You know it's bad California when green companies move out of Berkeley

Excerpts via Bloomberg: Wind energy company moving headquarters to KC

By BILL DRAPER The Associated Press KANSAS CITY, Mo.

A California-based wind turbine manufacturer is moving its headquarters and production operations to a site at Kansas City International Airport, where the company plans to create more than 200 new jobs over the next six years.

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon hailed Nordic Windpower USA as the type of technology company his administration has been working to bring to the state. His administration approved $5.6 million in incentives for the company to make the move.

Nordic Windpower makes two-bladed wind turbines for the rapidly growing wind-energy market. Its current headquarters in Berkeley, Calif., and an assembly facility in Pocatello, Idaho, will be moving to Kansas City.

Nixon said Nordic plans to invest nearly $16 million in facilities at the airport and will be the first wind turbine production plant in the state.

full story here: Wind energy company moving headquarters to KC

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Douglas DC
December 21, 2010 4:08 pm

5.6 Billion giveaway to a carpet-bagging “Green” company- Oregon’s got Vestas.
For now..Oh, any does the above picture appear that the blades are “feathered”?
One other thing: I will bet that the Components aren’t made here but in China, Vietnam

Jenn Oates
December 21, 2010 4:10 pm

Couldn’t happen to a nicer, more self-righteous city. 🙂

December 21, 2010 4:10 pm

So, they get even more subsidies from another state?!? And this is good news?

December 21, 2010 4:10 pm

There was some info in the latest Census results that give a clue why CA is losing businesses. It’s called TAXES! They have the worst business environment in the country, yet they continue to make it even worse every chance they get, and then wonder why the hell they are broke.

December 21, 2010 4:13 pm

At least it’s not China……
…but if we had more people employed, the might be able to make something people really wanted

R. Shearer
December 21, 2010 4:16 pm

California to Kansas, “You can take this factory and jobs and your little dog Toto too!”

James Sexton
December 21, 2010 4:19 pm

Lol, Berkeley has all the renewable energy companies they need. That wonderful bastion of green. Standing in the way of Big Oil and your money and the earth!
Like a crackerjack box, you have to get(scroll) to the bottom for the prize.

December 21, 2010 4:22 pm

1) Environmentalists make AB32 to help with CAGW
2) Environmentalists make it more expensive to manufacture new power methods.
3) Environmentalists move production to places where it is cheaper and made with “dirty” oil.
4) Return to step 1 in new location.
“…You move to a location where you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is [locked off] and you have no choice but to move into another area…. there is another life form that behaves the same way…. a virus.” —- All apologies to Agent Smith for the rephrasing.

Eric (skeptic)
December 21, 2010 4:26 pm

It’s also bad in Missouri if they waste their incentives on an industry that requires continuous subsidies to compete in the marketplace.

December 21, 2010 4:28 pm

In 2010 we have seen 4x the number of businesses move out that we saw in 2009 and that was as of October. This isn’t surprising. I am expecting to see a mass migration of business, particularly tech business, out of California over the next few years.

December 21, 2010 4:30 pm

When asked, the CEO stated “…No Comment…” to the question if the pending implementation of AB32 and CARB’s recent actions had any part to play in their move out of California…

December 21, 2010 4:30 pm

And the flood begins…
Look, it doesn’t matter if your company is green, brown, black, or even red. (Hey, communist China has to make a profit too!). You move production to low costs locations with stable infrastructure and low sovereign risk. Every time.
California just raised the Sovereign Risk way high (we had a partial bond offering failure that required higher than expected rates and still didn’t move all the ‘product’) and with Governor Moonbeam set to take over, if you depend on things like Rail, Trucks, or Electricity ( i.e. everybody) it’s time to pack up and leave.
Electricity is high (and going to go higher as we repeat the Enron Minibar Pricing stupidity of our last Brown-Outs but with a greenwash this time).
Labor is high.
Land is high.
And TAXES are outrageous and headed WAY high (as they are untold $Billions in debt and digging the hole deeper… and with bond sales starting to show issues, higher taxes are sort of all there is left…)
So don’t expect a lot of folks moving in. Do expect a lot moving out.

