who profess a concern for the “globe” should be so keen to shut it down. (Curtis is a prominent agitator for African development, which I originally thought was his reason for subverting the 10:10 outfit in the way he has)
So Franny, stop feeling guilty about eating yer blaeberries – you’ve got more to worry about – like being a deep-sea, ocean-going, copper-bottomed, first-rate AIRHEAD, who’s been told all her life how wonderful and creative she is, and now finds herself unprepared to confront a real world that doesn’t entirely agree.

Doug in Dunedin
October 7, 2010 4:52 pm

Marion says: October 7, 2010 at 4:05 pm
This is Frannie Armstrong and Ed Miliband (he was our Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, and also partly responsible for our horrendously expensive Climate Change Bill and our representative at Copenhagen) touring the UK as a double act explaining to warn us of the dangers of Global Warming. Ed is very concerned about ‘negative feedback’ which gives us global Climate Change!!!! The Age of Stupid indeed!!!
Marion. Thanks for posting the clip. This and the others posted here tell us all we need to know about Franny – and for that matter – the likes of Ed Milliband – he was talking absolute twaddle going on about positive feedback as though he understood the science. But of course he is a polly – so you take what he said with a pinch of salt. There is no hope for her though. The gleam in the eye says it all. Now she is reduced to producing clips blowing up people. She was looking forward to earth shattering changes at Copenhagen – changing all our lives forevah. All I can say is thank goodness for China and India who had other ideas!

October 7, 2010 4:57 pm

It looks as though from a google, that these could be had in-country with a little effort. However it also appears that the air delivery will shortly no longer be necessary:
Not mentioned is that blueberries also require very acid and iron rich soil which usually requires significant soil pretreatment and along with the long chill times can foil amateur gardeners:

David A. Evans
October 7, 2010 4:59 pm

& there’s something new here?
Verse 1 Do as I say, not as I so!
Nothing to see here, move along please.
Has Foamy moment.

October 7, 2010 5:04 pm

May the Lord spare me from these, holier than thou -” help us save the World and or Universe too by going green!” fanatics.
Too much time on their hands and an obvious lack of analytical skills because of being out of the queue when the grey cells were distributed, leads – to making bad life choices.
And, preserve me from ever meeting up with this lass, I may just tell her what I think and if I didn’t and allowed my better nature to prevail in the meeting, was polite and gentlemanly (which I would), would that then make me, a hypocrite?

Dave N
October 7, 2010 5:06 pm

This is the Age Of Stupid environmentalists…

October 7, 2010 5:07 pm

Ahhhh! But what does she do with those blueberries? Hmmmmm?

October 7, 2010 5:16 pm

Wrong, wrong, wrong. The distance goods are shipped has little to do with the amount of carbon used. The distance = inefficiency meme needs to die. Support shipped and railed over flown and trucked by all means, but straight distance comparisons are meaningless.
Ok, but there’s still plenty left to go at wrt their international supply of consumer goods vs their carbon emission offsetting routines.
What is the carbon cost exactly of getting a pair of jeans from china to the UK, and compared to other stuff?

James Allison
October 7, 2010 5:35 pm

Ah yes naughty naughty Franny ye have sinned and thee shall repent for thy sins…… unless of course you buy some carbon credits and then you can go straight to heaven.
Its actually possible that by eating blueberries imported from Argentina Franny is contributing less to the environmental cost than buying locally grown berries.
She’s likely not aware of this and has a guilty admission instead of a carbon emission.
The greens had such fun with the carbon footprint and food miles scenario insisting we save the environmental impact by only eating locally produced. Unfortunately the reality is that produce can often be produced overseas (sometimes the other side of the world) and freighted using less “carbon” that when produced locally.
The July 2006 Lincoln Report (from Lincoln University in NZ) has shown that even taking into account the environmental cost of transporting goods to the UK, NZ uses considerably less energy than the UK in the production of sheep meat (NZ is four times as efficient), dairy (NZ is twice as efficient), and apples.
The production of British lamb produces 2,850kg of CO2 per ton. New Zealand lamb shipped to Britain produces 690.
A new report from Lincoln published in July looks at the CO2, methane and nitrous oxide emissions associated with NZ and UK dairy production. This provides a more in-depth picture of the environmental footprint of dairy production, and is more precise than looking at the carbon footprint alone. The report shows that, even after taking into account the energy used to ship dairy products to the UK, the NZ dairy sector generates around three-quarters of the greenhouse gas emissions (per kilo of milk solids) produced by UK producers.
Eat as many imported blueberries as you like Franny and you can keep both the admissions and emissions down. But stay away from any movie making huh.

Christopher Hanley
October 7, 2010 5:39 pm

peakbear at 3:32 pm:
“…As long as she is below the average of the 6 billion or so of us in energy usage then she can hold the moral high ground I reckon…”
How is vigorously trying to deny 80% of the world population access to cheap reliable energy, holding the high moral ground?

Bill Illis
October 7, 2010 5:40 pm

Everyone who knows anything about blueberries and the environment is that you have to hand-pick your own blueberries in the wild. Then you need to hand-clean and wash them. And they taste 10 times better than the ones you buy in the store.
How many environmentalists have their own garden? None, of course. How many have picked wild blueberries? None, of course.
We all know what Franny has to do now …
…. She has to give up blueberries for 10:10 (unless she picks them herself).
And that is the least we can expect (from someone who thinks it might be okay someday to blow people up).

October 7, 2010 5:41 pm

7 Oct: Camden News Journal: JAMIE WELHAM: It’s just too explosive! School eco film is scrapped
Camden School for Girls in Sandall Road would not comment on whether it was happy with the finished product, commissioned by environmental group 10:10, which was pulled this week following a furore over the graphic scenes…
The three-minute film, entitled No Pressure, was dubbed “enviro-snuff” by disgusted critics and questions are now being asked over the school’s ­judgment in letting it go ahead.
Tom Bugeja, a teacher at the ­children’s charity Kids Company based in Camden Town, said: “I think it’s a bit embarrassing for the school to be associated with this. They’ve ­ended up looking pretty stupid.”
Similar scenes were filmed at the school in September ­featuring ex-Spurs footballer David Ginola and X-files star Gillian Anderson being blown up for expressing mock ambivalence to ­carbon emissions.
Sixth-form pupil Conrad Landin defended the school’s stance. The 17-year-old said: “It was clearly well intentioned but I think there is a danger with a younger audience, that they might not understand. As far as the school is concerned, I think they agreed to it because they support the ­campaign.”..
Chairwoman of governors Penny Wild said she had not been told about the piece.
those in London who can contact Penny Wild, might like to inform her.
some Spurs fans have responded, but not management. u have to scroll the comments:
VitalSpursForum – For the fans, by the fans:
10/10 No Pressure…. post by lordjohnny
For those of you who tend to read newspapers back to front starting from the sports pages and don’t get past the adverts for bargain sheds, miracle trusses or revolutionary pile cream, Spurs has been involved in another cringe-worthy project, for which it should hang its head….
The powers that be at Tottenham might want to reconsider the wisdom of aligning the club’s name with this dubious and distasteful message….

October 7, 2010 5:44 pm

Gosh, a whole post dedicated to nothing but an attack on someone. How repellent. Besides being a simple bully, you must be very ignorant if you think that importing fruit is a significant source of CO2. It is trivial. If she drove to the supermarket to buy the fruit, that would release more CO2.

David L
October 7, 2010 5:49 pm

This is typical of the greenie weenies. They are not interested in reducing their carbon footprint. They want to have their guilty pleasures. They are just interested in everyone else giving up their guilty pleasures. How big is AlGores electric bill every month?

October 7, 2010 5:56 pm

Well, I am not flying to Spain for a picnic. Nor am I going to keep my house at 92 degrees all winter. There! Glad I got that CO2 saving crap over with, same justifications as herself.
Beat those savings, 10:10’ers!
Now, where’s my free money?

October 7, 2010 6:07 pm

Stevo says:
“….you must be very ignorant if you think that importing fruit is a significant source of CO2. It is trivial.”
Then will warmists please stop banging on about it then.

John Q Public
October 7, 2010 6:08 pm

Franny’s other guilty pleasure: getting satisfaction from telling other people how to live their lives and wagging her bony finger at them in horror.
You tell them Fanny. You know what’s best for us all.

John from New Zealand.
October 7, 2010 6:11 pm

Another gruesome environmental ad – child strangling slowly. How sick can these people get?

