Giving thanks

As this year draws to a close, I think back about what I’ve accomplished on this blog in the last year, and it occurs to me that I have a…

Weathering and Thermometer Shelters

Former Virginia State Climatologist Patrick J. Michaels wrote an op-ed about his paper with Ross McKitrick from Canada’s University of Guelph in an American Spectator column today about the surface…

Blogging Holiday – please drive/bike/walk safely

I’m taking a few days off blogging for friends and family. Seeing the pandemonium that has gripped the streets of my town while people scurry about trying to pull off that…

Moon and Mars show tonight, Sunday Dec 23rd

Sky note:  After sunset on Sunday, Dec. 23rd, the full Moon and Mars will rise in the east less than 2 degrees apart. They’ll be two brightest objects in the evening…

Don't send Coal for Christmas, send Carbon Credits!

Got a person on your christmas list that is fully deserving but can’t find that lump of coal at K-Mart at the last minute? Thanks to the good folks at…

Record cold events around the world in 2007

Below is an opinion from the Washington Times by Geophysicist David Denning, to which I’ve added photos and links to the events he’s written about.   A caveat: I caution the reader that…

U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007

U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007  from this link: The variety and reach of this is quite large. This is a…

The Best Christmas Present Anybody Could Ever Have

My coffee buddy, Butte County Sheriff Perry Reniff helps Alexis Dominguez exit the helicopter (Photo: Bill Husa, Chico Enterprise Record)  Today was a good day. No, strike that, today was…

Study: Greenland prior eras as warm or warmer than today

I was forwarded a slide show presentation done by Thomas Lowell et al of the University of Cincinnati titled: Organic Remains from the Istorvet Ice Cap, Liverpool Land, East Greenland:…

Update: GOES12 is back online!

After a near brush with death, GOES 12 is back up and running, our full disk image  is now 100% The loop may take some time to get synced but…

Told Ya So!

As I blogged about earlier this year, Vista sucks. Now comes vindication of my views from PC World’s The 15 Biggest Tech Disappointments of 2007 unsurprisingly, Windows Vista has been rated…

One more thing to worry about

While we are all recovering from the news of the terrible fate that awaits us as outlined recently in Bali, astronomers have, for the first time, witnessed a super-massive black hole…

Climate Audit back up soon

I’m getting lots of emails from worried folks about the status of the Climate Audit website.  It’s a DNS snafu caused by closing a billing for hosting service that isn’t…

Significant Storms Headed to Northern California

You can click the image to see an animation that shows the current data at the time you are viewing, which depending on when you click, may not match the…

Spotting Weather Stations in SFO

San Francisco’s official weather stations, new and old locations are in this photo – can you find them? Last Thursday evening I had the pleasure of meeting up with Steve…

Now that's a big snowstorm

From my own image service, here’s the composite radar image for Saturday 12/15/07. You can click the image to see an animation that shows the current data at the…

From AGU – the cause of Aurora Borealis and TSI questions

Scientists think they have discovered the energy source of auroras borealis and australis, the spectacular upper atmospheric color displays seen in the highest latitudes of the our planet. At the same…

Signs of a new solar cycle?

From NASA: The solar physics community is abuzz this week. No, there haven’t been any great eruptions or solar storms. The source of the excitement is a modest knot of…

Off to AGU

I’m off to San Francisco to the AGU meeting and to meetup with Steve McIntyre and others. So I won’t be posting for awhile. I’ll have some new material over…

How not to measure temperature, part 45

I’ve covered California’s temperature stations and their exposure problems extensively, now it’s time to head north to Alaska. When you think of Alaska, you think of cold, snowy, pristine remote…

Spot the thermometer in this photo

I have a new tool for evaluation of the micro-site measurement environment near thermometers. The first site I’ve surveyed has not one but two potential biases. Can you spot them? Can…

USHCN National Weather Station Quality Plot

Early in the project, one of the criticisms heard against the effort was that there had been “cherry picking” going on in the selections of stations to survey, and that…

How not to measure temperature, part 44

I’ve seen a couple of weather stations mounted on rooftops before, for example the station in Eureka, CA was on the roof of the post office for many years. This…

NASA/NOAA may have lost GOES East satellite

  The GOES East satellite (GOES 12) went through a station keeping maneuver (used to maintain orbit and attitude) yesterday, and then shortly afterwards communications ceased. GOES 12 is no…

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