About the Fourth of July and ISIS – from a friend who is a police officer, and a 'spook'

isis-arrests[1]I realize this is way off-topic of the usual fare for WUWT, but I’d be remiss in my duty as a patriot and an American if I didn’t at least pass it on so that it will get wide distribution. One of my Facebook friends is a police officer who I’ve learned to listen to. He passes this on to me, and I’m passing it on to you as a public service. Take caution, be aware, and don’t let these extremists ruin your 4th of July holiday.

Jeff Greeson writes:

To everyone that reads my wall, ESPECIALLY in big cities: The freakout over the 4th of July is real. I get intelligence that you don’t get, and the FBI is serious this time. Go out and be an American, but keep a charged cellphone with you, and don’t let fear of being called a racist stop you from calling [in] something in that is suspicious. And for the sake of all that’s holy, if something makes your Spidey sense tingle, GET YOUR FAMILY AWAY FROM IT.

He cites this essay from a former “spook”:

Anything But Routine, Redux

Two days ago, former Deputy CIA Director Michael Morrell said there was “nothing routine” about warnings of possible ISIS attacks in the CONUS during the 4th of July weekend.

At the time, we noted it was quite unusual for a former intelligence official to be so blunt in his assessment.  Mr. Morrell (who made the observation on CBS This Morning) went on to say that he “wouldn’t be surprised if we’re sitting her a week from today talking about an ISIS attack in the United States over the [July 4th] weekend.”

Now, we’re beginning to see why Morrell offered such a dire prediction.  Shepard Smith of Fox News reported last night the FBI is establishing special command centers in 56 cities around the country, to prepare for possible terrorist attacks during the holiday period.

Not to be outdone, ISIS quickly posted a map, showing the locations of those command facilities.  Twitter and the blogosphere quickly exploded, with some wondering how the terror group could quickly access such sensitive information.  Turns out it wasn’t so hard after all; the command centers are located at FBI field offices, except those in Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.  That information is readily available to anyone with internet access.

But there are more signs of mounting fears about a possible weekend attack.  A federal official told Gateway Pundit that FBI agents scheduled for vacations over July 4th have been told to cancel their plans, and report for duty.  The same source also reports that FBI agents are telling family and friends to avoid “official” holiday celebrations.  This mirrors earlier claims that ISIS may target large community gatherings on the 4th, hoping to inflict maximum casualties.

The full essay is here: http://formerspook.blogspot.com/2015/07/anything-but-routine-redux.html
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July 2, 2015 11:00 am

Good to be alert. Not like you can count on Obama to protect you….

Reply to  1957chev
July 2, 2015 12:29 pm

When seconds count, police are only minutes away – at best. Forewarned is forearmed. You are your own first line of defense. The Second Amendment is your friend.

Reply to  brians356
July 2, 2015 3:33 pm

if I am lucky its 10 minutes away and thats only if local sheriff is nearby.
I self stitch wounds and got 12gage for …varmints….

Reply to  brians356
July 2, 2015 7:14 pm

The second amendment; America’s original homeland security.

Reply to  brians356
July 3, 2015 8:12 am

The federal government has already exposed who they consider the main opposition groups that are not going to go along with their agenda:
1. “rightwing extremists”
2. “antigovernment groups”
3. critics of the “outsourcing of jobs”
4. gun control resistors
5. returning “military veterans who possess combat skills” recruited into potentially violent groups because they are “disgruntled, disillusioned, or suffering from the psychological effects of war”
6. those who believe in “antigovernment conspiracy theories related to gun confiscations, citizen detention camps, and a Jewish-controlled ‘one world government'”
7. “Anti-Semitic extremists” who “attribute these losses to a deliberate conspiracy conducted by a cabal of Jewish ‘financial elites'”
8. those who “oppose free trade agreements”
9. those “with the perception that illegal immigrants were taking away American jobs”
10. those who are antagonistic toward the new presidential administration’s issues of “immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, and restrictions on firearms ownership and use”
11. those who harbor any hostility toward “federal law enforcement’s handling of the confrontations at Waco, Texas and Ruby Ridge, Idaho”
12. Constitutional militias with a “renewed participation in paramilitary training exercises”
13. those who “believe that a ‘New World Order’ would bring about a world government that would usurp the sovereignty of the United States and its Constitution, thus infringing upon their liberty”
14. those who fear “the U.S. Government’s role as either complicit in a foreign invasion or acquiescing as part of a ‘One World Government’ plan”
15. those who “bemoan the decline of U.S. stature and have recently focused on themes such as the loss of U.S. manufacturing capability to China and India” and “China’s investment in U.S. real estate and corporations”
16. And that is merely a fraction of the potential “domestic terrorist threats” in this country that are identified by the federal government as enemies of the state.
Tell me, are you on that list?
Remember what happens to people when regimes like our current leadership wants take away your guns. Just ask the 170,000,000 slaughtered in the 20th Century.

Reply to  brians356
July 4, 2015 6:06 pm

said, “When seconds count, police are only minutes away”
I called 911 a few days ago. all operators where busy for 10 minutes before a hanged up the phone. It was an emergency the emergency was already over.

Reply to  brians356
July 13, 2015 9:13 pm

Josef Stalin once said “Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.”
An eye opener to why democrats are bombarding you with PC and want to take your guns?

Reply to  1957chev
July 2, 2015 2:26 pm

So if nothing happens its Obama’s FBI being alarmist. If something does happen its because Obama’s FBI didn’t protect us.
No matter what happens, blame Obama. He’s to blame for everything. Dow rises? Obama got out of the way of the free market. Dow falls? Obama’s economic policies are ruining everything.
Something bad happens? Blame liberals. Something good happens? Gloat that liberals failed to spoil it for everyone.
The Fox News daily catechism once again arrives on WUWT and the comments get captured by the rapid-fire fake commentariat who find fault with everything and everything is somebody’s fault.

Reply to  John A
July 2, 2015 2:30 pm

Yeah. necessarily skyrocketing electric costs will do that to ya.

Reply to  John A
July 2, 2015 2:32 pm

Of course, we can fix that by exporting the rest of our manufacturing to Brunei, a la TPP and TiSA.

Reply to  John A
July 2, 2015 2:40 pm

Aw, c’mon, this is Bush’s fault. For a bonus, you can pick any one of three to blame, or all three if you’re feeling free.

Reply to  John A
July 2, 2015 3:34 pm

only an idiot assumes someone watches a specific channel.

Reply to  John A
July 2, 2015 4:20 pm

Why’d you single out Fox and ignore CBS?

Reply to  John A
July 2, 2015 4:23 pm

“Why’d you single out Fox and ignore CBS?”
Because one is a news service, and the other is the cheerleader for the GOP.

Robert Doyle
Reply to  John A
July 2, 2015 4:28 pm

John A
You are a trollin tool. Blame FOX. Blame any value of alerts.
Warmist Regards,

george e. smith
Reply to  John A
July 2, 2015 5:43 pm

Well that’s the way this country works.
The POTUS gets the credit or the blame that goes with anything that happens.
Anyone who doesn’t want to wear that coat, shouldn’t run for that office.
And we could easily make a list of WUWT denizens who actually voted for the current wearer of that coat. Some even admitted to having done it twice.
So look elsewhere if you want to find somebody with an agenda. Well look in a mirror; because you clearly have one.
Why else would you attempt to derail a perfectly rational caution posting.
The snakes eat the ones that don’t either look before they leap, or jump high enough when they do.

Reply to  John A
July 2, 2015 7:20 pm

After all, our dear friend Obama the Magnificent (tongue firmly in cheek) richly deserved to win the Nobel Peace Prize after a mere two weeks in Office. There’s obviously nothing he can’t do. Ipso facto he gets the blame for everything.

Reply to  John A
July 2, 2015 8:47 pm

Rational people – even conservatives – don’t operate like you think they do. They consider the evidence and act and draw conclusions accordingly. Don’t let hysteria and dislike of conservatives blind you to such facts.

Reply to  John A
July 3, 2015 4:16 am

Waah waah waah.
That is how you guys treated Mr. Bush.

Don Perry
Reply to  John A
July 3, 2015 7:47 am

Exactly the same was done to Bush — except that it continues to this moment. The one thing that stands out for me is that our current president, the “leader” of the free world, himself said that ISIL (ISIS) is JV (junior varsity). He just doesn’t get it. So take your liberal BS excuses and put them where the sun don’t shine.

Paul Mackey
Reply to  1957chev
July 3, 2015 2:19 am

To all my USA friends, be careful viligant and safe. I know, having grown up under the murderous threats of Irish Republican terrorists it is hard, but don’t let the filth get you down. In my little country (Ulster) of not quite 2 million souls, we lost about three thousand people to terrorists. So pretty much everybody was touched. The first IRA victim’s funeral I attended I was four years old. The last I was 24. My wife lost a school friend when his train home from school was blown up by the IRA. Another off duty soldier was shot 12 times whilst waiting for his wife to finish work. His three year old son was in the car with him, but this did not deter the terrorists.
So enjoy the celebrations, be careful but do not underestimate the depravity of the terrorist

Reply to  1957chev
July 3, 2015 3:41 am

No better answer to Obama who wishes to remove all privately held guns.

Reply to  1957chev
July 13, 2015 9:23 pm

What if the object is to end the people’s celebration of 4th of July? I mean this is an important part of American culture and the leftist wants to undermine your culture? Not?

Reply to  1957chev
July 13, 2015 9:43 pm

Obama needs more than ever enemies?

July 2, 2015 11:01 am

The same source also reports that FBI agents are telling family and friends to avoid “official” holiday celebrations
and THAT is precisely what ISIS intend, sowing fear. So they win on this.

Reply to  lsvalgaard
July 2, 2015 11:20 am

It is also suits the purposes of the globalists. If they could do away with July 4 celebrations, they would. National fervor, together with devotion to anything other than their environmental religion, is contrary to their totalitarian agenda.

Reply to  lsvalgaard
July 2, 2015 11:21 am

No, they want to kill infidels for the glory of Allah and the Caliphate, in hopes of making us submit to Allah. Fear is a means to that end only if you surrender.

Reply to  omegapaladin
July 2, 2015 11:26 am

It seems that FBI and the Government have already surrendered. If you do as they suggest you surrender too.

Reply to  omegapaladin
July 2, 2015 11:42 am

Are you out of your mind? Did we surrender previous wars when we used rationing? Did the UK surrender to the IRA when they got rid of trash cans in London? It is not surrender to acknowledge you are at war.

Ian W
Reply to  omegapaladin
July 2, 2015 12:38 pm

omegapaladin July 2,
The day after the underground attack in London on 7/7 the underground was back in use and people were complaining that the lines that had been bombed were not already back up and running normally.
It’s an attitude thing. Behave as you would want to, but be cautious. It can be hard to get out of the habit of checking under your car before you get into it. Is that a win?

Reply to  lsvalgaard
July 2, 2015 12:27 pm

They ain’t won yet (its two days away), sounds like you gave up ?, on us.

Cosmic ray
Reply to  lsvalgaard
July 2, 2015 12:41 pm

This will push the government closer to implementing a police state so it’s a step toward wins for Isis and for the control freAk left.

Reply to  Cosmic ray
July 2, 2015 4:39 pm

Police States are associated with right wing governments, not left wing governments, unless you are saying we are now a communist police state. And if you think we are a communist police state, you need to identify who the communists are.

Sceptical Sam
Reply to  Cosmic ray
July 2, 2015 7:42 pm

I’m going to respond to your comment with an extract from a letter to the Editor that was published in today’s “The Australian” newspaper. I hope it helps you develop a deeper understanding.
“Left-wing affinities
…..The political spectrum is not linear but resembles a Mobius strip. It has only one surface and no beginning or end. This means that extreme Right and extreme Left of politics abut and are indistinguishable.
The German Nazis, considered to be right-wingers, were in fact National Socialists. Their early membership was largely ex-communist; they had socialist industrial policy and fought against German communists. Fascists are supporters of a dictatorship; that makes that left bastion, Stalinist Russia, fascist by definition. Nowadays, this hypothesis explains the affinity of our left-wingers with jihadists…..”
I hope that helps. Unfortunately, the Online edition of “The Australian” is behind a pay-wall, so there’s not much to be gained by providing the URL.

Reply to  Cosmic ray
July 3, 2015 3:44 pm

Here is the official U.S. federal government and military documentation confirming that they are erecting an extensive framework and infrastructure of internment camps in the United States, in preparation for use your imagination (terror, war, economic collapse and mass civil unrest):
In 2009 the National Emergency Centers Act (H.R. 645), was introduced in Congress, mandating the establishment of “national emergency centers” to be located on military installations for the purpose of providing “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster,” according to the bill. In addition to emergencies, this legislation is designed to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security,” an open-ended mandate which could mean just about anything they want it to mean, including the forced detention of American citizens in the event of widespread rioting after a national emergency or total economic collapse.
In February of 2010 the Internment and Resettlement Operations (FM 3-39.40) was leaked, a U.S. Army manual outlining policies for processing detainees into internment camps both globally and inside the United States. That is against the Law of Nations.
In 2009 the National Guard posted a number of job opportunities looking for Internment and Resettlement Specialists (31-E) to work in “civilian internee camps” within the United States, with the job description: “Internment/resettlement specialists are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations in a military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility.”
In December of 2011 Halliburton subsidiary, Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), a government defense contractor, issued a Project Overview of anticipated requirements in “establishing a National Quick Response Team for our current Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) work,” and was specifically seeking sub-contractors to staff and outfit “emergency environment” camps located in five regions of the continental United States.
In 2006, KBR was contracted by Homeland Security for $385 million to build detention centers designed to deal with “an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S.,” or the rapid development of unspecified “new programs” that would require large numbers of people to be interned. Does that ring a bell? It should. It’s called “Immigration Reform,” and they have been planning this for a very long time.
Soon after KBR’s announcement, a little-known Army document surfaced, entitled Civilian Inmate Labor Program. The unclassified document describes in detail Army Regulation 210-35, first drafted in 1997, which underwent a “rapid act revision” in January of 2005 and now provides a policy for the creation of labor programs and prison camps aboard Army installations and other U.S. military bases.
Congressman W.G. “Bill” Hefner (D-NC) wrote a now infamous letter to Zell Setzer of Setzer Insurance and Associates, Salisbury, NC, on March 24, 1997, regarding information “pertaining to the Army’s policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor program and civilian prison camps on Army installations.” Congressman Hefner confirmed to Mr. Setzer that “the program has been funded, staffed, and does not reflect current Army policy,” denoting a preconceived future agenda. That is the very definition of a secret agreement (a conspiracy between two or more people).
Under the indefinite detention provision of the National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2011, which was signed by Barack Hussein Obama on New Year’s Eve of 2011—when most of the Congress was home on Christmas vacation—American citizens can be legally (not lawfully) kidnapped and detained indefinitely without charge or trial, and subjected to extreme rendition with no due process of law.
I wonder which member of our founding fathers could have seen these times coming. I’d say none were wearing rose colored glasses and were cautiously optimistic. It was predicted we might not be able to hold on to our God given freedoms and rights as free born individuals.

Reply to  Cosmic ray
July 4, 2015 3:05 pm

A police state is being built before our very eyes complete with almost absolute surveillance of our every move, work, text message, email, phone call, trip, purchase, doctor visit and CO2 molecule emitted.
Who is building it? I’d argue it started under Bush and is continuing under Obama. Don’t tell me Bush is a republican, he let a VP of socialistinternational.org get elected in Iraq after we ousted Saddam. Bush is also close friends with Tony Blair, another member of socialistinternational.org and his father, when president, said a few times on TV that we (the US) should join a new world order under the UN.
No EFFING way!
As to the left being control freaks, that is true. It is the democrat party that spews our massive amounts of regulations every year. According to my thesaurus, regulation is another word for control.
Who are the commies? Well, you can find Bill Clinton giving talks at the Party of European socialists (PES), Madeline Albright is a PES member, Jeffry Sachs is a PES member, Joseph Stiglitz, Clinton’s former ECON advisor is a member of Socialist International (SI) and along with Jeffry Sachs, has advised the Pope on climate change. Carol Brower is another SI member as is Gordon Brown. And the Pope has said that governments should redistribute wealth to the poor (which is socialism) and also gave communism a back-handed compliment.
SI states on their website that they want nothing less than world government. They work closely with the UN.
A global socialist world and government is happening right before our eyes. If you can’s see it, all I can say is, Jonathan Gruber.

