Ebay succumbs to climate propaganda pitch

Yech. Look what automatically assaulted me during my purchase today of a flash drive. Click to see full size – note red arrow.

And here’s the web page for this intrusive organization ACE aka the Alliance for Climate Education. The programs appear to be free for high school students, so the pitch isn’t exactly forthcoming.

Looks like they are doing education with superhero costumes and rap music. Yeah, sure, I wanna donate to “climate education” like that.

Looks like NOAA is partly pushing this outfit, looky who is on the science board.

And badges, they need lots of stinkin badges!

Here’s the video pitch (warning, air sickness bag recommended)

Shame on Ebay for promoting this dreck.

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June 4, 2011 5:04 pm

“Teach them in a way that sticks.”
Re-Education camps? Maybe the warmists have some leftover material from operation paperclip… That could explain the psychotic behaviour of the ones already brainwashed. 😉

Richard Sharpe
June 4, 2011 5:09 pm

Well, let’s all tell eBay what we think!

June 4, 2011 5:30 pm

Oh No Anthony !
It’s another arm of the Goracle octopus – The Climate Project, Alliance for Climate Protection, Repower America etc.
Couldn’t you guys have kept this crew in the US, as they are also indoctrinating our children here in Australia.

June 4, 2011 5:31 pm

June 4, 2011 5:32 pm

What absolute dreck! And to “Denver” for example, my backyard.
I am reminded of the London Spectator AGW-debate a couple months ago. One rare new point to emerge from it came from skeptic Nigel Lawson. Despite the grand uncertainty of AGW alarm, the young are the most vulnerable victims, terrorized into accepting pseudo-scientific causes, by EDUCATORS.
Is it any wonder that President Obama’s most fervent supporters are still those most recently released from State Educrats? Of course not. AGW is the same, only worse, since it is now .

June 4, 2011 5:36 pm

cash only from now on????

June 4, 2011 5:39 pm

The only way to stop this nonsense is to not use the services of companies that pander to the global warming movement. I have a lengthy list of brands I no longer purchase — all of them companies that have “jumped the global warming shark”. I refuse to fund the sort of thing mentioned in this article, and if it means going a little further for some things, or getting used to something different than what I normally purchase, so be it. Small price to pay to save the world from these fanatics…

June 4, 2011 5:46 pm

Well, in the UK we’ve an “industry” bullying our educators into blaming most anything on AGW – the state funds made available to them mean that this sort of thing is common – dreck is away too polite to describe the moronic PR agency scripting that characterizes these “charity” appeals ….

June 4, 2011 5:49 pm

I wonder how much of a boost in business eBayer joewy will get off this?!

Bob Diaz
June 4, 2011 5:50 pm

[snip – we don’t need to introduce this hateful rhetoric into this thread – Anthony]
Clearly they are going after the young and gullible.

Pamela Gray
June 4, 2011 5:53 pm

Dollars taken from the development of schools, clean drinking water, bug nets, and cooking fires that get hot enough to cook and use fuel that is easily available and quickly replaced.
I guess world hunger, illiteracy, unsafe water, malaria, and inadequate warmth and the ability to sterilize just aren’t very good subjects for dressup videos.

June 4, 2011 5:56 pm

I smell George Soros

June 4, 2011 5:56 pm

I recently had to review an application form for one of my students whose parents are considering sending their child to the States on a High School Education exchange program. ( We live outside the USA in the Far East)
Looking through the notes that came with the form I happened on:
“Exchange students are expected to fill some kind of charity or community work during their stay. (No problem with that for me, great idea).
Examples are Sierra Club, Audabon and another” (can’t remember the name but all related to AGW. No other agencies and groups were mentioned).
I advised her to do community work and not get involved with political entities. Don’t know if that will have any effect as she will not go to the States until next year.