Robert of Ottawa
October 7, 2010 6:13 pm

I can understand her not flying anywhere, even to Ruislip, to launch her new movie. Her best bet is to adopt Islam and walk around with a burqa on her head so no-one will recognize her. Silly bint.

October 7, 2010 6:15 pm

Followed the link to your LED light change article. I fully agree with your sentiment expressed there, however:-
My house has 300 plus 50 watt potlights, cost to convert all to LED based on local Home depot pricing for Phillips LED GU10 of $50 Cdn replacement would be in the order of $15,000.
Typically 20 of the lights would be on at any one time after sunset for an average of 6 hours a day. Annual actual lighting power demand is therefore 6x20x50x365 approx = 2.2MWh In my part of the world one can assume approximately 1 metric tonne of CO2 emission per MWh including transmission loss. Assuming a 3 year payback, conservative in todays fragile economic times, and inoring any power savings which are lost in the decimal places this means I would be paying close to $2,300 per tonne of CO2 avoided.
Neeedless to say I am stockpiling GU10 incandescent bulbs at a cost of less than $1 each, based on my current age, actuarial tables and genes I can expect to live max 30 years more. Assuming I replace my incandescent light bulbs after 1500 hours, conservative based on experience I can reasonably expect to consume in the order of 30 bulbs per year. On a constant $ basis a future lifetime expenditure of $900. On a precautionary basis I would rather put the nominal $14,000 savings in a trust fund for my grandchildren.

October 7, 2010 6:15 pm

I feel sorry for Frannie. She needs help. She looks young, ignorant and gullible enough to have been completely fooled by the man-made global warming propaganda.
I feel sure that in the proper environment and with a fair education system she would never have grown up to believe in such nonsense.
What a shame. Poor misguided girl.

October 7, 2010 6:19 pm

Bad taste! The cultivated blueberry has a pretty feeble flavour when compared to our native bilberry/blaeberry. But to taste the latter she’d need to venture – gasp! – outdoors, onto moorland or woodland edge in, for instance, – second gasp! – Yorkshire or Scotland. Better that she stick to Tesco, eh? Can’t have her cavorting in the, you know, environment.

Robert of Ottawa
October 7, 2010 6:19 pm

The traditional definition of a Puritan is: Someone who loses sleep at night worrying that someone, somewhere, is enjoying themselves.
The post-modern versions is: Someone who loses sleep at night worrying that someone, somewhere, is doing something without a permit.

Gary Hladik
October 7, 2010 6:23 pm

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

October 7, 2010 6:25 pm

meemoe_uk (5:16 pm) says: “What is the carbon cost exactly of getting a pair of jeans from china to the UK, and compared to other stuff?”
Answer: Zero
The actual definition of cost refers to “lost opportunity” – i.e. the cost is what you cannot do as a result. Since there is no empirical evidence that CO2 causes any damage, there is no lost opportunity. Therefore, no cost, in terms of CO2.

Robert of Ottawa
October 7, 2010 6:30 pm

It is the likes of Franny who say we must eat within 100 miles; that importing expensive food via airplanes is destroying the planet, and therefore evil – except for her chosen fruits, of course.
This post is not an attack upon one woman; it is an attack upon a whole class of greenie apparatchiks.
PS The best time to buy scallops in Ottawa is Tuesday, as they are flown in from the Maritimes on Monday. (Which is the equivelant to crossing Europe)

October 7, 2010 6:35 pm

Last one escaped before I had finished, the lesser capital expenditure would be to replace with LED lights on an as needed basis, which would still work out to be in excess of $200 per tonne of avoided CO2 on a simple payback basis.

October 7, 2010 6:40 pm

After reading a post on Bishop Hill, I warmed to the idea of 1010.
Not the 10:10 position, of course, that’s just Plane Stupid!
It was the suggestion made that atmospheric concentrations of CO2 would be most beneficial to the planetary biomass at a level of 1010ppm.
Reminds me, wrinkly male that I am, of the halcyon days of CB radio when a cheery “10-10 Good Buddy” lifted ones spirit.
Question. Does CB stand for Citizens Band, Carbon Bust, Carbon Boom or something else?
Time is running out for the definitive answer to that question. Once the weekend is over, the 10:10 adventure will have passed its sell by date.
10-10 founder Franny has got to come up with a name for a new initiative
that will stand the test of time but still take forward the good-will and noble aspirations of her original brainwave.
Maybe “10:10:O2”, “Sony of 10:10” or even “First Curtis is the Deepest”
I thought about suggesting “13:13” but something about it doesn’t seem right. I’ll sleep on it, Franny, and once I’ve got over my recurrent rhyming couplet involving your nickname, I’ll get back to you with my analysis.
Best Wishes

October 7, 2010 6:42 pm

Stevo says:
October 7, 2010 at 5:44 pm
If she drove to the supermarket to buy the fruit, that would release more CO2.

Do you think she has them shipped directly to her house?

October 7, 2010 6:55 pm

Well, old Eugenie, Franny, Daniel, Lizzie and the whole 10:10 team are really not worthy targets . . . . . they are intellectually just the foot soldiers. The generals / admirals are elsewhere. Save your energy for the generals / admirals.
With the middle-of-the-roaders in the AGW campaign fighting a soft fuzzy wuzzy rear guard action in behalf of the retreating intelligentsia of the AGW leadership, I recommend you need to save your energy.

October 7, 2010 6:55 pm

One also wonders how much energy is used in the entire process of film making … me thinks the creation of propaganda doesn’t come cheap!

October 7, 2010 6:59 pm

Stevo – the real dangers for 10:10 and Franny are their own words and works. No pressure.

October 7, 2010 7:00 pm

Curiousgeorge says:
October 7, 2010 at 5:07 pm
Ahhhh! But what does she do with those blueberries? Hmmmmm?
Good question! Is that why they call you curious George?

October 7, 2010 7:05 pm

I’ll bet she’s got other ‘guilty pleasures’! But the blueberries are all she’ll admit to.
Most phony leftist hypocrites are usually guilty of exactly what they accuse their enemies of doing!

October 7, 2010 7:09 pm

Isn’t this why canning was invented? In the winter, I eat frozen or canned vegetables and fruit. Must not be good enough for Franny.

October 7, 2010 7:12 pm

Anthony- I’m shocked that you would be so vindictive against someone who is trying to incite people to kill you. For shame.

Richard Sharpe
October 7, 2010 7:38 pm
Robert of Ottawa
October 7, 2010 7:41 pm

John Whitman said something on October 7, 2010 at 6:55 pm to which I reply:
With ideological enemies, there are several options:
1. Attack and destroy – always good advice.
2. Leave them to hang themselves – in a suburban propaganda war only, good advice.
3. Meet their arguments with yours – not a successful strategy when the opponents control the megaphones or are just plain irrational.
4. All of the above. This is an ideological war; one side is reason, the other is charlatanism, but the weight of forces are currently against reason.
It is important that reason win this war, because there is another even-more irrational enemy resurgent, that of Islam. We cannot face that enemy without security in the intellectual rear, that of our successful Western cicilization.

October 7, 2010 7:47 pm

Since the good people at 10:10 are convincing so many others to reduce their emissions, shouldn’t they be able to cheat a little and eat their off-season blueberries and drink their bottled water, etc.? A type of offset: get two people to pledge to reduce emissions and you don’t have to.

October 7, 2010 7:50 pm

That’s it – my 10:10 plan: I’m not going to fly to England for strawberries and cream. Does that mean I’m safe from her Red Button? Is it a problem that I had no plans to fly to England?

Patrick Davis
October 7, 2010 7:55 pm

“David L says:
October 7, 2010 at 5:49 pm
How big is AlGores electric bill every month?”
Doesn’t matter. He’ll offset it to the rest of us carbon tax paying drones.
“STS says:
October 7, 2010 at 6:55 pm
One also wonders how much energy is used in the entire process of film making … me thinks the creation of propaganda doesn’t come cheap!”
In one of the clips Franny says that she added up all the energy use, car\taxi rides and air trips etc and summed up that total C02 emissions were 90 tonnes. Seems a bit on the low side IMO.

Wondering Aloud
October 7, 2010 8:01 pm

She knows exactly how she gets them. she probably insists they are organic and everything. Like all elitests she wants us all to do as she says not as she does.