Pamela Gray
Reply to  lsvalgaard
July 2, 2015 12:48 pm

I would disagree. This present danger should remind us of what we should be practicing every day. Prepared alertness, awareness and vigilance. This passed down way of living is from a long direct line of stubborn fighting Irish ancestors who fought in clan wars, the American Revolution, the Civil War, and survived the Oregon Trail dangers. In our modern society we have softened to the dangers of living in a still natural world to the point that we mistake a proper amount of vigilance for fear.
When I go fishing, I always turn around now and then and look behind me. Is that fear? Should it keep me away from the joy of fishing along a stretch of fast running water just because cougars are known to hunt there? Nope. It’s just using the good sense God gave me thanks to all those ancestors. And I kill what I shoot at.

D.J. Hawkins
Reply to  Pamela Gray
July 2, 2015 3:50 pm

And I kill what I shoot at.

The real meaning of “gun control”.

Reply to  Pamela Gray
July 2, 2015 5:53 pm

There are enough top level predators in NE Oregon to be worried about such things. Been trailed by Cougar myself. My worry is active arson in the dry west. There is much to be concerned about…

Reply to  Pamela Gray
July 2, 2015 7:20 pm

Gun control is a firm grip and an accurate shot.

Reply to  Pamela Gray
July 3, 2015 8:21 am

Amen. Eagles soar, rats cower.
Following is an example of what the fear mongers have bread that a gentleman shared on another blog:
The rabid, foam-at-the-mouth Marxist Socialist Liberal Left can be very violent against people who carry.
Bought a double rifle hard case at a gun store in a mall in Corpus Christi, TX once, on the way back though the mall on the way to my truck, I stopped off for a coffee at a coffee shop. Before I could order .in walks this pushy broad and seeing me in line to order, she walks around me to place her order ahead of me. Then, and only then does she turn notice me, and then notices I am leaning on my new case.
Asks me if that’s a gun? I say no, it’s a gun case. She starts to go off on me for carrying a loaded firearm in a mall, and threatens to throw her coffee on me if I do not leave.
So I pointed out that had she not rudely cut in line I would have had my coffee and been gone already.
She began to verbally berate me and continued her threats to throw her coffee on me. I said well that’s one way to find out if I have a weapon in this case or not. Got the distinct impression that she was a man-hating public school teacher.
By this time the Barista was just finishing the rude feminazi’s order, and I asked the Barista if she was honestly going to had that dangerous weapon to this obviously unhinged and hysterical woman who has been verbally abusing me this whole time in this establishment in full view of you the shop employee and you did nothing and said nothing, knowing full well I had been standing here patiently waiting to order before the rude unhinged feminazi goose stepped in to your shop.
You heard her verbally abuse me, you heard her threaten to attack me with hot cup of coffee when she gets it, and you are going to sell her that weapon and hand it off to her so she can assault me with it?
Before you hand her that cup, I have to tell you, that once my lawyer wins the assault case against this woman and this franchise, and I end up owning this here coffee shop, I’m going to have to fire you for not having any common sense and not lifting a finger to protect your customers.
What do you want me to do? The barista asks. Well for starters don’t arm that woman with her weapon of choice, and perhaps you should call security; before you become a witness to an assault and loose your job.
At that point the Liberal was so hot and turning several shades of crimson, she could have steamed her own milk. She was definitely on her way to going full Chernobyl.
So the barista pulls back the Liberal’s coffee, and asks me what I’d like. Told her I was in a hurry and said I’d have what the other gal was having. So she sold me the liberal’s Latte and I sat there and drank it in front of her till she stormed out.
Once I walked out of the shop the crazy Liberal started screaming that I had a gun, inside the mall. So I poked my head back in the shop and asked the barista to call security and had a seat to watch the show.
Liberal gal, now in full melt down was frothing at the mouth, as if she’s just steamed her own milk. Security guards show up wave to me, and start laying into her for creating a scene in public. Security guard knew me, and had seen me walk into and out of the gun store earlier. Barista comes out and tells security what’s going on.
So he didn’t even pay any further attention to me, which had the oh so smug Liberal gun hater in tears, as she thought she had me when she saw security coming. I left the mall with her latte and my new gun case.
All of that, was just for open carrying an empty rifle case. I can barely just imagine the snit-fit had she caught sight of my CCW.
Molon Labe

Reply to  Pamela Gray
July 3, 2015 12:34 pm

great story highflight
It never ceases to amaze me of the illogical thoughts and actions of the liberal progressive.
Pushback is the only way.

Reply to  lsvalgaard
July 2, 2015 1:31 pm

It mystifies me how their tweets, Facebook pages and links can remain in public view, spreading terror and giving many would be acolytes instructions on terror tactics or encouraging them to join in jihad. Surely those clever techie guys at the big tech companies involved can close them down as soon as they appear?

Margaret Smith
Reply to  climatereason
July 2, 2015 2:03 pm

“It mystifies me how their tweets, Facebook pages and links can remain in public view, spreading terror and giving many would be acolytes instructions on terror tactics or encouraging them to join in jihad. Surely those clever techie guys at the big tech companies involved can close them down as soon as they appear?”
Yes, but would they stop there?
Next it would be sites like this one.

Reply to  Margaret Smith
July 2, 2015 2:33 pm

Margaret, Very perceptive.
Not sure why it is so difficult for readers here to make the connection that the same government which says CO2 is a “dangerous pollutant,” and that nasty deniers are a “national security threat,” is stirring up terror over terrorists.
Obama: “Denying it, or refusing to deal with it endangers our national security. It undermines the readiness of our forces.”
Obama tweeted, ““This is a big moment in the fight against climate change — stick it to climate change deniers…”
In case the connection is unclear, let’s spell it out: Global warming deniers are national security threats. It’s time to take action against them. Terrorists are national security threats. It’s time to take action against them.
It’s called parallelism, and it leads to very, very bad things.
If you are not on the climate alarmist bandwagon, you are in the crosshairs of this government.
If you don’t think this administration would happily brand “deniers” as terrorists and therefore valid targets, you have not been paying attention.

Reply to  climatereason
July 2, 2015 3:12 pm

Thanks – my concern, too.
Yes, I abhor the ISIL fetishistic Sadists.
But we – the non-ISIL folk – need space, too.
Conflicted – and far from certain my [UK] government – or any other – will get it right, even third time . . . .

Reply to  climatereason
July 2, 2015 4:09 pm

And that is why so little headway is being made. If you’re going to “make war” on ISIS then do so, and that means shutting down their comms systems. Refusing to do so because sometime, maybe, perhaps, in the future your government might do that to you is plain silly. It makes as much sense as being against the D-Day preparations because “the Federal Government might use that knowledge to invade Texas”.
Hold back and you get what you’ve got. A pissant crew that isn’t afraid of you. If you have total air superiority and the enemy is openly holding victory parades, then you might as well go home. You’re not doing anything useful.

Reply to  climatereason
July 2, 2015 4:42 pm

@ climate reason. Did you ever hit it on the nose, but that “social media” also provide intel to the various governments . You have to know your enemy but I agree shutting them down for a set piece of time and then allowing them back in could pinpoint them even better. Although (as in the spy novels) teck is not the only way to share information.

Louis Hunt
Reply to  lsvalgaard
July 2, 2015 3:51 pm

I agree that it’s wrong to change your holiday plans because of unsubstantiated threats. Doing that makes them successful and encourages more threats in the future. But it is certainly not wrong for authorities (or WUWT) to make us aware of such threats so we can be as alert and as prepared as possible. It’s just information. Do what you want with it. No one is forcing you to cancel your plans and stay home.

Reply to  lsvalgaard
July 3, 2015 8:19 am

I’m with Leif on this one. And what makes it all the more convincing was to discover that the FBI uses a large amount of outsourced intel these days (they can’t afford have the agents to do it internally but can pay 3X to 4X for outside consultants), i.e. private security companies serving up “realities” that are used to make government policy and move a country’s emotions. Those private security companies don’t stay in business if they don’t produce the threats. Sound familiar?
Brian Michael Jenkins (RAND Corp) is the top terrorism expert in this country and considered one of the world’s leading terrorism authorities, over four decades in the business. He won’t even talk to the press these days because they mangle his words, including the Wall Street Journal after Murdoch took over. He regularly appears before Senate and House committees. He wrote in How a Decade of Terror Changed America:

The past decade also saw an unprecedented assertion of presidential authority, electronic surveillance without warrants, the detention of individuals solely on the basis of their having been declared enemy combatants, secret and indefinite imprisonment without trial, and the use of coercive interrogation techniques that before 9/11 would readily have been labeled torture.
These were the greatest dangers posed by terror: that it would erode our own democracy, our traditional respect for human rights, our commitment to the law itself. Fortunately, these excesses were challenged in the courts, in Congress and by the electorate, and they are now being corrected.

In one appearance before the Senate, Jenkins said,

Terrorist violence is not a new phenomenon. Al Qaeda and its jihadist followers did not bring terrorism to the United States. Along with its immigrant communities, the United States has imported numerous terrorist campaigns. Cuban, Puerto Rican, Croatian, Serb, Palestinian, Armenian, Taiwanese, and Jewish extremists have all carried out attacks on U.S. soil, in addition to the homegrown terrorist campaigns of the far left and far right. In fact, the level of terrorist violence was greater in the United States in the 1970s than it is today.

The question to ask is how these ISIS arrests were determined. Were they home-grown ISIS movements, or did someone sneak through our borders? The Brits were bombed for 57 days straight by the Germans and they had the good sense to put up signs: “Keep Calm and Carry On.”

July 2, 2015 11:08 am

Without having any sort of knowledge about these specific potential threats, it may be wise to remember that the government that is issuing these dire warnings is the exact same government that is issuing dire warnings about CO2, coal, and SUVs.
In case you haven’t noticed a pattern, a common-thread, it is “alarmism.”
Climate Alarmism is just another thread of the administration’s “scare the citizens” tactic.
And they have stooges to play the roles in their drama, just as the stooges play roles in the global warming alarm drama:
“THE United States has been narrowly saved from lethal terrorist plots in recent years — or so it has seemed. A would-be suicide bomber was intercepted on his way to the Capitol; a scheme to bomb synagogues and shoot Stinger missiles at military aircraft was developed by men in Newburgh, N.Y.; and a fanciful idea to fly explosive-laden model planes into the Pentagon and the Capitol was hatched in Massachusetts.
But all these dramas were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. Suspects naïvely played their parts until they were arrested.”

Reply to  kentclizbe
July 2, 2015 11:23 am

That’s called a sting, and last time I checked it was part of standard police conduct.

Reply to  omegapaladin
July 2, 2015 11:31 am

A sting is directed against real targets.
Obama’s FBI is manufacturing terrorists. Their targets are pitiful, retarded, deranged losers, by and large.
There’s a great book on this scare-mongering tactic, called The Terror Factory.
The author provides details here:

Reply to  omegapaladin
July 2, 2015 11:44 am

If they are willing to kill Americans, then the fact that they were handed fake bombs isn’t relevant.
They are real targets and they are real terrorists.

Reply to  MarkW
July 2, 2015 11:48 am

Sorry, there are real terrorists who want to harm American interests. Using American funds to create fake terrorists is a waste of time and resources that could be spent against real targets. But that is really, really hard. It’s much easier to set up fake terror plots and entice retarded and crazy people into them.
As a judge at one of the fake terrorist trials said: “I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that there would have been no crime here except the government instigated it, planned it and brought it to fruition,” said U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon at the sentencing of four men from Newburgh, N.Y., convicted on terrorism charges. She added, “That does not mean there was no crime.”

Reply to  omegapaladin
July 2, 2015 11:50 am

Deranged losers have done a fair amount of killing over the past few years, if you recall. If someone is willing to put on a suicide vest and go out to use it, they are a criminal. As long as you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they believed the weapon was real, you can commit attempted murder with a fake weapon.

Reply to  omegapaladin
July 2, 2015 12:04 pm

No argument–the threat to our safety is crazy people–not ISIS or CO2!
As the judge in one of these scam trials said–paraphrasing–Yes, these poor twits committed crimes. But they committed crimes conceived of by FBI agents or informers, with fake weapons provided by the FBI, in wild plots right out of an action movie.
With the billions of dollars the FBI spends on these fake operations against crazy people, and the billions of phone and internet conversations they monitor, you’d think they’d be able to stop one real terrorist plot.
They have not yet.
Fall back strategy? Scare-mongering.
“It almost seems like the government is creating a theatrical event that produces more fear in the community,” said Michael German… a former FBI agent who worked undercover.”

Reply to  omegapaladin
July 2, 2015 4:15 pm

kent. Sorry but we see the same sort of thing downunder. How about the FBI and other security services stop what they’re doing for a month, let a few bombs go off and then go back to work? Would that convince you?
The security forces are victims of their own success. Because they stopped an attack at a major venue and didn’t make loud noises about it, you and eveybody else have no clue as to just how close (perhaps) hundreds came to being killed.
How about you let them do their job?

Reply to  JohnB
July 2, 2015 4:34 pm

John, You see what down under? Law enforcement creating “terrorists” from retarded and crazy people?
Why not let them do their job? In fact, that’s exactly what I’m proposing. Do their job–that is to stop real terrorists.
They are spending our tax dollars, billions of it, and NOT stopping real terrorists. Instead they feed this incredible scare-machine to justify more budget. It’s a self-licking ice cream cone.
Is their job really to create terrorists, plots, weapons, and more, so that they can then stop them?
“In the case of the “Newburgh Four,” for example, a judge said the government “came up with the crime, provided the means, and removed all relevant obstacles,” and had, in the process, made a terrorist out of a man “whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in scope.”

Reply to  omegapaladin
July 2, 2015 7:58 pm

When you have people employed as police officers that don’t know the difference between right and wrong this is what you end up with. Fake and/or enticed crimes. It’s wrong to entice a person to commit a crime.
When a country loses its sense of morality this is an example of what happens.
And a knowledge of what the 10 Commandments mean is no longer relevant.

Reply to  omegapaladin
July 3, 2015 8:55 am

The best antidote to this nonsense is BBC Adam Curtis’ The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear. It’s also highly entertaining . . . and banned in the US. No public television channel would broadcast it even though it was offered to them for free. The film was made before the Newburgh Four, but it covered the Detroit cell that was ‘uncovered’, and the Lackawanna Six that Bush Jr claimed he thwarted. See the FBI as Keystone Cops.

Reply to  omegapaladin
July 4, 2015 11:17 am

For the record (I forgot the link for Curtis’ documentary) here it is: http://www.personalgrowthcourses.net/video/power_of_nightmares_politics_of_fear

Reply to  kentclizbe
July 2, 2015 11:51 am

I agree. Most of the so-called threats and arrests are of dumb punks tricked into
attending a meeting by law enforcement. Then, they don’t catch the real terrorists
until it’s too late (like the Boston marathon). This latest fear mongering may have
something to do with the new bill that is being put forth proposing yet another
wing of Homeland Security.

Reply to  billw1984
July 3, 2015 12:52 pm

Yep, the politicians rant on and on about gun control, this threat and that threat, and the unconstitutional war on terrorism which then is diverted and subverted to include everyone…you and your neighbors are now terrorists; yet they are the ones that have over time done the vast majority of murderous acts of terror. MSM perpetually avoids truth while using brainwashing propaganda indoctrinating the masses. No one will save the US from it’s self inflicted disease of hate mongering…..thought I had some Scotch…cheers!

Reply to  kentclizbe
July 2, 2015 12:16 pm
Non Nomen
Reply to  kentclizbe
July 2, 2015 1:09 pm

ISIS is just one of many substitutes for fear, needed and used by fearmongers. So the sheeple will rally behind the “leaders”, may they be Obamas, dumbasses, goalposts or reasonably intelligent politicians (I have seen only very very few of that ilk). And the sheeple will be grateful for being protected and well looked after, even if the NSA spies on law abiding citizens.

“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”
Benjamin Franklin

Reply to  Non Nomen
July 4, 2015 9:43 pm

Mods, why is my comment still in moderation? Something wrong with it?

