Saving America from Planet-Threatening Fossil Fuels

By sacrificing our economy, environment, living standards, freedoms and national security

Paul Driessen

Presidential candidate Joe Biden repeatedly promised to end fossil fuels in America. There’ll be “no more drilling, including offshore,” he said. “No ability for the oil industry to drill. No more pipelines.”  

Shortly after reaching the White House, President Biden ended Keystone XL pipeline construction and began working with congressional Democrats, regulators and eco-activists to impose leasing and drilling moratoriums, slow-walk permits, pressure financial institutions to deny funding to fossil fuel companies, and implement “social cost of carbon” rules, “environmental justice” programs, “windfall profit” taxes and other policies to close down or bankrupt fossil fuel projects and companies.

His Securities and Exchange Commission says companies must “disclose risks” from alleged “manmade climate change” – from their own production, refining and manufacturing operations; from suppliers and customers using their products; and from government anti-carbon policies.

Supplies predictably dwindled, and prices skyrocketed. Not just for gasoline and other fossil fuels that still provide 80% of all U.S. energy, but for fertilizers, farm chemicals, pharmaceuticals, paints, plastics, cosmetics and countless other petroleum-based products – and for goods and services that require offices, factories, stores and transport that need reliable, affordable energy. In other words, for nearly everything.

Keystone alone would have brought the United States 700,000 barrels of friendly Canadian oil. That’s equal to the petroleum Russia was sending America before Mr. Biden finally banned the imports, after Vladimir Putin’s butchery in Ukraine reached levels that even far-Left Democrats couldn’t stomach.

President Biden tried to blame Putin for food, fuel and other prices that had been soaring well before the Ukraine invasion. He’s now pleading with American oil companies to increase production – but only temporarily (to send liquefied gas to Europe and to protect Democrat office holders in November), without easing his anti-oil edicts.

He begged Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela to increase their oil production. He used Russia to broker a new nuclear deal with Supreme Leader Ali Khameni, so that Iran can sell more oil on the global market. He apparently believes those sources don’t emit “dangerous” carbon dioxide.

Above all, Team Biden doubled down on calls for America to switch from gasoline cars to electric vehicles, and from coal and natural gas electricity generation to wind, solar and backup battery power. They claim this massive, costly restructuring of America can replace “dirty, planet-threatening” fossil fuels with “clean, renewable, sustainable” wind, solar and battery energy. It’s a duplicitous con.

Wind turbines and solar panels on this scale would defile millions of acres of crop, scenic and habitat land. They would kill millions of birds, bats and other wildlife. They require massive amounts of raw materials (and thus mining) to create expensive, inefficient, weather-dependent energy devices. They and 1000-pound battery modules are the least clean, renewable, sustainable energy sources imaginable.

“Clean” technologies merely replace CO2 and methane emissions in the USA with massive amounts of real, toxic pollution in other countries, out of sight and mind, where climate activists can ignore them.

A Green New Deal would make America almost totally reliant on China, Russia and other despotic and unstable nations for the metals and minerals needed for GND technologies. And for the equipment itself, because a fossil-fuel-free America wouldn’t have the reliable energy needed to manufacture wind turbines, solar panels, battery modules, transformers and thousands of miles of new transmission lines. America’s entire GND energy and economic future could depend on their tyrannical good graces.

China, Russia and their surrogates could wield green tech as a strategic weapon, banning exports of materials or technologies to advance their political goals. They could even embed trip-switches or backdoors for hackers in equipment they sell to us, enabling them to close down part or all of our electrical grid and economy. A shutdown could kill millions.

The quantities of metals, minerals and other raw materials required for this “green energy transition” are almost incomprehensible. We would have to mine Planet Earth on unprecedented scales.

The first stage of President Biden’s offshore wind energy program alone would require 110,000 tons of non-renewable copper – plus millions of tons of cobalt, lithium, nickel, aluminum, iron, manganese, rare earth elements, platinum, plastics, concrete, and that suddenly very visible and valuable metal: nickel.

His plan calls for 30,000 megawatts of offshore wind energy by 2030. That’s 2,140 monstrous 850-foot-tall 14-MW turbines. It sounds like a lot of electricity, but it wouldn’t even meet New York State’s peak summertime electricity needs. And they’d generate zero electricity half the year.