Justa Joe
October 7, 2010 8:12 pm

“…If she drove to the supermarket to buy the fruit, that would release more CO2.”
Even if your claim was true, which I doubt (I actually couldn’t care less. One person’s infinitesimal CO2 emissions are meaningless even if CO2 was harmful) do you think Ms. Frannie always walks to the store?
Ms. Frannie appears to have a problem with McDonalds’ fast food, and enetrtains notions of sabotaging McDonalds’ property.

Oliver Ramsay
October 7, 2010 8:31 pm

It gives me great pleasure to be able to spring to the defence of the charming Franny what’shername.
You are maligning her, people!
She didn’t say “FRESH bluberries”.
In my errant youth, I canned 75 quarts a year of wild blueberries. Unlike many other fruits and veggies, blueberries don’t suffer much through preserving.
Her guilt is about the electricity to keep the berries frozen, not the aviation fuel to keep them circling over Heathrow for twenty minutes.
Her blueberries are probably grown in Yorkshire and cleaned by hand by pre-pubescent ‘No Pressure’ extras.

October 7, 2010 9:08 pm

Don’t let’s be beastly to the greenies.
(With apologies to Noel Coward.)

October 7, 2010 9:30 pm

Stevo says:
October 7, 2010 at 5:44
you must be very ignorant if you think that importing fruit is a significant source of CO2. It is trivial. If she drove to the supermarket to buy the fruit, that would release more CO2.
Apparently she eats them by the truck load.

October 7, 2010 10:14 pm

I suppose “off season” means “frozen”? Here in Norway such berries grow everywhere. We pick them in late summer and put them in the freezer. You can get them in the shop as well, usually frozen.

October 7, 2010 10:34 pm

“UPDATE: 8:05 PM PST 10/7/10 I was informed by email of some silliness. For the record, somebody who obviously didn’t like this story has signed up my name as a “supporter” at the 10:10 website, here:
along with Christopher Monckton, and James Dellingpole.”
I am confused by the “People on board” counter and the “Recent Signups” list on this page:
When I refresh the page occasionally, the “People on board” counter number seems to go up, but the “Recent Signups” names don’t seem to change much. Since Anthony’s update above there have been 16 new “People on board”, but only two new names have been added to the top of the “Recent Signup” list. I wonder why…

Olaf Koenders
October 7, 2010 10:44 pm

She could do better. Our ex Prime Minister Kevin Rudd took 114 people to Jokenhagen with him, including his hairdresser! All in the supposed name of reducing footprints eh? Yup.. hypocrites..

October 7, 2010 10:53 pm

Blimey – I just took a look at the 10:10 website, and Just the Facts is in great company – recent signups include Monckton, the Pole, and our own dear Anthony! Now it’s the wee small hours of the UK morning – what’s the betting they make it past Franny or Eugenica’s first cup of Fair Trade coffee?

October 7, 2010 11:17 pm

Franny Unræd, (meaning bad-counsel), otherwise (another pun) Æthelred the Unready.
Sorry, but English history courses through my veins, thankfully not windmill vanes!
Armstrong read zoology at University College, London and her thesis was “Is the human species suicidal?”
On 2 November 2009, Armstrong was threatened in the streets of north London by three girls whom she described as looking “like something straight out of central casting”. They pushed her against a car and pulled out an iron bar. She cried for help and was rescued by Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, who was cycling by. He chased off the attackers and then insisted on escorting Armstrong home. During this 20-minute journey, she suggested that he adopt the 10:10 policy for the tube and that he pedestrianise Camden Town. He replied that he wanted to pedestrianise areas across London.
Hell’s teeth, Boris Johnson has much to answer for.

Patrick Davis
October 7, 2010 11:35 pm

“Perry says:
October 7, 2010 at 11:17 pm ”
That, almost, reads like Boris was setup.

David Waring
October 7, 2010 11:39 pm

From her wikipedia page it would seem that she has very quickly reverted to type after the exploding kids debacle :
“We ‘killed’ five people to make No Pressure – a mere blip compared to the 300,000 real people who now die each year from climate change,”
Insincerity, they name is Franny Armstrong.

October 8, 2010 12:16 am

Franny’s twitter update about the 10:10 film…..
“Oh oh oh oh oh just seen final version of #1010’s explosive mini movie oh oh oh oh oh oh gulp yeah oh oh eek oh…..”
hmmm. Looks like she was a bit concerned to me.

October 8, 2010 12:23 am

a mere blip compared to the 300,000 real people who now die each year from climate change

The sad thing is that it sounds as if she actually believes that. Climate ALWAYS changes. It is NEVER stable and there is no way to make it stable. So if climate always changes and people are dying from climate change, then it means that people are always dying, which we already know.
But I guess what I don’t get is why she doesn’t understand that many millions more people would die from a 2 degree cooling than from a 2 degree warming. And not only would people die but entire plant species would disappear from the ranges where they currently live.
We are currently about 2 degrees cooler than we were during the warmest period of the Holocene. Sea levels are about 2 meters lower now than they were at that time. While we have had periods of warming and cooling, the general trend for the past 2000 years has been one of cooling. Warm periods tend not to get quite as warm as the previous warm period and cold periods tend to get a little colder than the previous one. The Little Ice Age was the coldest period since the Younger Dryas and that covers pretty much the entire Holocene. Let me state that again, the recent Little Ice Age was the coldest period we have seen in about 13,000 years and we have still not recovered to what the temperatures were before that period. It would appear that we have recovered to about all we are going to as the 1998 peak was lower than the 1933 peak and the 2010 peak was lower than the 1998 peak and indications are that we have a cold stretch coming ahead of us.
She actually believes that things WE are doing are impacting climate enough to kill 300,000 people. She probably believe switching in a curly lightbulb will impact her local climate in some measurable way. The greatest consumer of the very energy sources she hates most and the one whose consumption is increasing most rapidly is a country that is exempt from all international treaties regulating the emissions resulting from that consumption (China). They add a coal power plant every week or two. They are exempt from Kyoto and all other agreements. Does she believe that is an accident?
If the entire British Isles were sterilized and all human life scrubbed from the surface of the earth there, it would not make even the tiniest bit of difference. China’s emissions will increase enough in 18 months to replace all that the UK produces today. She has no sense of scale. She can work all she wants to have emissions reduced 10% or 20% or 50%, it won’t make a damned bit of difference.
She is what amounts to a religious fundamentalist and her religion is “climate change”. She just “believes” and she can not see that it is really a futile exercise. But I am sure she can recite her scripture chapter and verse.

October 8, 2010 12:24 am

Patrick Davis says: October 7, 2010 at 11:35 pm
“Perry says: October 7, 2010 at 11:17 pm ”
That, almost, reads like Boris was setup.

My thoughts exactly.

October 8, 2010 12:25 am

Another foot shot by a greenie group.
Sea Shepherd accused by former skipper of sinking protest boat
Ady Gil deliberately scuttled after collision with whaling ship, says Peter Bethune in public feud with group’s founder

October 8, 2010 12:29 am

When I see the “greenies” protesting in a public square in Beijing, maybe then I will believe they are serious and really believe in what they say.

October 8, 2010 12:30 am

Perhaps the blueberries deserve credit for inspiring Splattergate. Imagine the scene (h/t Calvin and Hobbes) where Frannie is making up her favourite smoothie while thinking of what to do with all these naughty denialists. In they go to the food processor – what’s to be done with them? In goes the banana – aren’t those Miliband boys nice, and so understanding of negative feedback! She ponders the bright shiny red Go button – just like the Red Noses for Comic Relief, there has to be an angle here somewhere. she presses the button. Splat! Eureka!!

October 8, 2010 12:37 am

Come on folks, give her a break. We may not agree with her policies and belief, but her honesty is refreshing in an area of double speak and confusion. Importing fruit and veg from other countries a lot of the time makes no difference to climate change goals as the spare aircraft capacity is used which ensures aircraft do not fly empty. Her subtle dig at amount of high profile climate change activists who fly around the world to spread their message is well made. It looks like this person not only talks the talk, but largely walks the walk. I do wonder though if she like many career climate activists I have met is a trustifarian? There does seem to be a remarkably high number of these fortunate people involved in such activities.

October 8, 2010 12:39 am

Desert Yote: While I know where the saying came from, in this case the word “useful” is redundant.

Christopher Hanley
October 8, 2010 12:45 am

We all have our little guilty pleasures.
Here’s warmist extraordinaire Tim Flannery discussing all things sustainable kitchen-wise with Australian cookbook doyen Margaret Fulton over a bottle of San Pellegrino (bottled in Italy – it contains uranium).,0.jpg

David, UK
October 8, 2010 12:49 am

RE the off-season blueberries and the maintenance of blatantly false supporter names: Just more evidence that Greenies are cretins.

