Bloomberg Falsely Says Climate Change is Harming Crop Production, Reality Says Otherwise

From ClimateRealism

By Linnea Lueken

A recent post at Bloomberg, titled “Climate Change Is Helping Pests and Diseases Destroy Our Food,” claims that recent crop shortages are due to increases in pest infestations and disease because of climate change. This is false for multiple reasons. First, the crops listed are not seeing substantial declines outside of particular production regions, which is to be expected from agriculture some years.

Bloomberg contributor Mumbi Gitau writes that pests and disease “are exacerbating crop shortages that have sent prices for goods like cocoa, olive oil, and orange juice soaring.” Gitau also asserts that these shortages will “become even more prevalent as extreme weather events multiply.”

To be clear data show that extreme weather events are not getting more frequent or extreme, even amid the last hundred-plus years of warming. Climate Realism has covered this fact many times, herehere, and here, for just a few examples.

While the article covers several foods allegedly threatened by climate change which have mostly been covered by Climate Realism before, including cocoaolives, orange juice, grains, and tomatoes, the article places a bit more emphasis the first three, and so we will do likewise.

Beginning with cocoa, Gitau says “West Africa, home to two-thirds of global cocoa supply, has seen serious difficulties with its crop in recent seasons, causing wholesale prices to soar near historic highs this year.”

There are two main diseases attacking cocoa in West Africa, according to Gitau. The first is “black pod disease” – a fungal disease that is spread most easily in the wet conditions that parts of West Africa have seen. The other is swollen shoot virus, which is spread by pests that already live in warmer parts of the world, so there is no evidence modest warming is spread those pests to regions where they hadn’t previously existed.

Cocoa is typically grown in rainforests and warmer equatorial parts of the world, regions that are naturally susceptible to those diseases in the first place. Additionally, as explained in “Correct, CNN, Cocoa Prices Are Due to Natural Weather Conditions and Disease,” climate change is not necessary for these kinds of illnesses to break out in cocoa plantations. The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) says on their website that “[a]verage yields for cocoa production are low due to extensive systems of cultivation, ageing tree populations, high incidence and poor control systems of pests and diseases, ageing farmer populations, shortage of affordable labour, lack of easily available inputs, poor extension services and above all, the use of poor/average quality planting material.”

Because so much of the world’s cocoa is produced in a limited geographical area, any disease or poor conditions that strike the region will have a disproportionate impact on the total supply. Despite this, the same Climate Realism shows that world production of cocoa has steadily increased over time, despite fluctuations in yield. In fact, both yield and production of cocoa beans in West Africa have shown an increasing trend over period of modest warming, according to data from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (See Figure below)

  • Cocoa bean production in West Africa alone has increased by 371 percent since 1961.
  • Yield has increased 87 percent since 1961, though it has flattened off since the 1990s.
  • Production records have been broken as recently as 2020, and have occurred 7 times from 2010 to 2021.

The article then says that olives, and olive oil, is threatened in Spain, “as drought has caused output to dwindle, more than doubling wholesale costs in the past year,” and by a plant-targeting bacterium that lives year around if winters aren’t cold enough to kill it off. Some famous, ancient trees in Italy are likewise threatened, but the report that Bloomberg links to as evidence blames “widespread agriculture abandonment” which allowed the insect that carries the disease to flourish and spread, whereas agricultural practices like tilling and cutting excess grass prevents the spread of the insect.

Although, according to U.N. FAO data, Italy’s production of olives has fallen off since it’s 2005 peak, Spain has meanwhile picked up the slack in a big way and is now the larger producer. (See figure below)

In Spain:

  • Olive production has increased 343 percent since 1961;
  • Yield has increased 61 percent;
  • All-time production records have been set as recently as 2018, and records have been set four times since 2010 alone.

Finally, regarding orange juice, Bloomberg says “hurricanes, frost, and diseases have decimated orange groves in Florida, pushing US orange juice futures to record highs this month.” They also say citrus greening disease, spread by an insect, is likewise causing shortages. However, again, these problems are already endemic to warm weather zones where oranges are produced. Also, although bad weather like hurricanes can destroy fruit orchards and cause problems for years afterwards, data shows that the modest recent rise in global average over more than a hundred years has not caused an increase in the number or severity of hurricanes, as demonstrated in numerous Climate Realism posts. In addition, there is no evidence rising temperatures have negatively impacted orange production.