December 21, 2010 4:31 pm

This is just (no) business as usual for California.
“December 6. Part I: New Record for Calif. Companies Departing or Shifting Work Out: 193 -Nearly Four Times Last Year’s Level”
Meanwhile the state and local governments will concentrate on enforcing laws and regulations only on companies and people who still have some money. Doing so on the poor or illegal aliens just isn’t profitable.

Tom in Florida
December 21, 2010 4:34 pm

et tu Anthony?

December 21, 2010 4:43 pm
December 21, 2010 4:52 pm

We have been waiting and waiting for this …..
Special AGW Progress Report Windmill/Turbine Edition.
Schadenfreude? Yup. We’ll gloat? You betcha.
Warmista idiots/a**holes/schmucks, etc.
Big AGW A**Hole says: “The amount of electricity lost during this time is unknown, he said.”
“Wind Turbine Repairs Delayed Due to Winter Weather in Europe”
“Town officials are waiting for a part from Germany to make the town’s wind turbine spin again.”
“Europe’s winter weather is to blame for the delayed repair of the town’s wind turbine, said Assistant Town Planner Gary Crosby on Tuesday.
A large portion of Europe has been hit hard by a winter storm, which has caused airport cancellations and other traffic delays. The storm has also caused the delay of a package carrying a part for Portsmouth’s wind turbine—a slip ring.
“The last time the wind turbine was working was Dec. 6,” Crosby said. “We are waiting for the part, which is coming from Germany. The part was supposed to leave Germany on Dec. 19th, but they had some weather.”
The town has entered into a temporary, one-year contract with the Lumus Construction Co. of Newton, MA, which is handling the turbine’s repairs. The town previously contracted with AARR Mfg., which went “bankrupt,” Crosby said.
“We had an emergency situation so we were able to hire Lumus,” he said. “We hope the part arrives by Thursday or Friday. We’re negotiating to see if they will work on Friday or over Christmas, which will mean some overtime.”
Crosby says he hopes work begins by Dec. 28, but the date of completion depends on when the part is delivered. The amount of electricity lost during this time is unknown, he said.
“Clearly, we are not generating power,” Crosby said. “Hopefully, we’ll be back turning by next week.””

Moray Watson
December 21, 2010 4:59 pm

Did Kansas City look at Nordic Windpower’s business plan to understand how Nordic Windpower expects to become profitable, on an unsubsidized basis, within the near term?
If so, what assumptions were made in the business plan and who are the experts standing behind them?
Some day, there must be an accounting.

December 21, 2010 5:04 pm

E.M.Smith says:
December 21, 2010 at 4:30 pm California just raised the Sovereign Risk way high (we had a partial bond offering failure that required higher than expected rates and still didn’t move all the ‘product’) and with Governor Moonbeam set to take over, if you depend on things like Rail, Trucks, or Electricity ( i.e. everybody) it’s time to pack up and leave.

Governor Moonbeam. Why anyone (other than me) would wish to be governor of California right now is beyond me. Captain of the Titanic, now taking applications. Despite my highly developed sense of schadenfreude, I’d like to see California pull through. Proof that you could spend your way to prosperity would be welcome now that I’ve retired.

December 21, 2010 5:07 pm

maz2 says:
December 21, 2010 at 4:52 pm
I wonder if the greenies have figured out yet that Mother Nature just doesn’t cooperate unless she feels like it. Whether it’s a picnic or a shuttle launch. Best laid plans and all that.
December 21, 2010 5:12 pm

Economics trumps politics everytime. California deserves exactly what has received – bankruptcy, a crashed business market, and massive unemployment. That’s what happens when the economic-illiterate are given a vote – the make silly choices.

December 21, 2010 5:12 pm

Don’t forget we have EPA to contend with on a national scale. Maybe California knows something……

Gary Hladik
December 21, 2010 5:15 pm

“A California-based wind turbine manufacturer is moving its headquarters and production operations to a site at Kansas City International Airport…”
Take my wife. Please.
Heck, take me, too!

