Friday Funny – we live in interesting times

This has been the most strange and unsettling week ever. Wiretaps, using the tax code as a political tool against your opponent, Huffington Post goes over to the dark side, and we witnessed the collapse of climate models ability to predict the future.

The Chinese must be laughing at our folly.

May you live in interesting times“, often referred to as the Chinese curse, is reputed to be the English translation of an ancient Chinese proverb and curse, although it may have originated among the English themselves. It is reported that it was the first of three curses of increasing severity, the other two being:

“May you come to the attention of those in authority” (sometimes rendered “May the government be aware of you”). This is sometimes quoted as “May you come to the attention of powerful people.” (Alternately, “important people”.) Source

The icing on the cake this week is a portrayal as being one of the “Mad Men”, but given what’s been going on, one has to wonder, who really are the mad men? You just have to laugh though.


For those unfamiliar, this is a parody of the TV series Mad Men, which I have only a passing familiarity with. Apparently its about Madison avenue, sex, power, and smoke filled back rooms in the 60’s.

Unfortunately there’s no large version of the poster, because I’d surely like to print it and frame it for the sheer hilarity of it. It’s like somebody did a Vulcan mind meld with Mike Mann, and this was the image that came out. Of course, I want to frame the poster, rather than burn it like some that inhabit Mann-world do.

(Update: In comments, Michael Palmer says at June 7, 2013 at 10:48 am:  here is a reconstructed mostly hi-res version of the picture. My thanks to him – Anthony)

Just a couple of notes for the artist, Steve Brodner, who didn’t bother to do his homework (all he had to do was check my “about page“), but instead allowed himself to get caught up in the Mannian fantasy vortex. For example, recall how Mike Mann reacted with full on conspiracy theory when I sent him a free calendar for Christmas.

I’ve met some, but not all of these people. As far as I know, none of them smoke. I asked Joe Bastardi yesterday whether he smoked or not (given his bodybuilding I highly doubted it) and he replied “only when I’m on fire!”.

For the record, both of my parents died of smoking related illnesses while I was young, and my severe hearing loss is connected to ear infections (and treatment by an ototoxic

drug) due to growing up in a smoke filled household. Smoking adversely affected my life, and made life choices for me that I didn’t plan. To portray me as embracing smoking is particularly unkind and most certainly inaccurate. But, that’s what happens when you live in The Mad Mad Mad World of Climatism.

While the cartoon is funny, the smoking portrayal does bother me a bit about this cartoon,  because it is personal, and the artist of course is just another low information sap who works with popular memes. But, that smoking meme all part of the ongoing comparative smear to tobacco company tactics that Mann and Co. like to push, because after their own failure of the alarmist public relations strategy, all they have left now is denigration. Maybe they need to watch that “Mad Men” show for tips.

Oh, and also for the record I’ve also never gotten any money from big oil, small oil, Olive Oyl, Kochtopus, or the American Petroleum Institute, nor am I on the payroll (nor have I ever been) of any such organization. What you see is what you get, some advertising on the blog and the donation button on the right sidebar.

Finally, I don’t “deny” climate change. Most certainly the climate has changed over the last century. My view is that while CO2 has an effect, it isn’t as bad as being portrayed and it certainly isn’t living up to the expectations of the climate models. Like many eco-causes, it is over-hyped to get emotional churning which panders to the gullible.

Yes, we live in interesting times.

UPDATE: I’ve asked Steve Brodner on his blog (where he talks about the artwork) for a full sized copy. We’ll see how he reacts. I’d really like to get one.  – Anthony

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June 7, 2013 8:52 am

[snip – Sorry, not interested in your personal observations about me and my family related to smoking – Anthony]

Jim in Canada
June 7, 2013 8:52 am

It is a superbly drawn poster. Maybe you could find out who drew it and buy it, spread around a little of the big oil money. 😉
REPLY: try reading the article for the name and link to the artist – Anthony

Rich H
June 7, 2013 8:53 am

What is the third curse?

Peter Hill
June 7, 2013 8:57 am

Echoing Rich H:
What is the 3rd curse?

June 7, 2013 8:57 am

What’s with the Scotch glasses that look like teacups? Are they all on the Johnny Carson show?
Why doesn’t Anthony rate a Martini glass? The cocktail was probably invented in the Bay Area.

June 7, 2013 8:58 am
June 7, 2013 8:58 am

I’ve made the point before and will make it again: I have never met a treehugger who doesn’t smoke.
For the record, both of my parents died of smoking related illnesses too. And my eldest brother…
I myself never ever smoked voluntarily although I did try a puff when I was 5 and again when I was 9 – due to peer pressure. I told my peers then that only morons smoke….

Theo Goodwin
June 7, 2013 8:59 am

“May you come to the attention of those in authority”
That is the genuine article. It is in both Lao Tzi and Chuang Tzu. However, the sense of it is more along the lines of “May you be honored and treasured by those in authority” or “May your wisdom be sought by those in authority.” The idea is that you will be used by authorities, discarded by authorities, and loose your life. Keeping and extending one’s life is absolutely central to Daoist thinking.
As regards smoking, I think that smoking no longer means smoking. It is now just an empty put down, often class based, something along the lines of calling someone a Redneck or McDonald’s customer.
Sorry to hear about your ear problems. Got mine from measles back in ’56 or so.

John V. Wright
June 7, 2013 9:02 am

Form is temporary, class is permanent. You are a class act and, quite simply, the other side cannot cope.

June 7, 2013 9:03 am

The media cover up Obama’s chain-smoking.

David Becker
June 7, 2013 9:03 am

One of the vile things about the poster is the use of the word “denial.” I still consider this, first, an ad hominem smear, and second, a deliberate intent to minimize the meaning of the Holocaust. I believe that it has an anti-semitic intent. That the use has become commonplace is a sad commentary on our society.

June 7, 2013 9:03 am

First off, this IS a funny cartoon, even if the point he’s trying to get across is somewhere between deluded and offensive. It does show the world in the way the Warmist’s think it works. The “Mad Men” are advertisers and marketers who work to shape public opinion, and in the show, they’re brilliant at it. (Visualize a very dark version of Darren and Larry back in “Bewitched”)
The implication, of course, is that climate skeptics are nothing but very clever marketers – that’s how the warmists explain their defeats to themselves. They just don’t message well enough! They just don’t do very good marketing! If they just politicized the thing a bit more, and had a better ad campaign, everything would work out for them!
This, in fact, is a key insight into their basic psychology – it explains much of what they do, and ironically it explains why they keep losing. (although of course they can’t see it) They truly believe that things like “evidence” are trivial; to them the only real battle is in Communications and Messaging. This explains, for example, everything that Nucitelli has ever written, and every project that Cook has ever undertaken. They go for marketing stunts because to them, Marketing is the only “reality”.
And so of course, when they lose, it MUST be because the other side did a better job of “marketing”. The concept that something as mundane as “Facts” or actual “Science” could ever have a part to play is completely alien to them; so alien that they never even consider it, and think that our use of such things is just another very clever marketing ploy.
As old men, they will go to their graves still cursing the clever ways in which we out-marketed and out-communicated them. “Damn you, Cursed Facts!!!” will be a fitting epitaph.

Ian W
June 7, 2013 9:04 am

Rich H says:
June 7, 2013 at 8:53 am
What is the third curse?

“May you find what you are looking for.” This is sometimes quoted as “May your wishes be granted.”
Which is very close to the more common “Be careful what you wish for.”

June 7, 2013 9:05 am

Picture of Mad Men without smoking is even worse than taking away FDR’s cigar. The problem is the author didn’t include any women. Joan, Peggy, and Betty are major characters, and now Megan is as well in the Top 10.

John Tillman
June 7, 2013 9:06 am

Among that group are more than the supposed two out of the 77 cherry-picked “active climate scientists”, so this poster is actually corrosive to the false “97%” claim.

Theo Goodwin
June 7, 2013 9:07 am

I might be wrong but I would like to give the artist a little more credit for depth. On first sight, the poster shouted to me “Edward R. Murrow.”

John Tillman
June 7, 2013 9:08 am

Churchill: cigars. FDR: cigarette holder.

Theo Goodwin
June 7, 2013 9:10 am

wws says:
June 7, 2013 at 9:03 am
Very well said. For them, when skeptics make a clear, concise, and calm presentation of fact they feel that they are being swindled. Can you imagine the emotional pain in such a life?

June 7, 2013 9:12 am
Eric Dailey
June 7, 2013 9:14 am

Tim Ball, Piers Corbyn, the Pieikes, Eschenbach and many others. Lot of missing faces.

June 7, 2013 9:18 am

what was the 3rd curse?

June 7, 2013 9:24 am

Hmmm … the Soviets used to airbrush inconvenient men from pictures of Stalin. Modern progressives airbrush cigars and cigarettes out of the hands of those they admire and draw them into the hands of those whom they despise. MinTru double plus ungood.

June 7, 2013 9:26 am

If you smoke, I strongly suggest personal vaporizers instead. A lot cheaper and
very safe. I prefer, as do most vaping folks, a non-tobacco tasting eliquid. I like peach and banana
flavored eliquids. Believe it or not, but there are environmental type critics out there who
tell lies about vaping, claiming eliquids are “anti-freeze” based, and other
pure nonsense. Apparently, these morons think that if something looks like smoking, it must be harmful. After switching to vaping, your lungs will immediately improve. Two of the country’s top respiratory physicians have made videos recommending that smokers switch.

June 7, 2013 9:32 am

The centrists are convinced, and have been by the way since the ’30s, that through manipulation of “facts” you can convince everyone of anything. The Nationalist Socialist Party in Germany was famous for using the “Big Lie.” Lenin was the precursor with the Bolschevik propaganda. Both were notable failures and had to utimately rely on terror to maintain control.
Just like they run out of other peoples’ money, these types run into the wall that reality puts up. Pretty soon the tales become “inoperative.” I think that’s what Haldeman and Erlichman called it back during Watergate.
The average person isn’t stupid. Ignorant they may be, but while trying to live their lives, they tend to educate themselves, if only in the areas that directly touch them. When “advertising” of climate change starts to run into the reality of their daily lives, guess what they discount.
Most people are reasonably sceptical of hype – you can see that every week when the box office receipts come back for the movies that have been out a couple of weeks. You might be able to get the “fans” out to a movie one weekend, but watching the legs tells you what the real impact is.
When you think that a lot of the elite live on the coasts, and that media plays a big role in their lives, while science and engineering are only there because they need the magic, it’s easy to see how they get duped.
In the end, fraud is fraud, lies are lies, and those propagating them eventually pay. There’s a reason that “journalists” whine about the Blogosphere. It’s hard to keep getting paid for spreading lies, when people can rapidly find the truth out for themselves. The Mad Men have the same problem. When your soap actually makes the clothes dirtier, people catch on pretty quickly.

G P Hanner
June 7, 2013 9:32 am

“we witnessed the collapse of climate models to predict the future.”
No less so than the ability of economic models to predict the unemployment rate.

