India To Increase Coal Production By 60%


y Paul Homewood

Emperor Wind may have no clothes, but King Coal carries on regardless!

New Delhi: The Union coal ministry on Monday announced plans to increase India’s coal production to 1.404 billion tonne by 2027, with an eye to further boost it to 1.577 billion tonne by 2030.

Current domestic production hovers around one billion tonne annually. This increase in output aims to ensure ample supply of domestic coal to India’s thermal power plants, which are essential for the country’s growing energy needs

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Ron Long
November 16, 2023 2:29 am

The BRICS countries are doing what they need to advance themselves and some preferred friends, but in this case they are doing the right thing. The coal in India is mostly bituminous, the second best type of coal, and they should utilize their domestic assets. The reality, as regards the CAGW and Net Zero crowd, is that no damage to their own economies can “offset” this development. Wait a minute, India is a Developing Country so they get a pass. How about a pass for Declining Countries? Coming soon to the Great Pretenders.

Bryan A
Reply to  Ron Long
November 16, 2023 6:51 am

And the 5 BRICS name sake countries
South Africa
Are responsible for 50% of all global emissions

Reply to  Bryan A
November 16, 2023 2:17 pm

BRICS 5 will be BRICS 11, on January 1, 2024
In a few years, it will be BRICS 30

It will have more that 70% of the world’s natural resources, and 60% of the world’s population

Reply to  Ron Long
November 16, 2023 2:12 pm

I am so glad, India is ignoring the self-serving, super-expensive, nut-zero-Paris exhortations of the West, and burn about 1.6 BILLION metric ton of coal per year starting in 2030, versus about 1 BILLION at present

A lot of that coal will be mined in India and imported from Russia

Remember, fossil fuels are God’s gift to humans to use, not to “leave them in the ground”

CO2 is a life-giving gas to promote growth of flora and fauna
Right now, it is at near the lowest level in millions of years
The world desperately needs more CO2 ppm in the atmosphere

India (and China) is building hundreds of ultra-super-critical coal power plants, with efficiencies up to 47%, versus the much-dirtier existing ones at a fleet average of 30%

November 16, 2023 2:53 am

“India To Increase Coal Production By 60%”

A [respected?] banker writes…..

“The UK’s decision to open a new coalmine in Cumbria was a “disaster” that encouraged other countries to press ahead with fossil fuels

Other countries are using the UK as an excuse for pressing ahead with fossil fuel projects despite their climate commitments, according to Adair Turner, the first chair of the Committee on Climate Change and a former head of the CBI.

Funnily enough…

“Turner is now chair of the Energy Transitions Commission (ETC), a thinktank that on Thursday published a report that says the production of and demand for fossil fuels must be reduced rapidly, and that this is achievable.”

A coal mine ostensibly for domestic steel production has triggered the end of the world.

Now, that is funny.

Reply to  strativarius
November 16, 2023 4:57 am

It is funny – imagine the Indian government huddled around a phone waiting for notification on whether that UK mine would be given the go-ahead, ready to ditch their own energy plans if the decision was negative. Laughable indeed. But sadly the destructive influence on UK energy policy of the moronic Committee on Climate Change is not so funny.

As you intimate by the question mark, idiots like Turner deserve no respect. Their delusions are dangerous. With the possible exception of (virtuous in their own eyes) countries pursuing similarly stupid net zero policies, the rest of the world doesn’t give a **** about what the UK does.

Reply to  strativarius
November 16, 2023 5:03 am

Fact is, no-one except the political class in the English speaking countries believes any of it. The rest of the world go to the conferences and make vaguely correct noises, block any real action to reduce, and then get on with growing their economies by the best available means, which is coal, oil and gas.

Even in the English speaking countries there are a few convinced fanatics among the political classes but most of them have no strong views but are just singing along without really believing it but thinking it better to conform.

Its a bit like the way that Stonewall and the Trans movement got so much traction in government bodies, education and large companies, and had Keir Starmer and Ed Davey in the UK claiming to believe some women have penises, some men can give birth, and had the Tavistock handing out puberty blockers like candy. Did anyone, does anyone, really believe it?

Or its like the way BLM had various politicians and sporting institutions going down on one knee on odd public occasions. None of them could ever explain why they were reacting to the killing of George Floyd several thousand miles away by doing that.

And then all of a sudden Floyd was forgotten, sex was real and biological again, and it was time to move on to the next big thing in our circle.

Bryan A
Reply to  strativarius
November 16, 2023 6:55 am

Good thing it won’t actually trigger the “end of the world” 😉😉😉 but only a further greening of the biosphere and enhancement to crop yield per acre.

Reply to  strativarius
November 16, 2023 11:42 am

“Turner is now chair of the Energy Transitions Commission (ETC), a thinktank that on Thursday published a report that says the production of and demand for fossil fuels must be reduced rapidly, and that this is achievable.”

