Has Google seen the light?

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase

by David Archibald

Google’s motto is “Don’t be evil”. Well, a couple of years ago Google had sided with the forces of darkness in the global warming battle – a position that when their lives are weighed in the balance would earn them a place in the deepest circle of Hell. Reuters reported in March 2011 that Google had “brought together a team of 21 climate researchers to improve the way the science of global warming is communicated by new media.” The foot soldiers in this propaganda effort, called Science Communication Fellows, are listed here. That is a list of 21 souls doing their best to sell their fellow Americans into the slavery and servitude of a carbon tax. If some of the smartest people in Silicon Valley couldn’t see through the used car salesman’s pitch that is the global warming scare, that is bad enough in itself. But then they compounded the error by funding the scaremongering with their considerable resources.

A couple of years have passed since then and Google seems to have shed its self-delusion about global warming. On 11th July, Google hosted a fund-raising lunch for the noble Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma. Google’s science fellows noticed this and became upset, writing a letter of moaning to the Google management. The letter serves one useful purpose in that it tells us that Apple has hired Lisa Jackson, the former head of the EPA. The EPA is continuing the damage to the US economy through the war on coal that Ms Jackson started. So we have one further fact to consider in the choice between Apple and Samsung, beyond the fact that Al Gore has made $30 million-odd sitting on Apple’s board for the last 10 years.

The Inhofe lunch may have been just as Google justified it – they have a data center in Oklahoma that is powered by wind turbines. Google was also the largest donor to the Competitive Enterprise Institute annual dinner in June with a donation of $50,000. But the most telling thing about Google’s change of heart is perhaps what its Youtube subsidiary is doing.


Global warming wisdom from the mouths of cartoon figures

Being ever helpful, Youtube sends me suggestions of videos that it thinks I might like to watch. Recently Youtube sent me a link to this video: The Global Warming Hoax Explained for Dummies. Importantly, that video treats the warmers with derision. The male cartoon figure calls the female one an “ignorant slut” for believing in global warming amidst a good explanation of the physics involved in the greenhouse effect. At the end he notes that it took 40 years for the Piltdown Hoax to be shown to be based on the jaw of an orangutan and he hopes that it doesn’t take 40 years for the global warming hoax to be shown to be based on the jawbones of asses.

$50,000 is less than pin money for Google but YouTube videos are the zeitgeist and far, far more important. Derision is the final stage in the abandonment of an idea. Thus YouTube’s promotion of that video is perhaps a sign of the end of the global warming scare.


Avert your eyes. Google has obscured image of Scarborough Reef with fake cloud.

Google has a bit further to go though if it doesn’t want to be consigned to one of the circles of Hell. Google Earth is still blocking the image of Scarborough Reef, 300 km west of Manila Bay and occupied by Chinese military forces. It is also blocking the images of all the other reefs that the PLA have built bases on. Of course the betrayal of its core principle is the price it is paying so that it can make money in the Middle Kingdom. Google will find though that what it traded its soul for will become as dust.

[UPDATE] For further reading, folks might enjoy my 2011 post on this subject, entitled “An Open Letter To Google“.    – willis]

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Mike Rossander
August 17, 2013 12:28 am

Google may have stepped back from the brink on their warming stance but I was always willing give them the benefit of doubt that their position was based on ignorance of the data. I cannot forgive their step toward true evil a few days ago when their lawyers said in a court filing that Gmail users (and all the people who send mail to those accounts) have no legitimate right to an expectation of privacy over the contents of those messages.

August 17, 2013 12:39 am

MapQuest shows islands, but anything on them has been scrubbed – a lot like they did with Area51 (Groom Lake).

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
August 17, 2013 12:42 am

For reference, “Jane, you ignorant slut” is a famous SNL skit line.
Google found this on IMDb, thus it is presumed to be a legal version:
Saturday Night Live Clip (Point Counterpoint: Lee Marvin and Michelle Triola)

August 17, 2013 12:43 am

I just went back to see what Area 51 looks like now. They show a lot more detail than they did a few years ago.

Henry Clark
August 17, 2013 12:44 am

This article is largely interesting reading, but I suspect youtube’s recommendations are based on an automated system. If you don’t clear cookies often, if you have looked at many videos with the words X and Y in the title, you are more likely to be sent others with such. For example, if someone looks at many videos of cats, they get more suggested. If they look at many videos of shark fishing, they may get linked to more shark fishing videos. Etc.
The coding required for the preceding would be relatively simple and cheap, compared to making judgments on which videos are suitable to recommend by other than simple metrics like total view count, keyword match frequency, and so on.
I once looked at a number of videos on one topic I don’t normally browse, came back to youtube.com without clearing cookies, and more videos on that subject were highlighted. Like amazon.com or ebay.com (IIRC), a common advertising technique is such automated matching.
Changes in Google’s stance on global warming could have happened for all I know; just more than the youtube anecdote would be needed to conclude so, if so.

August 17, 2013 12:50 am

Third time is the charm…. Google is showing details of Area 51, and MapQuest has it very blurred.