October 8, 2010 12:55 am

If even greens can’t give up non-essentials, how can they expect the rest of us to give up essentials?
How can anybody take AGW seriously when even its most vocal promoters can’t take it seriously???
I’m not bothered about hypocrisy, as lots of people make mistakes. But the evidence is that greens don’t take AGW seriously. If in your heart of hearts you really believed that airfreight was actually killing polar bears, how could you eat the stuff?
No, they love the power and the glamour and the publicity and the fuzzy feeling of being important. That’s OK, everybody loves that. It is just that we hope that most people get to feel important because they’re doing something actually useful for the world.

October 8, 2010 12:55 am

Franny’s 10:10 press manager previuosly worked on teenage girl’s magazines…….and fashion and gossip mags….
Job title: Press Manager
Actual job: Making sure as many people as possible know what a great job 10:10 and its supporters are doing.
“…..Jonathan started as a writer and sub editor of teenage magazines, interviewing everyone from Britney to Beyonce. In recent years he worked as assistant editor on New! magazine and news editor at Look, but has also written for magazines including Heat, OK!, Reveal, More! and Star. While he’s stepped away from the celebrity circus, he’s still hell-bent on getting Cheryl Cole to wear a 10:10 tag! Jonathan is married and lives in Herts with his wife, Emma, and son, Alex.”
He’s interviewed Britney and Beyonce…!!!!!
Al Gore next…………

October 8, 2010 1:07 am

Gareth Phillips says:
October 8, 2010 at 12:37 am
Come on folks, give her a break. We may not agree with her policies and belief, but her honesty is refreshing in an area of double speak and confusion. Importing fruit and veg from other countries a lot of the time makes no difference to climate change goals as the spare aircraft capacity is used which ensures aircraft do not fly empty. Her subtle dig at amount of high profile climate change activists who fly around the world to spread their message is well made.

If her “honesty” is refreshing, then why do you try to sweep it under the carpet by claiming that air freight fruit makes no difference? Franny seems to think it makes a difference, otherwise she wouldn’t call it “guilty”. Do I get to fly guilt-free because the flight would have flown anyway? Various environmental organisations are talking about stripping anything sent by air freight of its label “organic”, because consumers think that organic means better for the environment. Oh but Franny’s blueberries are the special heavenly kind that don’t weigh anything and don’t emit CO2.
As for her subtle dig, those who don’t agree with AGW and the call to stop flying, have been saying that for years. She could only make the point “well” if she actually stopped flying. Everyone else has already made the point.
I’m sure Franny is a very nice person. But I don’t think she’s thought this all through.

Christopher Hanley
October 8, 2010 1:12 am

(I should add to my previous post that the uranium is in minute amounts and is regarded as well within health guidelines).

Richard Collins
October 8, 2010 1:14 am

I tried signing up as Torquemada, but they told me that he’s already onboard

UK Sceptic
October 8, 2010 1:15 am

Well Franny, you saw your own nasty little emission cut off within hours of hitting the web. How’s that “no pressure” thing working out for you right now?

Ian E
October 8, 2010 1:23 am

My guilty pleasure? I actually like the light from low-energy fluorescent bulbs! [In most other respects, I’m pretty normal].

October 8, 2010 1:35 am

It is a legal requirement under the data protection act that all data recorded is accurate and used appropriately – so you have a resource if you want your name removed from their web-site;

October 8, 2010 1:36 am

I prefer Sainsbury’s to Tesco.
When I stopped by the 10:10 site a few days ago, some rather rude an improbable names were listed. The 10:10 signup list must be a favorite graffiti wall, raising the question of how many of their 94,983 joiners are valid people.

October 8, 2010 1:50 am

As a huge blueberry fan – I mean a huge fan of blueberries, not a fan of huge blueberries, most of the berries sold in the UK are flown in from Poland. You can buy organic blueberries here (in Tesco), but they only last a couple of days or so in the fridge before mould takes over. In order to prevent this, here’s a tip: put your berries in hot water (not boiling, around 70 degrees) for 30 seconds or so and then dry them on paper towels. Once dry, put them back into the fridge. They’ll last for a fortnight.

October 8, 2010 1:51 am

After reading that bio I immediately began thinking that her Best/Worst 10:10 moment, certainly the suicidal airing of ‘No Pressure’, has in fact become my own Guilty Pleasure from watching the 10:10 campaign self-destruct.
I’ll tell you something else, Franny and the rest of her cabal had better pray (heh heh) that their new found climate allies Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, do not choose to use the date of 10/10 to explode more people/planes/trains/buildings. They certainly have an affinity for memorable dates (9/11 and 7/7) and are not averse to exploitation of current events.
Considering that presently there is attack chatter in the air and threat warnings in Europe, should something happen two days from now (currently 10/8), well, Franny and company will find yet a new Guilty Pleasure, this one including Swat Teams, confiscated computers, and cavity searches.
Such are the perils of spectacular publicity stunts and using seemingly clever easy to remember organizational names.
But hey, NO PRESSURE Franny. 😉
P.S. This stuff justs writes itself.

October 8, 2010 1:58 am

Franny is a big fake.
She describes herself, in breathless biographies in the Guardian etc, as an “ex rock drummer turned self-taught film maker.
In fact she’s a second generation, upper middle class, activist media brat.
Her Daddy, Peter Armstrong , was a senior documentary maker for 20 years at the BBC (where else!) until he bought out the multimedia technology he had developed there and floated “The Multimedia Corporation” on the junior stock market – it later bombed in the dot-com crash. He now runs his own international activist organisation
Daddy worked with her for 10 years on her first film “McLibel” – – about the two hippies who were sued for telling lies about Macdonalds. (British left wing media types HATE Macdonalds because their food is enjoyed by the people they most despise – Americans and common people).
She still runs a website providing anti-Macdonalds propaganda to activists.
Her step mum is also an activist film maker and Mummy and Daddy still work with her at her film company –
“Greenery” is just her latest vehicle for self promotion.

October 8, 2010 2:01 am

Stevo says:
Gosh, a whole post dedicated to nothing but an attack on someone. How repellent. Besides being a simple bully, you must be very ignorant if you think that importing fruit is a significant source of CO2. It is trivial.

OK, thanks, I’ll no longer feel guilty for any fruit I buy from abroad. Thanks. (And I can just ignore the Soil Association: “Aircraft emissions produce far more greenhouse gases per ‘food mile’ than any other form of transport. Although less than 1% of imported food is air freighted, it contributes 11% of the carbon emissions from UK food distribution.”)
Actually the Soil Association thinks that the benefit in trade to Third World countries is worth the CO2 emissions. Funny that, given that the world is overpopulated and so a bit of trade here and there shouldn’t matter much, when the catastrophic 2C is on the horizon.
As usual, greens get to rewrite the rules whenever they like, whilst accusing everyone else of being selfish deniers.
The environment is complex. The greens want to claim the certainty (95%) of man made climate change, and dangerous tipping points that we will probably hit if we don’t make big reductions in consumption/emissions — they want to maintain that al this is virtually a fact, but they can’t decide whether flying a bit of this or that is a net benefit or a net detriment, whether biofuels are good or not, whether the population should be halted or not, and all sorts of vague issues, simply because nobody understands this stuff. But they want to claim moral and scientific certainty over the rest of us, and accuse the rest who don’t agree as being “deniers”.
Franny’s blueberries and helicopter rides to shoot scenes, are just a reflection of the overall contradictions and ignorance in the wider green movement.
I’ve got nothing against Franny personally. The movement as a whole displays a lot of ignorance. Franny can’t help it because she is in that culture and the culture makes them see stuff the way they do, ie. contradicted, lacking knowledge, whilst pretending to have the answers, and pretending to be certain.

Richard Tol
October 8, 2010 2:13 am

I signed up to the 10:10 campaign, just to check whether there is an option to sign off again. There is not.
Then I signed up again (with another address), just to check whether there is a mechanism to remove duplicate names. There is not.
Their claim of 100,000 supporters is a bit of an exaggeration.
I wonder, has Michael Crichton signed up yet?

Richard Tol
October 8, 2010 2:24 am

Guess what? Michael Crichton did just sign up, as did Elvis!