Reply to  kentclizbe
July 3, 2015 8:05 pm

What about the two Jihadists who showed up with machine guns at the Draw Mohammed contest in Garland, TX? And then the contest organizers were criticized because the violent response was “entirely predictable”. How could it have been predictable if all Islamic terror is manufactured by the FBI?
Did the FBI get these two with machine guns to drive to Garland?
And what about Islamic terror in other countries? It would be strange if our country were the only country in the world where all the Islamic terror is created by the FBI. Especially since we’re the “Great Satan.”
Think about it.

Reply to  TA
July 3, 2015 9:05 pm

Think about it? Not only do I think about it, I’ve lived it. Counter-terrorism and Islamic extremism are a couple of my specialties.
When you set out to intentionally offend a specific group, don’t be surprised when they are offended. When you offend a specific group in a way that they take very seriously, don’t be surprised when they take it very seriously. Geller and her minions are agent provacateurs. Want to see a violent reaction? Drive into a Southeast DC (or South Central LA, or South Chicago, or Harlem, or….) housing project with a confederate flag and start espousing your hatred for rap music and its performers. You’ll get what you are asking for. As did Geller. And it would be entirely predictable….
Violence in regional civil wars has nothing to do with the USA. There are numerous regional civil wars going on–including the one with the most horrendous atrocities–in South Sudan, all sides of which are Christians.
The actual existential threat to America and our citizens is the invasion waves rolling over our Southern border–and it’s got nothing to do with Sharia–just ask Donald Trump.
In about the same time period that Geller has been screeching “Sharia!” at the top of her lungs, the Obama administration released floods of illegal aliens into our country instead of deporting them. Many of those they caught and released were convicted of crimes in the US, but were released any way. And in that group (which far outnumbers any “Islamic terrorists” set up by the FBI), 121 illegal aliens celebrated their freedom in America by murdering an American.
That’s just murders by convicted criminal illegal aliens who were not deported. Those who are not caught, by some estimates, murder thousands of Americans every year. And they are killing thousands of more Americans every year by drunk driving.
Rapes, kidnappings, robberies, assaults? Virtually uncountable.
And you’re worried about a couple punks going after Geller and her hate-mongers?
“According to information provided by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), up to 121 homicides in the U.S. could have been avoided between Fiscal Year 2010 and FY 2014 had this administration removed from our borders aliens with criminal convictions instead of releasing them back into society where they could commit more crimes,” the letter states. “I am writing to ask whether the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the State Department, and the Justice Department are fully leveraging existing tools and resources to prevent these dangerous outcomes.”

Reply to  TA
July 4, 2015 1:41 pm

@kentclizbe, very good comment at July 3, 2015 at 9:05 pm about Pamela Geller, whom I consider a domestic terrorist. Along with Steve Emerson, Frank Gaffney, Daniel Pipes, and Bill French. The Tennessean‘s Religion Editor, Bob Smietana, did a major investigative series on their so-called non-profit orgs paying themselves exorbitant salaries and other perks after fund-raising millions through fear of Sharia. Smietana followed the money and revealed the scam they were pulling throughout Southern Christian churches. “Anti-Muslim crusaders make millions spreading fear”.
But don’t forget about Guatemala during Fiscal Year 2010 and FY 2014 (Sept. 30 to Sept. 30). If you will recall, they discovered there were full-page ads being placed in the local Guatemala papers with the US Immigration (ICE) seal on it saying the borders were open, if you could afford to ‘get up there’. Remember how Biden had to go down to find out what was going on, and that’s how they discovered this newspaper campaign? Smugglers, charging up to $18,000 per in some cases, placed the ads. NPR, in a rare act of unbiased news, did major stories on it, interviewing everyone involved. Some of these duped people sold all their possessions, borrowed from relatives, and sold their houses to take advantage of the phony US program. The first hint of what was going on was revealed by a TX judge who was processing so many illegal single-mothers with children that he couldn’t understand it. Through translators they were able to determine that they had been told in Guatemala that it was all completely legal. IIRC there were 50,000 in one six-month period, and they ran out of detention centers. Children and toddlers were sleeping on the cement floor in un-air-conditioned detention centers in TX over the height of the summer because ICE ran out of beds. Biden authorized a newspaper campaign in Guatemala and Nicaragua to say the immigration program was a lie.
But what also came through were the worse elements in their society trying to avoid prison at home. People from Nicaragua were streaming into Guatemala to take advantage of this as well. So much for an attentive US embassy in these countries.

Reply to  TA
July 4, 2015 9:45 pm

Whoops. Put this question in the wrong thread: “Mods, why is my comment still in moderation? Something wrong with it?” Referring to comment at July 4, 2015 at 1:41 pm. Thx.

Bruce Cobb
July 2, 2015 11:12 am

“… the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

Reply to  Bruce Cobb
July 3, 2015 6:34 am

isn’t that the guy who ordered the internment of american citizens and the forfeiture of their property because they had japanese ancestors?
just pointing out that FDR had a bit of unreasoning fear himself…

Mike Bromley the Kurd
July 2, 2015 11:14 am

And Obummer does his able best to prevent the able, willing, and stupendous Kurdish Peshmerga from winning the fight. Facepalm.

Reply to  Mike Bromley the Kurd
July 2, 2015 11:58 am

And Turkey, our wonderful NATO ally.

Eyal Porat
Reply to  Mike Bromley the Kurd
July 2, 2015 11:58 am

The only force in that region that should be armed and enforced are the Kurds.
Maybe that is the reason the US prevent that from them…

Sceptical Sam
Reply to  Mike Bromley the Kurd
July 2, 2015 9:22 pm

Now you’re talking.
Perhaps somebody can explain to me why the Israelis don’t arm the Kurds on the quiet?
That would get right up Obama’s nose.

Reply to  Sceptical Sam
July 3, 2015 3:23 am

maybe cos the israelis want the kurds oil?
they arm many others on the QT I gather
and dont answer to anyone about their own nuke activity

July 2, 2015 11:15 am

lsvalgaard July 2, 2015 at 11:01 am
“The same source also reports that FBI agents are telling family and friends to avoid “official” holiday celebrations
and THAT is precisely what ISIS intend, sowing fear. So they win on this.”

Common Sense
Reply to  Doug Ritter
July 2, 2015 11:32 am

Actually, you’re more likely to drown in your bathtub than by a terrorist’s hand. The number put it in perspective:

Reply to  Common Sense
July 2, 2015 2:12 pm

This is only true because there are so many more bathtubs in America than terrorists. And remember, a bathtub won’t come at you with murderous intent and won’t chase you if it misses the first time.

Reply to  Common Sense
July 2, 2015 7:40 pm

We don’t have conceal and carry laws because of bathtubs, jorgekafkazar.

Reply to  Common Sense
July 3, 2015 3:26 pm

…actually your more likely to be killed by law enforcement and governments. So, in the end, all of this militarization is to protect THE STATE from THE PEOPLE during mass civil unrest, most likely due to an engineered economic collapse, the resulting loss of jobs, income and pensions, the curtailment of food production and distribution, starvation, disease, and everything else that cascades from a lack of essential commodities and emergency services. That’s what all of the federal law enforcement and military training manuals say they are planning for, one way or another.

Reply to  Doug Ritter
July 2, 2015 11:36 am

I am a climate skeptic, but being skeptical of the desire of Islamic Supremacists to murder us is pure ostrich mode. Yes, it is not likely that we will by killed by terrorist, nor are we likely to be struck by lightning. That doesn’t mean that telling people to avoid golfing in stormy weather is a scaremongering.
The idea of criticizing the See Something, Say Something campaign is ridiculous. It’s nothing more than standard policework. If I see someone fiddling with a bunch of cars or dropping some drums by the side of the road, I am going to call that in. The police have been running tip lines like CrimeStoppers for years. A tip is not probable cause for arrest.
I’m quite familiar with the history of fascism, thank you very much.

Reply to  omegapaladin
July 2, 2015 11:46 am

Instead of ostrich, why not emulate an empiricist?
Why would you accept the scare-mongering about terror-threats from the exact same crowd from whom you reject scare-mongering about CO2?
“Terror threats” and “climate threats” are two arrows in the same quiver–tactics for controlling you and our society.
The empirical facts are: ISIS is engaged in an intra-religious regional civil war for control of territory that has been contested for millennia. The only reasons they taunt us are two: first for publicity, and second because we’re inserting ourselves in the regional conflict.
The only threats to Americans are to those American thrill-seekers who bumble their way onto the battlefields of Iraq/Syria/Lebanon/Yemen.
The losers who fall prey to the FBI’s stings in America, and to the ISIS social media messages, are the same losers who hate our culture–thanks to the anti-Normal media, Hollywood and academia/education.

Reply to  omegapaladin
July 3, 2015 6:39 am

actually, a tip can be probable cause for an arrest.

Tim Neilson
Reply to  Doug Ritter
July 2, 2015 4:51 pm

“You’re Much More Likely to Be Killed By Lightning than by a Terrorist”
That’s cold comfort to the relatives and friends of the people killed in the Lindt cafe siege in Sydney here in Australia. I bet none of them are thinking “well who cares they probably would have been hit by lightning soon anyway”.
It’s real. We’re lucky here in Australia that a plot to kill people at the ANZAC Day commemorations earlier this year was foiled in advance. I’m not suggesting that you should refrain from whatever you’re proposing to do to celebrate the 4th – in Australia the response to the terrorist threat was record crowds at just about every Dawn Service across the country – but be alert.

Reply to  Tim Neilson
July 3, 2015 3:46 am

and as in the Pt Arthur incident JUST ONE or TWO ARMED citizens would have had a good chance of stopping the killers.
but nooo our idiot howard goes n basically removes the citizens means of defence!
now we hear daily shootings deaths etc and?
theyre UNregd guns imported or old ones kept back in the handin and gone awol.
also curious is how many legal regd and logged guns seem to get stolen so fast
and the crims know who where and how to find them?
someones either selling that supposed secure govt file info or hacked the system
theres quite a few of us reckon the pt arthur dude was a setup
and Lindt?
the story of our so called security ballsups in series on that mongrel who should have been deported waaaay earlier is a bloody farce!

Reply to  Tim Neilson
July 3, 2015 5:53 am

July 3, 2015 at 3:46 am”
Yes, Howard did change gun ownership laws, due to pressure from the limp wristed anti-gun crowd. We now have more illegal and homemade guns on the streets of Australia than before. We even have AusPost workers and customs officials at sea/airports who allow guns through the border, illeegally. So, we now have more illegal guns and, surprise surprise, more gun related crime.
New Zealand is the same. I recall a case years ago of two robbers, on private farmland, were trying to steal private property (Quad bikes if I recall). The farmer/owner fired his legally owned and registered shotgun at the robbers. Didn’t kill or injure them. He was sent to jail for a good few years.
I personally would prefer citizens to be allowed to buy, license, train to use and use handguns, specifically for home defense. But then there are rules (Like having them locked up in a gun case/safe) which makes access to them rather difficult when you really need them.

Reply to  Tim Neilson
July 4, 2015 9:44 am

That’s cold comfort to the relatives and friends of the people killed in the Lindt cafe siege in Sydney here in Australia. I bet none of them are thinking “well who cares they probably would have been hit by lightning soon anyway”.
But the point is still valid. Do you expect people to hide in their homes because of the fear of terror? In Australia more people die due to animal attacks each year than of terror attacks over the course of a decade. This does not mean that terror attacks cannot happen; only that we can’t live our lives in fear of very improbable events.

Reply to  Doug Ritter
July 4, 2015 6:46 pm

said, “You’re Much More Likely to Be Killed By Lightning (and bathtubs) than by a Terrorist”
Don’t underestimate your enemy. Bathtubs are not your enemy.
Their potential is much greater mass death then lighting or a bathtub. Actually there is no comparison.
Islam (the Ideology of Islam) has killed over 250 million people in it’s 1400 years not counting war. Two largest mass slaughters were in India +80 million and 150 million in Africa. The main contributor to those figures was the Ottoman Empire. During this time they controlled about 1/2 of Europe including Southern France and half of Italy.
They created a white slave trade out of Cordoba Spain which amounted to over a million white Christians slaves most shipped to Arabia. White slaves where mostly sex slaves from the tellak boys in the Turkish baths to the harem girls. For a comparison less then 600,000 blacks where sent to the US colonies and US total from the Arab Slave trade.
The Islamic countries today are fragments of that Empire and the Islamic State is attempting to reform that Islamic State or theocratic State.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 4, 2015 7:08 pm

Interesting, and anomalous, view of history.
However, taken on your own terms, you’ve described an internal, regional civil war raging over the erroneous division of a defunct empire.
While you’re missing several important components of the actual story (Shi’a vs. Sunni, the role of the European colonial powers in the mis-division of the Ottoman territories, and more), you’ve essentially got it correct.
The only thing missing is: What American interest is put at risk by the barbaric war in Syria/Iraq/Lebanon?
This entire discussion is about the “terrorist threat” alarmist scare-mongering in the USA for this holiday.
Our nation is not at risk by an intra-religious (Sunni vs. Shi’a) territorial civil war in the Levant. The only risk is to thrill-seekers who venture into the war zone. And to us if we keep inserting ourselves into their war.
In the meantime, the descendants of Catholic conquistadors are actually invading our country–killing, raping, stealing, and rending the very fabric of our constitution (aliens being given the right to vote, etc).
So, congratulations on your (albeit flawed and exaggerated) history of the Middle East. But we don’t live there–we live in Keokuk, Tampa, Sacramento, and Raleigh. No Islamic ISIS threat (except the fake ones ginned up by federal law enforcement). But lots of Catholic threats from the South.
Feliz Navidad, and Adios America!

Reply to  Ox AO
July 5, 2015 1:05 pm

kentclizbe said, “you’ve described an internal, regional civil war raging over the erroneous division of a defunct empire. ”
That defunct empire was based on the Islamic theocracy system of government which is being reformed and the threat we face. It’s in the process of being reformed and that is the threat we face.
While it’s being reformed we will be attacked there is no avoiding that. We are their primary enemy

July 2, 2015 11:24 am

If we could just alter the system of incentives, these threats might abate. I am thinking here of the kind of inducements that would stay the hand of your ordinary adversary. Like the assurance of total annihilation of said adversary, his or her entire tribe, the neighborhood, the city, the host nation. That used to work.
It is harder to make it work when the adversary professes not to care for worldly things, that he or she is an agent of a deity who desires purity of doctrine even at the price of wholesale slaughter. But it is still possible to make it work, because the adversary’s family, friends, neighbors, countrymen, may not be equally willing to suffer annihilation in exchange for an unprovoked attack. So their behavior may be altered, and their altered behavior may include throwing the adversary off a roof before it’s too late.
However when you cannot credibly convey assurance of destruction, nobody is going to be motivated to do anything except attack you; or ignore your pleas for help or mercy.
Which is about where we are.

Joe Crawford
Reply to  Owen
July 2, 2015 11:58 am

Owen said: “If we could just alter the system of incentives, these threats might abate….”
That reminds me of a story floating around 30 or 40 years ago when the Palestinians were heavy into kidnapping. According to the story they kidnapped a Russian diplomat. The Russians found out the individuals that performed the operation, and kidnapped one or more of their families. They then put the word out that they would be happy to either trade the families back for their diplomat or just make all of them disappear. They got back their diplomat and as far as I know never had to worry about kidnapping again

Reply to  Joe Crawford
July 2, 2015 3:31 pm

Hostage trading is an ancient and pervasive balance of power ploy. It is probably true that the whole point of kings marrying off their sons and daughters to rivals, was at root a form of hostage trading to keep the peace.

Reply to  Owen
July 2, 2015 5:28 pm

Owen said: “If we could just alter the system of incentives, these threats might abate….”
Incentivize those men who stop a terrorist threat with the same promise that the terrorists get from their Imam’s; but Instead of 42 virgins in the bye-and-bye, offer them a stay at some sugar shack in Nevada free of charge. (If married, give them an all-expenses-paid vacation with their wife to a resort of their choice.)

Joe Crawford
Reply to  noaaprogrammer
July 3, 2015 5:13 am

Isn’t that already one of the perks for the Secret Service? 🙂

Reply to  Owen
July 3, 2015 7:01 am

they don’t respect threats, they only respect action. as for the neighbors etc. they’re just hostages that must comply or die, regardless of their own views.

