Climate Craziness of the Week – bonus "eye of the beholder" edition

Eye death
Eye toxicity (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

This is almost too stupid to comment on, but I’ll do my best. First the headline and story excerpt:

GLOBAL WARMING Warming of the Earth’s climate system and related increasing concentrations of greenhouse gasses are causing some eye disorders, writes Maria Anguita.

Two years ago, retired teacher Vera started experiencing eye discomfort, irritation and crusting of the eyelids. She was prescribed a short course of antibiotics for what her doctor suspected was a simple eye infection, but several months later she was still having problems.

“My eyes felt constantly gritty and dry, and my lids were red and flaky. I was treated for a range of eye conditions, but nothing seemed to make a difference,” says Vera.

Many trips to eye specialists later, she was diagnosed with chronic blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelid, of unknown cause. And, after trial and error with different treatments, she now has a routine that keeps her discomfort and pain in check. However, some days her eyes flare up for no apparent reason: “I just wish I knew why I keep getting this,” she says.

It may be difficult to pin Vera’s symptoms to global warming, but scientists all over the world agree that increased levels of ultraviolet radiation reaching the surface of the Earth, resulting from ozone depletion at high altitude, and a toxic mix of air pollutants are responsible for serious eye disorders.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), of the 18 million people worldwide who have cataract-related diseases, 5% are directly attributable to UV radiation. UVA light, a component of UV radiation, stimulates the over-production of damaging oxygen-free radicals responsible for the clouding of the lens, typical of cataracts.

Last year researchers at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, started gathering data for what is to date the largest study into the link between global warming and eye health.

Full story here


Yegads. The stupid here, it burns like magnesium.

It’s funny really, the claim on the face is that 0.7C of warming over a century  is causing a deterioration of eye health. We have humans in every climate zone of the planet, living with temperatures ranging from sub-zero in Antarctica to 120F+ in the deserts of Iraq.

Hell, the temperature changes 0.7C just walking from room to room in my house!

They are trying to blame the warming as a trigger for a whole host of secondary pollution issues, and those make itchy watery eyes. Never mind the big advances in air pollution control in the last 30 years…unless you live in China.

h/t to Tom Nelson

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May 9, 2012 7:30 am

It is a conflation of CO2 induced global warming with CFC induced ozone depletion.
Completely separate issues.
Mind you, I think the truth is that both the late 20th century warming AND the upper atmosphere ozone reductions were actually solar induced and nothing to do with CO2 or CFCs.
The widely commented (and increasingly accepted) top down solar effect on the atmosphere would affect both ozone quantities and the vertical temperature profile.

Denis Christianson
May 9, 2012 7:32 am

This will no doubt be included in the health benefit and savings estimated figure thrown out by the EPA to justify regulating CO2.

May 9, 2012 7:37 am

AGW causes flatulence!
Treat Vera for a simple eye problem, treat Maria Anguita for verbal flatulence!

May 9, 2012 7:38 am

Medical doctors are finding it more and more difficult to practice. With overhead reaching obscene levels, it was only a matter of time before they hitched themselves to the CAGW gravy train.

May 9, 2012 7:42 am

When pressed hard enough with evidence, most high profile warmists seem willing to admit that warming has stalled and claim that it is a temporary occurrance which does not invalidate the theory. But when not being pressed–when in need of a continuous warming to be the cause of a frightening effect–they have no problem pretending that the temperature decline is absent (one might say, hidden). And we are told that we are “anti-science” if we don’t buy in to this kind of three-card-monte reasoning.

Mike Bromley the Canucklehead
May 9, 2012 7:42 am

Again, the completely idiotic premise that the global temperature (without CO2) is immutable, unchanging, constant. Remove that premise and the entire house of cards collapses.

May 9, 2012 7:42 am

I was wondering why I was having the same problem Someone said it was just old age. Silly me global warming of course don’t know why I didn’t think of it earlier. /sarc What a bunch of crock!!

May 9, 2012 7:43 am

This makes sense, has all of the necessary ingredients, scary personal risk, tied to pollution – funding ‘scientific’ study to the rescue – obviously could have been avoided if the world would just allow the UN to tax carbon. /sarc

May 9, 2012 7:44 am

There is a lot of money being thrown around related to “Global Warming.” And the only way eye doctors can get a piece of it is to find some links with eye diseases. Trust me, links WILL be found.

Ben Wilson
May 9, 2012 7:45 am

Shades of the “Ozone Hole is Growing” panic of the 80’s. . . .
I was always amused by those arguments because. . . .none of the scare mongers ever, ever managed to state just what the amount of UV radiation reaching the earth was — and if it had changed at all over the decades.
At least the CO2 warmist alarmists are able to report what the CO2 is and has been, and what they think it will be. . . . . . . .
So. . .does anyone actually know if UV radiation has gone up anywhere in the world?

Billy Liar
May 9, 2012 7:45 am

The UV thing is easily debunked too. Plenty of people lived in the mountains before sunglasses were invented – they didn’t suffer excessively from cataracts or other eye problems.

May 9, 2012 7:46 am

I was diagnosed with blepharitis about 30 years ago by an ophthalmologist who also had the problem. The problem is caused by bacteria collecting under one’s eyelids, and is controlled by washing under the eyelids, daily, with a non-irritating soap like Johnson’s Baby Shampoo.
Climate has nothing to do with the problem.

Mike Smith
May 9, 2012 7:49 am

This reaction is almost certainly due to a component of dinosaur farts.

May 9, 2012 7:50 am

“Last year researchers at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, started gathering data for what is to date the largest study into the link between global warming and eye health.
More than 5,000 people across north-east India are being screened for eye disease and are asked to fill in a questionnaire on how much time they spend outdoors. The results will then be compared with regional meteorological data.”
It’s a wonder anyone can see with the soot in India

May 9, 2012 7:50 am

I am sure this ‘dry eye’ issue will be in the IPCCs 5th ass-essment report. However, don’t expect any quantitative comments on the Svensmark hypothesis.