August 17, 2013 12:58 am

Nah. Google does not have any real reason not to go with the flow.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
August 17, 2013 1:03 am

Hoser said on August 17, 2013 at 12:39 am:

MapQuest shows islands, but anything on them has been scrubbed – a lot like they did with Area51 (Groom Lake).


The Government Now Admits There’s an ‘Area 51’
Philip Bump (…) Aug 15, 2013
Newly declassified documents, obtained by George Washington University’s National Security Archive, appear to for the first time acknowledge the existence of Area 51. Hundreds of pages describe the genesis of the Nevada site that was home to the government’s spy plane program for decades. The documents do not, however, mention aliens.

Hey, how much longer until civilians start flying those tiny helicopter drones over Groom Lake, too small and slow for radar to notice, and taking their own pictures? Especially the Chinese government civilians surveying what they’ll get in the WH-approved 2023 Land-Debt Swap. I like how they’re transmitting the pics home with a plain satellite phone, instant and can’t be jammed. Now that’s innovation!

August 17, 2013 1:07 am

Blimey, I hope noone tells Lisa Jackon about my Climategate iPhone app… 🙂

M. Schneider
August 17, 2013 1:17 am

That ‘tube toon is a year old — I don’t know how on earth you envision its existence translating into Google seeing the light about anything.

August 17, 2013 1:28 am

Google can scrub like lady Macbeth. They can even use the scotchbrite. But the filthy stain of global warming advocacy wilt not out.
Googlegate cannot be erased. Google sought to suppress search returns that linked to the real emails in the days following following Climategate. Google chose instead to promote links to Soros funded sites to snow storm the issue. Google, despite their vast reach and anti-democratic intentions do not control the internet. Googlegate is a matter of permanent record. Their climate shame will burn on the Internet forever.
Do no evil? Pigs ass!! Google acted like scum. That is a fact. That fact can never be erased.
Google, you defended the global warming hoax. You are scum. You will never be forgiven. Not now, not ever.

August 17, 2013 1:29 am

Video fun, but devalued by the way Steve McIntyre becomes Professor Stefan McGinty. Partly due to computerised text reading, I presume. Michael Mann becomes Mitchel Mann.

August 17, 2013 1:43 am

“…. the global warming hoax to be shown to be based on the jawbones of asses.”
There’s not much in this mess that makes me smile, but that did.

August 17, 2013 1:55 am

Off topic, Anthony I watched the interview that Marc Marano did lately he looks very thin is he ill or just looking after himself , we can not afford to lose a fighter like Marc now that the end is in sight.
REPLY: Marc went on an exercise and weight loss program. He’s in better health than he was for years. – Anthony

August 17, 2013 1:57 am

That video is not made by Google. It is stored on youtube just like many other skeptical videos. And it is not any particularly good, too. And the user who posted it does not look affilated with Google in any way.
And I don’t see any “fake cloud” over Scarborough reef. Yes, the image does not provide any details but that holds true for many other islands and reefs in that or other areas. Go e.g. to area called Spratly islands and you’ll see a lot of white blobs in the map view with just a few of them being documented in detail on photo layer. I kinda don’t believe all of them are intentionally obscured by Google to hide Chinese army. They are just not interesting enough.

Mike Ford
August 17, 2013 2:01 am

Re: Area 51 on Google Earth. Use the wayback button to check out how things have changed there as well. Extended runways, different parking patterns, buildings, etc. In one of the shots you can clearly see the Janet planes on the tarmac.
Area 51 is clearly very active but they do a great job of knowing when satellites are overhead and everything goes indoors. Lots of hangars.

August 17, 2013 2:07 am

Area 51 is paid for by American taxpayers, right? If yes, then ordinary folk own Area 51, they can throw a party there and no one could really stop them, not if there were enough party goers. Folk on Facebook and Twitter are always having their house parties crashed by folk they don’t know, so why doesn’t someone, via Twitter or Facebook, organise a party at Area 51, if organised properly I’m sure millions of people would turn up, and surely the U.S. military/security forces couldn’t arrest or shoot everyone. Could they?
I suspect those little Grey fellas that also work there, you know those dudes from Zeta Reticuli V would love a party, I bet they’re sick of all that serious secrecy nonsense, if the party is a success, those little Grey fellas would probably end up on a reality TV show within weeks, I’d be intrigued if they could impress Simon Cowell with their alien vocals.

August 17, 2013 2:28 am

David, after over a year, that video shows 41K views. I “guarantee” it is not being promoted by Google, but was a natural consequence of your browsing history being used to recommend content in which you would be interested.
Your leap of a conclusion, based on little more than wishful thinking, is representative of your other leaps in your numerological posts and that doozy of post about Pho and Cancer.

