State of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in the NE U.S.

Originally posted at Climate Etc.

by Roger Caiazza

A case study on the challenges of controlling CO2 emissions.

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is a carbon dioxide control program in the Northeastern United States.  One aspect of the program is a program review that is a “comprehensive, periodic review of their CO2 budget trading programs, to consider successes, impacts, and design elements”.  On September 26, 2023 the RGGI States hosted two webinars describing technical modeling & analyses that examined the electricity market, emissions, and economic impacts of changes to RGGI.  This post describes the disconnect between the results of RGGI to date relative to the expectations in the RGGI Third Program Review modeling that I addressed in my comments to RGGI.


RGGI is a market-based program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. According to RGGI:

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is a cooperative effort among the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virginia to cap and reduce power sector CO2 emissions.

RGGI is composed of individual CO2 Budget Trading Programs in each participating state. Through independent regulations, based on the RGGI Model Rule, each state’s CO2 Budget Trading Program limits emissions of CO2 from electric power plants, issues CO2 allowances and establishes participation in regional CO2 allowance auctions.

More background information on cap-and-trade pollution control programs and RGGI is available from the Environmental Protection Agency and my RGGI posts page.  Proponents of these programs consider them silver bullet solutions.  However, I agree with Danny Cullenward and David Victor’s book Making Climate Policy Work  that the politics of creating and maintaining market-based policies for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions “render them ineffective nearly everywhere they have been applied”.

Third Program Review

The RGGI participating states hosted two public meetings on September 26, 2023, to discuss updates on the Third Program Review and electricity sector analysis.  Meeting materials included the following: Meeting Agenda PDF; Presentation Slides PDF; Topics for Consideration PDF; Draft RGGI Emissions Dashboard ArcGIS Dashboard; RGGI Emissions Dashboard Draft User Guide PDF; Meeting Recording – Session 1Meeting Recording – Session 2 and Draft IPM Matrix Case Results XLSX.

The RGGI States contracted ICF to analyze the different scenarios to inform the options for future RGGI.  ICF has a proprietary model, the Integrated Planning Model (IPM©), that has been used by the RGGI States since the inception of the program and which EPA uses to evaluate many of its control policies.  According to ICF:

ICF’s Integrated Planning Model provides true integration of wholesale power, system reliability, environmental constraints, fuel choice, transmission, capacity expansion, and all key operational elements of generators on the power grid in a linear optimization framework. The model captures a detailed representation of every electric boiler and generator in the power market being modeled.

In March the RGGI States explained that they planned to use IPM to evaluate several issues.  One problem is “fluidity of state participation”.  Nine states have been members of RGGI since its inception.  New Jersey was a charter member, got out, and now is back in; Virginia was in but is now getting out; and  Pennsylvania is trying to get in but participation has been stalled by litigation.  RGGI planning must address climate and complementary energy policies that will dramatically impact electricity load such as electric vehicles and EV infrastructure, electrification in the building sector, and aggressive energy efficiency efforts.  A major concern of the program review was allowance availability so the decarbonization timeline for the electricity sector was considered.  This is complicated because participating State timelines vary, implementation of offshore wind deployment affects decarbonization rates and grid-scale battery storage deployment, duration, and supply certainties affect the outcomes.

The September 26 webinar described three key observations from the modeling results:

  1. Modeling shows how current state decarbonization and renewable requirements can significantly reduce emissions;
  2. Federal incentives for clean energy have the potential to rapidly transform the RGGI region generation mix; and
  3. Scenarios modeled to date show relatively low allowance prices compared to the ECR/CCR price triggers in the Model Rule

The RGGI States have not proposed their plans for the Third Program Review.  The modeling observations support the idea that the RGGI allowance availability can be made more stringent.  So much so that the modeling plans changed from the spring to add a more stringent trajectory to reach zero emissions by 2035 rather than just looking at a zero emissions by 2040 trajectory.  My comments addressed these key observations .

