Al Gore’s Tiresome Crusade: So Long, So Wrong

From MasterResource

By Robert Bradley Jr. — December 11, 2023

“Today the evidence of an ecological Kristallnacht is as clear as the sound of glass shattering in Berlin. We are still reluctant to believe that our worst nightmares of a global ecological collapse could come true; much depends on how quickly we can recognize the danger. [- Al Gore, Earth in the Balance (1992)]

“Every night on the TV news is like taking a nature hike through the Book of Revelation,” Al Gore told the New York Times last year. The Times reporter noted: “The past few weeks have him even more worried than usual.” Really?

Gore’s rhetoric today is toned toward hope that new technology will save the day. “We know how to fix this,” Gore told the Times:

We can stop the temperatures going up worldwide with as little as a three-year time lag by reaching net zero. And if we stay at true net zero, we’ll see half of the human-caused CO2 coming out of the atmosphere in as little as 30 years.

Net zero fantasies aside, Gore pulls out his old trump card of “the survival of the human civilization,” such as his recent comment on ExxonMobil’s CEO participating at COP28.


From the late 1980s until today, Al Gore is singing the same tune. Here is a sampling of his otherworldly statements.

Earth’s Fate Is the No. 1 National Security Issue,” Washington Post (May 14, 1989)

Humankind has suddenly entered into a brand-new relationship with the planet Earth. The world’s forests are being destroyed; an enormous hole is opening in the ozone layer. Living species are dying at an unprecedented rate.

To date, the national-security agenda has been dominated by issues of military security…. Many of us hope that the global environment will be the new dominant concern.

Similarly, the effort to solve the global environmental crisis will be complicated not only by blind assertions that more environmental manipulation and more resource extraction are essential for economic growth…. It will call for … a Strategic Environment Initiative.

Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit (New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992)

“[The] global environmental crisis is rooted in the dysfunctional pattern of our civilization’s relationship to the natural world.” (p. 237)

“It ought to be possible to establish a coordinated global program to accomplish the strategic goal of completely eliminating the internal combustion engine over, say, a twenty-five-year-period.” (pp. 325–26)

“We now know that [the automobile’s] cumulative impact on the global environment is posing a mortal threat to the security of every nation that is more deadly than that of any military enemy we are ever again likely to confront.” (p. 325)

“Adopting a central organizing principle—one agreed to voluntarily—means embarking on an all-out effort to use every policy and program, every law and institution, every treaty and alliance, every tactic and strategy, every plan and course of action—to use, in short, every means to halt the destruction of the environment and to preserve and nurture our ecological system.” (p. 274)

“Minor shifts in policy, marginal adjustments in ongoing programs, moderate improvements in laws and regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change—these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy the public’s desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle, and a wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary.” (p. 274)

“I hope and trust we will all find a way to resist the accumulated momentum of all the habits, patterns, and distractions that divert us from what is true and honest, spinning us first this way, then that, whirling us like a carnival ride until our very souls are dizzy and confused.” (p. 367)

“Modern industrial civilization, as presently organized, is colliding violently with our planet’s ecological system.  The ferocity of its assault on the earth is breathtaking, and the horrific consequences are occurring so quickly as to defy our capacity to recognize them, comprehend their global implications, and organize an appropriate and timely response.”
(p. 269)

“We are now, in effect, corruptly imposing our own dysfunctional design and discordant rhythms on future generations, and these persistent burdens will be terribly difficult to carry.” (p. 236)

“Our civilization is, in effect, addicted to the consumption of the earth itself.  This addictive relationship distracts us from the pain of what we have lost:  a direct experience of our connection to the vividness, vibrancy, and aliveness of the rest of the natural world.  The froth and frenzy of industrial civilization mask our deep loneliness for that communion with the world that can lift our spirits and fill our senses with the richness and immediacy of life itself.” (pp. 220–21)

“We have become so successful at controlling nature that we have lost our connection to it.” (p. 225)

“The world’s ecological balance depends on more than just our ability to restore a balance between civilization’s ravenous appetite for resources and the fragile equilibrium of the earth’s environment. . . .  We must restore a balance within ourselves between who we are and what we are doing.” (p. 12)

“Our ecological system is crumpling as it suffers a powerful collision with the hard surfaces of a civilization speeding toward it out of control.” (p. 42)

“The potential for true catastrophe lies in the future, but the downslope that pulls us toward it is becoming recognizably steeper with each passing year. . . . Sooner or later the steepness of the slope and our momentum down its curve will take us beyond a point of no return.” (p. 49)

“Now warnings of a different sort signal an environmental holocaust without precedent. . . .  Today the evidence of an ecological Kristallnacht is as clear as the sound of glass shattering in Berlin.  We are still reluctant to believe that our worst nightmares of a global ecological collapse could come true; much depends on how quickly we can recognize the danger. (pp. 177–78)

An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It (Emmaus, PA: Rodale, 2006)

“The underlying reality is that we are colliding with the planet’s ecological system, and its most vulnerable components are crumbling as a result.” (p. 8)

“In every corner of the globe … the world is witnessing mounting and undeniable evidence that nature’s cycles are profoundly changing.” (p. 8)

“Not only does human-caused global warming exist, but it is also growing more and more dangerous and at a pace that has now made it a planetary emergency.” (p. 8)

“The climate crisis is, indeed, extremely dangerous. In fact, it is a true planetary emergency.” (p. 10)

“Global warming, along with the cutting and burning of forests and other critical habitats, is causing the loss of living species at a level comparable to the extinction even that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.” (p. 10)

“This time it is not an asteroid [like 65 million years ago] colliding with the Earth and wreaking havoc; it is us.” (p. 10)

“Today, we are hearing and seeing dire warnings of the worst potential catastrophic in the history of human civilization: a global climate crisis that is deepening and rapidly becoming more dangerous than anything we have ever faced.” (p. 10)

“At stake is the survival of our civilization and the habitability of the Earth.” (p. 11)

Renewable Energy Speech (2008)

“Today I challenge our nation to commit to producing 100 percent of our electricity from renewable energy and truly clean carbon-free sources within 10 years…. To those who say 10 years is not enough time, I respectfully ask them to consider what the world’s scientists are telling us about the risks we face if we don’t act in 10 years.”

“It is only a truly dysfunctional system that would buy into the perverse logic that the short-term answer to high gasoline prices is drilling for more oil ten years from now.”

“When people rightly complain about higher gasoline prices, we propose to give more money to the oil companies and pretend that they’re going to bring gasoline prices down.”

“If you want to know the truth about gasoline prices, here it is: the exploding demand for oil, especially in places like China, is overwhelming the rate of new discoveries by so much that oil prices are almost certain to continue upward over time no matter what the oil companies promise. And politicians cannot bring gasoline prices down in the short term.”