August 17, 2013 2:30 am

There’s no real difference between these companies – Google, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung – they just want your money. They differ in how they present themselves to you: Apple is the most honest, asking for large amounts of money in exchange for their beautiful devices. Samsung tries to do likewise, but can price their products lower (particularly by making them of plastic). Google offers many services for free and pretends to occupy the moral high ground, in exchange for selling you ads and selling your information to others. Microsoft is positioning itself as a more moral version of Google (http://www.scroogled.com/email/) but is struggling to adjust to the new mobile internet. They’ll all say the right things to different people, but they’re just trying to make a living, more or less honestly.

Bloke down the pub
August 17, 2013 2:54 am

The Church of England may also be getting a dose of reality from it’s new archbishop.

Eddi Rebel
August 17, 2013 2:55 am

“they have a data center in Oklahoma that is powered by wind turbines.”
Really? And when the wind doesn’t blow the data center doesn’t work?

General P. Malaise
August 17, 2013 3:20 am

when pigs fly Smithers.
google is and will remain on the side of evil. don’t be an ignorante they are in obamas circle of hell. THAT is the centre one.

August 17, 2013 3:22 am

This article is largely interesting silly reading, but I suspect youtube’s recommendations are based on an automated system. If you don’t clear cookies often, if you have looked at many videos with the words X and Y in the title, you are more likely to be sent others with such.

Changes in Google’s stance on global warming could have happened for all I know; just more than the youtube anecdote would be needed to conclude so, if so.


August 17, 2013 3:26 am

Great post and fantastic video.
I never [knew] that the fragrant Gore worked for Apple and the question is if I knew would I now be holding this I phone?
Judge not what people say but what they do Microsoft have a policy statement on Global Warming. The usual goodie goodie crap. Next year they end support for Windows XP and Office 2003 which means that millions of older computers will have to be replaced,not only is this a cost to business’s and private individuals it means that machines which could continue to function for routine business applications will need to be trashed.
Which of course is very very good for the environment?

August 17, 2013 3:29 am

Google bosses will never dump the liberal agenda. If and only if the Democrats drop AGW and it’s various morphs, Google will go along. But they will keep everything at hand when the Democrats revive it (they alway revive things that worked for them).

August 17, 2013 3:45 am

Google is the NSA. Eric Schmidt had a number of mistresses over the years while being married all the time. He doesn’t want anyone to know. But he wants to know everything about all of us. From the moment I heard their motto “Don’t be evil” I was certain they are absolutely unscrupulous in their zeal to destroy privacy. I’m funny in that regard; marketing slogans have the opposite effect on me.
Remember Steve Jobs, another NSA guy, with his slogan “Think different”? And then everyone runs around with the exact same white earplugs. (Not me. I use Sennheisers.)

Martin Lewitt
August 17, 2013 3:47 am

wattsupwiththat.com does not appear until page 5 of a “global warming” google. Nuf said.

Hot under the collar
August 17, 2013 4:07 am

Gore and Jackson making money from Apple? Oh noooooooo!
Is that why Apple haven’t released an updated iPhone with a larger screen, because of a larger ‘carbon footprint’?
Do I ditch my iPhone and iPad? Oh the dilemma, the turmoil!
Anyone got Jonathan Ive’s phone number?

Doug Huffman
August 17, 2013 4:29 am

“The Circle, the “world’s most powerful internet company,” sounds strangely familiar. With its sprawling Californian campus, free canteens and sports facilities and privacy issues, the fictional company at the heart of Dave Eggers’ new book has left American technology commentators in little doubt about the reference, calling it “Google-like” and “if Google was truly evil”.

August 17, 2013 4:37 am

For some years, I have been boycotting google because of their overt progressive lefty activism. I’ll never “google” anything. I’ll “yahoo” it.
Google pushes all things progressive. They believe that “anti-American” equates to “global consciousness”.

August 17, 2013 4:44 am

Not a chance – most biased bunch of wankers on the planet.
They have the chance to rule the world, all they have to do is tell the truth.
Ego’s get in the way

August 17, 2013 4:50 am

Maybe Obama’s threat to rename the Silicon Valley to the Carbon Valley is having an impact?

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
August 17, 2013 4:54 am

And within a day of the published (and accidental?) admission of the existence of Area 51, sans admission of non-human aliens, we have the first-ever exclusive publishing of new detailed aerial photos of “Scientology’s ‘alien space cathedral and spaceship landing pad’ built in the New Mexico desert”.
Quick, save your own copies of the photos before the Scientology elites force the Daily Mail to take them down. If they don’t, Tom Cruise will infiltrate, wipe clean the servers and destroy the back-ups, and escape into the night using the rocket pack that’s disguised as his belt buckle.
When mere civilians have increasing access to high-resolution satellite imagery, do their own high-altitude surveillance with a weather balloon and an iPhone, when ANYTHING on the surface is about to be in full continuous view of ANYONE ANYTIME thus continued photographic obscurity would have become impossible, “revelations” about Area 51 in Nevada and Scientology’s spaceport in New Mexico, in essentially the same spot global-wise, are made public just a day apart.
Coincidence? You decide.

