My Monday adventure with planes, trains, and automobiles

This post has nothing to do with science or climate, but it does go to illustrate how life gets more complex each day thanks to increased bureaucracy, and that you…

Earthquake in Acapulco

7.8 preliminary estimated strength Blogging on phone more to follow

New and Improved CRUTEM4 Global Land Surface Temperature Data vs IPCC AR4 (CMIP3) Climate Models

Guest post by Bob Tisdale INTRODUCTION Chapter 4-7 of If the IPCC was Selling Manmade Global Warming as a Product, Would the FTC Stop their deceptive Ads? included comparisons of…

Another reason trees don't make good treemometers – new tree ring data bias discovered

[Note: My first post in which I had written commentary mysteriously lost all of its content, posting nothing but white space. This is some sort of internal wordpress error, but…

Don't bother with the 2C limit, the sea will swallow us anyway

From Rutgers University Global sea level likely to rise as much as 70 feet for future generations NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — Even if humankind manages to limit global warming to…