Based on average global copper ore bodies, just those 110,000 tons of copper would require removing 40,000,000 tons of overburden and processing 25,000,000 tons of ore. That’s enough crushed rock to cover a 24-foot-wide highway from Washington, DC to Tampa, Florida ten feet deep! Just for the copper.

(Or you could bury the White House, Capitol Hill, all the most climate-focused federal agencies, and all Greenpeace, Sierra Club and other eco-pressure groups’ DC offices under 100 feet of rock and dust.)

Climate- obsessed legislators, regulators, activists and judges detest and contest mining anywhere in the United States, even to support the Green New Deal they claim is essential to save America, our planet and humanity from “climate cataclysms.” They’ve already made millions of acres off limits to exploration and mining, affecting numerous world-class prospects.

In just the past couple years, they prevented three critically needed mines from opening: Alaska’s Pebble Mine (billions of pounds of copper, gold, silver, molybdenum, rhenium and other metals); Minnesota’s NorthMet mine (billions of pounds of copper, cobalt, platinum and nickel); and enormous lithium deposits in Nevada.

That means GND mining and processing would take place in Asia, Africa and Latin America, mostly by or under the auspices of Chinese firms – under environmental, pollution control, workplace safety, and child and slave labor rules, standards and practices that were repudiated in America 50-100 years ago.

Will the White House, congressional Democrats, EPA, Labor Department and SEC demand that companies disclose all those fossil fuel uses, risks, environmental impacts and human rights abuses?

They loudly promote electric vehicles and a total transformation of the U.S. energy system and economy. But they say nothing about acquiring the raw materials and equipment essential for turning these dreams into reality. They are silent about the land destruction, air and water pollution, wildlife losses, human diseases and deaths, and eco-imperialism that their policies impose, especially on people of color.

They are mute about the ways their “climate protection” racket would allow China, Russia and other thuggish regimes to pursue their territorial ambitions – and give them unprecedented control over the Western World’s energy, jobs, economies, living standards, foreign policies and national security.

They make no attempt to calculate how many wind turbines, solar panels, vehicle and backup battery modules, transformers and transmission lines would be needed in a fossil-fuel-free, all-electricity nation. How many acres of wildlife habitat would be disrupted or destroyed. How many new mines would have to be opened. How many birds, bats and other animals would be killed. How many trillions of tons of ores and overburden would have to be blasted away and processed. Or how many huge landfills we’ll need for all the worn-out turbines, blades, panels and batteries. They certainly don’t discuss how much our living standards, personal choices and basic freedoms would be reduced in their “clean energy” America.

They don’t ask because they don’t want to know – and don’t want us to even think about these issues.

Putin’s Ukraine war has opened eyes about NATO, disarmament and Europe’s feckless reliance on Russian natural gas. We need equal realism about America’s climate and energy policies – and how far America’s ruling elites would take us down the path to ruin, to achieve their Green Utopia.

Paul Driessen is senior policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow ( and author of articles and books on energy, climate change, human rights and environmental issues.  

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March 27, 2022 6:09 pm

Keystone alone would have brought the United States 700,000 barrels of friendly Canadian oil.

All totaled? Per day? Per month?

Reply to  Steve Case
March 27, 2022 6:15 pm


Reply to  MartinM
March 28, 2022 7:49 am

830,000 BPD, most of it still getting to the US by rail, more expensive for producers, more likely to have a spill…rail companies owned by Democrat supporters like Warren Buffet explain Biden’s rejection….

Reply to  Steve Case
March 29, 2022 6:23 am

I’m seeing more trains pulling oil tanker cars than last year and far more than two years ago. Counted 178 at one rail crossing a few weeks ago.

And how much polluting exhaust does a diesel locomotive release on a trip like this, compared to the “exhaust” from an oil pipeline?

See, those things matter, but since they aren’t “visible” to the idiots who don’t want the pipelines, it doesn’t matter to them.

March 27, 2022 6:09 pm

Or you could bury the White House, Capitol Hill, all the most climate-focused federal agencies, and all Greenpeace, Sierra Club and other eco-pressure groups’ DC offices under 100 feet of rock and dust.”

Please do.

David Elstrom
Reply to  Scissor
March 28, 2022 6:35 am

It’s a good start. Now what’s the plan for eliminating Democrat Marxist power outside DC?