Alberta Slim
August 17, 2013 4:56 am

The heads of Google, Microsoft, and Apple are, supposed to be brillant when it comes to logic. So why do the believe in CAGW? It seems unlikely to be ignorance, so it must be dishonesty. IMO.
BTW: I quit useing “Google News” as my home page because of their persistent posting of “Warmist” articles. …. Dying polar bears etc……

August 17, 2013 5:00 am

Stacey says:
August 17, 2013 at 3:26 am
Great post and fantastic video.
I never new that the fragrant Gore worked for Apple and the question is if I knew would I now be holding this I phone?
Judge not what people say but what they do Microsoft have a policy statement on Global Warming. The usual goodie goodie crap. Next year they end support for Windows XP and Office 2003 which means that millions of older computers will have to be replaced,not only is this a cost to business’s and private individuals it means that machines which could continue to function for routine business applications will need to be trashed.
Which of course is very very good for the environment?
so? why assume we will get rid of our pcs just cos theres no ongoing support by gates?
theyll still work
and many of us could easily swap to linux, I sure wont be ditching my old pc cant afford to..
like the move to everything on a cloud
why the hell would or should we be forced to pay per month to use what we already HAVE on a cd, we paid for? I see the new adobe wont copy pdf to word even if words installed, wants you to go online to do it.
great so private docs go online?
no way!
downgraded my adobe to elder version. wont upgrade again.

August 17, 2013 5:11 am

Alberta Slim says:
August 17, 2013 at 4:56 am
” BTW: I quit useing “Google News” as my home page because of their persistent posting of “Warmist” articles. …. Dying polar bears etc……”
I use google news (Germany and US) all the time. What for? To see the direction of the propaganda push on one page. It’s the fastest way to see what the regime wants you to think.
(I click through only for added amusement value)
Notice that they push HuffPo all the time but never WUWT. HuffPo, PBS, BBC, NYT,TIME,NatGeo, USA Today… The globalist leftist worldview in a nutshell… what’s not to like; evil has to have SOME central.

August 17, 2013 5:32 am

Alberta Slim says:
The heads of Google, Microsoft, and Apple are, supposed to be brilliant when it comes to logic. So why do the believe in CAGW? It seems unlikely to be ignorance, so it must be dishonesty. IMO.

Nope. They simply have no training, and maybe no real interest in physical sciences either. People constantly confuse math and computer science on one hand with physical sciences on the other. They are not closely related; being good at math is useful if you want to study physical sciences, but it is no substitute for it.
The most brilliant philosophers in antiquity were caught up entirely in the products of their own imaginations, what with everything being made up of earth, fire, water and air, the strength of iron being due to its hook-shaped atoms and so on. Meanwhile, they were entirely ignoring the actual physical and chemical principles that were empirically used by the engineers, physicians and craftsmen, who were using levers, hydraulics, medicinal plants, microbial fermentations, and so forth. In this manner, they frittered away the centuries without actually advancing science.
Just exercising the mind, without paying attention to actual reality, will do that.

August 17, 2013 5:37 am

The videos streamed to you by YouTube have been collaboratively filtered. That is, your past viewing choices have been used as training data to build a model to predict future choices from the archives that you will find interesting.

Chuck L
August 17, 2013 5:51 am

Agree about Google. I use Bing instead of Google and their stance that users of Google Mail have no expectation of privacy was just another nail in their coffin since they are (and have been) dead to me.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
August 17, 2013 5:53 am

Re: ozspeaksup on August 17, 2013 at 5:00 am,
For those who missed the news, Adobe has decided their “Creative” products should not be stored on your computer, or on a local copy on media you can hold. Their products belong on the cloud, auto-updating, you may access as needed.
Imagine your favorite web cartoonist, surviving mostly on donations, who saves up for a year or two to buy a newer version of Photoshop. I know of them. And artists of all types who use Adobe, professionals to amateurs.
They’re now all good for hitting up for $30 a month for one product, to $50 for the full “Creative Suite” bundle.
So no longer can you buy it once and play with it for a decade. You’re going to pay. Again, and again. You just touch up some family photos every month or less? Hope it’s worth it.
BTW, GIMP is still free, and great.

August 17, 2013 6:05 am

Google also hired Ray Kurzweil last year, and he’s been pretty dismissive of climate science.

August 17, 2013 6:22 am

Could someone strap Lisa Jackson in a self driving car and hit the accel button?

August 17, 2013 6:25 am

Google have recently been involved in bulk virus-scanning of websites on the basis that this will ‘make the Internet a safer place.’ Unfortunately their scanning engine produces numerous false alarms. The worst aspect is that they send out vague notification messages which don’t even identify the nature of the alleged problem. Thus these serious-looking alerts coupled with a failure to discose the utterly silly nature of some false alarms (for example a virus supposedly found in a text file) have involved webmasters in numerous hours of downtime and wasted effort searching for nonexistent malware. Even when the error is pointed out they will simply not accept that their software could malfunction. Slightly off topic but I think it illustrates that Google have gotten too big for their boots.

mike g
August 17, 2013 6:32 am

Speaking of ClimateGate, what ever became of Climategate 3.0? Did the lawyers shut it down that effectively?

