Vox: Telling Parents They're Hurting Sick Children Maximises Climate Compliance

Feeding people negative green messages.

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

According to Vox, one of the most influential emotional levers available to promote compliance with the climate conservation agenda is guilt about hurting children.

Why humans are so bad at thinking about climate change

How psychology can trick us into keeping Earth habitable.

Updated by Andy Murdock, University of California Apr 19, 2017, 9:10am EDT

When Per Espen Stoknes looked at polls going back to 1989 assessing the level of public concern about climate change in 39 different countries, he found a surprising pattern in the data.

“Incredibly enough, it shows that the more certain the science becomes, the less concern we find in richer Western democracies,” he said. “How can it be that with increasing level of urgency and certainty in the science, people get less concerned?”

To Stoknes, the dissonance problem might be an even bigger deal: What we actually do every day conflicts with what we know we should do.

“It makes us feel a little bit like hypocrites because I know it’s important, I shouldn’t do this, but yet we do it and we do it all the time, every day: eat meat, drive a car, go by plane,” he said.

While Stoknes concedes that individual actions alone can’t solve the climate problem, he doesn’t buy into the idea that we’re powerless.

In terms of behavioral change, we need two things,” said Magali Delmas, a professor at the Institute of Environment and Sustainability at UCLA and the Anderson School of Management. “We need first to increase awareness, and then second, we need to find the right motivations for people to change their behavior.”

She’s on the hunt for these motivations, looking for simple ways to make climate change personal.

In a recent study, Delmas and colleagues tested different messaging approaches with consumers to see what could cause them to lower their electricity usage. Some households were sent personalized emails with their monthly power bill telling them how they could save money, while others were told how their energy usage impacted the environment and children’s health.

Money proved to be a poor motivator: It had no effect. But linking pollution to rates of childhood asthma and cancer produced an 8 percent drop in energy use, and more than double that in households with kids.

Read more: http://www.vox.com/videos/2017/4/19/15346442/humans-climate-change-psychology

The following is the abstract of the Delmas study referenced by Vox;

Nonprice incentives and energy conservation

In the electricity sector, energy conservation through technological and behavioral change is estimated to have a savings potential of 123 million metric tons of carbon per year, which represents 20% of US household direct emissions in the United States. In this article, we investigate the effectiveness of nonprice information strategies to motivate conservation behavior. We introduce environment and health-based messaging as a behavioral strategy to reduce energy use in the home and promote energy conservation. In a randomized controlled trial with real-time appliance-level energy metering, we find that environment and health-based information strategies, which communicate the environmental and public health externalities of electricity production, such as pounds of pollutants, childhood asthma, and cancer, outperform monetary savings information to drive behavioral change in the home. Environment and health-based information treatments motivated 8% energy savings versus control and were particularly effective on families with children, who achieved up to 19% energy savings. Our results are based on a panel of 3.4 million hourly appliance-level kilowatt–hour observations for 118 residences over 8 mo. We discuss the relative impacts of both cost-savings information and environmental health messaging strategies with residential consumers.

Read more: http://www.pnas.org/content/112/6/E510.abstract

As a lifelong asthmatic I’m horrified that climate advocates are using what is in my opinion misleading information about childhood asthma to promote their political agenda.

CO2 is not an asthma trigger.

Pollution – smoke, car exhaust, pollen, etc. – is a trigger, but in my experience, the quickest way to make many asthmatics like myself sick is to “conserve” energy by turning down the household central heating. As the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America confirms, Cold air is a significant trigger of asthma attacks.

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Lance Wallace
April 19, 2017 11:35 pm

The 90,000 deaths from asthma produced by fossil fuels is a central talking point of the Clean Power Plan. Pruitt had no acceptable response to that when tasked with defending his opposition to the CPP by Chris Wallace of Fox News. Too bad he didn’t know that if asthma were produced by fossil fuel pollution then we should have seen a decrease over the last 47 years; instead there has been a huge increase. Accepted causes of asthma include roach and dust mite allergens. It is an indoor-caused disease. The only external exacerbation that I can recall the NAS identifying was cigarette smoke.

Reply to  Lance Wallace
April 20, 2017 12:15 am

I am really starting to hate these people….

Reply to  David
April 20, 2017 3:39 am

Me too. So the science doesn’t matter; the facts don’t matter; the truth doesn’t matter.
A certain amount of humility doesn’t matter; a small acknowledgment that you might just possible be wrong doesn’t matter; the fact that other people believe differently doesn’t matter.
In fact nothing matters to these self-selected experts in how we should live or lives except that they have their own way all the time every time.
And people go along with that?!

Reply to  David
April 20, 2017 6:32 am

What I hate is the way they scare little children.
I run a Childcare focused on the outdoors, and meet children who fear nature. They seem to be afraid they may “break” it. They find it a great relief when I tell them nature actually welcomes them with open arms. (Then they meet the mosquitoes.)
I think that children who run around and play in the woods have a far greater love of nature than children who only experience PBS documentaries. In fact, the documentaries seemingly generate fear and even loathing, rather than love.

Reply to  David
April 20, 2017 7:19 am

Caleb wrote:

I think that children who run around and play in the woods have a far greater love of nature than children who only experience PBS documentaries.

I might add, “and possibly a far better immune system and resistance to asthma.”

Reply to  David
April 20, 2017 8:16 am

Just show children this short film to educate them about the dangers of indoctrination into the climate cult.

Reply to  David
April 20, 2017 8:19 am

Yes, they prey on the trusting minds of children. Shame on these charlatans.
It reminds me of the song from South Pacific:
You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught
From year to year,
It’s got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff’rent shade,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You’ve got to be carefully taught!

Reply to  David
April 21, 2017 6:54 am

And do you see “climate compliance” happening ANYWHERE? You see anyone giving up their smartphones, living in the cold and dark, digging in the dirt to grow their own (organic!) food? Are airlines shutting down flights and routes for lack of passengers? Are cruise ships heading to the breakers’ yards? NOPE!
And everywhere around here, the popular cars are giant guzzling Suburbans and Range Rovers for the fashionable soccer moms. But virtue-signalling about “sustainability?” Yeah, we got that! Try staying out of Stop & Shop for say, 6 months and never starting your car and we’ll discuss your “sustainability,” fools!