Cold Englishman
October 8, 2010 2:27 am

No blueberries in England – nonsense! We call ’em Whinberries here in Shropshire, and you can pick ’em free.
Article in Independant :-
The Stiperstones Inn buys up most of the crop that is now harvested. Landlord John Sproson reckons that, in a good year, an expert picker can make up to £2,000 in the season, which lasts until the second week of September. But now the pickers are mainly pensioners, using a variety of methods. “Some pick clean, one berry at a time,” said John Sproson. “Others use a comb, and then a hairdryer with an attachment to get rid of the twigs and leaves.

Shropshire, England’s best kept secret. If Franny and her “oh so superior friends” got out a bit, they’d learn a little about their own countryside.
And as for their web manager, yesterday I pointed out that he wasn’t too clever, leaving pages up with “Access denied”, but still available (twit), but now he allows people to sign in strangers with no checks. It is a very silly and juvenile site, but allowing Moncton’s name to be loaded::: now that’s one name I wouldn’t take in vain, all hell is about to break over this site, and a good thing too.

October 8, 2010 2:41 am

From a Guardian article about her on September 1, 2009, one can see how delusional and deluded the woman is.
She’s obviously never stopped to give herself a reality check:
“Where did Armstrong’s climate-change obsession come from? “I must have been 14,” she says, “and I remember my teacher telling us about something called the greenhouse effect and that in a century’s time the planet may not be able to sustain life. I thought, oooh, that sounds quite a big deal.”
“I just believe if you’re not fighting against climate change and you’re not doing a job – like a teacher or a doctor – that is about improving the world, then you’re wasting your life. ”
This explains Splattergate. Teachers are important for indoctrination. Those who do not buy into warmist propaganda are “wasting their life”, so they can be liquidated to prevent any more carbons emissions from their useless lives. They are ‘useless mouths’. At least, try to get that suggestion into people’s minds.

October 8, 2010 3:00 am

I see that Nessie of Loch Ness has joined the campaign, and thrown her support behind 10:10. Excellent news!

October 8, 2010 3:10 am

This Franny-and-Splattergate-bashing is going a bit too far now, donch’ya think? The point’s been made; we get it. Time to get back to business.
The biggest fear 10:10 have is silence.

Cold Englishman
October 8, 2010 3:10 am

It’s 11.00 hrs in Uk this morning, and this page:-
is still up. Recent signups include Nessie of Loch Ness, Elvis Presley, Michael Chrichton, and would you believe West Dorset District Council. Well, it’s all good knock about fun isn’t it?
But you have to ask yourself, did Sony actually look at the Team Photo at the top of the page, and then still they decided to give them money. This is a big solid company like Sony, who make zillions of high quality products – they put their good name in the hands of these kids, all wet behind the ears. They must have been absolutely bloody mad.

Cassandra King
October 8, 2010 3:26 am

Franny claims:
“a mere blip compared to the 300,000 real people who now die each year from climate change”.
This statement portrays perfectly why these people must never be allowed near the levers of real power.
The invention of the supposed ‘crimes’ of you enemies is nothing new, documented as long ago as the Persian wars of conquest begun by Cyrus. A fanatic finds it all too easy to make up the most outrageous accusations against their enemies, the truth being a tool not a truth in itself. The bigger the lie the more people believe it.
The scary part is that the instigators of the lie will make themselves believe it to justify actions that no normal person would ever contemplate.
Franny is trying to justify her hatred and intolerance of others by inventing crimes that could never be proven.

Al Gore's Holy Hologram
October 8, 2010 3:33 am

Occupation : Asking powerful people for money…
That’s what pirates, kidnappers, robbers and hijackers do too.

October 8, 2010 3:36 am

Oh. My. God.
These 10:10 bios… I’ve never seen a more self-indulgent self-reinforcing up-their-own-backside bunch of right-on eco-egotists than are listed on these bios.
Save us from these nutters !

Ken Hall
October 8, 2010 3:43 am

““Where did Armstrong’s climate-change obsession come from? “I must have been 14,” she says, “and I remember my teacher telling us about something called the greenhouse effect and that in a century’s time the planet may not be able to sustain life. I thought, oooh, that sounds quite a big deal.””
I remember, (just) being at school in the latter stages of the cold war when S.A.L.T. talks were taking place and one lesson we had about multilateral vs. unilateral disarming.
Some girl of about 14 became nearly hysterical screaming that if we exploded a nuclear weapon near a fault line in the earth’s crust, that the earth could explode.
The last I heard, she became a Greenham Common protester against nuclear weapons.
I guess that some ignorant young women can become tripped by being exposed to these seriously scary scenarios at such a young and impressionable age.
Still, she has a significantly higher carbon footprint than I have, so she is a hypocrite.

Bob Layson
October 8, 2010 4:33 am

I think that concerns over flying are utterly groundless (ho, ho).
For those who believe otherwise, however, it need not be hypocrisy to fly around telling people not to go by air. Afterall, a librarian may need to shout ‘Silence’ to reduce the noise – although, momentarily, it is increased thereby.
The AGWA’s have to fly now so that far fewer things and people are flown in the future. Any hypocrisy is revealed by airmiles used for non-campaign purposes.

October 8, 2010 4:35 am

D Caldwell says:
October 7, 2010 at 4:06 pm
Typical for a “climate campaigner” to be clueless about her own direct and indirect CO2 footprint.
A well-to-do friend of mine has fully bought in to climate alarmism and is pressing me for silly measures at work to reduce our energy usage. Since she and her husband travel a lot in their private jet, I indicated that when she stops traveling, I will get to work on my office energy saving program. Her reply? “My travel has nothing to do with this.”
Where do you even start with these people?
Well you are definately for the Big Red Botton 😉

John McManua
October 8, 2010 4:45 am

10/10/10 is coming and I have plans.
My solar panels are charging the lawn tractor batteries today and I’ll use it to put wood in the basement for the winter. I won’t need any oil this winter.
The wind has been driving my turbine and I’ll use some of the free power to celibrate 10/10/10.
I won’t drive anywhere, but I only use a vehicle a few times a month anyway.
I might do a laundry in cold water and hang it out on the line.
Night falls early in Canada, so I’ll use my cfc and led bulbs to read.
In other words I’ll celibrate 10/10/10 by living the good life without the silly squandering of resources so prevalent .

October 8, 2010 4:50 am

Osama Bin Laden has signed up now – I think that gives us a feel for the quality of the 94K + concerned people.
The bios of all of th e10:10 staff suggests people who want to appear cool but don’t want to buy into their own ideas too far – I think that hypocrite is the word.
On the positive side – they all surely have a great future if they choose to go into politics!

October 8, 2010 4:51 am

Cassandra King@3:26,
Franny is not inventing anything, she really believes the numbers are real. Analysed rather nicely here:

David L.
October 8, 2010 4:55 am

I’ve noticed frequently on this blog that posters slip-in comments like “I don’t fly” or “My electricity usage is already low”, or “I eat canned vegetables in the winter” etc. I myself have a very low carbon footprint. I carpool every day, never use gasoline powered equipment to tend to my yard, burn wood for heat in the winter, and have a very low electric bill. I also try to eat local produce and rarely eat things out of season. I can my own jellies and vegetables I raise in my garden, I raise my own eggs, and make maple syrup in the spring. I also don’t believe in CAGW at all!!!! I don’t have a low carbon footprint because I think I’m saving the planet. I do it because I like saving money.
With other people’s comments here that lead me to believe they also probably have a low carbon footprint and also don’t believe in CAGW, I would like to somehow make a comparison. How can we compare the average carbon footprint of our most staunch skeptics against the carbon footprint of our most staunch Greenies? Or maybe compare the average skeptic to the average Greenie. I’ll bet the skeptics have an overall lower carbon footprint than the Greenies. And this is what fundamentally irks us about being lectured-to about reducing our carbon footprint. I guarantee my carbon footprint is a fraction of AlGore and probably these 10:10 folks as well.
This also makes sense in the context of psychological “projection” mentioned somewhere above. People hate in others that which they hate most in themselves. The Greenies know deep down inside they are ruining the planet (according to their CAGW philosophy). They also don’t want to really change their lifestyle. This causes psychological conflict. To create an offset for themselves, they threaten others to live the lifestyle they think they themselves should be living, thus displacing their own guilt.
I have no guilt about my lifestyle. I also don’t preach to others that they should live like me. My neighbors drive Hummers and keep their 6000 sqft homes at 90F all winter by burning oil. Their heating oil bill is $1200 per month. Mine is $400 per year. But this doesn’t bother me at all. I don’t see their lifestyle as ruining the planet. Live and let live.