July 2, 2015 11:33 am
Paul Westhaver
July 2, 2015 11:35 am

We all know who the enemy is.
The left has allowed it ooze into our lives.
I don’t feel like saving the green/left/socialist/anarchists from what they have done to this great society.
I will do as I please, come what may. And what may come is not unlike what is happening every day in the middle east, Britain, Indonesia etc. Sorry. I just don’t care to expend energy trying to protect the animals that have ruined my world.

Julian Williams in Wales
July 2, 2015 11:35 am

ISIS have declared war on : Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Russia, Europe, America, The Christians and the Shia. They are good at internet propaganda, suicide bombing, brain washing young men and young girls and hopeless at creating a modern educated economy that allows both men and women reach their full capacity as loving and loyal citizens. Yes they will cause atrocities, but they will be beaten.

Steve P
Reply to  Julian Williams in Wales
July 2, 2015 3:51 pm

It is those few, select Middle Eastern nations which have escaped ISIS attention and wrath which raise the eyebrows…

July 2, 2015 11:36 am

Since the terrorist acts abroad and the outrageous things perpetrated by our government, the media, and some citizens don’t fret the public, the only reason that any government official might try to scare people for nefarious reasons would be a reflection of his own stupidity.

andrew kerber
July 2, 2015 11:38 am

IMHO, the federal government is hugely exaggerating these warning ins order to create fear and justify laws which reduce individual freedoms. If there is a plot, it is probably 3 teenagers with fake explosives, recruited and equipped by FBI agents.

Reply to  andrew kerber
July 2, 2015 11:50 am

Bingo! Go to the head of the class.

Reply to  andrew kerber
July 2, 2015 12:24 pm

Or as John Stewart put it so succinctly “7 dipshits in a warehouse”.

Ian W
Reply to  TRM
July 2, 2015 1:56 pm

I seem to remember ‘two dipshits’ in a sedan with a rifle almost shutting down DC. Imagine what 7 dipshits could do. This is what asymmetric warfare is about.

Reply to  Ian W
July 2, 2015 2:03 pm

Ian, You’re missing the point.
The 2 dipshits in a sedan in DC did it ON THEIR OWN. They were not instigated and facilitated by law enforcement.

The Ghost Of Big Jim Cooley
July 2, 2015 11:40 am

Go about your lives. Fear is what they feed on. They warned British tourists not to go to Tunisia. Some may say it was foolish, but to give in is what they want, and it means they win. When the IRA was bombing London, my then girlfriend and I (now my wife) went there more than we would normally have done. You have to show cowards that you are not afraid. The IRA were a bunch of gutless, brainless morons, and so are Islamic fundamentalists.

Joe Crawford
July 2, 2015 11:45 am

It wouldn’t surprise me if there were not a few idiots out there with grandiose plans they have absolutely no chance of implementing. It’s not those you have to worry about. It’s the smaller independents that don’t mind trading a couple of Kafirs (INFIDELS) for a few dozen virgins in paradise that you need to watch out for. There are hopefully a lot less of them running around ’cause they’re a lot harder to locate.

July 2, 2015 11:51 am

Outside the Middle East, more people die from falling in the bathtub than from terrorism. So don’t let a government scare prevent you from enjoying the 4th.
But if you’re fortunate enough to live in the 41 states where concealed carry is allowed, bring your weapon. If it hits the fan, you might need it.

Reply to  jdgalt
July 2, 2015 4:51 pm

What about the ten’s of thousands killed each year on roads, don’t hear much about that oh wait better not let the government start another 1000 regulations.

July 2, 2015 12:00 pm

Keep Calm
but Pack heat.

Reply to  cbone
July 2, 2015 12:20 pm

And wear a flack jacket and helmet….

Pamela Gray
Reply to  cbone
July 2, 2015 12:53 pm


Philip Peake
Reply to  cbone
July 2, 2015 5:49 pm

Well, yes. But. Honestly, is my Sig M11-A1 a good counter to an AK47? Better than nothing I will grant you. But its really intended to even the odds against more domestic criminals armed with a knife or handgun. I would be much better off with my AR15 SBR slung over my shoulder. Fortunately, here in Oregon I could actually do that, except that if I want to go to the rodeo on the 4th, its private property, and for all their pontificating about patriotism and American traditions, they ban firearms, including licensed concealed carry. I have little doubt this was forced upon them by their insurers. So (at least in theory), I would be totally unarmed when visiting this event. A perfect arena for a nice bloody terrorist attack.

D.J. Hawkins
Reply to  Philip Peake
July 10, 2015 3:55 pm

Hence the results in Colorado. He went into a place that advertised there was a gun ban. I’m waiting for the lawsuit against the owner/operator of the venue responsible for this policy, citing their failure to protect citizens when they deprived them of the ability to protect themselves.

July 2, 2015 12:09 pm

Doug Ritter July 2, 2015 at 11:16 am
You’re Much More Likely to Be Killed By Lightning than by a Terrorist

The article quoted studies deaths ONLY of Americans. This would be akin to saying that, prior to entering WWII, the chances of being an American citizen killed by Nazis or Japanese was less than the chance of being killed by lightning. A statement entirely true and completely irrelevant. The threat is real and if not contained it comes to your shores eventually. Suddenly, in a single day (the bombing of Pearl Harbour),nobody would be so vacuous as to compare those deaths to the number of people killed by lightning. They’d look like callous and complete idiots for doing so. Is that what you propose we wait for?
War is far away until it comes to you, and it will if it is not stopped while still far away. For the poor souls being murdered by the thousands by ISIS and their ilk, this article isn’t just an insult, it is a crime of selfish indifference and a naive inability to perceive danger when it is staring you in the face.
I don’t know if there is any serious threat to July 4 celebrations, and I don’t live in the US. But to diminish the threat to the world through such a twisted up pile of misdirection, selective use of facts, and to paint it as something that happens far away and so doesn’t much matter is a combination of naivete and evil rolled up into one.

Tom in Florida
July 2, 2015 12:16 pm

Go out and be an American, but keep a charged cellphone with you…”
Go out and be an American, but keep your weapon close with some extra mags….”
There fixed it.

Reply to  Tom in Florida
July 2, 2015 12:44 pm

I agree with your premise, just not sure how it helps against bombs 🙂

Mike Bryant
July 2, 2015 12:17 pm

Celebrating the Fourth of July is apparently a provocative act. It’s definitely much more than a micro aggression. We may have to look to college professors and the new left for guidance on this dilemma. I’m afraid that breathing not only releases tons of CO2, but it is also offending many who are obviously much holier than we are,
Do I really need a sarc tag?

Reply to  Mike Bryant
July 2, 2015 1:33 pm

Some college know it all hippy said it was a milliagression. Must be. Those are 1000 times worser than microagressions.

July 2, 2015 12:18 pm

“The FBI is serious this time” … Then tell them to stop THEIR involvement with terror and make believe threats and focus on the real ones! If they quit wasting resources making stuff up then maybe they’d have enough to get the real job done.

The Ghost Of Big Jim Cooley
Reply to  TRM
July 2, 2015 1:39 pm

As you are probably aware, security and intelligence services get mixed up in all sorts of games. Two of the most fascinating episodes I have read involved the FBI in the Oklahoma Bombing, and the CIA’s possible involvement with the murder of the British Queen’s husband’s uncle, Lord Mountbatten. In his book, Member of Parliament, Enoch Powell, alleged that the CIA (at least) helped in the murder, and all but pulled it off for the IRA. The CIA were afraid that Ireland’s non-alignment in NATO would be damaging. Mountbatten had also just given a strong anti-nuclear speech, which might have far-reaching implications. The CIA figured that a unified Ireland would be a NATO Ireland. The IRA managed to pull off two ‘spectacular’ murderous episodes at the same time – something they weren’t really capable of doing.
Things go on, you know.

Reply to  The Ghost Of Big Jim Cooley
July 3, 2015 3:28 am

++++ 😉

July 2, 2015 12:19 pm

I don’t understand why they don’t shut down the training camps they know are here. They even have an Islamic town. No outsiders allowed.

Tom in Florida
Reply to  4TimesAYear
July 2, 2015 2:53 pm

Because Obama is a Muslim.

Reply to  Tom in Florida
July 3, 2015 4:13 am

Irrelevant. Obama is a willing part of a power structure that is growing and thriving on feeding fear to the people. The last thing that power structure would allow him to do is remove the source of alleged threat.
If you really believe Obama has a strong religious conviction on any subject then I would ask that you suggest some evidential basis for this conclusion?

Tom in Florida
Reply to  Tom in Florida
July 3, 2015 5:00 am

Evidence? See his actions in regard to the Middle East.

July 2, 2015 12:26 pm

Well, if they really want to launch an attack, they seem to have picked the one day I’ll be armed AND have a hundred pounds of fireworks. So, bring it, boys.

Juan Slayton
July 2, 2015 12:29 pm

lsvalgaard: …THAT is precisely what ISIS intend, sowing fear. So they win on this.
LeGore School (El Monte City Schools) is just a block from the El Monte airport. Prior to 9/11 I would walk my class over to the airport once a year, where they were brought up to the control tower a few at a time and shown how the air traffic was managed. After 9-11, all non-essential visits to the facility were stopped, IMHO, a reasonable short term response while the authorities assessed the situation. It is now many years later, and I have not heard that the restrictions have been lifted. Perhaps people will sleep better at night, knowing that our airports are protected from potential eight year old terrorists.
Leif is right. To the extent that they have induced foolish fear, the terrorists have already won. We need to keep our heads. The devil is real enough, but he’s not hiding behind every bush.

Reply to  Juan Slayton
July 2, 2015 3:44 pm

My own version of your story concerns the local water treatment plant. Pre 9/11 we used to take the kids’ Cub Scout and Brownie troops through there, and it was pretty cool. The children enjoyed it, and they developed a more visceral connection to the stuff that came out of their water tap at home.
Ever since 9/11 the treatment plant has been closed to the public. One more way in which our children are severed from knowledge about the technologies that are keeping them alive.

Mike Mangan
July 2, 2015 12:41 pm

You have a lot more to fear from a $20 trillion dollar debt than you do any ragtag, bag-o-meatballs bunch of terrorists.

Reply to  Mike Mangan
July 2, 2015 12:45 pm

What if they had a nuclear weapon? Gee, I wonder where they could get one of those? National debt is important, sure, but what will nuclear terrorism do to the world economy? Suppose a city, any city in the world, is destroyed by a single bomb?

Mike Mangan
Reply to  brians356
July 2, 2015 1:26 pm

C’mon. That can’t even pick the low hanging fruit like slipping inside the Mall of America on Black Friday with a dozen Kalashnikovs. If they ever got their hands on a nuke they would accidentally blow up a village in Syria or something. Or Iran would sell hem a dud.

Reply to  brians356
July 3, 2015 6:07 am

July 2, 2015 at 12:45 pm”
A nuclear bomb would not be needed. All that would be needed is a “dirty” bomb, a simple explosive wrapped in cesium-137, strontium-90 or iodine-131 for instance.

July 2, 2015 12:44 pm

With ISIS threatening an attack on the homeland it is time to take actions that will realistically and permanently put them out of action.

Reply to  groweg
July 2, 2015 9:37 pm

There is no way to both realistically and permanently put them out of action. Realistic is impossible, because how could anyone know who they all were? You would have to be God to know. It is also unrealistic to kill every single person who could possibly be an Islamic extremist. Permanently is impossible too, because it is their ideas that animate them, and even if you could make the unrealistic realistic, you could never kill the ideas (hateful) and those ideas would infect new people and make them into extremists.

July 2, 2015 12:45 pm

The notice posted at “In from the cold” has the typical format of an urban legend. It’s also the form of alarm — false alarms — that we’ve seen so many of since 9/11 (it’s an exaggeration to say that this is unusual).
The FBI cancelling leaves would be significant, if true. Unlike sounding “alerts”, canceling leaves has costs in terms of morale and rescheduling. But the Gateway Pundit is not Reuters.
These notices to the public of possible attacks are worse than a waste of time. The false alarms they generate are almost always orders of magnitudes more frequently and severe than any benefits. However they are effective at maintaining a climate of fear.

July 2, 2015 12:53 pm

I read this site almost every day, but this posting is no better than the idiotic emails forwarded to me almost daily by my Fox News watching relatives. Cut the crap Anthony.

Pamela Gray
Reply to  LD
July 2, 2015 1:06 pm

I would agree on the Fox News thing but not about reminders to be aware, alert, and vigilant to your surroundings. We should do that every day as a way of life. Just because we live in buildings and feel concrete under our feet way more often than the forest floor does not mean we are so much safer than our pioneers. We still live in a natural world with present dangers. From bears to cougars, falls to floods, and enemy clans to ISIS, we will always have dangers with us. It will be some other group 50 years from now. Don’t make the mistake of a knee jerk reaction to good advice when that good advice is good for every day, not just the 4th of July.

July 2, 2015 12:53 pm

When you can’t trust your own government, everything they say or do becomes questionable.

July 2, 2015 1:02 pm

Aren’t most of the arrests just FBI sting operations where authorities convinced some idiots to take part in a conspiracy that would lead to a terrorist act? Yes, there may be a danger but the chances are that the typical American is more likely to die from a car accident on the 4th or July than from a terrorist attack. Hiding and living in fear does not seem to be the answer.

July 2, 2015 1:06 pm

First of all, most of the ‘arrests’ by the FBI were the result of sting operations in which FBI assets convinced some idiots to take part in a conspiracy to commit a terrorist act. It is doubtful that these people would have done anything on their own without the ‘assistance’ that they received from American authorities. Second, the odds of dying in a car accident on the 4th are greater than dying of a terrorist attack even if there were a danger. I do not see how being fearful will lead to anything positive. It is time for courage and for rational action, not cowardice.

July 2, 2015 1:06 pm

Where I live we hear explosions every week or so just from locals blowing stuff up and/ or celebrating. It is a rural area with lakes all around and bordering NH, where fireworks are legal. Sometimes I wonder if those explosions aren’t just practice runs for terrorists.

Pamela Gray
Reply to  Joe G
July 2, 2015 1:17 pm

Nah. It’s just fun blowing up a stump stuffed with http://www.shop.sureshotexplodingtargets.com/. Great way to clear land of stumps. Done it.

July 2, 2015 1:09 pm

They will have to wait their turn in Brooklyn, after all the other radical groups.

July 2, 2015 1:12 pm

As in the case in Texas and France, what we really need to know is the ones they have been watching for a long time but then lose track of. The public has more knowledge of sex offender addresses than terrorist trainees.

Alan Robertson
July 2, 2015 1:22 pm

Dudes around here are all packin’ heat
Pull a gun from your umbrella
You won’t make it ten feet

July 2, 2015 1:30 pm

The chance of encountering terrorism is very low. But it is possible so here’s my insight.
The 3rd of July is more dangerous. It’s the second Friday in Ramadan.
The first was very bloody, all around the world.

Mike Smith
July 2, 2015 1:33 pm

If ISIS didn’t already exist, the government would need to invent it. It’s just so terribly, terribly useful!

Adam Gallon
July 2, 2015 1:46 pm

Don’t worry, your fellow practioners of the 2nd ammendment will kill far more Americans, than any terrorists will.

Reply to  Adam Gallon
July 3, 2015 9:39 am

That is a fact that seems to be forgotten.

Mike the Morlock
July 2, 2015 1:48 pm
July 2, 2015 1:53 pm

“…The same source also reports that FBI agents are telling family and friends to avoid “official” holiday celebrations…”
In that case, the terrorists have won.
The way to deprive terrorists of their power is to ignore them and live your life to the maximum of your potential. Once you start avoiding “official” holiday celebrations they have made you frightened enough to alter your behaviour without them having to lift a finger.
We endured a 30-year murderous campaign by the IRA and after every blood-soaked atrocity we were advised to be vigilant and go about our normal lives. That is how you beat terrorists.

mick muller
July 2, 2015 2:01 pm

At the risk of starting a war on ” no guns”, since the last major Terrorist incident in New York, how many Americans have been killed by their own countrymen with guns in mass murder incidents??
I would be far more concerned by some loopy home grown fruit cake with a (legal) AK47 shooting up a school, a Movie Theatre, a Church etc etc

Reply to  mick muller
July 3, 2015 6:00 am

Ummm, AK47’s are NOT legal.

