Toasted – but encouraged

I just finished a 150+ mile round trip from Boulder to get Dillon, CO and Cheesman Reservoir USHCN sites in addition to the Boulder NIST/NOAA site. Cheesman had recently been…

I have Boulder NIST/NOAA site

Boulder is home to National Institute of Standards and NOAA’s research lab…big government facility and probably the most secure weather station in the USA, I had to go through metal…

Conference Day 3 – suggestions

This mornig s session is all about drafting a set of suggestions to forward to other key members of the climate research community using the group knowledge gained from this…

Live at the conference, Day2 – Success

You know your presentation was successful when: 1) Nobody threw rotten fruit 2) People came up to me afterwards and said “I have photos I can get to you” 3)…

Live from the conference, Day 2 – Down to the wire

Ok the next session is starting in a few minutes, less than 2 hours from now I’m going to know if the work I and all of the volunteers at…

Live at the confrence, day 2 – coming up today

This afternoon there will be several presentations that embrace the measurement systems used for the near surface temperature and precipitation records. Of great interest to me is a presentation outlining…

Live from the Conference, day 2 – land cover and GCM's

I just watched a presentation Elsi Sertel from a university in Turkey showing how easy it is to introduce true land cover data into a climate model. Her study area…

Live from the conference, Day2

I’m sitting in a presentation by William R. Cotton, of Colorado State University where he’s talking about the effect of Urban Heat Islands (UHI) on precipitation. He’s making a convincing…

How not to measure temperature – part 30

Russ Steele is out on vacation and doing several surveys while traveling. This one below is from St. George, UT. Here we see an MMTS measuring the temperature near the…

Conference Day1 – van rides and jitters

Well I just finished Day1 at the conference at UCAR (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research) put together by Dr. Roger Pielke, and sponsored by the National Science Foundation titled: Detecting…

Live from Conference at UCAR, Boulder, CO

I’m currently attending a conference at UCAR (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research) put together by Dr. Roger Pielke, and sponsored by the National Science Foundation titled: Detecting the Atmospheric Response…

The 10 Climate Monitoring Principles

The National Research Council (NRC 1999) recommended that the following ten climate monitoring principles, proposed by Thomas Karl et al. (NCDC, 1995), should be applied to climate monitoring systems: Management…

Specs on weather stations

There’s been some discussion about specs on siting of weather stations and temperature measurement. Coincidentally, I’ve been conversing with Jos de Laat of KNMI, the Dutch Meteorological Institute who offered…

How not to measure temperature – part 29

The picture above is of Conconully, Washington and comes to me courtesy of Josiah Mault, of the Washington State Climate Office. Mault has been surveying all of the Washington stations…

Equipment Distribution in the US Climate Network

I just finished several days of data compilation and cross checking in preparation for release of the first set of numbers from my project. One of the things I’m…

A letter from climate scientist James Hansen

James Hansen of NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies issued a letter (the second this week) in response to the correction of temperatures that was recently done as a result…

Climate Audit is back online

The new server hardware I built for Climate Audit was deployed in the co-location center today in California, I hand delivered it myself. This new server has much over the… on the NASA “Y2K” Error

By Steve McIntyre “Here’s an interesting article on the NASA “Y2K” error from Michael Fumento of that steers between the over-reaction of some commentators that this error somehow disproves…

Guest weblog – A Report from the Global Warming Battlefield

by Roy Spencer | 15 Aug 2007 In case you hadn’t noticed, the global warming debate has now escalated from a minor skirmish to an all-out war. Although we who…

New server to be up TODAY

JohnA and I have been busy rebuilding CA from the ground up on a new server platform in a more stable co-location facility. The new platform I’ve provided is up…

Hey I'm a reverend!

Our local weekly has a few words to say in the column Green Man Too funny! UPDATE: It appears “Green Man” doesn’t write his own material. See this. Either that…

Surface Temperature Records in China

There is an interesting fight brewing over surface meteorological stations in China being led by Doug Keenan of the UK. This is a case where the station metadata used to…

Does Hansen's Error "Matter"? – guest post by Steve McIntyre

Does Hansen’s Error “Matter”? Steve McIntyre’s Climate Audit blog is offline, he has asked me to post this here – Anthony   There’s been quite a bit of publicity about…

Lights Out – Guest post by Steve McIntyre

“Lights Out Upstairs” Note: Steve McIntyre’s Climate Audit blog is currently offline, he’s asked me to post this on his behalf – Anthony James Hansen has published an online letter…

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