June 4, 2011 6:05 pm

That video pitch put me in the mood for a burger. If I can prevent just one cow from farting, I’ve done my part. But, seriously, can someone please explain to me how GHGs would be reduced if there were no cows. It just seems to me that vegetation will eventually produce the same amount of green house gases whether it is digested quickly in cows stomachs, is burned in a wild fire, or falls to the ground and decomposes slowly. Where am I wrong?

June 4, 2011 6:14 pm

THE HotLINK in my comment above got abrieviated to a “‘.” period, without its identifier. Let’s try my concluding bon mot once more:
Is it any wonder that President Obama’s most fervent supporters are still those most recently released from State Educrats? Of course not. AGW is the same, only worse, since it is now “ecofacism of Nazi propaganda-proportions”.
William Walter Kay’s 2008 review-essay of Oxford historian Anna Bramwell’s “Hidden History of Environmentalism,” who explores the fascist roots of ecologism, with applications to the Great Global Warming crusade. Well worth your time, if you haven’t read it.

June 4, 2011 6:15 pm

glad I stopped buying from eBay a while back.
It stopped having any real deals long ago, the few novel items on their are no longer quite so novel and are sold at other locations, typically with a lower price and many fewer attempts to juice the final price up beyond a teaser rate. That and the fact that I had three times when i never received my product, and eBay does not in fact have any valuable customer care service. The date of expiration on their promises seems to be one day before they get around to reading your complaint, not the date of your complaint.

June 4, 2011 6:16 pm

And they wonder why kids can’t read their graduation diplomas and count change and know nothing about their country, civilization and how to think. Not all kids but enough to make our educational system a failure.
eBay should stick to their business and keep their keep their hands off our kids.

Jason Bair
June 4, 2011 6:20 pm

Disguisting. Makes me wish I was back in school do I could boycot this thing and make a big stink over it.

June 4, 2011 6:21 pm

Bob Diaz;
I think comparisons to “Hitler’s Youth” are a bit strong and repugnant just as the warmists use of the term “Denier” is. Let’s not stoop to their level.
REPLY: I agree and have snipped that video and comment. We don’t need to go there. – Anthony

June 4, 2011 6:24 pm

The fascist element to AGW enthusiasm was brought home to me in these quotes from John Hoggan’s book “Climate Cover Up”:
“You will be consuming a steady diet stories that suggest that some
aspects of climate science are still in doubt.” – John Hoggan
(“Climate Cover-Up”, 2009)
“You should be hypervigilant.” – John Hoggan (“Climate Cover-Up”, 2009)
“Join the neighborhood watch of those who people who no longer stand
for disinformation to be passed around your social circle.” – John
Hoggan (“Climate Cover-Up”, 2009)
“That’s what we need: vigilance. Eyes on the street.” – John Hoggan
(“Climate Cover-Up”, 2009)
I also realized in the shower today that Godwin’s Law applies to the use of the term “denier” to describe skeptics, for the root of this term refers to Holocaust denial, which is owned by various neo-nazi groups, mostly skinheads and tyrants.

June 4, 2011 6:26 pm

You know that they are losing the debate when the only people left that they can convince are the children. My kids are out of school now, but when they were I encouraged this sort of thing…. on the proviso that a rebuttal be given equal time. School can’t say no, or they look like they are stifling debate and guess what happens if they say yes? Warmists suddenly have scheduling conflicts and can’t make it. They know darn well they can’t win in an open debate with a well informed opponent.
mods – my last comment had some of “those” words in it and fell down the rabbit hole. Mind rescuing it?

June 4, 2011 6:35 pm

We need to start protesting the companies that are funding our unraveling economy and personal freedoms… useful idiots that they are. GE, Progressive Ins, Ebay, Disney, anyone that advertises on MSNBC. All I can think of off the bat, but we should compile a list and do unto them, as they constantly and quite effectively, do unto those they disagree with.