Jenn Oates
June 7, 2013 9:38 am

Mad men. Bwahahahahaahah!
I haven’t seen the program, but it’s funny nonetheless. Who is the mad one, really? Not those guys. 🙂

June 7, 2013 9:41 am

Do you notice a difference of reaction when Anthony Watts and everyone else in this poster is parodied than when Michael Mann and other alarmists are parodied? I found out about this poster through Joe Bastardi’s twitter feed. Anthony says he wants a copy. Do you think Mike Mann would react that way? Considering he is suing for slander, I don’t think so.
It has been said that there are two things you don’t talk about: politics and religion. Considering the reaction of alarmist when parodied, is there any doubt that both politics and religion describe their movement? It certainly ain’t science.

June 7, 2013 9:41 am

I would pay for a large poster of this fully autographed!

June 7, 2013 9:41 am

Three readers can’t find the third curse? That seems unusual for this site.
REPLY: See the “Source” link I didn’t include it for space reasons. – Anthony

June 7, 2013 9:44 am

I actually like the sketch, once you put aside the vacuous nonsense of massive secret funding and “climate denial” of course. But the poster is a bit derivative and lacking in humor. I’ll bet Josh could easily one-up the Brodner drawing. 😉

Jenn Oates
June 7, 2013 9:46 am

Anthony said: Finally, I don’t “deny” climate change. Most certainly the climate has changed over the last century. My view is that while CO2 has an effect, it isn’t as bad as being portrayed and it certainly isn’t living up to the expectations of the climate models. Like many eco-causes, it is over-hyped to get emotional churning which panders to the gullible.
This is what I try to tell my students about this and other manufactured crises…they’re nothing more than the means by which people control the behavior of the masses–low information folks–by scaring them into acting against their own best interestes in order to save the planet. Or the whales, babies, whatever. AGW and GMO are the crises du jour, and replace those that came before, like alar…which also came to nothing in the end. You can only trumpet a fake crisis so long before it’s evident that it’s not a crisis at all, and your only recourse at that point is to invent another crisis.
Don’t buy the lie.

June 7, 2013 9:49 am

Interesting who they missed.

Roy Spencer
June 7, 2013 9:50 am

🙁 I’m not included? Can I sue an artist for not maligning me?

June 7, 2013 9:53 am

Jimmy Haigh says:
June 7, 2013 at 8:58 am
I’ve made the point before and will make it again: I have never met a treehugger who doesn’t smoke.
But hemp smoke is magical unicorn smoke that’s good for your health. They all say so. It’s a consensus.

jack morrow
June 7, 2013 9:54 am

I bet people on WUWT get much more surveillance attention than you think including repliers.
Kinda spooky.

June 7, 2013 9:55 am

John Tillman says:
June 7, 2013 at 9:08 am
Churchill: cigars. FDR: cigarette holder.
Hitler: tobacco is a Jewish plot.

Adrian O
June 7, 2013 10:02 am

By the way of book burning, I am very tempted to write a “Dear Colleague” letter to the San Jose fellows, asking them to help me get rid of some obsolete textbooks in my office, which I intended to have have pulped…
but maybe having them burned at San Jose may be more fun?

Frank K.
June 7, 2013 10:05 am

Roy Spencer says:
June 7, 2013 at 9:50 am
Yeah – omitting Roy was a big oversight on Steve’s part! I guess Roy will have to turn in his “certified klimate-den!er” certificate to the appropriate authorities 🙂 /sarc

Adrian O
June 7, 2013 10:07 am

The artist doesn’t seem that great in catching expressions (which is the most important thing.) I don’t know about Anthony, but Morano is never less than smiling… opposite to the picture.

Theo Goodwin
June 7, 2013 10:12 am

Regardng the Third Curse:
We Westerners call them curses because we use them for humor. Actually, they are more like proverbs. They are as numerous as proverbs. So, I do not know how to select “the third one.”
The best introduction to Lao Tzi and Chuang Tzu is: (1948) The Wisdom of Laotse, Random House. Translated by Lin Yutang.
Lin Yutang uses the older British system of spelling (transliteration.} In writing “Lao Tzi,” I am using the later Beijing system of spelling.

Lars P.
June 7, 2013 10:12 am

Thanks for taking things with humour Anthony.
In the couple of years since I followed-up the Global Warming/Climate Change/Weather Weirding story was to realise the continuous goal shifting tactics and the projections of the alarmists.
The alarmists deny the existence of natural climate change. The only thing that they accept is Milankovitch cycles, greenhouse and aerosols. This is all, the science is settled and we know everything. Well not we, but the high priests.
Natural climate change can happen only very slowly in their minds in thousands of years. Rapid natural climate change does not exist for them. See revisionism, disappearance of MWP, roman warming.
They deny the existence of fast natural climate change and they project it on skeptics.
And their projections do not stop here. The greatest conspiracy theory: skeptics are payed shills of big coal big oil. Every scientist who says something contrary to the doctrine gets smeared as big oil shill. But of course the skeptics are smeared as supporting conspiracy theories of any kind.
The alarmists dream of violence against skeptics, they tell : we know who you are, we know where you live, blow in movies the skeptics to pieces (see 10:10 wet fantasies and other), but then, they ask for protection against imaginary skeptic aggression and like to play victims:
So what to expect from such minds? Projections, projections, projections. What such person says about skeptics, is actually a mirror of themselves. We are looking inside their own souls, their own minds, this is how they look like and think.

June 7, 2013 10:13 am

Looks like he’s been busy removing a lot of comments (including yours I assume Anthony) from his ‘speak your mind’ section…
“Thanks Jim. Interesting the cicadas we are attracting tonight. If they didn’t spend all that time with their heads underground they would do some homework. I am happy that I have made a picture that got them to think about this issue. That’s what cartoonists are supposed to do. I don’t have to present evidence or footnotes. Climate Change is settled science. It is all over the world, in your face every day. My job is to keep making pictures to keep this on the table. Very soon, as they become more and more isolated deniers will flip and say that they have been for climate control measures all along. Just tell the truth. Tell it. Every. Day.”
More of a ‘speak my mind’ section apparently.

Dr K.A. Rodgers
June 7, 2013 10:13 am

RobertInAz says:
“Interesting who they missed.”
Yup. Not a woman to be seen.

June 7, 2013 10:14 am

For a while late yesterday, there were negative comments appearing in the comments section of Steve Brodner ‘Mad Men’ blog piece, including quite a strong one from John Droz, but predictably they are gone today. I assume the comment I placed there late last night didn’t make it Steve Brodner’s moderation about whether he could steer readers to any actual physical proof that skeptics accepted money and orders to lie about AGW, but he seemingly answers that with his comment “I don’t have to present evidence or footnotes” ( )
Well, he seems to have the concept of Al Gore’s settled science nailed down perfectly.

June 7, 2013 10:14 am

It’s interesting that they compare skeptics to the offspring of Eddie Bernays’ invention of Propaganda, which he later had to rename to PR; when it is the warmist movement that has their own PR men (the guy who told Phil Jones to fake suicidal thoughts, just as one example), connections to multiple propaganda organisations (Real Climate – Fenton Communications for instance).
I’m sure that in their rewriting of history they will be the finest heros.

June 7, 2013 10:16 am

I’ve heard the ‘Scottish’ or ‘Chinese’ curse; “May you live in interesting times.” or “May you be born into interesting times.” attributed to 1950’s Science Fiction Author Eric Frank Russell.

June 7, 2013 10:17 am

Anthony, I am sorry for your loss and fully understand your aversion to the habit. But cretins (not Cretans) do not care about accuracy. They have a dogma to pitch, and you are a stumbling block. So like those in the past, they will do whatever they can to vilify you.
Laughing at them is the best response.

Bryan A
June 7, 2013 10:17 am

On the subject of Smoking, I myself abandoned the addiction 23 years ago, the pending birth of my daughter was all the reason I needed.
I recently saw a program about the process and practices of cigarette manufacutring. It seems that Cigarettes aren’t ALL tobacco. The process involves taking the quantity of tobacco to produce the batch of cigarettes and halving it. Then half of the tobacco is placed into a vat of water and boiled to render a type of tobacco tea. This tobacco tea is then filled with a tenfold quantity of finely shredded paper and mixed until thououghly combined. This new paper/tobacco tea slurry is then treated with a conglomeration of various chemicals to act as preservatives, flavor enhancers, smoke enhancers, and burn out inhibitors among various other intended functions. The slurry is then dried and separated to a fluffy consistancy. The chemically enhanced, fully dried and fluffed tobacco tea paper is then remixed 50/50 with tobacco before being rolled into the finished product and packaged for consumption.
Now, to decrease cost and increase profits, a new brand has come to market called something like American 20 or Power 20 and is a new lower cost cigarette (about $3.50 per pack instead of $5.50) and is made from a %20/%80 respective mixture of Tobacco/Paper
Sure glad I ended my addiction

Gary Pearse
June 7, 2013 10:21 am

wws says:
June 7, 2013 at 9:03 am
I agree with wws – essentially this is psychological transference – their attempts at characterization of skeptics are invariably self-revealing. They rail against “well-funded” skeptics in conspiracies with big money interests, their manipulations, their commandeering of the MSM and big-bucks-clever dissemination of misinformation …. bullying poor climate scientists – even threatening to kill them. Ya know, when you dip into the box of ugly tricks to characterize your opponents, know that the box is your own and that you may not be able to think outside it. The best case in point is the last one. The fantasies of threats on climate scientists at Australian National University were bogus:
However, the peerless Greenpeace itself did make such threats to skeptics -published on its own website!, subsequently withdrawn and apologized for:
There have been calls for Nuremburg-type trials for skeptics:
Make no mistake about it, there are a lot of very ugly-minded characters out there among the political warmists.

Bryan A
June 7, 2013 10:21 am

“Theo Goodwin says:
June 7, 2013 at 10:12 am
Regardng the Third Curse:
We Westerners call them curses because we use them for humor. Actually, they are more like proverbs. They are as numerous as proverbs. So, I do not know how to select “the third one.”
The best introduction to Lao Tzi and Chuang Tzu is: (1948) The Wisdom of Laotse, Random House. Translated by Lin Yutang.
Lin Yutang uses the older British system of spelling (transliteration.} In writing “Lao Tzi,” I am using the later Beijing system of spelling.”
So is the third curse perhaps
“May you live in Lao Tzi times

Eric Simpson
June 7, 2013 10:24 am

wws at 9:03 am
The implication, of course, is that climate skeptics are nothing but very clever marketers…
Of course, unfortunately, the exact opposite is true.
We are a ragtag group that puts up close to zero ads. Even the Heartland Institute doesn’t do much on that front. In contrast, the govt and academia and especially wildlife groups are putting up ads constantly. Millions of dollars are dropped on pro-AGW campaigns almost on a monthly basis. They have a huge amount of funds and organization, we have neither.
But we must remedy this disparity. And don’t think we don’t need marketing. Just because THEY taunt us for our clever (non-existent) marketing doesn’t mean we should shy away from marketing. They are doing it like experts, and that’s why for years they have controlled the game.
The evidence is on our side. There is nothing unusual about current temps (the hockey stick was debunked), and there is no demonstrated causal correlation between CO2 & temps. And we have Hide and Decline and so much more. Go to town, with ads… to change public opinion. Good ads will be largely self-financing, as conservatives would give $ en masse. An expert campaign would change public opinion in our favor, and make the difference in so many elections (it might have saved Romney if we had done a campaign circa 2011). Go to it (somebody?).

Paul Matthews
June 7, 2013 10:26 am

Response from Josh eagerly anticipated….

