CLAIM: Global Warming is Causing More Severe Winters

They predicted colder winters, right? And warmer winters. Climate scientists are dashing for “The Day after Tomorrow” insurance policy, after a “cold blob” broke off the Arctic.

Journal Nature Refutes PIK’s Fantasy-Rich Science That A Warmer Arctic Causes Extreme Cold Snaps

The polar vortex theory takes a beating: The claim a warm Arctic is behind the brutally cold winter conditions at the mid latitudes is shown by a Nature study to…

The 'Climate Change: Believe It Or Else' Prize from @AGU

This essay is from the Real Climatologists blog, by Dr. Duane Thresher.  I strongly recommend their About Us page. HT/Science or Fiction August 21, 2017 The American Geophysical Union (AGU)…

Climate cycles and political alarmism

Dr. Michael Asten writes to alert me of this article in the Australian, with this advice: The overwhelming conclusion ought to be that cycles should be built into at least some…