John F. Hultquist
August 17, 2013 6:33 am

Greg says:
August 17, 2013 at 1:43 am
“…. the global warming hoax to be shown to be based on the jawbones of asses.”
“There’s not much in this mess that makes me smile, but that did.

Right, but the term “pelvic cavity” ought, perhaps, to have been the skeletal reference.

Edwina Chinge
August 17, 2013 6:49 am

Bloke down the pub on August 17, 2013 at 2:54 am
“The Church of England may also be getting a dose of reality from it’s new archbishop.
The [Church] of England is securing its mining rights across the country on (or should one say under) land is has previously sold.

Chad Hensley
August 17, 2013 6:50 am

It makes Google money every time you click on it. Why would they send you a video that you wouldn’t click on?

Pamela Gray
August 17, 2013 6:55 am

Businesses follow first principles of making money. If they don’t they soon become non-businesses. They jump like frogs from one lily pad to the next to sweep up the first fruits of a hot topic. When the fruit begins to turn or the next lily has better fruit, they hop to that lily pad. Google laid a bet on global warming business that hasn’t panned out. They will of their own accord hop to another lily pad with or without our congrats.

Louis Hooffstetter
August 17, 2013 6:57 am

“The male cartoon figure calls the female one an “ignorant slut” for believing in global warming amidst a good explanation of the physics involved in the greenhouse effect.”
It’s really not good for either side to use derision and name calling in what should be a balanced scientific debate. There are exceptions of course when someone has gone out of their way to earn a particular title or moniker based on their specific words and deeds. Michael Mann: “Climate Charlatan” and Heidi Cullen: “Weather Bimbo” are two exceptions that spring to mind.

August 17, 2013 6:59 am

Based on this revelation, may I submit a new entrant to the Lexicon Shift Alert post of August 15, wherein we were asked to choose/predict the next name after “global warming”:
Climate Slutism.
I’m sure the Googles of the world will deman a retraction, but it’s an apt description.

August 17, 2013 7:11 am

I use Ixquick.com. They keep no data on your IP or other information past your search time. Guaranteed to be a private search. They are just as fast as the other search engines.

Doug Huffman
August 17, 2013 7:31 am

Paul767 says: August 17, 2013 at 7:11 am “I use Ixquick.com. They keep no data on your IP or other information past your search time. Guaranteed to be a private search. ”
Trust and verify. How have you verified your privacy? Believe nothing that one reads or hears without verifying it oneself unless it fits ones preexisting worldview.

Richard M
August 17, 2013 7:46 am

The video gets many things right and many things wrong. All it takes is a couple of wrongs for the propagandists to attack and the video loses all credibility. Nice try but a failure none the less.

Jeff Ulrich
August 17, 2013 7:49 am

How about a follow up on what exactly is right and what is wrong? Anyone?

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
August 17, 2013 8:03 am

From Doug Huffman on August 17, 2013 at 7:31 am:

Trust and verify. How have you verified your privacy? Believe nothing that one reads or hears without verifying it oneself unless it fits ones preexisting worldview.

I found a 2010 review of Ixquick:
You can use either ixquick.com or startpage.com. The difference is Startpage says it’s “enhanced by Google”. Both are encrypted sites. Since money needs to be made somewhere, assume they do log which sites are clicked on.
The 2010 article mentions browsers with privacy functions. Current ones like Firefox have full-blown “pr0n mode”, stores nothing, help keeps you anonymous. The benefit of those search sites is they provide a proxy connection. The encryption and having the proxy load sites before you get them slows things down.
But these days if you’re that worried about privacy, might as well just run the Tor onion router and don’t worry about it.
So search in “pr0n mode” with Tor, and you don’t need Ixquick or Startpage.

August 17, 2013 8:09 am

@Konrad “Google sought to suppress search returns that linked to the real emails in the days following following Climategate. Google chose instead to promote links to Soros funded sites to snow storm the issue.”
I have done searches for articles posted on WUWT that had over 100 posts however Google’s top returns were from a global warming advocacy website trying to distort those articles with less than 5 posts. Google appears to be manipulating the flow of information! Will Bingit be any better? Perhaps a boycott of Google?

August 17, 2013 8:22 am

In the end, Google’s political agenda will be their own doom.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
August 17, 2013 8:23 am

Wow. On dial-up, Ixquick search for “cheryl burke topless” took 1 minute 20 seconds, which includes all the idling time “connecting to” the site.
Google, using normal connection, 11 seconds (rounded up).
Using Iceweasel 23.0 (Firefox) “Private Browsing” window, which forces an encrypted connection with Google, 15 seconds.
“Ixquick” sure ain’t quick.

August 17, 2013 8:27 am

Mike Rossander says:
August 17, 2013 at 12:28 am
Regarding email privacy: I have always worked on the assumption that email is as secure and private as writing on the back of a postcard. (Remember them from the good old days?) Anyone in the chain of delivery could read your postcard and exactly the same holds true for email. If you don’t want others to read your email during transmission or storage, use encryption – that will at least slow them down. It is also why nothing I consider critical or private goes to the public cloud storage.