Roy Spencer
June 7, 2013 10:27 am

…I’ll surrender my climate denier card, but I’m keeping my secret Koch message decoder ring.

June 7, 2013 10:30 am

I would say that the 12 pictured in the image represents a consensus.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
June 7, 2013 10:34 am

On Steve Brodner’s site, 1500×960 version available, 490 KB JPG, see details below.

Trained scientists and others take money to go on the air and in print and espouse lies dictated by and paid for by billionaire owners and boards of fossil fuel industries. At a time when the emergency warning light is flashing on climate change, these scoundrels help to confuse the issue, making it seem as though there is scientific debate where there is no significant scientific disagreement. The planet is warming rapidly and it is life-altering for the world as we know it. And worse if we do nothing. But “nothing”, as in doing nothing, is the project for these men.
My project is to name them and draw them. What follows is the pitch I sent to Mary Parsons of the The American Prospect. And then the transformation from a collection of heads in the vest pockets of the CO2 cloud to . . . Mad Men.

“Vest pockets” is an early attempt at the concept, available there.
This link is the large picture, but just the pic, no text or text boxes added yet, link is tiny thumbnail on main page.
Back at the story, there are assorted large-size pieces with the text, from the published final version, but it’d be a challenge to do much with them.
Contest Suggestion!
Since the “blank” is currently available, how about a fill-in contest? “The League of Extraordinary Defenders of Science” or something.
Bonus points to whomever can photoshop out the smokes so there’s a “cleaner” version to work with, scattered applause if you transform them into California-approved medication vaporization systems.

June 7, 2013 10:36 am

Theo Goodwin says:
June 7, 2013 at 8:59 am
“May you come to the attention of those in authority”
That is the genuine article. It is in both Lao Tzi and Chuang Tzu. However, the sense of it is more along the lines of “May you be honored and treasured by those in authority” or “May your wisdom be sought by those in authority.” The idea is that you will be used by authorities, discarded by authorities, and loose your life. Keeping and extending one’s life is absolutely central to Daoist thinking.

You are right but both Laozi and Zhuangzi didn’t phrase things that way. They never indulged in explicit curses.
Western version:

“May you come to the attention of those in authority”

Laozi version:

When the emperor bestows his favors, one feels wary;

You have the spirit of Daoism right. One lives longer and more contentedly if one does not seek out interesting times. If one understands one’s situation, one manages to be elsewhere when interesting times happen. If one does not understand one’s situation, one walks in the door just as the s*** is hitting the fan.

June 7, 2013 10:48 am

here is a reconstructed mostly hi-res version of the picture.

Excellent work, thanks – Anthony

June 7, 2013 10:50 am

I am not sure who A.Watts is in the picture
must be the one on the left with the cigar?
Perhaps somebody can enlighten me.
Anyway, either way, we are in a cooling period,
with temps. falling globally just about anywhere,
despite of who says what,
except those who get more clouds in a cooling period,
Anyway, either way,
shows where we are going
It could be we are falling into a little ice age’
but I am counting on our ingenuity \
to prevent us falling into that trap….

June 7, 2013 10:55 am

I don’t see you portrayed as smoking in that image. You’re just holding a glass. And apart of that, it wouldn’t be a good parody of Mad Men if people in the image weren’t smoking.
I wonder why Roy Spencer and Judith Curry are missing in that picture.
I like the most of the picture. The only thing I don’t like is the red rectangle because I don’t see any truth in what’s written there.

June 7, 2013 10:58 am

The reference to Mann assuming a conspiracy with respect to your work is interesting. According to a “study” featured on Mother Jones at
and found at this link
conspiracy theorists are most likely to “deny science,” and vice versa. I skimmed the paper but decided it was a bit oriented toward proving a previously held belief and not within what I consider my scientific curiosity space. It may be that the paper is what psychologists call projection, I think, in which people project their own psychological processes onto others.
In any event, the conspiracy reference caught my attention. One thought that did occur to me is whether the Lewandowsky paper (and the 97% paper) would be called “climate science” and included in future studies of “consensus,” but the circularity of the process gave me a headache and I stopped thinking about it.

June 7, 2013 11:03 am

DAS [June 7, 2013 at 9:12 am] says:
On the other hand, they are erasing cigars from Churchill’s photos.

Holy crap. Never saw that article before. Is there any follow-up perhaps identifying the NeoCommunist photoshopper? And it is not even a good ‘shop at that.
I was hoping to read through the comments to see if anyone flushed out the details, but I guess the Telegraph didn’t allow them back in 2010. Anyone else have any leads?

June 7, 2013 11:14 am

Love the background picture of the smoking chimneys – or are they the burnt out remains of wind turbines? Heh-heh…
And before I read anything about your smoking habits I realised that showing seven out of twelve people smoking in a group is a bit OTT.
So apparently, you 12 deniers (see-through stockings, all of you!) are drunken, smoking, ‘industrialists’ who wear bad suits. Yeah…that’ll persuade me to the cause.

June 7, 2013 11:16 am

The poor fellow obviously can’t draw thumbs very well. Therefore he hides most of them. It will take a FOI decree to find them.
By the way, Anthony, it was partially do to you that I quit smoking. Thanks.
REPLY: That made my day – Anthony

June 7, 2013 11:17 am

Cigarettes! I think it’s time we hit back.
The BBC Pension fund, as at 31 March 2012, had investments in the following tobacco companies:
British American Tobacco
Imperial Tobacco
Reynolds American
Altria Group
Philip Morris International
Al Gore, the climate change campaigner, has been quoted in 1996 by the New York Times saying:

“Throughout most of my life, I’ve raised tobacco,”……..”I want you to know that with my own hands, all of my life, I put it in the plant beds and transferred it. I’ve hoed it. I’ve chopped it. I’ve shredded it, spiked it, put it in the barn and stripped it and sold it.”

Earlier in the same article the New York Times said:

“Six years after Vice President Al Gore’s older sister died of lung cancer in 1984, he was still accepting campaign contributions from tobacco interests. Four years after she died, while campaigning for President in North Carolina, he boasted of his experiences in the tobacco fields and curing barns of his native Tennessee….”

In 2007 the Union of Concerned Scientists issued a report called “ExxonMobil’s Tobacco-like Disinformation Campaign on Global Warming Science”.
The Union of Concerned Scientists has in the past received funding from the Grantham Foundation, which is bankrolled by hedge-fund manager Jeremy Grantham. At the time of the funding the foundation had holdings in tobacco giant Philip Morris. In August of 2011 his fund owned millions of shares in fossil fuel companies such as Exxon Mobil.

One of the founders of the wildlife and climate campaigning WWF is Dr. Anton Rupert. The now deceased Dr. Rupert made his fortune from the cigarette manufacturing company called Voorbrand, re-named Rembrandt, now consolidated into Rothmans.

June 7, 2013 11:19 am

Big Oil! Fossil fuel funding! I think it’s time we hit back.

Climate Research Unit (CRU)
“From the late 1970s through to the collapse of oil prices in the late 1980s, CRU received a series of contracts from BP to provide data and advice….we would like to acknowledge the support of the following funders….British Petroleum,…Shell,…Sultanate of Oman…”
Exxon-Led Group Is Giving A Climate Grant to Stanford
Four big international companies, including the oil giant Exxon Mobil, said yesterday that they would give Stanford University $225 million over 10 years….In 2000, Ford and Exxon Mobil’s global rival, BP, gave $20 million to Princeton to start a similar climate and energy research program…”
Source: New York Times – 21 November 2002
Sierra Club
“TIME has learned that between 2007 and 2010 the Sierra Club accepted over $25 million in donations from the gas industry, mostly from Aubrey McClendon, CEO of Chesapeake Energy—one of the biggest gas drilling companies in the U.S. and a firm heavily involved in fracking…”
Source: Time – 2 February 2012
Nature Conservancy
“…The Conservancy also has given BP a seat on its International Leadership Council and has accepted nearly $10 million in cash and land contributions from BP and affiliated corporations over the years. “Oh, wow,” De Leon said when told of the depth of the relationship between the nonprofit group she loves and the company she hates. “That’s kind of disturbing.”……Conservation International has accepted $2 million in donations from BP over the years…”
Source: Washington Post – 25 May 2010
Delhi Sustainable Development Summit
In 2003 and 2004 Rajendra Pachauri’s annual Delhi Sustainable Development Summit was sponsored, among others, by the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. and the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. In 2005 Shell gave money and in 2006 and 2007 BP gave money. The Rockefeller Foundation gave donations in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012.
Source: [See their About Us – Archives]
UC Berkeley’s Climate Action Partnership
“The Cal Climate Action Partnership (CalCAP) is a collaboration of faculty, administration, staff, and students working to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at UC Berkeley….”
UC Berkeley – 1 February 2007
BP selects UC Berkeley to lead $500 million energy research consortium with partners Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, University of Illinois…”
Source: UK Berkely News

Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) project
Financial Support – Berkeley Earth is now an independent non profit. Berkeley Earth received a total of $623,087 in financial support for the first phase of work,…..First Phase
…….Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research (created by Bill Gates) ($100,000) Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation ($150,000)……”

Dr. P. J. Baum
June 7, 2013 11:19 am

Actually Most of Brodner’s pictures are available in many different sizes. The folder seems to have no security-
Index of /wp-content/uploads/2013/05

June 7, 2013 11:21 am

Kind of interesting (pun intended), the Wikipedia article lists that the third Chinese curse is supposedly: “May you find what you are looking for.” and at the bottom of the page Wikipedia has a clickable question: “Did you find what you are looking for?”
If you click “no” it offers you the opportunity to supply feedback, but then advises that feedback is not accepted.
Is this a wikijoke?

Eustace Cranch
June 7, 2013 11:22 am

Skin thickness is highly and directly correlated to self-confidence.

Joseph Bastardi
June 7, 2013 11:24 am

I included it my patriot post article this morning
Opposite time in the bizarre world of AGW.
I explained climate change denial is absurd. we all believe in climate, the climate is always changing, so its redundant. The denial is with them because when the globe stopped warming, they had to change their attack, since actual facts put them in denial
But here is what really got me. How is Anthony there looking like a face that should be on a Roman Statue and after 35 yrs of bodybuilding and 7 of wrestling, 3 at PSU, I look like the winner of the Nucky Thompson from Boardwalk Empire Look alike contest? Geez that hurts.
Maybe Steve Bescemi plays me in the movie.

June 7, 2013 11:26 am

Don’t you guys get it, there IS a consensus, not 97%, not 98%, 100%. Every single reputable climatologist agrees that the earth is warming dangerously and that we need to stop our emission of CO2 in order to save the earth. Any climatologist who disagrees is not reputable. See, just make sure the definition is correct and viola, perfect consensus.
Now go back and repeat the same process with every other viewpoint that we disagree with.

Frank K.
June 7, 2013 11:27 am

Roy Spencer says:
June 7, 2013 at 10:27 am
“…I’ll surrender my climate denier card, but I’m keeping my secret Koch message decoder ring.”
You know, if the Koch Brothers buy the LA Times (and I hope they do), you can be the official climatologist for their weather page!

June 7, 2013 11:28 am

For me, the irony is that it is the AGW promoters who have meeting after meeting on how to promote/sell/market their brand. It is not skeptics engaged in systematic marketing campaigns or hiring pr firms. It is the AGW opinion leaders who are doing exactly what the artist accuses skeptics of.

