Perhaps the stupidest article I've ever seen

Me ~ ctm

By charles the moderator

Here’s the link.

I have no other comment.


Global Warming could make Humans EXTINCT within 50 years

Kill mechanisms list

Global Warming could make the human race EXTINCT. The #1 kill mechanism is famine. See “The Long Summer” by Brian Fagan and “Collapse” by Jared Diamond. Shifting winds and warmer oceans have already created a weird moving checkerboard of drought and flood that has interfered with agriculture here and elsewhere.

The extra heat has caused heat related deaths already.

The book “Six Degrees” by Mark Lynas says: “If the global warming is 6 degrees centigrade, we humans go extinct.” The book lists several kill mechanisms, the most important being famine and methane fuel-air explosions. Other mechanisms include fire storms.

“Under a Green Sky” by Peter D. Ward, Ph.D., 2007 says H2S bubbling out of hot oceans is the final blow at 6 degrees C warming.


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June 29, 2010 2:43 am

Aren’t they getting frantic all of a sudden?
It couldn’t have anything to do with the Profit’s human failings recently uncovered, could it?

June 29, 2010 2:44 am

If so many other species would go celebrating.

June 29, 2010 2:48 am

They left out the most catastrophic consequence, the fact that all that extra CO2 will make the atmosphere so heavy it will squish us flat, like bugs!
Talk about hyperventilating alarmism…

Lazarus Long
June 29, 2010 2:52 am

“methane fuel-air explosions”
What, we’re going to be getting jihadi cows?

June 29, 2010 2:55 am

More cowbell.

June 29, 2010 2:59 am

“Storms of My Grandchildren” by James Hansen, chief of NASA-GISS paints the bleakest picture: Earth goes Venus, becoming a completely dead hot rock at 800 degrees F and our Mars colonies cannot survive because Mars has been a dead planet for too long.
So, we’re going to colonize Mars by 2050? Edward Greisch (the author) hangs out at UnReal Climate and is evidently a firm believer that a Gaia-Induced Zombie Apocalypse is at hand, based on his latest comment there:

June 29, 2010 3:10 am

There’s a link for reporting abuse. I followed it. One of the options is “Offensive”. I selected that one with the following explanation:
“This article is offensive for the human intelligence”.

Ian Mc Vindicated
June 29, 2010 3:19 am

The final act of desperation of tell even bigger lies. More crap, more scare tactics. Sorry, but the gig is up to the AGW alarmists. You might as well give it a break for a few years as it all collapses.

June 29, 2010 3:19 am

It’s worse than the headline, the last sentence is:
“We HUMANS could be EXTINCT by 2050 because politicians are not considering sufficiently strong action.”
Oh no only 40 years left!
Impossible to take articles like this seriously.

June 29, 2010 3:20 am

Ignorance, lies and hype? This stuff reads like the Doomsday fiction of the 1960s, straight out of stories like “The wind from Nowehere” or “Day of the Triffids”…
Are these guys scientists or fiction writers?

Joe Lalonde
June 29, 2010 3:24 am

Peer Approved, so it must be 100% accurate.

Matthew Bergin
June 29, 2010 3:26 am

I notice that the web site has no way to comment on their articles. A good thing or I might have said something rude.

June 29, 2010 3:31 am

Why does it matter? The oil-rain will kill us way before then.

June 29, 2010 3:32 am

“The extra heat has caused heat related deaths already”
Puhlease. How many compared to cold related deaths last winter?

June 29, 2010 3:35 am

I thoroughly enjoyed reading “The Day of The Triffids” years ago, my disbelief was suspended nicely as the book was well written and constructed and we still refer to rapidly-growing plants as being similar to Triffids. The article in question is beyond stupid as it has neither scientific, literary or dramatic worth.

John of Kent
June 29, 2010 3:39 am

This is good news! The more ridiculous the warmists get (and the more that nature refuses to cooperate) the more sceptical the public will get at these crazy scenarios.

June 29, 2010 3:40 am

“The extra heat has caused heat related deaths already.”
(op cit)
“He [Byrd] died in hospital in Fairfax, Va., after becoming ill late last week from heat exhaustion and severe dehydration as temperatures in the Washington area soared to 37 Celsius.”
“Longest-serving U.S. senator was former member of KKK
Robert Byrd dies after 57 years in congress”

June 29, 2010 3:40 am

This is actually a good sign. It’s been my experience that when someone starts hopping up and down screeching hysterically that WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! that they’re pretty much consigning themselves to actual irrelevancy. And a straitjacket.

Geoff Sherrington
June 29, 2010 3:43 am

Oh damn. It’s a blue tablet day today, I have already taken it and now I read this. My sleep will be a nightmare until red tablet day tomorrow. Last night God told me that He had selected his chosen for the future and my name was not on the List. I’m trying to find money for PNAS paywalls so I can help God to look more closely.
Oh! the worry! the fear!
Perhaps the author should adopt the Precautionary Principle and start getting accustomed to bigger and bigger doses of H2S by daily snorts. (Nah. That’s unsafe. Rotten egg gas is really quite toxic and not for jokes.)

Leon Brozyna
June 29, 2010 3:43 am

It’s a resurgence of feudalism with its mystical pseudoscience and pseudothinking.
Picture Hansen parading around the streets of New York with a sandwich board sign, proclaiming that, “The End is Coming!!”
Keep it up guys — you’ll soon become fodder for late night comedy skits.
After reading that collection of — stuff — that the article contains, all I have to say is – what a load of horsefeathers.

David L
June 29, 2010 3:47 am

Well I guess that’s it. We humans have had a good run of it, but like all things, we must end some day. I’m just surprised it’s 2050 because the Maya predicted 2012. I’m glad I have basically the rest of my life.

June 29, 2010 3:49 am

“The book “Six Degrees” by Mark Lynas”
Sure, it’s fat, stupid, and sings nonsense twice as loud as Shirley Porter and friends.

June 29, 2010 3:50 am

Gorebull Watch:
“Pat Baker, of Arlington, Va., said, “I thought the speech was awesome. It was over my head a little bit when he talked about global warming and some of the other issues, but as an HR professional, I think it’s key that we stay enlightened with all of the subjects.””
“Gore left the Convention Center without taking questions from the media.”
“Former Vice President Gore Visits San Diego
Gore Makes Speech At Convention Center”

Gail Combs
June 29, 2010 3:53 am

Nylo says:
June 29, 2010 at 3:10 am
There’s a link for reporting abuse. I followed it. One of the options is “Offensive”. I selected that one with the following explanation:
“This article is offensive for the human intelligence”.
Thanks, I used it. It is cold that kills as the French Aristocrats found out the hard way. Seems there are those who forgot their history lessons and are therefore doomed to repeat it.—– OH, I forgot that part of the history is never taught in schools.

June 29, 2010 3:55 am

Talk sceptically to an AGW fan, you get told anyone who isn’t a climatologist can’t have an opinion.
Yet in this they quote an historian, a paleontologist and a couple of businessmen…

June 29, 2010 3:56 am

Climate change is leaving us with extra space junk
The upper layers of the atmosphere have a braking effect on defunct satellites and spent rockets, eventually causing them to drop out of orbit and burn up. Arrun Saunders and Hugh Lewis, at the University of Southampton in the UK, studied the orbits of 30 satellites over the past 40 years, and recorded a gradual increase in the time they remain in orbit. They attribute this to the cooling and reduced density of the upper atmosphere used by increasing carbon dioxide levels.

Stephen Wilde
June 29, 2010 4:10 am

Until 1989 when the Cold War ended it was anticipated that we would all blow ourselves up at any moment.
On that basis the article constitutes progress.
Now we just need our self appointed know all elites to recognise that the events they fear are over 100 years away (more likely even far longer than that if ever) which gives us plenty of time to stabilise world population growth, find more sustainable energy supplies and live within the resources that the Earth can provide without junking the systems that got us this far in the first place.

Jack Simmons
June 29, 2010 4:13 am

Just ran across a comment appearing to fit the situation here:
“I don’t know if the world is filled with smart men bluffing, or imbeciles who mean it.”

June 29, 2010 4:15 am

Oh dear, Jared Diamond?
I read his book Guns, Germs and Steel after seeing the cover littered with glowing reviews. But I have rarely seen such a pish posh of opinion and subjective reasoning masquerading as science in all my life. Just awful, and I couldn’t get more than halfway.

Allan M
June 29, 2010 4:17 am

From the Sidebar:
This week in activism
Mermaids protested the oil spill as an anti-abortion group delivered fetus dolls to Capitol Hill.

Probably safer to be a unicorn or a hobbit.
We HUMANS could be EXTINCT by 2050 because politicians are not considering sufficiently strong action.
This author is so TOUGH he wouldn’t survive 3 minutes against Bugs Bunny.

Joe Lalonde
June 29, 2010 4:28 am

A famine is a widespread scarcity of food that may apply to any faunal species.(Wiki)
Cold and flooding of agricultural areas would be far worse than any heat as this planet has infinately proven the ability to adapt with new species for OUR food supply.
Species only have a certain cycle span on this planet before changing by the constantly modifying planet occurs. If the next dominate species is smarter, they would be able to listen and communicate much better allowing ANY new science to be looked at without greed or corruptive influences surpressing and blocking for influencial gains and science would be far more advanced and truthful.

June 29, 2010 4:29 am

“We HUMANS could be EXTINCT by 2050 ”
Wow! I never thought I’d live to see that. Oh, errr, wait a minute… :o)

June 29, 2010 4:33 am

Gosh, I’ll have to remember that 37 degrees is a killer next time I’m outside in Libya where I now work and live and it’s 48 like it was all week 3 weeks ago…

June 29, 2010 4:37 am

Thanks, CTM. I too am without comment.

