Germany Ditches Climate Energy Efficiency to Combat Coronavirus

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is pushing a simple and likely effective strategy to combat indoor Coronavirus spread; open the window. But nobody is talking about what letting all the heat…

The Safety of Outdoor Air for #Coronavirus Is Now Obvious

There is now powerful observational evidence that outdoor air is extraordinary safe regarding COVID-19, and the recent protests have helped provide it. The protests/riots began in Seattle and other cities…

Increased indoor humidity may decrease #Coronavirus #COVID-19 transmission

Note: The suggestions in this guest essay may or may not be useful in your personal situation. It is provided here for review and discussion. There is some supporting evidence…

Claim: CO2 makes you stupid? Ask a submariner that question

From Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, something that might finally explain Al Gore’s behavior – too much time spent indoors and in auditoriums giving pitches about the dangers of CO2. One…