June 7, 2013 11:34 am

@ Jimbo says:
June 7, 2013 at 11:19 am
Yup. Climate change mafia have shaken Big Oil down for much of their funding. It’s all about the funding, which is why Mann’s knee-jerk reaction to Climate Audit was to ask where their “funding” came from. The thought of doing real science for no remuneration never even occurred to the money-grubbing low life.

Janice Moore
June 7, 2013 11:37 am

Waaaa! I’m in the spam bin again. And it was such a neat idea, too… . Oh, well. I had fun thinking it up, anyway. (No, it was not obscene — I even spelled Enviro-n–s weirdly)

Janice Moore
June 7, 2013 11:39 am

Or, perhaps, something more sinister has happened, Mr. Morrow! (o_o)

Lars P.
June 7, 2013 11:41 am

Jud says:
June 7, 2013 at 10:13 am
Looks like he’s been busy removing a lot of comments (including yours I assume Anthony) from his ‘speak your mind’ section…
“Thanks Jim. Interesting the cicadas we are attracting tonight. If they didn’t spend all that time with their heads underground they would do some homework. I am happy that I have made a picture that got them to think about this issue. That’s what cartoonists are supposed to do. I don’t have to present evidence or footnotes. Climate Change is settled science.

Lol, yes we think about this issue, and yes it is settled science, we know that, it has just been a little bit revised, in the most important parts:

Theo Goodwin
June 7, 2013 11:41 am

commieBob says:
June 7, 2013 at 10:36 am
Very well said. Now it occurs to me that I gave the wrong impression when I referred to proverbs. Daoists are more likely to tell stories and leave the “proverb” up to the reader.
Thanks much for your comment.

Janice Moore
June 7, 2013 11:42 am

Moderator, please forgive my having to bother you about this… but would you be so kind? (see my 11:37AM post)
[Reply: Sorry, nothing in the Spam folder. It is always best to save your comments, just in case… — mod.]

June 7, 2013 11:49 am

Although more than twenty-five years have gone by, I still marvel at how I managed to get to the age of thirty-nine before realising that all I was doing when I smoked a cigarette was satisfying a craving that I wouldn’t have had if I didn’t smoke in the first place.

June 7, 2013 11:52 am

Seems to be an oddly selective choice for the membership. Surely Christopher Monckton rates a spot on the drawing and has been unfairly passed over.

Eric Simpson
June 7, 2013 11:57 am

@Caleb, btw, I made a comment on your blog, because I liked your post and had something to add at:, but now, days later, my comment is still awaiting moderation. Maybe you don’t check for comments? Or was my comment not up to par. Anyway, regardless, good work.

June 7, 2013 11:59 am

What I find amusing is the claim that the assembled “villains” are all over the media spreading their “denialist” message. From my observations, if you take Bastardi, and possibly Morano, out of the tally, Bill Nye, The Science Dolt, has probably had the opportunity to spread his own climate ignorance in various media fora a number of times that is large multiple of the count for whole rest of these media powerhouses. And in the alarmist community Bill is barely a footnote, the guy they trot out when no one significant is available.
Climate Catastrophe skepticism is limited almost entirely to the blogosphere, but if you tally the daily hits of this site and all the rest of Anthony’s Skeptical Views blogroll, i doubt you could get close to the audience of the worst rated network evening news, which itself would represent an infinitesimal fraction of daily climate alarmism. If Big Oil were in fact funding every skeptical source on the planet 100% you would have to say that weren’t getting much bag for their bucks, at least in terms of audience reached. In terms of impact they could claim much better results, but then that just illustrates that it is much easier to have public impact when the point you are making is not complete BS.
BTW, in terms of those neglected from this portrait, I would have thought McIntyre & McKitrick certainly rated a spot.

Margaret Hardman
June 7, 2013 12:02 pm

@Eric Stimpson
” ‘The implication, of course, is that climate skeptics are nothing but very clever marketers…’
Of course, unfortunately, the exact opposite is true.”
I concur. I know the antonym of clever but I am lost for the antonym of marketer.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
June 7, 2013 12:04 pm

I wonder which “other” people, who are already famous, were used as the templates. It’s a good technique, your subject looks immediately familiar, people give your artwork another look since they recognize someone, because it’s really just a sketch of someone famous with a few touches that’s passed off as the subject.
Thus Watts is Lech Walesa. Steve Milloy is Peter Lorre.
And Joe Bastardi is Barrack Obama. Nice touch on the shading.

June 7, 2013 12:05 pm

“The Dirty Dozen” would be a better metaphor.
Now which of you is the crazy one? 😉

Hot under the collar
June 7, 2013 12:10 pm

I’m shocked, yes shocked I tell you!
To think that anyone may consider that it acceptable to show Anthony holding anything less than a Champagne flute.

Roy Spencer
June 7, 2013 12:11 pm

I see the artist has a rather typical Gorian take on the issue: “Climate Change is settled science. It is all over the world, in your face every day.” I wonder if there is an actual climate scientist he heard that from?

June 7, 2013 12:22 pm

Personally I am convinced of climate change, and it is definitely in my face every day. Already I can tell a difference from just 6 months ago every time I walk outside.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
June 7, 2013 12:23 pm

From Roy Spencer on June 7, 2013 at 12:11 pm:

I wonder if there is an actual climate scientist he heard that from?

Sounds like he’s hung out at SkepSci, where the science was settled into concrete. I heard they have two highly-respected peer-reviewed and published climate scientists who run the site, Professors Dana Nuccitelli and John Cook…

Physics Major
June 7, 2013 12:23 pm

DAS says:
June 7, 2013 at 9:12 am
On the other hand, they are erasing cigars from Churchill’s photos.

Close, but no cigar.

Stephen Richards
June 7, 2013 12:30 pm

Dr K.A. Rodgers says:
June 7, 2013 at 10:13 am
RobertInAz says:
“Interesting who they missed.”
Yup. Not a woman to be seen.
Solitaire is on a plane saving the planet.

Owen in GA
June 7, 2013 12:45 pm

Margaret Hardman says:
June 7, 2013 at 12:02 pm
… I am lost for the antonym of marketer.

Suggestion: Lover of Truth!
And you can stick your “antonym of clever” where the sun don’t shine, as you are showing yourself to be quite the dullard!

June 7, 2013 12:52 pm

Are politicians finally finding honesty in the UK?
“Wind farms are a ‘complete scam’, claims the Environment Secretary who says turbines are causing ‘huge unhappiness'”

Janice Moore
June 7, 2013 12:54 pm

Re: K. D. Knoebel’s contest idea (sorry, no caption idea yet for original cartoon — fun idea, though) — my idea for a WUWT version:
1) the original cartoon group of real scientists above [expanded to include those left out (and also not uglifying them) — and NOT using “d-en–rs” term — indeed, that is a disgustingly offensive term — and holding real tea cups and not smoking :)]
2) in the center of a line drawing of the continental U.S.**, surrounded (like a movie studio scene is actually surrounded by the studio, the director, cameras, etc…) by the 9,500 (or whatever the actual number is) real scientists, Ph.D. percentage (40%?) wearing the same color, covering map “from sea to shining sea.”
**I realize that many of those 9,500 (?) scientists do not come from the U.S., but it makes a better picture than a world map and the U. S. is a major battleground in the war for truth. Hey, they all could have come to the U.S. for a group photo!
Another idea, for a Josh cartoon (?): A-th-y smilingly hanging the original (above cartoon) poster on his office wall.
Thanks for all you do, A-th-y!!!
“I bet people on WUWT get much more surveillance attention than you think … .” [Jack Morrow at 9:54AM today]
In the spirit of John Hancock…..

Roy Spencer
June 7, 2013 12:56 pm

I made an offer of $100 (from all my Exxon-Mobil money piling up around the house) at Steve’s website to create a version where I’m included. We’ll see if the comment passes moderation.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
June 7, 2013 12:58 pm

Brodner has an interesting Twit feed. He likes to re-twit Weepy Bill McKibben a lot.
Among the rest of the progressive drooling, I picked out a sequence that must be performance art. Note the time gaps, it’s not an outburst, he worked on it for days.

Janice Moore
June 7, 2013 12:59 pm

The above number, 9,500, for the real scientists refers to the survey which truth in science professional scientists signed awhile back. Was the number actually 40,000 thousand (or so)? Sorry for not taking the time to research the number! I just KNOW someone here can supply that and I have to leave. Sorry so slovenly.

Roy Spencer
June 7, 2013 1:05 pm

KD, after seeing Steve’s rants, I’m not so sure I want to financially support someone that crazy-angry.

June 7, 2013 1:05 pm

It is also interesting that as part of his caricature technique he has portrayed all these guys with greatly exaggerated cranial capacities. Perhaps it indicates a subconscious recognition that, despite his obvious hostility towards them, they really are a lot smarter than he is.

Mac the Knife
June 7, 2013 1:06 pm

Congratulations (yet again) for maintaining the ‘high ground’, in the face of false character assassination by an AGW shill. You are more kind to those who seek to hurt you than I can usually manage……

June 7, 2013 1:06 pm

Dr K.A. Rodgers says:
June 7, 2013 at 10:13 am

RobertInAz says:
“Interesting who they missed.”
Yup. Not a woman to be seen.

Well, it is a take off on Mad Men. I assume that show doesn’t have women, except in “traditional” roles.
I pretty much stopped watching TV series after they cancelled Star Trek [Tos], though I did buy my first color TV for Jacob Bronowski’s “The Ascent of Man.”

Roy Spencer
June 7, 2013 1:23 pm

Don’t bother posting at Steve’s website; he just posted this message:
“To all those posting here who repeat what Harpo has said, please know that the repetition of denial doesn’t change anything. You can do the self-delusion dance all you want on your sites. And soon there won’t be much of that either. We can change while there’s time. This blog will be devoted to that.”

June 7, 2013 1:30 pm

Chad says: “…Every single reputable climatologist agrees that the earth is warming dangerously…Any climatologist who disagrees is not reputable….”
All true Scotsmen agree wi’ ye.

June 7, 2013 1:33 pm

Note that Brodner referred to The American Prospect, a liberal rag, and to the assistance of an editor there. I think he envisions this used as a double-page intro to an article on you guys. Note there’s even space for a fold line in the middle of the drawing.
Ah, I think he has in mind that the drawing and captions would be the entire article, see

June 7, 2013 1:33 pm

Funny … ya definitely need a full size copy for ‘down the road’ use when late 20th and early 21st century “global warming’ nuttiness becomes just another enter in the “The Journal of Irreproducible Results” …

June 7, 2013 1:39 pm

kadaka (KD Knoebel) says: “I wonder which “other” people, who are already famous, were used as the templates. It’s a good technique, your subject looks immediately familiar…because it’s really just a sketch of someone famous with a few touches. Thus Watts is Lech Walesa. Steve Milloy is Peter Lorre. And Joe Bastardi is Barrack Obama. Nice touch on the shading.”
I think you’re onto something, kadaka. James Taylor and Fred Singer are Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson.

June 7, 2013 1:40 pm

Ric Werme says:
“Well, it is a take off on Mad Men. I assume that show doesn’t have women, except in “traditional” roles.”
The purpose of the cartoon is to denigrate the opposition as sexist old white males, the favorite enemy image of the American liberal.
Showing Jo Nova or Donna Laframboise would have torpedoed that, so the cartoonist didn’t.

