Why BEST Will Not Settle the Climate Debate

By S. Fred Singer (first published in American Thinker) Global warming has re-entered public consciousness in recent days, partly because of the buzz surrounding the release of warming results from…

Quote of the week – "an anticlimactic climate hearing"

It seems there was darned little interest in the Waxman-Markey circus aka “An End of Climate Change Skepticism”. Even one of the scientists speaking, William Chameides aka “The Green Grok” lamented…

IBD picks up my article on the US cooling trend

Readers may recall earlier this week when I pointed out an inconvenient truth, the continental USA has no warming trend for the past decade, in fact it is cooling. And,…

NCDC data shows that the contiguous USA has not warmed in the past decade, summers are cooler, winters are getting colder

See update below: New comparison graph of US temperatures in 1999 to present added – quite an eye opener – Anthony There’s been a lot of buzz and conflicting reports…

The BEST flavor of the day

Via Tom Nelson: Muller: “I never said you shouldn’t be a skeptic. I never said that.” Richard Muller interview, Part 1 – YouTube Interviewed by Rob Nikolewski of Capitol Report…

Pre-Prints and Pre-Data

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Folks have said that I’m far too hard on Dr. Richard Muller of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST Project). So let me stick to…

The BEST whopper ever

I was over at Judy Curry’s place, reading her update to the Mail on Sunday story, and noticed she referenced URLs to the updated FAQs at the BEST website. I…

Weekly climate and energy news roundup

On the Road Again: Fred Singer will be speaking at the Santa Fe Conference on Tuesday morning immediately following Richard Muller of the BEST project. Singer’s comments will raise some…

Uh oh: It was the BEST of times, it was the worst of times

Alternate title: Something wonky this way comes I try to get away to work on my paper and the climate world explodes, pulling me back in. Strange things are happening…

World is warming. Pope is Catholic.

Guest post by Maurizio Morabito Quite an effort has been made by many people (including Dr Richard Muller) to portray the BEST pre-pre-pre-papers as some kind of death blow against climate…

A mathematician's response to BEST

Doug Keenan, who readers may remember doggedly pursued and won some tree ring data that Queens University held back, was asked to comment of the BEST papers by the Economist.…

The Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project puts PR before peer review

UPDATE: see this new story BEST: What I agree with and what I disagree with – plus a call for additional transparency to prevent “pal” review ======================================================= Readers may recall this…

Dr. Martin Hertzberg responds to Dr. Michael Mann

Readers may recall the strange series of events leading up to the post facto revisionism at the Vail Daily News when Dr. Michael Mann sent an angry reply letter to…

Worldwide CO2 emissions and the futility of any action in the West

Guest post by Ed Hoskins Prof Richard Muller in a presentation made last October [1] made the dilemma facing the warmists abundantly clear: The developing world is ‘not joining-in with…

Yes, Virginia, there is an FOIA

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach A judge has ordered the University of Virginia to release Professor Michael Mann’s emails pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Mann is…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) Several readers of last week’s TWTW commented that TWTW may be giving too much credit to…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

Quote of the Week: “EPA determined in December 2009 that climate change caused by emissions of greenhouse gases threatens the public’s health and the environment.” EPA “Denial of Petitions…” (Emphasis…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

Quote of the Week: “Man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind.…

Quote of the Week – it's a doozy

Finally, a scientist gets it, speaks out about it, and a reporter in a major media outlet publishes the words that say in even stronger terms what I said last…

Pielke Sr. on sampling error in BEST 2% preliminary results

Is There A Sampling Bias In The BEST Analysis Reported By Richard Muller? Guest post by Dr. Roger Pielke Senior In his testimony Richard Muller (which I posted on Friday April…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

Quote of the Week: “To reduce the interpretation of all kinds of climate change and of global warming to one variable, CO2, and to a small proportion of that one…

Expect the BEST, plan for the worst

RELATED ARTICLES, highly suggested: Clarification on BEST submitted to the House Pielke Sr. on the Muller testimony Independent company station siting analysis demonstrates the problem Quote of the Week – other scientists…

Clarification on BEST submitted to the House

UPDATES: A number of feckless political commentators have simply missed this response I prepared, so I’m posting it to the top for a day or two. I’ll have a follow…

The "Not Evil, Just Romm", 2% solution

ERRATA: I made a mistake regarding the 2% figure, I misheard what was being presented during my visit with the BEST team at Berkeley. As many of you may know…

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