June 4, 2011 6:38 pm

These greedy alarmists and eco-communists know they are losing the battle with adults. So, instead of giving up the easy money or the Marxist dream, they move to indoctrinate children. Succeed there, and they won’t think twice about obey the enlightened. Ever wonder why warlords recruit children fighters? When, not if, AGW is proven to be false, these same people will find something else to force us to hand over our money and our rights.
You want to see something scary? Ask a college student these 4 words “What do you think?” Society has already made a generation of young people who do not think, just do what the entertainment icons do. For instance, consider the rise and fall of the popularity of purse dogs. If young people follow the lead of people on MTV, is it really far-fetched to believe they will follow the leader of Marxists? Very few people think any more. If these people succeed, the war is lost.

June 4, 2011 6:46 pm

davidmhoffer says:
June 4, 2011 at 6:21 pm

Bob Diaz;
I think comparisons to “Hitler’s Youth” are a bit strong and repugnant just as the warmists use of the term “Denier” is. Let’s not stoop to their level.

Monckton had good reason for comapring these eco-thugs to the HY movement. The tactics are almost exactly the same. It is scary, as many normal and intelligent people easily get dragged along with the ’cause’. I happen to know more than most as my mother was a member, as were all her peers, and they thought nothing was seriously wrong about it.
Of course, in hindsight, it is easy to see what is wrong. It seems to be occurring all over again, however, and the youth are being indoctrinated in much the same way. Let us campaign to see that it does not follow the very same National Socialism, or in this case, Global Socialism route that it appears to be taking.

June 4, 2011 6:46 pm

Actually, David, I think how this administration is brainwashing our youth (which indoctrination continues through college and may even be accentuated there) is as close to what they were doing in Germany in the ’30’s as anything I’ve seen. I dare you read accurate history books and find many differences.

June 4, 2011 7:03 pm

Maybe I missed it. But has anyone tried to contact Meg Whitman in reference to this? Is she still CEO? I’m looking for her email but so far am striking out. She may have severed her connections when she ran for gov. But may still be helpful.
I don’t recall if I did. Did anyone contribute to her bid for office. I suspect some of you did.

Jeff Wiita
June 4, 2011 7:13 pm

Romney has just claimed to be an AGW supporter.
Keep Smiling 🙂
Jeff Wiita

Jim D
June 4, 2011 7:17 pm

So your ban list now is what? Wikipedia, Google, Ebay,…?
Glad you still have your Macs, iPods and iPads. Oops, no
These bans might start getting inconvenient soon.

June 4, 2011 7:27 pm

I don’t think this is the forum for that debate so I’m not going to argue the point in any detail. I’ll just say that Jer0me’s assumption that I’m poorly educated in terms of WWII history is a poor one. I’ve a long list of relatives who did not make it out of the concentration camps. Two of my grandparents did, one uncle and my father. I’ve studied it from eye witness accounts, from history books, from psychology texts, and one of my longtime friends (now passed) was a high school teacher I spent many hours with over the years talking about what happened. He was an immigrant from Germany, and as a youth had been a member of HY. I judged him by how he grew up and lived his life, not by his birth of origin or the education he was subjected to.
Do not presume to lecture me on history. I stand by my comment and applaud Anthony for taking a firm line in regard to the matter on both sides of the debate.

Jim D
June 4, 2011 7:31 pm

Microsoft also has a climate change policy you might not like. Google…er…Bing it. Now you can’t have Macs or Windows.

D. King
June 4, 2011 7:33 pm

The difference today is the net. These kids are going to find out that they have been propagandized.
If I were a warminista, I’d start looking for a good rock to squeeze under.

June 4, 2011 7:37 pm

It’s amazing how these people continue to borrow from the Nazis. If they were serious about truly educating kids about climate, they would teach both sides equally and let the kids decide which made the most sense. But then, even less people would believe.

mike restin
June 4, 2011 8:01 pm

I wonder if ebay gets a piece of the pie?
You know, maybe 5 or 10% for a collection fee?