May 9, 2012 7:51 am

“Last year researchers at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, started gathering data for what is to date the largest study into the link between global warming and eye health.”
It’s easy to be the largest study when you’re the first. But there is one way in which the word choice here is probably more accurate that author intended: it is not a study into the *possibility* of a link between global warming and eye health but into the link which is presupposed to exist. Like so much else in this pathological doctrine, conclusions must be accepted to justify the propositions.

Jim B in Canada
May 9, 2012 7:52 am

The article completely missed the massive explosion of computer screens and mobile devices we now stare at on a almost constant basis which causes no small amount of eye strain.

May 9, 2012 7:54 am

I wonder if the CO2 levels in her bedroom increase significantly overnight (if windows and doors kept closed, obviously) – surely all that exhaled CO2 builds up and causes massive irrititation? /sarc

Jim G
May 9, 2012 7:55 am

Of course things like increased longevity over the last century by about 20 years, better record keeping and availability of doctors has absolutely nothing to do with this either.
Causation: Any positive indicator that fits your model.

Midwest Mark
May 9, 2012 7:57 am

“…Fortunately, Vera noticed that her condition improved significantly after she bought a Prius, started using recyclable grocery bags, and replaced her old incandescent light bulbs with new fluorescent bulbs.”

May 9, 2012 7:57 am

If you go looking for witches…

Jim Clarke
May 9, 2012 7:57 am

“It may be difficult to pin Vera’s symptoms to global warming, but scientists all over the world agree that increased levels of ultraviolet radiation reaching the surface of the Earth, resulting from ozone depletion at high altitude, and a toxic mix of air pollutants are responsible for serious eye disorders.”
First of all, ozone depletion and ‘a toxic mix of air pollutants’ are not related to the theory of man-made global warming in any significant way. Secondly, at the height of so-called ozone depletion, the net impact on a person was equivalent to moving less than 100 miles towards the equator. Vera could just try moving a little towards the poles and see if that helps (sarc). Third, UV radiation may be linked to cataracts, but Vera does not have cataracts, just irritated eyes and eye lids. Fourth, the symptoms started two years ago, during a period of global cooling, improved pollution levels in most areas and a continued recovery of the ozone layer (something that should not be happening if humans are to blame for ozone depletion, but that is another story). Fifth, the headline of the article has nothing to do with the text. The headline could have read “More evidence pigs can fly” and would have been just as appropriate. Sixth, all the things Anthony has already mentioned.
The ignorance and irrationality in this article is staggering. Perhaps Maria Anguita was going for some kind of citation in the Guinness Book of World Records.

May 9, 2012 7:59 am

Easy fix – treat vitamin D deficiency (most medical doctors over look it due to ignorance). Usually, any inflammation of any kind is directly linked to chronic vitamin D deficiency (very common). Poor lady… Only if she knew about it…

Garry Stotel
May 9, 2012 8:01 am

I blame Global Warming for the increased stupidity in the media. It must be responsible for the catastrophic drop in ability to reason of the Journalisticus Vulgaris species, which should be declared “protected” and moved to reservations in colder climates – Siberia would be ideal.

May 9, 2012 8:01 am

“Hell, the temperature changes 0.7C just walking from room to room in my house!”
Oh noes! Your house is infested with the Global Warming.
You will be billed at $23 per tonne until the situation improves.
Julia Gillard

GP Hanner
May 9, 2012 8:04 am

Hmmmmm. Maybe all the aches and pains I have developed after turning 70 are the result of AGW.

Ken Hall
May 9, 2012 8:09 am

I remember some years ago that a scientist on television was talking about research funding grants and how to make any grant application have the best chance of success. He claimed that a simple and mundane application would have far more impact if the words “with relation to global warming” were added at the end.
I almost applied for a grant to study “the effects of alcohol intoxication and the quantity of female clothes on nightclubbing women… in relation to global warming”, but I felt it would be too over the top.
I feel like I should have applied for the damned grant now!

May 9, 2012 8:13 am

This is still my favourite:
“Colorectal cancer screening: Will global warming affect the accuracy of FIT testing?”
I guess both ends are affected now.

May 9, 2012 8:15 am

Did someone measure the number of hours she spent in front of a computer monitor? Also, if it is Vitamin D deficiency, she needs to get more sun.

Barbara Skolaut
May 9, 2012 8:20 am

This is bullsh*t.
I had blepharitis for several years about 20 or 25 years ago – no known cause, but it could be treated and the discomfort lessened. Then, after between 5 and 10 years (don’t remember at this point), it went away on its own – again, no known cause. (Though I can’t help but wonder if it had something to do with my starting to eat as much fresh food as possible, rather than the pre-packaged stuff. That sure helped with my allergies, at least.)
They’re really getting desperate.

Barbara Skolaut
May 9, 2012 8:23 am

Nerd, just read your comment about Vitamin D. Maybe that was it – I started taking Vitamin D supplements a number of years ago, and that could have coincided with the blepharitis going away. It’s just too far back to remember.
I still take the supplements, just on general principles.

