Sea Ice News Volume 4 number 4 – The Maslowski Countdown to an 'ice-free Arctic' begins

A grand experiment is being conducted in the Arctic this year that may not only falsify a prediction made in 2007, but may also further distance a connection between Arctic…

When it comes to new high temperature records, 'shoot first, ask questions later'

Readers may recall my investigation over the weekend of an announcement by the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) about a new all-time high temperature record set in Greenland that was subsequently…

How not to measure temperature – Part 94 – Maniitsoq, Greenland all time high temperature rescinded?

UPDATE: 7/12/13 1045 PDT DMI concedes the record may not be valid, see here I’ve been working on this one for a week, and I finally confirmed my hunch about…

According to this DMI temperature plot, the high Arctic has dropped below freezing about two weeks early

The daily mean temp 80 -90 degrees North has remained below climatological normal for more than 120 days, and has now dropped below freezing  Normally, we don’t see this sort…

Remarkable correlation of Arctic sea ice to solar cycle length

This is interesting, especially since Solar Cycle 23 was quite long. The Hockey Schtick writes: A paper published by the Danish Meteorological Institute finds a remarkable correlation of Arctic sea…

Remember that 'unprecedented' Greenland ice sheet surface melt that was allegedly caused by global warming? Never mind

We covered this extensively at WUWT last summer, including the “unprecedented claim” where a researcher said it was a recurring 150 year event that was ‘right on time‘. It turns…

New paper confirms the climate was warmer 1000 years ago

Mike Mann will have a twitfest on Twitter trying to knock this one down. Data from 91 Northern Hemisphere proxies was used to reconstruct temperature. See reconstruction graph (figure 5)…

Complaints over false info in new Times World Atlas grow

Yesterday we pointed out how an island shown on a map 50 years ago was cited (because it appears today and was finally given a name) as “proof” of Greenland…