Reply to  squid2112
July 3, 2015 1:38 pm

Really? Since when? Where?
Russian Saiga 7.62×39 AK-47 Variation Rifle W / Phoenix Stock, Pistol Grip and 30 Rd Mag. IZ132L
Availability: In Stock (Only 5 left!)
| Item #: LNG-SAIGA-IZ132L
UPC: 811777021187 | MPN: IZ132-L | Email to a Friend

July 2, 2015 2:08 pm

Every loopy fruit cake has been on pharmaceuticals….. You never hear about the responsible owners…..
ISIS is just another propped up terrorist group… Where do you think they get all the shiny new guns, trucks and gold?? These captures are in response to the critic saying that no terrorist have been “captured” on US soil…

Reply to  Brant Ra
July 2, 2015 2:41 pm

If you read the full released Benghazi documents, you will discover they came from Gadaffi’s ex army, run through the Port to Turkey with help and approval from the large CIA base in operation there, to further the stated foreign policy of allowing a Wahhabi Caliphate to establish itself in Syria to undermine the country to counter Iranian influence in the region.

Reply to  Brant Ra
July 2, 2015 10:03 pm

USA gun-toting criminals do a lot of gun buying over and through the patchwork of varying and often-poorly-enforced state laws including some against straw purchases, and also through the gun show loophole. Why did Congress recently defeat an attempt to block persons who are blocked from buying guns at gun shops from buying guns at gun shows?

Reply to  Brant Ra
July 3, 2015 3:33 am

thanks for mentioning it:-)
so far I dont know of ONE of the nutters who was NOT on…or coming off of SSRI or other meds
and double thanks for the mention of who IS supplying the weapons
and if not usa then look to the others like french n german and swedes etc
ALL have huge weapons/mil production and all sell to whoever has the money no matter who.

July 2, 2015 2:12 pm

Just a note. Homeland security’s first action in the event of a significant terrorist action will be to shut down cell phones (the signal can be used as a trigger or to communicate with other elements of the action) So come up with a meeting place for your family in the event of a catastrophe. That there are aspirations to do acts inside the US I have no doubt whether they can fly far enough under the radar to pull something big off is another issue.

Leon Brozyna
July 2, 2015 2:13 pm

I guess those stupid politicos finally wised up … I don’t hear ’em calling Islam a religion of peace any longer.

Reply to  Leon Brozyna
July 2, 2015 3:41 pm

They only do that after the latest attack.

July 2, 2015 2:22 pm

I have looked at these claims and they appear exaggerated, to put it kindly. Detailed debunking here:

July 2, 2015 2:27 pm

Nope. Right wing extremists who believe in constitutional republics are FAR MORE dangerous.

Paul Coppin
Reply to  probono
July 2, 2015 3:31 pm

As opposed to left-wing extremists who don’t…?

Frederick Michael
Reply to  Paul Coppin
July 3, 2015 7:30 pm

Not sure, but I think that was tongue-in-cheek.

Reply to  probono
July 2, 2015 3:52 pm

Please clarify.
Do you the idea of a constitutional republic is dangerous or that those who still remember that the US is supposed to be a constitutional republic (and have a clue what that means) are dangerous?
What form of Government would you propose should have authority over you?

Reply to  Gunga Din
July 2, 2015 3:54 pm

“Do you the idea of a constitutional republic is dangerous”
Should be”
“Do you think the idea of a constitutional republic is dangerous”

July 2, 2015 2:34 pm

There are two fear campaigns in the world at present, Global Warming and Terrorism. Most think that it is groups like ISIS that engage in Terrorism. This is simply not true. ISIS engages in murder, your governments and media engage in the terrorism. It is the fear mongering over possible future murder and attempted murder that is the Terrorism, not the event itself. The chances of something happening to you are so small that it is dwarfed by rare events, such as being struck by lightening, but you are constantly bombarded that you are under threat.
A question for all you scientifically minded on here: How does the FBI know that the 4th of July threats are credible? If they have information about a specific plot, shouldn’t that information allow them to then stop it? Who gave them this information? Who made sure that the ambiguous “watch out for terrorists on 4th July” was circulated throughout the security forces down to the lowest new recruit on the local police force?
The thing about “a terrorist event” in a country of 300 million people, is that you can NEVER rule it out completely. It just takes one person with a gun, as the recent event in Tunisia again showed. There are dozens of murders in the USA every day. Are you terrified of this? Does this fact change the way you live? Does it make you agree to give up constitutional rights? So why does the name ISIS do so?
The fact is, the citizens of the USA are being hit from The Left and The Right. I see many on here rightly protest expanding government overreach because of Global Warming, but support similar overreach against Terrorism. At the end of the day, it’s just different tools for different fools.

Reply to  wickedwenchfan
July 3, 2015 12:52 pm

Murders in the US are not randomly distributed. If you live in parts of Chicago, you would be wise to be concerned about possible murders.
In most of the rest of the country, not so much.
The way to lower the murder rate is to legalize drugs.

George Devries Klein, PhD, PG, FGSA
July 2, 2015 3:00 pm

I live in Guam and all our large gatherings for July 4 are cancelled because of an approach typhoon. It does put the damper on everything (no pun intended). This typhoon is not unusual because were are entering the rainy season and tropical cyclones are common during that six month period.
However, it is most probable that EPA, NOAA, and President Obama will blame the typhoon on – you guessed it – AGW.

Reply to  George Devries Klein, PhD, PG, FGSA
July 3, 2015 3:34 am

I thought they HAD?
sure I saw some mention of extremely unusual typhoon forming just yesterday.

July 2, 2015 3:02 pm

The US, UK, France, Australia etc. really want to bomb Syria, public opinion wouldn’t let them bomb Assad last year in support of ISIS, so now, the public in our countries are being prepared to allow our forces to bomb ISIS in support of Assad and to cheer as we do.
Whatever, as long as we get to boost our economies with military spending.
in the words of the song… “War. huh. What is it good for?… Making a ton of money.”, I may be paraphrasing slightly.

July 2, 2015 3:17 pm

The Declaration of Independence is what we celebrate on the Fourth. Independence formally was won seven years later:
The Treaty of Paris of 1783, negotiated between the United States and Great Britain, ended the revolutionary war and recognized American independence. The Continental Congress named a five-member commission to negotiate a treaty–John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, and Henry Laurens.”
The Treaty of Paris 2015 being planned to sign away our independence is the genuine threat. For many of us it would be preferable to die by a beheading, then slowly by these treacherous scheming environmentalists and politicians in Paris, bent on betraying English speaking countries to foreign interests – the UN, the European Commission, and Rome.
Still a Happy Fourth despite it all! It is a day of thanks for what we’ve been given and what previous generations have accomplished here in the US.

Charles Nelson
July 2, 2015 3:43 pm

Anthony, I’m sorry to say that you are inadvertently helping these ‘terrorists’ with their work.
The massive over reaction of the ‘security’ forces is also a great help to their cause.
How a country like the USA could be intimidated or even mildly concerned about a handful of foes is beyond me.
Come on America, your biggest cities have a weekend death toll that would make any ‘terrorist’ glow with pride and your schools and institutions regularly see murder events that out-do the best efforts of ‘terrorist’ gangs the world over.
I was once sitting in a restaurant on the Strand in London in 1977 or 78, I was with a chap who had been a Group Captain in the Pathfinders during WW2. Half way through the meal a bomb exploded somewhere nearby. I’ll never forget the rattling sound the glasses in the racks made!
There were a few murmurs of shock and indignation…then everybody simply got on with their meals!
A little ‘perspective’ goes a long way in at moments like this.

Reply to  Charles Nelson
July 4, 2015 7:21 pm

said, “your biggest cities have a weekend death toll that would make any ‘terrorist’ glow with pride..”
This show a complete lack of understanding how the Islamic theocracy works.
First: There is only two divisions of the world in Islam all others are only temporary conditions.
Second: Dar al-Harb is what the rest of the world is out side the Dar al-Islam(house of Islam.) NO war can fight in every location so they set up a rallying locations. Which they converge and where they choose to put most of their efforts into.
Right now that would be in the Islamic State, Western China (is opening up now), Africa and a few other hot spots around the world.
The US isn’t a rally spot yet. Which means we are open targets but we’re not a primary target as of yet.

July 2, 2015 3:50 pm

If they are coming for me they are coming for me. Maybe they will change their minds when they see the women in bikinis and smell the bbq and the clambake. It has worked in the past.

July 2, 2015 4:01 pm

The West created and supports ISIS.
Here’s the confession that conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch extracted from the US Department of Defense:
The West supports AQI the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists, whereas China and Russia OPPOSE them.
That is what is why so many members of “ISIS” sport U.S Army tattoos.

Doug S
July 2, 2015 4:03 pm

Right on Jeff, thanks and be safe.
Happy American Independence Day!
We are free people and we shall remain so.

July 2, 2015 4:08 pm

Something smells fishy to me when ISIS is constantly being resupplied with American military hardware and Obama still doesn’t have a strategy to fight them. Aren’t these the same rebels that we supported to to fight the governments that we humanely bombed into the Stone Age. I think the whole thing is smoke and mirrors and I am somewhat disheartened by the ligitmacy of the so called scientific smart people here who can not admit this.

Reply to  Lee
July 2, 2015 4:21 pm

Lee, It’s even worse than you posit it:
Our best allies in the Middle East, in the war on terror were Mubarak’s Egypt and Kaddfy’s Libya.
A vile coalition of Obama administration know-it-all PC-Progressives (Brennan/Hillary/Nuland/Power/et al) teamed with neo-conservatives (McCain/Graham/et al) to overthrow those stable regimes. They worked with the EU, who had their eyes on Libyan oil treasures. In their covert wars against Mubarak and Kaddafy, the administration/neo-cons called on “freedom fighters” who were actually Islamic extremists.
At the same time, the neo-cons were taunting Obama’s administration about their lack of action against Assad in Syria. Assad is a Shi’a ally, and was in a factional civil war–Shi’a vs. Sunni.
The brilliant plan, concocted by the neo-cons and Obama’s girls, was to leverage the relationships they’d established with the Sunni “freedom fighters” in Libya, and take out Assad.
Voila! Freedom fighters = ISIS.
“During September 2013, it was reported by US officials that under “a covert CIA program,” small arms and anti tank weapons had begun reaching some moderate rebel groups. Although Free Syrian Army Commander Salim Idriss denied receiving lethal aid, some analysts commented that information on US arms may not have reached Idriss due to poor communications as the Free Syrian Army command was based in Northern Syria whilst weapons were reportedly reaching rebel groups in the south”

Reply to  kentclizbe
July 2, 2015 5:36 pm

Exactly. If the U.S. really wanted to stop ISIS it would stop arming al-Nusrah, etc., and support Assad, the Syrian Army, and Hezbollah. The US would also urge Iran to send in more troops.

Reply to  kentclizbe
July 3, 2015 12:33 pm

Agree, RoHa.

Reply to  kentclizbe
July 4, 2015 7:28 pm

RoHa said, “If the U.S. really wanted to stop ISIS it would stop arming al-Nusrah, etc., and Hezbollah.”
The enemy of my enemy isn’t our friend. You don’t arm people that want you dead.

Reply to  Lee
July 2, 2015 9:18 pm

Exactly, to all above, Lee, kentclizbe and RoHa.
It is the government under Hussein O that is up to no good, to destroy our country, no longer any doubt here.

Reply to  Lee
July 3, 2015 5:39 am

Something smells fishy to me … and Obama still doesn’t have a strategy to fight them.

I will concede citizenship, but Obama is NOT American!

Reply to  Slywolfe
July 3, 2015 12:32 pm

Oh, please.

Reply to  MRW
July 5, 2015 8:04 pm

You’re welcome!

July 2, 2015 4:19 pm

Even if ISIS does nothing, simply by spreading this paranoia they have won. In this frenzy of fear we toss away our liberties, turn against each other and eat our own.
ISIS has simply taken a few pages out of US War College manuals.
USAR RVN ’71 & ’72.

James of the West
July 2, 2015 4:20 pm

I am seeking govt funding to establish a daily updated global map indicating probability of being struck by lightning on a 200km grid square and also a map of probability of being killed by terrorists on the same global grid. That way people can make their own decision about which local grid to habitate and weather its a bad golf day or a good day to carry a concealed weapon. The weather report in each city can have a quick update on which event is more probable today…..

July 2, 2015 4:45 pm

That’s exactly what they’re doing, poor fellas, again. And again. It’s a curse.

A cask by losing centre-piece or cant
Was never shattered so, as I saw one
Rent from the chin to where one breaketh wind.
Between his legs were hanging down his entrails;
His heart was visible, and the dismal sack
That maketh excrement of what is eaten.
While I was all absorbed in seeing him,
He looked at me, and opened with his hands
His bosom, saying: “See now how I rend me;
How mutilated, see, is Mahomet;
In front of me doth Ali weeping go,
Cleft in the face from forelock unto chin;
And all the others whom thou here beholdest,
Disseminators of scandal and of schism
While living were, and therefore are cleft thus.
A devil is behind here, who doth cleave us
Thus cruelly, unto the falchion’s edge
Putting again each one of all this ream,
When we have gone around the doleful road;
By reason that our wounds are closed again
Ere any one in front of him repass.

July 2, 2015 4:53 pm

Let me get this right,
1 – The FBI is setting up special command centers around the U.S. for a enemy it created.
2 – Trillions of dollars in derivatives that have been leveraged on the Greek debt is about to be exposed as a worthless asset.
3 – NATO has massed huge amounts of military assets on the Russian border
4 – Donnald Trump is instigating a race war.
I can’t help but feel that these events are connected and that some big changes are coming.

July 2, 2015 5:57 pm

No need to worry. We have the most dangerous thing in check-the Confederate flag. Remember, being “offended” is much worse than being killed.

Reply to  Jl
July 4, 2015 5:06 pm

“Hater!” 😉

July 2, 2015 6:21 pm

Publishing this fear mongering article on WUWT shows how much this site has degenerated. It used to be all about science, but “political science” really isn’t science.

Reply to  Joel D. Jackson
July 3, 2015 12:43 pm

Don’t get so worked up Joel. Like Anthony said, just a reminder to pay attention. Pack your cell phone and some heat and try to enjoy yourself.

July 2, 2015 7:17 pm

Just like climate change, I prefer to look at the ‘data’:
1. It is absurdly easy to walk into this country. There are even helpful, multi-lingual signs (some in Chinese!) near the southern US border warning of the dangers of the desert.
2. It is ludicrously easy to build an IED. There is no shortage of ‘helpful hints’ online.
3. It is inexpensive and easy to obtain the materials necessary for such IEDs.
4. Aside from a few loan-wolves and the Boston bombers, there have been no mass attacks in the US since 9/11, and none at all by actual members of a terrorist organization.
So what conclusions can we reach? Either there are few terrorists, or they are incredibly stupid, dead broke, don’t want to die, or just don’t want to attack the US. They could have wreaked havoc at Super Bowls, Christmas parades, joint sessions of Congress, the Supreme Court, brought down the electric grid, poisoned a city’s water supply, or taken out major airports. There’s been nothing. Nil. Zippo.
I await Sunday to hear someone claim we ‘dodged a bullet’ once again.
Happy Fourth, celebrate the day.

Reply to  Jtom
July 2, 2015 8:34 pm

I totally agree. After the first World Trade Center bombing, a friend and I put back many beers thinking of all the ways someone could really do some damage if they wanted to, yet none of these things ever happen. Sure we’ve had some tragedies since then, but compared to most countries we live in a peaceful paradise. It’s the media and the Military Industrial Complex that want you to think differently.

Reply to  LD
July 5, 2015 10:31 am

So, evidence-based projections trump those made by a government agency once again. Funny how consistent that is. Perhaps it’s because raw data isn’t subject to the pressure of budgets or have a desire for power.

July 2, 2015 8:25 pm

A few weeks back I remember a article here on the EPA. It referenced how the evils of the EPA resembles how Vladmir Putin annexed Crimea when it actually split from Ukraine by a unanimous referendrum without a shot fired.
I for one believe this site started on a moral footing but Am not naïve enough to realize that a site as successfull as WUWT is not immune to be compromised by the powers that be.
The AGW scam is a product of the elite practicing eugenics on the global population but that fact is never mentioned here.