October 8, 2010 4:59 am

Osama bin Laden has now joined 10:10 and is on the list, and Adolf has made a return but is waiting to join the list. No validation of any sort, muppets !!!

October 8, 2010 5:02 am

The biggest ‘blooper’ in this bio is the statement:
“asking rich people for money/ and or emission cuts”
In other words, the business of cutting emissions is incidental – just give us the money to assuage your guilt.
They used to call these ‘indulgencies’.

October 8, 2010 5:08 am

When first scanning the post I had a mental image of the scene from the movie “The Caine Mutiny” where Humphrey Bogart as the captain was being cross examined about the mutiny.
His classic line was “It was the strawberries . . .”
I now see old Franny at her desk saying “It was the blueberries . . .”
Chuckle, woooo wheeee

October 8, 2010 5:26 am

Trying to pick on her for a very human like for blueberries is just petty. She’s human, has a sense of humour and self-deprecation – good for her! Really, I was disappointed to see this article on WUWT.
The job description “asking rich people for money/ and or emission cuts” – now that would have been something to fuss about. It is the real indicator of the self-serving greenie attitude: “Buy your indulgences here. A coin in the coffer rings, a soul from purgatory springs.”

David A. Evans
October 8, 2010 5:42 am

Well for 10:10, I’d like to cut down a few hectares of Indonesian rainforest to grow palm for biofuel.
I’d be forced to kill a few orang-utans of course as they keep eating the palms but that’s an acceptable trade-off to save the planet
Has another Foamy moment.

David L.
October 8, 2010 5:43 am

John Whitman says:
October 8, 2010 at 5:08 am
When first scanning the post I had a mental image of the scene from the movie “The Caine Mutiny” where Humphrey Bogart as the captain was being cross examined about the mutiny.
His classic line was “It was the strawberries . . .”
I now see old Franny at her desk saying “It was the blueberries . . .”
That’s excellent!!!

David A. Evans
October 8, 2010 5:44 am

Oh, forgot to mention.
At 13:23 UK time, Lord Christopher Monckton was still on the joiners list 😉

October 8, 2010 5:57 am

So essentially until Franny’s, overly gas guzzling delivery, of off-season blue berries stop coming due to horrible petrifying godly terrifying death by a sizzling scorching 9 degrees centigrade of extremely warm weather we don’t really need to worry.
The blue berries are our canaries.

John McManus
October 8, 2010 6:06 am

Here in Oxford , Nova Scotia, Canada they grow a lot of blueberries. In fact a wild blueberry plain surrounds 3 sides of our house. The berries are processed at Oxford Frozen Foods who operate a large freezing plant.
Prices fell this year because much of last years production has not been sold. High bush ( not wild but plantable) blueberries have been cultivated in Europe and are producing enough to cut into Nova Scotia’s market.
Maybe the blueberries in question are European, frozen ( the freeze well) for the off season. They could have a smaller carbon footprint than North or South American berries.
Hard to believe that a web search would mention only S. America.

David A. Evans
October 8, 2010 6:09 am

Anyone wondering about the Foamy moment

Or if the link doesn’t make it past moderation…
search for Foamy the squirrel going green on YouTube.

October 8, 2010 6:12 am

” John McManua says:
October 8, 2010 at 4:45 am
10/10/10 is coming and I have plans.
My solar panels are charging the lawn tractor batteries today and I’ll use it to put wood in the basement for the winter. I won’t need any oil this winter.”
Very commendable John.
Tell me – where do you get a battery powered lawn tractor that cuts wood?
I’ve got a big garden and I buy lot of power kit for it – but I’ve never heard of such a machine.
Are you sure you aren’t making this up?

October 8, 2010 6:17 am

I think it’s time to cut the overt Franny-bashing and go subversive. Everybody’s got the first-order message by now, and as someone said, the thing these people fear most is silence. Time, then, to go second-order. How about a sceptics’ lapel button – just red, no text – cheap, post-modern, -ish. Anyone out there in the novelty game?

Vince Causey
October 8, 2010 6:29 am

Well, you see, it’s ok because she confesses this as a ‘guilty secret.’ As long as you confess the sin you will be absolved. You can see the similarities to the Catholic Church.
It’s interesting to speculate the phrase ‘give you the red button,’ will eventually replace ‘giving the finger.’ The updated version of that scene in Matrix when Mr Anderson is hauled before agent Smith, might read:
Mr Anderson: “How about I give you the red button and you give me my phone call!”

October 8, 2010 6:35 am

JohnH says:
A well-to-do friend of mine has fully bought in to climate alarmism and is pressing me for silly measures at work to reduce our energy usage. Since she and her husband travel a lot in their private jet, I indicated that when she stops traveling, I will get to work on my office energy saving program. Her reply? “My travel has nothing to do with this.”
Where do you even start with these people?

What….??? That’s ridiculous.
People wonder about the psychology of all this. I wonder if it has something to do with the notion that the world is getting more populated, not just with people but with more educated people, there will be more competition, and those who currently feel are higher up want to retain their status by convincing the rest, particularly the 2nd world, to downshift their lifestyle, you know, for the planet.
Doesn’t the future just belong to whichever nation innovates the next great technical advance, creating real wealth? Will it be bioengineers in Malaysia, perhaps? Or China developing Africa, maybe?
My private jet has nothing to do with it…. “it” being the masses of new consumers and powerhouses of tomorrow… perhaps?

October 8, 2010 6:43 am

One of the best ways to encourage wild blueberries to grow is to burn off a marshy or swampy area or some “scrub” forest. This technique was widely used in the pioneers days and continues to be used in some parts of Canada. Sadly, it has become increasingly difficult to obtain these permits due to the “Bambi Factor”.
One factor that will please Blueberry lovers is that as the the world gets warmer due to Climate Disruption, Global Warming and Massive CO2 injection… The number of “unnatural” forest fires is increasing — this of course opens up new areas for growing blueberries — which increases the pleasure and numbers of 101:10 supporters — clearly!
I intend to write a scholarly paper showing that a decrease in the numbers of blueberry lovers would increase global cooling. For this purpose we will use “BlueButtons (C) — takers anyone?
…or maybe we should encourage the lightening and just enjoy the blueberries.

October 8, 2010 7:06 am

…yet Franny can have her off season jet set blueberries. No pressure to eliminate that. I guess Franny never stopped to think how “not in season blueberries” get to her local shop.
No surprise that she is a shallow, mindless hypocrite. Pretty much like every other eco-fascist.

October 8, 2010 7:10 am

Foxgoose says:
October 8, 2010 at 6:12 am
” John McManua says:
October 8, 2010 at 4:45 am
10/10/10 is coming and I have plans.
My solar panels are charging the lawn tractor batteries today and I’ll use it to put wood in the basement for the winter. I won’t need any oil this winter.”
Very commendable John.
Tell me – where do you get a battery powered lawn tractor that cuts wood?
I’ve got a big garden and I buy lot of power kit for it – but I’ve never heard of such a machine.
Are you sure you aren’t making this up?
I read this as he already has the wood cut but needs to move it using a trailer attached to his lawn tractor.

Richard Tol
October 8, 2010 7:20 am
October 8, 2010 7:21 am

I can recommend canned blueberry. Saves a lot of air miles. Available year-round.

October 8, 2010 7:24 am

Oh, BTW, keep one or two of your carbon-wasting ways til the 10:10 commando knocks at your door. They will ask you to reduce your consumption by 10% (or else…) so you better make sure you have some slack you can drop…

Cassandra King
October 8, 2010 7:37 am

It seems that far from Franny being an ordinary ‘man(person) of the people’ self taught having struggled up the hard way etc etc, it turns out that Franny has had quite the privileged upper middle class upbringing with all the breaks and assistance that entails.
Far from being a “self taught film maker” she had all the help in the world from her daddy, an ex BBC documentary maker and dotcom profiteer.
Hat tip to the wonderful EUREFERENDUM website, possibly the best political and media checking site on the web today.
Just another spoiled daddys girl brat looking for a cause?

