Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

Brought to You by SEPP www.sepp.org The Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

Quote of the Week:

Details that could throw doubt on your interpretation must be given, if you know them. You must do the best you can – if you know anything at all wrong, or possibly wrong – to explain it. Richard Feynman Number of the Week: Greater than 15, yet less than 1 

9th International Conference on Climate Change

July 7 – 9 — Las Vegas, Nevada

Includes the Findings of the New Report by the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) Climate Change Reconsidered II


A message from S. Fred Singer, PhD

Chairman, Science & Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

We are excited to be once again co-sponsoring an International Conference on Climate Change ICCC-9 will be the ninth such assembly of nearly 1000 skeptics from all over the world These climate realists do not doubt the existence of climate change itself, but are skeptical of the simple-minded proposal to stop the climate from changing — or even to slow the process significantly — by replacing coal and oil to generate electric power and run cars with expensive and intermittent wind and solar energy …

Scientific data demonstrate convincingly that global temperatures have not risen for the past 15 or more years in spite of the measured ten percent rise in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Yet politicians and many scientists influenced by politics continue to ignore the overwhelming importance of natural causes of global warming and cooling; they –and not skeptical scientists — are the real deniers, The observed facts will always win out over artificial manmade theoretical models attempting to simulate the real climate on computers.

On behalf of the board of directors of SEPP, I congratulate The Heartland Institute for organizing ICCC-9 and for its many important publications about climate change – especially the series of reports “Climate Change Reconsidered” written by scientists of the Non-governmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) , available at www.NIPCCreport.org. We also thank the Chinese Academy of Sciences for translating and publishing some of these reports.



The nominations and voting has ended. The results will be announced at the conference of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness in July.


By Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

Temperature Tiff: The controversy in the climate blogs about the surface temperature record as reported by the US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) in conjunction with the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) appears to be ending. The main issues include: data adjustments for missing data, the moving of recording stations, the disappearance of recording stations and did Tom Heller, who blogs under the name Steve Goddard, use inappropriate methodology to state that the historic record has been distorted and there has been no appreciable warming trend in the US surface record since the 1930s?

The motivations of the government professional who maintain the records should not be an issue. However, press releases claiming May 2014 is the hottest May ever since the record started in 1880, without explaining the lack of consistency in the record, is very much at issue. Anthony Watts (WUWT) explains his role in the controversy in a way that is worthy of emulation. Joe D’Aleo (ICECAP) discusses stations that are no longer reporting temperatures, but continue in the record with estimates, not measurements, of temperatures. D’Aleo calls these zombie stations. Paul Homewood (Not a Lot of People Know) reports on major adjustments, apparently unwarranted, to a station in Luling Texas. The net effect was a significant cooling of 1934 temperatures as compared with 2013.

All this brings into question the consistency of the US surface temperature record, which is considered among the best in the world. The controversy illustrates why the satellite record of atmospheric temperatures should be the standard for estimating temperature trends. The satellite record is far more comprehensive, it is reported by two independent groups, and is independently confirmed by weather balloon data. It is not sensitive to changes in land use, such as urbanization, and it is in the atmosphere where the greenhouse effect takes place.

To further complicate the issue, Anthony Watts reports that NOAA has quietly changed the hottest month on record for the US back to July 1936, from July 2012. See links under Measurement Issues – Surface Temperatures

Statistical Significance: In a related issue, Andrew Montford (Bishop Hill) states that: “we are unable to demonstrate a statistically significant change in surface temperatures because of the difficulty in defining a statistical model that would describe the normal behaviour {British spelling] of surface temperatures, a claim that seems to have the support of the Met Office. I don’t know of any other metric in which a statistically significant change has been demonstrated.”

Montford explores the concept that the instrumental surface temperature record is too short to recognize if temperatures are out of the ordinary. The issue of statistical significance of the record depends upon a suitable statistical model of earth’s natural temperature variations – something that has not been developed.