Reply to  David Elstrom
March 28, 2022 11:46 am

Contain it to the commie states, and cut off all federal funding for the “entitlements”,

Replace that funding with lump sum per citizen population payments block granted to the states starting year 1 at 80%, year 2 60% 3, 40%, 5 20% then to ZERO.

If the lib states want welfare, etc., they can pay for it.

Then you will see the differential of WEALTH between leftist welfare states and states that require people to WORK.

The old “A rising tide lifts all boats” will be proven.

To you like Simon who don’t know what that phrase means: I means when MORE PEOPLE CONTRIBUTE every one is better off.

Tom Halla
March 27, 2022 6:12 pm

The crew around Biden had Germany’s Energiewende as a failure, but chose to double down on copying it. Wind and solar are not practical, and no amount of handwaving will make it otherwise.

Old Man Winter
Reply to  Tom Halla
March 27, 2022 8:16 pm

One thing about Yankee liberalism is that they historically never bother to
see how their plans are performing. They just keep going with the original
plan & if possible, add even more crappy stuff to it, come hell or high water.
Any business that did this wouldn’t last very long. The Swedes had at least
enough sense to adjust their cradle to grave system when they realized it
wasn’t working. They did the same thing with the Wuhan Flu.

Reply to  Old Man Winter
March 28, 2022 12:41 am

The military saying is that plans never survive first contact with the enemy, nor it seems do green activists plans stand up to first contact with reality.
Current UK wind generation is 0.52% of demand, and has been around 3% for the past week
How would the activists square that particular circle?

Reply to  Tom Halla
March 28, 2022 5:51 am

B., looking on the mirror and pointing to that fellow he sees there:

For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power

March 27, 2022 6:28 pm

The US government vehicle fleet should be immediately upgraded to climate friendly bicycles. That would send a vey clear message that the Biden administration is “walking the talk” or should that be cycling the talk?.

Biden may need a few assistants to help pedal his armour plated bicycle. Maybe just deck him out in a kevlar suit.

Reply to  RickWill
March 27, 2022 7:07 pm

Biden totally gets it.

On weekends, grifting-grafting, semi-senile, Ukraine-loving Biden takes his $250 million helicopter to his $10 million, 3-story beach house to peddle his bicycle and smile at all the suckers at the same time; multi-tasking.

Reply to  Willem Post
March 28, 2022 11:49 am

He goes to Delaware so he can meet with his handlers and crony capitalist buddies without all the meetings and guests being documented.

“The most transparent Presidency ever” NOT.

Reply to  RickWill
March 27, 2022 7:16 pm

Yes, and the police could put their car keys in their hands and let the keys stick out between their fingers to protect themselves from muggers.

March 27, 2022 6:28 pm

“….They make no attempt to calculate….” Pretty much says it all, but one could add they also don’t understand money to be a measure of human toil, expended or saved….

March 27, 2022 7:12 pm

How about we save America from fossil-brained humans?

March 27, 2022 7:38 pm

More people need to understand that it’s not about climate.

March 27, 2022 7:52 pm

Repeat myself:”Folks who are past and present users of (chemically depressant) recreational drugs should be barred from politics & law making, science & education and contact with children

Those drugs being, in particular order:

  • Sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Cannabis

No/ You can not ‘handle’ those things and the more you claim that you can, the more authorities you appeal to, the deeper the hole you dig for yourself.

If you get into any of the positions of power listed above, you will dig a hole for everyone else.

Jeff Alberts
Reply to  Peta of Newark
March 27, 2022 10:47 pm

So no fruits or vegetables?

Rod Evans
Reply to  Peta of Newark
March 28, 2022 12:48 am

As a hobby, I keep bees, well to be honest keeping them is a bit of a stretch they mostly swarm off but sufficient remain for the odd pound or two of honey.
Should we ignore that treasure as it is very much in the sugar drug category?
I also must admit to the occasional pint of ale or lager after a warm days fun in the woods is that to be banned too?
As for cannabis I probably agree, that should be avoided . If you keep bees and own woodland you certainly do not need cannabis.