June 4, 2011 8:01 pm

You must read this. Must !!!
The ABC has been the major Australian Gov. conduit for BS since day one. This article is rubbish but, because it is on the ABC, has a legitimacy beyond the fraud that supports it.
AGW.. Government bred, fed & led fraud.

June 4, 2011 8:50 pm

Jeff Wiita says: June 4, 2011 at 7:13 pm
Romney has just claimed to be an AGW supporter.

Be a shame to let his otherwise great management skills go to waste, so maybe Commerce Secretary.

June 4, 2011 9:07 pm

You don’t have to click that link.
After all, there is ‘No Pressure’.

June 4, 2011 9:27 pm

The blame game… blame your parents… pouah, disgusting, generational war and civil war appeal under the guise of green.

June 4, 2011 9:39 pm

Jim D says:
June 4, 2011 at 7:17 pm
So your ban list now is what? Wikipedia, Google, Ebay,…?

Among the free-minded people things don’t work this way, Jimmy.
If we don’t like some (optional) propaganda donation on eBay site, it doesn’t mean that we will march in formation, boycotting the whole eBay service. We don’t think this way, and we don’t act this way. Don’s ascribe to us your own behavioral patterns.

June 4, 2011 10:27 pm

I don’t think this is the forum for that debate so I’m not going to argue the point in any detail. I’ll just say that Jer0me’s assumption that I’m poorly educated in terms of WWII history is a poor one. I’ve a long list of relatives who did not make it out of the concentration camps. Two of my grandparents did, one uncle and my father. I’ve studied it from eye witness accounts, from history books, from psychology texts, and one of my longtime friends (now passed) was a high school teacher I spent many hours with over the years talking about what happened. He was an immigrant from Germany, and as a youth had been a member of HY. I judged him by how he grew up and lived his life, not by his birth of origin or the education he was subjected to.
Do not presume to lecture me on history. I stand by my comment and applaud Anthony for taking a firm line in regard to the matter on both sides of the debate.

Ah, now HERE’s a fun game to play. Okay, I had billions and billions of relatives die, so I’m the supreme expert in the universe on everything you’re talking about.
You’re wrong.
Comparisons to the National Socialists are always fair when people are emulating the evil indoctrination and murderous psychopathy of the National Socialists. From their own writings, the green movement intends to murder between 4.5 and 6 billion human beings. If you want to sit there on your thumb and argue about unfair comparisons, how about that the National Socialists didn’t manage to kill even 1% of the number that our loving greens intend to have offed?

Geoff Sherrington
June 4, 2011 10:35 pm

There is a difficulty in getting a right of reply. In Oz, our people-owned ABC just does not allow it. So you can file a complaint. Maybe you’ll get an answer on a trivial portion of your complaint. Here is one that has been running for 2 years now, very little progress.
It is not on thread for climate, but it shows establishment stonewalling in agriculture & horticulture.

Mac the Knife
June 4, 2011 11:07 pm

“Fight Fire with Fire…??”
Perhaps this is an example that should be embraced?! Why not run an Ebay ad that states:
“I want to give $1 to WUWT, to help students honestly explore the issues of Man Made Global Warming, Anthropogenic Global Warming, Climate Change, and Climate Disruption.
[] Add a donation to my order for this educational website (US $, PayPal Required)
Why not?

June 4, 2011 11:30 pm

I managed to last 1 min 28 seconds before hitting the stop button. Can anyone beat that?