Quotations About Al Gore

Gore calls our consumption habits an “addiction.” Civilization is termed clinically “dysfunctional.” His opponents are in psychological “denial.” The politically ambivalent electorate has grown psychologically numb in order to “anesthetize their conscience.” Businessmen and politicians are called “enablers.” In sum, society is sick, and only a therapist-in-chief can cure it. Stuart Smalley, meet the Unabomber. (Jerry Taylor, 2000)

Al Gore was right about one thing in his rant at the World Economic Forum in Davos: CO2 emissions have continued to climb and show no sign of being affected by “climate policy”. (Holman Jenkins, 2023)

Mr. Gore will continue his angry prophet act. Politics will continue to fuel a sacred pork scramble. The climate press will balance on its noses whatever memes are tossed its way. And humanity will adapt to the climate it gets, which the best current guess says will probably be another 1 to 2 degrees Celsius warmer over the next century. (Holman Jenkins, 2023)

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Tom Halla
December 11, 2023 2:09 pm

Again, I am so relieved Gore was never President.

Tom in Florida
Reply to  Tom Halla
December 11, 2023 3:15 pm

Thank the State of Tennessee because even though it was Gore’s home state, they went with Bush. Had he carried his home state, like most candidates do, he would have won.

Reply to  Tom in Florida
December 11, 2023 6:18 pm

Gore’s old man was a senator from Tenn. who taught Allie the crooked ropes….like Senator Menendez demonstrates today. The demrat party only survives off low IQ voters and cheating….that’s why Joke Biden has opened the border. Trump will close that border.

Reply to  Tom in Florida
December 12, 2023 5:59 am

George Bush lost a war with Afghanistan and committed the second largest geno cide since WWII by attacking Iraq in 2003 for no reason. Would Gore have been worse?

Reply to  Richard Greene
December 12, 2023 8:49 am

Moderator – should someone this out of touch be allowed to comment here?

Trying to Play Nice
Reply to  Ex-KaliforniaKook
December 12, 2023 1:21 pm

I think he’s been hacked.

Reply to  Tom in Florida
December 12, 2023 2:05 pm

The focus turned out to be Florida.
Al demanded a recount but only in one county.
Lots on legal stuff later, the whole state was recounted and the USA dodged a bullet.

Reply to  Tom Halla
December 11, 2023 4:02 pm

Dear ex Vice President Gore
I believe that you had a significant hand in the signing of a previous atmospheric gas reduction international agreement, the Montreal protocol, claimed as a success for decades.
Lets see how its going.

Oooooooooops, not too well, with no progress at all. In fact most years its worse than the year that the agreement was signed – 46 years ago.

Whats more, the reduction in ozone above Antarctica is now greater later in the season, well outside the time period where the magical temperature / CFC destruction period is supposed to happen, and they are now starting to call that loss by “atmospheric dynamics”.

The 2023 year

With regards

Reply to  Tom Halla
December 11, 2023 4:44 pm

What might have been is difficult to say. I actually voted for Gore, I am not proud to say. At the time, I didn’t know that he and many dems were actually psychotics.

I’m not so sure about Cheney, I mean W, either.

Tom Halla
Reply to  Scissor
December 11, 2023 6:49 pm

I must be older. I am deeply ashamed I voted for Jimmy Carter.

Reply to  Tom Halla
December 11, 2023 8:30 pm

I was too young for his first term, and I don’t recall whether I even voted in 1980. I did a pretty good Carter impression in high school.

Reply to  Tom Halla
December 12, 2023 3:59 am

Maybe he wasn’t a great president but he was and is a very decent human being.

Reply to  Tom Halla
December 12, 2023 2:11 pm

Don’t feel bad.
The first time I was eligible to vote, I was going to vote for McGovern!
But I was so politically astute in those days that I didn’t know I needed to register to vote first. 😎
(Today some would say my vote was “suppressed”. Glad it was. I was young and dumb back then.)

Reply to  Scissor
December 12, 2023 9:19 am

As long as we’re confessing, I voted for both Bushes. I actually thought the second one would be a good president.

What a disappointment. On the other hand, there wasn’t anyone better running. That’s a sad commentary on our country.

Reply to  Ex-KaliforniaKook
December 12, 2023 11:16 am

No, it’s not a sad commentary about our country, it’s a sad commentary about our country’s two leading political party’s choices of nominees.

But this is nothing new. As long as people think they should vote for a political party instead of a person they can support, nothing will change. The lowest common denominator of candidates is assured.

Reply to  Ex-KaliforniaKook
December 12, 2023 2:20 pm

Reagan and Trump were the the ones, to me, that weren’t votes for the lesser of two evils. The Republicans had put up wimps.
(Such as Romney, an Obama-lite.)

December 11, 2023 2:22 pm

Darn!! A couple of days ago I thought of a humorous but realistic comment about Al Gore. Sadly, I can’t recall it now. It piggy-backed off of his claim that he invented the internet. Darn again!!


PS: Hopefully, someone’s comment on this thread will prompt my recall of it.

Rud Istvan
Reply to  Bob Tisdale
December 11, 2023 4:32 pm

Been there, done that. Life is a bitch, and then you die. Short summary.

Reply to  Bob Tisdale
December 11, 2023 5:00 pm

If he hadn’t invented the internet, we would never know that you forgot your funny comment.

I heard that when he gets a massage he puts the 2-3 mm/year sea level rise to shame. When he was born there were only 7000 polar bears, and today only 35,000 remain. The climate may be getting hotter, but Al Gore looks more and more like a pig every day.

Reply to  Scissor
December 11, 2023 5:21 pm

“Al Gore looks more and more like a pig every day.”

How Dare You !!!
Fancy denigrating pigs by comparing them with that hypocritical piece of trash.

Reply to  Scissor
December 11, 2023 6:15 pm

There is little better than South Park at its most acidic in the Episode “Manbearpig”.
Manbearpig – South Park (Video Clip) | South Park Studios Global

Reply to  cgh
December 11, 2023 8:25 pm

He’s super cereal.

Reply to  Bob Tisdale
December 12, 2023 10:26 am

No worries, I can chuckle about him without any help

Reply to  Bob Tisdale
December 12, 2023 11:26 am

The absolutely most hysterical comment Al Gore ever made was when he told Conan O’Brian on TV that the Earth’s core temperature was “millions of degrees”. He was only off by about 1,900,000 degrees, but not a single person in the audience laughed at him.

Trying to Play Nice
Reply to  Bob Tisdale
December 12, 2023 1:25 pm

From what I read, Al didn’t actually say he invented the internet. He claimed he was responsible for the funding that made it possible. A Republican staffer picked up on that and the famous “Al Gore invented the internet” was born.

Reply to  Trying to Play Nice
December 12, 2023 2:30 pm

As I vaguely recall, Al pushed for military satellite maps being released to the public.
After he lost the election, he became a member of the board at Google.

Reply to  Gunga Din
December 13, 2023 8:53 am

Member of the Board at Apple.

DD More
Reply to  Bob Tisdale
December 12, 2023 7:03 pm

Do remember that at Vanderbilt divinity school, Algore, over the course of three semesters, failed five of his eight classes.

But looks like he did pass “Hellfire & Damnation Preaching.”