Russ R.
October 8, 2010 7:41 am

Really guys? “Blueberries not in season”? Come on…
I think we’re taking this blueberries triviality a bit far. It’s not like Ms. Armstrong is chartering a jet to shuttle each pint of berries from South America. Thanks to the miracles of modern global logistics, they’re loaded in bulk on a regularly scheduled transport flight, which would have flown regardless of whether it was half full or at capacity.
So let’s apply a bit of common sense here, to avoid looking as bad as the people we’re pointing fingers at.
And another thing (while I find myself in the strange position of defending alarmists). All things considered, 10:10 is probably the least bad of the climate activist organizations out there, for the simple reason that their campaign encourages people to undertake VOLUNTARY CO2 emissions cuts. I don’t think this point should be overlooked.
Were it not for their awful video, I might have almost respected them (with one important caveat… below) as being misguided, but principled. They weren’t forcing anyone to play along (at least not until they started blowing up anyone who didn’t volunteer).
That one big caveat… From what I understand, the second phase of 10:10’s plan is to lobby governments for legislation that would force CO2 emissions cuts. So, this bit would make them about as bad as the rest of the climate activist organizations.
But I’ll still give them credit for the voluntary action part of their mission. More than I can say for most activists whose first and only mission is to hijack the power of government to achieve their desired objectives.

October 8, 2010 7:47 am

‘Prices fell this year because much of last years production has not been sold.’
I believe that has to do with the overly belief that the snake-oil-nutritional industry thought that blue berry extract would go the way of fish oil, but apparently it didn’t, neither has the hasty made up products of everything blue berry juice, milk, and what not. Maybe it’s because too much blue berry stuff up the potential for explosive liquid waste before reaching adequate drainage system (hmm, there’s that drainage problem again.)
‘Maybe the blueberries in question are European, frozen ( the freeze well) for the off season.’
They would hardly be fresh.

October 8, 2010 7:58 am

Well, old Eugenie, Franny, Daniel, Lizzie and the whole 10:10 team are really not worthy targets . . . . . they are intellectually just the foot soldiers. The generals / admirals are elsewhere. Save your energy for the generals / admirals.

If we can make it uncool to be an eco-nazi foot soldier, then there won’t be very many of them, and the generals will be without an army. I suspect most of the foot soldiers are in it because it’s “cool”.
Just following Alinsky’s rule five: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. ”
Also rule twelve: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
“Turnabout is fair play”

R. de Haan
October 8, 2010 8:28 am
October 8, 2010 8:53 am

Well, I planted a blueberry last year, and it’s still a low bush that has yet to bear fruit.
In the best of all possible worlds, I’d expect a significant harvest of blueberries from that bush, but I’m not holding my breath. Maybe if we get some serious global cooling.
Til then, I’ll take the occasional faux-pints of berries in the supermarket, even if they come from those exploited Peruvian peasants.

October 8, 2010 8:57 am

Perhaps someone could start a company building greenhouses that could be cooled down to below 8 degrees C with large industrial cooling units for a sufficient time during the winter. That way the blueberries could be grown locally instead of flying them in!

October 8, 2010 9:14 am

New 10-10 poll:
“Do you enjoy off-season blueberries?”
Of course, the “yes” option would be via a little red button.

October 8, 2010 10:05 am

Rather than spend the expense on the chilling units to get the chill hours that stimulates the production of blueberries, plant more plants. Blueberries (the berry) store very well when frozen. If you grew enough and stored enough, you would likely be able to compete with the cost of imported blueberries during the off season.

October 8, 2010 10:21 am

LarryD says:
October 8, 2010 at 7:58 am
Well, old Eugenie, Franny, Daniel, Lizzie and the whole 10:10 team are really not worthy targets . . . . . they are intellectually just the foot soldiers. The generals / admirals are elsewhere. Save your energy for the generals / admirals.
If we can make it uncool to be an eco-nazi foot soldier, then there won’t be very many of them, and the generals will be without an army. I suspect most of the foot soldiers are in it because it’s “cool”.
Just following Alinsky’s rule five: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. ”
Also rule twelve: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
“Turnabout is fair play”

Fair enough, enjoy.
Now I will do some research on the admirals/ generals.
Take care.

October 8, 2010 10:29 am

You would think an “actual job” involves receipt of monies for services rendered. In this type of business, what is she being paid for? Activism? By the wealthy?

October 8, 2010 10:47 am

When I was at school, back in the early ’70s, we were taught that a new ice age was on the way. Being terribly impressionable at that age, and then going on to do a combined honours degree in geology and biology, I still believe it, though I don’t think it’s as imminent as expected back then. We’re sliding gently but inexorably down a bumpy slope, and all the CO2 emissions in the world aren’t going to make one iota of difference. These activists really do need to learn about geologic history and timescales instead of wasting time on empty polemic and making movies *shakes head and forcibly removes self from soapbox before getting carried away*
As to blueberries, they do very well in my Scottish garden; I had a great crop this year, must have been the -15 degrees of global warming we had last winter. As PRD says, they freeze very well and I shall be eating them off season for several months yet 🙂

Y rick Off
October 8, 2010 11:15 am

she is the more equal [snip] i guess.

David Gillies
October 8, 2010 11:19 am

Anyone who counts the availability off-season produce as a ‘guilty pleasure’ rather than a wonder of human endeavour probably deserves [snip OTT ~mod]. If it weren’t for off-season veg, people in the UK would be eating turnips six months a year. Rotten miserablists, Greens, the whole bloody lot of ’em.

October 8, 2010 11:59 am

The Climate Cabal are a [snip – a bit OTT ~mod] off legitimate enterprise. Pandering and even extorting PR monies with the stated or unstated threat to harm those who won’t pay.

October 8, 2010 12:52 pm

Blueberries be darned. The only thought that comes, rampaging, across my synapses when I see that photo is “get a real job, you lazy, immature, tosser.” Who is this Franny to lecture the world on how things should be? A privileged, guilt-ridden, liberal know-nothing? SUCH arrogance. Get out of your ridiculously comfortable comfort zone, learn what it is to have to scrape a living to survive, and we’ll talk.

October 8, 2010 12:56 pm

I get my thrills,
with blueberries chilled,
blueberries chilled,
with CO 2.
One button to push,
and all doubt is gone,
all doubt is gone,
I blew up you.
Science is settled.

October 8, 2010 2:02 pm

Here’s a thing: In your screencap there are 94, 885 people on board (3,000 less than earlier in the week). Now it’s 73,063. Is the website malfunctioning or have there been mass defections?

October 9, 2010 1:44 am

Massaging the figures?
Today, 9 Oct, the 10:10 site shows 73,111 people on board not the 94,900 from earlier this week.

October 9, 2010 3:17 am

TomFP says:
Blimey – I just took a look at the 10:10 website, and Just the Facts is in great company – recent signups include Monckton, the Pole, and our own dear Anthony!
Has anyone checked for Michael Jackson, John Lennon and Elvis on the list? How about the Fox’s glacier mints polar bear 🙂

October 9, 2010 3:41 am

crosspatch says:
The sad thing is that it sounds as if she actually believes that. Climate ALWAYS changes. It is NEVER stable and there is no way to make it stable.
Climate is actually quite stable in the sense that short term changes (weather) tend to be much greater than any long term changes.
We are currently about 2 degrees cooler than we were during the warmest period of the Holocene. Sea levels are about 2 meters lower now than they were at that time.
Sea level often changes by more the 2m twice a day and people have been drowned by tidal changes.
While we have had periods of warming and cooling, the general trend for the past 2000 years has been one of cooling. Warm periods tend not to get quite as warm as the previous warm period and cold periods tend to get a little colder than the previous one. The Little Ice Age was the coldest period since the Younger Dryas and that covers pretty much the entire Holocene. Let me state that again, the recent Little Ice Age was the coldest period we have seen in about 13,000 years and we have still not recovered to what the temperatures were before that period.
This is the point at which the wheels fall off the AGW bandwagon. Even if current temperatures were a bit higher that they were a thousand years ago there would be no issue. How accurate are the methods of determining prehistoric temperatures anyway?
The AGW’s react by denying the LIA, MWP (and probably the RWP too). Even though these are well documented by the people around at the time. Then have the audacity to call anyone who dosn’t agree with them a “denier”.