Reply to  Lance Wallace
April 20, 2017 1:25 am

For sure – CO2 certainly has nothing to do with it – and they know it – but that doesn’t stop them from using it anyway.
“If you want to know just how intellectually counterfeit this whole argument is about carbon dioxide…Gina McCarthy…EPA Chief led off her announcement today by talking about asthma. Now carbon dioxide has absolutely nothing to do with asthma. Even EPA’s own endangerment finding says that CO2 emissions have nothing to do with asthma or heart attacks, but that is what EPA is using to sell this to the American public.”
Lance Brown
Executive Director
Partnership for Affordable Clean Energy

Reply to  4TimesAYear
April 20, 2017 7:24 am

These people are not only using, but also MISusing and abusing the child-centric nature of American society, in order to exert influence over people’s behavior.
When all else fails, appeal to the children. How childish !

Reply to  Robert Kernodle
April 20, 2017 4:44 pm

I truly wish someone would file a class action suit on behalf of the children to stop the indoctrination of the kids. There’s plenty of evidence to show it’s damaging the children.

Reply to  4TimesAYear
April 20, 2017 8:46 am

Liberal/greenie mantra: The end justifies the means.
I spent 30 years in the nuclear power industry and three years in a coal plant. You’d think I’d be used to lies, damn lies and fake news by now in all areas of life, but the ignorance and amount of out-and-out lying (with a straight face, no less) is hard to take.

Reply to  Bob Cherba (@rbcherba)
April 20, 2017 4:41 pm

I think we all empathize. The last 8 years of Obama and his EPA have been a real nightmare for all on this side of the issue.

Reply to  Lance Wallace
April 20, 2017 1:51 am

Intestinal worms, or rather the lack of them are evidently much of the problem.
An article by Matt Ridley in The Times explains a recent study on the link between the decline in intestinal worms and the rise in allergies. As usual though, considerations like these are ignored by scientists with their own agenda and scare policies.
His blog article is here:

Reply to  HotScot
April 20, 2017 4:38 am

s usual though, considerations like these are ignored by scientists

No, they are not.

Reply to  HotScot
April 20, 2017 10:34 am

“As usual though, considerations like these are ignored by scientists with their own agenda and scare policies.”
lease don’t quote me out of context.

Reply to  HotScot
April 20, 2017 1:50 pm

I have a lot of respect for Matt Ridley, but I am sure that he would agree that coincidence and/or correlation is/are not – necessarily – causation.
Might the decline in intestinal worms be correlated with more frequent flying, or more central heating, or the increasing age of our monarch, Queen Elizabeth II(?
I do not suggest that any of those are causes.
I suggest that there may be coincidence. No more.

Reply to  HotScot
April 20, 2017 2:10 pm

Fair comment, but the war on intestinal worms has been waged for many years. In the early 70’s, as an 11 year old at an ‘outward bound’ camp, unknown to me, I was given something in my food or drink to de-infest me. I saw evidence of it’s effect, and confirmed it with a couple of friends who also noticed the same evidence in their stool.
Millions of children, now in their 50’s to 70’s went through similar camps, and I have no doubt were dosed with anti parasitic treatments, without their, or their parents knowledge. That’s just in the UK.
I only met one kid in my whole school life with childhood asthma and didn’t meet another until I met my wife who contracted it when she was in her 30’s. Now, a fairly high cross section of friends and family are afflicted with the condition, despite improving air quality since the 70’s.
I don’t know if Matt is right, but somehow, most of the subjects he researches and comments on resonate with me, this one and, of course, climate change in particular.

Reply to  Lance Wallace
April 20, 2017 4:37 am

I wonder if he did the appropriate irb approvals for a human subject study. Especially since he was working with families with various conditions like asthma which would be directly affected by their families energy use. This requires the highest level of irb approval and complete openness about relevant risks to the subjects. I suspect that recipients were not asked for their willingness to participate or notified of potential risks involved with participating.

Reply to  Lance Wallace
April 20, 2017 6:08 am

Has the definition of the word, ‘asthma’ been expanded, perhaps? Sort of the same way that other terms have been redefined in order to suit activists/agitators’ purposes and goals?

Reply to  Lance Wallace
April 20, 2017 7:05 am

O/T but worth looking at. Can’t find any paper though.
Highs and lows of an Englishman’s average height over 2000 years
Researchers have used data on skeletal remains to calculate how the average height of Englishmen rose or fell over 2,000 years of history. They reasoned that height, which is linked with childhood nutrition, is a good alternative measure of wellbeing and can be estimated accurately from the length of a full grown man’s femur.
People were taller during the Roman Warm Period, Medieval Warm Period and shorter during the Little Ice Age. Warmer weather = better nutrition. Warm = good, Cold = bad.

Crispin in Waterloo but really in Jakarta
Reply to  Lance Wallace
April 20, 2017 10:45 am

“The 90,000 deaths from asthma produced by fossil fuels is a central talking point of the Clean Power Plan. ”
This is a mis-quote.
It is 90,000 “premature deaths” which means lives that were shortened from 86 years as the anticipated median age at death.
Any claim that someone’s death was caused by any particular contributor is a statistical assertion, not a medical diagnosis. Beware anything rooted in a Global Burden of Disease calculation being attributed to any particular person or medical consequence, whether caused or avoided. Any such claim is statistical BS.

Phil C
Reply to  Lance Wallace
April 20, 2017 3:52 pm

Almost any smoking burning of any plant matter will trigger, or help trigger an asthma attack. Some plants, such as poison ivy, are literally toxic if too much is inhaled. Others, such as dry hay, loosely packed, will burn fast and almost smokeless.
Biomass only works in specially designed combustors.

Phil C
Reply to  Lance Wallace
April 20, 2017 3:52 pm

Almost any smoking burning of any plant matter will trigger, or help trigger an asthma attack. Some plants, such as poison ivy, are literally toxic if too much is inhaled. Others, such as dry hay, loosely packed, will burn fast and almost smokeless.
Biomass only works in specially designed combustors.