I will summarize my concerns below but first it is necessary to review RGGI results to date.

RGGI Results to Date

There is an unfortunate disconnect between the results of RGGI to date relative to the expectations in the Third Program Review.  During the September 26 meeting the explanation of cap-and-trade systems stated that “States reinvest the proceeds in decarbonization and other programs to deliver benefits to their communities.”  What was missing was any mention of the efficacy of those investments relative to the emission reductions observed.

The primary cause of the observed RGGI emission reductions has been the fuel switch from coal and residual oil to natural gas.   Table 1 lists the emissions by fuel types for the nine RGGI states that have been members since the start.  I believe that RGGI had very little to do with these fuel switches because fuel costs are the biggest driver for operational costs and natural gas was cheaper.  The cost adder of the RGGI carbon price to date has been too small to drive the conversions from coal and oil to natural gas.

Table 1: RGGI Program Unit CO2 Emissions (tons) by State and Year

RGGI sources within the nine-state region have already implemented most of the coal and residual oil fuel switching opportunities available so this control strategy will be less impactful in the future.  For example, in New York coal-fired electric generation has been banned and the remaining units that burn residual oil primarily run to only provide critical reliability support so their emissions are not expected to change much from current levels.  In the future, RGGI affected source emission reductions will rely on the displacement of natural gas fired units with wind and solar zero emitting sources.

The 2021 investment proceeds report released on June 27, 2023 provides insight into the success of RGGI investments as an emission reduction tool.  The report breaks down the investments into five major categories:

Energy efficiency makes up 51% of 2021 RGGI investments and 55% of cumulative investments. Programs funded by these investments in 2021 are expected to return about $418 million in lifetime energy bill savings to more than 34,000 participating households and over 570 businesses in the region and avoid the release of 2.3 million short tons of CO2.

Clean and renewable energy makes up 4% of 2021 RGGI investments and 13% of cumulative investments. RGGI investments in these technologies in 2021 are expected to return over $600 million in lifetime energy bill savings and avoid the release of more than 1.7 million short tons of CO2.

Beneficial electrification makes up 13% of 2021 RGGI investments and 3% of cumulative investments. RGGI investments in beneficial electrification in 2021 are expected to avoid the release of 370,000 short tons of CO2 and return nearly $164 million in lifetime savings.

Greenhouse gas abatement and climate change adaptation makes up 11% of 2021 RGGI investments and 8% of cumulative investments. RGGI investments in greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement and climate change adaptation (CCA) in 2021 are expected to avoid the release of more than 10,000 short tons of CO2 and to return over $20 million in lifetime savings.

Direct bill assistance makes up 14% of 2021 RGGI investments and 13% of cumulative investments. Direct bill assistance programs funded through RGGI in 2021 have returned over $29 million in credits or assistance to consumers.

There is an important caveat to the emission reductions reported in the report.  The RGGI compliance metric is annual emissions and the above quote lists the lifetime emission reductions.  The sum of the lifetime emission reductions from the 2021 investments is 4.38 million tons but the annual emission reductions due to RGGI investments were only 235,299 tons (Figure 1).  The 9-state allowance allocation annual reduction in 2021 was 2,275,000 allowances so RGGI was only responsible for around 10% of the emission reductions required.

Figure 1: Table 1 from the 2021 investment proceeds report

The results in 2021 are consistent with historical observations.   To make a comparison to the CO2 reduction goals I had to sum the annual values in the previous reports because RGGI does not report the annual RGGI investment CO2 reduction values accumulated since the beginning of the program.  Table 2  lists the annual avoided CO2 emissions generated by the RGGI investments from previous reports.  The accumulated total of the annual reductions from RGGI investments is 3,893,925 tons while the difference between the three-year baseline of 2006-2008 and 2021 emissions is 58,334,373 tons.  The RGGI investments are only directly responsible for 6.7% of the total observed annual reductions over the baseline to 2021 timeframe!