Achievable by limiting the proles’ access to fossil fuels, but the elite will be all right, Jasper, have one of your men pull the ladder up.

Reply to  strativarius
November 16, 2023 2:19 pm

The UK is a major basket case in almost all aspects
A real revolution is needed

November 16, 2023 3:25 am

India To Increase Coal Production By 60%

You cannot resist the power of the dark side…

AGW is Not Science
Reply to  SteveG
November 16, 2023 10:36 am

You’ve got it backwards. The Climate Fascists are the “Dark side,” and it can not only be resisted, but beaten.

Reply to  AGW is Not Science
November 16, 2023 10:58 pm

Nah..The Dark Side IS coal (and gas and oil); it is evil, it destroys everything it touches! I love it!

The climate loonies believe in fairy tales, and pixie dust, a beautiful, loving gentle world climate nirvana, where nothing bad happens. No evil FF means no storms, floods, heatwaves or any other nasty “weather events”, ever again. Where everything is juuuuust right. The greens will live happily ever after, bathed in the glow of their solar panels, and cooled by the never-ending gentle breeze of their wind turbines.

Reply to  SteveG
November 16, 2023 2:20 pm

Black Power Matters

CD in Wisconsin
November 16, 2023 6:33 am

New Delhi: The Union coal ministry on Monday announced plans to increase India’s coal production to 1.404 billion tonne by 2027, with an eye to further boost it to 1.577 billion tonne by 2030.

Just in time for COP[OUT]28. And how many coal-fired power plants in China currently building? I read somewhere that it is 182. And how many more do they have planned in the years ahead?

I’m lovin’ this. The CAGW narrative is becoming a bigger joke with each passing year.

CD in Wisconsin
Reply to  CD in Wisconsin
November 16, 2023 7:00 am

Here are the numbers for coal-fired power plants globally (by country) as of July 2023…..

CD in Wisconsin
Reply to  CD in Wisconsin
November 16, 2023 7:02 am

Global coal-fired power plants spreadsheet….

AGW is Not Science
Reply to  CD in Wisconsin
November 16, 2023 12:13 pm

Those are “power capacity,” as opposed to number of plants.

CD in Wisconsin
Reply to  AGW is Not Science
November 16, 2023 1:08 pm

Yes, I know. I posted it anyway to show that coal is a long way from dead in the world even if it has been demonized in the developed western countries.

CD in Wisconsin
Reply to  CD in Wisconsin
November 16, 2023 7:03 am

Sorry for the double posting.

November 16, 2023 6:42 am

Developed nations have increased their use of fossil fuels by huge amounts since 1950. The attached graph shows the rate of increase, globally, since 1800. If the rate of increase since 1950 were to continue, then surely we would be heading towards a huge economic catastrophe, as fossil fuel reserves became increasingly scarce.

So, the question is, ‘How do we avoid such a looming catastrophe’? Economic growth and increased consumerism, which relies upon the use of increasing quantities of cheap and reliable energy, seems to be the goal of most people in most economies. Everyone (at least most people) want a bigger salary so they can buy more fashionable clothes, and a fancy car, and a stylish house or apartment, and eat in fancy restaurants, and take holidays on fancy cruise ships, and so on, and so on.

In order for our fossil fuel reserves to last for another few centuries, we have to develop alternative and additional sources of energy which will at least reduce the future rate-of-increase of fossil fuel use, compared with the rate that has taken place since 1950.

Despite the political alarm about CO2 emissions that began in the 1980s, with policies enacted to reduce CO2 emissions, fossil fuel use has continued to increase substantially. Without the alarm about CO2 emissions, I presume that the rate of increase would have been much higher. 

In order to get action on a wide-spread problem, it’s useful to create alarm or fear. It’s difficult to create alarm by telling people we will eventually run out of fossil fuels in 50-100 years if we don’t begin developing alternatives right now, because people will say, ‘We’ll always find more reserves, so no need to worry. If we do run out, then industry will find and develop alternatives when the crisis arrives.”

However, it should be apparent by now, that developing alternative energy sources is a long drawn out, difficult process. Isn’t it better to begin now, rather than wait untill there is a real crisis.

World-wide increase in fossil fuels between 1850 and 2022.jpg
AGW is Not Science
Reply to  Vincent
November 16, 2023 12:21 pm

Not if the “alternatives” are not actual energy SOURCES, but rather fashionable non-solutions to an imaginary “crisis.”

Wind, solar and hydrogen will never provide energy for modern civilization. All are produced through massive use of fossil fuels, which are in such vain pursuits just being wasted.

Nor can all fossil fuel use be replaced. For transportation, in particular, there is nothing else as portable and energy dense.

Electric generation can be done with nuclear, but nobody is running out of coal anytime soon, nor oil or gas. The “50 – 100 years” time frame is nonsense.