Doug Huffman
August 17, 2013 8:42 am

Jeff Ulrich says: August 17, 2013 at 7:49 am “How about a follow up on what exactly is right and what is wrong? Anyone?”
Not I. See the Narrative Fallacy in perhaps Popper or Taleb. It is the Witch Doctor’s tool requiring suspension of disbelief/skepticism. IOW, a picture is worth a thousand words, video runs faster than 16 picture-frames per second, so a nonsense video is 16K ‘words’ of nonsense per second.

August 17, 2013 9:01 am

kadaka (KD Knoebel) says:
August 17, 2013 at 8:23 am
Who or what is a Cheryl Brooke, and is the top condition of said cheryl burke more valuable topless or topmore? (Is this anythong like Atlanta’s recent lowest high ever temperature record yesterday?)
What is the annual rate of change of cheryl brooke’s state of being top less (or more), and what is the peer-reviewed standard deviation of cheryl brooke’s lesser top?

Alberta Slim
August 17, 2013 9:15 am

Pamela Gray says:
August 17, 2013 at 6:55 am
Businesses follow first principles of making money…………………………………….
I believe that analysis is quite true. Sen. Inhofe luncheon….. etc.
And Chip said; Ray Kurzweil is dismissive….etc.
Now if Apple would boot Lisa ans Al of the board it would be nice.
[“and Al off” ? Mod]

John Whitman
August 17, 2013 9:37 am

Google appears to be doing what many businesses do in all mixed economies (i.e. in government intervention based ones). It is taking advantage of sucking up ideologically with the governmental interventionists for a profit.
As skeptics continue to peel back and publicly expose the pseudo-science layers the CAGW supported by the IPCC, then businesses like Google of course will drift away and then pick a new government interventionist group to suck up to for profit.
I think we need to unmix our economies; undo the governmental interventions.

August 17, 2013 9:44 am

Google built a data center, a server farm of unprecedented proportion, on a 30‑acre campus in The Dalles, OR to take advantage of cheap hydropower from the 1.8 gigawatt The Dalles Dam on the Columbia River. Maybe Google’s appetite for electricity has helped wise them up.

August 17, 2013 9:59 am

Calling a female character an ‘ignorant slut’ isn’t the way to make a point.

August 17, 2013 10:00 am

Here another example of the power of Google. Have a look at the Alexa data for WUWT compared to skeptical science here:comment image
Google rates sites nowadays with “panda”
“Good” google panda sites are higher ranked in the search engine than “bad” sites. Notice that WUWT gets a lot more traffic than skeptical science but very few hits from a search enige compared to skeptical science. This difference in visitors is obviously a direct benchmark of how google panda rates both sites. Obviously Panda penalizes global warming sceptism.
But even more interesting it gets, when we look at the bounce rate:comment image
from wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bounce_rate
“As a rule of thumb, a 50 percent bounce rate is average. If you surpass 60 percent, you should be concerned. If you’re in excess of 80 percent, you’ve got a major problem”.
To paraphrase Pooh, I thought already that one of us had a problem with the bounce rate, and I knew it wasn’t me.

August 17, 2013 10:12 am

Just Google “Fracking” and see what is returned. There is an awful lot of anti-fracking propaganda in the first 10 pages. The kids at Google, like Hollywood and the Rock universe, have been inveigled into using their brand to advance an agenda and that agenda is basically anti-human.
Surely being a leftist liberal isn’t the price you have to pay for creativity. Where are the new Clint Eastwoods? Anyway, they are being irresponsible and someone needs to tell them to stop.

Tom Trevor
August 17, 2013 10:26 am

I have I Google set up to show me anything related to global warming. Most days there are about 3000 articles that believe in global warming and 7 that don’t, but some days are not good for the alarmists and then there are a few hundred that dispute global warming and handful that support it. I set this up years ago and have not seen a change in the relative numbers, but it does seem that the total number of articles is dropping a bit.
I doubt that Google’s recommendations for Utube videos means anything more that when Amazon recommends a book based on a similar book I have bought. All the global warming books I buy are sceptical and Amazon recommends other sceptical books, I don’t think these recommendations mean Amazon agrees with the books.

August 17, 2013 10:27 am

Before Google hired it’s team of “experts” the skeptical articles always came up first in the search results and the propaganda was on page 2 or 3, now that’s reversed.

August 17, 2013 10:40 am

“Googlegate cannot be erased. Google sought to suppress search returns that linked to the real emails in the days following following Climategate. Google chose instead to promote links to Soros funded sites to snow storm the issue”
Yep, I remember that. They made it very difficult to get to the real story unless you already knew it and knew what phrases to quote. Im not bothered when they choose what goes on top, thats business, but the obvious intentional suppression of information was bothersome.
Too bad bing is such a sad effort. Id like to boycott, but google is still indespensible.