Rud Istvan
December 11, 2023 2:25 pm

Al Gore and Mike Mann make easy targets for Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals #5: ridicule. As here. Turnabout is fair play.
Gore’s Inconvenient Truth has not aged well at all.
Mann’s attack on Steyn provoked Steyn’s response, “A Disgrace to the Profession, volume 1”. Volume 1 was a nice extra touch, since Steyn only cited 100 ‘climate scientists’.

Reply to  Rud Istvan
December 12, 2023 2:06 am

Yeah, even a British judge took exception to Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” climate change propaganda movie saying it wasn’t fit for showing to British school children because of the errors in the movie.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 12, 2023 2:58 am

The judge ruled, that if shown, the schools should presage the film with a caveat about its veracity.

But they don’t.

Reply to  Rud Istvan
December 12, 2023 2:08 am

Al Gore has been wrong about every climate change claim he has made over the decades, but that doesn’t prevent him from making the same claims over and over and over again.

Al is hoping that someday his dire climate change predictions will come true.

Al Gore is a delusional person. He sees things that are not there. Al Gore has a lot of company.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 12, 2023 4:02 am

you mean, the oceans aren’t boiling?

December 11, 2023 2:25 pm

Saved some time there. I noted that everything in italics was some drivel spoken by or about Al Chicken Little Gore. No need to waste my eyes on that rot. “Chicken” because he is a coward and “little” referring to his intellect/integrity/scientific understanding/value to humanity/etc., though “little” may be an overestimation in all those categories.

Reply to  Andy Pattullo
December 11, 2023 2:32 pm

Gore’s value to humanity is well and truly in the negative !!

Reply to  bnice2000
December 11, 2023 2:39 pm

Yes, he is coward since he avoids ALL debates even with Viscount Monkton who for years had a standing invitation to a debate with Gore who never accepts.

Reply to  Sunsettommy
December 11, 2023 4:00 pm

Why should he debate a man who’s very “title” for years was a fraud? And say what you like about Gore but at least he rang and conceded to Bush when he lost. We are still waiting for man/boy Trump. And Gore also put out a statement that was very much saying it is time to move on for the good of the country.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 4:07 pm

He is listed as the Viscount Monckton for many years, the controversy was over being Lord Monckton which you must be referring to.

Gore correctly lost that election even several leftist papers conceded later.

Reply to  Sunsettommy
December 11, 2023 4:38 pm

Gore correctly lost that election even several leftist papers conceded later.”
Of course he did. It’s called democracy. But so did Trump according to:
numerous judges. His own daughter. The guy he put in charge of running the election. It’s only the dishonest and the loonies who still think he won the election the polls said he would loose.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 6:07 pm

Why do you keep bringing up Trump when it is GORE who is the topic and about his sloppy lying, misleading climate claims which has made for years which you keep ducking could it be because you can’t defend his scamming climate presentations bullcrap?

Reply to  Sunsettommy
December 11, 2023 7:35 pm

T.D.S. Tommy, T.D.S.

There is no cure.

Reply to  Mr.
December 12, 2023 10:12 am

There is no cure.”
Oh yes there is….jail time for Donnie.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 12:08 pm

Having done nothing illegal, that is highly unlikely.

The Top of the Biden mafiosa is more like to end up there, as the Hillderbeast should already be.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 1:03 pm

He is talking about YOU, and you still haven’t defended Al $$$ Gore against the article that exposes what an error prone man he is.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 7:50 pm

Just like the simpleton, Gore cannot debate.

Just like Slimon, he has absolutely NOTHING in the way of facts, data etc to debate with.

So he must RUN AWAY !!

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 2:25 am

There is nothing dishonest about requiring that States follow their own voting rules.

That’s all Trump wanted to have happen.

The Democrats changed the voting rules in many States without going through the State legislatures. Instead, judges and other officials made decisions on how to hold the vote, but ONLY the State legislature is authorized to say how the vote are handled.

So those votes that were cast in a way that did not conform to State legislature rules are illegal votes, and should not be counted.

That is what Trump wanted Pence to do: To send the delegates elected by questionable voting rules back to their respective States and their State legislatures in order to allow the State legislators to look at how the ballots were cast and to either accept them as is or call for a new election under the legal voting rules.

This is not an insurection. This is following the rules and is not unprecedented.

Pence could have sent the delegates back to the State legislators for their reconsideration, but Pence chose not to for undetermined reasons. It would have been perfectly legal for him to have done so.

So many votes were cast under illegal voting systems set up by unauthorized people. That’s what happened in the 2020 election.

Trump and Nikki Haley as vice president, are looking like a good combination. I could live with Desantis as vice president, too. I wouldn’t choose Vivek as a vice president.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 12, 2023 10:16 am

Pence could have sent the delegates back to the State legislators for their reconsideration, but Pence chose not to for undetermined reasons.” That’s not right Tom. It i explained very clearly here….

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 12:10 pm


…reliably far-left misinformation to fool the gullible far-leftist. !.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 12, 2023 10:21 am

PJDT, if he has learned anything, wouldn’t come within a mile of Tricky Nikki.

Reply to  sturmudgeon
December 13, 2023 3:01 am

I think Tricky Nikki would make a fine president.

I think Trump would be smart to choose her as his vice president. She would give the ticket strengths in areas where Trump needs it like with women and with pro-choice advocates.

Nikki has the best take on foreign policy and the handling of the enemies of the United States of any of the candidates on the debate floor.

Some isolationist Republcians don’t like Nikki’s take on things, but I don’t like the position of isolationist Republicans.

I think isolationist Repubicans are clueless about the world situation and how to handle it, and if their position was taken by the United States, then the United States would be in great danger. Isolationist Republicans are as stupid and clueless as the radical Democrats.

Trump and Haley. That’s the ticket.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 10:19 am

he would ‘loose’ what? The correct word is “lose”, which is what you just did.

Reply to  Sunsettommy
December 11, 2023 9:29 pm

And being a Viscount, he is totally entitled to use the title “Lord”.

Reply to  bnice2000
December 12, 2023 10:17 am

He claimed to be a member of the house of lords…. that’s different and makes him a fraud.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 12:13 pm

WRONG as always. This has been explained to you.. not fraud.. just a legal disagreement.

But in your mental incontinence, you are incapable of grasping the facts.

You want to see real fraud.. look at the AGW agenda that you support.

Reply to  Sunsettommy
December 11, 2023 9:33 pm

The argument was if he could say he was a member of the “House of Lords”.. the parliamentary unit.

It was nothing to do with using the title “Lord”

The 1999 act said only ratified heirs were members of “The House of Lords.”

Lord Monckton argues that the act is unconstitutional.

Reply to  bnice2000
December 11, 2023 10:12 pm

Yup the act was to remove the hereditary peers from the house and keep the politically appointed ones in place. Labour (Blair) felt that the hereditary peers would be more inclined to vote with the Tories and wanted to stuff the Lords with his Left-wing Labour peers. It probably is unconstitutional but, to the best of my knowledge, has never been successfully challenged.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 4:09 pm

Meanwhile Gore is a COWARD for ducking debate requests.

Then man KNOWS he would be smashed in a debate as he runs on lies and misleading claims and has done so for many years.

