Bad Paint Job = Rising Surface Temperatures Part2

A test of wood surface temperatures related to paint NOTE: This is not research quality experiment, but a simple test to point me towards others tests and experiments. IR thermometers…

The Nation slams Global Warming

Here’s something that took me completely by surprise. In the most recent edition of The Nation, columnist Alexander Cockburn did a left wing smack down of Gore and the entire…

Global Warming on Neptune

I covered global warming on Mars previously, but many climate change proponents shrug that off as being a “regional effect” that only affects Mars south pole as they say its…

Chico's soon to be Pine Tree Cell Tower ?

As I drove through Grass Valley today, the cell phone tower disguised as a pine tree reminded me that Tuesday night, the City Council will consider once again the cell…

Mothers Day

Sung to the famous Italian song Funicili Funicila. For a real hoot, see Rodney Dangerfield sing it here on Youtube

911 Truth

You can use your mouse to interact with the flash graphic above. The Chico News and Review has gotten quite a number of letters on their 911 Truth article which…

Home Solar installs falling in California

The LA Times reports that California is seeing a big drop off in rebate applications for solar power systems. It seems that to get a rebate you have to also…

Site survey: Weather Station of Climate Record at CSUC

To get an idea of the measurement environment that exists today at stations used to gather climate data, I visited the Chico State University Fram on Hegan Lane, south of…

Bad Paint Job = Rising Surface Temperatures?

Stevenson Screen at the NWS office in Monterey – good paint but right next to asphalt parking lot and concrete walk – a definite no-no! After reading an excellent paper…

Something is up at the ER

Its Sunday Morning, 8:04 AM… No newspaper delivery and even more amazing, no online edition of the Enterprise Record is available. The only thing that is available is the image…

Light flows at the speed of molasses

Tonight I was watching a Science Channel TV show on the New Horizons spacecraft mission to Pluto, which just completed its Jupiter flyby in February of this year. Its a…

Galactic Perspective

Often we lose sight of our place in the universe, some never knew at all just how miniscule we humans are compared to everything else. There’s a tendency to view…

Free Carbon Offsets now available for the monetarily challenged

It’s nice to see social equality kick in from time to time. For example, not everyone can afford to buy carbon offsets like Al Gore to assuage our guilt for…

My New Toy: Global Climate Modeling on my PC

I have a new toy. Its one of the Global Climate Models that is being used to predict the future of Earth’s climate and the effects of global warming. Originally…

Earth's Climate is see-sawing

Lund University in Sweden has just released a very interesting research summary titled: “The Earth’s climate is seesawing”. Here is the short opening summary: “During the last 10,000 years climate…

Major Daily Newspapers in Circulation Decline

I’m very distressed to read this. Newspapers are the life blood of a community. Television news has also been in decline, but television doesn’t become the record for the community,…

Light Bulbs and Mercury Part 2

In my last entry I raised three questions about Compact Flourescent Light bulbs aka CFL’s 1) What about regular fluorescent tubes? They have mercury too, and sometimes in greater quantity.…

Steel and Concrete -vs- Fire

This Thursday, the Chico News and Review will be doing a story covering the pro and cons of the people that have been lobbying editor Evan Tuchinsky for more coverage…

Light Bulbs and Mercury

How much money does it take to screw in a compact fluorescent lightbulb? About $4.28 for the bulb and labor — unless you break the bulb. Then you, like Brandy…

One Day Blog Silence

Sun getting bubbly: Coronal Mass Ejection may hit Earth

We had "yellow" level geomagnetic activity on the sun last night, and more may come tonight and tomorrow night. Its coming from Sunspot 953, which is about 3 times the…

NEWSFLASH: Cause for Global Warming Found

An astute letter to the editor writer in Arkansas has found the reason for global warming: This actually happened, as attested to on the rumor/urban legend verifcation website

Follow up to "Cell Phones Kill Bees" story

About two weeks ago I published this story about the loony idea that was proposed by some researcher in Europe about “cell phone radiation may be killing bees”. I pointed…

Internet Radio may get a reprieve

In Today’s Chico News and Review, the cover story is about Internet Radio and all the trouble the Copyright Royalty Board recently caused with a draconian ruling on the cost…

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