Wind-Driven Wildfires on Maui

Very strong trade winds developed yesterday, as a large pressure difference (gradient) formed between a strong subtropical high and hurricane Dora to the south.

Virginia: Life Is Good and Getting Better

Crop and forest growth is increasing.

How To Push a Climate Hoax 10: Turning Boring Statistics into a Hollywood Horror Show

Hopefully all critically thinking people will ask “why are these politicians and internet influencers trying to manipulate us with such a fearful Hollywood representation of climate?”

NYT’s @paulkrugman – Mendacious, an idiot, or both?

Guest essay by Jim Lakely New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is an idiot when it comes to economics, his supposed area of expertise. Who can forget these doozies: the stock…

Climate Activists are Silent on Polar Bears Because their Doom-Mongering Blew Up in their Faces

Thriving populations in the Chukchi Sea and elsewhere amid low summer ice levels have busted the myth that polar bears need ice year-round.

Germany – UK – France Weather-Dependent “Renewables” 2022 : 2023

This damage to the performance of power generation in Western Nations is made in the context that most of the world including China, India and other rapidly growing Nations have…

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