Reply to  Sunsettommy
December 11, 2023 4:39 pm

I note Trump ha refused to debate the other republican candidates. Does that make him a a coward? I say not. And nor is Gore for refusing to roll in the dirt.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 6:11 pm

Trump doesn’t debate them because he doesn’t need to as he is already the leading candidate and well ahead in the polls while Gore ducks’ debates because he wants to protect his climate scamming presentations that has made him a lot richer than he would have been.

The comparison is starkly different thus your whole comment was dead on arrival.

Reply to  Sunsettommy
December 12, 2023 12:45 pm

And don’t forget about the money he got from the Chicago Climate Exchange.

Rud Istvan
Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 4:36 pm

Gore did NOT concede to Bush. SCOTUS ruled that his Nth challenge to the Florida hanging Chad fiasco was one N too much. And so called the election for Bush.

Reply to  Rud Istvan
December 11, 2023 5:57 pm

Sure he fought it…. legally (unlike dictator Trump), but in the end he lost. So what did he do? He did the right thing and rang Bush. He acknowledged when it was time time to concede. And time for the country to move on. He didn’t hold everyone to ransom like the current bullyboy.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 6:13 pm

AFTER the SCOTUS told him his several attempts to steal the election had to end.

This is what you are trying hard to avoid because you are a leftist loon.

Reply to  Sunsettommy
December 11, 2023 7:12 pm

Everything done legally and with good cause in what was a genuinely close election. Seriously, what’s your point? That he shouldn’t have used the courts to contest things. Isn’t that how it’s meant to be done. Better than planning and supporting a traitorous insurrection I would have thought.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 11:51 am

Slimon is still an idiot.

Just like Algore.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 8:02 pm

What did Trump do that was illegal.

Only thing he did was question highly questionable/fraudulent voting activities on the behalf of the Democrats.

Everybody knows it was scammed, the courts are just too cowardly and/or left-biased to hear the evidence.

Reply to  bnice2000
December 12, 2023 2:36 am


I like the one where about 25 States, led by Texas went to the Supreme Court wanting them to stop the illegal voting being set up in other States because cheating in those States would affect the outcome of the election and would be detrimenatal to the nation.

The only entity that could hear such a case between States is the U.S. Supreme Court.

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the case.

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the case for political reasons, not for legal reasons.

The Chief Justice is a coward.

Tom in Florida
Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 12, 2023 4:42 am

That is correct. It was the illegal changing of election laws in several states that was and is the issue. In 2000 the US Supreme Court did their job and did not allow the Florida SC, composed of mostly Democrats, the change the Florida election law of the timing to certifying the ballots. The current SCOTUS failed in their duty to uphold the Constitutional authority of the state legislature being the only entity to establish voting rules in their state.

Reply to  Tom in Florida
December 13, 2023 3:08 am

“The current SCOTUS failed in their duty to uphold the Constitutional authority of the state legislature being the only entity to establish voting rules in their state.”

That’s exactly what they did.

And look at what we got as a result: The worst president evah!, Joe Biden.

Reply to  bnice2000
December 12, 2023 10:11 am

What did Trump do that was illegal.”
I’d say the 91 felony counts (too many to list) would be a good place for you to start reading.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 12:15 pm

All of them FAKED by the far-left. !

If you didn’t have your nose up Biden’s rear end you would know that.

Reply to  bnice2000
December 13, 2023 3:10 am

Yes, not a legitimate charge among the 91 counts.

All the charges are Trumped up. As we will eventually see. Just like with the “Russia, Russia, Russia, hoax.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 13, 2023 1:11 pm

Yes, not a legitimate charge among the 91 counts.”
Well the great news for us all is that we are going to find out one way or another.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 8:03 pm

He didn’t hold everyone to ransom like the current bullyboy.”

You are of course referring to Biden.. who is holding the whole of the US to ransom .. destroying it as he goes.

Reply to  bnice2000
December 13, 2023 1:12 pm

You are of course referring to Biden.. who is holding the whole of the US to ransom .. destroying it as he goes.”
Hmmm…. how is producing the best economy on the world holding it to ransom?

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 4:08 am

Nice of him to do that- calling Bush- but that doesn’t make up for his lunacy, especially saying the oceans are boiling. Perhaps he was being poetic or whatever, it’s still nuts and certainly not going to convince anyone of his mission. Better to use rational argument when you can- and he can’t.

Reply to  Rud Istvan
December 11, 2023 6:01 pm

Looks like a concession speech to me. And given it is called Al Gore concedes presidential election, I’d say there is a fair chance he did concede.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 8:00 pm

FORCED to concede.. eventually…, you mean.

You have to agree that the USA dodges a really big stink-bomb that day.

Gore is pure slime.. no wonder you worship him. !

Only to end up later with Obama, and now Biden, who have continued to destroy the US with their anti-science, anti-CO2, anti-planet, rancid use of the CO2 warming scam to further their pockets and socialist totalitarian agendas..

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 7:48 pm

Simon is either LYING or badly mal-informed…. as always. !!

Gore couldn’t debate an ant, any more than you could.

You have no facts, just “badly hurt feelings”

Reply to  bnice2000
December 11, 2023 8:36 pm

The usual nonsense from the king of bollocks.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 9:18 pm

king of bollocks.”

You certainly OWN that title simple-one.

Everything you type is total bollocks in the extreme.!

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 8:32 am

Meanwhile you haven’t defended Gore against the posted article thus your presence here is to divert with your usual evasive bullcrap.

You have failed bigly.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 8:24 pm

who’s very “title” for years was a fraud”

His title of Lord is totally legal. There is nothing fraudulent about it.

You are either very ignorant or deliberately LYING !!

 A lord is a member of the nobility who holds a hereditary title.

The term “lord” is used as a general term to refer to members of the peerage, which comprises five ranks: duke, marquess, earl, viscount, and baron.

Christopher Monckton is a Viscount with an hereditary title..

… , therefore entitled to use the term “Lord”.

The 1999 parliament act is vague legally as to if he is a member of the House of Lords or not. There are legal arguments either way.

Reply to  bnice2000
December 11, 2023 8:40 pm

He was told to stop using the title because, well, he was not entitled to. He was claiming to be a member of the house of lords, which he wasn’t. Read all about it here.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 9:22 pm

He was NOT told to stop using the title.

You seem to have extremely poor comprehension abilities.

That letter is nothing about the title “Lord”.

Sorry if basic comprehension is way beyond you.. yet again.

He is a Viscount, therefore totally entitled to use the term Lord”

Get over it. !!

And FFS, learn to read and comprehend.

You continue to make an absolute embarrassment of yourself.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 9:33 pm

He was told to stop using the title because, well, he was not entitled to.

Complete BS, Simon.

Monckton was addressed as “Dear Lord Monckton” so clearly he is entitled to use the title.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 1:49 am

Fraud is something that is used to make a profit from known lies.


So… that makes you a rabid supporter of deliberate FRAUD.

I’m sure you “feel” really good about supporting such massive fraud.