Reply to  AGW is Not Science
November 16, 2023 5:56 pm

“Not if the “alternatives” are not actual energy SOURCES, but rather fashionable non-solutions to an imaginary “crisis.”
Wind, solar and hydrogen will never provide energy for modern civilization. All are produced through massive use of fossil fuels, which are in such vain pursuits just being wasted.
‘Nor can all fossil fuel use be replaced. For transportation, in particular, there is nothing else as portable and energy dense.”

Of course. However, you are falling into the trap of assuming that every type of energy source must be a solution in all circumstances.

Windmills located in windy areas with hydro-power as a backup, can an efficient source of energy. Solar panels installed on roofs located in sunny regions can also be efficient, especially if the building is initially designed to maximize the amount of energy that can be created from roof-top solar, and especially as safer and cheaper batteries evolve to solve the intermittency problem, such as Sdium-Ion, which doesn’t rely upon scarce resources.

‘Nor can all fossil fuel use be replaced. For transportation, in particular, there is nothing else as portable and energy dense.’

Of course. We might always need fossil fuels for certain essential activities, including the production of fertilizers and many other products, which is why we should not waste fossil fuels in circumstance where alternative energy supplies can be used efficiently.

‘Electric generation can be done with nuclear, but nobody is running out of coal anytime soon, nor oil or gas. The “50 – 100 years” time frame is nonsense.’

Nobody is running out of coal anytime soon because consumption of energy from coal has been curtailed in developed countries. The continuing global increase in coal consumption is occurring in less developed nations, such as China and India, which is reasonable. They understand that the currently ‘developed’ nations were built on the consumption of huge amounts of fossil fuels.

My point is, all countries, whether developed or undeveloped, want to increase their economic growth and prosperity. The more they rely upon fossil fuels to do this, the sooner fossil reserves will be depleted.

Running out of fossil fuels in 50-100 years is very unlikely because of the current alarm about CO2 emissions.

Reply to  Vincent
November 17, 2023 9:38 am

Yes, if you make everyone starve in the dark, you can make CURRENT KNOWN RESERVES last a billion years. Especially if you make people stay home and walk or ride bikes to work, the store, etc. and don’t allow vacations except for the oligarchs and party faithful.

Do you think YOU will be one of the chosen few?

Reply to  Vincent
November 16, 2023 1:09 pm

Wind and solar ARE NOT alternatives…

… they are an interference to the supply of 24/7 stable grid electricity.

A PARASITE on the supply system.

I have no issues with nuclear, except the lack of CO2 released.

November 16, 2023 6:57 am

America’s transition to small scale modular reactors was pushed back 10 years on November 10, 2023 for lack of financial support for NuScale’s first project. $200 million was nice, but $2 billion would have made it happen. Meanwhile, billions continue to be poured into wind, solar and batteries while China and India burn billions of tons of coal. This will not end well.

Reply to  Dennis Gerald Sandberg
November 16, 2023 11:13 am

“. . . for lack of financial support for NuScale’s first project.”

Lack of financial support, or lack of demonstrated technical feasibility at commercial scale?

Most industries want to see, at least, a hardware proof-of-concept, not just pretty PowerPoint briefing slides and slick marketing brochures, before investing $billions “to make it happen”.

November 16, 2023 7:14 am

Say bye-bye to the Paris Agreement (aka Paris Climate Accords) of 2015, an international agreement with “pledges” by the signatory countries to limit future CO2 emissions as a means to “restrain global warming”.

None but fools thought the Paris Agreement was anything beyond a farce.

Oh . . . and, yes, India signed the Paris Agreement on October 2, 2016.

See the attached chart of India’s growth in CO2 emissions since then, available at

Dave Andrews
November 16, 2023 8:21 am

In their ‘Coal Market Update’ 27 July 2023 the IEA said

  • India had become the the only country besides China to pass the 1.1 bn tonne mark in coal demand in 2022
  • In the first half of 2023 the increase in coal use in China, India and Indonesia more than offset the decline in the US, EU and Japan
  • In 2024 China, India and the ASEAN region is expected to account for 76% of all coal demand worldwide
  • China and India are both the largest producers and importers of coal in the world.

Coal looks like it has a bright future in some parts of the world!

November 16, 2023 9:45 am

The solution is obvious. Bomb the BRICs before it’s too late (sarc).

November 16, 2023 12:36 pm

There is no reason for the US to not use coal and gas to produce energy. Every single dollar of the trillions spent in the name of CAGW has literally been pissed away. It is time to stop this nonsense.

Reply to  Bob
November 16, 2023 3:07 pm

“Every single dollar of the trillions spent in the name of CAGW has literally been pissed away.”

Well, not so fast . . . I suspect a goodly amount of those trillions ending up supporting more than a few of the 10,000-plus cryptocurrencies currently in circulation*. After all, you’ve got to hide ill-gotten gains somewhere.



November 17, 2023 1:22 am

Has St Greta turned up in India yet?

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