Time lapse pyrocumulus for the LA "station" wildfire

Like volcanic eruptions, some fires grow large enough to make their own weather with the heat being released acting like convection. Witness this neat time lapse in HD showing the…

More imagery from WWF

WWF is on a roll lately. Guess what this is? So schnell kann’s gehen… © Rosa Merk / WWF (Image from a WWF press release) Answer below.

Earth-awareness run amok: WWF's ad company apparently produced 9/11 "respect the planet" video in June 2009

You may have seen this on other blogs in the last day or so, a print ad apparently for the WWF out of Brazil. It is beyond tasteless. I wasn’t…

Finally, a sea level rise NOT blamed on global warming

From NOAA News: NOAA Report Explains Sea Level Anomaly this Summer along the U.S. Atlantic Coast August 31, 2009 Persistent winds and a weakened current in the Mid-Atlantic contributed to…

Woods Hole embraces the Medieval Warm Period – contradict Mann's proxy data

“The more interesting and potentially controversial result is that our data indicate surface water temperatures during a part of the Medieval Warm Period that are similar to today’s…” “Although there…