Alan Robertson
Reply to  Lee
July 3, 2015 4:24 am

July 2, 2015 at 8:25 pm
The AGW scam is a product of the elite practicing eugenics on the global population but that fact is never mentioned here.
You must be an infrequent reader. That topic has been discussed here many times. The discussions have become lengthy and heated and are typically prompted by some true believer’s assertion that the world is overpopulated and therefore, we have to save the planet.

Reply to  Lee
July 3, 2015 12:42 pm

how Vladmir Putin annexed Crimea when it actually split from Ukraine by a unanimous referendrum without a shot fired.

Not only that, our effing ignorant MSM journalists don’t do jack in the way of investigating or reading source documents. From Russian expert Matthew Crosston’s NEMESIS: Keeping Russia an Enemy through Cold War Pathologies

March 16, 2014 marked the day when the people of Crimea went to the voting booths to decide whether they would be part of Ukraine or part of Russia . . .
[re: Reuters, first report] On the one hand, readers were given the distinct understanding that the referendum was basically rigged, commandeered by Crimean leaders, who were nothing but sycophants to the Kremlin. But Reuters also accurately mentioned that Crimea is majority ethnic Russian, which indicates a free and fair referendum could have produced the very result reporters were already declaring as disingenuous. So which was it? . . .
Finally, the piece reported that the 1992 constitution foresaw giving the region effective independence within Ukraine. That 1992 constitution, however, was the Ukrainian Constitution and not the Russian one. It does indeed grant the Crimean region effective independence within Ukraine and the right to determine its own path and relations with others. Ukraine wrote those words in the immediate glowing aftermath of Soviet dissolution, when, quite frankly, most in the West felt the true political and economic prosperity path shone brightest for Ukraine and not Russia. Many seem to have forgotten this but any simple source search back to the time period will reveal massive Western enthusiasm for Ukraine’s prospects while being skeptical of Russia’s size, infrastructure and historical legacy. So yes, it was quite true that the constitution recklessly gave Crimea the opportunity to pursue the very path it was now pursuing. But this flawed constitution was written by Ukrainians, not Russians. This is a reality not revealed to readers. The problem, once again, is a pervasive subconscious Cold War pathology that predetermines how readers around the world learn about the situation in Crimea and therefore how they see Russia’s role there.

July 2, 2015 8:52 pm

Reblogged this on Sierra Foothill Commentary and commented:
At all 4th celebrations maintain situation awareness. Be aware of what is going on around you, and act on your gut feeling if you see something that seem out of place or “strange,” exist the area quickly.

July 2, 2015 9:28 pm

What’s up with “GET YOUR *FAMILY* AWAY FROM IT” (asterisks mine)?
As if everyone attending a big festivity is with a family which they are members of?
I see a political correctness here that started in the 1980s. There have been so many commercials on radio and on TV in the past 30-35 years selling people on buying security and related goods and services to “protect your family”. It was not “protect yourself”, and this consistently said “family” in place of “loved ones” that was often mentioned in ads in the late 1970s.
What about people who are engaged, merely going steady, or dating and playing the field? What about people who are divorced or widowed? What about people who are romantically and sexually attracted to ones of the same gender, and living in 14 US states where they got the right to marry from SCOTUS only a week ago?
Aren’t Americans allowed to protect and defend themselves? Such as unmarried adults and teenagers?

Reply to  Donald L. Klipstein
July 2, 2015 9:46 pm

glad someone else noticed this. It goes hand in hand with along with the idea that our “rights” are not rights to do or say anything but the most mainstream banal activities. Like the right to “live work, have a family, eat apple pie” etc. We only have the right to do or say things that are completely uncontroversial.

Pamela Gray
Reply to  Donald L. Klipstein
July 3, 2015 1:40 am

I view the word “family” as being inclusive, not exclusive.

July 2, 2015 9:48 pm

(a) only rookies and the press call ’em “ISIS,” the correct term is “ISIL.”
(b) have fun and be vigilant this holiday weekend, we outnumber them, and we have more concealed carry permits.

Reply to  CRS, DrPH
July 2, 2015 10:16 pm

One way to show disrespect to many in the Mideast is to mispell or mispronounce their names. GHW Bush knew full well the correct pronunciation of ‘Saddam’ and deliberately mispronounced it. If ISIL is the correct term, then I will refer to them as ISIS in polite company. Otherwise, I will use an even more inappropriate term.

Reply to  Jtom
July 3, 2015 12:42 am

The most correct term for them is “the army of the Beast”.

Reply to  Jtom
July 3, 2015 11:00 am

ISIL is how we call them in the FBI. I prefer to use the insulting term used by other Islamic countries, DAESH.
Oops, I just revealed that I’m a spook.

Reply to  Jtom
July 3, 2015 1:06 pm

DAESH, from the Urban Dictionary:

A term used to describe the terrorist organization Islamic State introduced by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius. The organization went with multiple names in previous occasions like Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) before the public settled with just Islamic State (IS). Fabius argued that since IS is not Islamic and absolutely not a state, he said “…the Arabs call it Daesh…” (from Arabic “to tread upon”, “to trample or crush underfoot”).
The cutthroats from Daesh do not like their new name.

Reply to  CRS, DrPH
July 4, 2015 9:29 pm

CRS, DrPH, I know you’re attempting to make a little toilet humor out of DAIISH (ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fī ‘l-ʿIrāq wa-sh-Shām) with the meaning of al-Sham = “land of the left hand.”
But I should remind you when Islam (the Ideology) took al-sham after the Battle of Yarmouk which the Byzantine’s really should have won that battle. Byzantines had better arms, more men and better trained. Tactics and the will to win from Abu Bakr was the only advantage Islam had and Islam won decisively.
The Battle of Yarmouk was the opening battle with the western world which Islam has never let up they where driven back a few times though.
The western world in the past 40 years has severely underestimating the war Islam has been waging on the world.
said, “only rookies and the press call ’em “ISIS,” the correct term is “ISIL.”
The Islamic State isn’t going after just DAIISH you know this right? I mean they have been converging or dar ul harb Hukma wal fli’lan (land where they are called to fight in) from the Philippines to Northern Africa. DAIISH is just one of them.

Eric Gisin
July 2, 2015 10:16 pm

I was wondering why I hadn’t heard of this, so I googled FBI July 4. It’s all over the US media, and even the Daily Mail (UK). Too bad Canada doesn’t think this is news. Here’s a good story quoting Pete King (R-NY): http://thehill.com/policy/defense/246715-gop-lawmaker-warns-of-potential-july-4-attack-by-isis
If any our your leftist friends try to downplay this and call it right-wing fear-mongering, just tell them that Islamic State is the true religious right-wing threat, not Republicans.

Barry Sheridan
July 2, 2015 11:59 pm

This may or may not happen, but at least Americans have a chance of defending themselves. Over here in Britain that is much more difficult because we lack the means (no arms).

Reply to  Barry Sheridan
July 3, 2015 9:47 am

No arms? Use your legs

July 3, 2015 12:23 am

The greatest threat to the whole west are drones. Its very evident, or should be by now, to security agencies. Probably one of the most significant bits of news (last week) this century, was the delivery of medicines from one country to another (in Europe I think) using a drone. Image what terrorists will do with that… I’m afraid its inevitable and probably ALL drone use by private citizens will have to be banned

Paul Coppin
Reply to  Eliza
July 3, 2015 4:11 am

There is virtually no significant threat to the west from private drones, The only significant threat from drones is fron the high altitude military grade piloted and autonomous drones, capable of carrying significant payload. Private drones with that capacity will be highly regulated if and when they ever are developed. The only risk from from private drones is interference with the airspace and their surveillance capacity.

July 3, 2015 12:40 am

Will Obama break with his tradition and call it terrorism this time?

Larry in Texas
July 3, 2015 1:50 am

The incident at the Washington Navy Yard a day or two ago worries me. They found no shooter at all, and the area was swarming with police, military, and FBI. Could this have been an ISIS-created test to see how a diversion could work, resulting in another diversion while a real attack on a far more vulnerable target occurs this weekend?
In any event, I’m staying home this weekend. I have my bratwurst and corn on the cob ready for the grill, and I will enjoy a truly American-style Fourth of July. I’m not letting ISIS get me down.

Reply to  Larry in Texas
July 3, 2015 4:05 pm

Exactly! Those ISIS cowards don’t have a chance against the American spirit. Our real enemy is within. It was observed in WWI that creating a war for the gain of world dominance and defeating the man spirit was lost to national patriotism, so the “new” war had to become a war from within the spirit of mankind, own the soul of humanity while preserving the continuity of government. So enjoy, stay vigil, read everything, and forget the fear mongers and apocalyptic rants.

July 3, 2015 6:01 am

Red Arrows grounded over Jihadi terror threat: Three U.S. air bases in Britain cancel July 4 celebrations after security chiefs warn of ‘local threat assessments’
more at source.

July 3, 2015 9:27 am

Yes, let’s be careful out there.

July 3, 2015 10:55 am

As far as I’m concerned, it is the duty of my government to protect me from terrorist attacks, not use the threat of terrorist attacks to terrorize me. We pay (more and more) taxes to fund the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, etc. It is their job to gather intelligence and nip all would be terror plots in the bud. What possible good does it do the public at large to disclose all the “chatter” they’ve been tracking, and to tell us, “yep, there’s a good chance those terrorists might just want to slaughter you when you least expect it….so always expect it”. Is this not in effect what we’re being told by the government, and exactly what the terrorists want? If and when an attack does come, what are we to do about it other than run in the other direction? The answer presumably is to stop it before it happens. And how is the average citizen supposed to do this? Why be ever more “alert”, “cautious”, and “suspicious” of those around them no doubt. A constant reminder that you can’t trust anyone or anything other than big government. In the end, we’re all looking over our shoulder in fear at our neighbor at giving those who we fund through taxes a pass on not doing their friggin’ job. Do your job Obama. Stop the terror and stop inciting it. Track these vermin down and arrest them. And here’s a novel idea, close the damn border and make citizenship in this country something to be revered and worked for once again.

Reply to  Gus
July 3, 2015 1:06 pm

He invited the ISIS etc all here via Mexico…then creates a bureaucratic army…then arms the bad guys via the BATFE….then blames law abiding Americans for gun violence…then promotes gun confiscation…then creates false flags…then declares some BS emergency illegal marshal law… bla bla bla…etc etc etc….there is no rage over the atrocities about to come down. The master of divide and conquer is getting writers cramp from penning his executive orders.

July 3, 2015 11:05 am

To all my American friends, I wish you and your families a safe and joyous 4th of July.
I sent this email to my friends in Tunisia following the recent terrorist attack at the resort at Sousse – here is one reply.
Best wishes to all, Allan
Cher Allan
Merci pour ta lettre
Et je retiendrai le plus important :
«Malheureusement, cette guerre ne sont pas de votre choix, mais il est de votre destin.»
A bientôt.
[in translation]
Dear Allan
Thank you for your letter
And I will remember the most important:
“Sadly, this war is not of your choosing, but it is your destiny.”
See you soon.
De : Allan MacRae
Envoyé : samedi 27 juin 2015
À :
Objet : RE: My Tunisian friends – I am with you today and always
Dear _____,
Just like the murders at the Bardo Museum, the killings at Sousse are intended to hurt the tourist industry, a mainstay of the Tunisian economy. They are also intended to intimidate the good people of Tunisia.
You are at war, and now you and your allies must pursue this evil and destroy it.
Sadly, this war is not of your choosing, but it is your destiny.
God bless you and keep you safe – my best wishes to you and your family.

July 3, 2015 11:24 am

My prime minster here in London (you know, the one that sucks up to Obama) tells us Brits to be ‘vigilant’ after the Tunisian massacre.
Trouble is, our government disarmed us (the good guys, that is) back in 1997. Took all our legally-owned firearms and crushed them.

July 3, 2015 11:49 am

Illegal immigrants, drug cartels and terrorists have been successful in their war on liberty as evidenced by this partial list:
– TSA checkpoints at all airports;
– Militarization of local police;
– Military operations occurring in continental U.S. (e.g., Jade Helm);
– Illegal detainment to search citizens at highway checkpoints;
– Private property seizure without due process;
– Suspension of civil rights (e.g., gun ownership) during emergencies (e.g., Katrina);
– Arming of federal agencies (including EPA, USDA and Dept. of Education).
Looks like it’s too late to learn that Freedom isn’t maintained by implementing a police state.

July 3, 2015 12:37 pm

Yes and I have a “friend” with connections inside the science establishment who assures that we should all be alarmed about rising co2. What a joke. Where’s your head?

David, UK
July 3, 2015 1:52 pm

“I’d be remiss in my duty as a patriot…”
How about one’s duty to hundreds or thousands of innocent fellow human beings (which I have no doubt you feel strongly as well)? Surely that’s a higher calling than patriotism? Patriotism is what brought support for the Iraq war, for the “war on terror” and a reluctance to question the official findings of 9/11. Patriotism is how you are sold the so-called Patriot Act.
Save patriotism for the football field; don’t be manipulated.

July 3, 2015 4:23 pm

But this is a Climate Change article! Why, only about a month ago President Obama said:
“I am here today to say that climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk to our national security, and, make no mistake, it will impact how our military defends our country, And so we need to act — and we need to act now.”
So any article that suggests there could be a more immediate risk to our national security than climate change, let’s say attacks by ISIS, for example, is itself a risk to us all, because while the right-wing denial industry is distracting you with paranoid Islamophobic fantasies, we won’t be acting now — NOW I tell you! — to save the America from this greatest and most immediate of all national security threats.
Just like WUWT to pull a cheap trick like this to scare Americans into taking their eyes off the real problem!

Mike the Morlock
July 3, 2015 6:17 pm

I offer the above to any who would still wander this thread at this late date.
It is a tale for patriots. It is titled “The man without a country”. I read it first in grammar school back when they taught love of country. I still get teary- eyed reading it.
All have a good fourth and god bless the United States and damnation to her enemies
Mods please forgive the language,

Rob B
July 4, 2015 7:54 am

Fact is that the US government is organizing “terrorism and fear mongering”.
Folks should wake up to that fact!

Reply to  Rob B
July 4, 2015 9:22 am

ISIS or CIASIS are created and run by the CIA as is Al Qaeda and their ancestor the Mujahadin who the CIA used to fight the Russians in Afghanistan.
The CIA are running ISIS and the rebels in Syria because they want to destabilise the government. The Middle east is all about oil and geopolitical control, such as making sure Gaddafi, Hussein and others don’t abandon the petrodollar and go to the gold dinar. Putin was hoarding gold and threatening to abandon the US petrodollar also and lo and behold social unrest attacks like the pussy riot and gay rights staged US fiascoes were levelled against them and now sanctions over Ukraine which is the height of hypocrisy given the West’s reign of terror invading foreign nations
They use these boogeymen like Al Qaeda and ISIS to justify their middle east invasions and the taking away of rights at home via the Patriot act and NDAA. Anyone with a brain can see the simultaneous removal of our rights across the western nations and the Trans Pacific Partnership that gives enormous powers over the western nations to the bankers and megacorporations, passed incidently 2 days before gay marriage was legalised, hence the stupid masses went nuts over gay marriage in attempt to appear soooo sensitive and a good little acolyte of the liberal religion, ignoring perhaps the most important bill in recent history.
The end goal of all their machinations is world government and the CAGW scam is a major pillar in the economic foundation of governance.

Reply to  Sabretruthtiger
July 4, 2015 2:27 pm

And of course Sabretruthtiger has either impeccable sources for all his information or an excellent conspiratorial imagination. One or the other — both go without saying.

Reply to  Sabretruthtiger
July 5, 2015 10:48 am

Kentclizbe: you’re kidding right? The first recorded jihad was against the Arabs in 622 CE. The Crusades were a response to Muslim invasion of Judeo-Christian lands in the Middle East. The invasion of Spain by Muslim Moors from today’s Algeria resulted in the Spanish Inquisition after they were driven out. Thomas Jefferson created the marines and bombarded Tripoli to stop Muslims from raiding US merchant ships after the government there said it was allowed under their religion unless a tribute was paid to them.
Perhaps you need to learn something about their religion. They are “commanded by God” to rule the Earth and purge it of non-believers, thus the unending jihads. That’s not a concept found in most religions. It has nothing to do with being powerless or disrespected.
Muslim terrorism hardly started in the 1970s. The world has been fighting it since the creation of Islam. You can find acts of Muslim terrorism every year since 622!