Gail Combs
May 9, 2012 8:23 am

I am sorry Anthony but you are wrong.
Global Warming does cause eye problems.
I suffered severe eye problems all last summer and had to have four out of my seventeen equines treated too.
Here is the sequence of events.
1. Global Warming causes public hysteria.
2. The public hysteria is used as a reason to protect anything green.
3. Clearing/ burning of underbrush is banned or heavily regulated in many locations such as Australia and California. Fire roads are also closed.
4. Wild fires start and spread, well like wild fire. The lack of fire roads as well as the buildup of brush makes killing/containing the wildfires much more difficult.
The wild fires in my location spread to a local wood processing/plywood factory that continued to smolder for the entire summer. This cause my neighbor to have major breathing problems and for me to have inflamed, gritty eyes.
So see my eye problems last summer can be blamed on “Global warming” and I didn’t even have to go to Six degrees of separation like most conspiracy theories. Snicker

Crispin in Waterloo
May 9, 2012 8:27 am

Lest there be any doubt that AGW causes just about everything,
The Local Left is embarking on a campaign to shut down the refinery to prevent both eye sores and sore eyes and save us all from the capitalism ‘that propelled us into the Anthropocene’. We won’t need to burn oil, we can tank up on ‘Stupid’ and burn that.

May 9, 2012 8:28 am

“They are trying to blame the warming as a trigger for a whole host of secondary pollution issues, and those make itchy watery eyes.”
This is yet one more progressive approach to justifying the argument or “need” for increased government regulation over the perceived source(s) of CAGW. The more risks that can be attributed (proven or not) to CAGW (again, proven or not), the more need for increased government regulation. And it’s a clearly-biased, subjective, and emotion-filled conclusion that with the so many risks attributed to CAGW (eye irritation being just another log on the now-raging fire – pun intended), the world MUST act NOW to avert the impending disaster.
According to the climate science referenced by Vice President Gore, the world only has about 3.5 years left before it becomes (quite literally) a frying pan – . Gore reiterated climate science’s support of the notion of a global countdown clock when he testified before Congress in July 2008, “The leading experts predict that we have less than 10 years to make dramatic changes in our global warming pollution lest we lose our ability to ever recover from this environmental crisis.” – .
A fair number of prominent people’s careers, reputations, and livelihoods are based upon the promulgation of the ills attributed to CAGW. For a host of reasons, they will not (and more realistically cannot – mentally and emotionally) turn away from this position. They can (and do) extend the deadline (ostensibly because some of their warnings were headed) but they cannot abandon it altogether.
After all, Gore did also state in July 2008, “The climate crisis, in particular, is getting a lot worse – much more quickly than predicted. Scientists with access to data from Navy submarines traversing underneath the North polar ice cap have warned that there is now a 75 percent chance that within five years the entire ice cap will completely disappear during the summer months.” Enjoy that ongoing and near-20 year average sea ice extent in the Arctic this winter because come next year – Gore knows it’s essentially gone.
The need for action is now but not because the world is doomed. Rather, action is required because the proponents of CAGW (scientific and political) are fully aware that the global, public opinion regarding the foretold doom is shifting away from their “side.” As a result, expect ever-increasing silliness to be added to the ills of CAGW. Just know (and accept as a matter of faith if you’re pro-CAGW) that Earth is doomed.

May 9, 2012 8:30 am

Sorry, I’m calling this one BS.
A fraction of a rise in global warming can cause this??? Pity people who go to the tropics on holiday or take a Swedish Sauna. Man just can’t cope living in the Arctic and on the equator.

Jim Clarke
May 9, 2012 8:30 am

Just in case anyone is wondering about the stratospheric ozone situation, check out page 40 of this 2010 .pdf report from the UN:
The graph shows that total stratospheric ozone fell about 5.5% from 1980 to 1993. Since then it has recovered about 3% of that loss. This would not be possible if CFC’s were the reason for the loss in the first place. Due to the stability of the CFC’s, and the fact that it is still produced in some countries and leaking into the atmosphere in most countries, the amount of CFC’s in the air today should be greater than it was in 1990. If CFC’s are to blame, the ozone layer should still be depleting.
Additionally, the graph shows that most of the depletion is in the high latitudes. In the tropics, stratospheric levels of ozone are the same as the pre-CFC era. In the mid latitudes, where most people live, the upper-level ozone levels are down only a percent or two from pre-1980 levels, and improving.
The Montreal Protocol, which banned the manufacture of CFC’s in signature countries, is often sited as an example of the effectiveness of the modern environmental movement and countries working together to achieve environmental goals. It now appears that the Protocol was largely unnecessary, and, ironically, resulted in less efficient air conditioning requiring more fossil fuels to achieve the same level of cooling. Yes, the Montreal Protocol is responsible for countless tons of additional carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today.
If they were halfway rational, environmentalists would call for the appeal of the Montreal Protocol to help stop global warming! Unfortunately, rationality does not seem to be a strong suit for the modern environmentalist.

Crispin in Waterloo
May 9, 2012 8:30 am

Hall says:
I almost applied for a grant to study “the effects of alcohol intoxication and the quantity of female clothes on nightclubbing women… in relation to global warming”, but I felt it would be too over the top.
What were you putting over ‘the top’? Your motives are barely concealed!

May 9, 2012 8:36 am

In the early ’90s, there were stories in the news about herds of blind sheep in southern Chile, victims of excessive UV making it through the ozone hole over Antarctica. Then the story changed to the sheep suffering from UV-induced debilitating, but temporary, cataracts…
…*temporary* cataracts that miraculously disappeared at market time….

May 9, 2012 8:43 am

Alvin says:
May 9, 2012 at 8:15 am
Did someone measure the number of hours she spent in front of a computer monitor? Also, if it is Vitamin D deficiency, she needs to get more sun.
“She needs to get more sun.” – Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Dirty air pollution in large cities can block UVB needed to produce vitamin D in the skin. UVA is much more powerful and will get through with no problem and actually decrease vitamin D level. Beside, it’s not really a vitamin but a prehormone that get converted into powerful hormone that acts as genetic repair and maintenance hormone. It just simply makes sure your body function properly. A person with fair skin can get 10,000-20,000 IU from the sun after 15-30 minutes at midday (early morning and late afternoon do not give you much UVB) but everybody works inside. Compare that to only 600 IU recommended by gov’t. Leave it to gov’t to screw up everything for us as usual… They pretty much ignore vitamin D experts’ calling for higher minimum amount of 2,000 IU with 10,000 IU as maximum despite tons of research in it.