A proper statistically model may require temperature variation over the Holocene (about the past 11,700 years). If so, the entire global warming issue would be minimized. Geologists, and others, report that the temperature variation during the Holocene was greater than temperature variation since the Little Ice Age and that there were a number of periods warmer than today. Montford’s assertion calls into question the numerous papers that calculate a statistical probability in order to claim current temperatures are unusual. See links under Questioning the Orthodoxy, Seeking a Common Ground, and Measurement Issues — Statistics

Coral Reefs: Die-back of coral reefs have been called proof that human-caused (anthropogenic) global warming (AGW) is destructive to the environment. We now have three more reports demonstrating that human influence can be destructive, but it is not from a warming, whether or not a human cause can be established. The International Union for Conservation of Nature, released a study on coral reefs in the Caribbean, and found a more than 50% decline in the coral cover from 1970 to 2012. Further, it reported the reefs may disappear within the next 20 years. Alarmists emphasized the disappearance, but ignored the title of the report which emphasized the decline can be reversed, if proper steps are taken. The decline is principally attributed to an overfishing of parrotfish and sea urchins, which feed on algae. The decline in these animal populations has resulted in a growth in algae, which smothers the coral. Another contributing cause is coastal pollution.

In addressing global warming the report states: “There is a weak but insignificant negative correlation between changes in coral cover and number of (DHWs) [degree heating weeks], regardless of whether the data were analyzed for each warming event or combined or whether we included all the localities or restricted to only localities that experienced at least 8 DHWs. Moreover, the greatest losses coral cover occurred of reef locations with less than 8 DHWs.” (pp 18-19)

A paper reviewed by NIPCC found that coastal pollution, not temperatures, is causing a decline in the Great Barrier Reef off Australia. Another paper reviewed by NIPCC analyzed natural temperature variation from the El Niño Southern Oscillation and stated this may cause a change in composition of life on the coral reefs off Brazil, but reefs remain healthy. See links under Changing Seas and NIPCC Reports.

Earth Tremors: A flurry of newspaper and other reports occurred stating that hydraulic fracturing (fracking) for oil and gas is causing minor earthquakes in the US. These reports were not accurate. A study released in January by the US Geological Survey (USGS) attributed an increase in minor earthquakes in Oklahoma to the injection of waste water into rock formations. This is a separate issue from the processes used to extract oil and gas.

Disposal of water from geological formations has long been an issue for the oil and gas industry. Waste water from fracking adds to it. This is an issue properly addressed by local officials and the oil and gas industry. See links under Oil and Natural Gas – the Future or the Past?

Climate-Smart Development? The World Bank and ClimateWorks [sic] Foundation published a joint report titled “Climate-Smart Development: Adding up the benefits of actions that help build prosperity, end poverty and combat climate change.” It contains some useful proposals, such developing of cleaner stoves in China. Such stoves would significant improve indoor air, and health, in many parts of the globe.

However, there are a number of questionable assertions in the report which give rise for concern. It uses the now trendy term “climate pollutants”, and includes carbon dioxide (CO2). It lists methane, carbon black, atmospheric ozone, and some hydrofluorocarbons as “short-lived climate pollutants” and asserts these are responsible for 40% of the current warming (which is no longer occurring. The report references the 2012 World Bank report: “Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4°C Warmer World Must Be Avoided.” The 2012 report uses the high end of the estimates of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes (IPCC) of warming from a doubling of atmospheric CO2, or equivalents. As the disparity between temperature forecasts from the models and atmospheric temperature observations increases, these high numbers are increasingly doubtful. Perhaps the new report will be a useful guide for improving the lives those in poverty, but, it is how programs are executed that is the deciding factor. See links under Expanding the Orthodoxy.

Questionable Papers: The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published a paper of questionable value. It claimed that heat, not natural disasters, will force people to move. The conclusions were based on a study of moves by 7,000 households over a 15 year period – located in Indonesia. Indonesia straddles the equator with latitude ranging from about 10 degrees S to 5 degrees N. To make generalizations from this study is absurd.

Las Vegas, Nevada is the site of the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change. Census data shows it population grew from 165,000 in 1980 to 583,000 in 2010. The average July high temperature is about 106 deg F. No doubt, most people moved to Las Vegas from a cooler climate. Could it be claimed that heat causes people to move to warmer climates?

Michael Oppenheimer of Princeton University is a co-author of the paper. He is a major influence in the IPCC and in Princeton’s climate model that does not accurately forecast temperatures. See links under Communicating Better to the Public – Make things up.

Past Famine: The National Science Foundation funded and published a paper on population changes in the US Southwest from 500 to about 1300. The population grew as farming, needing irrigation, grew. Then it crashed. This finding is not particularly new. Other research suggests that the population crash was the result of a major drought. Strangely, the article does not discuss the drought and is written in a way to imply overpopulation was the cause of the population crash.

