Markers Along the Road to The Death of Net Zero

Net zero may be dying, but so are the economies of the UK and Germany. I just hope that the U.S. can be rescued in time.

Alberta Suspends Approvals for Green Energy Projects, such as Wind or Solar Power

Rural municipalities cover roughly 85 per cent of Alberta’s land and their voices must be included in the approval process for all renewable energy projects.

Limits to Wind and Solar on the Grid: A Discussion

“The dream of a solar and wind grid is collapsing very quickly as they are only profitable in a low penetration context.”

“California’s Duck Curve Hits Record Lows”

The forced energy transformation crowd continues to be in denial about how badly the California grid has been compromised by wind and solar

Are Grassroot Wind/Solar Foes ‘Cultish’? (Peter Sinclair vs. Kevon Martis again)

Peter and his corporate masters at APEX and Land and Liberty are working overtime in Michigan to strip away township control of wind and solar siting.