Table 2: Accumulated Annual RGGI Benefits Through 2021

Dividing the total RGGI investments by the total tons reduced provides the cost per ton reduced.  The cumulative RGGI investment cost effectiveness is $927 per ton reduced.  That is far more than the Resources for the Future Social Cost of Carbon estimate of $185 per ton and indicates that costs exceed societal benefits.

Concerns with Results – Recommendations are highlighted in bold

The September 26 RGGI meeting observed that “Modeling shows how current state decarbonization and renewable requirements can significantly reduce emissions”. There is a unique aspect of the Third Program Review modeling process that has not been available previously. There are two independent modeling projections of the New York electricity system resources necessary to meet a zero-emission target by 2040.  The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) has evaluated scenarios that project the resources necessary to achieve the New York Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act goal of a zero-emissions electricity generating system by 2040.  New York’s Scoping Plan was guided by an  Integration Analysis that modeled the transition.  Comparison of those projections with the Integrated Planning Model (IPM) projections enables a check on how these requirements can reduce emissions using different methodologies.

It turns out that there are significant differences between the RGGI IPM modeling and the other analyses. The most glaring difference between the RGGI IPM modeling of New York and the New York analyses is the generation fossil-fuels sector (Table 3). The table subtracts the NYISO Resource Outlook Scenario 1 projected generation from the RGGI IPM modeling allowance supply scenarios for Assumption Set B and Integration Analysis Scenario 2.  The percentage difference shows that the IPM projects substantially more generation than NYISO and the Integration Analysis.

Table 3: Fossil Resource Sector Difference in Generation (GWH) Between the NYISO Resource Outlook and the RGGI IPM and Scoping Plan Integration Analysis Strategic Use of Low-Carbon Fuels Scenario

Because RGGI affected source emissions are so strongly correlated with operations these higher operating rates mean that the RGGI IPM modeling projects lower fossil-fired emissions than either model.  In Table 4 I estimated New York CO2 emissions by multiplying these projected generation differences times the 2022 calculated CO2 emission rate per MWh.  In the NYISO Resource Outlook column the emissions are relative to those scenario differences.  Similarly, the emission differences in the Integration Analysis are relative to the Scoping Plan projections.  IPM underestimates the fossil sectors emissions significantly.

Table 4: Fossil Resource Sector Difference in Projected CO2 Emissions (tons) Between the RGGI IPM and NYISO Resource Outlook and Scoping Plan

The RGGI States chose not to include any allowance supply numbers so I was forced to make my own estimates to determine the significance of these emissions.  I projected allowance availability using a linear interpolation between 2023  allowance allocations and zero by 2035 and 2040.  For the zero by 2040 allowance supply scenario, the 2030 emissions difference represents 27% of my estimated allowance allocation.  For the zero by 2035 allowance supply scenario, the 2030 emissions difference represents 42% of my estimated allowance allocation.  This suggests that this modeling difference needs to be reconciled to determine its impact on the RGGI State allowance allocation trajectory proposal.

There is another issue associated with the modeling results.  The ICF description of these modeling results notes that “due to the stringency of the program after 2040, the model shows an over-compliance of emissions in the early years (2025-2030) and banking of those allowances for when the cap is reduced in 2035 and beyond. “  This is an artifact of the perfect foresight methodology of IPM and, I believe, is unlikely to occur.

I think this is wrong because the modeling approach claims affected sources “over-comply”.  RGGI sources do not “over-comply” but rather acquire allowances to meet their compliance obligations with a slight surplus to ensure compliance  My primary concern is New York and in New York sources that could fuel switch to natural gas have already done so.  They cannot directly affect their compliance except by limiting operations.  Thus, RGGI sources in NY are at the point where they must rely on renewable energy to displace their need to operate.  This means that they only purchase the allowances they expect to use for their compliance obligations plus a small compliance cushion.