What is particularly disturbing is that the article suggests modern civilization will soon suffer the consequences of overpopulation. It is the use of fossil fuels that has freed modern civilization from subsistence farming. A prolonged drought in modern countries may cause changes in food production, but it is doubtful if it would cause a population crash. The real fear is a major cooling period, which would limit production in upper latitudes, particularly the northern latitudes.

Number of the Week:( Greater than 15, yet less than 1. The Congressional Budget Office produced a report with a stunning graph – “Projected Use of Cellulosic Biofuels, Compared With the Use Mandated by the Renewable Fuel Standard”. It shows that by 2022 the law mandates that about 15 billion gallons of cellulosic biofuels must be used. But, the Energy Information Administrates projects that less than 1 billion gallons will be produced. A Washington mandate is not sufficient to make something feasible. Is the next step to issue a mandate that wind power be reliable? See link under Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Energy – Other.


For the numbered articles below, please see this week’s TWTW at:


The articles are at the end of the pdf.

1. Climate of Conformity

One of our writers gets sacked for dissenting on global warming.

Editorial, WSJ, Jul 4, 2014


2. Birth of a Climate Mafia

Why a green-pork blowout would do more harm than good.

By Holman Jenkins, WSJ, Jul 1, 2014


3. California’s Cap-and-Trade Revolt

Liberal Democrats worry that carbon limits will hurt the poor.

Editorial, WSJ, Jul 1, 2014



Challenging the Orthodoxy

Award Winning Skeptics and the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change

By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Jul 3, 2014


German Geologist: IPCC Models A Failure, “Have No Chance Of Success”…Sees Possible 0.2°C Of Cooling By 2020

Summary of Sebastian Lüning’s Presentation at the EIKE Conference

By P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Jun 29, 2014


IPCC Method Of Proving The “Human Caused Warming (AGW)” Hypothesis Forced Deliberate Creation of Misinformation

By Tim Ball, A Different Perspective, Jun 30, 2014


Blinded by Beliefs: The Straight Poop on Emperor Penguins

By Jim Steele, WUWT, Jul 1, 2014


Defending the Orthodoxy

To address climate change, nothing substitutes for reducing CO2 emissions

By Staff Writers, Chicago IL (SPX), Jul 01, 2014


[SEPP Comment: It would be interesting to ask the good professor what caused past warming periods.]

Problems with Risky Climate Projections

By Sierra Rayne, American Thinker, Jul 3, 2014


Questioning the Orthodoxy

ROHRABACHER: Presidential snow job on global warming

A congressman sets the record straight

By Dana Rohrabacher, Washington Times, Jun 27, 2014


Apollo Astronaut: Climate Alarmism Is the ‘Biggest Fraud in the Field of Science’

97% Climate Consensus ‘Most Nonsensical, Stupid Number in the World’

By Craig Bannister, CNS,news, Jul 2, 2014


Climate change: The moment I became a climate skeptic

By Zev Chafets, Fox News, Jun 30, 2014 [H/t ACS]


Today’s Climate Scandal

By Steven Hayward, Power Line, Jul 4, 2014


HARRIS: A climate of fear on global warming

Obama’s climate-change orthodoxy is discouraging scientific progress

By Tom Harris, Washington Times, Jun 30, 2014


Leading German Daily: “Apocalypse Will Not Take Place”…Richard Tol: “97% Consensus Does Not Exist”!

By P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Jul 3, 2014


More People Means More Plant Growth

By Kathryn Hansen, Washington DC (SPX), Jul 03, 2014


The debate at the FST

By Andrew Montford, Bishop Hill, Jul 2, 2014


Link to report: What is the right level of response to anthropogenic induced climate change?

By Mark Walport, et al., Foundation for Science and Technology, Jun 16, 2014


Social Benefits of Carbon

Effects of Increased C02 on Herbaceous Plant Pests

By Staff Writers, CO2 Science and SPPI, Jul 2, 2014


Problems in the Orthodoxy

Data Deleted From UN Climate Report Highlight Controversies

New papers debate limitations in international agreements

By Brian Howard, National Geographic, Jul 3, 2014


Link to paper: IPCC lessons from Berlin ($$$)

By Brad Wible, Science, Jul 4, 2014


CORRECTED-Australia sees limited G20 appetite on new climate change steps

By Randall Palmer, Reuters, Jul 2, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


India to strengthen climate change negotiation team

By Staff Writers, Times of India, Jun 30, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


Act Locally, Wish Globally

Proposed carbon-emission cuts would hobble the U.S. economy but do nothing for global levels.