While this article points to the United States for proof of production woes, the United States has been growing fewer oranges for decades as the country is outcompeted by Brazil, China, and Mexico.

Looking again at available production data from the U.N. FAO, worldwide the production and yield of oranges has been rising for decades, with an amazing production increase of 372 percent since 1961. (See figure below)

Orange juice prices can be better explained by looking at historic price data. (See figure below)

Prices have been going up along with energy costs and supply chain issues, with a historic upwards trend starting around the time of the COVID pandemic lockdowns, certainly made worse by weather like hurricane Ian, but not exclusively driven by it. And one must consider the fact that energy prices have risen, in large part due to climate policies imposed by the Biden administration, in Europe, and in other industrialized nations, which have increased the price the pesticides and fertilizers made using oil and gas. Oil and gas restrictions have increased the price of producing, transporting, storing, and selling cocoa, olive oil, and oranges at retail outlets.

It may be tempting to believe that crop failures in different parts of the world are indicative of some major global climate change impact, however, long-term data in weather trends, pest and crop disease patterns, and production show no such trends. A more likely factor for the “appearance” of a crop apocalypse is the advent of the internet and instantaneous worldwide news, allowing us for the first time ever to now can see much more of what afflicts different crops around the world, coinciding with the media’s adoption of a climate crisis narrative in which every bad thing that happens can trace its cause to climate change. Regional crop failures have always occurred, causing difficulties for producers and consumers, but there is no evidence recent isolated crop declines are more than temporary or due to long-term climate change. Bloomberg, ostensibly a business and economics focused publication, should be aware of this, and be able to explain the intricacies without resorting to climate alarm.

Linnea Lueken

Linnea Lueken is a Research Fellow with the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy. While she was an intern with The Heartland Institute in 2018, she co-authored a Heartland Institute Policy Brief “Debunking Four Persistent Myths About Hydraulic Fracturing.”


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September 1, 2023 2:10 am

We’re all gonna die!!!!!

Reply to  Paul Homewood
September 1, 2023 6:05 am

Maybe not, John Kerry et al are doing their best via private jet trips, to keep CO2 levels up, they need to do more

September 1, 2023 3:05 am

Prices have gone up in dollars because of money printing by the federal reserve (inflation) .
If you print your fiat currency into worthlessness (to not pay your debt) prices will skyrocket.

Reply to  Robertvd
September 1, 2023 9:04 am

TSK, TSK, it is called Quantitative Easing.

That means the Federal Reserve DECLARES is has money, coming out of thin air (a sort of off-the-books Fort Knox, in lalaland), provided to banks, at no cost, to buy high risk paper, and mortgage backed obligations, etc., no one else is buying, or treasury-issued government bonds (to paper Biden’s deficit spending) no one else is buying, not even China.

Crop production and food shortages and scare-mongering?

Ukraine agriculture exports – what is at stake in the light of invasion?

Russia and Ukraine are commercial competitors, and major exporters, regarding agricultural products.
The EU imports almost no wheat, rye and barley from Ukraine, only corn, to protect EU farmers. See above graph.
Turkey is a major importer of Ukraine wheat, rye and barley for its own use, and for processing, such as milling/bagging into flour for export, to many countries in the world, using Turkey ships, which compete with mostly Greek ships.
Russian agricultural exports are not under sanctions, but farm equipment imports and replacement parts imports are. 
Ship, insurance and harbor owners are coerced, behind closed doors, by the US/EU/UK, to not services to Russian cargos in Russian ships, or even in Turkish, etc., ships. 
Not all ship, insurance and harbor owners comply with the coercion, the so-called “dark fleet infrastructure”
With increasing BRISC-plus power, the coercion will be diminished/counteracted in future years
Russian wants these coercion practices stopped, as agreed under the original UN-signed “humanitarian-grain deal”, of which the agreed Russian part was never implemented.
The West (US/UK/EU/NATO) wants to control/weaken/breakup/regime-change Russia, in addition to controlling Ukraine, because then it can say to China, India, etc., you will be hungry and without sufficient fossil fuels, unless you accept our rules-based regime, with the West making the rules.