Paul Birch
June 29, 2010 4:37 am

It’s not an article, it’s a posted comment. Sure it’s stupid, but 87.3% of comment posts are stupid, and 76.9% of them use made up statistics.
By the way, the idea that global warming could cause a rise in the number and severity of natural methane-air explosions is not of itself stupid. It would seem all but inevitable. I’ve never heard of anyone being killed by one in the open air though (in mines and enclosed buildings, yes).
Neil Jones: I rather liked the idea of painting mountains. On a large enough scale, using crop sprayer aircraft, it might actually work. For cities in warmer climates, white roofs would beneficially mitigate the UHI effect, which can be quite unpleasant.

June 29, 2010 4:39 am

Interesting website.
“ is a nonpartisan news and information Web site devoted to encouraging civic participation. Our mission is to provide information about public policy issues of the day and tips on effective advocacy so that citizens can make their voices heard.”
They claim over 8 million letters sent to congress.
Seems like maybe we could use sites like this to get OUR views heard as well?
(Mwahahahaha) 😉

Steve in SC
June 29, 2010 4:42 am

“a publication of CQ-Roll Call Group “
With links to this week in activism. etc.
I think Joe McCarthy was right.

June 29, 2010 4:50 am

I’m not surprised, because AWG is a kind of religion. If you are threated, you’ll pay any sum of money for saving. Just like in the church.

June 29, 2010 4:51 am

A google news search for “global warming” shows that they are turning the BS level up to 11 recently.

June 29, 2010 4:54 am

I too have registered (for what it’s worth) my view that the article is offensive but came across this one:
which suggests that whoever’s the next senator may have rather different views from Byrd, with any luck.

June 29, 2010 4:56 am

Then maybe you haven’t seen this one:
Climate change creates extra space debris–.html (Published om June 28. 2010 at the Science-section of this Dutch news-website)
The story is about the extra CO2 that makes the atmosphere COOLER (at 300 km up there) and therefore less dense, which causes debris to experience less resistance, which makes debris stay longer in orbit before it drops to earth.
Now it’s COOLER? And it’s caused by CO2?
OMG, will the craziness never stop? You couldn’t make it up.

Uisge Beatha
June 29, 2010 4:57 am

Well, at least there is one right sentence: “We HUMANS could be EXTINCT by 2050 because politicians are not considering sufficiently strong action.”
Humans and politicians ARE two different species 😉

Robert of Ottawa
June 29, 2010 4:58 am

But … but ….. isn’t this what the deep greens want?

Henry chance
June 29, 2010 5:01 am

Yes there will be deaths. First of all, there always have been deaths. The heat waves in arizona leave very few extra deaths. We will have deaths because the Liberals tax energy and poor people have electric shut off. Many people are in A/Cand can’t notice heat increases. Of course is is less than a degree.

June 29, 2010 5:01 am

Joe Bastardi discussed this very idea, mocking doomsday predictions like this. He said that the AGW crowd is desperate because they know they are running out of time, not because of the November elections, but because a major cold period is coming.
(Unfortunately, this is a La Nina year, which means where I live, in North Carolina, a lot of hot and dry weather, even in the winter.)

June 29, 2010 5:10 am

And they wonder why we laugh at the ever increasing “hysteria”. It seems that the less we see in real world data the more wild the speculation gets.
Methane fuel-air explosions sound great though. I sense a new tourism opportunity opening up for someone.
The future… “Here be Dragons”.

June 29, 2010 5:10 am

Sry, I didn’t see that Vuk etc. (June 29, 2010 at 3:56 am) already mentioned the same story.

June 29, 2010 5:11 am

My 100th birthday will be in October 2050. Hope they mean the end of the year, I’d hate to miss my party. I’ll see if can age quicker to have the party a few years earlier.

June 29, 2010 5:13 am

June last year I was wearing a T shirt here in Sydney, now it’s so damn cold I need thermals. Tonight there will be widespread frosts inland – yes we will all be extinct in 40 years —- FROM COLD

Gail Combs
June 29, 2010 5:22 am

rc says:
June 29, 2010 at 3:19 am
It’s worse than the headline, the last sentence is:
“We HUMANS could be EXTINCT by 2050 because politicians are not considering sufficiently strong action.”
Oh no only 40 years left!
Impossible to take articles like this seriously.
Take it very seriously.
This is NOT an article it is a pre-written Letter to your Congressman!
If a Congress Critter gets lots of these letters he is going to think he should vote for Cap and Tax because that is what the voters in his district wants. He does not care about science he cares about money and power.
Now think about the commenter David and his repeated sniping by the moderators at SEPP on the PNAS blacklist paper At his own website his first words on June 27th are The United States of America is a nation which can, must and will fail …. What we are witnessing now is not merely the collapse of the USA but the terminal decline of technological civilization. The Earth cannot sustain the unhealthy appetites and pollution of 6.7 billion humans.”
So where did he get this hatred for the USA and “technological civilization?” – Where did he learn that “feelings” are more important than “evidence” He got it from John Dewey, father of “Modern Education”
Nikita Khrushchev stated:
“You Americans are so gullible! We don’t have to invade you! We will destroy you from within without firing a shot! We will bury you by the billions! We spoon feed you socialism until your Communists and don’t even know it! We assist your elected leaders in giving you small doses of Socialism until you suddenly awake to find you have Communism. the day will come when your grandchildren will live under communism!”
Unfortunately John Dewey and his successors (ala’ Bill Spady’s Outcome Based Education) have pretty much had their way for at least two generation and we are now dealing with the grandchildren Khrushchev was talking about. Critical thinking and even basic math, reading and writing are no longer taught in US schools and have not been since the seventies.
“The bulk of the responsibility for these massive, tragic declines in education can be laid at the feet of the leaders of the Humanist education community. Their obsessive meddling with the basic process and pedagogy of education, conducted in their zeal to make education more philosophically (e.g. “modern” Humanist) and politically correct, is the primary cause of the decline. John Dewey and his successors (ala’ Bill Spady’s Outcome Based Education) have pretty much had their way, but the excuses are wearing pretty thin….”
“…. There is no God and there is no soul. Hence, there are no needs for the props of traditional religion. With dogma and creed excluded, then immutable truth is also dead and buried. There is no room for fixed, natural law or moral absolutes. – John Dewey (Rondald Nash, The Closing of the American Heart: What’s Really Wrong with America’s Schools, United States: Probe Books, 1990, 91)
The demise of READING and MATH and the substitution of “FEELINGS”
….. It is almost an unquestioned assumption, of educational theory and practice both, that the first three years of a child’s school-life shall be mainly taken up with learning to read and write his own language. If we add to this the learning of a certain amount of numerical combinations, we have the pivot about which education swings…
It does not follow, however, that because this course was once wise it is so any longer. On the contrary, the fact, that this mode of education was adapted to past conditions, is in itself a reason why it should no longer hold supreme sway.
…The significant thing is that it is possible for the child at an early day to become acquainted with, and to use, in a personal and yet relatively controlled fashion, the methods by which truth is discovered and communicated, and to make his own speech a channel for the expression and communication of truth; thus putting the linguistic side where it belongs — subordinate to the appropriation and conveyance of what is genuinely and personally experienced …”

June 29, 2010 5:28 am

Well, the guy has PhD by his name so he must be right.

June 29, 2010 5:29 am

this is not an unusual article at all.
CAGW is a social movement based on exactly the sort of apocalyptic claptrap this idiot article exemplifies.
It uses science to sell an apocalyptic story of man’s evil just like TV preachers use the Bible to sell the idea the world is coming to an end with a great rapture of believers teleporting away Star Trek style from their problems. And note how promoters of apocalyptic stories always need to sell books and give well paid lectures.
It is a nice listing extreme books that promote this amazingly wrong idea.
It is easily one of the stupidest articles ever. I feel sorry that the true believer who wrote it is probably sincerely thinking he is offering a sober rational analysis of a real threat. I feel even sorrier for anyone this article may convince.

June 29, 2010 5:31 am

I’m not sure even AGW caused by, say, a few thousand thermonuclear devices could do that. Wipe out our civilization, sure. . . wipe us out –all of us–? Probably not.
But then maybe the resulting “nuclear winter” would do that. It’s always something with these folks. . .
More likely the SH folks would get that chance to do it better next time without those damn imperialists in the NH messing everything up. . . .

Gail Combs
June 29, 2010 5:32 am

Matthew Bergin says:
June 29, 2010 at 3:26 am
I notice that the web site has no way to comment on their articles. A good thing or I might have said something rude.
You can comment on this Letter to Congress go to the bottom left of the written article and click on the red Report Abuse. On the next screen you can use the pull down box to click on your choice (I clicked offensive) and then write a short comment.

June 29, 2010 5:42 am

Michael Mann has changed his mind.
Michael Mann says hockey stick should not have become ‘climate change icon’
The scientist behind the controversial ‘hockey stick’ graph has said it was ‘somewhat misplaced’ to make his work an ‘icon of the climate change debate’.

Gail Combs
June 29, 2010 5:46 am

Paul Birch says:
June 29, 2010 at 4:37 am
It’s not an article, it’s a posted comment. Sure it’s stupid, but 87.3% of comment posts are stupid, and 76.9% of them use made up statistics….
Sorry it is neither an Article or a Comment it is meant to be a pre-written Letter to Congress. Look at the top and bottom and you will see:
Write your elected officials about this issue!……Enter Your ZIP Code:…….GO
This allows the frightened alarmist to cut and past using it as their “letter” to their Congressman. It is worse than a form letter because many of the letters will be slightly different, reflecting a persons bias so it does not come across as a “form letter”

June 29, 2010 5:47 am

Bill Tuttle says:
June 29, 2010 at 2:59 am
So, we’re going to colonize Mars by 2050? Edward Greisch (the author) hangs out at UnReal Climate and is evidently a firm believer that a Gaia-Induced Zombie Apocalypse is at hand, based on his latest comment there:

Even Gavin Schmidt told him to calm down!!!