October 9, 2010 3:50 am

crosspatch says:
When I see the “greenies” protesting in a public square in Beijing, maybe then I will believe they are serious and really believe in what they say.
How do you suppose they would get to Beijing? Probably they’d want to use something like this considering where G-YMMM made it’s last flight from

October 9, 2010 4:31 am

Alex Cull says:
I see that Nessie of Loch Ness has joined the campaign, and thrown her support behind 10:10. Excellent news!
Presumably her relatives from around the world will be signing if she can manage to get a signal on her phone 🙂

October 9, 2010 4:39 am

Cold Englishman says:
Recent signups include Nessie of Loch Ness, Elvis Presley, Michael Chrichton, and would you believe West Dorset District Council.
I really don’t believe the last one. Shouldn’t John Lennon be on or is he too busy with Google? Wonder what they’ll do if Adolf Hitler, Napoléon Bonaparte or Vlad II Dracul want to sign up.

October 9, 2010 4:45 am

LarryD says:
October 8, 2010 at 7:58 am
“If we can make it uncool to be an eco-nazi foot soldier[…]”
It has been uncool for as long as i can remember, so how would that stop them? Enviro-pressure groups thrive on hysteria, not coolness. (So, if 10:10 tries to appeal to coolness they’ve totally missed the target demographic anyway.)

October 9, 2010 5:00 am

John Whitman says:
October 8, 2010 at 10:21 am
City of London website is a useful overview of the area, stated on their website as ‘the world’s leading financial centre.’
The City Council also operates its own police force, which according to the 2009-2010 Annual report
“of a ground-breaking, national drive to deter the fraudsters who cost the economy an estimated £30 billion last year.’ p2
The City of London appears to operate student loans, deal with 1000 acres of parks, 320,000 workers daily commuting into the city + residents and businesses, has a broken link to its online databases (tab online services), e-services, historical buildings (probably not climate/star efficient rated) and numerous depts, authorities and corporations.
p29 point 29 of the Corporate Assessment (2007) Audit report states ‘instrumental in setting up the EU emissions trading scheme’
The City of London School for Girls features girls safely learning science and students presumably may go on to study science at the one of the many universities, eg University of London where HRH Princess Royal holds the position of Chancellor
The City of London was recently discussed in The Australian (national newspaper) in regard to their congestion tax
I am not clear how goods and services (especially blueberries) are freighted in (and taxed) for those with such pleasures, however Cambridge Journals has published one agricultural study ‘Effect of blueberry feeding on plasma lipids in pigs’
and there are a few studies on brain damage in rats being improved by a diet of blueberries. Not clear whether these studies are to be extrapolated to human health.
Nevertheless turning the city parks to communal [berry] gardens may encourage the squirrels and diseases perhaps (David A. Evans says:
October 8, 2010 at 6:09 am ) .

Justa Joe
October 9, 2010 7:21 am

I guess self important bourgeois that has aspirations of being a big shot “documentary” producer, jet setting around, and hob knobbing with rich celebrities the CAGW scam is the perfect vehicle to hitch your Spanner Films/10:00 wagon. What’s worse actually believing 300K people each year die due to CAGW, or cynically promoting the lie to line your own pockets?
Trying to rationalize the amount of CO2 for a given delivery of berries in order to excuse it is pretty ridiculous considering that the reason that berries could be imported with sufficient efficiency to make the economical is the fact that we have a worldwide economy and logistical infrastructure fueled by carbon based fuels

Justa Joe
October 9, 2010 7:26 am

I guess self important bourgeois that has aspirations of being a big shot “documentary” producer, jet setting around, and hob knobbing with rich celebrities the CAGW scam is the perfect vehicle to hitch your Spanner Films/10:00 wagon. What’s worse actually believing 300K people each year die due to CAGW, or cynically promoting the lie to line your own pockets?

Cold Englishman
October 9, 2010 9:12 am

They still have all their pages up with Guilty Pleasures
Here’s one:-
Lizzie Gillett: Global
Job title: Campaign Director, 10:10 Global, London
Actual job: Enthuse people around the world to run 10:10 in their country.
10:10er since: Feb 2010 but was around when the idea was conceived back in March 2009.
10:10 plan: 10% more sleep (when you’re asleep you don’t consume anything or travel anywhere). Plus not turning on the heating in our flat.
Favourite 10:10er: Nina in Norway who started 10:10 Norge and has already signed up the City of Oslo, some of the biggest trade unions, the powerful Lions Club and 4,000 individuals.
Guilty pleasure: Out of season strawberries or blueberries.
Best/worst 10:10 moment: Best moment was seeing the 10:10 France and Holland teams plotting their country campaigns and realising they now have ownership of the campaign so it will happen with or without us.
Background: Lizzie Gillett is the producer of The Age of Stupid. On the five-year production she managed a crew of 105 people in six countries and raised one million pounds through the pioneering crowd-funding model. She organised the Guinness World Record beating Global Premiere, which over one million people in 63 countries participated in.
Try out the international crowd if you can bear it:-

Joe Spencer
October 9, 2010 11:56 am

“Re:-UPDATE: 8:05 PM PST 10/7/10 I was informed by email of some silliness. For the record, somebody who obviously didn’t like this story has signed up my name as a “supporter” at the 10:10 website, ………along with Christopher Monckton, and James Dellingpole. This is of course false, and the product of a simple minded prank.”
Hey, lighten up. It just shows how vacuous the whole exercise is, that anyone or anything can sign -up or be signed up , but hey , it’s all just good fun. It’s not about the stuffy science, nor persuading reluctant politicians, nor even about having a real impact on the climate, but about raising awareness. It’s just hoping to be a fashionable initiative to reignite interest in concern for the planet after all the damage down by the false premise, which it’s still mistakenly peddling about CO2.
REPLY: Oh I thought it was plenty lightened, tagged in the satire category, and look at the last two sentences below the screencaps. – Anthony

Joe Spencer
October 9, 2010 12:01 pm

Now exploding blueberries, particularly the guilty imported CO2 producing variety, that would have been a much more subtley brilliant device for getting their message across. They make such a mess … But hey , No Pressure .

Joe Spencer
October 9, 2010 12:49 pm

Still, it’s nice to see a kid who couldn’t get a real job , finding something to get entusiastic about.

Daryl M
October 10, 2010 11:14 am

Ms. Armstrong is [snip]. She obviously has come to the delusional belief that she knows best and that her means justify her ends, irrespective of the inconsistency of her actions with her words.

October 10, 2010 9:20 pm

I’m sick of these idiots who despite all the science to the contrary continue to attempt to brainwash and threaten us. I’ll fly wherever I bloody well want to as many times as I bloody well want to. If Tim Flim-Flannery, Al Gore and all these other hypocrites can do it so can I. All the kids at my sons high school have all said they are sick to death of thos AGW crap. They like the idea of fast cars and bikes and all want V8, V12’s or Ducatis, and more girls are lighting up the fags these days than ever so Franny you’d be better aiming your movies at the girls killing themselves by smoking than telling lies about the environment.

Annie E.
October 10, 2010 9:47 pm

I thought she flew into Australia too. I heard her shrill voice on an interview on Sydney radio. She was calling for air travel to be cancelled immediately, we were all going to die in the next week, etc etc. and I wondered how she got here if not by air. The woman is a nutcase.

October 11, 2010 10:46 am

Has anyone noticed that Franny has surrounded herself with video equipment, TV, a computer and other yuppie detritus? Couldn’t she at least have had the decency to put a tree or field in the background for her ‘I am saviour’ photo?

BrettG from Australia
October 11, 2010 12:33 pm

Has anyone noticed that the 10:10 ‘People on board’ counter has gone down to 73,523? Maybe this article has pulled their heads in a bit

October 11, 2010 7:41 pm

The production of British lamb produces 2,850kg of CO2 per ton. New Zealand lamb shipped to Britain produces 690.
Apples & oranges – “Production of british lamb” vs “shipping NZ lamb” – what about the (carbon) cost of producing the lamb in NZ?

October 11, 2010 8:12 pm

What’s the carbon footprint on a can of blueberries?
Retrieve the iron ore
rubber (for the tyres on the trucks)
gold (used in the computers)
oil (used in the exploration to find the iron ore in the first place)
aluminium (aluminum for our US friends) (for the plane that flew the prospector over the area to determine where to put the mine in the first place)
etc etc etc
(and I haven’t even thought about the sugar production, transporting it from Queensland / Fiji to whereever the cannery is, transporting the blueberries from the farm to the cannery etc etc etc – I’m sure you get the picture.)

Travis B
October 12, 2010 10:00 am

LOL…10:57 MST and it looks as though about 20K people have decided to vacate the 10:10 sphere since Anthony posted those screen shots in his article. People count now at 73,595….
Better start bailing Franny, you may be on a sinking ship. Eat lots of blueberries to keep your energy up.