By Kevin D. Williamson, National Review Online, Jun 23, 2014 [H/t Timothy Wise]


Leading insurer to close its climate change office, leaving the industry ‘mute’

By Evan Lehmann, E&E, Jun 27, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


Zurich Insurance Group is closing its U.S. climate change office six years after opening it to help persuade companies to press public officials for solutions to climbing disaster losses, according to several sources.

Zurich’s decision comes amid a flush of visibility for the office and its director, Lindene Patton, who in recent months helped write the National Climate Assessment, testified before a Senate panel and spoke at the White House.

[SEPP Comment: The US National Climate Assessment is an alarmist document that fails to give solid evidence supporting its claims. It does not even distinguish between natural and human causes.]

Seeking a Common Ground

Where there is harmony, let us create discord

By Andrew Montford, Bishop Hill, Jul 3, 2014


Overconfident predictions risk damaging trust in climate science, prominent scientists warn

By Roz Pidcock, Carbon Brief, Jul 2, 2014


Link to paper: Uncertainties in the timing of unprecedented climates

By Hawkins, et al, Nature, Jul 3, 2014



By Judith Curry, Climate Etc. Jul 2, 2014


Yet not once has overconfidence by actual scientists been demonstrated. You just keep making that up. – Chris Colose

[SEPP Comment: Colose’s statement is demolished!]

Consensus angst

By Judith Curry, Climate Etc. Jun 30, 2014


Review of Recent Scientific Articles by NIPCC

For a full list of articles see


Modelling Drought Throughout the World

Reference: Trenberth, K.E., Dai, A., van der Schrier, G., Jones, P.D., Barichivich, J., Briffa, K.R. and Sheffield, J. 2014. Global warming and changes in drought. Nature Climate Change 4: 17-22.


Trenberth et al. ultimately conclude “it is probably not possible to determine reliable decadal and longer-term trends in drought due to climate change without first accounting for the effects of ENSO and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation,” the former of which phenomena they describe as “the most common source of episodic droughts around the world.” Thus, it would appear there are still numerous significant problems that need to be resolved before the desired results can be obtained. And until this occurs, drought predictions should be looked at with a very jaundiced eye.

What Is the Greatest Threat to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef?

Reference: Bell, P.R.F., Elmetri, I. and Lapointe, B.E. 2014. Evidence of large-scale chronic eutrophication in the Great Barrier Reef: Quantification of chlorophyll a thresholds for sustaining coral reef communities. Ambio 43: 361-376.


Responses of Emergent Intertidal Coral Reefs to a Strong El-Niño

Reference: Kelmo, F., Bell, J.J., Moraes, S.S., Gomes, R.C.T., Mariano-Neto, E. and Attrill, M.J. 2014. Differential responses of emergent intertidal coral reef fauna to a large-scale El-Niño Southern Oscillation Event: Sponge and coral resilience. PLOS ONE 9: e93209.


The Upside of a CO2-Induced Decrease in Plant Nutritive Value

Reference: Yin, J., Sun, Y. and Ge, F. 2014. Reduced plant nutrition under elevated CO2 depresses the immunocompetence of cotton bollworm against its endoparasite. Scientific Reports 14: 10.1038/srep04538.


Models v. Observations

Models and Temperatures.

By Anthony Cox, ACS, Jul 1, 2014


Measurement Issues – Carbon Dioxide

NASA carbon observatory finally reaches space: Let the CO2 hunt begin!

By Deborah, LA Times, Jul 2, 2014


NASA satellite to inventory climate-changing carbon from space

By Irene Klotz, Reuters, Jun 29, 2014 [H/t Clyde Spencer]


NASA launches carbon-tracking satellite

By Staff Writers, Washington (AFP), July 02, 2014


Measurement Issues – Surface Temperatures

The data games – the transition from real data to model/data hybrids

By Joseph D’Aleo, ICECAP, Jul 2, 2014


The scientific method is at work on the USHCN temperature data set

By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Jun 28, 2014


Did Federal Climate Scientists Fudge Temperature Data to Make It Warmer?

Practicing the Dark Art of Trend Adjustment

By Ronald Bailey, Reason.com, Jul 3, 2014


Laying the Points Out

By Brandon Shollenberger, IZURU, Jul 2, 2014 [H/t Climate Etc.]