Michael darby
Reply to  Phil C
April 20, 2017 4:10 pm

I burn biomass for heat in the winter. I didn’t know that my pot belly stove was a ” specially designed combustor”

April 19, 2017 11:45 pm

We consistently hear that air pollution (non including CO2, but who knows…) causes asthma, but (AFAIK)
– air pollution down
– asthma up

Claude Harvey
April 19, 2017 11:46 pm

Truth is irrelevant when an “end justifies the means” mentality sets in. Wanna’ see a quantum drop in electric power usage? Spread the word that roving household electrons can fry men’s willies.

Reply to  Claude Harvey
April 20, 2017 2:05 am

Still, they know fear works, especially fear of things that can’t be seen where the imagination can take over such as with this case .. it may delight AGW fear mongers but when a child is so convinced the planet is running out of water they refuse to drink and require psychiatric intervention, I want to cry.

Samuel C Cogar
Reply to  Karl
April 20, 2017 2:35 am

Of course the instilling or nurturing of “fear” in the minds of gullible people “works like a charm”.
And that is exactly why the success of most every “group Religion” is based in and dependent on the “fear and ignorance” of its parishioners/believers/converts, ….. whatever.
Keep them barefoot, hungry and stupid and they will believe anything you tell them.

Tom in Florida
Reply to  Karl
April 20, 2017 4:23 am

But you must also give them hope. Hope that what they do will have a positive effect. If the conception is that what they do doesn’t matter, they will not do it. But also remember that too much hope is dangerous.

Reply to  Karl
April 20, 2017 4:39 am

“And that is exactly why the success of most every “group Religion” is based in and dependent on the “fear and ignorance” of its parishioners/believers/converts, ….. whatever.”
Or, your imagination is not really a magic crystal ball affair, that allows you to time travel and mass mind read multitudes . . I mean, it might not be, it seems to me . .

Reply to  Karl
April 20, 2017 4:56 am

Now, if, the sort of . . self confidence, exhibited by Samuel here, in one’s own ability to perceive and understand vast swaths of humanity to the point of essentially declaring them frightened morons . . then I don’t see why there would be any significant barrier to thinking it’s OK to trick/manipulate them into doing what the . . clearly superior person finds appropriate for them to do. Seems almost . . beneficent, in a sense.

Reply to  Karl
April 20, 2017 7:05 am

It really is sad how bigots like Samuel have to go around displaying their ignorance of all things.
Nothing he says about Christianity is true, but he will continue to spread his lies because he knows that he’s right and he has to spread fear in order to change people’s behavior.
Fascinating how he has to use the very technique he is condemning.

Reply to  Karl
April 20, 2017 9:22 am

Can I assume then from Samuel’s post that no atheist governments, say for instance Communist ones, have ever used “fear and ignorance” to control the population?

Samuel C Cogar
Reply to  Karl
April 21, 2017 6:26 am

schitzree – April 20, 2017 at 9:22 am

Can I assume then from Samuel’s post that no atheist governments, say for instance Communist ones, have ever used “fear and ignorance” to control the population?

GETTA CLUE, …… Schitzree, …… even the US government and its Agencies/Departments (NASA, NOAA, etc.) condones and practices the use of “fear and ignorance” to control the population.
The same as does many, many non-government organizations such as the Democrat Party, National Cancer Society, New York Times Newspaper, MSNBC TV, etc., etc.
And then there are the Public Schools, Colleges and Universities that are teaching the “junk science” of CAGW.
And Schitzree, you, John Knight and MarkW ,,,,, really, really need an education in both religious and biblical histories.

Reply to  Claude Harvey
April 20, 2017 7:32 am

Oh no, somebody just gave even better motivation to these people. Now they can allude to the fact that overheating testicles can reduce sperm count, hence human-caused global warming threatens the catastrophic “frying of men’s willies.”
And I have yet an even BETTER appeal: Think of the male children’s willies.
My activist work is done here. You’re welcome.

Reply to  Robert Kernodle
April 20, 2017 3:54 pm

The feminazis will all become skeptics immediately.

April 20, 2017 12:03 am

So Ocean Acidification is no longer the secondary bogey-man?
I wonder what will be next.

Reply to  M Courtney
April 20, 2017 3:49 am

Well, we tried “bio-diversity” and “sustainability”, neither of which quite seemed to ‘click’. Diesel particulates are doing well at the moment in the UK (even though a more likely reason for the recent increase in smog is wood-burners using unseasoned wood).
“Ocean acidification” looked promising for a while but was a bit esoteric for the average pleb and it wasn’t all that easy to debunk the debunkers on that one.
The big problem is that we haven’t found a lie convincjng enough to fool all of the people all of the time. But we’ll get there!

April 20, 2017 12:15 am

People will massively change their behaviour in response to a perceived threat to their health.

The most striking thing about North America’s fear of food is how markedly ideas about food’s healthfulness have changed over the years. Chemical preservatives went from being triumphs of modern science to poisons. Whole milk has swung back and forth like a pendulum. Yogurt experienced boom, bust and revival. Margarine went from “heart-healthy” to artery-clogging. And now we are told that salt, historically regarded as absolutely essential to human existence, is swinging the grim reaper’s scythe.
And then there’s the story of fat. link

The people of America changed their diet in response to bad science that, in turn, was encouraged by corporations. A decent statistician could probably prove that this led to millions of premature deaths.
The fat story is so much like CAGW. The equivalent to Mann and Hansen was Ancel Keys. Fat orthodoxy was enforced in much the same way as climate orthodoxy is now enforced. In particular, most of the science and medical organizations lined up behind the orthodoxy.
The truth is finally coming out and some folks are writing books about it, for example The Big Fat Surprise. People need to understand that science can be subverted and that it has happened and is happening right now with CAGW.

Samuel C Cogar
Reply to  commieBob
April 20, 2017 2:58 am

……. most of the science and medical organizations lined up behind the orthodoxy.