Reply to  Rod Evans
March 28, 2022 3:40 am

when they start making queen cells you need to get new “nukes” ready to go for them to swarm into, not too far from the main hives. will cut losses for you

Rod Evans
Reply to  ozspeaksup
March 28, 2022 10:15 am

Thanks Oz, yes I am familiar with the various strategies of retaining the bees in the apiary I always have a couple of bait hives standing ready. The thing is, I like the idea of natural woodland bees and have enjoyed several colonies taking up residence in old trees as nature intended.
My beekeeping ethos is, let them swarm because that is what nature intends them to do. Hopefully I am doing my bit spreading the honey bee population as widely as possible. So far so good. I have never run short of honey despite my rather lazy style of bee husbandry.
My mentor who guided me into keeping bees over 12 years ago, has 20+ hives and is always too busy to think about much else from March through July. I sit back and enjoy a couple of beers as my few hives do their thing.:)

Reply to  Rod Evans
March 28, 2022 12:23 pm

“ignore that treasure” or embrace it, either is a valid choice on a personal level.

Banning, however, means enforcement from outside the individual by force. That results in great costs to society at large, much non-relevant repression, corruption, abuse of power, and wasting of treasure for the benefit of selected minorities (e.g. prison guards and special agents).

Certainly some real crimes against persons or property are committed “under the influence” but those are of relatively insignificant numbers, and are crimes that should be addressed as they actually occur, regardless of supposed cause.

Reply to  Peta of Newark
March 28, 2022 11:53 am

SOO TRUMP!, never drank or smoked pot. I think his drink of choice was Diet Coke.

So no wonder he was PERFECT.

March 27, 2022 8:32 pm

All Federal Government Limos and SUV should already be EVs. Then start working down through all the other Federal agencies, starting with the EPA, NOAA, and NASA GISS, etc.

But no reporter has the stones or political inclination to ask why that isn’t being done.

Chris Hanley
March 27, 2022 8:52 pm

President Biden tried to blame Putin for food, fuel and other prices that had been soaring well before the Ukraine invasion …
‘Worser than that’ the price of oil took off, over and above prior fluctuations, almost the day Biden took office (Brent crude).

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Chris Hanley
March 28, 2022 3:09 am

The price took off as soon as Biden was elected.

Chauncey Chapman
March 28, 2022 12:18 am

The first step should be to generate the electricity and acknowledge that there is no other source of electric power that has a lower cost per KWh, in a smaller foot print, with a lower ecological impact than nuclear. We need to accelerate the development of small modular reactors to enable the world to bypass coal generation and have true abundant carbon free electricity.

Reply to  Chauncey Chapman
March 28, 2022 2:14 am

I did a rough calculation on the number of SMR nuclear power station required to provide just the UK with sufficient electricity, based on Rolls Royce’s numbers.

Thousands would be required. So far there are plans to build 16 beginning 2030.

Unless I got my numbers badly wrong (knowledgeable input always welcome) that’s just not going to happen any time soon.

Reply to  HotScot
March 28, 2022 8:01 am

There simply won’t be much more electricity available in future than there is today. That’s the hidden secret weapon of the central planners…. indirect rationing by making it difficult for profit motivation to increase supply….driving prices up, reducing demand, taxing the high prices, a fairy ring on the lawn of civilization…

Amos E. Stone
Reply to  HotScot
March 28, 2022 9:16 am

HotScot – the RR reactor is supposed to be capable of 450MW or thereabouts. Peak UK demand is about 45,000 MW, so around 100 times as much. Given that they should be able to run full tilt 90% of the time, I suspect you may have dropped a decimal point somewhere.

Reply to  Amos E. Stone
March 29, 2022 12:30 pm

Happy to accept that.

Reply to  HotScot
April 1, 2022 12:53 pm

But, it isn’t as much of an impossibility than expecting wind and solar power to replace Fossil Fuels!

March 28, 2022 2:03 am

A beer mat calculation on the number of wind turbines required, and the environmental destruction necessary to simply meet the worlds expected annual 2% growth in energy demand over 50 years.

March 28, 2022 3:31 am

The proposed SEC rule has companies speculating on the risks they face from the energy transition. Let me think.
Crushingly expensive electricity
EV fires

Could be fun

Reply to  David Wojick
March 28, 2022 5:50 am

You forgot the threat of lithium and minerals wars not to mention the farmer wars-
Maxwell farmer Cam Dooner speaks out against abuse after leasing paddocks to solar farm project | The Border Mail | Wodonga, VIC
Lots of Scope XYZ threats to drill down into with the weather doomsters and their machinations. Can biz be confident in Law and Order and enough jails with supply chains?
Climate change activist Maxim O’Donnell Curmi jailed for four months after Blockade Australia protests around Port Botany – ABC News
Will the SEC police types be able to handle all the forthcoming biz Scoping paperwork here? Biz will naturally cover its ass thoroughly and dump it all on the SEC plate as you do.