It is who you are… from the very core.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 1:58 am

Simon you are wrong
This is Viscount Brenchley’s Wikipedia entry:
Christopher Walter Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley (born 14 February 1952) is a British public speaker and hereditary peer. He is known for his work as a journalist, Conservative political advisor, UKIP political candidate, and for his invention of the mathematical puzzle Eternity

I suggest you read this before entering this discussion again,other%20children%20are%2

A viscount or viscountess is addressed as ‘Lord So-and-So’ or ‘Lady So-and-So’. Again, the eldest son will use one of the viscount’s subsidiary titles (if any) whilst all other children are ‘Honorables’.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 11:52 am


Reply to  bnice2000
December 11, 2023 8:43 pm

Here’s the letter….


Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 9:23 pm

Says nothing about using the title “Lord”.

Sorry your comprehension skills are lower than those of a slime-mould !

Reply to  bnice2000
December 12, 2023 10:22 am

Yawn… this is what the letter said because fraudster Monckton was claiming (stated on the letter) to be a Member of the House Of Lords.
” I must repeat what my predecessors statement and that is you are not and have never been a Member of the House of Lords
I must therefore again ask that you desist from claiming to be a member of the House of Lords either directly or by implication.”

Pretty clear I would of thought…

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 12:19 pm

There were, and still are , very good reasons for LORD Monckton to claim he is a member of the of House of Lords.

Only the interpretation of a possible constitutionality that has not been decided in any court.

Certainly NOT FRAUD. !

To find real actual fraud… look at the AGW scam that you support.

Reply to  bnice2000
December 13, 2023 1:14 pm

There were, and still are , very good reasons for LORD Monckton to claim he is a member of the of House of Lords.”
Ha ha not according to the House of Lords and I would have thought they would know.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 11:54 am

Slimon can’t even correctly post a link.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 9:30 pm

Why should he debate a man who’s very “title” for years was a fraud?

Do your homework, Simon.

Monckton is a hereditary peer whose full title is Viscount Monckton of Brenchley.

When writing to Viscount Monckton, the correct salutation is “Dear Lord Monckton”.

Christopher Walter Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley (born 14 February 1952) is a British public speaker and hereditary peer.”

“Monckton is the eldest son of Major-General Gilbert Monckton, 2nd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley (1915–2006), and Marianna Letitia, Viscountess Monckton of Brenchley (née Bower; 1929-2022), one-time High Sheriff of Kent and Dame of Malta

Until 1999, when Tony Bliar reformed the House of Lords, Monckton was perfectly entitled to sit in the House of Lords.

The fact that after the reform David Beamish, the Clerk of the Parliaments, wrote to Monckton addressing him as “Dear Lord Monckton” shows your ignorance.

Now, Simon, which part of the above points to Monckton lying about his title?

An apology may be warranted.

Reply to  Redge
December 12, 2023 12:39 am

But he is not a member of the house of lords. Something he wanted the less aware to believe. So…. he’s a fraud.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 1:43 am


Poor simpleton KNOWS he was wrong, now trying to cover up his error.

What a PATHETIC LITTLE SNOT you really are, slimon !! !

It was not fraud when he claimed he was a member of the house, because he genuine believed he legally was…. It has never been challenged in constitutional court, only the far-left House of Lords clerk says otherwise. !

At least you have now gained enough knowledge to ADMIT that he is totally entitled to call himself “Lord”

Run away, little LOSER. !!

You have absolutely nothing to offer to adult rational discussion.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 10:09 am


So you accept Monckton’s “very “title” for years” i.e. Lord Monckton, is real and you were wrong to call him a fraud.

Good man, now apologise to Viscount Monckton.

Regarding the HoL membership, it is not fraud to state you are a member of the HoL

Until 1999 the law was changed to prevent people like Monckton from sitting in the HoL. The war criminal, Tony Bliar, stuffed the HoL with cronies to enforce unpopular legislation on British subjects and take us into a war that was sold on a lie.

Reply to  Redge
December 12, 2023 10:24 am

Monckton was claiming to be a member of the House of Lords. He wasn’t which why he got the letter from the House. Simple really. What bit don’t you get. So Monckton = fraudster

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 10:38 am

Yawn indeed, Simon.

Tell me, if Monckton is a fraud, why hasn’t he been arrested and jailed for fraud which is a criminal offence in the UK?

Reply to  Redge
December 12, 2023 10:35 pm

I’m sure if he kept it up there would have been some serious steps taken by the real House of Lords.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 11:12 pm

What evidence do you have to support that claim?

The fact is fraud is a criminal offence, not a civil offence, therefore it would be a police matter.

Absolutely none, pure conjecture.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 11:28 pm

Let’s recap Simon.

You first said:

Why should he debate a man who’s very “title” for years was a fraud? 

And I’ve clearly shown that Moncktons’ title is not a fraud. You are now trying to back away from that claim without admitting you were wrong.

Do you accept or not that Lord Monckton is a British noble entitled to use “Lord” and Viscount?

Reply to  Redge
December 13, 2023 12:34 pm

Do you accept or not that Lord Monckton is a British noble entitled to use “Lord” and Viscount?”
The point is he was saying he was a member of the House of Lords. He wasn’t. That = fraud. He got told to stop he didn’t. Then they wrote him a nice but firm letter.

Reply to  Simon
December 13, 2023 9:56 pm

The point is….

No, Simon, the point is you wrongly labelled Monckton a fraud saying his (real) hereditary title was fraudulent.

Why should he debate a man who’s very “title” for years was a fraud? 

Re-read your accusation and stop squirming.

Reply to  Redge
December 13, 2023 12:10 pm

But the telling thing above all else and proof he is a fraud is he stopped telling the world he was a member of the House of Lords. Game over. And as I understand it he doesn’t even call himself a Lord anymore. Lord Fraud would be an apt name from here.

Reply to  Simon
December 13, 2023 9:59 pm

Stop digging, Simon.

Where is the evidence that Monckton has stopped using his heredity title?

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 12:23 pm


Just a illegal argument about the constitutionality of the 1999 act.

It is only fraud when you knowingly LIE..

You know like the whole AGW scam you support.

Why aren’t you yelling FRAUD about that ?????????

Instead you choose to make a total goose/moron/liar of yourself as usual.

Reply to  bnice2000
December 12, 2023 10:37 pm

“It is only fraud when you knowingly LIE..”
He did. He was told once to stop… he didn’t… so they sent the firm letter. Monckton then changed his tune and backed down.

Reply to  Simon
December 13, 2023 12:18 am

Told by who.. No-one of importance..

… a minor leftist clerk or someone equally non-important who had no idea of the legal wording

Just like you have ZERO COMPREHENSION about any wording whatsoever.

Your comprehension levels are those of a slime-mould.

You have already ADMITTED the TITLE “LORD” was not fraud.

Now in your pathetic attempt to dig yourself deeper into your own mild-fart.. you try the other misinformation.

How much more PATHETIC can you get !!

Just admit you were wrong on BOTH COUNTS… and that your comments are as totally empty as always.

The only person getting slimed here…IS YOU… by YOU.