May 9, 2012 8:52 am

If Vera’s symptoms can’t be explained by medical doctors, it must be global warming. What else can it be?
This is so typical of the reasoning used by alarmists.

Jim Clarke
May 9, 2012 8:53 am

Sorry…my last comment should read: “…environmentalists would call for the REPEAL of the Montreal Protocol…” not ‘appeal’. There is nothing appealing about it.

May 9, 2012 8:53 am

Barbara Skolaut,
Glad to hear that it went away. I started taking 5,000 IU a day a few years ago when I found out that it would prevent cold, etc. It did the trick. I thought maybe it was a fad or something but of all of things I’ve tried to prevent allergy attack, sinus infection, etc that I seem to get every single winter, Vitamin D worked very well to stop all of that. I was desperate to try anything because it took forever to recover from sinus infection brought on by allergy attack or cold and I hated that. I wish I knew about it a long time ago. That would have saved me a lot of money and suffering… 🙂

Jenn Oates
May 9, 2012 8:57 am

My problem with things like this (and other hysterical AGW claims) is that I require my students to get a science article every week, read it, summarize it, etc. Too often they come with garbage like this and since it’s “science” and it’s on the internet, they think it’s true. Then I have to go over it and say why it’s probably not true, but who are they going to believe? Their science teacher or some expert in the internet?

May 9, 2012 9:02 am

Sorta OT: another quick disproof of another bit of standard idiocy. I love these NCDC graphs, but I have to wonder how long they’ll stay online, when they provide so many instant disproofs of their own religion!

May 9, 2012 9:03 am

I think they have things backward again.
Did high UV cause warming or warming cause high UV?

Disko Troop
May 9, 2012 9:04 am

When the rest of the medical profession learn joined up writing she will be treated for colitis. Her eye irritation is a common side effect.
More dinosaur farts.

May 9, 2012 9:04 am

A bizarre article indeed. Although you found it in the Huff Post (UK) they picked it up from Murdock’s The Times. Huff Post should really be more careful in adopting stories from conservative sources.

May 9, 2012 9:10 am

I believe that the CRU teach a well attended course, ‘How to fund your professional activities through global warming grants’
Here is the world famous Dandruff caused Global Warming study:

May 9, 2012 9:17 am

Argh, my back went out again. Danged GLOBAL WARMING (shaking fist into the air).

May 9, 2012 9:17 am

Every scientist using the global warming BS to attach to his study to get funding should be tried, pay back the money, and dismissed. Science is currently becoming the most corrupt occupation FAST.

May 9, 2012 9:19 am

Mike says:
May 9, 2012 at 9:04 am
“A bizarre article indeed. Although you found it in the Huff Post (UK) they picked it up from Murdock’s The Times. Huff Post should really be more careful in adopting stories from conservative sources.”
Yeah, and stick to hardnosed liberal investigative journalism:

Mark Bofill
May 9, 2012 9:24 am

Sometimes I honestly wonder if the strategy isn’t to make our heads explode. How deep can you dive into the B.S., how good is your pressure suit?
I’m going to go try to vomit now, maybe it’ll help.

May 9, 2012 9:32 am

Wow, I just cannot imagine being so ignorant that this would even begin to make sense. Blepharitis must be a huge problem in cities like Hong Kong and Mexico City. They probably have braille street signs everywhere.

May 9, 2012 9:40 am

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), of the 18 million people worldwide who have cataract-related diseases, 5% are directly attributable to UV radiation. UVA light, a component of UV radiation, stimulates the over-production of damaging oxygen-free radicals responsible for the clouding of the lens, typical of cataracts.

Only 5%!!! That seems too low to me.

May 9, 2012 9:44 am

Bob is correct. Blepharitis is caused by a bacterial infection. It is fairly easily controlled without a return to pre-industrial conditions.

May 9, 2012 9:49 am

I can relate to that. In my case it came from overindulgence in Korean Plum Wine while stationed in SK. 😉

Steve Keohane
May 9, 2012 9:58 am

IIRC UV increases with altitude, such that at about a mile high, eg. Denver, it is 40% stronger than at sea level. Thus, any UV correlation should also correlate with altitude.

Doctor Gee
May 9, 2012 10:07 am

Based on my read of posts at pro-AGW sites, global warming is clearly the cause of multiple physical and mental symptoms, including venting spleens, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, knee-jerk reactions, tongue wagging, oral flatulism, verbal diarrhea, increased salivating and frothing spittle, indigestion, uncontrollable outbursts, paranoia, depression, hysteria, panic attacks, dramatic over-reactions, and inability to perceive fact from fiction.

May 9, 2012 10:12 am

This article is delivered with a straight face?
It’s nothing but a joke.
All things unexplainable are caused by, or if it’s a good thing, lessened by, CAGW

May 9, 2012 10:31 am

Is there even a chance that the sun ramping up for the top of the current solar cycle could be responsible for the increase in UV reaching the ground?

May 9, 2012 10:33 am

Chronic blepheritis of this nature is most commomly caused by mybomian gland disfunction, not global warming, one of the most common causes of mybomian gland disfunction in women, ( and some men I guess), is poor lid hygene when removing make-up. Hard to see the link between mascara and AGW but I’m sure with the right amount of grant monies, alink could be proven 🙂

May 9, 2012 10:35 am

Apologies to Bob, (in advance) I’m sure you don’t wear mascara

May 9, 2012 10:45 am

“scientists all over the world agree that …” should be instantly recognized as media NewSpeak for ‘this is what we want you to believe, and we don’t want you to question it or us.’
I wonder if she has participated lately in any unethical EPA human experimentation ‘studies’ using PM2.5 particulate pollution.

