CO2 Analogy to Tobacco: “Nonsense,” states James Hansen

But with global lukewarming and a nod toward the manifold benefits of CO2 enrichment, this scare can be moderated. Stay tuned on this one, as the father of the climate…

Claim: Exxon Shifted Blame for Global Warming from Oil Companies to Consumers

You have to wade through 5 paragraphs of “Harvard Research” before seeing “Naomi Oreskes”. Other outlets didn’t mention her name at all. I wonder why news outlets seem so shy…

Guardian: Rein in Advertising to Save the World from Climate Change

According to a think tank report, excessive advertising is driving materialist consumerism which is contributing to the destruction of the world through global warming. But in my opinion this is…

24 Hours of Climate Reality: Gore-a-thon – Hour 23

A new post containing a cartoon from Josh will appear every hour. At the end of the 24 hours, everything will be collated on a single page. Readers are encouraged…