“[Response: Can we please move on from apocalyptic doomsday scenarios? These conversations never go anywhere and everyone is very clear about how you feel on this issue. – gavin]”

I’m now panicking! I have never heared this kind of scaremongering story before. Famine, droughts, CAGW, methane calthrates. I have no counter evidence AT ALL. I can’t find any apocalyptic predictions made in the 1960s or 1970s.
/ end sarc.
I can’t be bothered to tackle this nonsense. AGWers become upset and dismayed at the growing scepticism of CAGW and wonder why? They should put such confused people on a tighter leash.

June 29, 2010 5:51 am

“”H2S bubbling out of hot oceans”” ????
Is that a prediction for the sun going nova in the next few years?

Tim Clark
June 29, 2010 5:51 am

CTM: I concur.

Mari Warcwm
June 29, 2010 5:51 am

If Earth had a sense of humour it would now spring a surprise ice age. Just a little mini one, just to show who’s boss!

Gail Combs
June 29, 2010 5:53 am

Ric Werme says:
June 29, 2010 at 5:11 am
My 100th birthday will be in October 2050. Hope they mean the end of the year, I’d hate to miss my party. I’ll see if can age quicker to have the party a few years earlier.
Maybe we can have that birthday party together. mine is the tail end of September.

Midwest Mark
June 29, 2010 5:54 am

Unfortunately, this type of science fiction isn’t new. Some weeks ago I watched an old Twilight Zone episode where the Earth was quickly being cooked by the sun. People were desperately trying to escape to the poles before they turned into toast.
Last week, Dr. Frank Fenner predicted that humans will cause their extinction in 100 years ( I like Fenner’s prediction because it gives me 50 more years to live.
Then there’s this from January 2009: “Billions Could Go Hungry From Global Warming by 2100” (
And my absolute favorite: “Over 4.5 Billion People Could Die From Global-Warming Related Causes by 2012” (
Finally, here’s a classic from The Onion: “Christian Groups: Biblical Armageddon Must Be Taught Alongside Global Warming”
There seems to be a rash of these doomsday predictions lately, and that suits me fine. Enviromental radicals are moving farther and farther out to the lunatic fringe and those who defend their message are looking more and more ridiculous. It’s becoming a huge joke. Bring on more news articles like this. I need a good laugh.

James Bull
June 29, 2010 5:59 am

John Wyndham who wrote Day of the Triffids liked to write what he called “Scientific Fiction” where there was a plausible link and idea to the story. He didn’t like science fiction as such, so I doubt if he would have written anything about global warming and if he did it would have been much more believable than this.

Henry Galt
June 29, 2010 6:04 am

The staggering stupidity of anyone believing that they are sooooo important that this world must end on their shift. Just like it never did before.
The French/Germans probably have a word for it but I can’t be bothered finding it.
The whole enchilada is broken. There is no CO2 induced thermageddon on our horizon. There is no big-bang. There is no event-horizon even. There is no peak oil. There is no peak-anything – except human idiocy it would seem.
The more I investigate “modern” science the more I am beginning to think that there may well be a God and He is jerking us all around by making these proud loonies produce theories that posit the exact reverse of His reality.
Henry, still waiting to be freed from my J(ust)O(ver)B(roke) by the oil company check.
I was assured it was in the post.

June 29, 2010 6:06 am

FWIW, I clicked the ‘Abuse’ button, and submitted this:
“Utter nonsense, apocalyptic scare-mongering without a scintilla of scientific evidence or rationale. If you write your congressman, tell him not to fall for this kind of claptrap.”
More fun than working, but pointless.
/Mr Lynn

Arn Riewe
June 29, 2010 6:11 am

Finally Paul Erlich is vindicated. There are bigger idiots than him!

Paul Birch
June 29, 2010 6:22 am

Gail Combs says:
June 29, 2010 at 5:46 am
Sorry it is neither an Article or a Comment it is meant to be a pre-written Letter to Congress. Look at the top and bottom and you will see:
Write your elected officials about this issue!……Enter Your ZIP Code:…….GO
It’s a soapbox message. The way that site works people can apparently also forward messages to their “elected officials”. It’s still just a comment – a soapbox rant – not a deliberately thought-out Letter to Congress.

June 29, 2010 6:23 am

Ahhhhhhhhhh, we’re all gonna die!!!! Oh, wait, that’s the natural order of things. Anyway, as long as I live long enough to see the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Narrative fully debunked, everything will be ok and I will have done my little part to help prevent humanity from pursuing this colossal folly…

Green Sand
June 29, 2010 6:25 am

Global Warming could make Humans EXTINCT within 50 years?
Doubtful, but we do appear to be witnessing the demise of homo sapiens (wise and knowing man).
The change has started; the new species claims to be capable of amazing feats including controlling the temperature of the planet?
This being quite a remarkable feat, given that they have yet to prove an ability to accurately measure the temperature of the planet.
Welcome to the new breed: – homo superbus (arrogant man)! They walk amongst you!

June 29, 2010 6:38 am

Fortunately for us, Mr. Greisch is already working on ideas to avoid the catastrophe, At this site (bottom of the page):

Cover the ice free Arctic Ocean and melted tundra peat bog lakes with white or aluminum coated ping pong balls.

He explains further (click on More):

This would return the albedo of those ice free areas to a value closer to the ice covered state, preventing the absorption of solar heat.

Mr. Greisch’s grasp of reality seems somewhat tenuous…

Dave in Delaware
June 29, 2010 6:42 am

The next time you read an alarming headline about global warming – remind yourself that the claimed affects are NOT because it was hotter, but because it was LESS COLD at night.
The average temperature for the day has traditionally been to take a simple average of the Max and Min temps
Average = (Max + Min) / 2
I seem to recall that the significant movement in the anomaly temperatures has been from the Minimums being Less Cold.
Not so scary, that.

Mark Wagner
June 29, 2010 6:42 am

There’s a link for reporting abuse. I followed it.
Great idea. I did likewise.

Tim Clark
June 29, 2010 6:48 am

I think we’re all wasting our time;
“Never argue with an idiot; they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” ~ anonymous

June 29, 2010 6:52 am

Jimbo says:
June 29, 2010 at 5:47 am (Edit)
Even Gavin Schmidt told him to calm down!!!
“[Response: Can we please move on from apocalyptic doomsday scenarios? These conversations never go anywhere and everyone is very clear about how you feel on this issue. – gavin]“

Lol, I can see Gav now, face buried in palm, as he contemplates another day’s agony aunt moderating on SurReallKlimat.

chris y
June 29, 2010 6:54 am

re kim, – “kim says:
June 29, 2010 at 2:55 am
More cowbell.”
Best comment so far!!!
I suggest a cowbell watermark for the cover of the next UN CAGW report, the IPCC 5AR summary for policymakers.

June 29, 2010 6:58 am

Edward Greisch is an expert on tobacco toxicology too…
Smoking tobacco causes cancer because the radioactive gas radon seeps out of the ground and sticks to tobacco leaves. This radon gets into the lungs with the tobacco smoke. The radiation from radon causes cancer. [There has always been background radiation. All rocks contain uranium, usually a few parts per million. The radioactive decay of uranium produces radon.]

The Total Idiot
June 29, 2010 6:59 am

I may be an absolute, and total idiot… but I can make an accurate prediction. If we make no major changes in health care, all humans currently living will be dead within 150 years.
Meh. People live and they die. I find it ironic that a lot of people talking about the extinction of the human race… also advocate for wiping it down to an ‘acceptable’ level in their philosophy to prevent that extinction. Leaving themselves, of course, as the ‘enlightened’, in control.
It’s fascinating watching the mental moral gymnastics involved in this. It makes the best gymnast and contortionists seem like boards. “It’s OK if I do X, after all, if I don’t, DOOM is coming! The end of the world is Nigh if you don’t do what I say! You must sacrifice your SUVs, your children, other people’s children on the altar of WARMING or the sun won’t come up tomorrow!” “If you don’t stop having children, your children will burn/drown/die/starve, and so will mine! No, I won’t stop, has to be you!!”
And it’s always their perceived ‘inferiors’ they want to die or stop breeding.. morally inferior, biologically inferior. It’s an extension of that same old bigotry, taking another form.
The Xhosa learned that lesson in a painful fashion.

Lonnie Schubert
June 29, 2010 7:02 am

I agree with Kim, MORE COWBELL! Also, it had my vote for dumbest until I saw the post about Mann thinking he is an icon.

June 29, 2010 7:07 am

@ Gail Combs says:
June 29, 2010 at 5:22 am
Well said. I can only echo your thoughts. I’ve long lamented the demise of critical thinking in our society. While much blame can be laid at Dewey’s feet, there’s plenty more blame to spread around. Not the least of which is our educational leaders of today. What happened when we noticed student’s SAT and ITBS scores were dropping? We lowered the standards and revised the tests so the scores wouldn’t drop. Nice. No one should be surprised by this vapid letter to congress. Nor should we be surprised by the blatherings of career students and their instructors. What I’m surprised by is the fact that a large amount of the American populous lack of willingness to engage with and confront the “experts”. Throughout our history, we’ve always challenged “authority”. Today? Not so much. I’ve still great faith the American people will turn the corner, but the faith gets tested every day.
Your quote of Dewey is spot on. If one removes God from education, this is the results.
One of the greatest minds in the history of the world: “Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done.”, and “Such a wonderful uniformity in the planetary system must be allowed the effect of choice”.———–Isaac Newton. Sadly, we can teach his gravitational theories and credit him for his discoveries and scientific contributions, but we mustn’t mention his thoughts regarding his scientific contributions. It might confuse the children.