June 4, 2011 11:50 pm

Stark Dickflüssig;
Ah, now HERE’s a fun game to play. Okay, I had billions and billions of relatives die, so I’m the supreme expert in the universe on everything you’re talking about.
You’re wrong.>>>
Excuse me? Which part of I’ve studied the history from eye witness accounts, from history text books, from pyschology text books did you miss? I made the point that the issue is intensely personal to me and that I have studied it in depth as a consequence. How many of my relatives were murdered is what prompted me to study. It has nothing to do with my conclusions.
If you’re going to wail away about the similarities, then allow me to disabuse you of your false notions. I’ve been in sales and marketing for 30 years. I’ve taken every “art of the deal” “how to sell anything” course there is, and I’ve delivered many of the higher end ones as the instructor. I’ve got some news for you. The techniques of pursuasion for selling soap are remarkably similar to those for selling cars, life insurance, political positions, global warming, racism and hate. You could draw parallels with the advertizing for Grandma Marie’s Day Care if you wanted to. The question is, what is the intent?
Are the AGW crazies proposing to cut back CO2 emissions because they think it will save the world and don’t understand that the medicine they propose is worse than the disease, worse, a disease that they believe exists but doesn’t? Or are they proposing to kill people they don’t like? Are they blaming the world’s ills on things people are doing? Or are they blaming the world’s ills on things specific groups of people are doing and blaming those specific groups and conspiring to exterminate them?
If you’re going to take a pot shot at me because of what I mentioned about my personal background, and do it in a sacrastic and dismissive fashion, then you have piqued my interest. You are the worst kind of skeptic, you make the same kinds of emporer’s clothes as do the warmists, and when confronted with someone who knows the topic well, you wind up exposed for what you are. Naked in the street without a shred of evidence to hide behind.
You want to argue the facts, go ahead. But try and discredit me by taking one of my comments out of context and rificuling it…that tends to get my cutting sarcasm gene all over active. So far you’ve wound up looking silly for the out of context remark and you clearly are a neophyte when it comes to the various methods of pursuasion otherwise you wouldn’t have made the foolish mistaked you did in stating those comparisons.
Over to you, but at least toss me a fastball, the slow under handed pitchies are too easy to knock out of the park.

June 4, 2011 11:58 pm

60 bucks for 64 GB stick, that is damned cheap.
We must pay at least 70 Euros here!

Brian H
June 5, 2011 12:35 am

Jason Bair says:
June 4, 2011 at 6:20 pm
Disguisting. Makes me wish I was back in school do I could boycot this thing and make a big stink over it.

It must have been recent schooling!
Disguisting Disgusting
do I could / so I could
boycot boycott
3 errors in 21 words; hard to have lower standards than that.

Brian H
June 5, 2011 12:48 am

With every month that passes, the objective falsehood of the AGW thesis becomes more obvious and widely noted. More and more of the herded public and science community are digging in their heels and turning back to the greener pastures they’ve been driven away from.
Hence the increasing shrillness and urgency of the herders’ screams and whip-cracks. But time is turning exponentially against them.

June 5, 2011 12:49 am

Yet another example of social engineering delivered by a fake charity. It’s nothing more than the advancement of authoritarian government disguised as philanthropy. Time we shut these clowns down…

Steve Schapel
June 5, 2011 1:08 am

On a vaguely related topic, the 2011 Grant Thornton International Business Report released today appears to have some interesting results. But this article: http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/5102858/Saving-the-planet-not-important-to-NZ-businesses-survey. But the interpretation by Mr Sparrow is pretty bizarre! Anyway, what was the wording of the question? And how can businesses take seriously something over which they have no control?

Steve Schapel
June 5, 2011 1:10 am

@ UK Sceptic…
Shutting down these clowns is indeed an appealing idea. Er… any idea how?

John Marshall
June 5, 2011 2:38 am

Who would want some ill educated poorly spoken badly dressed dolt talking to their kids school. But of course parents would not be asked.
Being a ‘dolt’ is not colour sensitive. This boy just happens to be black but playing the colour card works better, or so these people think.