Reply to  wilpost
September 2, 2023 8:58 am

Propaganda. Russia is the problem not the US/UK/EU/NATO. How many rubles do you get paid to post nonsense?

September 1, 2023 3:53 am

I heard the world is boiling and yet the UK and areas to the north of the jet stream show otherwise. 

Cool, grey and wet juxtaposed with crimson weather charts makes for some amusement, and annoyance… On the primary production front – I have a grapevine and a fig tree at the southern aspect of my house – its been a bumper year. I’m getting a bit sick of figs to be honest.

These last few years have been similar, there’s certainly no drop off in the amount of fruit. It’s a similar tale with the tomatoes, zucchini (courgettes) etc

“Climate Change Is Helping Pests and Diseases Destroy Our Food” 

Not round these parts, it isn’t.  That would be the wind and solar farms. Oh and the rewilding craze.

Story tip – person of possible interest

Information pertinent to the laugh
I’m a Celeb Get Me Out of Here is set in Australia where the desperate celebs do all manner of crazy things – including the Bushtucker trial….

“From fish eyes, to insect smoothies and a pig’s penis, Ant and Dec were put through it. But it was the cockroach smoothie that left Dec throwing up on the show, unable to keep it down.

Pity the cockroach…

“BBC Springwatch star Megan McCubbin has hit out at Ant and Dec for “ignoring” her step-dad Chris Packham. The Channel 4 Celebrity Gogglebox star has savaged the ITV I’m A Celebrity and Britain’s Got Talent presenters in a new interview.

Megan says Ant and Dec “ignore” warnings about animal abuse on the jungle based series. Chatting about the ITV show with OK! she said: “They do a lot of things that I would class as animal abuse. Eating bugs alive is awful! They could do some really funny challenges that don’t have to involve animal exploitation.”

Megan, 28, added: “Chris is a massive advocate for changing the show and has sent a lot of open letters to Ant and Dec saying ‘would you consider stopping animal abuse on your show?’ but it has been ignored every single time.”

Chris is a massive misanthrope.

Reply to  strativarius
September 1, 2023 5:05 am

15C yesterday’s top temp. Put the heating on. When do we get the global warming?

Reply to  Bil
September 1, 2023 5:34 am


Reply to  Bil
September 1, 2023 6:19 am

It’s been upgraded to boiling by that fool who heads the UN – if ever a bloke was in a job well above his capabilities, it’s him

Bill Powers
Reply to  Bil
September 1, 2023 8:47 am

Beware the Ice of March continuing into April flowing into May…

Reply to  strativarius
September 1, 2023 5:10 am

Chris Packham is an idiot; targeting the frontmen, Ant & Dec, of “I’m a celeb” is like holding a receptionist responsible for how an entire business operates. I have zero tolerance for misanthropic attention whores like Packham and his ilk – I have and will continue to ignore him quite successfully.

Reply to  Richard Page
September 1, 2023 5:35 am

Packham is smoothing the way…. for his celebrity daughter in law

Reply to  strativarius
September 1, 2023 8:44 am

Packham is under investigation for his own peculiar brand of “animal abuse”..

Reply to  Right-Handed Shark
September 1, 2023 1:33 pm

He parades himself as some sort of intelligent wildlife expert then handles (with bare hands) an endangered species, risking the chick being rejected by its parents now that it smells like Chris Packham. No expert, not very intelligent, frankly just a bit of a hypocrite.

September 1, 2023 4:37 am

I can cherry pick too, my back yard apple tree has produced an absolute bumper crop this year.

Reply to  Steve Case
September 1, 2023 5:00 am

I have a couple of sapling apple trees, but its early days and I’m not Michael Mann….

Reply to  Steve Case
September 1, 2023 5:11 am

Not cherry picking, that’s apple picking.

Reply to  Steve Case
September 1, 2023 5:27 am

Same for me- here in Wokeachusetts- my lawn, trees, shrubs and flower beds have never looked so good nor grown so well. Just want they want- lots of sun, heat, and rain.

Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
September 1, 2023 8:27 pm

And, CO2!