Peter Plail
June 7, 2013 1:42 pm

I would take the poster as a compliment. The Mad part of the title did not refer to their sanity but to the fact that they were based on Madison Avenue.They were, in fact, exceptionally successful communicators. Despite what people often say about advertising it has to be truthful to be sustainable – a lie discovered can destroy a brand. Advertising standards authorities require advertising to be legal decent honest and truthful.
So by likening you to the Mad Men they are declaring you as successful communicators of the truth.
Compare this with the output of political propagandists……

June 7, 2013 1:53 pm

Ah, the old tobacco-booze-oldboysclub smear. (a threeper form the prog playbook)
h/t to Bish for this Pointman classic on the warmist demise:

June 7, 2013 2:01 pm

DaveF said @ June 7, 2013 at 11:49 am

Although more than twenty-five years have gone by, I still marvel at how I managed to get to the age of thirty-nine before realising that all I was doing when I smoked a cigarette was satisfying a craving that I wouldn’t have had if I didn’t smoke in the first place.

You’re a better man than me, Gunga Din! Took me until I was 62. Twenty six days so far…

June 7, 2013 2:06 pm

Anthony sorry to hear about your parents, one of my grand parents also had cancer that was tobacco related and another had a respiratory related injury caused by asbestos as a result of handling it while he was working on the docks.
Generally there does seem to be a difference in the type of caricatures that the proponents of AGW and sceptics of AGW fire at each-other, The imagery that AGW proponents create is about demonizing their opposition, where as the skeptics imagery is mostly about pointing out AGW proponents Idiocy and scientific mistakes in good fun.
I don’t get the reference above, but, I can hear the cogs working overtime in josh’s head :).

June 7, 2013 2:06 pm

The best way to diffuse the malign intent is to adopt it as a badge of honor, sort of like what happened when astronomer Fred Hoyle mockingly called cosmic expansion the big bang theory. That sure came back to bite him. McIntyre, Monckton, Spencer and others ought to complain wherever they can about being left out.

June 7, 2013 2:09 pm

You should return the favor and commision a picture of Mann, etc sitting around smoking joints.

June 7, 2013 2:12 pm

commieBob said @ June 7, 2013 at 10:36 am

One lives longer and more contentedly if one does not seek out interesting times. If one understands one’s situation, one manages to be elsewhere when interesting times happen

Don’t just do something, sit there! — Lao Tsu

June 7, 2013 2:13 pm

Here is a link to Steve Brodner’s artwork at a very good resolution for printing 11×17 – it has no text and the color is far better with minimal jpeg compression –
It is from Steve Brodner’s website.

June 7, 2013 2:19 pm

It might help them get their message across if they didn’t call 12 men who don’t deny climate change “Mad men of climate-change denial”.
Can they get anything right ??

June 7, 2013 2:21 pm

Gary at 2:06 pm is right–adopt it as a badge of honor.
Because I think this depiction is fair: Josh protrays the Warmistas as idiots, and the artist of this work portrays the “Deniers of Climate Change” as a bunch of wise old men.
Give me “wise old men” anyday.
Especially on something as important as our climate.

June 7, 2013 2:52 pm

The second phrase is better rendered as:
“May a person of the government arrive to assist you in your endeavors.”

Mac the Knife
June 7, 2013 3:04 pm

This has been the most strange and unsettling week ever. Wiretaps, using the tax code as a political tool against your opponent….
Indeed, the revelations from congressional hearings that the higher levels of our government were responsible for directing the IRS to target conservative groups and individuals for illegal intimidation via ‘special investigations’ indicates willful, direct corruption. We need a Special Prosecutor to investigate our Special Persecutor, me thinks!
The covert gathering of data from all voice and text transmission methods in the US without congressional oversight or a judge issued warrants violates even the requirements of the already loose Homeland Security Act of 2002. Does this seem out of character for the current administration? I’ll let you decide. Here’s the Presidential candidate of 2007 thoughts on such matters… pronouncing how would handle such things, if he were to become President.

June 7, 2013 3:05 pm

It is an interesting sketch. I do not know, but I doubt that the salaries and funding for everyone pictured above would equal the earnings/funding of just one of the alarmist crew.
Perhaps for a small license fee, the picture could be used for truth purposes; use the picture and embed publicly known funding/earnings of the real scientists and bloggers and book match it against a Josh picture of the alarmists along with their funding/earnings. Adding in little notes about exactly which alarmists ‘deny or have denied’ access to publicly funded data and or research.
Depicting people as smoking or drinking when they do not is libel; lying directly or indirectly (implying funding sources that are less than legal) cut it very closely to libel; especially when the fraudsters do know which side is not honest.

June 7, 2013 3:12 pm

The Pompous Git 2:01:
Keep going Pompous – best thing you’ll ever do! Best wishes, Dave.

June 7, 2013 3:20 pm

P.S. to Pompous Git: 26 days – you’re nearly there!

June 7, 2013 3:20 pm

In order for humor of this kind to work there has to be an element of truth in the story. There is none in the poster.

June 7, 2013 3:34 pm

Peter Plail says:
June 7, 2013 at 1:42 pm
“I would take the poster as a compliment. The Mad part of the title did not refer to their sanity but to the fact that they were based on Madison Avenue.They were, in fact, exceptionally successful communicators. Despite what people often say about advertising it has to be truthful to be sustainable – a lie discovered can destroy a brand. ”
Eddie Bernays started his Propaganda carreer, based on finding of his uncle Siegmund Freud, by having some upper class gilrs during a parade smoke cigarettes, then launching a news campaign that promoted the idea that this was because they were sufragettes, leading to the association of women smoking as liberating. Nothing about it was truthful, the NYT probably loved it as they love a good lie, and it was a blazing success.

Mac the Knife
June 7, 2013 3:42 pm

jorgekafkazar says:
June 7, 2013 at 1:30 pm
Chad says: “…Every single reputable climatologist agrees that the earth is warming dangerously…Any climatologist who disagrees is not reputable….”
All true Scotsmen agree wi’ ye.
Aye. ‘Tis true, Jorge.
But not all true Scots are reputable…… ‘n more is the pity!

June 7, 2013 3:47 pm

I think it would be great to have a printed poster autographed by all of the “mads”. 🙂
Unfortunately the logistics of getting a poster and circulating it to everyone would be difficult (i.e. expensive) and I haven’t received my check from Big Oil yet…

Mac the Knife
June 7, 2013 3:53 pm

The Pompous Git says:
June 7, 2013 at 2:01 pm
Hang in there, my friend!
When I quit (back in ~1982), it took a full year and 3 failed attempts before I succeeded. Keep at it and you will succeed also!

June 7, 2013 4:21 pm

I would LOVE for the women of climate skepticism to get together and write to the artist and demand that he either produce a Mad Women version, or risk being labelled as the sexist he seems to be. I would bet his head would explode on the spot. 🙂
Maybe the artist could squeeze Roy in, in drag? 😉
If the artist won’t do it, maybe Josh could? This is just too fun to drop. 🙂

June 7, 2013 4:30 pm

Bravoe again Pointman. I found this excellent essay on the infowars via today’s Bishop Hill post. Coincidentally there is a comment on Steve’s site that basically said that attacking sceptics in this way could lead the curious to find out more which could backfire. Pointman states the same thing in his opening paragraph. Great coincidence.

June 7, 2013 4:30 pm

This is from the University of Waterloo in Ontario???? ( Or just posted there? Why?

June 7, 2013 4:39 pm

Concerning the presence/absence of women in the Mad Men poster: I wonder what Jo Nova would think of being portrayed as Christina Hendricks?
well I know I would like it, but….

June 7, 2013 4:47 pm

Like a well funded, well organised army of occupation confronted with a deeply embedded but totally dedicated ‘insurgency’, Warmism has always been tormented by the absence of organised resistance. This poster is a very belated attempt to create such an organised, well funded and exclusively male body of skeptical opinion, for the purpose of knocking it down.
I suspect that it’s a little late for that now, given the growth of the Skeptical movement and ‘issue fatigue’ amongst the politicians.
What they’ve failed to understand is that there are millions of us and we are all Mad Men/Women.
We’re mad that we’ve been conned and taxed and regulated because of someone else’s religious beliefs.

June 7, 2013 4:48 pm

Speaking of ‘well funded’ I’ll bet that artwork cost a bob or two!

M E Wood
June 7, 2013 4:48 pm

You are right, It is all about appearances. No one who is anyone here in New Zealand can express a doubt about man made global warming. Such doubt is equated to racism sexism and ageism. and all the other isms that the smart people avoid These themes sell magazines, especially to women. But cheer up,journalists will soon be looking for other fields in which to distinguish themselves from the common herd. . Prohibition of something everyone enjoys no doubt, that’s the usual way it proving it affects some small portion of the population adversely.Like cosmetic and soap fragrances at environmental conferences.

Half Tide Rock
June 7, 2013 5:19 pm

I want a signed copy 5×10 suitable for framing. Will also buy an additional when the rest of the “A” team is included. This could be an important piece of ephemera.

June 7, 2013 5:25 pm

This is humorless parody.
I’d love to see a retort cartoon with Gore, Mann, Hansen, Gleick, Jones,Trenberth and many more all-time favorite cabalists In a Mad magazine style send-up
with Dr Jim Hansen as “Professor Fonebone” In “Gone With the Extreme Wind”

Allen Duffy
June 7, 2013 5:26 pm

Oh please, please, please … can we have a WUWT hosted competition started to produce the best Mad-Men “alarmist-montage” (photo-shopped or original artwork allowed). All artists submitting work encouraged to be honest about “Big Oil”, etc. funding. Maybe we could enlist Josh to be the judge?

June 7, 2013 5:30 pm

“This has been the most strange and unsettling week ever. Wiretaps, using the tax code as a political tool against your opponent, Huffington Post goes over to the dark side, and we witnessed the collapse of climate models ability to predict the future.” ~WUWT
Then there was also the WH staff fundraising for Obamacare – collected from the very insurance cos that would be regulated by Obamacare.
“Republican senators are demanding answers about Health And Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ private fundraising efforts to augment finances for Obamacare, saying her actions were legally and ethically wrong.”
Read Latest Breaking News from
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

June 7, 2013 5:46 pm

The Deniers look good, so I really hate to have to show you up – but you didn’t quite make the mythic proportions of the Big Renewable politicians, here:

June 7, 2013 6:05 pm

My dad cured both me and my younger sister of smoking in a simple yet effective way. One day when I was about 9 , I sneaked a lit cigarette from an ashtray and begin smoking it. Of course I was almost immediately caught but my dad just said something like “I see you are really growing up, finish that one and we will have another.” About half way through the second one I became very nauseous and never wanted another cigarette after that. I discovered later, as a teen, how effective nausea can be when I went on a Drive-In date while coming down with the flu. My date was wearing fairly strong perfume and just the odor made me want to vomit. It was decades before I could even stand the smell of even mild amounts of perfume after that. As a result I can see where the treatments used in “A Clockwork Orange” could be very effective.
He also offered me small amounts of beer/wine when young so that when my friends just couldn’t wait to hit the bars at 18, I just didn’t see the logic or the need. Of course these days parents might get reported for doing these things to their kids.
The fact that you and others are not upset but are actually willing to pay to be in the cartoon or to have an autographed copy of it, speaks volumes about the difference in maturity and integrity of this side versus theirs.
Mac the Knife says:
June 7, 2013 at 3:04 pm
“This has been the most strange and unsettling week ever. Wiretaps, using the tax code as a political tool against your opponent….
Indeed, the revelations from congressional hearings that the higher levels of our government were responsible for directing the IRS to target conservative groups and individuals for illegal intimidation via ‘special investigations’ indicates willful, direct corruption.”
The IRS is NOT following the original 1954 501(c)(4) law which states that tax exemptions were to apply to “Civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare.” The IRS changed this in 1959 to: ”To be operated exclusively to promote social welfare, an organization must operate primarily to further the common good and general welfare…”. The change requires an IRS individual to interpret “primarily”.
Unless congress changes the law, ALL organizations not meeting the original standard should have their tax exempt status pulled (I can hear wailing and gnashing of teeth already).