June 5, 2011 5:20 am

It’s called eBay AdChoice They use information they have about you to make sure that the ads you see, on the eBay site or elsewhere, are relevant to you, therefore if you study or search for topics surrounding “Climate” you will be shown random ads related to “Climate”.
“Ebay Ad Scheme – Default Setting is Opted In!
eBay AdChoice
We may use information we have about you to make sure that the ads you see, on the eBay site or elsewhere, are as relevant to you as we can make them.
We think these relevant AdChoice ads will personalize and improve your eBay experience. (Ha! what a load!!)
Any information we use for AdChoice follows the eBay Privacy Policy.
We may work with other companies, like website operators and ad networks, to show these ads to you. We do not share any information with other website operators and our ad network partners have access only to some anonymous information about you (like eBay search terms, demographics and categories of interest), which they use to select the proper ads to display. We don’t share your personal information with any of these companies, and we have controls in place designed to keep them from identifying you.
You have choices about whether we use your information in this way. You can tell us not to share any of your anonymous information with our ad network partners and you can tell us not to use your information to show you relevant eBay ads on other websites. Anywhere you see the advertising link, you can click on it to control how your information is used. If you opt out of AdChoice, you’ll still see ads, they just won’t be tailored to your interests.”
(What this doesn’t tell you is that It only takes one time for you to opt-in knowingly or not for their network partners to gain access to your anonymous information that they will use to supply you ads with based on that information.)
It’s time to go on the offensive against all these ad partners that are ruining the online experience for everyone with their useless advertisements and waste of bandwidth.
These unscrupulous advertising agencies would promote the sale of your granny if you paid them to!
I don’t receive any ad’s what so ever besides those that I allow, my setup blocks thousands of ads per-week! so it is possible. I believe we all have the right to block all the unwanted advertising from our networks, we pay enough for our equipment and Bandwidth without being bombarded with junk!

June 5, 2011 7:17 am

davidmhoffer (June 4, 2011 @ 11:50 pm), I agree with you!
I have a relationship to the whole similar to yours. My mother is from Finland (Finland-Swedish) and she came to Sweden as a refugee, at the beginning of World War II. Unconsciously she initialized my interest in this “scientific area”, as she described that she recognized the pattern of the AGW movement’s propaganda, as it reminded strongly of the one practiced before and during World War II …
Although the consequence of my (technical) education gave me early signs that things were not right. (Ex. To submit a laboratory report with such vague grounds, in line with many “research” produced by “climate scientists”, it would have rendered the comment “REDO! GET IT RIGHT!” written in red, and we got only one extra chance to do it correct …!)
The response Stark Dickflüssig left, is something that we in Scandinavia relates to Jante Law (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jante_Law) … Something very common here …

Jim D
June 5, 2011 7:44 am

Alexander Feht, you are saying banning things because of company policies is not the right path, and I agree if you look carefully at my message, though maybe I was too subtle. Some skeptics are painting themselves into a corner with these bans, and I was warning them of that as you should. If skeptics refuse to buy Apple or Microsoft products, just because of their pro-AGW policies, this site will start to suffer in its number of hits, perhaps.

June 5, 2011 10:45 am

The intro states: …to create a future safe from climate change…”
The only constant in nature is change. How is it possible to create a ‘climate change free’ future?

M D Bergeron
June 5, 2011 11:37 am

Being a product of the most thoroughly assaulted by bad science generations, I have this to say: Please tell your children that when you were their age they told you we would be in a catastrophic situation caused by warming, and they were wrong. I am thankful for having a very scientific minded mother who new the difference between hypothesis and theory even if she never recieved the formal education.
And when they get to college remind them again I am still assaulted daily with their non science.

June 5, 2011 11:47 am

Reminds me of UPS online shipping where you can click the box to offset the carbon emissions your shipment ‘creates.’

June 5, 2011 12:22 pm

Jeff Wiita says:
June 4, 2011 at 7:13 pm
Romney has just claimed to be an AGW supporter.

