Friday Funny: 'civil dialog in the climate world'

There’s an annoyance in the farce, and his moniker is “And Then There’s Physics” also known as “ATTP” and recently outed by Poptech as Dr. Ken Rice.  Ken Rice is…

Inconvenient study: Methane seepage from the Arctic seabed has been occurring for millions of years

Despite the ever present wailing from green activists that we are sitting on a “methane catastrophe”, it’s simply business as usual for Earth in the Arctic. Even Dr. Gavin Schmidt…

FAIL: Wildflower School Anti-frackers vandalize park trees with political anti-fracking message

From the Chico Enterprise-Record: Wildflower students linked to graffiti in Bidwell Park Recent graffiti in Bidwell Park was at the hands of students from a Chico charter school as part…

Fatally Flawed Marotzke Climate Science Paper 'Should Be Withdrawn'

Climate scientists should take some basic courses in statistics From the GWPF – London, 6 February: A recent paper in Nature has received worldwide media attention because of its claim…