Light Bulbs and Mercury Part 2

In my last entry I raised three questions about Compact Flourescent Light bulbs aka CFL’s 1) What about regular fluorescent tubes? They have mercury too, and sometimes in greater quantity.…

Steel and Concrete -vs- Fire

This Thursday, the Chico News and Review will be doing a story covering the pro and cons of the people that have been lobbying editor Evan Tuchinsky for more coverage…

Light Bulbs and Mercury

How much money does it take to screw in a compact fluorescent lightbulb? About $4.28 for the bulb and labor — unless you break the bulb. Then you, like Brandy…

One Day Blog Silence

Sun getting bubbly: Coronal Mass Ejection may hit Earth

We had "yellow" level geomagnetic activity on the sun last night, and more may come tonight and tomorrow night. Its coming from Sunspot 953, which is about 3 times the…

NEWSFLASH: Cause for Global Warming Found

An astute letter to the editor writer in Arkansas has found the reason for global warming: This actually happened, as attested to on the rumor/urban legend verifcation website

Follow up to "Cell Phones Kill Bees" story

About two weeks ago I published this story about the loony idea that was proposed by some researcher in Europe about “cell phone radiation may be killing bees”. I pointed…

Internet Radio may get a reprieve

In Today’s Chico News and Review, the cover story is about Internet Radio and all the trouble the Copyright Royalty Board recently caused with a draconian ruling on the cost…

The Carbonica Card – don't heat home without it

A recent investigation by the Financial Times says that the new Carbon Credit Industry may already be rife with fraud. Hmmm…now where have we heard that before? Among the findings:…

When the earth was purple

Have you ever wondered why the vast majority of plants and trees have green leaves and not some other color? It’s always been a bit of a mystery why plants…

On Trees, ordinances, obstructionism, and compromise

This post is an outgrowth of comments I made on Commission Impossible on the new proposed strengthened tree ordinance. I like trees, and I recently planted four, but at the…

Ultimate lunacy: Dell says plant "virtual trees" for Earth Day

From the "you’ve GOT to be freaking kidding me" department: Dell’s Virtual Plant a Tree for Me program into the computer game Second Life has many tech savvy people wondering…

My New Weather Invention – Now 100% pig free!

For those of us that hate having Winnie the pig presented to us as part of our local weather report, I’d like to offer this solution that cuts all of…

Human blood may contain a cure For AIDS – it just needs to be amplified

Here’s some encouraging news: German scientists at the University of Ulm have identified a natural ingredient of human blood that prevents the HIV-1 virus from from infecting immune cells and…

Delta Airlines says: A sucker born every minute

Recently I received this email from Delta Airlines with the offer that now I could pay extra money for my airline ticket so that Delta could contribute to global warming…

Asteroid flyby tonight

Newly discovered asteroid 2007 HA is flying past Earth today about 2.5 million kilometers away. It’s big (300 meters wide), bright (13th magnitude), and an easy target for large backyard…

Daylight Saving Time snafu lands kid in jail

From the “spring forward fall back” department: A fifteen-year old boy in Pennsylvania was incarcerated for twelve days, wrongly accused of making a hoax bomb threat – because his school…

Panic of the Day: Cell Phones Kill Bees

There’s an article on UK’s The Independent website about a most unusual scientific theory. “Cell Phones kill bees.” From the article: Some scientists suggest that our love of the mobile…

What's that Smell?

Today the ER editorial Board poked some fun in Hits and Misses at the proposed forensic body farm, and Bidwell Ranch by suggesting I add a “stink-o-meter” to my…

What if Global Warming Melted All Ice Worldwide?

Picture: Get ready to Panic! Oroville, Willows, Marysville, and Sacramento will be underwater – the Sutter Buttes will be the only landmass in the very center of the valley. “What…

Discovery: Photosynthesis may be Quantum Effect Driven

PhysOrg has a summary of new research suggesting that the near instantaneous energy transfer achieved by photosynthesis may rely on quantum effects. From the article: “Through photosynthesis, green plants and…

The "D" Word (Drought) may be premature

With the “D” word a headline in just about every Bay Area newspaper this morning it bears some examination of "drought" definitions.  The word drought does not have a universal…

The Day of Rainbows

Rainbow over Bidwell Ranch – my weather station in the foreground Today was one of those unique weather days where orographic lifting (moist air blowing upslope till it cools and…

Sunspots reaching 1,000-year high

Here’s more inconvenient news from solar researchers. Even though our sun is quiet at the moment while we are in between peaks in the 11 year sunspot cycles, scientists based…

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