NOAA’s temperature control knob for the past, the present, and maybe the future – July 1936 now hottest month again

By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Jun 29, 2014


Massive Temperature Adjustments At Luling, Texas

By Paul Homewood, Not a Lot of People Know That, Jun 26, 2014


More NASA GISS temperature tampering, this time in Iceland & surrounding subarctic

By Staff Writer, The Hockey Schtick, Jun 30, 2014


NASA’s Arctic Fudge Factory: “More Than Half” Of Claimed Arctic Warming Stems From “Data Adjustments”

Is GISS Also Cheating in the Arctic?

By Ed Caryl, No Tricks Zone, Jul 1, 2014


NOAA Reinstates July 1936 As The Hottest Month On Record

By Michael Bastasch, Daily Caller, Jun 30, 2014 [H/t Deke Forbes]


Measurement Issues — Statistics

Lessons from the shop floor

By John Shade, Bishop Hill, Jul 4, 2014


Changing Weather

Spiegel: Europe’s “Gigantic Catastrophe” Happened in 1540 (When CO2 Was 30% Less Than Today!)

By P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Jul 2, 2014


Link to paper: The year-long unprecedented European heat and drought of 1540 – a worst case

By Wetter, et al., Climate Change, June 2014


Should We Expect Fewer Hurricanes in the Near Future?

By Paul C. “Chip” Knappenberger and Patrick J. Michaels, CATO, Jul 3, 2014


Climate Change ‘Experts’ Didn’t See This Coming: Rising Water Levels In The Great Lakes

By Hannah Bleau, Daily Caller, Jul 2, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


Lake Superior Water Level Sees Fastest Rise in 98 Years

By Roy Spencer, His Blog, Jun 30, 2014


El Nino intensity cannot be known beyond two months, says research body

By Alicia Villegas, Undercurrentnews, Jun 27, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


Eight Misconceptions About El Niño (and La Niña)

By Francesco Fiondella, International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Jun 30, 2014 [H/t Bob Tisdale WUWT]


Is An El Nino Impeding Indian Monsoon Progress At Present?

Madhav Khandekar, The Global Warming Policy Foundation, Jun 7, 2014


Changing Seas

From despair to repair: Dramatic decline of Caribbean corals can be reversed

Press Release:,IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Jul 2, 2014


Link to report: Status and Trends of Caribbean Coral Reefs; 1970-2012

By Jackson, et al, Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, No Date


Changing Cryosphere – Land / Sea Ice

Antarctica sets new record for sea ice

By Harold Ambler, Talking About The Weather, Jun 29, 2014


Agriculture Issues & Fear of Famine

GM crops are good for the environment

Fighting pests with genes is better than fighting them with sprays

By Matt Ridley, Rational Optimist, Jul 2, 2014


And it’s gambling with charitable donations! It [Greenpeace] makes Goldman Sachs look like the Angel Gabriel.

Un-Science or Non-Science?

Claim: Putting a price tag on the 2°C climate target no more expensive than fossil fuels

By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Jul 3, 2014


Link to paper: Energy Investments Under Climate Policy; A Comparison of Global Models

By McCollum, et al., Climate Change Economics, Jun 4, 2014


[SEPP Comment: The models used. Integrated Assessment Models (IAM), are based on climate models, which have not been validated. Climate models are forecasting far greater warming than observations show. The results of the IAM models can be no more reliable than the results of the climate models.]

Lowering Standards

Isn’t it annoying when the inevitable happens

By John Brignell, Number Watch, June 2014 (under title Number of the Month)


The BBC and its scientists

By Andrew Montford, Bishop Hill, Jul 4, 2014


The BBC’s reeducation programme

By Andrew Montford, Bishop Hill, Jul 4, 2014


BBC spends £500k to ask 33,000 Asians 5,000 miles from UK what they think of climate change: Corporation savaged for ‘astonishing’ campaign survey on global warming

By David Rose, Mail, UK, Jun 28, 2014


Hoskins vs Lawson: The Climate Debate The BBC Wants To Censor

BBC Transcript by Staff Writers, GWPF, Jun 29, 2014


Communicating Better to the Public – Exaggerate, or be Vague?

Clive Palmer and Al Gore become convenient allies

By Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, AU, Jun 30, 2014


Polar Bear Specialist Group just had another secret meeting

By Susan Crockford, Polar Bear Science, Jul 1, 2014


Communicating Better to the Public – Make things up.