Based on the modeling description, IPM “perfect foresight” projects results over longer planning horizons than used in practice.  I believe that affected-sources across RGGI treat the allowance requirements as a short-term, no more than a couple of compliance periods, compliance obligation.  It is highly unlikely that most affected sources are making plans beyond short-term compliance periods so the idea that affected source would over-comply in early years for more stringent limits ten years ahead is incorrect.  The open question is how does this affect the allowance trajectories.  It might also account for differences between the NYISO and Integration Analysis projections.  The best way to reconcile this is in an open public forum with the modeling groups.

The September 26 RGGI meeting also observed that “Federal incentives for clean energy have the potential to rapidly transform the RGGI region generation mix” but recent developments suggest that this may be overly optimistic. Renewable developments are struggling due to soaring interest rates and rising equipment and labor costs. Reuters describes two “procured” projects in the RGGI region that have been cancelled:

  • On Monday, Avangrid (AGR.N), a U.S. subsidiary of Spanish energy firm Iberdrola (IBE.MC), said it filed agreements with power companies in Connecticut to cancel power purchase agreements for Avangrid’s proposed Park City offshore wind project.
  • “One year ago, Avangrid was the first offshore wind developer in the United States to make public the unprecedented economic headwinds facing the industry,” Avangrid said in a release. Those headwinds include “record inflation, supply chain disruptions, and sharp interest rate hikes, the aggregate impact of which rendered the Park City Wind project unfinanceable under its existing contracts,” Avangrid said.
  • Avangrid has said it planned to rebid the Park City project in future offshore wind solicitations. Also over the past week, utility regulators in Massachusetts approved a proposal by SouthCoast Wind, another offshore wind developer, to pay local power companies a total of around $60 million to terminate contracts to provide about 1,200 MW of power.

In New York, on October 12, 2023 the Public Service Commission turned down a request to address the same cost issues. Times Union writer Rick Karlin summarizes:

  • At issue was a request in June by ACE NY, as well as Empire Offshore Wind LLC, Beacon Wind LLC, and Sunrise Wind LLC, which are putting up the offshore wind tower farms.
  • All told, the request, which was in the form of a filing before the PSC, represented four offshore wind projects totaling 4.2 gigawatts of power, five land-based wind farms worth 7.5 gigawatts and 81 large solar arrays.
  • All of these projects are underway but not completed. They have already been selected and are under contract with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, or NYSERDA, to help New York transition to a clean power grid, as called for in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, approved by the state Legislature and signed into law in 2019.

Developer response to the PSC decision suggests that “a number of planned projects will now be canceled, and their developers will try to rebid for a higher price at a later date — which will lead to delays in ushering in an era of green energy in New York”. Karlin also quotes Fred Zalcman, director of the New York Offshore Wind Alliance: “Today’s PSC decision denying relief to the portfolio of contracted offshore wind projects puts these projects in serious jeopardy,”

These issues impact the proposed RGGI allowance trajectories based on the “potential to rapidly transform the RGGI region generation mix”. The IPM modeling projects significant emission reductions presuming that procured renewable energy projects will come on line consistent with the contracts at the time of the modeling. The two cancelled projects in New England total 2,000 MW and the threatened New York wind projects total 11,700 MW.  Any projects delayed mean RGGI-affected source emissions will not be displaced as originally expected.  If the allowance trajectory proposed does not account for this new information, then compliance will be threatened because affected sources have so few options available to reduce emissions. I recommended that a RGGI IPM modeling scenario be run to consider the effect of a delayed implementation schedule before finalizing Third Program Review recommendations.  In fact, given the importance of renewable development on the emission trajectories it might even be appropriate to delay the timing of completion of this program review.

There is another consideration regarding feasibility. As noted above, the accumulated annual emission reductions due to RGGI investments is 3,893,925 tons and RGGI investments over the same time frame total $3,608,950,013 so the cost per ton avoided is $927. If the only source of future emission reductions were the result of RGGI investments, then RGGI allowance prices would have to equal $927 to get the necessary reductions.  Of course, other investments will also reduce emissions but the RGGI States should consider cost considerations for the viability of renewable energy resources needed to get RGGI affected source emissions to zero.  None of these models address this uncertainty.