Go Home
June 7, 2013 6:10 pm

Who would be the 12 worst AGW folks representing the other (dark) side?

William Astley
June 7, 2013 6:21 pm

In reply to:
lsvalgaard says:
June 7, 2013 at 12:52 pm
William Astley says:
June 7, 2013 at 12:14 pm
The current observed cooling and wet weather is in the same regions that experienced the Little Ice age. Most reasonable researchers would say that the LIA was global… so wet weather is global?
William: Global in that increased precipitation occurs 40 to 60 degrees latitude both hemisphere. Not global in that all regions of the planet experience increased precipitation.
Increased precipitation has been observed along with cooling of both hemispheres. The regions that are experiencing increased precipitation and that are cooling (cooling includes higher northern latitudes where there is cooling but not necessarily an increase in precipitation) are the same regions that experienced increased precipitation and cooling during the Little Ice age.
Observed significant regional cooling (reversal of the warming in the same regions that warmed in the last 20 years) is a game changer. The CO2 forcing mechanism is not reversible. The proposed mechanisms by which solar magnetic cycle changes modulate planetary cloud cover are reversible.
Formal debaters (I am debator judge) must argue both sides and can come up with arguments for both sides. (Similar skill that a criminal lawyer must have to defend a guilty client.) In a scientific debate observations trump theory.
Regardless of what you believe and regardless of what others believe or have stated it appears the planet is starting to cool. As I have noted above there are fundamental observations that are not in agreement with the AGW theory. Typically the fact that there are multiple unexplained anomalies indicates either the fundamental hypothesis or related assumptions are incorrect. Those anomalies have been ignored.
Significant cooling is a game changer. Cooling as opposed to a lack of warming cannot be ignored. The climate change problem will change from warming to cooling.
Obviously the public and media will want an explanation as to how 97% of all climate scientist could be incorrect and how it is possible that everyone stated the science is settled when we are trying to address global cooling.

June 7, 2013 6:47 pm

They obviously feel a need to respond to all the cartoons our side uses. Pity they just don’t have the pathos or empathy of the human condition required to display something that has a meaning beyond the facile.

June 7, 2013 7:03 pm

posted a 6000*3840 px blow-up of the picture without labels – might print a little better than the 1500 px version.

June 7, 2013 7:04 pm

Whilst we are on proverbs: I recieve a word a day from wordsmith – and they always includes a thought too. Todays thougts seem to be insightful and relevant to your blog and this thread.
The greatest obstacle to discovering the shape of the earth, the continents, and the oceans was not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge. -Daniel J. Boorstin, historian, professor, attorney, and writer (1914-2004)
yesterdays was equally good
Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies. -Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, philosopher (1844-1900)

June 7, 2013 7:10 pm

Had a slightly bizarre though for a Josh reply , An illustration of Steve Brodner being manipulated as a sock puppet, by another poor cartoonist, John Cook, with both puffing furiously on a stogie with the usual pile of ashes and butts on the floor, then of course surrounded by other smokin bystanders, Lewandowski, Mann, Gleike between puff’s urging the pair on to make sure you can see the cigarettes, that will stir those……up!! I guess that would put the boot on the other foot and another smile on our faces.
I’d suggest that the Australian artist/cartoonist Larry Pickering would also do a good job in reply, but his would be a bit rude, but apt.

Janice Moore
June 7, 2013 8:05 pm

Attention: William Astley (and moderator – if interested in helping out Mr. Astley, sua sponte, here)
I believe your 6:21PM today post (re: Leif Stalsgaard at 12:52PM today) belongs on the Spain Solar thread (link below) where Dr. S. made a comment at 12:52 PM today:
You put an awful lot of thought into that post — hate to see it not get the attention it deserves.

Janice Moore
June 7, 2013 8:22 pm

@ Ken B (7:10PM) — “… a sock puppet, … both puffing furiously on a stogie … .” LOL. I love it!
And on the wall behind them, have a poster of Gary Larsen’s “The Far Side” cartoon where he has the dinosaurs standing around smoking reefers and the caption says: “Why dinosaurs went extinct.” #[:)]
Well, Go Home (at 6:10PM today), not “the 12 worst AGW folks,” but here are 2 of them:

Eugene WR Gallun
June 7, 2013 8:25 pm

Margaret Hardman June 7 12:02pm
Eric Stimpson
The antonym of “marketer”??? How about “hoarder”? A marketer sells and a hoarder does not.
Of course this is all dependent on the definition of “marketer” you are using. Above i assume a marketer is someone who brings goods to the marketplace to sell them. A hoarder withholds those goods from the marketplace.
if the definition of a marketer is someone who for a fee attempts to enhance the appeal of any product then their opposite number would be someone who for a fee attempts to discredit a product. (In both cases the actual worth of the product is irrelevant). i believe this is called negative marketing but am not sure. Marketing and negative marketing are both aspects of “marketing”, (think negative political ads) — functions that “marketers” perform. So in that sense a marketer has no antonym. Both opposite services are part of a marketer’s offered expertise.
But, still, does a marketer have an antonym? Seller is the antonym of buyer but a marketer does neither of those things yet he is certainly the agent of the seller. So who would be the agent of the buyer? i guess a “consumer advocate” of some form or other. Just as a marketer dual functions to enhance or disparage certain goods — so does a consumer advocate enhance or disparage certain goods.
The antonym of “marketer” is “consumer advocate”?
This is making my head hurt. i need to get a life.
Eugene WR Gallun

June 7, 2013 8:29 pm

William Astley says: “Obviously the public and media will want an explanation as to how 97% of all climate scientist could be incorrect and how it is possible that everyone stated the science is settled when we are trying to address global cooling.”
We will not address global cooling, for to do so would require addressing global warming as a hoax, which the 97% dare not admit, nor will the media recognize it. Extrapolate this situation of rapidly dropping temperatures to its logical conclusion, and you’ll readily see the outcome.

June 7, 2013 8:33 pm

Anthony: Far to sensitive! The way you wrote it, I was SURE you were puffing a stogie! BUT, you are only holding a mixed drink glass. IT’s obvious, you are just portrayed as a SOUSE, and not a smoker. BACK OFF. As Churchhill told the “Grand Dame” , when she accused him of showing up to Parliment “soused”, “Sir Winston, I do believe you are drunk!”
“Lady so and so, I do believe you are FAT! But there is an important difference between you and I. Tomorrow I will wake up SOBER. However, you will wake up and still be FAT!”
In your case: “Sir Anthony, I do believe you are accused of being a SOUSE…by Mr. Mann, et. al. But when you wake up, not only are you and will you be sober, unlike Mr. Mann, you will NOT be FATUOUS!

June 7, 2013 8:56 pm

Let them keep digging.

Eugene WR Gallun
June 7, 2013 8:58 pm

If you are going to do a poster of Mad Men warmists — I really think that Alfred E. Neuman should somehow sneak into the picture.
Eugene WR Gallun

June 7, 2013 9:07 pm

I think Josh ought to do one either entitled:
Nobody’s expects the Spanish Inquisition
The Last Supper at la de Vinci
I think the cartoon is good! Buy the original and hang it in a place of honour!

June 7, 2013 9:09 pm

That is not quite how Christopher Horner looks.
Jealousy and envy is bad for your blood pressure, ya know.

Go Home
June 7, 2013 9:23 pm

I am coming up with a parity cartoon. Just need 12 names please. Also a caption for each. Already have mann, gore, trenberth, hansen, gleick. Appreciate the help

June 7, 2013 9:34 pm

Arthur C Clark has been a favorite author of mine. He wrote 1989’s Ghost from the Grand Banks about raising the two parts of the Titanic in 2012, ironically using ice for buoyancy and strength. Two of the principle characters are rich Silicon Valley geeks who have made their money by editing 20th century film classics to remove and minimize all vestiges of smoking.

The twenty-first century society [Clark] delineates, despises the addiction. Donald and Edith Craig operate a company that reduces or cuts smoking scenes from twentieth-century films and videos to make them usable in the twenty-first. – eNotes

This book came out about the time of Colorization. Clark’s took that computer processing further:

They made several fortunes by “sanitizing” classic movies so that they could be presented to the new public.
Though some were so wreathed in smoke that they were beyond redemption, in a surprising number of cases skillful computer processing could remove offending cylinders from actors’ hands or mouths, and banish ashtrays from tabletops. The techniques that had seamlessly welded real and imaginary worlds in such landmark movies as Who Framed Roger Rabbit had countless other applications– not all of them legal. However, unlike the video blackmailers, Donald Craig could claim to be performing a useful social function. –(from the book)

Ever since reading that book, I can’t help but look at mid-20th Century movies in that light. I watched The Quiet Man the other night. The number of times Sean Thornton (Wayne) lights up briefly is staggering.
I can see editing out smoking scenes and air-brushing frames for smoke. But if society ever feels the same way toward the drink! Oh a great number of classics will disappear. What would be left of Casablanca without the smoke and alcohol?