Reply to  Jtom
July 5, 2015 11:56 am

You, too may need to open up your sources. Nothing Islam, as a religion, did in the past, or does in the present is any worse than many other religions. Obsessive focus on negatives of any one subject tends to blind you of negatives right under your nose.
Maybe you need to learn something of Islam from unbiased sources. Nearly every religion places high value on converting non-believers, and many religions vilify non-believers? Try researching how Judaism views non-believers, for starters.
You may want to try for a little balance in your understanding.
When was the first Islamic terrorism in Western countries? Why?

Reply to  Sabretruthtiger
July 5, 2015 10:53 am

Onward christian soldiers!!!

Reply to  Rob B
July 4, 2015 9:55 pm

I have been following Islam for a long time in all it’s history. The western world didn’t create Islam and their terror tactics. But what is noteworthy is how the western world is attempting to put an end to their terror tactics.
in short. Nixon came up with the idea on how to change the war Islam has been waging on us to a more inclusive system with Islam. He understood their threat but knew their war would never end. Today we call it diversity where even ideologies that are at war with us are accepted as equal in a hope they will see what we have and accept us. The rest of the world seemed to love the idea and ran with it.
It’s a freaking risky plan. knowing Islam as well as I do. There is no way in hell it can work and I don’t know how it’s going to end. It’s most likely going to sound like the fourth of July but with people dying.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 5, 2015 7:56 am

Thanks for sharing your cultural scholarship. You might want to consider expanding your sources a bit, though. You’re looking at history through an extremely biased lens.
The barbaric actions of some Islamic regimes are neither unique, nor exceptional. Islam is a religion that is neither unique nor exceptional in its social and civil belief systems.
Terrorism is not uniquely nor exceptionally linked to Islam, historically or currently.
Terrorism is a tactic resorted to by groups which feel they have no other power. This has been so for millenia.
If you pay attention, you’ll notice that Islamic terrorism did not become an international issue until the 1970s. Why? Do some research, and you’ll find out.
Other groups which felt powerless and disrespected used terrorism as a tactic in the 20th century long before Islamic groups adopted it. The Irish were/are inveterate terrorists–killing, bombing with malice aforethought. And Jewish terror groups, during their effort to establish their homeland in Palestine, committed vicious terrorist attacks.
“Prior to the establishment of Israel, Jewish terror against the British Mandatory authority and Palestinian Arabs was carried out by two paramilitary organizations that espoused Revisionist Zionist ideologies: Etzel (Irgun) and Lehi (Stern Gang). Both groups reflected the view of Zeev Jabotinsky that a sovereign Jewish state ought to be created on both sides of the Jordan River, through violence. Between 1939 and 1942, Etzel carried out 60 terrorist attacks, killing more than 120 Palestinians and maiming hundreds more. In order to hasten British departure from Palestine, Lehi operatives assassinated Lord Moyne, the minister resident in the Middle East, on November 6, 1944, in Cairo. On July 26, 1946, explosives planted by Etzel agents leveled the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, the administrative center of the British Mandatory authority, killing 91 Britons and injuring close to 500 people. Lehi’s last terrorist operation ended the life of Swedish Count Folke Bernadotte , the UN mediator, on September 17, 1948, after he had issued a plan that significantly altered the terms of the 1947 UN partition resolution.”
So, your thesis is a bit shaky, to say the least. Your sources are filled with hatred and have very clear ulterior motives. Widen your horizons.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 5, 2015 4:44 pm

said, “Islam is a religion that is neither unique nor exceptional in its social and civil belief systems. ”
This a clear indication you don’t know even the fundamentals of Islam. Islam is extremely unique there is no other ideology or belief on the planet that is even remotely similar.
The very basics is this.
1. Islam is an Iqamat-ud-Deen or a highly detailed complete system of life based around the Qur’an, hadith and sira. It’s an Islamic Social Economic and Political Order. Where every muslims duty is to follow the Iqamat-ud-Deen to be the best muslim they can.
The political and economic order part of this makes the belief a Ideology based around the Deen(religion. Which means Islam is a theocracy by design. Western civilization and the rest of the world doesn’t allow a belief to control the political system.
The Iqamat-ud-Deen is a slow process to bring about the Islamic theocracy or Dar ul-Islam.
2. The world is broken down into an “Us vs Them” mentality. Dar al-Islam (house of islam) and the Dar al-Harb(house of war) all other divisions of the world are temporary conditions. This creates a class system of people. The three primary classes are Muslims on top, Kafir dhimmi then Kafir Harbi. The Kafir Dhimmi are those that lives under the house of Islam. Those that live out side of the house of Islam have no right to life.
3. Islamic Jurisprudence allows for legal vigilantism. Where the individual’s are the Judge, Jury and executioner when there is no Islamic authority available.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 5, 2015 4:54 pm

kentclizbe yes. I know of the terrorism that did exist in the creation of Israel. There are some hard liners in Judaism that can follow their belief and use their text to justify terror. I can brake down why and how they justify this if you wish.
It’s key to understand the difference between Judaism and Islam to understand why the establishment of Judaism doesn’t accept this text as something that applies to today. Islam it’s not just accepted it’s encouraged.

July 4, 2015 12:27 pm

Well, here we are and the fourth has come and almost gone. Another boner for those that buy the fear mongering. But the count is now 0 for forty. What were you thinking?
Lack of critical thinking skills along with total absence of skepticism. At WUWT no less!

Reply to  aletho
July 5, 2015 8:42 am

Aletho, this issue is one of probability, not of certainty.
Were the recent terrorist attacks in Tunisia and Canada real? Were the Boston Marathon bombing and the events of 9-11 real?
One can always sit in the bushes and throw stones, based on 20-20 hindsight.
Trying to resolve real future threats, especially to prevent unknown terrorist acts by isolated fanatics, is much more difficult.
If a terrorist act had happened yesterday, the authorities would have undoubtedly come under harsh criticism for failing to prevent it.
I have resolved a number of difficult major problems in my time – thinking them through and developing practical solutions is difficult. Then getting them adopted by authority, despite opposition from know-it-alls and other imbeciles, is often a greater challenge.

Reply to  Allan MacRae
July 5, 2015 8:58 am

0 for 40 on the US terror alerts. What kind of dolt is still listening?
The recent events in Canada were almost certainly managed.
You folks badly need to broaden your sources.

Reply to  Allan MacRae
July 6, 2015 2:04 pm

Aletho you said:
“The recent events in Canada were almost certainly managed.”
Questions – please be clear in your responses:
Your statement is unclear. The recent events in Canada were managed by whom? For what purpose?

Reply to  Allan MacRae
July 6, 2015 2:55 pm

For starters view the video I linked to toward the end of the thread. If you wish me to link more that directly addresses the recent Canadian events I can also do so.
One should never accept events such as these (that seem illogical) as presented. If it doesn’t quite make sense there is probably something going on that is not being honestly divulged.

Reply to  Allan MacRae
July 7, 2015 5:49 am

Aletho – I am not interested in your unclear response – end of conversation.

July 4, 2015 12:34 pm
July 4, 2015 2:05 pm

A 7-page Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document dated to August of 2012, recently released under a Freedom Of Information Act, request specifically states that the Syrian opposition was by that time “taking a clear sectarian direction,” and that “the Salafist, the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.”
… it was predicted by the DIA that “ISI (Islamic State in Iraq) could also declare an Islamic State through its union with other terrorist organization in Iraq and Syria” and that “there is a possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria.” This is exactly what transpired in the years after 2012 with the declaration of the Islamic State. Yet not only was this a possibility, this was instead “exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion” with Iran and Iraq being labelled as integral parts of this expansion. The supporting powers are said to be “the West, Gulf countries, and Turkey.”

July 4, 2015 2:51 pm

Again , salutations to all my American friends on this, the Glorious 4th of July!
God bless you and keep you safe – my best wishes to you and your families.
Allan MacRae, Calgary
Historical Notes:
The USA is by far the best neighbour Canada could ever ask for. Canada is the largest foreign supplier of oil to the USA. We are still, I think, the largest bilateral trading partners in the world.
We have managed to get along and prosper together for two hundred years since our last unpleasantries during the War of 1812-14, when our side burned the White House and the Yanks burned Toronto.
Confidentially, people from all over Canada agree that Toronto ought to be burned from time to time, so we still think we got the better of that deal. 🙂

Reply to  Allan MacRae
July 4, 2015 10:15 pm

Allan MacRae, Three cheers for Benedict Arnold? Duh! That was one of those Damb if you do damb if you don’t moments. I wouldn’t have wanted to be in his shoes that day.
But don’t forget about the Oregon Boundary dispute. The British sent a sizable army to take the disputed area from the Mexicans just a few months before the Mexican American war. That could have been interesting.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 5, 2015 6:00 am

Ah yes – the jingoists chanted “54-40 or Fight!”. Fortunately cooler heads prevailed.
I would point out that when Lewis and Clark made their famous trek across the USA in 1804-1806, they had maps of their Oregon destination made years earlier by a Canadian explorer of Scottish descent named David Thompson, known as The Mapmaker
The Oregon Crisis (as we call it) provided the City of Kingston Ontario with four beautiful Martello Towers to defend the city and the entrance to the St. Lawrence River and the Rideau Canal. Similar Martello towers are located in Quebec City and in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
Kingston is also the site of Fort Henry, first built during the War of 1812, to protect the region and the Royal Naval Dockyards. now the site of the Royal Military College.
So we have the Americans to thank for some of Kingston’s fine museums and tourist attractions.
Kingston is a historical city, and was briefly the capital of Canada. Long ago when I lived in Kingston after attending Queens University, I became friends with my elderly neighbour, Miss Rogers. One day, in the course of conversation, she told me how as a young girl she had attended the funeral of Sir John A Macdonald, the first Prime Minister of Canada. The details she recalled were scant, since she was only about six years old in 1891 – she recalled going in the front door of the City Hall (the first Parliament Building of Canada), then much talk , and exiting through the side door and seeing the sailing ships in the harbor.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 6, 2015 3:06 pm

Thompson’s maps of the Pacific NW from the Rockies to the Pacific via the Columbia drainage couldn’t have helped Lewis and Clark, since he had not made them yet.
In fact, he was dispatched into the Oregon Country in 1806 specifically because of the threat posed to the Hudson Bay and Northwest Companies by the American expedition.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 7, 2015 5:38 am

Sturgis – You may be correct.
I should not have said “Oregon destination” but possibly “part of their route”.
I have little time but here is one reference:
“McCracken, an ex-artilleryman, was already a frequent and longtime visitor to the Mandan villages by the winter of 1797-98, when he and René Jussaume guided the NWC’s David Thompson to the Mandans.” (in present-day North Dakota)
“When Lewis & Clark left St. Louis, they soon entered unfamiliar territory. The westernmost European settlement they passed through was the French hamlet of La Charette, on the Missouri at about 91° west longitude. To the north, in British territory, the situation was quite different. In 1793, Alexander Mackenzie and his voyageurs became the first Europeans to reach the Pacific by an overland route. Their voyage began at Fort Fork (near today’s city of Peace River, Alberta), at 117° W; this was at least 1600 kilometers west of La Charette. By 1804, the North West Company’s Rocky Mountain House & the Hudson’s Bay Company’s Acton House (both near 115° W, near today’s Rocky Mountain House, Alberta) had been operating in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains for almost five years, supported by a string of fur posts extending east to Hudson’s Bay and Montreal. In 1804, Peter Fidler of the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) was exploring and mapping the area east of the Rockies, and David Thompson of the North West Company (NWC) was searching for a practical trade route through the mountains to the Pacific.”

July 5, 2015 5:47 am

I’m happy to report that more Americans died as a result of drunk driving incidents, than were killed by terrorists this 4th of July.

Reply to  Joel D. Jackson
July 5, 2015 5:24 pm

The Jihad isn’t focused yet on the US. I don’t know how else to put that. They focus on soft targets they are able to acquire. Last week the Jihadist killed a few hundred people many hundreds injured in these focused areas. Including over 100 in a fishing village in Niger their crime praying to another god other then Allah. make no mistake we are on their list.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 6, 2015 3:12 pm

Open up your sources, brother. You are being led to pure hatred by people with an ulterior motive.
“It’s key to understand the difference between Judaism and Islam to understand why the establishment of Judaism doesn’t accept this text as something that applies to today. Islam it’s not just accepted it’s encouraged.”
You may have been led to believe that only Islam is a “complete way of life,” that excludes those who do not follow the prescribed way. If you’d open yourself up to reality, you’ll have a rude awakening. Virtually every religion professes to be “the way,” and to believe that those who do not follow “the way” are “lost sinners.”
Here’s how a Jewish site describes “the way” of Judaism:
“Judaism is not just a set of beliefs about G-d, man and the universe. Judaism is a comprehensive way of life, filled with rules and practices that affect every aspect of life: what you do when you wake up in the morning, what you can and cannot eat, what you can and cannot wear, how to groom yourself, how to conduct business, who you can marry, how to observe the holidays and Shabbat, and perhaps most important, how to treat G-d, other people, and animals. This set of rules and practices is known as halakhah. ”

Reply to  Ox AO
July 7, 2015 12:36 am

Kent Clizbe. said, ” Virtually every religion professes to be “the way,” and to believe that those who do not follow “the way” are “lost sinners.” ”
So, tell us what happens to a Munafiq in Saudi Arabia for example? what is the punishment?
I love it when Muslims explain. It’s always better.
BTW – hate is the wrong word. First: I love Muslims. They are the only individuals that can fix this problem without massive bloodshed that is otherwise inevitable in our children’s future.
I don’t hate the Islamic Ideology. it’s very bad but not something I would be obsessed with which is the meaning of the word, “hate”

July 5, 2015 9:38 am

For scientific accuracy, you might like to document number of incidents causing destruction and death initiated by US State (plus close allies) vs those initiated by foreigners against the US mainland.
You will find that, for a country whose net murdering index is very high, you are inordinately sensitive about people retaliating against you. In other words, the differential value you place on American- vs non-American human life makes it hard to suggest that you are not a bunch of racists based not on skin colour but on passports…..
Decent folks like me do not ever equate the actions of USA Inc with the fundamental decency of ordinary American folks, but you really need to bring your State apparatus under control.

Reply to  rtj1211
July 5, 2015 11:54 am

Passport ?
I can visit the Seattle needle, the San Francisco sea markets, while on my way to New Orleans, then onto Orlando, then we got what ?, Hilton Head on the way to New York.
Oops, I left out Vegas.

mick muller
July 5, 2015 5:24 pm

From ABC australia news comes the following:
A spate of shooting incidents across the US city of Chicago has left eight people dead after a chaotic July 4 Independence Day weekend, police say.
Another 41 people were wounded, according to local media.
Among the victims in the 33 shootings was a seven-year-old boy, Amari Brown, who was fatally shot in the chest on his way home from one of the many celebrations taking place around the city.
Like I said, from those outside looking in, it appears that the average US citizen has far more to fear from its own than from externals.

Reply to  mick muller
July 5, 2015 6:01 pm

Idiocy and thuggery murders are a constant in any civilization. Money from illegal activities can help drive these thugs. Ideologies based on our total elimination is an entirely different matter.

July 5, 2015 6:40 pm

Anthony, why don’t you have your spook friend have a look at this?

Reply to  aletho
July 5, 2015 9:23 pm

I poked around that 2 1/2 hour video. one part said, “why would muslims attack London. There is no reason for them to.”
Another part said, “if the real attackers where Mi-5, the Israel secret service or another group is yet to determined.”
This is a clear case of ‘truthers’ similar to the 9/11 truthers intentionally leaving out key evidence to make a case the government used a false flag to do their evil bidding.
Truthers always seem to leave out the most important key ingredient. if they where right that would mean Bush and Tony Blair are the two most brilliant people to ever walk this earth to fool so many people and still Bush is unable to pronounce his own name.
Sorry, they crack me up. They’re good for entertainment value I give them that. Not this video though 2 /12 hours of none sense.