The final observation noted at the September 26 webinar was that “Scenarios modeled to date show relatively low allowance prices compared to the ECR/CCR price triggers in the Model Rule”.  Low allowance prices indicate that emissions are lower than the allowances auctioned so there is a surplus of allowances.  My description of RGGI results to date noted that RGGI-affected sources have limited options to switch from coal and residual oil to natural gas.  I expect that as the opportunities to switch fuels diminish that the allowance market will get tighter and allowance prices will go up.  This could trigger the RGGI cost containment reserve.   If allowance prices exceed predefined price levels,  this RGGI feature will release additional allowances to the market.  If the allowance trajectory is too aggressive and emissions do not decrease as expected because wind and solar do not come on line as planned or there is an abnormal weather year increasing load and decreasing wind and solar availability, then there could be a situation where there simply are not enough allowances available for compliance.  The Cost Containment Reserve could prevent this from occurring.  However, no scenarios with this feature have been modeled yet.  I recommended that the RGGI States should model a scenario where the renewable implementation is delayed and the Cost Containment Reserve is employed.


I am afraid that the RGGI States are placing so much reliance on the IPM analysis results that they could propose unrealistic allowance reduction trajectories.  It is naïve to treat any model projections of the future energy system without a good deal of skepticism because the electric grid is so complex and currently dependent upon dispatchable resources.  Replacement of RGGI-affected sources with intermittent and diffuse wind and solar resources that cannot be dispatched is an enormous challenge with likely unintended consequences.  Therefore, the results should be considered relative to historical observations.

I don’t see much indication that the RGGI States are considering the results of RGGI to date.  I am leery of any model projections of this future system but I have much greater faith in projections by the NYISO because they are responsible for electric system reliability.  I think there are significant differences between the NYISO projections and IPM.  Until those differences are reconciled, I will be skeptical.  Kevin Kilty summed up a rational approach to the use of model results that I fear the RGGI States will ignore:

“Beware.  Expect Surprises. Expensive Ones”.

Personal Background

Roger Caiazza blogs on New York energy and environmental issues at Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York.  He blogs about the RGGI program because he has been involved with it since its inception and nobody else apparently wants to critically review it.   This represents his opinion and not the opinion of any of his previous employers or any other company with which he has been associated.

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J Boles
October 26, 2023 2:08 pm

Downright astonishing how these idiots are trying to curtail C02 in tiny amounts in the USA when Asia is just belching it out in high gear and gaining speed! I spent 3 weeks in China, Qingdao.

Kevin Kilty
Reply to  J Boles
October 26, 2023 3:16 pm

You have made a rarely understood point. The reductions advertised by projects and initiatives across the country are miniscule compared to the emissions from China. Yesterday, in a Public Service Commission metting, I described these efforts as shoveling the tides while wearing a hair shirt. The efforts are not just expensive but almost ruinous in places, and the the gains are swamped by emissions elsewhere.

The four million tonnes per year mentioned here are backfilled in China by 2030 in terms of maybe a little less than two hours?

Reply to  Kevin Kilty
October 27, 2023 5:16 am

The annual CO2 reductions by the EU/US, etc., are much less than the annual CO2 increases by China/India, etc.

That trend will not change for decades, because China/India, etc., are building hundreds of new coal plants, that have THREE TIMES HIGHER CO2/kWh than
gas-fired, combined-cycle, gas-turbine power plants, CCGTs, which, in base-loaded mode, have efficiencies of 60+%

Russia will complete a second major gas line, using existing and new pipelines, more than 5000 miles long, to China by 2027, which will redirect to China, all gas previously sent to the EU, which will be in near-zero, real-growth mode, by importing LNG, mostly from the US, at about 2 to 3 times the price.