David Ball
August 17, 2013 11:02 am

Google earth seems to show a lot more clear-cutting of the forest in British Columbia than what i see when flying over. Any pilots out there able to confirm or refute this?

Chad Wozniak
August 17, 2013 11:39 am

Roy –
Yahoo also is constantly pushing alarmist slop – some of it really far out.
We need a big internet company that can push the skeptic side as much as these mollusks do the alarmist side.

August 17, 2013 12:02 pm

Stacey says August 17, 2013 at 3:26 am

Next year they end support for Windows XP and Office 2003 which means that millions of older computers will have to be replaced,

Please cite some logic when making a statement like this.
#1. Millions of PCs will continue to function JUST FINE past the MS Xp support cut-off date!
#2. If you just have to have a supported OS – INSTALL WIN 7!
My Dell OptiPlex 755 took to Win 7 64-bit JUST FINE …

August 17, 2013 1:13 pm

Google, Apple, are treasonous companies with Al Gore on their boards and have nefarious “progressive” social engineering goals. They can not be trusted and should not be supported.
I decline to patronize both of these companies with my business and I encourage all to follow suit.

August 17, 2013 1:53 pm

David, well done. You may be interested in my “Open Letter To Google” on the same subject, published back in 2011. If you don’t mind, I’ll put a link to it as “For Further Reading” at the end of your post.
All the best,

August 17, 2013 2:15 pm

The male cartoon figure calls the female one an “ignorant slut”

This is not something to be celebrated or welcomed.
It is offensive.
It is self-defeating.
It is not worth the electrons… we have proper arguments that don’t insult 50% of the world’s population.
Frankly, it sounds like a false flag operation.

August 17, 2013 4:07 pm

As Shakespeare said, this is much doo-doo about nothing.

August 17, 2013 4:16 pm

Pamela Gray says:
August 17, 2013 at 6:55 am
“Businesses follow first principles of making money. If they don’t they soon become non-businesses. They jump like frogs from one lily pad to the next to sweep up the first fruits of a hot topic. When the fruit begins to turn or the next lily has better fruit, they hop to that lily pad. Google laid a bet on global warming business that hasn’t panned out. They will of their own accord hop to another lily pad with or without our congrats.”
The first principle of a global company is to support the globalist agenda. A multinational corporation can profit from undermining national souvereignty and will therefore support the CFR and its creation, the UN. Even Rupert Murdoch is a member of the CFR.

August 17, 2013 4:23 pm

Michael Palmer says:
August 17, 2013 at 5:32 am
“Alberta Slim says:
The heads of Google, Microsoft, and Apple are, supposed to be brilliant when it comes to logic. So why do the believe in CAGW? It seems unlikely to be ignorance, so it must be dishonesty. IMO.

Nope. They simply have no training, and maybe no real interest in physical sciences either. ”
They know full well that the “environmental crisis” whether it’s called Global Warming, Ozone Hole, PCB’s whatever, is ALWAYS, since 1971 (Earth summit, Maurice Strong, invention of the NGO’s as the “below” part in the “pressure from above, pressure from below” dialectic), a political vehicle only, intended only to grant the UN more control over all nations (and via the International Criminal Court over all citizens Nuremberg-style).
Do you think Eric Schmidt is stupid????

August 17, 2013 4:33 pm

there dozens of places smudged out by google on google earth.
maybe now that the surface station project is more or less finished , Anthony could get everyone to take photos of these places.
I found one of the sandwich islands in between the bottom tip of south america and the west antarctic peninsula was smudged out while the neighbouring islands were in fine detail. Probably a naval guard base for that ocean way bottleneck.

August 17, 2013 4:36 pm

Not enough here for me to start using Google. I will probably never use it again. Still in the same trashcan as Wikipedia.
A few years ago my senator informed me of a bill (or amendment to bill) that Senator Inhofe was proposing dealing with global warming. I miscopied one word in the URL and got the 404 page. So I typed in the exact title into Google and did a search. No luck – thousands of pages but I could not find the bill. Put the title into Bing – it was the second document. Tried Yahoo, it was the second and third document. The document may have been somewhere in the thousands of pages – but I was not going to look for it in all of that mess – and they know that.

August 17, 2013 5:07 pm

Sean says:
August 17, 2013 at 1:13 pm
Google, Apple, are treasonous companies with Al Gore on their boards and have nefarious “progressive” social engineering goals. They can not be trusted and should not be supported.
I decline to patronize both of these companies with my business and I encourage all to follow suit.
Microsoft is also treasonous, even if free of the odium of Prince Albert. So what do you recommend a consumer do who wants a smartphone?

F. Ross
August 17, 2013 5:12 pm

Who cares about Area 51; the most important question is: does Google Earth show the entrance to the Caves of Caerbannog?

michael hart
August 17, 2013 6:20 pm

I’m mildly surprised that Disney hasn’t yet made a feature-length cartoon on the subject. I’m still looking forward to ignoring it, though.

David Archibald
August 17, 2013 7:07 pm

Willis Eschenbach says:
August 17, 2013 at 1:53 pm
Willis, please do, with thanks.