Which simply proves that iffen the management of said organizations want to remain “profitable” ….. they have to keep “riding the money train”, ……. regardless of which direction its going, ….. its intended destination ……. or which “tracks” its travelling on.

Reply to  Samuel C Cogar
April 20, 2017 6:37 am

the killer line was???
How psychology can trick us
need i say more?

Roger Graves
Reply to  commieBob
April 20, 2017 7:41 am

Whenever I am told that eating such-and-such is bad for me, whether it be butter or red meat or whatever, my response has always been to keep on eating it, secure in the knowledge that in a few years society will discover/rediscover that it’s actually good for you. Eat what you want, and if your body tells you that it’s happy with that diet, don’t worry about it.

Reply to  commieBob
April 20, 2017 9:20 am

The same *at least* with carbs. Follow the money – there was money to be made by getting people to think that carbs (or grains) are what food eats. Including money to be made by grain farmers.

Reply to  commieBob
April 20, 2017 10:43 am

There’s also statins. Google Dr. Malcolm Kendrick for details on that one.

April 20, 2017 12:24 am

“the more certain the science becomes, the less concern we find in richer Western democracies”.. It is a pity that he doesn’t realise that the science has become less certain – or indeed that it has become more certain that man-made global warming is a massive falsehood.

April 20, 2017 12:40 am

To quote from part of the report :
“Incredibly enough, it shows that the more certain the science becomes, the less concern we find in richer Western democracies,” he said. “How can it be that with increasing level of urgency and certainty in the science, people get less concerned?”
Is this not entirely to be expected?
It is the things that we know least about that cause the greatest worry . As knowledge of the threatened climate change advances the public realise that there is a genuine but limited effect from the continued emission of CO2 , but nothing that human ingenuity cannot mitigate.
After 40 years of hysterical comment from people who should know better , and from those who do know better but are doing it for financial or political gain , the public realise that virtually no one has suffered from climate change . By contrast in that time millions have had lives destroyed by revolutions, political murder , financial corruption, paranoid dictators and distorted religious faith of unimaginable cruelty. These are the real terrors and the public is only too well aware of that .

Reply to  mikewaite
April 21, 2017 6:07 pm

“Incredibly enough, it shows that the more certain the science becomes, the less concern we find in richer Western democracies,” Just because leftards screech a lie at the top of their lungs does not mean real human beings are ever, EVER going to believe them.

April 20, 2017 12:45 am

These people are becoming even more deranged.
“CO2 is not an asthma trigger”. Correct.
People who suffer anxiety attacks tend to “over-breath” which lowers the CO2 level in the blood and makes them feel worse. So one remedy is to breathe in and out of a paper bag for about half a dozen breaths, which restores the CO2 level. Not a recommended treatment for asthma of course, but does not cause an asthma attack.
Pollution can cause asthma. However, I spent the first five years of my life living across the road from hell, in the form of a coal-fired gas works. Yep – looked just like that picture in the old Watchtower magazine. Stink, dust, fumes, sulfur mounds everywhere. This cocktail was augmented by a stable for large draft horses on one side, and a brewery on the other. Coal burning on open hearths in the house. None of this triggered my childhood asthma. Mine was triggered by feathers, and fresh-mown grass eg “hay” fever.
Cold air is the trigger for two of my sons. Asthma is avoided by being at 45°N or less in NH summer. SH is ok year-round if at 30°S or less.

Reply to  Martin Clark
April 20, 2017 6:17 am

These people are becoming even more deranged.
There’s a Venn Diagram intersection of these three things/concepts:
– Keepin’ It Real
– Fake It Till You Make It
– Impostor Syndrome

Peta from Cumbria, now Newark
April 20, 2017 12:54 am

Children have an instinct. (Many in fact) They are born with it/them.
Any parent will know is that one of these instincts is to hate eating vegetables.
Why do children universally hate eating vegetables? That is a serious question btw.
So, lets imagine we are a new plant that suddenly appears on Earth. We are tasty, nutritious and contain no harmful substance. No toxins, no irritants, no allergens, nice to look at etc etc. Universally good.
We will be extinct within 24 hours because everyone/thing will have come and eaten us.
Are there any plants as I describe – where are they? I say there are none, all plants have a (chemical) defence system primarily to stop them being eaten.
Some are incredibly nasty, from Ricin, cyanide, coumarin, nicotine, digitalis etc etc etc
Arguably, because there are too many people, we have to eat plants.
So, how to convince children to get over their strong instinct that says ‘plants are bad’
We bribe them with sugar, candy, soda-pop with the meal to wash the nasty taste away. Parents everywhere all know the routine. We bribe even ourselves as adults with sugar – who doesn’t enjoy a sweet dessert after their main meal (of vegetables)?
But then what happens? The sugar makes us sleepy so we finish off with a coffee = caffeine = another very nasty poison in order to stay awake long enough to get home or even up the stairs.
Is that sleepiness not our own bodies telling us not to eat that sh1t? You cannot fill your face while asleep.
And then, having filled our kids with plant poisons, bribed them and turned them into addicts (THE most insidious poison of course being sugar/glucose) we wonder why the hapless brats get asthma.

Samuel C Cogar
Reply to  Peta from Cumbria, now Newark
April 20, 2017 3:15 am

Peta, ….. that was some well written satire, ……. I enjoyed reading it.

Reply to  Peta from Cumbria, now Newark
April 20, 2017 6:19 am

Stop eating plants they are sentient!

Reply to  PiperPaul
April 20, 2017 7:43 am

Yes, think of the plants, NOT the children.

Reply to  Peta from Cumbria, now Newark
April 20, 2017 7:41 am

You forgot, “We set them in front of electronic devices that inhibit and subdue their otherwise natural tendencies to MOVE their little physical, agile bodies, which tends to push any residual poisons out of their systems, while conditioning their little physiques with more toned muscles, better lungs, and greater resistance to the ravages of their environments.”

April 20, 2017 1:05 am

“How can it be that with increasing level of urgency and certainty in the science, people get less concerned?”

And the idea that this may because people just aren’t seeing to thermaggedon that they had been scared with over and over again really never crossed their minds?
I also seriously object to the linking of asthma to CAGW. As a sufferer myself, and having had a brother die of it, I find it truly offensive.

