IQ Test: Which of these is not upside down?

This is a simple IQ test anyone should be able to complete easily. Here are four images, which one of the images has elements that are not upside down? You…

How to trick yourself into unintentional cherry picking to make hockey sticks

This post over at Lucia’s Blackboard caught my interest because it shows you don’t need to operate heavy equipment (like Al Gore’s famous elevator scene) to get yourself a big…

Discoveries from the IBEX satellite show we still don't know quite a few things about the heliosphere and solar system

Voyagers 1 and 2 reached the termination shock in 2005 and 2007, respectively, taking point measurements as they left the solar system. Before IBEX, there was only data from these…

Follow up: Meteorite from September 25 hits SUV, warmists thrilled

WUWT readers may recall the story I did last week: Live in Ontario Canada? – help find this meteorite Warmists thrilled about the SUV impact? Well I can only imagine but…