Reply to  aletho
July 5, 2015 10:07 pm

I would like to answer the primary question in my opinion:
“why would muslims attack London? There is no reason for them to.”
This is a parody of why Islam commands to kill us but is exactly right:

The key part that isn’t in this parody is that we are all born Muslims according to the Qur’an 30:30 which means all none-Muslims are apostates.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 6, 2015 4:06 am
Reply to  Ox AO
July 6, 2015 12:35 pm

Both Christianity (reformation) and judaism (Haskalah Orthodox had their own reforms) had major reforms on how they read their holy text those text that you listed are text that is now seen as events of history not of commandments of how to live their life today.
Granted there are a few groups that doesn’t recognizes these changes such as the Lehi (group) which worked with the Nazi’s and Stalin and against Britain in order to form what we now know as Israel. That group no longer exists today the only group similar to it would be the Jewish Defense League which are extremist within Judaism and are not recognized by any Jewish community in any shape or form.
Islam extremist is just the opposite of these groups. The main stream of Islam recognizes these groups such as the Islamic State not only that they encourage them. As an example they can go on Hajj (pilgrimage) other people that call themselves Muslims are no allowed in. Hajj is like the gate way of who is officially a Muslim and who are not. Because all Muslims are required to hajj if they can afford it.
Just to get this into figures we can understand. At the peak of the JDL they claimed 13,000 members which is questionable at best. Those that support the Islamic State is in the millions this statistic shows 43 million in support of the group. Which isn’t far off with around hundred thousand fighting just in DAIISH (not counting the other locations) they would need a far greater number supporting them.

July 6, 2015 2:48 pm

In fact, the text I linked to is featured at the Chabad website and in many instances mirrors current Jewish/Zionist conduct.
The Koran has nothing that comes remotely close. Who are the real extremists?

Reply to  aletho
July 7, 2015 11:01 am

said, “the text I linked to is featured at the Chabad website”
I did I shown you two examples how YOU miss interpret their books. I will stay it again. You can’t interpret their books only they can. Same with Islam.
I can’t interpret their books that is why I show the actual Islamic law, Fatwa and the Tafsir (official interpretations.)
If you picked up the Qur’an and read it. It’s meaningless without context. You must know context of what is said. For example in the Qur’an Muhammad talks about Allah’s his three daughters Al-Lat, Al-‘Uzzá and Manāt. But we all know Islam is Monotheist belief so what is this? You must know context (in this case he put up another sign.) The only way to understand context is through the Hadith.
http://quran.com/53 19 and 20

July 6, 2015 3:11 pm

yes, I understand what your saying. Take the first one: “And foreigners shall build your walls, and their kings shall serve you, for in My wrath I struck you, and in My grace have I had mercy on you.”
Its interpreted to mean this:
” The passage has, however, a meaning beyond the literal one. “Strangers” of all kinds, Greeks, and Romans, and Syrians, and Africans, and Cauls, and Spaniards, and others, assisted in building and enlarging the walls of the Church as it spread over the world, set up its bulwarks in the Creeds, and fenced it round about with various decrees and canons. Their kings shall minister unto thee (see the comment on ver. 3). Among ministrant kings may be mentioned Cyrus, Darius the son of Hystaspes, Artaxerxes Longimanus, Alexander the Great, Constantine, Theodosius, Charlemagne, St. Louis, etc.”
Try to understand a very simple point it’s their book not yours. They can read it anyway they want.
They choose to set it in a time frame which is not today.
said, “Koran has nothing that comes remotely close. Who are the real extremists?”
You got to be kidding me? Right?
If the extremist in Islam had their way we are to be exterminated from the face of the earth.
No exceptions.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 6, 2015 3:25 pm

“For the nation and the kingdom that shall not serve you shall perish, and the nations shall be destroyed.”
This seems to be happening – shock and awe/shakinah.
I’m much less worried about ISIS since they will fall apart whenever Washington’s puppets stop financing them.

July 6, 2015 4:36 pm

“The nation… that will not serve thee shall perish. God’s curse shall be upon them; they shall wither and decay for lack of the Divine favour… ”
That is a warning from god not a commandment for the the followers to wage war.
said, “shock and awe.. ”
That had nothing to do with any beliefs or ideologies. Bush made a lot of mistakes with that war… no point in rehashing that.
About the financing of the Islamic state.
1. Yes, we support one extremist group that eats human flesh to fight the Islamic state with $1.7 billion. Which in my book is freaking stupid.
2. a number of times arms and supplies that supposed to have gone to the other extremist side goes to the Islamic state. Mix up or intentional? If it was one or two mistake I could understand it. a number of mistakes it should be questioned but it’s not. Not even our media questions it.
3. The Kurds are maybe the only acceptable enemy we should be supporting yet we block arms shipments to them and Turkey just moved their own troops to fight the Kurds. Which obviously would help the Islamic State.
I honestly don’t know who’s side we really are on.
I admit this is your strongest point.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 6, 2015 4:45 pm

Yes, well apparently “shakinah” is from the torah – or is it the talmud? – and the Jewish neocons that advised Bush are still actively involved in determining US foreign policy.
Keep reading the verses it gets far more disgusting.

July 6, 2015 7:36 pm

aletho Talmud. The Philistines and their god Beelzebub didn’t have a good relationship with the Judeo-Christian god. But this is referring to what their god did to the Philistines not what the followers are instructed to do.
Islam teachings their individual followers to be judge, jury and executioner for Allah. There isn’t anything like that in the Judeo-Christian beliefs.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 6, 2015 7:59 pm

“Islam teachings their individual followers to be judge, jury and executioner for Allah. There isn’t anything like that in the Judeo-Christian beliefs.”
What sort of nonsense are you reading? Your misguided beliefs are ridiculous.
Where in heavens name do you think that your insane misinterpretation is happening? Where are “individual followers judging, jurying, and executing for Allah?”
There are barbaric intra-religious regional civil wars going on in Islamic countries. Iraq/Syria/Lebanon is the continuation of a millenia-old territorial and schismatic conflict.
The exact same thing has happened between Christians, with much worse atrocities committed in the name of the religion. An even worse regional civil war, among Christians, is raging right this very second, in South Sudan.

Reply to  kentclizbe
July 6, 2015 11:55 pm

Maybe a better word for it is legal vigilantism? Legal vigilantism is also the reasons we see Jihad, Honor killings and so on.
From Hadith:
“So, where-ever you find them, kill them, for who-ever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection.” http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/hadith/bukhari/084-sbt.php#009.084.064
“A Jewess used to abuse the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and disparage him. A man strangled her till she died. The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) declared that no recompense was payable for her blood.”
Islamic Jurisprudence(Islamic Law):
o1.2 The following are not subject to retaliation:

-2- a Muslim for killing a non-Muslim;
-3- a Jewish or Christian subject of the Islamic state for killing an apostate from Islam (O: because a subject of the state is under its protection, while killing an apostate from Islam is without consequences);
-4- A father or mother (or their fathers of mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring;
-5- nor is retaliation permissible to a descendant for (A: his ancestor’s) killing someone whose death would otherwise entitle the descendant to retaliate, such as when his father kills his mother.
page 584
“If there is no one who can carry out the hadd punishment of Allaah and stand up for the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) then the Muslim has to do whatever he can, so long as that will not lead to further mischief and harm against other people.”

Reply to  Ox AO
July 7, 2015 4:52 am

And you think that vigilantism and honor killings are unique to Islamic cultures?
Again, widen your sources, and see what’s happening in the real world.
Many cultures and religions, from Sicilian and Mexican Catholic, to Indian Hindu carry out much worse versions of honor killings. It’s a big world out there.

Reply to  kentclizbe
July 7, 2015 12:07 am

“with much worse atrocities committed in the name of the religion.”
I believe you meant to say the Lord’s Resistance Army from Uganda not Sudan that is an Islamic State group you just pin pointed.
Lord’s Resistance Army is a Christian cult group put together to retaliate against Islamic extremist and their families. Bad? yes no doubt about it. They have a total of about 200 troops. They killed over 2000 people since 2007 when they started. That kind of number is a ‘good day’ for the Islamic state.
In other words there is no comparison.

Reply to  kentclizbe
July 7, 2015 4:48 am

FIrst, and again, open your sources. Your mind is being polluted with pure hatred.
Second, don’t put words on my keyboard. I said exactly what I meant, SOUTH SUDAN is the “newest nation,” and it is a 100% Christian nation. Since it was founded several years ago, it has descended into the most barbarous, horrific atrocities on the face of the earth.
Just because you are ignorant of reality, history, and current events does not make it go away. Christians are slaughtering Christians, and anyone else who gets in their way, with wanton abandon.
The point is that there are barbarians of all religions.
“… Armed troops loyal to the former vice-president Riek Machar, swept into Bentiu and systematically shot dead foreigners and people from enemy tribes. Others from supportive groups were led to safety.
The exact number of people who died in the massacre remains unclear, but at least 200 were killed in the Kali-Ballee mosque in the capital of Unity state, and 400 wounded, the UN Mission in South Sudan (Unmiss) said in a statement. ”

Reply to  kentclizbe
July 7, 2015 10:39 am

kentclizbe “you think that vigilantism and honor killings are unique to Islamic cultures?”
Yes, absolutely. There is one exception which is the Tigers of Tamil Eelam which is a very odd and very small Hindu group. Without mentioning them would be deceiving. I haven’t followed them much because their only a threat to India they’re not out for world domination and they don’t target themselves as Islam does.
To be very clear. No other belief makes it acceptable to take their gods law into their own hands then write this in to law.
Picture how devastating this is for a culture. Mind you this happens a lot in the Islamic culture I can site examples if you wish. picture minding your own business as a Muslim then someone (anyone) come up to you and accuse you of hypocrisy. He can execute you on the spot. You’re family after your dead must prove your innocence to get him into trouble with the Sharia court. Which is very rare.
The whole civilization wouldn’t be able to trust one another. I couldn’t imagine that to be honest.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 7, 2015 5:13 am

You have avoided dealing with the Torah sanctioned/inspired state terror issues that I have brought up. I will take that as your acceptance of the fact that the US and Israel are in fact state religio-terrorist entities.

J. Keith Johnson
July 7, 2015 9:29 am

An invitation to ISIS: Please come visit the South. We will provide you a fireworks show you won’t soon forget, all the virgins you can possibly handle, and the opportunity to become much more holey (no, it’s not misspelled) than you are now. We’re waiting for you . . .

July 7, 2015 12:42 pm

You seem to be a well-intentioned person. But you are being fed utter garbage about Islamic culture.
“Picture how devastating this is for a culture. Mind you this happens a lot in the Islamic culture I can site examples if you wish. picture minding your own business as a Muslim then someone (anyone) come up to you and accuse you of hypocrisy. He can execute you on the spot. You’re family after your dead must prove your innocence to get him into trouble with the Sharia court. Which is very rare.
“The whole civilization wouldn’t be able to trust one another. I couldn’t imagine that to be honest.”
Have you ever been in an Islamic country?
Clearly not. Here’s a good approximation of visiting a majority Muslim country–Malaysia. This guy (a non-Muslim) does videos of a typical walk through the city in places he visits around the world. This is a random, non-scripted, slice of reality. As you’ll see, it differs from your alarmist hatred like night does from day.

Notice people of all ethnicities, religions, backgrounds, social statuses, mixing and mingling peacefully.
Your paranoid fantasy (who in heavens name told you such nonsense?) of random religious murders is literally insane.
Then watch another video about Muslim KL, made by a Chinese (nonMuslim) TV show.

I’d highly recommend that you get out of your terrified shell, and visit the real world. A couple weeks in Malaysia (or Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world) would disabuse your of your AIPAC-fueled fantasies.

Reply to  kentclizbe
July 7, 2015 1:10 pm

Being a Muslim means you must follow the Iqamat-ud-Deen Establishment of the religion. It’s a highly detailed step by step instructions on how to dress, how to talk, how to present yourself.
Those video’s are good examples of a country living as Munafiq
i seen one man and women that dressed as a Muslim in that first video which they might have been foreigners? When I mean detail it is extremely detailed. How to fold each piece of clothing when you put on the Najab and so on. The video went by to fast for me to evaluate if they dressed correctly. I tried to pause it but it was on a bad angle.

July 7, 2015 12:56 pm

As this issue fades into memory (scare-mongers rely on people having short memories–they’re always able to rekindle the next scare, and few remember their failures from the past), it’s appropriate to provide a counter-point to the “terror change alarmists.”
Remember, the government which issued the “terror threat” warnings for the 4th is the exact same government which has deemed “deniers” fair game for denigration and destruction, and which issues official pronouncements that “climate change/global warming/CO2” is an imminent threat.
Reality, in both cases is far from the government’s scare-mongering.
We know the truth of the CO2 threat.
Some details to put the Islamic terror threat to America in context. Remember, if you only read “Grist” you’d be terrified of CO2. If you only listen to the government (or the AIPAC scare machine) about terrorism, you’ll be terrified too:
“Based on our review of the approximately 2,400 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil contained within the START database, we determined that approximately 60 were carried out by Muslims.
“In other words, approximately 2.5% of all terrorist attacks on U.S. soil between 1970 and 2012 were carried out by Muslims.* This is a tiny proportion of all attacks.
“(We determined that approximately 118 of the terror attacks – or 4.9% – were carried out by Jewish groups such as Jewish Armed Resistance, the Jewish Defense League, Jewish Action Movement, United Jewish Underground and Thunder of Zion. This is almost twice the percentage of Islamic attacks within the United States. In addition, there were approximately 168 attacks – or 7% – by anti-abortion activists, who tend to be Christian. Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion Nacional – a Puerto Rican paramilitary organization – carried out more than 120 bomb attacks on U.S. targets between 1974 and 1983, and there were some 41 attacks by Cuban exiles, and a number of attacks by other Latin American groups.”
And that’s that. Happy Independence Day! Free from terror and alarm!

Reply to  kentclizbe
July 7, 2015 3:33 pm

said, “approximately 2.5% of all terrorist attacks on U.S. soil between 1970 and 2012 were carried out by Muslims.”
Animal Liberation front and Earth Liberation front hasn’t killed anyone they are vandals not people with an intent to eliminate us.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 8, 2015 4:04 pm

Are you quite done yet ?
It’s getting monotonous.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 8, 2015 6:55 pm

u.k.(us) Me?
I was just attempting to answer kentclizbe and aletho questions. Their truther so what’s the point right?
I find it odd how someone can’t distinguish the difference between thugs and sim-organized murderers bent on our total destruction. Its like something from a bad movie.

Reply to  Ox AO
July 9, 2015 8:44 pm

Up date to this 4th of July:
“FBI Director James Comey revealed on Thursday that US authorities had prevented several Islamic State (ISIS) inspired plots to murder Americans in the US on the July 4 Independence Day holiday.”

July 13, 2015 2:06 pm

And the final score of violence against Americans over the July 4th weekend?
ISIS: zero, 0, nada, none, nil, zilch
Illegal Alien invaders: murdered, raped and robbed too many Americans to count.
Just a few cases that can be found:
“On Friday, as Americans worried about the imminent ISIS attack:
Prudencio Juan Fragos-Ramirez, an illegal alien in Washington State, was accused of murdering an 18-year-old and her toddler son, then setting the pair on fire.
Irina Kolenkina, a Russian immigrant who does not speak English, was ordered to stand trial for the murder of her husband in Vienna, Wisconsin. Kolenkina had to be put into restraints because she became so combative upon her arrest.
Illegal immigrant Sinar Roblero Escalante found out he would get off scot-free for killing a 24-year-old man in East Naples, Florida, 10 years ago in a car accident. After the crash, Escalante had fled the scene on foot. He went on the lam and is believed to have hid out in Mexico for at least part of that time—thus, outlasting the statute of limitations. Escalante was recently re-arrested after being caught in his car with a baggie of cocaine on his lap.
In another immigration success story, Andrew Romero assaulted a prison guard in New Mexico last week. Romero is awaiting trial on charges that he murdered Rio Rancho Police officer Gregg Benner.
On our nation’s birthday, it was reported that Brogenet Cinor, a Haitian voodoo priest, was arrested for child rape in Florida.
On Monday, an illegal alien from Mexico engaged in a fatal hit-and-run accident in Bellingham, Washington, then fled the scene of the accident. Witnesses described a “short Hispanic man” running from the car, which was littered with empty beer bottles and a case of Modelo Especial. The illegal farm worker doesn’t speak English, but he was able to ask for an attorney in Spanish.”
You can go back to your obsession with ISIS now.
Ain’t it the truth!

Reply to  kentclizbe
July 13, 2015 10:52 pm

Thugs will be thugs. Those that want our total elimination is in a different category even if they seem inept.