May 9, 2012 10:51 am

Global warming causes psychosomatic disorders?

May 9, 2012 11:06 am

The Cure is 2 large fresh dollops of Elephant shit left in the eyelids for 24 hours – I’m also told that Great white shark turds are equally effective. Only people Like the King of Spain or Al Gore could afford these exotic treatments, so I going the try some Bull shit instead!
/Sarc off

May 9, 2012 11:43 am

Mike says:
May 9, 2012 at 9:04 am
“Huff Post should really be more careful in adopting stories from conservative sources.”
Mike, the problem is the “warming causes everything bad” neurosis and the de facto business model which is also possibly behind the India “study”, not the news source or blog reporting on it.

May 9, 2012 12:03 pm

@ Nerd says:
May 9, 2012 at 8:43 am
Alvin says:
May 9, 2012 at 8:15 am
Did someone measure the number of hours she spent in front of a computer monitor? Also, if it is Vitamin D deficiency, she needs to get more sun.
“She needs to get more sun.” – Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Dirty air pollution in large cities can block UVB needed to produce vitamin D in the skin. UVA is much more powerful and will get through with no problem and actually decrease vitamin D level. Beside, it’s not really a vitamin but a prehormone that get converted into powerful hormone that acts as genetic repair and maintenance hormone. It just simply makes sure your body function properly. A person with fair skin can get 10,000-20,000 IU from the sun after 15-30 minutes at midday (early morning and late afternoon do not give you much UVB) but everybody works inside. Compare that to only 600 IU recommended by gov’t. Leave it to gov’t to screw up everything for us as usual… They pretty much ignore vitamin D experts’ calling for higher minimum amount of 2,000 IU with 10,000 IU as maximum despite tons of research in it.
Don’t mean to pick nits, but not ‘everybody’ works inside. Several billion people (world wide) actually spend a good deal of their time outside in all kinds of weather. City folks spend a lot of time indoors, true. That’s their problem.

Tom in Florida
May 9, 2012 12:14 pm

Perhaps she should take in live performances of Pagliacci, I understand there is never a dry eye in the house.

May 9, 2012 12:14 pm

Draw a circle on one side of a piece of paper. Call it Earth. Draw two smaller circles, one at the top, and one at the bottom, that will represent the “ozone holes”.
Now, I challenge anyone to draw a horizontal line representing in coming solar radiance that both crosses the ozone holes and also impacts the earth at any latitude where there is significant population density.

May 9, 2012 12:27 pm

Jenn Oates says:
May 9, 2012 at 8:57 am
Too often they come with garbage like this and since it’s “science” and it’s on the internet, they think it’s true. Then I have to go over it and say why it’s probably not true, but who are they going to believe? Their science teacher or some expert in the internet?

Tape this to the blackboard —

May 9, 2012 12:28 pm

Garry Stotel says:
I blame Global Warming for the increased stupidity in the media.
No, the stupidity has been increasing while temperatures have remained stable. It might be CO2 – but it’s also possible that media stupidity is causing CO2 to increase instead.

May 9, 2012 12:46 pm

I misread Anthony’s title as “Global warming is in the eye of the beholder” – which is actually very true. It seems one person can look at a graph and declare “We’re all going to drown (or fry)” while another (a skeptic) can look at the same thing and think “Yeah – climate’s always changed”.

May 9, 2012 12:58 pm

@ JPeden says:May 9, 2012 at 11:43 am
No, the it is the news source that is muddled in this case. The writer, a freelance journalist, never quotes anyone connecting global warming and eye health. The Indian scientists are looking at other issues like UV and soot. Their study has not been published or even completed. The writer mainly writes on health matters and most likely just got AGW and ozone depletion mixed up – although the two do interact to some degree.

Gail Combs
May 9, 2012 1:17 pm

Jenn Oates says:
May 9, 2012 at 8:57 am
…Too often they come with garbage like this and since it’s “science” and it’s on the internet, they think it’s true. Then I have to go over it and say why it’s probably not true, but who are they going to believe? Their science teacher or some expert in the internet?
With luck by the end of the school year they will be able to apply reason to the things they read. BTW, thank you for taking the effort to actually teach them reason instead of regurgitation.

May 9, 2012 1:18 pm

n Salem Village in the winter months of 1692, Betty Parris, age 9, and her cousin Abigail Williams, age 11, the daughter and niece (respectively) of Reverend Parris, began to have fits described as “beyond the power of Epileptic Fits or natural disease to effect” by John Hale, minister in nearby Beverly.[23] The girls screamed, threw things about the room, uttered strange sounds, crawled under furniture, and contorted themselves into peculiar positions, according to the eyewitness account of Rev. Deodat Lawson, a former minister in the town. The girls complained of being pinched and pricked with pins. A doctor, historically assumed to be William Griggs, could find no physical evidence of any ailment. Other young women in the village began to exhibit similar behaviors. When Lawson preached in the Salem Village meetinghouse, he was interrupted several times by outbursts of the afflicted.[24]

Nick in vancouver
May 9, 2012 1:21 pm

Yes, thats right, tax clean burning fossil fuels and let the poor go back to burning coal and wood in open fires. That will make your eyes feel better.
Whats that, you can’t see in the dark anyway because you have no electricity? Thats how we like to keep you, uneducated , no health care and in the dark (but look at the happy polar bears oops you can’t, you live in India, with no electricity, in the dark).
At least all your tears will make your eyes feel better.
The WWF, The David Suzuki Foundation and the European Commission, our moto is “No economy, no progress, no problem” . Proud to keep poor people cold and dark and save their vision.