Reply to  David Wojick
March 28, 2022 5:51 am

What could be fun is pointing out how ridiculously risky the so-called energy transition is, because that transition is impossible.

March 28, 2022 3:34 am

[(Or you could bury the White House, Capitol Hill, all the most climate-focused federal agencies, and all Greenpeace, Sierra Club and other eco-pressure groups’ DC offices under 100 feet of rock and dust.)]
best option IF all the deeply committed staff are IN the said establishments at the time

March 28, 2022 5:27 am

“They make no attempt to calculate how many wind turbines, solar panels, vehicle and backup battery modules, transformers and transmission lines would be needed in a fossil-fuel-free, all-electricity nation. How many acres of wildlife habitat would be disrupted or destroyed. How many new mines would have to be opened. How many birds, bats and other animals would be killed. How many trillions of tons of ores and overburden would have to be blasted away and processed. Or how many huge landfills we’ll need for all the worn-out turbines, blades, panels and batteries. They certainly don’t discuss how much our living standards, personal choices and basic freedoms would be reduced in their “clean energy” America.”

You left out a big one. How many homes will have to expend untold dollars to upgrade their electric supply?

Replacing gas heating, hot water tanks, and cooking ranges along with a high current supply for charging one EV let alone two or more will be very expensive. We should be subsidizing training today for as many residential and commercial electricians as we can afford.

Dave Andrews
Reply to  Jim Gorman
March 28, 2022 7:51 am

We’ve got it covered in the UK. One weeks training and a fleet of ‘engineers’ will be on hand to install 600,000 heat pumps a year from 2028. What could possibly go wrong?

Reply to  Jim Gorman
March 28, 2022 12:18 pm

AND power lines to your panel. In the US, most tract houses are fed underground with CIC cable in conduit from the transformer to the panel. That cannot be easily upgraded, often requiring removal of concrete and trenching, an expensive and cumbersome process.

With regular conductors PULLED into conduit, you could upgrade the service IF the existing cable is aluminum and replaced with copper.

Also a wasteful expense. BUT, everything to do with GREEN is wasteful AND expensive.

If we could get JUST one government entity, lets say Texas or Florida to require that electric bills charge for the cost of service from FF and Nuclear with a separate SURCHARGE for the cost of unreliables including the added cost of UTILITY paid for transmission lines to the remote locations, voters would soon understand how much GREEN and “renewable” really costs.

Reply to  Jim Gorman
March 29, 2022 6:34 am

Or we could just revert to the horse & buggy system, also use oxen as draft animals to haul heavy loads, and – really important – nor more tarmac roads: just gravel and dirt roads. Heat the home/hovel with a fireplace, and learn to cook like them there 18th century toll gatekeepers did. Candles for light instead of light bulbs, pump several buckets of water by hand for washing up, and do all your laundry by hand, maybe use a scrubbing board, and haul drinking water into the house in a wooden bucket….

Civlization was fun while it lasted, wasn’t it?

Reply to  Jim Gorman
March 29, 2022 4:59 pm

About 2 years ago we investigated upgrading our homes electrical supply. At that time, it would have been between $US6,000 and $US10,000. I’m sure that it would be higher now. We didn’t bother.

Reply to  Retired_Engineer_Jim
March 29, 2022 5:01 pm

That was just the panel and associated costs. No estimate for upgrades by the utility company.

March 28, 2022 5:28 am

America’s ruling elites are currently taking most industrialized nations down the path to ruin … and without achieving anything, except for drowning future generations in a debt situation
where there will be no possible recovery.

Reply to  Eric Vieira
March 28, 2022 12:23 pm

Funny thing about debt, it can be whipped away with a stroke of a pen, or a change of government.

Those who hold the debt are just out of luck. Just ask anyone who was owed debt by GM when Obama and the Injustice Department wiped them out.

BTW, the Fed Reserve, and all of it’s assets. can be taken back by the US government for under 300 million dollars. Kennedy started talking about doing that and ended up dead.