Reply to  Steve Case
September 1, 2023 6:20 am

Even NASA satellite imagery clearly shows the beneficial greening with a bit more CO2, we need much more

Reply to  Steve Case
September 1, 2023 10:13 am

I had a great tomato summer. Tomatoes love it when it is hot and dry as long as you give them water.

Reply to  Robertvd
September 2, 2023 10:30 am

Plus CO2.

September 1, 2023 4:46 am

Michael Bloomberg is small on the outside and smaller on the inside.

Reply to  Mikeyj
September 1, 2023 5:18 am

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

First chuckle of my day (-:

Reply to  Mikeyj
September 1, 2023 6:10 am

What is it with elderly billionaires and their hatred of humanity? Maybe they resent not having long to make more money? Maybe all that money has somehow mentally affected their ability for reason / humility? They are a sour old bunch that’s for sure

Reply to  Energywise
September 1, 2023 7:30 am

Never underestimate the cruelty of those aged and on the verge of dying.

Reply to  cgh
September 1, 2023 8:28 pm

Yes, they have little to lose.

September 1, 2023 5:26 am

Apparently Bloomberg innocently forgot about the Irish potato famine in 1845 to 1852, when the Earth was still cold at the end of the Little Ice Age. The worst year was 1847, when about 1 million Irish died of starvation and disease, and another approx. 1 million Irish emigrated to the US, Australia and other parts of the world. The population of Ireland decreased by about 25% during that 7 year period.

Reply to  Duane
September 1, 2023 5:31 am

Crop failures were rampant throughout the world during the Little Ice Age. During the early English colonization of North America in the early 17th century, it was not only the English settlers in Jamestown Colony whose crops failed due to the cold weather, but the native tribes in the area also saw crop failures and experienced starvation, disease and death. Of the initial 204 English settlers in Jamestown, only 38 survived the “Starving Time” by the time of the second resupply mission – deaths due to starvation, disease and fights with the local Powhattan tribe, largely fighting over scarce food resources.

Tom Halla
Reply to  Duane
September 1, 2023 8:41 am

All the weather related citrus crop failures I am aware of were due to frost.

Reply to  Duane
September 1, 2023 8:11 pm

Conquered, enslaved, humiliated, starved, deported – all to strategic long term advantage.

September 1, 2023 5:39 am

Bloomberg say´s … I´ll say, Michael R. Bloomberg is the president of the C40-cities board, go in an look at their web-page, surf a little around … “Food in the anthropocene” … oh dear, oh dear … the future we don´t want … !!

You searched for Food – C40 Cities

Reply to  MB1978
September 1, 2023 6:09 am

Sadiq Khan is the head of C40….

Reply to  strativarius
September 1, 2023 6:23 am

SK is head of the chair and also a member of the steering committee but not a member of the board of directores.. Bloomberg is the president of the board etc etc. What does it matter. SK and MRB are both wellknown names. My reference was to site the webpage more than talking hierarchy … !!

Reply to  MB1978
September 1, 2023 6:38 am

In addition to the citation to C40-cities, the following is also “intresting” reading, Earth(4)all: A survival guide for humanity published last year by the Club of Rome, a 50 years follow-up to the “Limit of Growth”.

(PDF) Earth for All (

No disrespect … you can read it – or just surf a little around in it.

Reply to  MB1978
September 1, 2023 6:11 am

It can be resisted, the numbers are on the proles side

John Hultquist
Reply to  MB1978
September 1, 2023 8:03 am

 The “C40” thing went from 18 to 20 to 40 and recently 96. It began in 2005 (by London Mayor Ken Livingstone). At the rate of increase of 5.33333 per year, by 2100 it will have 410.666 member cities, 1,600.42 jet aircraft, and 666.15 yachts. [97% confidence]

September 1, 2023 5:43 am

Reality is what you make of it

September 1, 2023 5:57 am

You should superimpose on the first graph the temperature anomalies for the same period. Properly scaled, it’s a very good fit.

Climate change has increased crop yields, not hurt them.

I know that is not a rigorous proof, but such is the level of climate crisis science-tology.

Janice Moore
Reply to  PCman999
September 1, 2023 10:25 am

Except that “climate change” (and this term is used exclusively by the majority of the public/English speakers to mean human-caused climate shifts) is a chimera. There is no data proving that human CO2 causes meaningful (or ANY, actually!) shifts in the climate zones of the earth.