Ed Murphy
June 29, 2010 7:07 am

Your is a little different than mine, I hadn’t seen that one. Did you see where there’s other climate bills to slip in around the Kerry, Lieberman?
Also, how come you do so much editing of my posts? I don’t take sides, I just examine… You Rush Limbaugh lover!
Rush Limbaugh Falsifies The 1979 Hurricane Record

June 29, 2010 7:08 am

I’m just waiting for one of these wackjobs (or a concerted group of them) to ‘Rainbow Six’ the rest of us stupid consuming breathing eating planet destroyers. I’ve spoken to many ‘believers’ in my scientific field and they, to a one, think a massive pandemic that wiped out billions of people would be a *good* thing. ‘But think how good it would be for the environment!’. In relation to a smallpox epidemic in an unvaccinated population.
Even the most hardened dictators of the 20th century are pikers compared to the human destruction these people seek. Stalin, Mao and Hitler only killed millions. These wackjobs want 6B+ dead. Pronto!
I’m drawing a blank on any other religion that seeks to kill *everyone* else but the current adherents. Even conversion isn’t good enough for these people.

Mike Ford
June 29, 2010 7:23 am

The AGW crowd jumped the shark a long time ago, but this is jumping the whale.

June 29, 2010 7:24 am

Meanwhile, we’re now witnessing the beginnings of the real CAGW (movement) caused catastrophe:
“Power rationed on ‘green island’ Eigg after mild weather causes drought
It was hailed as Britain’s first “green” island and a glimpse of the what the future could hold for the rest of the country.”

June 29, 2010 7:24 am

I think they’re right. The other day, our air conditioning was out and the temperature in the office rose a horrifying 11 degrees… needless to say, everyone inside died.
The horror. My God, the horror.
Get your massages while you can, people.

Paul Daniel Ash
June 29, 2010 7:28 am

That’s not an “article,” it’s a “soapbox post” by a random nobody on some site called “”
C’mon Charles. Anybody can find ten things as stupid posted from the other perspective – or on ANY subject – in some obscure corner of the interwebs. This doesn’t even rise to the level of cherry-picking.

June 29, 2010 7:29 am

Aah, I could write some shaggy dog tales like this, it would be well funny to see who ran with the bait!!

April E. Coggins
June 29, 2010 7:29 am

A quick search of Edward Greisch on Google reveals a self-loathing athiest. A few selected quotes from a post March 31, 2007:

“Seagulls live 150 years because they have better mitochondria. Seagulls don’t show their age except by getting clumbsy. They die of a really bad crash landing. Scaled up to human size, that would be 300 years of life before becoming terminally clumbsy. All we need to live 300 years is seagull mitochondria and a change of very few codons in our nuclei to accommodate the new mitochondria. Cloning techniques should enable this change soon.
The escape clause: Suicide is the fifth leading cause of death in the USA. “


“If I thought I was designed by a god, I would sue Him for malpractice.”

and typical left-wing projection

“This is why science and math are so hard for most people, and why we believe insane things.”

It wouldn’t really matter what this guy thinks except that he is just the sort of person that has the ear of the Democrat Party leaders and Democrats are in the majority. God help us.

June 29, 2010 7:31 am

Thank goodness we’ll all die soon, we’ve got to SAVE the planet somehow!

June 29, 2010 7:33 am

Henry Galt says:
June 29, 2010 at 6:04 am
“The staggering stupidity of anyone believing that they are sooooo important that this world must end on their shift. Just like it never did before.
……… There is no peak-anything – except human idiocy it would seem.”
Has it peaked, yet? I doubt it. OTOH, we have discovered something the CAGW crowd gave us to be alarmed about. As you put it, human idiocy——- it’s worse than we thought!

June 29, 2010 7:33 am

My advice to the authors: Try cutting the Prozac in half.

Alan F
June 29, 2010 7:35 am

Pretty certain this was one of those Scifi channel flicks with bad CGI and actors unknown to their own parents.

June 29, 2010 7:51 am

The book “Six Degrees” by Mark Lynas says…

I’m tired of hearing references to this. I recently spent several weeks with a scientist who is extremely hardcore on global warming. He discusses it with people at literally every meal (at least every meal I had with him during those 3 weeks…somewhere around 40 meals). Early on in the 3 weeks, he totally went off on Michael Crichton complaining that we should only pay attention to solid, proven science. Literally the next thing he started talking about then was this Six Degrees book and how it’s so good and true. Um…a little hypocrisy here?

June 29, 2010 7:53 am

i have heard this sort of thing before , and i have only one comment on it.
Armageddon sick of it!

Gail Combs
June 29, 2010 7:54 am

tallbloke says:
June 29, 2010 at 6:58 am
Edward Greisch is an expert on tobacco toxicology too…
“Smoking tobacco causes cancer because the radioactive gas radon seeps out of the ground and sticks to tobacco leaves. This radon gets into the lungs with the tobacco smoke. The radiation from radon causes cancer. [There has always been background radiation. All rocks contain uranium, usually a few parts per million. The radioactive decay of uranium produces radon.]
Oh Boy does this guy have his head (fill in the blank) The actual information he is twisting up side down and backwards is:
“…The radiation hormesis model explains why residents of radon spa areas (in Japan, Germany, and central Europe) and people who live in homes that have high radon levels also have a decreased incidence of cancer. But perhaps the most impressive study that shows just how good low dose radiation can be for you is one just published in the (Spring 2004) Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. click
Edward Greisch is a shinning example of the results of John Dewey’s experiment in education.

June 29, 2010 7:56 am

“methane fuel-air explosions”
Really!?! Natural methane explosions? ROFLMAO.

Justa Joe
June 29, 2010 7:57 am

Peter D. Ward is kookie. I heard him on Coast to Coast AM with Noory making all manner of fanciful climate claims.

Jeff Alberts
June 29, 2010 8:01 am

“…. There is no God and there is no soul. Hence, there are no needs for the props of traditional religion. With dogma and creed excluded, then immutable truth is also dead and buried. There is no room for fixed, natural law or moral absolutes.” – John Dewey (Rondald Nash, The Closing of the American Heart: What’s Really Wrong with America’s Schools, United States: Probe Books, 1990, 91)

Wow, that’s an incredibly silly statement.

June 29, 2010 8:01 am

Good news for misanthropes!

June 29, 2010 8:03 am

Physics of the ‘bends’: New study helps explain decompression sickness – Mozilla Firefox
Moon Dirt Mystery Piled Up Over Billions of Years – – Yahoo! Buzz
Both these podcasts contain NITROGEN & its strangeness. The Moon’s unusual nitrogen out numbers solar type 10 to 1. Earthlings have decompression sickness due to the strange fact that nitrogen exists in tissue in opposition to principals of physics which says body pure nitrogen should collapse in face of nitrogen/ox mix outside of body & doesn’t.
What makes this so much weirder is that in the absence of all frame of reference our body has a 25 hour cycle like—–the Moon’s.

Justa Joe
June 29, 2010 8:10 am

“Per “Climate Code Red”, we need ZERO “Kyoto gas” emissions RIGHT NOW and we also need geo-engineering because we have already gone way beyond the safe CO2 level of 300 to 325 ppm. We are already at 455 ppm equivalent [including greenhouse gasses other than CO2]” – edwardgreisch
Stating that our CO2 max tolerance is 325 ppm and then exaggerating present day CO2 concentration by lumping it in with other “greenhouse” gases is just plane deceitful.

June 29, 2010 8:10 am

Hmm, not as bad as “Half of American Babies are below Average Weight!” but bad enough.

June 29, 2010 8:15 am

The extinction of a species promotes always the expansion of the biodiversity; so… what’s the problem? Were not they in support of “Gaia” methods of shifting? 🙂

June 29, 2010 8:16 am

Why is watching stupidity so fascinating?
To Mark Lynas: The peak of the Eemian interglacial was almost 6°C warmer than now. It just so happened that at that time archaeologists find the very first possibilities of human culture. Ice ages didn’t evolve culture; extremely warm interglacials did.
To Fagan: The Little Ice Age killed off a third of the entire European population due to famine. During the 1990s “warmest decade” cited by so many alarmists, more people were born and survived the decade than died during the two plus centuries at the depth of the Little Ice Age.

June 29, 2010 8:26 am

RomanM says:
June 29, 2010 at 6:38 am
“Fortunately for us, Mr. Greisch is already working on ideas to avoid the catastrophe, At this site (bottom of the page):”
[Gresch]“Cover the ice free Arctic Ocean and melted tundra peat bog lakes with white or aluminum coated ping pong balls.”
I don’t know about anyone else here but I’m going to look into investing in ping pong ball manufacturers stock. They will need a lot of ping pong balls.

June 29, 2010 8:29 am

Where do they go from here? Extinct in 25 years?

Zeke the Sneak
June 29, 2010 8:32 am

“Global Warming could make the human race EXTINCT. The #1 kill mechanism is famine.”
The kill mechanism of famine is brought about by tying up arable land with biofuels, subsidies not to grow food, replanting with native species (Fairtrade, coffee growers), installing wetlands with tax money, raising costs of energy and transport through “renewable” power, and banning important agricultural products such as pesticides and fertilizers, along with gov’t meddling in water use based on their scare models.
We can all manage a year or two of drought. But it is the “violence of well-intentioned governments” that changes dearth into famine.