Reply to  Jer0me
April 22, 2017 10:35 am

just seen a report on BBCnews today,,that they are putting a’ blanket’ on a glacier in Austrian ski resort to stop it melting during the summer

April 20, 2017 1:12 am

Consensus is that 90% or was it 93% is not even visible, and that is far worse than expected,

April 20, 2017 1:20 am

That’s not “right motivations” – it’s sheer manipulation. Sick.

April 20, 2017 1:21 am

One of the worst asthma attacks I ever got was brought upon by cold air. My fear of asthma has also brougnt on episodes of hyperventalation which is treated by breathing and out of a paper bad whjich increases the amount of inhaled CO2. For me pollens, dust, and other particulates have been triggers. It has helped me to live close to the ocean where I get air with more so called greenhouse gasses in it then when I lived in the desert.

April 20, 2017 1:30 am

Asthma my be far more linked to being overweight than anything.
Would that not track closer than anything else?
Anyone have data on that ?

Moderately Cross of East Anglia
April 20, 2017 1:33 am

I’m totally with Jer0me on this and as I suffered with asthma very badly as a child to the extent that my education was seriously disrupted by bouts of hospitalisation, find the misuse of this condition to promote yet another scare link to AGW outrageous. I also recall that when I was suffering from asthma, which is a long time ago, they had not yet invented the modern steroid type inhalers like Salbutimol. Previous medicines were frankly hopeless in relieving attacks and I vividly remember my first whiff of Ventolin and realising that I could breathe properly within seconds – it literally was life changing. This is yet another reason why I find the constant assault on scientific and human progress by the green lobby so unacceptable, there seems to be nothing that they not prepared to twist or deny to advance the destruction of modern life and the enormous benefits it has created for us all.

Reply to  Moderately Cross of East Anglia
April 20, 2017 2:45 am

It is Salbutamol (Ventolin), and it is not a steroid, but a selective beta blocker. It was invented in the UK in 1967 and approved in the USA in 1982. I am glad to know that you got better by using Ventolin. It is still widely used nowadays.
You may be thinking about fluticasone, mometasone or budesonide, those are inhaled steroids.
The newer medications are leukotriene receptor antagonists, montelukast is the most widely used (Singulair), or zafirlukast. Better for allergy than for asthma.

Reply to  urederra
April 20, 2017 3:21 am

Ops, sorry, Salbutamol is not a beta blocker, but a beta agonist. It activates beta-two adrenergic receptors.

Moderately Cross of East Anglia
Reply to  urederra
April 20, 2017 5:49 am

Thanks for the information and correction, and yes it made my life a whole lot better. That is why I get immoderately cross when I see people denying others the benefit of progress for some daft notion of planet saving, always an imaginary concept set in a future that never arrives.

Reply to  urederra
April 20, 2017 7:09 am

people denying others the benefit of progress for some daft notion of planet saving, always an imaginary concept set in a future that never arrives
Dumb people need jobs, too. Don’t some ditches need digging and then filling back in again?

Henning Nielsen
April 20, 2017 1:37 am

Looks like the alarmists are increasingly relying on invoking the ancient religious tools of guilt and sin in order to provoke the wanted public response. But this can also easily backfire, it is onty so much guilt which most people are willing to accept before they tire of the exercise.

Reply to  Henning Nielsen
April 20, 2017 2:01 am

Backfire it does with me. Whenever I respond to another alarmist fairytale. If they haven’t mentioned the children. I sarcastically remind them with the closing line, “oh, and you forgot the children”. I’ve been doing it for years. Along with bluntly refusing to refer to their fairytale as climate change. Reminding them, it was they who chiseled the words “global warming” into the millstone that is now hung around their collective knecks.

Moderately Cross of East Anglia
April 20, 2017 1:39 am

Most asthmatics are probably underweight rather than obese if there is any differentiation …

April 20, 2017 1:44 am

Norwegian top ski athletes seem to be well above average regarding asthma occurences. They are not overweight, but very exposed to cold air…..

John M. Ware
Reply to  NorwegianSceptic
April 20, 2017 3:08 am

While they are young and strong, this is no doubt true. How are the older ones doing? If they develop a heart condition or something similar, I suspect that suddenly they will find that cold air is the enemy. At one time, I used to shovel snow in 0 degrees F in a short-sleeved undershirt; I would work up a sweat within minutes. Now, in 0 F air, I go out briefly, seldom, and carefully.

Reply to  John M. Ware
April 22, 2017 10:50 am

here in the UK asthmatics are advised not to expose themselves to cold air in winter .As many of us may recall ,going outside into low temperatures can cause the nose to start to run (drip)&the bronchi to secrete fluid too.

Reply to  NorwegianSceptic
April 20, 2017 6:46 am

I recall seeing somewhere a study that implied that athletes using asthma control medications benefited from a permanent increase in respiratory function. This was likely to be a cohort study, and so less robust than a study specifically designed to test for long-term asthma control medications effects on athletic respiratory efficiency would be.

April 20, 2017 1:57 am

“We need first to increase awareness, and then second, we need to find the right motivations for people to change their behavior.”

Magali Delmas, a professor at the Institute of Environment and Sustainability at UCLA and the Anderson School of Management, seems aware “people” wouldn’t choose her pet theories voluntarily. It happens. Try exploring the solution within yourself Magali like 7 billion others on this planet. The third step has already been sufficiently tested with human at societal scale to know better.

April 20, 2017 2:22 am

Nothing new here.
Original sin and baptism anyone?

April 20, 2017 2:23 am
Reply to  erichux
April 20, 2017 2:54 am

comment image
Crichton knew.

Joel Snider
Reply to  urederra
April 20, 2017 12:51 pm

We lost a lot, when we lost Crichton.

April 20, 2017 2:45 am

So much money spent on Education. So many Brainwashed Zombies incapable of critical thought. WOW!

Samuel C Cogar
Reply to  mickeldoo
April 20, 2017 4:26 am

So many Brainwashed Zombies incapable of critical thought.