Maybe that’s why I never got a reply from him or his staff when, back in 2008, I wrote to him suggesting that he take the lead in combatting the ‘global warming’ hysteria and Crap and Tax in the campaign.
I have the impression that, while a nice guy, Mitt is basically a Timid Nellie, unwilling to stick his neck out and take unpopular positions. This was true when he was Governor here in Taxachusetts, and it earned him a reputation as a ‘flip-flopper’ when he attempted to court the Republican base in 2008.
Republicans need to find a Presidential candidate who is willing to take on the establishment and the ‘conventional wisdom’ on the whole issue of ‘climate change’, one who can with confidence denounce the eco-zealots as the watermelons they are, and cite the scientific evidence that CAGW will not happen.
So far, I haven’t seen any of the putative ‘candidates’ step up to that plate.
/Mr Lynn

Billy Liar
June 5, 2011 3:14 pm

Jimmy Haigh says:
June 4, 2011 at 11:30 pm
I managed to last 1 min 28 seconds before hitting the stop button. Can anyone beat that?
I had to give up when the presenter appeared with his ‘IQ reducer’ on at a jaunty angle.

M D Bergeron
June 5, 2011 10:52 pm

Well I attempted to watch the video, but science intervened halfway through and made me realize something, cows reduce the ammount of methane otherwise produced from the inevitable rotting of the plant material. How by converting a rather large portion of the carbon containing compounds that would become methane into CO2 H2O and lovely tasty beef. That and the methane would be produced eventually when something else decides to eat the cattle food sources. So we can forget about regulating methane, in fact the AGW crowd should push for us to harvest the methane and convert into the much less harmful CO2.

June 6, 2011 2:21 am

One of the great things about teenage kids is that they are so contrarian by nature. Some propaganda outfit trying to “get down with the kids” is just going to make their lips curl. Seriously, can you imagine any of our kids giving up iPods, xBox, electric guitars, keyboards, laptops, mobile phones, summer holidays and AC/central heating for these jokers? We can’t even convince them to give up under-age sex and smoking after decades of trying.

Steve C
June 6, 2011 3:46 am

Typo: “air sickness bag required.

Ed Zuiderwijk
June 6, 2011 6:06 am

Teach them by way of sticks? That’ll teach the unruly lot!

Patrick Davis
June 6, 2011 6:09 am

64GB on a USB 2 thumb drive??? That’s remarkable. I used to be a test engineer in the early 1980’s testing IBM 8100’s. An 8140 had, upto, 2 64MB drives, which had a 7″ diameter platter, spun by an AC motor the size of a starter motor for a gas engine and the drive enclosure weighing 85Lbs EACH!
Don’t use eBay much, 2, maybe 3 transations, one being my Nikon D700, in fact my wife uses it more, for haircare products. But I think I will be steering away from eBay more so, there are other ways.

June 6, 2011 6:21 am

Perhaps eBay has the same level of control on the Ads as you do…
unless you wanted to air on this very page the following ad:
Would you like to make 42% returns?
The world next trillion $ market
Invest in Carbon Credits
Thanks for your infomative blog!

Patrick Davis
June 6, 2011 6:55 am

And, as I discovered recently, I still have fragments of an IBM 3745 in my left eye.

mary wong
June 6, 2011 7:07 am

Bye Bye Ebay !! I’m done with you………

June 6, 2011 7:57 am

D. King says: June 4, 2011 at 7:33 pm
The difference today is the net. These kids are going to find out that they have been propagandized.
The problem is that if the major search engines (Google, Bing*, etc) all support AGW positions then how will these kids actually discover they’ve been propagandized?
*on 6/6/11 performed Bing search on “Climate Change”, first 5 pages of results were pro-ACW sites. The first non-AWG site was WUWT on the middle of page 6.

June 6, 2011 3:40 pm

As Benjamin Disraeli said: “It has been discovered that the best way to ensure implicit obedience is to commence tyranny in the nursery”.
With the Federal government continuously violating the Constitution by funding public education, the brain-washing of young children on the subject of global warming baloney is assured indefinitely.

June 6, 2011 3:56 pm

well, eBay has been a badly managed company for years now, PayPal deteriorated after eBay purchased it, management of Skype was botched.
A common reason that companies decline and fail is that the founders are not able to get solid values in place, and so hire “professional managers” who do not have them.
Californians beware, former CEO Meg Whitman is now a politician wannabe.