Examining SORCE data shows the Sun continues its slide toward somnolence

Guest post by Guillermo Gonzalez I recently happened upon the SORCE/TIM website and decided to look up the plot of the full total solar irradiance (TSI) dataset (http://lasp.colorado.edu/sorce/data/tsi_data.htm#plots) The SORCE…

Waxman bribes Mr. Gene Green? – private deal "allowances" if Dems will vote for cap and trade bill

It seems our future is being bargained away for a few pieces of silver as this passage from the article indicates. Those of you that have an interest in this,…

Antarctica's Bipolar Disorder

Guest post by Steven Goddard Two days ago I questioned how Antarctic ice could be both “melting faster than expected” and “expanding” at the same time.  Yet (as WUWT has…