June 29, 2010 8:32 am

Swarm – The War on Global Warming
Coalition of the Willing: Post-Copenhagen animation
Where do we go after last year’s failed Copenhagen climate change conference?
Coalition of the Willing is an animated film that attempts to answer that question, and the Guardian can exclusively show the video prior to its official launch tomorrow. The film was made by Knife Party Productions, a 24-person animation global collective helmed by Simon Robson.
Sponsored features: Win an LG LED TV … and home cinema system

Green Sand
June 29, 2010 8:37 am

Well, the following comment has been posted by Dr. Giovanni Macchia
The Climate Summit, Regional Coordinator, EU
on Louise Gray’s “Michael Mann says hockey stick should not have become ‘climate change icon’ article:-
1 hour ago
The global warming is a reality. As a physicist, I trust only in the measurements, in the theoretical models and in the logic , of course. The temperature increases is shown at the following address : the data are taken from a worldwide network of metereological station since the 1870: as you can see it is unprecedent in the last 30 years. I am speaking on the global temperature, not on the local one. However, you can see that the global temperature increases both in NH and SH.
The increase of the mean sea level was observed also from satellites and is shown here the GIA effect is considered equal only to around 0.3 mm/year. The data are a mean, of course: different sea level can not contradict that value and, indeed, are measured: as you can see here :the 12 mm/year of seal level increase near the pacific islands is a real nigthmare for me.
Other evidences of other climate changes effects on sea ice and glaciers are here: and All the data are available for reproducibility (myself did it). The non anthropogenic forces (both external and terrestrial) are oscillatories (sun-spot, solar irradiance and the ocean oscillatory related phenomena, like the AMO) and, therefore, they can not justify the trends in the global temperature. Therefore, the effect is anthropogenic.
Dr. Giovanni Macchia
The Climate Summit
Regional Coordinator, EU

So there you go, easy ain’t it? The EU Regional Coordinator says so. Mind blowing, so very simple, I do trust that Giovanni’s nightmares abate soon, he really should get a good night’s sleep in order to coordinate. My view is that Giovanni should find himself his own summit to be on. The tide has turned and it is coming in fast, and it ain’t nothing to do with sea level.

June 29, 2010 9:01 am

Biggest load of cobblers I’ve ever read!
Even the most rabid CAGW proponent must be squirming with embarrassment that this drivel has been published. The religion of man-made climate warming is even nuttier than I thought – cargo cult science at its best… :-))

June 29, 2010 9:11 am

Interesting how the same people who believe that a 0.0001 change in CO2 concentration will make earth uninhabitable, also believe that we can make Mars (0.95 CO2 concentration) habitable.
Some people are complete morons.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
June 29, 2010 9:17 am

tallbloke said on June 29, 2010 at 6:58 am:

Edward Greisch is an expert on tobacco toxicology too…
Smoking tobacco causes cancer because the radioactive gas radon seeps out of the ground and sticks to tobacco leaves. This radon gets into the lungs with the tobacco smoke. The radiation from radon causes cancer. [There has always been background radiation. All rocks contain uranium, usually a few parts per million. The radioactive decay of uranium produces radon.]

Well that’s just stupid. Everyone knows it’s the Polonium-210 in tobacco that’s the real problem.
NY Times
Scinece Magazine
Mayo Clinic paper
Just Google for “polonium in cigarettes” which is also a “frequently searched for” Google suggestion.
As read about on this helpful scientific site:

Polonium -210 is the only component of cigarette smoke that has produced cancer by itself in laboratory animals by inhalation – tumors appeared already at a polonium level five times lower than those of a normal heavy smoker.
Lung cancer rates among men kept climbing from a rarity in 1930 (4/100,000 per year) to the No. 1 cancer killer in 1980 (72/100,000) in spite of an almost 20 percent reduction in smoking. But during the same period, the level of polonium -210 in American tobacco had tripled. This coincided with the increase in the use of phosphate fertilizers by tobacco growers – calcium phosphate ore accumulates uranium and slowly releases radon gas.
As radon decays, its electrically charged daughter products attach themselves to dust particles, which adhere to the sticky hairs on the underside of tobacco leaves. This leaves a deposit of radioactive polonium and lead on the leaves. Then, the intense localized heat in the burning tip of a cigarette volatilizes the radioactive metals. While cigarette filters can trap chemical carcinogens, they are ineffective against radioactive vapors.
The lungs of a chronic smoker end up with a radioactive lining in a concentration much higher than from residential radon. These particles emit radiation. Smoking two packs of cigarettes a day imparts a radiation dose by alpha particles of about 1,300 millirem per year. For comparison, the annual radiation dose to the average American from inhaled radon is 200 mrem. However, the radiation dose at the radon “action level” of 4 pCi/L is roughly equivalent to smoking 10 cigarettes a day.
In addition, polunium-210 is soluble and is circulated through the body to every tissue and cell in levels much higher than from residential radon. The proof is that it can be found in the blood and urine of smokers. The circulating polonium -210 causes genetic damage and early death from diseases reminiscent of early radiological pioneers: liver and bladder cancer, stomach ulcer, leukemia, cirrhosis of liver, and cardiovascular diseases.
The Surgeon General C. Everett Koop stated that radioactivity, rather than tar, accounts for at least 90% of all smoking-related lung cancers. The Center for Disease Control concluded “Americans are exposed to far more radiation from tobacco smoke than from any other source.”

Hmm, I wonder if one can get “organic” tobacco grown without these dangerous phosphate fertilizers.
The “rebuttal” is found in the Independent’s (UK) reporting of the Mayo paper in 2008:

A spokeswoman for British American Tobacco said it was not known which constituents of cigarette smoke caused cancer and argued that polonium 210 is also present in food.
“It’s fairly common knowledge polonium 210 is in cigarette smoke because it’s present in all such plant types, including strawberries,” she said. “There was a 1977 study that found, of the daily intake of the polonium 210 in a smoker, 77.3 per cent came from food and 17 per cent from tobacco. The World Health Organisation is trying to determine which constituents of tobacco smoke are most important in diseases including lung cancer, but as yet have not concluded polonium 210 is a priority constituent.”

Would that be strawberries that were grown with those dangerous phosphate fertilizers?
Algae blooms, water contamination, and now radiation poisoning… Who knew phosphate fertilizers could be this deadly? Why, get rid of them and practically no one will die from cigarette smoke-related cancers. Just imagine how many other cancers we could practically eliminate!
Paging Gail Combs et al…

Pull My Finger
June 29, 2010 9:18 am

Newsflash! Global Warming stole my car keys sometime between 11pm and 6am on June 28-29!

June 29, 2010 9:25 am

Gail Combs says:
June 29, 2010 at 5:53 am
Ric Werme says:
June 29, 2010 at 5:11 am
My 100th birthday will be in October 2050. Hope they mean the end of the year, I’d hate to miss my party. I’ll see if can age quicker to have the party a few years earlier.
Maybe we can have that birthday party together. mine is the tail end of September.
Perhaps we should go for a year long party, mine’s in August.

June 29, 2010 9:47 am

I think the warmists have finally jumped the shark.

June 29, 2010 10:01 am

The difference between min and max in Ipswich outside Brisbane was 20 degrees Celsius today….. They all must be dead then!

mike sphar
June 29, 2010 10:07 am

Oh no, its worse than we thought. only 40 Super Bowls left and they will ban CO2 from the beer!

June 29, 2010 10:07 am

“Can we please move on from apocalyptic doomsday scenarios? These conversations never go anywhere and everyone is very clear about how you feel on this issue. – gavin”
Quote of the week?

Gary Hladik
June 29, 2010 10:09 am

“Gladys, according to this web site we’re doomed.”
“Yup. Gosh, it all seems so…futile. Maybe I shouldn’t–”
“Oh no, you’re still putting the trash out, Gavin!”
(sigh) “Yes, dear.”

June 29, 2010 10:12 am

I’m betting in all their approaches to compensate for “global warming”, they’ll eventually execute something that tips the earth into the next Ice Age. Then we’ll all be cooling our heels without benefit of CO2-producing heat sources. It will demonstrate what happens with zealous adherence to an illogical cult and will make their hysterical claims of total human annihilation come true. What complete and absolute jerks!

June 29, 2010 10:21 am

So… I guess we’ll survive past 2012 then? This is good news 😉

June 29, 2010 10:30 am

Day of the Triffids was a very good science fiction book although they totally trashed the story in the movie attempt.
Perhaps the author of this could get some practice at breathing with higher amounts of CO2 by putting a paper bag over his head, like they make you do when hyper-ventalating. This would solve a couple of problems for us here: It would calm the guy down by getting his CO2 levels adjusted (does he know he exhales CO2?) and we would not have to worry about actually seeing what he may look like.

June 29, 2010 10:53 am

Is the Armageddon Point 6°C above the current temperature… Or is it 6°C above the pre-industrial era temperature?
The current average global temperature is round 15°C. Throughout most of the Phanerozoic the average global temperature was round 22°C. Temperatures did spike up a bit higher at the Permian & K-T extinctions… So… {Sarcasm Mode On}I think we have at least 8°C to go before we start boiling the H2S out of the oceans. {Sarcasm Mode Off}
Phanerozoic Temp v CO2

June 29, 2010 11:06 am

kadaka (KD Knoebel) says:
June 29, 2010 at 9:17 am

As read about on this helpful scientific site:
Polonium -210 is the only component of cigarette smoke that has produced cancer by itself in laboratory animals by inhalation – tumors appeared already at a polonium level five times lower than those of a normal heavy smoker.
As radon decays, its electrically charged daughter products attach themselves to dust particles, which adhere to the sticky hairs on the underside of tobacco leaves. This leaves a deposit of radioactive polonium and lead on the leaves. Then, the intense localized heat in the burning tip of a cigarette volatilizes the radioactive metals. While cigarette filters can trap chemical carcinogens, they are ineffective against radioactive vapors.