All the weather trends are well within the bounds of natural variation.

Any warming that has enhanced crop yields is overwhelmingly* natural. This is the null hypothesis. It has never been disproven.


*That is, it would have happened regardless of any human influence the signal for which (if it exists) is lost in the noise.

Reply to  Janice Moore
September 2, 2023 9:00 pm


The climate in my region is the same as it was in 1964 when I moved there it is by the Koppen Classification BSk


Fighting climate change….. a poorly worded propaganda phrase yet people fall hard over it because they are IGNORANT!

Sad that people fail to think on their own.

September 1, 2023 6:04 am

What a load of old codswallop the alarmist shill Bloomberg spreads – sheer malicious misinformation
I can categorically inform Bloombergs 23 year old left wing journos that the one thing that will kill off plants & crops, causing global famine & starvation, is the loss of atmospheric CO2
Plants ideally need 800-1300ppm for optimal growth, at our current 420ppm, we are in severe deficit and the climate con alarmists push to decrease it further, in the name of some consensus between 0.3% of IPCC & blob sponsored scientists, is both ethically & morally corrupt
I suggest Bloombergs climate journos with a silly qualification in undersea basket weaving, or Art, research photosynthesis and its importance to life on earth

Janice Moore
Reply to  Energywise
September 1, 2023 10:34 am

Bloomberg is pushing a product that consumers (or, too few, at least, to break even) will not buy at a free market price: “renewables” (solar, wind, EV’s, etc.).

BN is nothing more than a slick marketing tool. No one with serious money to invest would rely in Bloomberg News to guide her or his decisions.

Moreover, since they call this blatant hard-sell deceit “news,” it’s a fraud.

Janice Moore
Reply to  Janice Moore
September 1, 2023 10:36 am

Edit: rely on (and also, add commas after “blatant” and “hard-sell.”

Reply to  Janice Moore
September 2, 2023 6:49 am


September 1, 2023 6:20 am

I taught Economics from 1973 to 2010. At some point during that time (unfortunately I can’t remember exactly when, but it was probably in the 1990s) I used a newspaper article about black pod disease and the production of chocolate as a teaching resource. At the time there had been an outbreak of black pod disease. The author of the article claimed that in the future only the rich would be able to buy chocolate because the price would have risen enormously due to the black pod disease. Another prediction gone badly wrong.
Here, however, is the good news:
Breakthrough in stopping spread of black pod rot in cocoa-growing regions.

Reply to  CampsieFellow
September 1, 2023 8:21 pm

Imagine how easy it was to spread disinformation 40 years ago. 5 TV channels. Pick a man in a suit, theres your primary source of world news.

September 1, 2023 6:26 am

Story tip

Yaaaayyyyyyy! Reality comes crashing down around those silly windmills

Reply to  Energywise
September 1, 2023 8:23 pm

Different reaction if your fund manager likes ESG.

September 1, 2023 6:30 am
September 1, 2023 6:37 am

From the article: “To be clear data show that extreme weather events are not getting more frequent or extreme, even amid the last hundred-plus years of warming.”

That should be: “even amid the last hundred-plus years of warming, and cooling.”

We don’t want to ignore the significant cooling that has taken place over the last hundred-plus years. Alarmists want to ignore it, because cooling does not fit their “hotter and hotter” meme, but we should not ignore it because we are ignoring reality if we do.

September 1, 2023 7:27 am

The stupid easy to refute lies makes clear they have an agenda that is harmful to people.

John Hultquist
September 1, 2023 7:47 am

 I’ll bet had Bloomberg been alive in the early 1900s he would have had contributor Mumbi Gitau’s grandfather blame the demise of the American Chestnut trees on CO2 & global warming.

[Researchers, science, and a long effort have begun to renew this magnificent tree.]

Reply to  John Hultquist
September 1, 2023 8:25 pm

SYSK episode a few weeks ago?

September 1, 2023 8:02 am

The Duke brothers are trying to corner the entire frozen orange juice market.

Reply to  BenVincent
September 1, 2023 9:47 am


Reply to  BenVincent
September 1, 2023 8:34 pm

What market? My local grocery chain seems to have stopped selling frozen OJ concentrate. 🙂

Reply to  Clyde Spencer
September 2, 2023 6:53 am

I’d forgotten all about that. When I was much younger, I remember my grandparents buying it but I haven’t seen it in years.