May 9, 2012 1:21 pm

This is another great example of drip drip BS propaganda. People see it in the passing and it passes into their conciousness. If they have never stopped to question the basic tenets of the issue (be it global warming or the war on whatever), never looked for evidence the threat is real and found it to be lacking, then each drip confirms in their mind that the idea they have been spoon fed is real. It’s the “I saw it on the telly so it must be real” syndrome.
Propaganda is in its golden age.
I did laugh out loud when I read it though; sometimes you just have to laugh.
“Almost too stupid to comment on” – absolutely. They really do think we’re stupid. Sorry, no they don’t, they realise they already have us psychologically castrated with American Idol/Big Brother/all the rest that these other almost subliminal messages just get added to the psychological mash.
The idea is to instil fear – a population in fear is much easier to control, Guide to Being a Dictator, 101.

May 9, 2012 1:44 pm

I’m sure they meant “damaging oxygen free radicals”, but that typo of the dash in “oxygen-free” is funny
“stimulates the over-production of damaging oxygen-free radicals”.

Steve from Rockwood
May 9, 2012 1:57 pm

Hey don’t dis China like that. I was there in 1986 and went back in 2004 and they have made great improvements in air quality. Only half the canaries die now.

Adam Gallon
May 9, 2012 2:03 pm

How to get funding & published, just stick something about “Climate Change” into the title!
FFS, what a crock!

The old Seadog.
May 9, 2012 2:19 pm

Many infectious diseases can cause this person’s symptoms and many of these diseases are are very difficult to detect.The many types of chlamydial infections is just one example…

May 9, 2012 2:25 pm

After twelve years of no warming, capped off by Climategate, I expected (after the usual ad hominems, of course) an unending flood of increasingly bizarre, insane, and ludicrous papers coming from the Warmist side. This paper has exceeded my wildest ipecactations. As the French say, “il est de vomir!”

Gail Combs
May 9, 2012 2:36 pm

Urederra says:
May 9, 2012 at 9:40 am

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), of the 18 million people worldwide who have cataract-related diseases, 5% are directly attributable to UV radiation. UVA light, a component of UV radiation, stimulates the over-production of damaging oxygen-free radicals responsible for the clouding of the lens, typical of cataracts.

Only 5%!!! That seems too low to me.
This study from 1998 has a graph on population vs height above sea level (see Fig. 2) It looks like over 20% of the world’s population lived above 900m (about 3000 feet) and ~8% of the world’s population above 1200m (about 4000 feet) (I am reading off the graph)

…75% of people lived at or below 523 m elevation…The prominent spur [in the graph] of high population density (Ͼ1,000 people͞km2 around 2,300 m elevation) reflects the heavily populated Mexican plateau. The population at elevations Ͼ4,000 m represents primarily Andean and Tibetan populations….

So if they are claiming “5% are directly attributable to UV radiation” then about a quarter to half of the people on the Mexican plateau and at least half of those living in the Andes and on the Tibetan Plateau must have cataract-related diseases just due to the increase in elevation especially where the latitude is associated with “favourable solar energy conditions.” Right??

Solar radiation is unevenly distributed throughout the world because of such variables as solar altitude, which is associated with latitude and season, and atmospheric conditions, which are determined by cloud coverage and degree of pollution. The following guidelines are useful for the broad identification of the geographic areas with favourable solar energy conditions in the Northern Hemisphere based on the collection of the direct component of sunlight. Similar conditions apply for the Southern Hemisphere (Acra et al. 1984).
The most favourable belt (15-35° N) encompasses many of the developing nations in northern Africa and southern parts of Asia. It has over 3 000 h/year of sunshine and limited cloud coverage. More than 90% of the incident solar radiation comes as direct radiation….

May 9, 2012 2:54 pm

I get some sciatica and am also going bald……do you thing I could make a claim for compensation?

May 9, 2012 3:04 pm

Funny, her symptoms describe eactly how my blepheritis acts up when I miss my eye scrubs. I haven’t spent much time in a greenhouse in decades. Does this CAGW alarm also stem from CO2 warming back in the sixties? Somehow, I don’t think it does any more than cases of blepheritis do for the past decade.

“Bob: says:
May 9, 2012 at 7:46 am
I was diagnosed with blepharitis about 30 years ago by an ophthalmologist who also had the problem. The problem is caused by bacteria collecting under one’s eyelids, and is controlled by washing under the eyelids, daily, with a non-irritating soap like Johnson’s Baby Shampoo.”

Ditto here. I had repeated stys forming on my eyelids. One approximately every 3-4 months. Then I booked a visit to a new eye Doc in town and it turned out that his thesis work was on eye infections. He told me about blepheritis and exactly the treatment Bob describes. I have not had a sty in my eyelid since then. I do my eye scrubs while taking my shower, partly because the force of the water helps get those eyelashes clean. The Doc also told me that blepheritis was especially common with people who are prone to acne, or wear mascara (contaminants you know).
Nerd and others: Due to a completely different illness, my Doc checks my vitamin and amino levels twice a year and orders supplement taken for any that are low. My vitamin D levels notch well above normal consistently (got milk? and I eat mushrooms). So much for the homeopathis approach. After eight years of chronic illness, I personally think most homeopathics should book ship with the hairdressers, management consultants and CAGW alarmists when they go off planet because the world will be destroyed. There are exceptions from joining that flight and they usually have MD after their name, (no, RN is NOT close to MD).

Warren in Minnesota
May 9, 2012 3:18 pm

Maybe Vera has a mild, but specific type of psoraiasis.