Mario Lento
August 17, 2013 11:43 pm

RockyRoad says:
August 17, 2013 at 6:59 am
writes “… choose/predict the next name after “global warming”: Climate Slutism.”
I googled “Climate Slutism”
It linked this post, as the second hit. If I actually used the quotes, it was the only hit. It found this posyt 0.25 seconds. That’s pretty amazing

August 18, 2013 4:27 am

Is this the same Google thats being chased for Corporation Tax.
Now it knows how the rest of us feel about being chased for Carbon Tax

August 18, 2013 9:50 am

RobRoy says:
August 17, 2013 at 4:37 am
For some years, I have been boycotting google because of their overt progressive lefty activism. I’ll never “google” anything. I’ll “yahoo” it.
Google pushes all things progressive. They believe that “anti-American” equates to “global consciousness”.

Ditto. I avoid Google for the most part; use Yahoo for commercial email (subscriptions, etc.), and Bing or Duck-Duck-Go for searches.
But as for Apple, I’ve been a Mac user since 1988. The Mac OS and Apple products have always been a head above the competition (IMO), and so (with Rush Limbaugh, also a longtime Apple fan) I try to ignore the Goracle’s presence on their board. Putting Lisa Jackson on is certainly egregious enough to give me pause, though.
/Mr Lynn

Chris Schoneveld
August 18, 2013 12:26 pm

M Courtney says:
August 17, 2013 at 2:15 pm
The male cartoon figure calls the female one an “ignorant slut”
It is not worth the electrons… we have proper arguments that don’t insult 50% of the world’s population.
You are dramatizing the effect of this expression. You can’t deny that ignorant women exist, and yes, that some of them may also be sluts, however, most women won’t feel called upon this derogation and consequently won’t feel insulted.

David Ball
August 18, 2013 1:06 pm

To answer the title of this post; No.

August 18, 2013 1:48 pm

Google’s ‘don’t be evil’ is like telling a drug cartel not to sell cocaine. Words, not substance.
1. Privacy of emails – ‘not a reasonable expectation’.
2. Taxation payment – ‘not a reasonable expectation’.
3. Climate change – ‘not a reasonable expectation to look at the science properly’.
Google have burst their credibility. Their management will have made enough and couldn’t care if the brand dies. It will die in the next 10 years, but they will be rich enough not to care.
The new reality is growing an image, then betraying the image whilst you make money, then moving on to start anew.

August 18, 2013 4:13 pm

Hmmh… the USA Dictator overturns a court judgement against Apple and one of his closest cronies gets appointed to the board, mucho quid pro quo.

August 18, 2013 5:14 pm

Google and their 31 captive scientists haven’t a glimmer that we might be cooling. Gentlemen, search your engines.

August 18, 2013 5:59 pm

The “no reasonable expectation of privacy” mantra is a legalistic attempt to deny the obvious, and it was also abused by Oracle over a decade ago, and by the government in cases going back decades.
They agree with CEI that they should get more cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with flexible ethics. These firms especially want those flexible ethics.
For searches, I usually use ixquick… and remember to clear out your history, book-marks/favorites, and cookies frequently.

August 18, 2013 11:26 pm

Google is certainly putting their money on no significant warming or consequent sea-level rise. They’re building a new campus right on the edge of SF Bay that’ll be very damp if AlGore’s predictions are anywhere near true:

cRR Kampen
August 19, 2013 1:47 am

“Importantly, that video treats the warmers with derision. The male cartoon figure calls the female one an “ignorant slut” for believing in global warming amidst a good explanation of the physics involved in the greenhouse effect.”
Sonofabitch Archibald. That the level now?
REPLY: The phrase is from an old Saturday Night Live TV skit parodying , something as a humorless warmist troll not from the USA you’d be unfamiliar with. It’s classic high camp. -Anthony

August 19, 2013 11:20 am

Google and the CAGW propagandists have the very same goal which has nothing to do with man effecting the climate.

August 21, 2013 7:25 am

[snip – chemtrails aren’t discussed here, plus it is waaaaaaaaayyyyyy off topic – Anthony]

August 22, 2013 8:00 am

David, the “Global Warming Hoax Explained for Dummies” video is not from Youtube, it is from a Youtube user named Alan Lamont, who uses the Youtube handle “MrJacktemplar.”
I liked that line at the end, “It took the Plitdown Man hoax 40 years before the public and scientsts figured out that it was based on the jawbone of an orangutan. I hope it does not take 40 years to find out that the global warming hoax was based on the jawbones of a bunch of asses.” However, the video also contains errors, and Mr. Lamont is a “slayer” who posts a lot of über-nutty conspiracy theory videos, including goofy topics which “aren’t discussed here.”

August 22, 2013 7:26 pm

Newly declassified documents, obtained by George Washington University’s National Security Archive, appear to for the first time acknowledge the existence of Area 51. Hundreds of pages describe the genesis of the Nevada site that was home to the government’s spy plane program for decades. The documents do not, however, mention aliens.

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