PM2.5: Mass Killer or Mass Fraud?

The bottom line is that the claim that PM2.5 causes death is the most demonstrable science fraud of our time.

Eat the Bugs Peasant: Part XXXXXX

German Researchers Find Fine Particle Emissions from Barbecues May Endanger Public Health

Milloy: EPA’s Assessment of PM2.5 is Science Fraud

Now we are back to the good old days of EPA’s CASAC cronies doing the bidding of EPA staff and rubber-stamping their fraudulent interpretation of the PM2.5 literature and reality.

Study Calls for Ban on Gas Appliances, Misleads Californians

But the study, Effects of Residential Gas Appliances on Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality and Public Health in California, lacks accuracy and perspective, as discussed in my paper criticizing the…

China’s war on particulate air pollution is causing more severe ozone pollution

From Eurekalert! Public Release: 2-Jan-2019 PM 2.5 pollution is falling but ground-level ozone pollution is on the rise Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences In early…

A Christmas mercury miracle

From the IEA Clean Coal Centre – when the data fit the model, and mercury emissions come for free Mercury is a menace. It is an environmental liability and global…

The EPA's Unethical PM2.5 Air Pollution Experiments

By John Dale Dunn MD JD (via email) United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson testified before Congress in September of 2011 that small-particle (2.5 microns or less)…