Reply to  bnice2000
December 13, 2023 12:38 pm

Told by who.. No-one of importance..”
So the British House of Lords are a bunch on no ones are they? Well then why was Monckton so keen for the world to think he was a member? One reason… he wants the world to think he is someone special, so when he makes his pronouncements people believe him. He was using their good name to peddle his nonsense. That’s called Fraud. He should shack up with George Santos…

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 2:39 pm

You have already ADMITTED that LORD Monckton is a LORD.

Not having even the slightest comprehension of UK constitutional issues, makes you look like even more of a complete moron than you manage to show yourself up as.

NOT FRAUD.. just a legal disagreement.

If you want FRAUD. llok at the AGW scammers.

Al Gore.. FRAUDSTER from the very first to the very last

Deliberately concocting LIES and MISINFORMATION to make millions.

Still LIES and DECEIT in everything he says.

That is what YOU support !..

That is your core being .. Lies and deceit.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 10:05 pm

Gore only conceded to Bush after a court battle to try to overturn the election result in Florida.

Reply to  Richard Page
December 12, 2023 10:39 am

That’s right, but you make it sound like it wasn’t appropriate what he did. But, he had every right to challenge in the courts. Bush would have done the same. And when he lost he conceded. It’s what real men do.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 5:46 pm

I’m sorry but you are reading way too much into a simple 2-line sentence, things that I simply never wrote yet you are attacking me solely on those points that you have invented? Might I suggest that you get some professional help for your mental health problems.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 2:12 am

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Trump to concede the 2020 election. He thinks he won it. Why then would he concede?

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 12, 2023 10:27 am

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Trump to concede the 2020 election. He thinks he won it. Why then would he concede?”
That would possibly be true except …. Bannon made it clear before the election what the plan was…. And that is exactly what happened.

Reply to  Simon
December 13, 2023 3:14 am

So many conspiracy theories, so little time.

Radical Leftwingers count on that.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 13, 2023 12:03 pm

How is Bannon saying this stuff a conspiracy theory? This is not someone who saw someone stuffing ballots. This is Trump’s buddy telling a group what he planned to do. And… he did it. And I think you will find this is used in the Georgia case. It certainly undercuts Trumps defence that he genuinely thought he won.

Reply to  Sunsettommy
December 11, 2023 4:07 pm

And speaking cowards… this is funny

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 7:53 pm

Already testified.

Why bother doing it again.

That is not cowardice. , it is putting the rats in their place.

Telling them to stop wasting his time.

You should join them in their sewer and stop wasting our time.

Reply to  bnice2000
December 11, 2023 8:40 pm

It is a funny clip though aye.

Reply to  Simon
December 11, 2023 9:24 pm

Yep, DT sure knows how to wind up ignorant leftists !!

Reply to  bnice2000
December 11, 2023 9:27 pm

And yes, it is funny how easily the really dumb and stupid ones fall for childish hysterics of the far-left media…

Reply to  bnice2000
December 12, 2023 2:53 am

Yes, he does. 🙂

The leftwing talking heads on tv are getting really dramatic as Trump’s poll numbers continue to climb.

They all are figuring it is going to be Trump as the nominee now, and it is scaring them to death because they don’t want to see an end to their socialist “paradise”.

So, the talking heads are calling Trump a dictator and every other name in the book in hopes of smearing him enough that he won’t get elected.

The Left is so desperate they are now bringing in Hillary Clinton to pinch hit for Joe Biden! You know, the Hillary Clinton that spawned the “Russia, Russia, Russia” hoax that practically paralyed the Trump administration from the beginning of his term.

Even so, despite all the headwinds, Trump accomplished a tremendous amount and had the United States on the right track.

He will do it again, if given the chance.

I saw this morning on tv a guy who was a former Biden campaign official says he can’t believe he is saying this, but he is going to vote for Trump this time around!

I think a lot of people are saying that.

The Democrats are going to need to cheat a LOT if they are going to win the next election.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 12, 2023 10:32 am

Even so, despite all the headwinds, Trump accomplished a tremendous amount and had the United States on the right track.”
Biden ‘s latest finance numbers may put a headwind in Trumps sails. GDP up. Inflation down. Unemployment down. Even Fox saying the numbers are looking really good for him.

Reply to  Simon
December 12, 2023 11:57 am

Your steady diet of Fake News has warped your marxist-leftist brain.

Reply to  karlomonte
December 12, 2023 10:42 pm
Reply to  Simon
December 13, 2023 3:23 am

“Best performing major economy in the world.”

It was that way when Trump was in office, too.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 13, 2023 11:52 am

So are you saying Biden is Trumps match economically? I’ll take that. One thing I will concede Trump is good at is money.

Reply to  karlomonte
December 13, 2023 3:22 am


Reply to  Simon
December 13, 2023 3:21 am

The United States has a strong economy, despite Joe Biden.

The quarter that Trump left office 500,000 new jobs were created. So it was obvious that the U.S. economy was growing even then despite the covid pandemic..

So, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the U.S. is still growing and will continue to grow, despite Joe Biden’s hits to the economy.

Joe Biden is standing on the shoulders of Trump’s ecomomy. And then he crows, “Look at what I did!”

Well, the American people go to the grocery stores and the gasoline pumps and they see the inflation Biden has pumped into the economy with his reckless spending, and they know who to blame for their current monetary problems. And it is not Trump.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 13, 2023 11:57 am

“The quarter that Trump left office 500,000 new jobs were created. So it was obvious that the U.S. economy was growing even then despite the covid pandemic..
So, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the U.S. is still growing and will continue to grow, despite Joe Biden’s hits to the economy.”
So to be clear are you saying that Trumps good economical performance was because of Obama? Because he left the economy humming along. I mean where do you stop? I think most economists ( even on the right) are saying the US is in a much stronger position than anyone thought it would be post covid. And I’m sorry Tom the Trump effect is long gone. Biden has to take the credit. If he can get inflation down further and people buying power picks up that will serve him well should he be up against Trump.

Reply to  Simon
December 13, 2023 9:15 am

Why is it that leftists never realize that rates of measurements are not measurements?

Reply to  bnice2000
December 13, 2023 12:00 pm

Speaking of “ignorant” I think you will find the clip was made by Republicans not leftists.

Reply to  bnice2000
December 11, 2023 3:38 pm

Sometimes the value to society is just being an example of what not to be.

Rud Istvan
Reply to  Fraizer
December 11, 2023 4:39 pm

Overweight climate proselytizing non-scientist. Emulating Mann except for the ‘scientist’ part. Remember, Gore failed out of Divinity School. So inevitable he couldn’t get ‘climate religion’ right either.

December 11, 2023 2:27 pm

One thing he seems to agree on is that if ever a need for it is shown, humankind can react very fast tho bub CO2 induced problem.
(30years for half on the atmospheric CO2 surplus means we could turn back the clock by decades with a few years of low CO2 production.. if we wanted to.. the consequences for health and wealth all over the globe would be dire)

What does the data tells us? Older models were wrong for sure (clouds in CMIP6 are a significant upgrade), the world has gotten greener, the golf stream is not endangered so far and extreme weather patterns are identical no matter if the weather events could depend on CO2 (like flood or draught) or not (like earth quakes and vulcanism) clearly disproving Gore’s narrative of any need for urgency.. we should insist on a measured alarming signal before taking any action against it.. anything else is just nuts!