No surprises there, ….. given the fact that in the western hemisphere, ….. a majority of all present-day childhood nurturing begins with “brainwashing” the 1 to 4 year old children, ….. via use of presents and sweets, …… to believe in Santa Claus and that Jesus loves them because the Bible tells them so.
Next begins the “brainwashing” of the 2 to 5 year old children, …… via use of presents and sweets, …… to believe in the Easter Bunny and that Jesus loves them because the Bible tells them so.
Next begins the “brainwashing” of the 5 to 8 year old children, ….. via use of presents and money, ….. to believe in the Tooth Fairy and that Jesus loves them because the Bible tells them so.
Next begins the re-nurturing, or re-education, or the “un-brainwashing” of the 8 to 18 year old children, ….. via use of presents, sweets, fear, threats, money, etc., ….. that it is foolish of them to continue believe in the “magic” of Santa Claus, ….. the “magic” of the Easter Bunny …… and the “magic” of the Tooth Fairy ….. but to remember that CAGW is “right as rain” and that Jesus loves them because the Bible tells them so.
With all the aforementioned “brainwashing” and “un-brainwashing” ….. is there any wonder that so many are incapable of any ability resembling “critical thinking”?

Reply to  Samuel C Cogar
April 20, 2017 4:45 am

Samuel C Cogar:
The Father Christmas fun teaches children a useful lesson in critical thinking.
It is a clear demonstration that information should never be taken on trust because anybody – even those you most trust – can mislead you.
Your post demonstrates that you failed to learn such important lessons in critical thinking.

Reply to  Samuel C Cogar
April 20, 2017 7:11 am

I’m wondering why Samuel has such a deep seated fear of Christians.
His constant out of context and utterly irrational attacks on them is making him look like a bigot and a fool.

Reply to  Samuel C Cogar
April 20, 2017 7:13 am

Critical Theory is critical thinking for dumb people.

Reply to  Samuel C Cogar
April 20, 2017 10:52 am

Remember Samuel, whatever it was you did to make you fear Jesus so much, he forgives you.
(Unless what you did was ‘not worship him in just the right way’. From what many of his follows say he really holds that against people) ~¿~

Reply to  Samuel C Cogar
April 20, 2017 10:52 am

Remember Samuel, whatever it was you did to make you fear Jesus so much, he forgives you.
(Unless what you did was ‘not worship him in just the right way’. From what many of his follows say he really holds that against people) ~¿~

Joel Snider
Reply to  Samuel C Cogar
April 20, 2017 12:50 pm

Apparently, any fun childhood fantasy is brainwashing. In my humble opinion, children learn critical thinking as they begin to discredit belief in Santa Claus – and frankly, I’ve never heard of any kid holding it against their parents for letting them believe in magic for a little while – belief, after all, is always what makes the magic real.
It’s the old sour pusses that make life suck.

Reply to  Samuel C Cogar
April 20, 2017 12:51 pm

The bible is quite clear that the only requirement is that you believe in him and accept his offer of salvation.

Samuel C Cogar
Reply to  Samuel C Cogar
April 21, 2017 5:50 am

richardscourtney – April 20, 2017 at 4:45 am

Samuel C Cogar:
The Father Christmas fun teaches children a useful lesson in critical thinking.

GEEEEEZZZE, ….. Richard C, …… the contents/context of my above post must have “jerked on you chain” severely enough to cause you to realize the full extent of the dastardly deceiving mis-nurtured “brainwashing” you were subjected to by your parent(s) and guardians during your childhood and adolescent years
“HA”, me thinks your above comments that were directed at me, …… was in fact an act of “testifying” about your own mentally misnurtured predicament that you now realize the literal truth about.
Richard C, also stated:

Your post demonstrates that you failed to learn such important lessons in critical thinking.

So Richard C, …… the trillions of humans that have been nurtured to believe in the existence of “sky pixies with magical powers” ……. were in actuality, according to you, “critical thinkers” of great renown and world importance, ………. RIGHT?
So Richard C, you really need to educate yourself on …… “Why you are what your environment nurtured you to be”.

April 20, 2017 2:50 am

Really? All this crap from the “people” who support NAMBLA, muslim terrorism and tax payer funded abortion. Okey dokey then.

April 20, 2017 3:12 am

Effective marketing strategy. Just like using (threatened) polar bears as a mascot. The objective is not to enlighten, it’s to capture minds.

Dr. S. Jeevananda Reddy
April 20, 2017 4:02 am

The logic of Carbon Dioxide causes Asthma. is like cow is white and wall is white, so wall is cow.
Dr. S. Jeevananda Reddy

April 20, 2017 4:03 am

Well, the irony is amazing. Today is the anniversary of Hitler’s birthday, and he said in Mein Kampf that telling parents you are looking after their children would mean they would allow you to introduce all kinds of controls without protest.

April 20, 2017 4:15 am

Child abuse

April 20, 2017 4:15 am

The best way to prevent asthma is to let children play “in the dirt” literally. Just as it once was. Only then can children build a healthy immune system. Asthma is a city-dwelling disease and there above all “spread among the better circles”. The smog is also the highest in the cities. Pollen is only a trigger of asthma attacks, but not the reason for this disease. An immune system that is not properly developed, which overreacts, is the reason for the disease.

Reply to  Hans-Georg
April 20, 2017 6:45 am

funny how rural kids in Aus have far less asthma?
and no ones mentioned all the chemical fragranced home cleaners soaps shampoos and other crap used daily?
if you can smell the washing powder 3 aisles away..and it is often stored near petfood and the sealed pet food packs smell of that scent?
isnt that telling you something?
and it can be rinsed twice hung on line or stuck in a dryer and still smell in the linen cabinet months after?

Bruce Cobb
April 20, 2017 4:16 am

the more certain the science becomes, the less concern we find in richer Western democracies,” he said. “How can it be that with increasing level of urgency and certainty in the science, people get less concerned?”