210 Po is one of my favorite isotopes, having spent many hours in photographic darkrooms (do a Google search for Staticmaster if you’d like your own miniscule sample).
I have a bit of an issue with “As radon decays, its electrically charged daughter products attach themselves to dust particles, which adhere to the sticky hairs on the underside of tobacco leaves.” See the decay chain listed at – Radon 222 decays quickly into Lead 210, which has a half life of 22.26 years. This means that by the time someone smokes one of those coffin nails, only a very small amount of Pb-210 will have decayed into Polonium 210. PB-210 (and Bi-210) emit beta rays before becoming Po-210 which emits an alpha particle. The alpha has much greater energy than the beta rays, that’s likely why it’s called out above.
There’s a lot I don’t know about this, but if lead sticks to lung tissues, and polonium is dissolves, then perhaps lung tissue is more impacted by beta decays. The article also mentioned stomach ulcers. While the Curies and contemporaries had problems with skin ulcers, stomach ulcers have since been blamed on H. pylori bacteria, which does not appear in the Radon decay chain.
Maybe I should go find some alternative sources.

June 29, 2010 11:13 am

Joe Lalonde says:
June 29, 2010 at 3:24 am
Peer Approved, so it must be 100% accurate.
I’m hoping that was tongue in cheek humor Joe.

June 29, 2010 11:14 am

Have patience with Edward Greisch. This i found on RealClimate, from 22 May 2010:
Edward Greisch says:
22 May 2010 at 12:28 AM
I am looking at the referenced indirectly
which shows 2009 sea surface temperatures. I guess it means that most of the ocean surface temperatures are something like 3.5 degrees C warmer than before. Is that correct? That is a lot.
[Response: Not sure where you get that from- the figure is for data distribution, not temperature. -gavin]
I am impressed that they were able to add up the data and make the calculation. There is a mountain of data, but it seems to be rather difficult to deal with. It seems to be sort of a “fuzzy” data set.”
Maybe he will learn to read data sometime in the future. No wonder he’s confused.

Nolo Contendere
June 29, 2010 11:15 am

In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, “Whatta maroon!”.

June 29, 2010 11:18 am

tallbloke says:
June 29, 2010 at 3:32 am
“The extra heat has caused heat related deaths already”
Puhlease. How many compared to cold related deaths last winter?
Kind of what I was wondering.
I live in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. We had the longest time frame without an 80 degree (F) day in the recorded temp history. So far by 6/29/2010 we have only had 2 days over 78(F) and we’ve already broken records for rain fall. Between May and June we got more rain than we usually do in the first 9 months before the really rainy months of September, October, November, and December.
Also I seem to remember while I was in the hospital for 11 days this last December the second longest coldspell without relief of almost 30 days below 32 degrees. It ususally doesn’t get that cold in November/December.

June 29, 2010 11:28 am

Couldn’t resist. This is what our friendly world surveillance monster knows about Edward Greisch:
“Edward Greisch: Solar Person Biographical Entry
The name “Edward Greisch” has appeared in 1 articles that referenced Solar on 1 different days. The name may have appeared supporting this topic, against it, or in a separate context in the article. This biographical entry simply demarks the name Edward Greisch as having appeared in articles suggesting context with Solar. ”
Thank you, world surveillance monster.

June 29, 2010 11:42 am

Well, since we are doomed anyway, might as well just leave work now ; ))
The louder the AGW crowd screams, the more desperate they sound. This is the peak of desperate. The whole AGW thing will probably continue to fade away as real data does not bear out the AGW forecasts.

June 29, 2010 11:42 am

Did the thought “telephone sanitizers!” cross anybody’s mind? I mean, if they already believe the world is ending, aren’t we half way there already?

June 29, 2010 11:51 am

The World According To Greisch
Another gem.
“Edward Greisch 04.15.2010
The fact you need to know to understand Global Warming is this: CO2 is opaque to infrared. Oxygen and nitrogen are transparent to infrared. Water vapor is in between opaque and transparent to infrared [semi-opaque]. Sunlight is mostly visible light. Sunlight warms the ground. The ground radiates infrared. The CO2 prevents the infrared from escaping into space. The Earth heats up.[…]”
That’s what we’re up against. Either people with a VERY limited understanding of all things scientific OR one of the most talented parodists not working for The Onion.

June 29, 2010 11:55 am

I’m just sayin.

June 29, 2010 12:09 pm

I found out why Greisch believes in H2S to be a problem.
he says:
“[…]Warm oceans can’t dissolve enough oxygen, fish die and are decomposed by sulfur bacteria. The sulfur bacteria will make enough H2S to kill everybody.[…]”
Interesting way of reasoning.

June 29, 2010 12:25 pm

I have the suspicion that Edward Greisch might be the astroturfing alter ego of Peter D. Ward (who has a lot of books for you if you’re interested in all things catastrophic past, present and future)… and while trawling for connections i found a website that mirrors us (and probably every wordpress blog):
Are they allowed to do that?

mister g
June 29, 2010 12:32 pm

you so called Eco warriors , socialist can’t argue with the real data , hasn’t warmed for the last ten years. fact.
The elitist dream pt up another way to make more money from the poor but you just can’t see it. why don’t you research agenda 21 properly. its the same people who caused famine in Africa & all over the world. For the sake of profit & the in the name of green.
Don’t believe it ! research. Also check out CODEX ALIMENTARIUS lecture by Dr Ian Crane it will blow you away. As from 31/12/2009 everything you eat will be GM food. Thank you for your time.

June 29, 2010 12:39 pm

How did these guys get doctorates? Maybe from that special mail-order program involving five box tops (allow six weeks for delivery!) that I keep looking at every morning.

Ken Harvey
June 29, 2010 12:44 pm

I am all for free speech, but does there not have to be a limit short of this sort of alarmist drivel?

Midwest Mark
June 29, 2010 12:51 pm

mister g….your message…it’s like some cryptic telegraphy from the future. And yet I have an odd feeling we’re on the same page…

June 29, 2010 1:08 pm

Humans deserve to be extinct and replaced by something, anything, if they actually believe that 6 degrees and we’re done. On the other hand if it’s actually true I’m sure we can simply change the data presentation, probably using some “trick”, and we’ll be too stupid to figure out that we are extinct and will instead carry on as per usual.

Milwaukee Bob
June 29, 2010 1:14 pm

Note to all Librarians: Place the book Six Degrees by Mark Lynas in the Science Fiction section (if you haven’t already).
As for writing your congressperson about this AND using any of this “data”, I wouldn’t put my name on that letter if I were you. You don’t want to be on THAT list!

June 29, 2010 1:17 pm

Here we have a realclimate thread on which we find Edward Greisch and, surprise, a Peter Ward (sans D.) who “works in mass extinctions” as he professes. They don’t interact directly. The books by Peter D. Ward i found are about extinction events. Somebody on the thread says “Nice to see you, Dr. Ward” so he
s a PhD.

June 29, 2010 1:31 pm

This Greisch fellow is a self described “independent defense and space professional” who is a proponent of Space Elevators. He is, though, commendably pro-Nuclear and belongs to a group called Environmentalists for Nuclear. Like executives at several major nuclear power companies, he wants to see cap and trade so that the negative externalities of fossil fuel pollution properly balance the cost of energy from fossil fuel so that nuclear is more competitive, which may or may not be commendable depending on your opinion on externality cost accounting.

June 29, 2010 1:34 pm

You clearly don’t understand the real reason this article is balderdash! In fact, we won’t go extinct in 2050, because we’re all going to die in 2012!! December 21, 2012, to be precise.
Sheesh, you’d think you all would have picked up on that by now…

June 29, 2010 1:42 pm

googling for the exact phrase “by Peter D. Ward, Ph.D” – this is how Greisch puts it in his posts – yields interesting results. For instance, here is “Asteroid Miner” on a NYT forum, the text looks very much like one from Greisch on a completely different forum.
I think that’s enough proof. Somebody wants to be the next Stephen Jay Gould and is busy plugging his book all around the internet. Notice that these are always Drive-by postings, Greisch/Asteroid Miner never engages in discussions.
He’s not a nutjob. He’s laughing all the way to the bank.

June 29, 2010 1:45 pm

When in danger,
when in doubt,
run in circles,
scream and shout!
Everybody: Panic Out!!!
So an ice age or two and climate changer orders of magnitude more massive than anything happening now didn’t do us in, but a bit warmer, about like it was about 5 k to 8k years ago, is going to be our end?
I don’t know what they are smoking, but it’s more potent than anything I’ve ever had…

June 29, 2010 1:45 pm

I would think that in order for the entire human race to become EXTINCT within 50 years….
……..we would have to start right now.
ok, so who’s going to be first?………………… 😉

June 29, 2010 1:54 pm

E.M.Smith says:
June 29, 2010 at 1:45 pm
Everybody: Panic Out!!![…]”
When you’re here that can only mean one thing: You’re in cash! Ok boys: PANIC!