Patrick Dolan
June 7, 2013 10:20 pm

I stopped smoking for nearly 20 years..I picked it up as a stupid kid when I was very, very young, and stopped when I was 23 or so, in the US Navy, stationed in Scotland at the time. Never thought anything could drive me to smoke again…but sometimes life kicks a guy in the teeth, and next thing you know…. Anyway, after nearly a decade of once again being an active smoker, I stopped again 9 months ago.
Please note, and take hope, smokers who might read this, that at no time did I ‘quit’. It’s part of my own philosophy that you cannot quit something you’ve done. It’s a part of you. So trying to quit will always end in failure. We can’t quit, but we CAN stop. The fact is, it’s simply been a long time since my last cigarette. I din’t quit; I’m just taking a bit of time between cigarettes.
True that, unlike someone who never smoked, I have: so I can’t say I’m not a smoker. It’s just that I’m not smoking NOW. If I ever decide to have one again—please, please, don’t let me be quite that dimwitted again—it’ll be my choice. Think about it for a sec: I simply haven’t lit my next one yet. I relaxed into stopping, if you follow me. Sure, hadda wrap my head around it after flirting with the idea for months. It wasn’t like it happened overnight. I knew all along that, willy-nilly, like it or not, I’d stop eventually—reasonably, like I did, or when it killed me, but I’d stop. But the truth is, it really WAS that simple: I had my last one late at night, knew it was the last in that pack but was sure I had another pack on the table, and the next morning, discovered I was wrong and said, “Well, know what? I think I’m not going to bother going to buy any just now.” It was that simple because long, long ago, I’d arrived at the notion that I wasn’t quitting, I was just going to wait a bit between cigarettes. First, just for a day. Then a couple of days, then a week, then…
I pretend, sometimes, that I’m not so very stupid as I really am, and I do reasonable things. Sometimes I even surprise myself when I get away with it. Anyway, rather than grit my teeth and tell myself, “Quit!” and then be afraid to tell anyone I what I’d “promised!”, lest I submit to temptation and have another (and be foresworn! Oh no! And then, humiliated in our own heads, even though we’re the only ones who know, because, WE FAILED, we’d go back to smoking and try not to think about the humiliation of being human and giving in to temptation, and probably not try again to stop because we’re afraid of failure…), no, I simply decided I’d wait a bit before I have another, and that wait has stretched out a mite. Hopefully, It’ll be more than 20 years, at least. And it was pretty stress free—as it was the last time I stopped instead of trying to “quit”.
But if THAT ain’t enough for anyone who still smokes, think on this: at 2 packs a day, I spent around $320 a month smoking. I stopped, and around the same time, I also refinanced my house, and gave myself a $10K per year pay raise without moving up a tax bracket. I was so happy, I bought a new Les Paul as a present for myself (Studio Shred—a Les Paul with a Floyd Rose Trem that didn’t cost me $5K! I”m primarily a Fender Strat kinda cat, but I’m now looking for my THIRD Les Paul…a thing I couldn’t even think to afford as a smoker—-but here’s a strange thing: though I’d been through this before, and though I KNEW smoking was expensive, I never, never, never sat down and added up the cost before I stopped. Can you say, “Yes, smokers lie to themselves!”? We can’t help it. When we tell ourselves the truth, we realize how utterly stupid we’re behaving, and tha’s just embarrassing…), and unless I get hit by a bus (always a possibility…), I’ll live longer to play it.
On the whole, however, I’ve lived a charmed existence, so I claim no halos for anything I’ve done— Instead I’ll echo a sentiment I’ve read here:
Anthony, yes, you are a Class Act. But given what you have achieved with WattsUpWithThat, you and all the other “Deniers” have done the entire world a great service, so more than simply echoing a sentiment, let me say I hope you go down in history (in a good way!!!)—you and all those others who have fought so long and so hard against the dunderheads of the Alarmist faction—as another Copernicus, Galileo, or maybe better, another Leon Foucault!
The others (Copernicus, Galileo) defied the world order, but backed down to authority and were only accepted as correct long past their own lifetimes, and even then, only celebrated for it many generations later. Leon Foucault, however, took on the Established Scientists (sarc) of his day and, sans all their fancy creds, and though he wasn’t of their circle or an initiate, very thoroughly embarrassed them, and put them in their place. True that some of the responders here DO have the creds, the fact is, none y’all are Establishment, just like Leon Foucault (definitely one of my heroes!).
The alarmists like to talk about how much “harm” deniers do to their cause, but how many poor people have starved because of the insane expenditures on attempted “fixes” to problems which cannot be fixed, don’t need fixing, aren’t a problem in the first place (can anyone point out a time when the climate warmed which has NOT been beneficial to mankind? As I said, ain’t my field, but I DO read, and I haven’t read yet of a past warming that was bad for mankind—but I HAVE read of many reports of cooling that were disasters. I’m just askin’…)? How much better would the world be if the millions spent on their useless models were simply spent to help those poor? Or spent on research to learn how to take better advantage of the coming warm period (which thus far, is showing GREAT reluctance in arriving… I’m thinking it’s time to sue Al Gore for false advertising. I LOVE the heat, myself, and this continued cooling trent… …again, just sayin’.)?
For that matter, I think y’all should be proud of being called Deniers (someone above was upset about it, but I think tha’s probably not the right way to look at it)—there’s nothing negative about denying that ipsi dixit pronouncements are The Truth, if those who make prounouncements deliberately do not follow the Scientific Method, but then claim what they’ve said IS science, and dodge and evade any attempt by anyone to engage them in question/answer/debate about their methods, data, interpretation of results, etc, i.e., to force them to defend their theses—as any PhD candidate had to do, once upon a time, to attain the Doctorate. Perhaps these newer PhDs (Mann & co., but perhaps he was lead to it, because some, like Phil Jones, are of an older generation and should know better!) forgot why the defense of thesis existed as a part of the process of conferring a Doctorate of Philosophy in a discipline: it wasn’t because that was the only time a PhD would have to do so, it wasn’t the “final test”, it wasn’t to prove they’d reached a certain plateau (at least, not primarily); it was simply the first time they’d have to do so at that level. But every paper that followed from the new Phd was expected to meet the same level of scrutiny as a minimum.
In other words, the defense of the doctoral thesis was just the initiation; the conferring of the degree wasn’t to say, “Congratulations! You’ve arrived!” It was to say, “Good luck, kid. You’ve just gotten to the starting gate. May you leave your mark on the world, and not vice-versa!”
(I will not get started on education! I will not get started on education! I will not get started on education!)
Anyone can be a parrot and say what everyone else says, and hope to sound intelligent thereby. It takes integrity, discipline, and self-confidence to take on the King and his sycophants and say, again and again, “Dude: you’re naked.” And courage: how many people who have never met, never spoken with Anthony Watts speak ill of him, and not because they’ve read anything here, but because they believe the smear-job done on sites like RealClimate or SkepticalScience?
And I owe you a personal thanks: where else can I get to read discussions between Scientists & researchers still working in the field, and students still studying in the university, who will answer questions from anyone (even me!)? It’s all the good things you expect from academia but rarely get anymore, and without having to go back to school (I was married to an academic for some years, so I know a bit about that world…if only from the perspective of my ex’s field. But I did get to meet and spend time with Academics from many other fields, and so don’t think I’m too far off the mark in my generalities—but don’t let me smear ALL universities! I’m sure there are many, many colleges and universities where there are departments that still adhere to the Scientific Method, and value open sharing of ideas and open debate, even if that’s not the case where folks like Phil Jones, Keith Briffa and Michael Mann came from…)!
That’s all to say, all y’all ROCK, especially you, Anthony, and you’ve got a killer site with an incredible amount of data, research, opinions, links—
Pointman, in one of the links you have provided above, makes some very very good points about the on-going failure of the Alarmists’ dreams and why they’re losing their own propaganda war with the Deniers. But he misses one point, I think (though maybe he saw it but din’t think it as important as I do):
Skeptic bloggers and those who follow them tend to be, for the most part, people who think for themselves; they don’t simply agree with ANYONE, no matter who that person is or what degrees they have. They aren’t intimidated by letters after a signature, don’t believe everything they hear, demand evidence, and most especially, they are not people who repeat what their “heroes” state. There is open discussion, dissent, review—in fact, a very lively culture of learning going on, from the highest levels of PhD’s in various sciences (actual science, like Geology, Math, Physics, etc., and not questionable claims to “climate science”) with decades experience in the field, to interested bystanders in unrelated fields, to autodidacts, all asking questions, and sure, trolls get snipped (and should!), but no one tries to censor honest questions or shut anyone up because (noses in the air..) the asker is not “qualified” to have an opinion in the field of ‘climate Science’ (whatever that may really be), and of all the nerve, to have the temerity to even QUESTION the proclamations of Dr. Michael Mann (long may he wave…)!! Of all the nerve!
The difference in the posts I read here, from those I’ve read at SkepticalScience et al, are sorta like the difference between reading Ian Plimer’s “Heaven and Earth” and reading opinion pieces on some teen pop music star Fan site: in the first, you learn useful information—in the other, not so much.
For example, this, from a comment on RealClimate about “Unforced Variation”:
“- while “renewable fuel” is free, the overall system costs are very high (even while being heavily subsidized), leading to a much lower return on investment” (see here:, comment No.94)
I have to say, that if it’s subsidized, it’s ANYTHING but free—aren’t those OUR tax dollars that are paying for it? That’s like saying a perpetual motion machine that requires me to add a motor to it is still really and truly a perpetual motion machine. And that comment was from a very sincere response to the article, from a well-written, articulate responder! This wasn’t written by a simple zombie! If their best and brightest can write such contradictory nonsense with all sincerity and believe it…!
So— I’m not going to ask why you bother, Anthony, because I’m sure you ask yourself from time to time if you don’t have something better to spend your time on.
I’m just going to say that, when that great day comes, and Al Gore himself admits the inconvenient truth that he’s wrong, and Deniers are no longer denying anything but simply stating the truth, I hope you keep running this incredible site, because a dog ain’t never too old to learn a few new tricks, and I learn something new here every time I visit.
Don’t ever stop. To everyone else, please, keep right on submitting, commenting, blogging your thoughts. What “peer review” won’t do for “scientists” who follow the Political Method instead of the Scientific Method, the Blogosphere will do—because of you.
From a delighted bystander….

Janice Moore
June 7, 2013 10:47 pm

Hey, Go Home, good for you (re: the counter-cartoon) some names (I’m assuming you’re going to include only men, since it would, I think, falsely imply that the pro-AGW camp is more welcoming of women in its ranks than the Truth in Science camp is to include women in your cartoon):
1. Bill Nye (The Science Guy)
2. Dana Nuccitelli
3. Bill McKibben
4. Joe Romm
5. Paul R. Ehrlich (b. 1932 — still alive?)
6. Mayor Bloomberg
7. Charles, Prince of Wales
8. Alec Baldwin (the loud mouth actor)
That’s all for tonight (zzzzzzz).
Best wishes for success in your cartoon endeavor, Go!

Patrick Dolan
Reply to  Janice Moore
June 7, 2013 11:03 pm

!! Love it!
But don’t forget Loudmouth Sean Penn, as long as you’re counting “actors”, and what about James Hansen and Al Gore??! Are they that passe already that they don’t pass your sniff-test as somebody who needs to be included in a counter-mural of “Mad Men of Denial”? What about Cook??
Just suggestin’…

June 7, 2013 10:50 pm

I thought I’d ask so I did. Let’s see if my question is cencored on that Amnesty promoting artist’s page:
Vieras says:
June 8, 2013 at 1:46 am
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Where did you get the idea of drawing them with cigarettes when none of them actually smoke?

Go Home
June 7, 2013 10:56 pm

Thanks Janice. How about Richard Windsor to round out my 12 ‘guys’

Patrick Dolan
June 7, 2013 11:05 pm

@Go Home
Lemme know whom you select— If it’s any of my suggestion, I’ll help provide the caption-text!

June 7, 2013 11:47 pm

more proof that satire is dead in this orwellian world we live in. like all zealots, the CAGW crew are totally lacking in real humour.

June 7, 2013 11:50 pm

Perhaps if you post this Buffoon’s email address, we “deniers” around the world can scan our photographs and align ourselves to the cause. I’m up for it here Down Under.

Go Home
June 8, 2013 1:43 am

OK, I have completed my parody.
Anthony can use this on his website as he pleases…

Go Home
June 8, 2013 1:49 am

I may have to redo it, I am not sure I made Al Gore’s head big enough in the parody “Green Men Of Climate Science”.