First, the “certainty” in “the science” is as fake as “the science” is, and people sense that, or at least those with at least half a working brain and an adequate BS detector do. Secondly, he is talking primarily about the US, though he doesn’t want to admit that, pegging the difference to wealth instead. Climatists have a pathological hatred of freedom and capitalism, both in ample supply in the US. We’re sort of funny that way. We don’t like being told what to do, how to live, and most especially by other countries who very likely don’t have our best interests at heart.

April 20, 2017 4:20 am

Again, There is absolutely ZERO evidence that CO2 causes asthma.
IN FACT, CO2 is actually a BRONCHIAL DILATOR, and breathing methods such as the Buteko method rely on that fact by INCREASING the amount of CO2 in the persons airways.
CO2 is absolutely required for human life and breathing.
It regulates the system.
Fortunately, our bodies CREATE CO2 as we need it, by burning carbohydrates.

April 20, 2017 4:23 am

love the “wall is cow” I’ll be using that.
Climate Change politics has nothing what so ever to do with science and never did. Every community has its share of millenarians screeching about a coming catastrophe unless we all repent our sins. Repent our sins meaning change the way we live. Nothing new in any of this. We have bits, bytes, and rocket ships but the nature of human beings has not changed one iota. I say we give our modern day Savonarola’s the same treatment the original received. Wonder how much CO2 that would release.

Tom in Florida
April 20, 2017 4:27 am

It all goes back to what I have posted many times. It is Sales 101. You don’t sell the steak, you sell the sizzle. Bombarding people with facts, no matter how true they may be, will not have any effect on them unless they see a real benefit for themselves. And the benefit must be easily attained without too much effort on their part.

Reply to  Tom in Florida
April 20, 2017 7:23 am

Using Altruism as an emotional value, would not only be easy for the alarmists; but once the idea is established, it would be easy to hijack as well.
Imagine an asthmatic Johnny asking his Mom with a wheezing voice to turn up the heat, while dressed in a hat, scarf and coat indoors; then a teary Mom replying “I know its easier to breath when it’s warmer, but we just can’t afford the carbon taxes”

Bruce Cobb
April 20, 2017 4:35 am

Joseph Goebbels had a lot to say about how to manipulate people. Perhaps they should have started there.

Reply to  Bruce Cobb
April 20, 2017 5:41 am

But not even him succeeded in fully influencing what the population thought. My mother often told of listening to English and American radio-channels and that this was done, although under severe punishment. In the wake of Goebbels’s desire to the german people, to eat sausages with sawdust and soy meat, there was a winged saying: herring, herring, as fat as the Goering (also a propaganda hero of the National Socialists). We can learn from this that the population thinks their own, the propaganda can still be run on so constantly and soaringly. On the contrary, the more propaganda, the more people fall from faith. Therefore, let them propagate. Nothing better can happen to us.

April 20, 2017 4:54 am

This keeps going because we have created a Pavlovian behavior reinforcing system for those working at our universities. Tasty biscuits are disgorged when a green party line spouting academic demonstrates their fidelity by whoring the prestige of their education. That and the fact that many of them simply are not that bright but were disciplined in school.
When the FBI started to dismantle the Mafia agents called the leadership “dumb, dummies, or idiots” in every media interview. That was a calculated strategy to demystify their opponent. It worked. We should try it.

April 20, 2017 6:16 am

The psych ops teams are at it again.

Pamela Gray
April 20, 2017 6:30 am

The reverse of discovery science. Instead of a hypothesis, the researcher posits, “What do I want my research endeavor to politically say?” Then he/she creates a research design that will indeed say exactly that. Why is this so? Because many grant sources require the research to speak towards a certain conclusion. Follow the money.

April 20, 2017 6:37 am

“How psychology can trick us into keeping Earth habitable.”
The opening sentence reveals the complete lack of science that lies ahead. If the IPCC was actually correct, which it obviously isn’t, the Earth would still be very habitable. In fact, it would likely be more habitable than it is now. All scientific evidence and rational thought indicate that a modestly warmer planet would be more hospitable for the entire biosphere than our current climate. There would be areas that would be a little less hospitable, but they would be small compared to the benefits to many other areas.
Secondly, the notion that we have any ability to control the global temperature by a few lifestyle changes is patently false and utterly ridiculous.
“Incredibly enough, it shows that the more certain the science becomes, the less concern we find in richer Western democracies,” he said. “How can it be that with increasing level of urgency and certainty in the science, people get less concerned?”
People are getting less concerned because they are smarter than you, Mr. Stoknes. They know that the science was never certain, and they also see that much of it is becoming more nonsensical by the day, including the ridiculous things that you are saying in this article. Your assumptions are false. Your arguments are irrational and your conclusions are nonsense. That is why people who are smarter than you are less concerned than ever.

April 20, 2017 7:50 am

I think we are onto something here — totally new forcing factors for climate change, namely, as alluded to earlier, the willie-frying factor and the sentient-plant factor, both seemingly at odds with one another, but a good computer model could rectify this conflict.
Off to write a grant now.

April 20, 2017 7:54 am

Here’s a nice research slogan for them.
Find the right lie to get them to comply.

J Mac
Reply to  Logoswrench
April 20, 2017 8:56 am

RE: “Find The Right Lie To Get Them To Comply.”

Tom Judd
April 20, 2017 7:59 am

‘Magali Delmas: “We need first to increase awareness, and then second, we need to find the right motivations for people to change their behavior.”’
Hear. Hear. We all need to find the right motivations for Magali Delmas to change ‘her’ behavior.
Funny how things suddenly become apparent when the shoe’s on the other foot. Our climate warriors need to develop an appreciation for the old adage; ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’

April 20, 2017 8:14 am

There is no doubt that air pollution affects asthma sufferers and can even contribute to cancer…

Reply to  Griff
April 20, 2017 12:53 pm

Nobody has ever said otherwise.
On the other CO2 is not an air pollutant. Never has been, never will be.
Did you get those strawmen wholesale?

Bruce Cobb
Reply to  Griff
April 20, 2017 12:56 pm

CO2 is not air pollution.

Reply to  Bruce Cobb
April 21, 2017 12:41 am

but the exhaust products of fossil fuel combustion IS pollution.
(The US classification of CO2 as a pollutant is not found elsewhere.. it is merely a classification for purposes of enabling US legislation)

Reply to  Griff
April 21, 2017 6:05 pm

Poor griffie, too stupid to grasp just how stupid you are. Bless your little heart.

