Detecting the AGW Needle in the SST Haystack

Guest essay by Jeffery S. Patterson My last post on this site, examined the hypothesis that the climate is dominated by natural, harmonically related periodicities. As they say in the…

Briggs schools the "Bad Astronomer" on statistics

That letter signed by 16 scientists saying there’s “No Need to Panic About Global Warming” to the Wall Street Journal has caused a great disturbance in the farce. At last count…

Climategate 2 email – Rob Wilson replicates McIntyre & McKitrick – produces hockey sticks out of noise

Reader Crosspatch writes in comments: 4241.txt is where Briffa Rob Wilson apparently believes he recreates what McIntyre is talking about the hockey stick showing up no matter what data you…

A mathematician's response to BEST

Doug Keenan, who readers may remember doggedly pursued and won some tree ring data that Queens University held back, was asked to comment of the BEST papers by the Economist.…

Warming or Cooling? Heads or Tails?

At left, Two Headed Quarter from This article, originally published in the Wall Street Journal, is now republished here, with the author’s permission, using his website post. Mathematician Doug…