Reply to  Drake
March 28, 2022 1:08 pm

The Fed’s balance sheet currently shows about $3.8T in net ‘assets’. I’m curious about your $300M figure.

March 28, 2022 5:49 am

A disaster in the making without question.

March 28, 2022 6:12 am

Oh, yes, let’s do move back a couple hundred years to the use of candles, which are not a bit hazardous, right? Not hazardous and provide plenty of light, and since candles were made of tallow (animal fat), they won’t smell bad when they burn, either, right?

How about we just convert all cooking equipment to wood-burning status now, while we’re at it, never mind the heating systems. I could probably install a fireplace like that in my hovel, but I’ll have to get those reproduction cookbooks from the 1600s and 1700s to make sure I’m cooking things properly.

Yeah, let’s all agree to regress to Them There Olden Times, when the only way to stay warm in winter and cook was by way of a woodburning fireplace in that one-room cabin somewhere.

Let’s do that. Set those things up and make the idiots live that way through a rotten cold winter. Electricity? Nuh-uh. Not gonna get any. They can live the way my grandmas had to live when they were young children, and put their money where their silly mouths are.

David Elstrom
March 28, 2022 6:34 am

BiDumb’s leftist puppeteers always stick to their America-destroying agenda no matter what. As far as the garbage elite is concerned, you can never screw the normals hard enough.

March 28, 2022 6:49 am

Saving America from Planet-Threatening Fossil Fuels
Great idea! Get on with it!

Reply to  griff
March 28, 2022 9:47 am

I’d rather save America from leftard climatistas who are determined to ruin the country.

March 28, 2022 6:51 am

His plan calls for 30,000 megawatts of offshore wind energy by 2030. That’s 2,140 monstrous 850-foot-tall 14-MW turbines. It sounds like a lot of electricity, but it wouldn’t even meet New York State’s peak summertime electricity needs. And they’d generate zero electricity half the year.

That’s a ridiculous assertion. Offshore wind would produce throughout the year… No figures on wind speeds off US coast to support that, I notice!

Reply to  griff
March 28, 2022 7:07 am

I see that griff’s limited (and usually incorrect) experience with wind in UK makes him an expert on wind everywhere.

Dave Andrews
Reply to  griff
March 28, 2022 8:42 am

This study into ‘Wind turbine reliability data review and impacts on levelised cost of energy’ found

“It is clear that the failure rates for offshore WTs are generally higher than for onshore WTs and that this applies for almost all sub assemblies. Electric control system, generator, blades and hub, and pitch systems all experience high failure rates for both populations and their average failure rates are higher for offshore than onshore. Structure and gearbox sub assemblies follow the same pattern……...When individual sub assembly data are combined the offshore WT failure rate is roughly three times the weighted average onshore WT failure rate”

The study also shows the stoptime – duration a turbine does not generate power – are higher in almost every stoptime factor for offshore wind.

‘Wind turbine reliability data review and impacts on levelised cost of energy’

His Majesty
March 28, 2022 6:58 am

“…turning these dreams into reality.”


Bruce Cobb
March 28, 2022 9:30 am

Fossil fuels threaten poverty, starvation, disease, and low living standards for all, but the planet couldn’t care less about them.

Martin Pinder
March 28, 2022 11:51 am

A dirty, planet threatening fossil-Joe Biden.

March 28, 2022 12:37 pm

“The first stage of President Biden’s offshore wind energy program alone would require 110,000 tons of non-renewable copper”

And the global output of lithium in 2021 is … 100,000 tons, about double what it was in 2010. This time frame can’t be relied upon for another doubling because the previous doubling benefitted from exploiting a large number of already known smaller or lower grade projects.

There are a few large hardrock deposits, however, that could bring a quantum increase beyond the next 12-15yrs, some in finance-favorable countries.

comment image

Dave Andrews
Reply to  Gary Pearse
March 29, 2022 6:32 am

And the price of lithium carbonate for EV batteries increased 150% in 2021 according to the IEA and it says the world faces potential shortages of both lithium and cobalt as soon as 2025.

March 29, 2022 3:16 pm

Posted this great article on Facebook. They “fact-checked” it. It didn’t meet their standards, and they slapped my hands. Didn’t publish it. Sad.

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