Joel Snider
Reply to  Bruce Cobb
April 21, 2017 1:59 pm

So is the use of fire.

Patrick MJD
Reply to  Bruce Cobb
April 22, 2017 3:56 am

“Griff April 21, 2017 at 12:41 am
but the exhaust products of fossil fuel combustion IS pollution.”
NOX/SOX, particulates, yes. CO2, no. If you believe CO2 is pollution Griff, stop exhaling.

Reply to  Patrick MJD
April 22, 2017 6:43 am

I keep suggesting that to warmistas and they refuse to do their part to save Mother Gaia. Funny how that works.

April 20, 2017 8:16 am

Eric says:
As a lifelong asthmatic I’m horrified that climate advocates are using what is in my opinion misleading information about childhood asthma to promote their political agenda.
My asthma can be dangerously aggravated by cold — in general, the warmer the temps, the better it is for my asthma. The misinformation being handed out is astonishing.

April 20, 2017 8:56 am

seems to me ,that the start of epidemic polio was traced to cleanup of former filthy living conditions…ie,less dispersal of poop

Reasonable Skeptic
April 20, 2017 9:32 am

Listen parents, let the government take your money so that your kids might have a cleaner world to live in.

Tom Halla
April 20, 2017 9:39 am

If the US National Institutes of Health state they do not know the cause of asthma, and the US EPA claims the Clean Power Plan will stop 90,000 cases of asthma, someone needs to get their stories straight.
Mostly, It is the lack of any consequences. The two groups serve different constituencies that only partly overlap, and Congress is notoriously shallow and negligent.

April 20, 2017 9:50 am

It is studies like this that are HELPING the skeptics win. No one already skeptical of the doommongering of the Climate Faithful will be convinced by this nonsense. And those that are fooled, what do you think their doctor will say when they tell them that they’ve turned down the thermostat because they got a letter telling them that CO2 is causing asthma to get worse?
Stoknes wrote “Incredibly enough, it shows that the more certain the science becomes, the less concern we find in richer Western democracies,”“How can it be that with increasing level of urgency and certainty in the science, people get less concerned?”
The answer is obvious when you concider that the urgency and certainty are UNWARRANTED. Certainty without evidence isn’t science, but faith. Urgency without cause is panic. And both certainty and urgency promoted based on false premises is usually the sign of someone pulling a scam.

Moderately Cross of East Anglia
April 20, 2017 10:01 am

I doubt if asthma has a single cause and sufferers can have attacks triggered by different things.
But I’m not in any doubt that modern allergies are made more prevalent by excessive use of various powerful household cleaning products, over dry central heating and air conditioning that “scrubs” air rather than using clean outside air, etc.
What did surprise me was the assertion that polio is a modern epidemic condition caused by increased cleanliness. I thought it was an ancient affliction which made it into the big time as population grew.

Reply to  Moderately Cross of East Anglia
April 20, 2017 10:58 am

Asthma belongs to the autoimmune diseases, the cause of which is concealed. Namely the abnormal development of the immune system in children who grow up in a “clean” environment. And then it is still a question of the genes and the selection. In earlier times children with severe asthma rarely survived the age of adolescence, so that in the adult age asthma was significantly less. A conversation with a hospital doctor comes to my mind shortly before my gallbladder surgery in 2011. After complaining about an apparently demented room companion, who made the night’s sleep impossible, and another comrade, who apparently sang the whole night in another room, he said to me: “40 per cent of the patients admitted are nowadays dement. This is because people today are older than decades ago and older people are also more likely to have to go to the hospital. Therefore, this is slowly becoming a problem in most hospitals. Earlier, death ended up living, usually before dementia could develop.”

Joel Snider
April 20, 2017 12:29 pm

VOX is a pretty shameless, and purely political site – classic pseudo-journalism, without the objectivity of the post-Stewart Daily Show

April 20, 2017 2:58 pm

What do they really want from people to do?

Mark T
April 20, 2017 4:21 pm

If you have to trick people into believing in your cause, it is likely your cause is a sham.

April 20, 2017 5:06 pm

At my daughter’s 18th birthday her friends were in my study and noticed all of the climate papers and books laying around. We got into a long conversation. Their response was “so the world is not burning up and we aren’t all going to die”. Says a lot about the propaganda going on inside our schools.

Hocus Locus
April 20, 2017 5:25 pm

Primetime television cheer from the Ad Council
especially good for young children to watch

April 20, 2017 6:29 pm

Rules for Climate Radicals; “Accuse the Other Side of That Which You Are Guilty”

April 20, 2017 9:08 pm

“[data] shows that the more certain the science becomes, the less concern we find in richer Western democracies.”
How does the article illustrate its claim that “the science” is “more certain”? I doubt the premiss.

April 21, 2017 2:03 pm

Absolutely Owellian. Throuhout the long arc of human history, child mortality shadowed us like a curse. Whether through starvation, disease, or violence, human children dropped like flies. (Just ask A. Lincoln or W.T. Sherman). And please don’t ignore infanticide which was prevalent in all societies (from the tropical Amazon rainforest to the Great White North igloos to the slums of ancient Rome). You can look it up.
Rates varied little from age to age with populations expanding slowly, 5 to 6 children per woman, and 400 to 600 children per 1000 dying before age 5. It is only in the past two centuries with plentiful fossil energy that these rates have dropped by a order of magnitude in the median countries and two orders of magnitude in the best, with all data tightly correlated with energy use.
Well short of ‘saving’ humanity, action on CAGW will curse us again with scarce and expensive energy sending societies across the globe back to the dark ages.
Hail to the ideas of Alex Epstein, Patrick Moore, and Anthont Watts! (And Jacob Bronowski while I’m at it.)

April 23, 2017 2:19 am

” “Incredibly enough, it shows that the more certain the science becomes, the less concern we find in richer Western democracies,”
Isn’t it just that richer Western democracies are slower at recognising science being co-opted for political purposes ?