Reply to  J Boles
October 26, 2023 4:17 pm

The money spent on CO2 reduction in the US just means China has to produce more CO2 to make the stuff that the US is buying. Most stuff is made in China these days. And there is no reticence in China about burning coal.

The CO2 accounting inevitably lacks the component that goes into the investment. How much coal did China burn to produce the new gas fired generators and heaters that are having the greatest impact on local CO2 production? If offshore wind turbines eventually come, they will be mostly made in China. And these ugly monster can never save the CO2 that goes into their manufacture as well as the stuff that supports their operation.

Reply to  J Boles
October 26, 2023 5:14 pm

China has to do the belching in the factories that were once in the West. So we get to virtue signal while insulting China as we consume the products which required all that belching.

Wokeachusetts brags how energy efficient it is- having exported almost all of its industries- those with blue collar workers- now having an economy based on higher education, hospitals, genetic engineering and some other high tech firms, and tourism. So now we have a low carbon footprint! Forgetting the carbon footprint of what we import. I’ve ranted to many enviro groups and politicians here about this absurdity and of course get ignored. Not that I care about any carbon footprint- I just hate the Big Lie- while having watched so many industries leave. So with few blue collar jobs, we welcome illegal immigrants and now house thousands in hotels at terrific expense. And it’s verboten to call them illegal immigrants- no, their politely referred to as “migrants”. Ticks me off.

Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
October 26, 2023 6:09 pm

‘…and now house thousands in hotels at terrific expense.’

There must be tons of room in, say, Martha’s Vineyard, at this time of year. I’m sure the locals would be delighted to pitch in!

Reply to  Frank from NoVA
October 27, 2023 12:56 am

There must be tons of room in, say, Martha’s Vineyard,”

NOPE.. very much NIMBY !!!

Pack any immigrants off to somewhere else quick smart.

Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
October 27, 2023 5:39 am

Many countries are saving money by cleaning out their slums, populated with unskilled, uneducated, inexperienced, socially challenged, crime-inclined people

With help of 1) privately financed NGOs and 2) the parasitic, criminal-infested, human trafficking infrastructure, which provide them with food, clothing, shelter, transport, as they travel north for weeks, until they finally arrive at our southern border, which is WELDED OPEN by Biden’s handlers, so such folks can walk in unhindered, and be distributed far and wide.

The total US cost is at least $100 billion each year, which is increasing by 25% per year, as more such folks are added, on an A-to-Z basis.

We could have finished the wall for one tenth the money, and have none of these society-disturbing, illegal aliens

Reply to  wilpost
October 27, 2023 6:00 am

What it says on the statue of liberty- about welcoming the poor, the homeless, etc. made perfect sense in the 19th century with a rapidly expanding industrial economy desperate for uneducated, unskilled workers. Maybe it’s time to remove those words from the statue and replace with “we welcome the highly educated and skilled and if you have a lot of money- all the better”.

Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
October 27, 2023 12:55 pm

Sweden, Germany, etc., are slowly moving to the highly skilled, experienced standard.

They found the present standard has caused a major negative effect,

Europe was sucking on Russia’s low-cost energy tits, life was easy, economies were growing, workers were needed.

With high-cost energy and climate idiocies, unskilled, inexperienced, culturally clashing folks are just too costly.

Many of them will be send back to their original countries.

Rud Istvan
October 26, 2023 2:21 pm

Futile virtue signaling. Plus overhead admin waste. But ‘doing something’ distracts from ‘doing nothing’ about real regional NE issues like crime, homelessness, and illegal aliens.

Reply to  Rud Istvan
October 26, 2023 5:16 pm

It’s verboten in New England to call them illegal aliens. No, they are gently referred to as “migrants”. It’s the woke way.

Gregory Woods
October 26, 2023 2:47 pm

This sounds like a bureaucratic version of a Rube Goldberg machine.