David L
June 29, 2010 1:54 pm

Henry Galt says:
June 29, 2010 at 6:04…..
….”The more I investigate “modern” science the more I am beginning to think that there may well be a God and He is jerking us all around by making these proud loonies produce theories that posit the exact reverse of His reality.”
I agree. I always thought this was case in medical/ health research as well. We were told for decades to not eat red meat, fat, butter, and coffee and now those are “health foods” ,

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
June 29, 2010 2:06 pm

Excerpt from: DirkH on June 29, 2010 at 12:25 pm

(…)… and while trawling for connections i found a website that mirrors us (and probably every wordpress blog):

WHOIS info:

created: 26-Feb-2008
last-changed: 27-Feb-2010
registration-expiration: 26-Feb-2011
registrant-firstname: Dragos
registrant-lastname: Ilinca
registrant-organization: UBERVU LIMITED
registrant-street1: George Beard Road
registrant-street2: Aragon Tower
registrant-pcode: SE8 3AH
registrant-state: KEN
registrant-city: London
registrant-ccode: GB
registrant-phone: +44.2084659875

Seems they provide “Real-time social media analytics” thus they keep track of comments made on the internet, since those are “social interactions” apparently. They are not mirroring, they are showing their tracking in action. The pricing for their service looks cute, $29/month for one official user gets you FIVE searches. Woo-hoo.
Name is registered to an organization in London, yet on the pricing page the contact phone number sure looks like an American (or Canadian?) number. I guess that’s not too weird if they expect primarily American (and Canadian?) customers, and these days a phone number is far from definitive at identifying where the party on the other end of the line is physically at.
Curious. They run their own name server. Generally I think you’d have to be very large or very stupid to do that, since if your site goes down then the internet has a hard time finding you.

June 29, 2010 2:37 pm

The ad nauseaum rubbish of scare Sci-fiction coming out of certain individuals in Academia in recent years.
Forget the Prozac, etc. These Dudes who’ve the audacity to call themselves scientists and make up this utter unsubstaniated crap. Need to swap their white coats for a white straight jacket and a nice padded room in an asylum. It’s obvious they’ve lost their way in being rational and all the needed level headed objective reasoning approach a true real scientist needs!

June 29, 2010 2:58 pm

Sheesh, last week Prof Frank Fenner said we had 100 years to go to extinction, this week it is 50 years – next week we will probably only have a couple of months (well, if some numpty gets the finger on the nuclear button then I suppose that may be true). And to think that everyone used to laugh at the sandwich board men who paraded the streets with “The End is Nigh!”. What a load of tosh!

Paul Birch
June 29, 2010 3:09 pm

NoAstronomer says:
June 29, 2010 at 7:56 am
“methane fuel-air explosions”
Really!?! Natural methane explosions? ROFLMAO.
Yes, really. Ignis fatuus, or will-o-the-wisp, is burning swamp methane. When a big bubble of the gas bursts through the surface, as happens from time to time, you get either a (rather damp) explosion, or a floating ball of fire, depending on how well it’s mixed with the air before ignition. Hence the proverbial rationalisation of UFO sightings as “swamp gas”.
There are more weird natural phenomena in the world than are dreamed of in anyone’s philosophy!

P Wilson
June 29, 2010 3:12 pm

Zhinlo says:
What happens is that we commit Hare kari at 520ppm. C02 crushes us at 600ppm. At 620ppm, it really does vapourise us. At 560ppm we all die of famine and heatstroke.
By these reckonings, we’ll all be doing hare kari in 30 years. Should only take a week.

Alex Ellul
June 29, 2010 3:28 pm

They are wrong. We will not be extinct in 50 years time. Superman would have saved us all by then, helped by Ironman, Darkman, the seven dwarves, Peter Pan and Paul McCartney. This is all based on science, I have a consensus (me, myself and my image in the mirror included) and it is all peer-reviewed, by three of my best friends. And who is going to nominate me for the Noble prize for peace? Al Gone?

June 29, 2010 3:41 pm

In the same style of total bogus crap:
“Magnitude of global warming uncertain: Survey
By Margaret Munro, Canwest News Service June 28, 2010”
http://www.vancouve technology/ Magnitude+ global+warming+ uncertain+ survey+finds/ 3212837/story. html
” “The possibility of really dramatic climate outcomes is significant,”
says engineer David Keith, of the University of Calgary, whose survey
highlights the large but seldom discussed uncertainty in climate
change scenarios.(…)”
” To gauge the risks Keith and his colleagues canvassed 14 leading
climate scientists, including two in Canada. Most are on the United
Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The scientists were asked for their expert advice on how the climate
system will respond to different emissions scenarios. Their responses
are detailed in a report published Monday in the U.S. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences. (…)”
David Keith is riding the wave of guilt that gripped rich oil executive in Calgary. An American, obscure researcher and as this piece of junk alarmism proves, a perfect candidate for a Canadian university to promote his own research on gullible people who feel they need to get on the bandwagon of green, sustainable… funding for self serving average scientists.
The fact this reporter cannot identified the colleagues -mostly IPCC members of course who else and in Canada we know well who’s funding depends on keeping the alarmism going- shows how biased, uninformative this drivel is. This is not information but advertisement.
PNAS published last week an infamous “black list” paper co-authored by a climate science nobody IT worker at U of T who googled some list of climate scientist on which the paper is based, first authored by doctorate candidate and helped by the name of Stephen Schneider, one of the “heroes” of climategate.
This PNAS paper references the word “climate denier”, a pun on Holocaust denier that, with the pathetic social science listing, demonstrates how desperate the global warming lobby has become to use such poor propaganda.
So David Keith, mister CO2 bubble on U of C ads, whose research on wind turbine fields and climate change are among the most questionable pieces of literature out there, is preaching and selling his institute for guilt ridden retired oilmen and this newspaper obliges. Shame on you!

Jim Barker
June 29, 2010 3:48 pm

I’m sure morons won’t mind, but comparing these sad individuals to morons is unkind to morons.
I won’t be 100 until 2051, can I still come to the party?

June 29, 2010 4:05 pm

Want to increase the worlds food supply? Increase the CO2 in the air. Plants grow bigger and faster.

June 29, 2010 4:18 pm


June 29, 2010 4:56 pm

How’s about unbridled greed as a handful of people attempt to take over the world, hoarding resources and pushing desperate nations into WWIII? Since thier global economic plans have struck rocky shores, the next thing on thier list is Super Monopolies.

June 29, 2010 5:23 pm

It is not an article. It is just a blog post by some loon. There is a lot of that on the web.
Reply: Noted. ~ ctm

Mark Sofman
June 29, 2010 6:29 pm

I think you understate the “stupidest” part.

June 29, 2010 6:55 pm

The MODTRAN results suggest that we might need to increase the CO2 concentration levels to perhaps 15,000 or 20,000 ppm achieve this temperature increase. Perhaps our greater danger over that time period is global radioactive contamination (GRC) from the ideological use of military nuclear weapons.

June 29, 2010 7:00 pm

Which is the bigger business, preaching about global warming as a result of human excesses or the current manufacturing conglomerates of the world collectively producing products for human consumption? Then, who has the bigger reason to lie?

Andrew W
June 29, 2010 7:14 pm

I’ve read collapse, I don’t recall anything about human extinction, looks like Edward Greisch is just making things up, and who is Edward Greisch anyway?

June 29, 2010 8:14 pm

Methane fuel-air-explosions? That is just freakin’ awesome that anyone could even think that up. This stuff just reads like Sci-Fi.
What about Bill McKibbins “Eaarth”? And what about the book “The Coming Climate Wars”. The cover looks great – absolute Sci-Fi. The thinking that produces this “Pulp Fiction” is incredibly faddish and superficial. We live in such weird times….How can anyone be taking any of this stuff serious.
Oh I keep forgetting; the science is settled.

CRS, Dr.P.H.
June 29, 2010 9:03 pm

“The book lists several kill mechanisms, the most important being famine and methane fuel-air explosions.”
HAR HAR HAR!! Methane fuel-air explosions?? These rarely happen at sewage treatment plants, where biomethanation is commonly employed via anaerobic digestion!!
The LEL (lower explosive limit) of methane in air is 5%, if we get that high in our atmosphere, we will have other things to worry about.
Thanks, Chas, that IS a breathtakingly stupid article! Nice catch!

April E. Coggins
June 29, 2010 9:12 pm

This bothers me more than it should. I live in a college town and the insane, illogical “professing” is more prevelant than I think most people believe. We have a chemistry prof who is very active in local politics who is writing the same sort of nonsense to local newspapers, using his credentials to smack down we deniers. I can only assume that he is making money teaching the same crap to captive college students. (got to have that degree, you know) How do we get out of mess? How do we unlearn at least two generations of bad information? It’s frustrating.
And then I find that taxpayers are funding stupid:

Geoff Sherrington
June 29, 2010 9:53 pm

Paul Birch says “For cities in warmer climates, white roofs would beneficially mitigate the UHI effect, which can be quite unpleasant.”
Think it through, Paul. Some of that heat getting reflected from the white roof might be sucked straight down the throats of air conditioner inlets, causing them to consume more energy to cool the interiors of the buildings ….
The cars in the streets would be hotter inside, so more gas used to cool them …
People in the streets would feel hotter and would want to go into cool buildings, increasing the load on cooling systems …
Mad dogs and Englishmen would stop going out in the midday sun …
etc etc
It’s almost a zero sum game. The main effect would be aesthetic, but only if you like white would you feel a big benefit.

June 29, 2010 11:09 pm

“GregO says:
June 29, 2010 at 8:14 pm
What about Bill McKibbins “Eaarth”? And what about the book “The Coming Climate Wars”. The cover looks great – absolute Sci-Fi. The thinking that produces this “Pulp Fiction” is incredibly faddish and superficial. We live in such weird times….How can anyone be taking any of this stuff serious. ”
It’s the same as those who think 2012 is going to be Doom year.
There’s supposedly going to be an item on our local NZ TV3’s 60 Minutes Program about 2012. Supposedly some 2012 Doomster believers are supposedly coming to NZ to get away from the Chaos caused by 2012 in the NH. Well NZ ain’t much of a good place to settle. We’re the shaky Isles. Prone to Earthquakes and has plenty of Dormant Volcanoes. So NZ could be the first country wiped off the map when or the ‘prophesized’ doom hits us in 2012. 🙂

June 29, 2010 11:13 pm

Well, duh! Did you actually pay attention what they said? They said: Global Warming could make Humans EXTINCT within 50 years. By ‘could’, they mean to say there is still plenty of uncertainty in the science.
Here are more examples:
1-The weight of too many fat people on the Earth’s crust could trigger volcanic eruptions at unexpected places around the globe.
2- The slingshot maneuvers used to speed up spacecraft could perturb the Earth’s orbit and hurtle it towards the dark abyss of space.
3- Too many tourists may get the Loch Ness Monster so angry that it may start eating our kittens at night.
As you can see, there is still plenty of uncertainty in the science behind each one of those considered statements.

