Sunspeck counts after all, debate rages…Sun DOES NOT have first spotless calendar month since June 1913

UPADATED AT 8:30AM PST Sept 2nd- More on SIDC’s decision to count a sunspeck (technically a “pore”) days after the fact. NOAA has now followed SIDC in adding a 0.5…

Gustav's progress via near realtime satellite imagery

As many of you may know, I produce a variety of weather imagery maps for web and broadcast in SD and HD. Since there is a lot of interest in…

Arctic Ice Growth, 2008 – How Much?

A Guest Post By Steve Goddard In my most recent article in The Register, and also posted here on WUWT, I incorrectly speculated that NSIDC graphs appeared to show less…

Sun poised to make history with first spotless month since 1913

Many people that have have an interest in the interaction between the Sun and Earth have been keeping a watchful eye on several metrics of solar activity recently. The most…



Global Warming behind Austrian Encephalitis Case

More Signs of the Apocalypse From Posted online: Friday, August 29, 2008 at 2:48:25 PM Report Confirms Four Austrians Suffer Tick-borne Encephalitis from Cheese Medical experts confirmed on Thursday…

The Sun remains in a magnetic funk

While sunspots are often cited as the main proxy indicator of solar activity, there is another indicator which I view as equally (if not more) important. The Average Planetary Magnetic index…

Brits Under Attack Due to Global Waming

From The Sun By VINCE SOODIN Published: 26 Aug 2008 TWO British schoolgirls cheated death after being stung by a lethal Portuguese Man O’War. Paddling Molly Purcell, ten, suffered toxic…

Meier of NSIDC on melt: "it’s not going to make it to the North Pole"

Current image from Terra Satellite, rotated 90 degrees to improve view, plus annotation and world view inset added by Anthony Source image is available here at the NASA Terra website…

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's op-ed on polar bears and climate change in the NYT

WOW look at the SIZE of that seal! (photo added by Anthony, not NYT) Bearing Up By SARAH PALIN Published: January 5, 2008, Juneau, Alaska ABOUT the closest most Americans…

Democrats find 'green' political convention tough to enforce

Idling limos and SUV’s waiting for delegates (Credit: Declan McCullagh/CNET News) From CNET News by Declan McCullagh DENVER–The Democratic Party has boasted that its convention here will be “the most…

2014-2015 – These years are a repeating theme in solar forecasts

Sun today – still blank. We are approaching a spotless month of August, 2 days to go. Here at WUWT, I’ve touched on almost every point in this article below,…

McCains rumored VP pick says "don't spend time on [skeptics]"

I’ll point out that this is just a rumor. Last week many people were sure that Obama’s VP was going to be Evan Bayh based on bumper sticker printing rumors.…

Fill your gas tank – now

While it is far from certain yet how strongly these storms will develop and where they will go, production platforms are already shutting down in some parts of the Gulf…

Skeptical Article on Climate in the Old Farmer's Almanac – cooler times ahead?

My friend, Joe D’Aleo who runs ICECAP, had the opportunity this year to write an article for the 2009 Old Farmer’s Almanac.  While I’m normally “skeptical” of the long term…

Cascade snowpack decline? Weather patterns – not global warming

Man made global warming gets blamed for a lot of things, but often when you look beyond the rhetoric that surrounds such blame, you find simpler answers, such as changes…

Help survey a weather station this Labor Day weekend

As many of you know, I also operate with the goal of completing the survey of all 1221 USHCN climate stations of record in the continental United States. Doing…

Global Warming Creates Crabgrass Menace

This UC Irvine study with heat lamps on grass plots seems to be almost at a science fair level. Here’s the relevant quotes from the abstract and conclusion: Our results…

Hanna Montana Gets In the Act

From the Business & Media Institute Disney’s New Hannah Montana Album Features ‘Global Warming Anthem’ Teen pop star sings ‘Wake Up America,’ warns the ‘earth is calling out,’ but admits…

The Flip Side of Cooler Weather

While we’ve had a number of unusual and anecdotal cold snaps in late summer in the northern latitudes, there are also warm events too. It will be interesting to see…

Former head of CSIRO's division of space science says global cooling may be on the way

From Australia’s Canberra Times: Crucial to keep open mind in a climate of change SIMON GROSE 27/08/2008 9:39:00 AM Climate change has been the most important and complex issue on…

Noctilucent clouds and the Earth's interface with space

This story about noctilucent clouds on NASA’s Science website made me think about a few things.   What I wonder is this: could noctilucent clouds be a proxy for cosmic ray interactions?…

Another frost advisory before Labor Day

More anecdotal colder than normal weather keeps piling up. This time it’s in Southern Oregon and Northeastern California. Clearly we are having some far earlier than normal frosts and freezes…

Now what will T. Boone Pickens do?

Murphy’s Law in Action – Which to choose? Save the bats or save the planet? This presents an environmental quandary. – Anthony Wind Turbines Give Bats the “Bends,” Study Finds…

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