Oil in the ocean photooxidizes within hours to days, new study finds

Despite the significant consequences of this weathering pathway, photooxidation was not taken into account in oil spill models or the oil budget calculations during the Deepwater Horizon spill.

The 100-year Oil Spill and Other Imaginary Tales of Conflation

Guest geology by David Middleton One of the coolest things about writing posts for WUWT is the fact that, quite often, a ridiculous comment will form the nucleus of a…

Filter bubbles and the climate wars

I try to read opposing views often, as that pretty much fits my job description for running WUWT, but not everyone does this. Some people are so steeped in tribalism…

Remember those tarballs that washed ashore during Isaac – that's nothing compared to Natural oil pollution

I’m sure you’ve seen the picture of tarballs on the beach splashed all over the MSM after hurricane Isaac came ashore in Louisiana. The left leaning website Think Progress (parent…

Inconvenient bacteria eats a good portion Deepwater Horizon oil spill

From the University of Rochester , those darned bacteria are ruining the eco photo-ops.  Video follows. At least 200,000 tons of oil and gas from Deepwater Horizon spill consumed by…