Update: About those claims of declining bird populations due to ‘climate change’

Guest Essay by Kip Hansen   Science is a wonderful thing. As time moves on, in a single direction, Science, as an endeavor, corrects past misunderstandings. Unfortunately, corrections seldom hit…

Atmospheric concentration of an ozone destroying chemical drops mysteriously

From the “possible measurement error” department. Larry O’Hanlon (via AGU blogs) writes: Something strange has happened to the atmospheric concentration of a newly discovered, human-made, ozone-destroying gas: it has suddenly…

Global Temperature Report: September 2015 – In the tropics, warmest September in the satellite temperature record

From UAH via press release: Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.11 C per decade September temperatures (preliminary) Global composite temp.: +0.25 C (about 0.45 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year…

Hump Day Hilarity: Newly appointed IPCC chairman worked for Exxon

Yesterday the IPCC announced they’d found a new leader to replace the oversexed Rajendra Pachauri, who is currently embroiled in a sexual harassment case in India. The new guy is…

Study: CO2 "acidification" does not harm Coral

Guest essay by Eric Worrall A study, pH homeostasis during coral calcification in a free ocean CO2 enrichment (FOCE) experiment, Heron Island reef flat, Great Barrier Reef led by researcher…

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