Reply to  morfu03
December 11, 2023 3:06 pm

Al Gore is not a ‘climate crusader’, he is not a climate scientist, enthusiast or activist. Al Gore is into money-making schemes in a big way, he is getting rich from his appearances and, no doubt, if we did implement any of his wildly dangerous ideas, he’d be making a fortune out of them. Ignore him, do the opposite of what he says and we’ll all be far better off.

Reply to  Richard Page
December 11, 2023 3:25 pm

>> . Ignore him,
Well.. I for one am not fan of this ostrich strategy..
as I rather pointed out what his own statement “we’ll see half of the human-caused CO2 coming out of the atmosphere in as little as 30 years” in a real world without any alarming signals means that we can wait.. actually like I said any other course of action is insane!

Reply to  morfu03
December 11, 2023 3:48 pm

Actually 2 problems with what he said – we won’t ‘see’ anything because human caused CO2 is indistinguishable from natural CO2 and inconsequential by comparison. The second point is that CO2 doesn’t hang around in the atmosphere for as long as 30 years, 7 or 8 is more accurate and, if he was right, we’d have spotted some slight reduction by now. The fact that there hasn’t been any noticeable reduction in CO2 concentrations, the fact that CO2 is rising steadily at exactly the same rate regardless of anything we do completely disproves his standpoint. Like I said, just ignore the scheming idjit.

Reply to  Richard Page
December 11, 2023 4:28 pm

When COVID-19 hit in 2020 and countries went into lockdown, human CO2 emissions were reduced by 6% according to the IEA.

That didn’t make a bit of difference in the rate of growth of CO2 in the atmosphere.

That is a natural experiment that shows human emissions of CO2 aren’t causing the continuing rise in atmospheric CO2.

December 11, 2023 2:28 pm

Salvatore Gore is a bore from the old days is back with more climate sore as he gropes ahead with his tropes that dashes hopes of a bright future.

December 11, 2023 2:30 pm

Al Gore’s whole survival depends totally on fossil fuels. !!

He could not live without them.

Reply to  bnice2000
December 11, 2023 2:58 pm

Just look at a recent picture. Al qualifies as a carbon sink. I wonder if he gets credits for that…

Ron Long
December 11, 2023 2:51 pm

In the section “questions about Al Gore” maybe you should include: why did his ex-wife call him a “crazed sex poodle”?

Rud Istvan
Reply to  Ron Long
December 11, 2023 2:56 pm

We can only be sure that it wasn’t because of her.

Reply to  Ron Long
December 11, 2023 3:15 pm

Multiple (alleged) affairs, apparently very well known for cheating on his wife in Washington, another good question would be to do with whether White House staff, when he was VP, procured women for him.

Reply to  Ron Long
December 11, 2023 8:42 pm

Maybe his wife called him that too, but it was the massage therapist that accused him of assault who used that phrase in a police interview.

Reply to  Ron Long
December 11, 2023 9:37 pm

I think she said “crazed ex-poodle”

December 11, 2023 2:56 pm

“The Earth’s fate is the Number One national security issue.”

It’s really hard to argue with that. Sort of like “we’re all concerned about the future because that’s where we will spend the rest of our lives.”

Reply to  More Soylent Green!
December 11, 2023 3:54 pm

True but if the specific case you were concerned about was aliens invading to kill us all and take our resources, would you really hijack every countries economies to prepare specifically for alien invasion? Or would you be invited to spend some time in a nice padded room with some crayons?

December 11, 2023 3:37 pm

Al “the climate blimp” Gore has morphed from a VERY successful alternative energy grifter / investor into a leftist fascist, now calling for censorship of climate articles such as the ones at this website. Leftists bever change, except to move further left.

Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information “Threatens Democracy” | ZeroHedge

Reply to  Richard Greene
December 11, 2023 4:31 pm

The brainwashed isn’t just the left.

Two-thirds of the Republicans under thirty support the climate change agenda, 42 percent of Republicans overall support it, as well as 61 percent of Americans, and 90 percent of Democrats.

Reply to  scvblwxq
December 11, 2023 5:29 pm

And people like that are allowed to vote … astonishing !!

Reply to  scvblwxq
December 11, 2023 9:39 pm

Eighth time you copy clipped the same comment:

Why are you spamming threads with the same copy clip comment?

I’ll give you the same answer:

Respondents who did not give an answer are not shown

Which probably means “we’ve skewed the data to give the answer we want people to see”

December 11, 2023 3:45 pm

I have no use for that guy.

Geoff Sherrington
December 11, 2023 3:47 pm

The paperback by Senator Al Gore “Earth in the Balance. Forging a New Common Purpose” was first published in 1992 by Earthscan Publications Ltd, London. Soon after, by special arrangement, came the 1992 Houghton Mifflin edition.
The first edition has a dedication that caused me to wonder from the start whether we were dealing with odd people. Gore dedicated the book to his sister.
Nancy LaFon Gore Hunger.
But, Senator Al has an appetite for matters beyong “gore hunger.” He lusts after the untrue, the slanted, the deflection, the wrong conclusion. Simply analyse some of the quotes that Robert Bradley chose here.
much depends on how quickly we can recognize the danger.” In one paragraph, Senator Al has warned of extreme danger while writing that it is as yet unrecognised.
The world’s forests are being destroyed; an enormous hole is opening in the ozone layer. Living species are dying at an unprecedented rate.” Yet, the area of world forest is largely unchanged since Al wrote that. The hole in the ozone layer grows larger and smaller, to the beat of a distant drummer, not puny Man. As to species, every living entity is born, lives and dies. The larger the numbers become in a species, the more the deaths. Absolutley nothing unusual about unprecedented dying rates – show me the body counts.
the perverse logic that the short-term answer to high gasoline prices is drilling for more oil ten years from now.” Al denies the fundamental economic equations of supply and demand. Of course gasoline prices will rise as national production falls and vice versa.
And politicians cannot bring gasoline prices down in the short term.” Wrong. President Trump did it.
A sobering thought – Al Gore could have become President. Thank you, voters of the USA, for sensing the danger. You next task is to compare and contrast a fictional President Gore with an actual President Trump. No prizes for losers. Geoff S

Reply to  Geoff Sherrington
December 11, 2023 4:39 pm

Almost ten times as many people die every year from cold-related causes as head-related causes, about 4.1 million more.

Humans evolved in a very warm climate and can handle heat much better than they can handle cold.

Outside of the tropics, it is too cold to live outdoors the entire year without some form of heating..

Reply to  Geoff Sherrington
December 11, 2023 6:21 pm

I read that book as a college student on Agriculture where nearly everything he wrote was a pile of bullcrap and stupid fearmongering as he was clearly unqualified to understand the subject that he was crying about.

He is a classic example of the uneducated ecoloony cultist who could mislead many science illiterate people into a false position which he continued to do for decades since and getting very rich in the process despite he doesn’t know much of anything of the subject he babbles about.