Ron Long
October 26, 2023 2:50 pm

Incredible how stupid/delusional/corrupt groups engage in these Net Zero/Carbon Credits/No Oil ventures. One thing you never see is a cost/benefit analysis, little alone the cumulative impact of minor CO2 reduction in the face of belching coal-fired monsters in China. What’s wrong with the 10% greening of the earth? Beam me up, Scotty, there’s……….

Reply to  Ron Long
October 26, 2023 3:42 pm

Outside of the tropics, it is too to live year-round outdoors without lots of technology to keep warm.

Reply to  scvblwxq
October 26, 2023 3:43 pm

Oops …too cold to live…

Reply to  scvblwxq
October 27, 2023 12:53 am

Yep, even in the gorgeous climate of Eastern NSW, Australia, Winter would be a challenge outdoors.

But most people I know spend a LOT of time outdoors during the summer.

Reply to  Ron Long
October 26, 2023 4:44 pm

The only benefit they can claim is the revenues received. When you call them out on this tax they try to argue otherwise.

Reply to  rogercaiazza
October 26, 2023 5:47 pm

Western governments pushed oil taxes on their citizens in the 70’s. It annoyed OPEC muchly that their product, via fuel tax, was being used as a primary money generating mechanism of consumer country governments. So OPEC raised prices and caused an oil crisis or two to raise their “take” in the whole scheme of things…

One might consider that the present carbon taxes, credits, anti-inflation act, and eco-tarrifs are just a cleverly crafted strategy to hoodwink those oil producing states into low oil prices, while users pay big$ and the tax administering governments make big enviro collections to spend as they feel, instead of having an old fashioned fuel tax increase.

Or worse, it’s a collaboration to extract more tax money from a populace that, when polled, usually say they will pay a bit more tax to protect their environment.

Although “clever” and “government strategy” don’t often go together….but taxes are a government strategy that HAS worked since at least cuneiform writing was invented…

DD More
Reply to  rogercaiazza
October 27, 2023 9:45 am

Shouldn’t we be able to see a lower Energy Bill first?

Table 1: Benefits of 2021 RGGI Investments Category
Energy Bill SavingsAnnual Benefits of 2021 Investments $94,118,252
Lifetime Benefits of 2021 – $1,235,674

Coeur de Lion
Reply to  Ron Long
October 27, 2023 2:21 am

If you desperately need electricity they aren’t monsters. Do you believe that CO2 controls global temperature? I do hope not.

October 26, 2023 3:07 pm

If I wasn’t against the renewable transition for any other reason I would be against because they use language that is not clear, can mean things other than what you think and make you think they know more than they do. This stinking mess can be summarized simply. Wind and solar cost more than they are worth, they are not dependable, they aren’t capable of reducing CO2 emissions and they can not replace fossil fuel and nuclear.

Rud Istvan
Reply to  Bob
October 26, 2023 3:23 pm

Good summary of renewables. Expensive and unreliable is not a good look.
Amazing how climate virtue signalers can continue to ignore simple obvious facts contrary to their grandiose ‘do something’ schemes.

Reply to  Bob
October 26, 2023 3:45 pm

Climate means the last 30 years now.

Reply to  scvblwxq
October 26, 2023 4:20 pm

Climate means the last local shower now.

Reply to  Mike Jonas
October 27, 2023 12:46 am

the last local shower now.

Here in the Hunter Valley NSW, Australia,…

.. it has been like WINTER has returned.

Had to get an extra blanket from storage.

Rain for 2 days, COLD.

I think this month, as a whole, has been cooler than September was.

I’ll be very surprised if the October value for UAH Australia doesn’t take a substantial drop.

But shouldn’t complain… we desperately needed some rain.

That’s WEATHER for you. !