December 21, 2010 5:27 pm

There is a Large Wind Turbine off Interstate 5 that never seems to turn It is on the property of an industrial plant. I am thinking they built it for offsets and tax breaks and could care less whether it ever generates even one megawatt!!

December 21, 2010 5:27 pm

Nordic is smart to ditch a state that won’t be able to pay subsidies or other benefits soon!!

December 21, 2010 5:31 pm

My schadenfreude soars like a hawk for all those CA employees (if any) who will be relocating. They’re in for a HUGE surprise. KC is NOT the Left Coast.
Don’t get me wrong; I’m retired and living here in S.E. MO. Its a nice state to live in. But I’ve lived in SoCal (twice!) and if you’re used to mountains, deserts, and oceans, surfers, actors, and huge numbers of liberals then you need to know there are basically ….none…. here.
This is flyover country. It’s called that for a reason.

December 21, 2010 5:35 pm

Looks like they’re still consuming funds.
I can’t find the sales figures for the company

December 21, 2010 5:56 pm

maz2 says:
December 21, 2010 at 4:52 pm
“Wind Turbine Repairs Delayed Due to Winter Weather in Europe”
“Town officials are waiting for a part from Germany to make the town’s wind turbine spin again.”
“The amount of electricity lost during this time is unknown, he said.”
That’s hilarious…..
The town has one windmill, it stopped working, and no one missed the power out put

December 21, 2010 6:30 pm

Here in Khal-ee-forn-ya (Aahnuld pronunciation), after Mr. Liberal-in-Conservatives- clothing will leave us with his idiotic commie green laws, those of us who remember our history are NOT looking forward to another 4 years of Brown rot!!!
The liberal legislature refuses to cut budgets and will tax businesses even more.
Then they wonder why we have one of the highest unemployment rates in the country,
and businesses are leaving in droves. I’d love to follow the rats off this sinking ship, but it’s not in the cards right now.
It pains me as a CA native to watch them drive this great state into the ground.

December 21, 2010 6:38 pm

I suspect that the manufacturing equipment for these green companies is on wheels as the skip from one state to the next to take advantage of tax subsidies from the Feds and incentives from the states as they steal from one another.
This seems to be the biggest growth area now. Making what Big Government says is the “next” technology so you can cash in. Nice work if you can get it. While ever increasing rules and regulations freeze out the private sector.

December 21, 2010 6:55 pm

What is going to be interesting is to watch the education of Brown take place in the school of hard knocks.
His answer to everything is “tax the rich!”. Now the rich are fleeing. He is going to have to put a damper on the spending but that might just make his head explode.

December 21, 2010 7:27 pm

I just heard on the radio (John Batchelor show, my favorite show in the radio, if you can’t get it locally, listen to the podcasts posted on his website: .. not a bunch of callers ranting and raving, this is good stuff with great guests.) that Jerry Brown has now eliminated the office of the Inspector General which was formed to oversee use of “stimulus” money.
This is the same office that uncovered “stupid” spending of high speed rail money.
No more worrying about that sort of thing, apparently, because Brown has eliminated the office.

December 21, 2010 7:33 pm
mike g
December 21, 2010 7:47 pm

I wonder if companies who ditch CA can still cash in the vouchers they’ve been issued by CA in the current budget crisis?

Douglas DC
December 21, 2010 7:51 pm

SM I have family in and around Sedalia and down into Branson, Yep, yer right…
Like wife’s cousin who got a job in Eugene Oregon, he was from Southern Indiana,
and Eugene was like Mars to them. They went back to Indiana….
Heck, Eugene is Mars to me too…

mike g
December 21, 2010 7:54 pm

It is so sweet to think the power shift in the US house of representatives has occurred just in time to NOT bail out California.

December 21, 2010 8:23 pm

If they throw $ 5.6 million at me, I’ll move my company anywhere on they want.