Ted Annonson
June 29, 2010 11:28 pm

Aymospheric methane fires?explosions — possible/maybe.
A local highschool boy caught the seat of his pants on fire while testing whether various sources of methane were equally flamible. (WARNING!! DO NOT attempt this scientific experiment at home!!)

Ted Annonson
June 29, 2010 11:41 pm

PS That was supposed to be Atmospheric. These ancient fingers don’t always go where I want.
Also — could you all make that 100th birthday party a little earlier? Mine comes in only 17 years.

Allan M
June 30, 2010 2:57 am

Geoff Sherrington says:
June 29, 2010 at 9:53 pm
It’s almost a zero sum game. The main effect would be aesthetic, but only if you like white would you feel a big benefit.
But think of the wealth created by the increased sales of sunglasses.
And this Englishman don’t like midday sun much.

Paul Birch
June 30, 2010 3:37 am

Geoff Sherrington says:
June 29, 2010 at 9:53 pm
Paul Birch says “For cities in warmer climates, white roofs would beneficially mitigate the UHI effect, which can be quite unpleasant.”
Think it through, Paul. Some of that heat getting reflected from the white roof might be sucked straight down the throats of air conditioner inlets, causing them to consume more energy to cool the interiors of the buildings ….
It’s almost a zero sum game.
I have thought it through. It is not zero sum. From no white to all white, there would be a net increase in albedo of order 10% (to ~90% from ~50% over the ~25% of urban area covered by roofs). Under clear skies, this would mean a reduction of ~30W/m2 absorbed at the surface, or ~7C reduction in black body temperature. Nearly all of the reflected radiation will go straight back out into space (not into air conditioners) . Only under heavy cloud would it make little or no difference. Depending on the climate, we might wish either to retain or to radiate heat at night; we could get either effect by adjusting the IR emissivity of the paint. Assuming we want to radiate as much heat as possible, we might use ordinary radiator paint, which has the right spectral properties.
And people, natural swamp gas (mostly methane + phosphine + H2S) explosions are not science fiction. They are real (though generally pretty feeble). The stupidity of the poster is not in assuming that global warming would make them happen more frequently, but in thinking they could ever be catastrophic enough to threaten the survival of the species.

June 30, 2010 3:55 am

I thought the left supported the extinction of the human race.

Midwest Mark
June 30, 2010 5:41 am

So where are the supporters of this article? Where are the voices of the rabid AGW alarmists? Please! Take a shot! Step up and try to defend this garbage!
There’s nothing but silence….

Justa Joe
June 30, 2010 8:05 am

Jimbo says:
June 29, 2010 at 7:00 pm
“Which is the bigger business, preaching about global warming as a result of human excesses or the current manufacturing conglomerates of the world collectively producing products for human consumption? Then, who has the bigger reason to lie?”
Since the Klimate Kranks don’t produce a tanglible product to sell and are essentially leaching off the “current manufacturing conglomerates of the world,” who effectively generate the world’s wealth, one has to assume that it is the klimate kranks that have more motivation to “lie”.
What is it exactly that the “current manufacturing conglomerates of the world” are supposed to be “collectively” lieing about? The nearest I can tell the “current manufacturing conglomerates of the world” don’t speak in a common voice and don’t have a “collective” philosophy on any particular subject. The only people that I see promoting an consensus agenda are the Klimate Kranks.

June 30, 2010 8:31 am

RE: Denslow: (June 30, 2010 at 3:55 am ) “I thought the left supported the extinction of the human race.”
I think that finding is the purview of those guilt-complex extremists who have reverted to pure nature worship.

June 30, 2010 9:39 am

“Storms of My Grandchildren” by James Hansen, chief of NASA-GISS paints the bleakest picture: Earth goes Venus, becoming a completely dead hot rock at 800 degrees F and our Mars colonies cannot survive because Mars has been a dead planet for too long.

The article’s medley of catastrophists have one common theme: Big spending to solve the world’s problems.
More relevant than Earth going Venus might be U.S. going Greece, with unpayable debt, a collapsed bond market and printing presses in meltdown. When is Hanson due to retire?

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
June 30, 2010 1:44 pm

Re: bill parsons on June 30, 2010 at 9:39 am
Minor quibble based on my tender sensibilities, but could you please avoid the wording “U.S. going Greece” in the future due to a certain grammatically similar phrase? I’d appreciate it, thanks.

June 30, 2010 7:00 pm

They are lucky there isn’t a comments secion or he would be eaten alive.

Ted Annonson
June 30, 2010 7:05 pm

“U.S. going Greece” just means that the citizens are being [snip] by the government.

George E. Smith
July 1, 2010 10:08 am

Well just maybe they might be right about the massive famines to come.
After all, it is many decades now since Scientific American magazine published a special subject issue, on energy usage and its effect on human societies.
In one paper the authors studied the relationship between energy input to a “Society”; at any and all levels of development and sophistication; from the most primitive subsistence societies; to the most industrially developed ones.
Their data showed unequivocally, that energy input equates to food production output. A remote Eskimo village adding firearms, and the energy of bullets along with snowmobiles and fossil fuels to their range of equipment; were able to increase their capture rate of seals and other food supplies for example.
No matter the level of enterprise; all over the world, energy was replaced by food at pretty much the same exchange rate. Only a couple of places sat noticeably off the common exchange rate line, in the direction of being more efficient or productive. Those two places were France and New Zealand; and both were largely due to unique weather/climate conditions in those regions. In any case; combined they hardly move the world’s food supply; simply too small a capacity in the global picture.
So the message is clear and has been for decades. If the world’s major breadbaskets do not get the energy they need; they simply will not be able to produce the food that the world needs. Of course the USA, Russia, and probably Canada figure prominently in those places that can produce food; and Canad is severely hampered by a short growing season; because of the current colder climate. A little global warming could do wonders for Canadian food productivity. Global cooling will be disastrous; and the same for Russia/Siberia.
So some of those dire famine warnings vould happen; but if they do; they will be entirely man caused by stupid energy policies; not by any climate change.

July 1, 2010 5:51 pm

Paul Birch says:
June 30, 2010 at 3:37 am
Geoff Sherrington says:
June 29, 2010 at 9:53 pm
Paul Birch says “For cities in warmer climates, white roofs would beneficially mitigate the UHI effect, which can be quite unpleasant.”

I have thought it through. It is not zero sum. From no white to all white, there would be a net increase in albedo of order 10% (to ~90% from ~50% over the ~25% of urban area covered by roofs). Under clear skies, this would mean a reduction of ~30W/m2 absorbed at the surface, or ~7C reduction in black body temperature. Nearly all of the reflected radiation will go straight back out into space (not into air conditioners) . Only under heavy cloud would it make little or no difference. Depending on the climate, we might wish either to retain or to radiate heat at night; we could get either effect by adjusting the IR emissivity of the paint. Assuming we want to radiate as much heat as possible, we might use ordinary radiator paint, which has the right spectral properties.
OK. Yeah. Right. Sure. (Proof that 4 positives make a negative.)
Now, what about the 80% of the country that NEEDS heating in winter (black roofs = good ???) AND ALSO needs cooling in the summer time (White roofs = good ???).
Your (foolish) “ig-Noble”-prize “winner” Energy Sec Chu thinks that we should – what? – repaint every roof top across America every spring and fall?

July 1, 2010 9:48 pm

RE: The Total Idiot: (June 29, 2010 at 6:59 am) “I may be an absolute, and total idiot… but I can make an accurate prediction. If we make no major changes in health care, all humans currently living will be dead within 150 years.”
Can you imagine the social shock that would be created if modern medical research found a method of installing a virus-like genetic patch that would halt or reverse the adult aging process.
There would be no retirement to look forward to and no prerogatives of old age. Perhaps that might increase the mean survival age to something like 150 years due to the remaining, non-age-related causes of death.

Paul Birch
July 2, 2010 1:31 pm

RACookPE1978 says:
July 1, 2010 at 5:51 pm
Paul Birch says “For cities in warmer climates, white roofs would beneficially mitigate the UHI effect, which can be quite unpleasant.”
Now, what about the 80% of the country that NEEDS heating in winter (black roofs = good ???) AND ALSO needs cooling in the summer time (White roofs = good ???).
I doubt it’s 80%, but … whatever. There are various options. The simplest is repainting. In the olden days people used to whitewash their houses several times a year, so this would be quite possible, if tedious. Or you could have two canopies extending from the ridgepole like roller blinds, one white, one black, one for summer, one for winter; just pull on the rope to deploy. Another option would be a louvred roof, like a reversible venetian blind; do it right and the louvres replace roof tiles. A higher tech solution would be a thermosensitive paint that turns white at high temperatures and dark at low temperatures.
However, even if you just use white paint, it’s the summer UHI that’s most unpleasant; for the winter you can just wear more clothes or turn the heat up a bit.
This isn’t some hairshirt man-is-evil idea; it’s an idea to make your cities more comfortable. If you’d prefer to suffer, fine.

July 3, 2010 2:17 am

In our part of the world there is a great pollution which cause the great threat of global warming and cause death. we people should take care of it and do more and more planting to get rid of it.