Reply to  Bob
October 27, 2023 12:40 am

Bob.. I really like the way you comment 🙂

Dave Andrews
Reply to  Bob
October 27, 2023 8:21 am

In 2022 the Club of Rome published ‘Earth for All’. On page 136 it says the following

“The exciting spin in the tail from the acceleration in new renewables is what results from overbuilding the new energy supply and network to go beyond current demands. As the costs of solar, wind and batteries fall, we reach a point of clean energy superabundance at near zero marginal cost. Rather than concern about intermittent supply, the implication is that the clean energy disruption based on solar, wind and batteries heralds the potential to break through to a new energy system the likes of which we have never seen before. It will enable humanity not only to meet our current energy needs sustainably but to electrify a vast array of other things that are economically impossible within the current system”

Bob, you only have to believe hard enough and anything is possible 🙂

October 26, 2023 3:40 pm

Bloomberg’s green-energy research team estimated it would cost $US200 Trillion to stop Global Warming by 2050. 

There is only $US40 trillion in cash, checking, and savings in the world.

There are about 2 billion households in the world, so that is $US100,000 per household. 

Ninety percent of the world’s households can’t afford anything additional so the households in developed nations will have to pay 10 times as much to cover it.

That means about $US 1 million per household in developed countries or about $US35,000 per year for 30 years. The working people can’t afford anything near that. 

The millionaires and billionaires have about $US208 billion. That would cover it, but they won’t give up their wealth.

Of course, the Earth is still in a 2.55 million-year ice age named the Quaternary Glaciation, 20% of the land is frozen, and it snows ice crystals every year outside of the tropics.

Reply to  scvblwxq
October 26, 2023 7:00 pm

Someday a forever stamp may hit $1million.

October 26, 2023 4:19 pm

I simply cannot agree with the statement “RGGI is a market-based program“. It is no more a market-based program than an extortion racket is. In fact, it is actually an extortion racket.

A market is a place where willing buyers buy things they want from willing sellers. An extortion racket is where criminals obtain benefit through coercion ( In RGGI, the criminals are the participating state governments.

Reply to  Mike Jonas
October 26, 2023 4:46 pm

I like your description. Up to now I just thought of it as a tax but it really is a racket

Reply to  rogercaiazza
October 26, 2023 5:23 pm

Maybe that realization could be used in the courts? The Supreme Court?

Reply to  Mike Jonas
October 26, 2023 11:07 pm

With RGGI, it’s a compact and agreement between several States, strictly unconstitutional per Article I section 10. Nobody cares, because the environment.

October 26, 2023 5:03 pm

Sounds like a tremendous amount of time and at great cost by all those bureaucracies (burros)- all for nothing. BS on top of BS on top of BS ad infinitum.

October 26, 2023 5:35 pm

quote:”“Beware. Expect Surprises. Expensive Ones”.

Expect The BBC to come along and tell you how to live your life.

Expect that you yourself and everyone else in the country has been reduced to such pathetic fore-lock tugging Stupid Serfs (as seen often in Monty Python sketches) that we are now begging and pleading with Auntie B for permission to switch our own home heating systems on and when to switch them on – right down to an exact time and date
(When the clocks change it seems)

BBC News Headline:“When should I turn the heating on?

And does anyone think ‘they’ will be happy with just that Pound of Flesh………….

October 26, 2023 7:12 pm

> comprehensive, periodic review of their CO2 budget trading programs, to consider successes, impacts, and design elements.

Classic example of these type of “reviews”. Let’s not “consider” failures, just successes.

And there appears to be very liite consideration of “negavite impacts’, just the positive ones

October 26, 2023 11:00 pm

40 years later and all efforts to reduce worldwide atmospheric CO2 have failed miserably. I read the USA has reduced its CO2 emissions 26% since then. It has done nothing to Mauna Loa numbers. All that time, effort and money wasted for no results. At some point the jig is up when there are no results from all your efforts. That’s called failure and I think 40 years of promoting a failed idea is too long.

Coeur de Lion
October 27, 2023 2:19 am

It’s time we had some science about the effect of CO2 on global temperature. But that would collapse the whole scam. Do keep up

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