Gail Combs
May 9, 2012 3:27 pm

So what are the actual facts surrounding cataracts.
From the US Center for Disease Control

An estimated 20.5 million (17.2%) Americans 40 years and older have cataract in one or both eyes, and 6.1 million (5.1%) have had their lens removed operatively. The total number of people who have cataracts is estimated to increase to 30.1 million by 2020….

(US population is 311.5 million)
It looks like any study on natives of Tibet could be “confounded” by other factors.

Cataracts in Tibet
Tibetans also suffer from unusually high incidents of eye disease. The high levels of ultraviolet rays found at high elevation takes its toll. After a lifetime of exposure to these rays many people develop cataracts (dense, foggy masses in the lenses) and go blind. Around 30,000 people in Tibet are blind as a result of cataracts. An additional 1,500 to 2,000 lose their sight every year because of them… [note: the 2009 Tibetan population was 2.91 million gc]
[However it is also noted gc]
Malnutrition is a serious problem. One study showed that half the children in Tibet suffer from it and 60 percent of children are shorter than normal….
[Not to mention Oxygen starvation gc]
“At this altitude—5000 meters—all people have very low levels of oxygen saturation but in some they are not so low.” She recently discovered that this trait is may be genetic.
Human beings are not very well adapted for high altitudes. Above 18,000 feet, cuts don’t heal and women can not bear children….
In a study the genes of 31 unrelated Tibetans were compared to the genes of 90 Chinese and Japanese. EGLN1 and PPARA turned up repeatedly in the Tibetans but not in the Chinese and Japanese. Xing wrote, “Their exact roles in high-latitude adaption is unclear. Both EGLN1 and PPARA…may cause a decrease of the hemoglobin concentration.”
…The lungs expel so much carbon dioxide that the blood’s Ph balance is affected….
Edemas, the accumulation of excess fluid in the body, are big dangers, especially when they occur in the brain (cerebral edemas) and the lungs (pulmonary edemas)…. Studies shows the body produces nitric oxide, a chemical that dilates the blood, to reduce constricting of the blood vessels. Some studies suggest that people who do not produce adequate amount of nitric oxide are more susceptible to pulmonary endemas.

I would really hate to have to extract data about cataracts and UV light from that mess of other possible factors.
Latin America eye problems.

Eye Disease and Care in Latin America and the Caribbean
In the last decade, health indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean reflect advances. The per capita public expenditure on health care has increased in many countries. Despite these improvements, it is estimated that for every million population in Latin America and the Caribbean, 5,000 are blind and 20,000 are visually impaired; at least 66% of the blindness is attributable to treatable conditions such as cataract….

May 9, 2012 3:27 pm

Cadae says:
May 9, 2012 at 1:44 pm
I’m sure they meant “damaging oxygen free radicals”, but that typo of the dash in “oxygen-free” is funny
“stimulates the over-production of damaging oxygen-free radicals”.
So that’s what’s really behind all this. They want to free the radicals!

May 9, 2012 3:35 pm

Sir Karl Popper one of the eminent philosopher of science in the last century is noted for his demarcation concept to distinguish science from pseudo-science. One of the properties of pseudo science compared to real science is the ability of pseudoscience to explain all phenomena without any limitation. He cited incidents of certain fields of ” science” that in his youth he had strong belief but turned his back when he anything phenomena or events could be explained through the views of “pseudo science”. It would worthwhile to examine, AGW in the light of Popper’s demarcation principle.

Robert of Ottawa
May 9, 2012 4:07 pm

Jo Nova at (currently offline due to maintenance) has a great article upon the Australian government academic grant awards – where everything and it’s dog gets money for research if it mentions global warming but there are almost no grants given for non-global warming research.
Big oil is not the problem … BIG GOVERNMENT is, where the government holds a monopsony and is the sole buyer of the science product, dictating the scientific results expected.

May 9, 2012 4:14 pm

We all knows eyes are surrounded by liquid and the increase in the partial pressure of CO2 is causing… eye acidification!

May 9, 2012 4:26 pm

eo says:
May 9, 2012 at 3:35 pm
“It would worthwhile to examine, AGW in the light of Popper’s demarcation principle.”
That’s exactly the reason Jerry Ravetz invented Post Normal Science. He is a socialist and doesn’t believe in objective reality. He needed some framework to overcome the limititations of the Popperian definition. One of Popper’s examples for pseudoscience he experienced in Vienna was Marxist dialectic materialism. Here, the circle closes.
Ravetz had several guest posts here on WUWT, search for it. Read what he wrote. I am not making anything up.
German lukewarmer Hans von Storch later wrote about Climate Science as Post Normal Science. His interest was and is to involve sociologists and other soft sciences types into the CAGW movement, feeling that they can contribute something important.

May 9, 2012 4:42 pm

looking through key holes also causes dry eye

Mac the Knife
May 9, 2012 6:09 pm

OK…. I gotta know!
What… or rather Who is the ‘mote’ smiling back at us from the ‘eye of the beholder’?
Is this one of the WUWT Mod Squad?

May 9, 2012 6:12 pm

I don’t know where Anthony finds ’em:

May 9, 2012 6:25 pm

More sun does not help much if you are paranoid about UV and slather on a bucket of sun screen before you go out side. I understand that now child care operations routinely butter up the kiddies before they go out to play, and don’t give them 10 minutes of “unprotected” exposure before putting on the sun screen.
I suspect in a decade or two we will hear about a whole generation that is showing signs of chronic low vitamin D intake, especially among those who are not avid milk drinkers.

Mac the Knife
May 9, 2012 6:37 pm

If that’s one of the Mods grinning back at us, he REALLY needs a beer and a ham sandwich!
OK, Anthony! Ya got me!

May 9, 2012 6:48 pm

Eye discomfort?!? Why are we commenting about such a… triviality when we have climate change essentially weaponizing… chikungunya for which there is no vaccine and no treatment – ???