James Sexton
December 21, 2010 8:55 pm

James Sexton says:
December 21, 2010 at 4:19 pm
Lol, Berkeley has all the renewable energy companies they need. That wonderful bastion of green. Standing in the way of Big Oil and your money and the earth!
Like a crackerjack box, you have to get(scroll) to the bottom for the prize.
Aww, now I’m disappointed. No one commented on my Berkeley/BP partnership proof. Maybe it was well known by most. The windmills were in the way. lol

December 21, 2010 9:15 pm

It is so sweet to think the power shift in the US house of representatives has occurred just in time to NOT bail out California.

I wouldn’t smile so broadly. There are a lot of good families that are going to experience real hardship because of this idiocy. That isn’t anything “sweet”.

December 21, 2010 9:34 pm

Confirmation that CA isn’t worried because the Obama Administration will impose by decree on the nation what the lemmings in CA have done to themselves thereby flushing what’s left of the rest of the states’ economies down the toilet.
EPA to double down on climate

December 21, 2010 10:58 pm

Re kuhnkat says:
December 21, 2010 at 5:27 pm
Yes, I have been by that wind turbine six or seven times in the last two years, never seen it moving.

December 22, 2010 1:44 am

Douglas DC says:
December 21, 2010 at 4:08 pm
A small correction. You wrote “5.6 Billion giveaway to a carpet-bagging “Green” company” but you seem to be off the numbers by a considerable amount, viz, “His administration (Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon) approved $5.6 million in incentives for the company to make the move.”
The sum of money given to Nordic is not so awful and Nixon said Nordic plans to invest nearly $16 million in facilities at Kansas City Airport. That however, is the only positive feature of that report.
Here in the UK, we have windmills to the generating capacity of 2, 430MW, according to this real website we are getting 86 MW, which represents 2 tenths of one percent of electricity generation right now. We have C.Huhne who wishes to erect another 10,000 of these abominations. He is completely witless, but a very, very dangerous individual, unless he is terminated as minister.
Nordic is failing in California and will disintegrate in Misery, sorry Missouri, but will they survive six years in order to ante up the $16 million to improve the airport?

David L
December 22, 2010 2:54 am

This was predicted many times by many people here on WUWT. The corporate exodus has begun.

December 22, 2010 4:43 am

I’m sure one of the points made by the mad legislators of California was green jobs? Well i surpose you could get a Mann to massage the starting figures of -200.

December 22, 2010 5:53 am

note to R. Shearer–Kansas City International Airport is in Missouri, as is the larger Kansas City. Kansas City Kansas has a major NASCAR speedway.

December 22, 2010 7:08 am

@sm – There are liberals in KC. They are just all concentrated near Brookside. 🙂
If any California CEOs are out there, KC has a lot to offer. Soon the Kaufman Center for Liberal Arts will be finished, Great shopping and restaurants at the Plaza, and lots of open room in the countryside to stretch your legs. If your very liberal, just remember to mind your manners and you’ll be just fine.

December 22, 2010 7:27 am

Is this some of the “green jobs” that were promised by AB32 and the failure of the prop. 23 the warmist said would happen if you vote against it!!!!

Tim Clark
December 22, 2010 7:32 am

R. Shearer says: December 21, 2010 at 4:16 pm
California to Kansas, “You can take this factory and jobs and your little dog Toto too!”

Actually it’s KC, Mo. But, as a Kansan, Thanks, but keep the dog.

December 22, 2010 8:21 am

Curiousgeorge says:
December 21, 2010 at 4:10
It’s called TAXES! ……nd then wonder why the hell they are broke.
If they are broke doesn’t it mean they are not collecting enough taxes?

Dennis Wingo
December 22, 2010 8:30 am

I am in the process of moving my solar company from the Bay Area to Maryland.
REPLY: well, it is on a trailer, I’m not sure that counts as an “exodous” to escape California 😉 – Anthony

Johannes van Vuren
December 22, 2010 12:22 pm

You are spelling it wrong. Its not Berkeley, its Berserkley.

Brian H
December 23, 2010 2:22 pm

Here’s an interactive display of the Unemployment by county for CA:
since Jan. ’08. SF is one of the least-hit areas: its rate has only slightly more than doubled, from 4.6% to 9.6%.