September 1, 2023 8:19 am

Amazing how they were able to abolish the law of photosynthesis!

They ignore the planet’s booming biosphere/massively greening up and instead, focus all their time looking for bad things happening on the planet and cherry pick them as evidence of a climate crisis.

Forget that we have effective pesticides and herbicides and technologies for crops to manage some of those bad things. Believe that, the same conditions, supposedly beneficial for all the bad life, are somehow killing all the good life!

Totally forget the laws of agronomy and discard critical thinking and never fact check their stuff by going to sources with authentic data. Just believe the scary stories and false narratives about a climate crisis caused by a beneficial gas that’s only half the optimal level for plants and most life.

Here’s how we know this is dishonest, biased work practicing the ANTI scientific method.
Objective science tells us ALL sides and everything impacting the realm being discussed. Not just being selective to filter out things that contradict what the scientist wants to convince others of.
Objective science gives authentic weighting to EVERYTHING, including inconvenient very powerful facts/evidence that counter what the scientist wants to be true.

Sadly, climate science was hijacked 3 decades ago and now, this sort of shoddy work is what defines mainstream science to support the fake climate crisis.

Plant Dry Weight (Biomass) Responses to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment-plants that start with the letter C.



Reply to  Mike Maguire
September 1, 2023 9:31 am

It defies critical thinking to believe that a beneficial gas, at 50% the optimal level, which is warming, the planet by 1 Deg. C and mostly the coldest places……….which has increased the growing season by over a week and REDUCED frost/freeze damage risk significantly…………is actually causing a net harm to the exact plants/crops that are benefiting the most in this current climate optimum.

Slightly more disease?
Slightly higher insect pressure?

Sure, I get that.

But they take an authentic math equation like this (that might represent the weighting of goods vs bads of CO2/climate change:

5+4+3+2-1-1-1 = +11

And twist it into -1-1-1 =-3 and it’s killing the planet

Then tell us that +11 is actually -3.

The saddest part of this junk science is not that some dishonest scientists are displaying human cognitive bias. That’s to be expected.
It’s really pathetic because that’s what defines mainstream climate science in 2023!

The solution to save the planet is always to cut CO2 emissions.
Get rid of the exact reason we have all this wonderful technology.
Get rid of the synthetic fertilizers made with natural gas boosting global food production/crop yields by 50%, including all the crops discussed in this article.

But the reason that we know that they must know that it can’t work is this:

They are just exploiting this scam to enrich their self serving interests. Whether its crony capitalism, dishonest science for fame/rewards, political agenda, ratings driven dishonest media or misled environmentalism………’s all based on fairly tale, manufactured schemes using completely impossible, manufactured scenario’s that have a near 0 chance of ever coming anywhere near happening (other than on computer screens) even if society was 100% on board with the scam.

Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 11-18-37 Droughts not increasing - MarketForum.png
Reply to  Mike Maguire
September 1, 2023 8:35 pm

…, which is warming, the planet by 1 Deg. C and mostly the coldest places …

It is asserted to be responsible, but I think that the evidence is weak.

September 1, 2023 8:51 am

Who knew that man invented the greenhouse, the conservatory, the hothouse, the polytunnel and the orangery in order to decrease food production?

September 1, 2023 2:30 pm

Orange groves in Florida were devastated by hard freezes in the late 1970’s and early 80’s.

September 1, 2023 3:09 pm

Replace “Climate Change” with “Moloch” or “Ba’al” and their theology doesn’t change.

September 1, 2023 7:53 pm

Bloomberg contributor Mumbi Gitau writes that pests and disease “are exacerbating crop shortages that have sent prices for goods like cocoa, olive oil, and orange juice soaring.”

Seeding thoughspace ahead of election season. Climate inflation?

September 2, 2023 10:39 am

According to NOAA the sunspot number will be going down to zero, starting in July 2025 and staying there until at least 2040 when the forecast ends. The sunspots are connected with hotter areas that radiate more energy from the Sun, so no sunspots mean a cooler Sun and a cooler Earth. The last time this happened was during the Maunder minimum (1645–1715) when it was very cold.

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