James Bull
June 8, 2013 1:54 am

A co-worker of mine once got a speeding ticket on evidence of a picture taken by a camera that photos the front of the vehicle and shows the driver. With these you don’t get a copy of the photo just the ticket and if you want the photo you call a number and for more money they will send you your picture, I suggested that he ask them if they did the pictures poster size so he could put it on his wall and prove to his friends and family that his old motor could reach such speeds. He thought the ticket people might think he was not taking his “crime” seriously.
As you say I do like the picture apart from the smoking references. I once tried a ciggy when I was about 12/13 and coughed myself nearly unconscious and thought I could smell and taste it for about the next few days so never again.
James Bull

Go Home
June 8, 2013 2:11 am

The post with the link did not post. Not sure if it is in moderation or in spam? If there is anything I need to do, let me know how to post the link to the picture. I used…
Al Gore, Kevin Trenberth, Phil Jones, John Cook, Dana Nuticelli, Bill McKibben, Bill Nye, James Hansen, Joe Romm, Lisa Jackson (aka Richard Windsow, and Peter Gleick. I am open to edits if folks feel I did not get the right Green Men Of Climate Alarmism right.
I used a 1994 version of Corel Photopaint to put it together.
[Link works, but the image does not display here. Hint: Use the “Test” page to check out your html coding. Mod]

Go Home
June 8, 2013 2:13 am

Oh and Michael Mann (sorry for the multiple posts).

June 8, 2013 2:38 am

The artist’s comment on his blog is almost a self parody……
“To all those posting here who repeat what Harpo has said, please know that the repetition of denial doesn’t change anything. You can do the self-delusion dance all you want on your sites. And soon there won’t be much of that either. We can change while there’s time. This blog will be devoted to that.”

June 8, 2013 2:57 am

When considered collectively, the most unusual thing about them is the almost fifty-fifty gender demographic. The women speak with as strong a voice as the men, and have just as strong a readership. I think a possible explanation of that is the one dimensionality of the medium of blogging. You can’t see their faces, hear their tone of voice, watch the body language or anything else, except read their words. Like a book, it’s such a seriously stripped down medium, that it’s the purest form of one mind communicating with another, and hence it liberates women from the expected behavioural stereotypes. It’s a case of mind over dangly bits.

June 8, 2013 5:30 am

RE: Eric Simpson says:
June 7, 2013 at 11:57 am
Thanks for your kind words. I have now replied to your comment on my blog. Sorry it took so long. It has been a busy week.
By the way, that blog is nicely obscure, and I average around five or ten views a day, but when you commented here there was a big spike up to 96 views. Wow! I’m famous!
I just use the blog as a repository of my ideas, including some that need work and/or criticism. Some of the writing is likely tedious and way too long-winded, but you need to write such junk to get things organized, so that you can occasionally write something brief and concise.
Sometimes, when in a more paranoid mood, I like to think of some poor government spy, doomed to wade through my worst writing. He’s not allowed to skip ahead, but day after day has to go through every word. It must be sheer hell, and worthy of a fourth Chinese curse.

June 8, 2013 6:53 am

More desperation by the people who are losing the (defacto) debate without actually debating.

June 8, 2013 7:38 am

Go Home. Great rendition of the main characters. Should Obama be in there since he’s become the big push plucking this turkey.

June 8, 2013 7:50 am

RobertInAz says:
June 7, 2013 at 9:49 am
Interesting who they missed.

Spencer and Curry, for two. They appear on or are quoted in the media, so they qualify as “front men” (persons?), but they’re climatologists, so their inclusion would wreck the caption’s claim that none of the Mad Men are climatologists.

June 8, 2013 7:57 am

Thanks, Anthony.
My best wishes for all included in the poster, and for those obviously missing from it!

Mike Bromley the Kurd near the Green Line
June 8, 2013 8:20 am

Here is a timely link to the question at hand.

June 8, 2013 8:31 am

PhD Ecological Climatology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, December 1979

June 8, 2013 9:00 am

Nice work there by ‘go home’ !! That was funny.

June 8, 2013 9:04 am

To be funny a cartoon needs to have some element of truth.
This one has no element of truth and is just smear.
My favorite cartoonist is Ramirez.
Here is one of his Gems with significant element of truth.

Janice Moore
June 8, 2013 12:38 pm

Hi Patrick Dolan, good to hear from you again! Sean Penn is a terrific choice.
I left off the following climatologists because Go Home said above my post:
“Already have mann, gore, trenberth, hansen, gleick.”

Janice Moore
June 8, 2013 12:51 pm

Go Home, that is WONDERFUL work! Way — to — go, Go!
Liked the hockey stick on the wall with the old hat, heh, heh.
LOL, yes, I think you got Bore’s head big enough.
I think John Cook is really a woman …. in a creepy way ….. perfect!
Thanks so much for sharing and for lifting my spirits today!
Re: D’oh!bama, (Mark above mentioned that) I left him out because he is just an empty-headed puppet; he has never really DONE anything. Others write his “words just words” speeches, program his teleprompter, do all the socialist dirty work. Others hid his grade reports, “passed” him through school, digitally altered the digital facsimile of his paper certificate of live birth, and on and on. All he does on his own is smoke, l – i – e, and bow to Saudi royalty.

Janice Moore
June 8, 2013 1:36 pm

(Rick above… ) [%|}
@ P@
Enjoyed (just now read it) your refreshingly candid post. You have a fine, strong, character to be able to write about yourself like that. Not many people do. Thus, I’m sure you’ll make it with that STOP smoking effort… I’ll bet your next cigarette will never happen. Go, Patrick, go! (come next September … a year! — do not let all that effort to resist go to waste! (another way I motivate myself))
[well, one suggestion, life DOES, indeed, come along and kick one in the teeth sometimes…. sorry about your heartrending experience, life can be so hard……. SO, have a strategy ready for that time. I have to have strategies to avoid eating too many carbohydrates!]
“I pretend, sometimes, … ” — me, too. It works! I tell myself, “Okay, you don’t want to practice singing, but just do it for 15 minutes (or 10 if 15 sounds too long); it ALWAYS turns into a much longer practice session — and I am fairly certain of that when I say it, but it still works (because I know I will honor my 15-minute limit if I really can’t stand to continue)!
Well, enough already — I tend to talk way too much OT on this site.
Take care.

Janice Moore
June 8, 2013 1:57 pm

Hi, Anthony,
That’s good — bad publicity is, still, publicity. That jerk doesn’t deserve ANY. Nor does Alec Baldwin — glad he wasn’t included either.
Say, how do you feel about Ms. “Richard Windsor” taking your chair? Heh, heh — YOU are much better looking. #[:)]
Your loyal fan,

Janice Moore
June 8, 2013 2:23 pm

Yeah, A-th-y, you and all the Science Giants on WUWT are, as stated above, a CLASS ACT.
I think the following much better represents you than the warmist cartoon above:
A little comedy, a little wit, some excellent singing, with warmth and fun and honesty, sometimes a little corny, but always classy.
Only four for this video, but, they are a representative sample.
Yes, Joe Bastardi, you can be Dean Martin.
(the band is all the science giants, the audience is all of us non-science fans)

June 8, 2013 2:52 pm

Eric Simpson says:
June 7, 2013 at 10:24 am

wws at 9:03 am
The implication, of course, is that climate skeptics are nothing but very clever marketers…

Of course, unfortunately, the exact opposite is true.
We are a ragtag group that puts up close to zero ads.

Correct. In my Notes From Skull Island I list nearly 20 things that we climate contrarians (“skeptic” is too mild a term) would be doing differently, including more ads, if we were in fact well organized and well funded:

June 8, 2013 3:07 pm

there is no significant scientific disagreement. The planet is warming rapidly …

For the past 16 years it’s been warming very slowly. (For the past 30 years, per the satellites.)
Anyway, contrarians don’t dispute that there has been a warming trend since 1950 partly due to our CO2 emissions. That’s not what the debate is about. It’s about:
How much that rise will continue under business-as-usual;
How bad the consequences of a rise would be;
Whether it would be wise to wait and see if the rise continues before mitigating;
Whether adaptation would be a wiser policy than mitigation;
Whether the developing world can or will significantly mitigate;
Whether mitigation in the developed world alone or as a trail-blazer would make a dime’s worth of difference,
Whether “renewable” energy is an affordable or workable option;
Whether the voting public in the developed world will continue to accept paying more, directly or indirectly, for renewable energy once the costs start to really bite.

… and it is life-altering for the world as we know it.

Correct. The planet is 11% greener thanks to CO2.

June 8, 2013 9:29 pm

Where do they get this “fossil fuel funded” bollocks? It is trotted out like a well known truth. Maybe you should sue for libel?

Mike Rossander
June 9, 2013 2:59 pm

Apparently, Broder’s blog post has been moved. The link you provided above ( now returns “nothing found”. The blog posting is live (at least for now) at
No trace of Anthony’s request for a copy of the picture remains.

June 10, 2013 5:45 am

@ Stephen Rasey says: June 7, 2013 at 9:34 pm
I am also a huge Arthur C. Clarke fan, but missed that book. I will now run out and grab it (hard copy – not kindle). But I marvel at his prophetic vision. 1989, the jihad had not commenced. Yet he knew it was coming.

June 10, 2013 3:27 pm

Patrick Dolan,
This book has a greater than 90% success rate in helping smokers to permanently quit the habit.
You can get the book, used, for a few dollars plus shipping.
Is it worth it?
You decide…

Patrick Dolan
Reply to  dbstealey
June 10, 2013 5:36 pm

I’m 9 months plus beyond my last cigarette, and not likely to bother with ’em again. Last time I stopped, it was 20 years (give or take a few weeks) between cigarettes…
But I’m a fool for the written word, and always looking to learn a new trick…might be useful to know so I can turn someone else on to it. What works for one person isn’t necessarily going to work for anyone else (much less everyone else…). Always room for another tool in my bag of tricks, Thanks!

Patrick Dolan
June 10, 2013 8:30 pm

@Janice Moore says:
June 8, 2013 at 12:38 & 1:36 pm
Good to be back…after a fashion, sorta, kinda! Was Stunt Gaffer and Factotum-in-Chief at a wedding this weekend….and now I’m back in the ‘real’ world.
Re singing (or any kind of practice): it was Jimi Hendrix who said that it’s when you most don’t wanna that you most have to practice… Oh, so true.
“That was the news, this is the weather, more at 11!”
In retrospect, good choice, no actors—especially not the twits mentioned previously, both of whom I’d like to say I’m boycotting (and I am…), but then, I never watch TV or movies anyway (being addicted to the printed word), so they’ll never get a dime from me,ever. Still, I shoulda thunk of that myself.
To the Highlanders among us, Slainte!
“Scots! Wha’ hae w’ Wallace bled,
Scots wham Bruce ha’ often led,
Welcome to yer gory bed,
Or to Victory!”
(I have to say, not being one who knows anything about what’s on TV these days, that when I saw the “12 Men” thing, the FIRST thing I thought of was the 12 Men of Tain… Ah,j Glenlivet, a fine Speyside Malt! I know it well…but alas—though me Irish forebears are likely turnin’ ‘neath the sod t’ hear me utter these words—my favorite’s an Islay Malt, Lagavulin…though I’ll not speak poorly of Tyrconnail or Bushmills…)
Be well, Janice!