May 10, 2012 12:55 am

SunderlandSteve says:
May 9, 2012 at 10:33 am
… Hard to see the link between mascara and AGW but I’m sure with the right amount of grant monies, alink could be proven 🙂

The ancient Egyptians were known to wear mascara prior to and during the Roman Warm Period, during which time it spread to neighbouring areas. It fell into disuse everywhere with the fall of the Roman Empire, probably causing the subsequent cooler weather, but its use reappeared in the west prior to the current anthropogenic warm period and its widespread use coincides with the awful heat shown in the modern academic record. Clearly, this is not mere coincidence, but something more sinister – the Mascara-Warming Cycle.

May 10, 2012 2:05 am

Really, Anthony, have you nothing better to do than pick on mental quadriplegics? Must have been a slow day . . .
Incomplete basic information (Vera who? from where?), faulty logic, non-sequiters, over-generalizations, bald assertions without even token references, conflation of issues (global warming/ozone depletion-increased UV/air pollution), chemical cluelessness (oxygen-free radicals – who knew?), scientific nonsense (“UVA light, a component of UV radiation . . . “), out-of-context and therefore useless information padded with well-known & obvious truisms; repetitions, redundancies and run-on sentences, including this beauty:
“. . . the rise in global temperature attributed to the greenhouse effect of global warming . . .”
If a high school junior handed me something this poorly reasoned and written, I’d bleed all over it and tell the student to either re-write or take a Fail. If a college freshman turned it in I’d boot her out of the course & tell her not to return until she’d taken a remedial comp. class.
If HuffPo paid for it, it should demand its money back.

May 10, 2012 2:11 am

Forgot to mention: Anthony, would it be possible for you to put articles which you’ve copy/pasted verbatim in blockquote form, against a colored background? Unless I go to the source I’m never sure if I’m reading the article or your comments. This post has the added confusion of the paragraph starting with
“Yegads. The stupid here, it burns like magnesium.”
I thought it was your comment, but turns out it was by a commenter at HuffPo.

May 10, 2012 3:52 am
Larry Ledwick (hotrod ) says:
May 9, 2012 at 6:25 pm
More sun does not help much if you are paranoid about UV and slather on a bucket of sun screen before you go out side. I understand that now child care operations routinely butter up the kiddies before they go out to play, and don’t give them 10 minutes of “unprotected” exposure before putting on the sun screen.
I suspect in a decade or two we will hear about a whole generation that is showing signs of chronic low vitamin D intake, especially among those who are not avid milk drinkers.
Rickets has been making a come back in the West because of over use of sun block on children – but more besides:
“But these trials of the health benefits of vitamin D supplements are exceptional. Few trials have been made of vitamin D for treatment of diseases other than bone disease because the vitamin cannot be patented and drug companies cannot justify expensive trials which will not lead to profits. However trials of several compounds similar to vitamin D have begun recently for treatment of cancer because these compounds can be patented.
Crucial pieces of the jigsaw puzzle now seem to be in place and a consistent picture has emerged although many researchers remain sceptical, especially those who have spent most of their lives committed to other theories. The sceptics point to technical difficulties in the scientific evidence and the lack of final proof that vitamin D is the cause of most of these diseases. But the weight of so many different studies demonstrating or suggesting the health benefits of sunbathing and vitamin D supplements can no longer be overlooked.
Yet every year doctors repeat the mantra: “There is no such thing as a healthy tan,” words which are enshrined in a Consensus Statement of the UK Skin Cancer Prevention Working Party and endorsed by more than a dozen health charities as well as by UK government health departments. And every year doctors complain about the large number of people who ignore their advice by sunbathing and tanning.
The advice of the Skin Cancer Working Party has of course been given in good faith with the very best of intentions but it is based on a mistaken Consensus. It can no longer be defended. The stark truth is that advice to avoid the sun has put more lives at risk than it can possibly have saved and, it must be faced, is responsible for many thousands of deaths.”
Pharmaceutical companies have no real interest in curing diseases, but in managing them, to keep taking the pills. Hence the successful lobbying and campaigns to get effective natural unpatentable herbs banned.. As in all this, follow the money which creates consensus to boost their own energy levels while depleting ours..

May 10, 2012 4:12 am

The stupid makes me blind.

May 10, 2012 6:23 am

Nerd says:
May 9, 2012 at 7:59 am
Easy fix – treat vitamin D deficiency (most medical doctors over look it due to ignorance). Usually, any inflammation of any kind is directly linked to chronic vitamin D deficiency (very common). Poor lady… Only if she knew about it…
yeah and she was ?
a teacher- indoors too much and I bet she still is.
decent does of Vit D and sunshine wouldnt go astray.

Ken S
May 10, 2012 6:43 am

Is it because of all that crap that women smear all over their faces?
Who knows what chemicals they are using in that stuff?
I guess Hillary has the right idea, leave all the war paint off and as she said if someone doesn’t like it, so what.

May 10, 2012 10:26 am

INCREASING CONCENTRATIONS of eye disorders are causing some people to see greenhouse gasses as the cause of global warming of the Earth’s climate system

May 10, 2012 11:14 am

e? says:
May 10, 2012 at 12:55 am
The ancient Egyptians were known to wear mascara prior to and during the Roman Warm Period, during which time it spread to neighbouring areas. It fell into disuse everywhere with the fall of the Roman Empire, probably causing the subsequent cooler weather, but its use reappeared in the west prior to the current anthropogenic warm period and its widespread use coincides with the awful heat shown in the modern academic record. Clearly, this is not mere coincidence, but something more sinister – the Mascara-Warming Cycle.
Of course, how stupid of me, now it all makes sense.
I’ll have to modify my advise to my patients in veiw of this startling new evidence. 🙂