John Hultquist
Reply to  Geoff Sherrington
December 11, 2023 7:42 pm

Big sister Nancy died of lung cancer before Jr. became an important player. Even she was always “on his case” and thought he was full of bullschist.
Most of us do hold our big sisters in high esteem, so I would say dedicating something to Nancy is the best thing he has ever done.

December 11, 2023 4:16 pm

“We are now, in effect, corruptly imposing our own dysfunctional design and discordant rhythms on future generations, and these persistent burdens will be terribly difficult to carry.”

Dysfunctional design and discordant rythms! He could be talking about football uniforms and hip-hop music, sure to be persistent burdens for generations to come.

December 11, 2023 5:29 pm

There’s something ‘about’ Story Tellers isn’t there – how the human critter needs them.

It’s got to be a mental agility thing = being able to think quickly and act decisively in rapidly evolving situations = being able to see and capitalise on unusual situations.

That being of course the primary skill that any successful hunter would require and the very definition of what all girls are looking for in any potential mate. i.e. a GSOH
Thus, stories are ‘practice’ for hunting.

It’s just that we seem to have a surfeit of storytellers these days but especially, they are all telling stories of intensely deep dysfunction, They are all deeply depressed about something.
But the thing they’re depressed about is not even a real thing and in all cases, girls are not going to be attracted to those sorts of stories and, The Agile Mind would have seen a way around that depressive thing
And they patently ain’t, hence the near disappearance of babies in this western world.

Not least, girls like stories with happy endings and climate has not ever yet come up any sort of happy ending. Gore is half-heartedly making those noises but it’s obvious his heart is not in it, that he is a fraud.

So, why aren’t vast numbers of minds not agile anymore?

‘climate’ is symptomatic of a much deeper malaise……..

December 11, 2023 5:41 pm

A reporter was interviewing Richard Branson when the reporter mentioned Al Gore as being such an amazing “Prophet”. Branson wryly responded by asking the reporter how he was spelling that term. Classic.

Edward Katz
December 11, 2023 6:08 pm

There are more credible alarmists than Al Gore, and no one listens to them either. In Gore’s case, he’s ignored entirely. He’s a one-man version of the COP delegates. His predictions, like theirs, have been either exaggerated or completely inaccurate, and his relatively profligate lifestyle, like those of the COP attendees, hasn’t been altered one bit to save the planet.

Reply to  Edward Katz
December 12, 2023 3:27 am

Al is the boy that cried “Wolf!” too much.

After a while, people stop paying attention.

That’s where Al Gore is at now. Nobody puts any credence in his dire predictions. This happens to people who are wrong all the time.

December 11, 2023 7:01 pm

From Internet searches, part of the Gore family wealth came from Gore-Tex, a synthetic fabric made from hydrocarbons and polyfluorinated plastics. It was used by ultra-trendy rag trade North Face until a couple of years ago when Gore-Tex was taken off the market in USA after concerns about polyfluoride toxicity.
No double standards at work here, were there?
Geoff S

Reply to  sherro01
December 11, 2023 8:56 pm

That’s an urban legend. Gore-Tex was invented by a former employee from Dupont. Please see the link below.

Al Gore Senior was a Senator in Tennessee and became rich through various investments in Occidental Petroleum, a zinc mining company, tobacco farming and others.

December 11, 2023 8:46 pm

Today the evidence of an ecological Kristallnacht is as clear as the sound of glass shattering in Berlin.

Gaffe: that unfortunate occasion when a politician accidentally tells the truth.

Kristallnacht: an incident when a group of militant Socialists caused great economic destruction in order to demonize their political opponents and seize power.

Reply to  Lark
December 12, 2023 3:34 am

Another way to put it is: Nazi mobs roamed German cities breaking the windows and destroying the businesses of the innocent Jews that night.

Pure anti-semitism.

December 11, 2023 9:48 pm

With El Nino upon us the intrepid BoM was predicting hot dry bushfire summer dooming on top of ‘ the dams are never gunna fill’ Flummery but mischevious Gaia ignored them all-
Adelaide hit with heaviest rain in 70 years (
Meanwhile northern Queenslanders await landfall of TC Jasper and they’re all doomed too-
Rain falls across Far North Queensland as locals prepare to shelter from Tropical Cyclone Jasper (

December 11, 2023 10:20 pm

Al Gore is doing this not to save the environment but only to enruich Al Gore

Rod Evans
December 11, 2023 11:17 pm

For the terminal egotist that Gore is and one time VP, it must be agony for him to wake up every day and realise Joe Biden, another one time VP a man challenged in the firing neuron department, achieved what Gore couldn’t do, he became President.
Now having a man with hairy legs and knows how to catch critters (apparently) beating you to the top job, must hurt.
Why is he so determined to take his bitter failure out on the rest of us?

December 12, 2023 2:10 am

“Our civilization is, in effect, addicted to the consumption of the earth itself.”

If I were to compile a list of individuals that are conspicuous consumers of world resources, Gore would be right up there, definitely top ten if not top three.

December 12, 2023 2:54 am

Al Gore frequently referred to Professor Revelle as his ‘beloved mentor.’

When Professor Revelle announced that he no longer supported his own theory of global warming due to satellite data showing that global temperatures are not currently rising. Gore’s response was to call his former ‘beloved mentor’ a senile old man.

December 12, 2023 3:42 am

Wow, raising the specter of Kristallnacht and the Book of Revelation! He’s bonkers.

Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
December 12, 2023 3:51 am

Then he says “And if we stay at true net zero, we’ll see half of the human-caused CO2 coming out of the atmosphere in as little as 30 years.”

I have no idea but if he’s saying CO2 will get back to what it was in 1850 in 30 years if we stop using ff, then that can’t be true.

Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
December 12, 2023 3:57 am

I’m convinced now that Gore is insane.

December 12, 2023 5:49 am

In the relgion of Secualr Socialism, Al Gore is the equivalent of Joel Osteen in the denomination of the Church of Warming. His recent sermons indicate he needs a new jet. Pass the plate!

December 12, 2023 5:53 am

The Al Gore is a Bore rap

Al Gore takes the Floor

We hear Al Gore Roar

Climate scares Galore

His speeches we Ignore

And Deplore

He rants and we Snore

He’s a climate W hore

But we know the Score

Someone show
Al Gore the Door

We can’t take
Gore the Bore

December 12, 2023 2:58 pm

Al Gore.
Back in 2007 and “An Inconvenient Truth” and before “The Weather Channel” became “The Storm Channel”, from his career in politics, I know he was full of it.
The Weather Channel used to included the record highs and lows for the day and the years on their “Local on the 8’s”.
Al said the world was warming and warned us of CAGW.
But my impression of the records on TWC didn’t seem to line up.
So I copy/pasted the list of records for my little spot on globe from the NWS into Excel.
My suspicion that Al was full of it was confirmed. Politics.
Then, about 5 years later, I found WUWT.
I repeated the copy/paste and compared, and confirmed that past records have been changed.
Al Gore, before his divorce, personal wealth had grown to about $200 million since he helped change honest “climate science” into “climate political-science”.
But Al is just the tip of the iceberg.