With climate change, heat more than natural disasters will drive people away

By Staff Writers, Princeton NJ (SPX), Jul 03, 2014 [H/t WUWT]


Link to paper: Nonlinear permanent migration response to climatic variations but minimal response to disasters

By Pratikshya Bohra-Mishraa, Michael Oppenheimer and Solomon M. Hsiangc, PNAS, Jun 23, 2014


Emperor Penguins In Peril From Computer Models

By Thomas Richard, Climate Change Dispatch, Jul 1, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


Link to paper: Projected continent-wide declines of the emperor penguin under climate change

By Jenouvrier, et al., Nature Climate Change, Jun 29, 2014


[SEPP Comment: We do not know what will happen, but it all will be bad for the penguin.]

“Global Warming, the Movie” Starring: Freezing

By Robert Tracinski, Federalist, Jul 1, 2014 [H/t WUWT]


Expanding the Orthodoxy

Climate Smart Development

By Judith Curry, Climate Etc. Jul 4, 2014


Link to report: Climate-Smart Development: Adding up the benefits of actions that help build prosperity, end poverty and combat climate change

By Akbar, et al., ClimateWorks Foundation and World Bank, No Date


Questioning European Green

Green energy cost hits record high as expensive turbines built at sea

Annual bill for consumers to subsidise renewable technologies has soared to more than £2.5bn as more plants are built and the cost for each unit of electricity rises

By Emily Gosden and James Kirkup, Telegraph, UK, Jun 28, 2014


Green energy budget faces squeeze as power prices forecast to stay flat this decade

Ratings agency Moody’s becomes the latest expert voice to question the Government’s forecast of rising power prices

By Emily Gosden, Telegraph, UK, Jul 2, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


Questioning Green Elsewhere

Cost of ‘green’ initiatives is U.S. security

Inhofe: President values climate over military readiness

By Kelly Riddell, Washington Times, Jun 29, 2014


Abbott slams green power industry

By Phillip Coorey and Jacor Greber, Australian Financial Review, Jul 2, 2014


Green Jobs

Tesla Enthusiasm for Battery Swap Wanes After Subsidies Disappear

By Paul Chesser, NLPC, Jun 30, 2014


Non-Green Jobs

Shale-Rich Texas Set to Overtake Opec Major Iraq in Oil Production

By Jerin Mathew, International Business Times, Jul 3, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


U.S. Fracking Has ‘Cut Carbon More Than The Whole World’s Wind And Solar’

By Staff Writers, Oil and Gas Online, Jun 30, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


[SEPP Comment: By cutting CO2, could fracking be considered a green industry?]

Funding Issues

Paris pact hinges on successful $100 bn Green Climate Fund: Javadekar to French minister

Tells the Green Funds should be used to buy out IPRs of clean technologies to distribute to poor countries

By Nitin Sethi, Business Standard (India), Jul 2, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


The Political Games Continue

Energy Preferences to Play Big Role in November

By Joel Kotkin, His Blog, Jun 30, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


The Epic Hypocrisy of Tom Steyer, NY Times Edition

By Scott Johnson, Power Line, Jul 5, 2014


Litigation Issues

EDIORIAL: Rigged ‘science’

The Supreme Court swallows faked global warming data

Editorial, The Washington Times, Jun 23, 2014 [H/t William Readdy]


Nine states join lawsuit against EPA climate rule

By Laura Barron-Lopez, The Hill, Jul 1, 2014


EPA chief: Bring on the climate fight

By Laura Barron-Lopez, The Hill, Jul 3, 2014


Cap-and-Trade and Carbon Taxes

The Carbon Regulation Bubble

Hank Paulson endorses a carbon tax. But is he right this time?

Editorial, WSJ, Via Hockey Schtick, Jun 29, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Sub-prime science is no better than sub-prime finance.]

Subsidies and Mandates Forever

What happens when the money runs out?

By Martin Livermore, The Scientific Alliance, Jul 4, 2014


Consumer energy bills to rise to keep power plants open

Households will fund retainer payments to keep more than 53GW of power stations ready to fire up when needed

By Emily Gosden, Telegraph, UK, Jun 30, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


“insurance premium against the risk of blackouts”.

Households face paying too much for offshore wind farms

National Audit Office criticises Government for handing out £16.6bn worth of green energy subsidies without competition to push down prices

By Emily Gosden, Telegraph, UK, Jun 27, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


EU Court Ends Salmond’s Hopes For Green Subsidies

By Peter Jones, The Times, Via GWPF, Jul 4, 2014


German MPs adopt cuts for green energy subsidies

By Staff Writers, AFP, Jun 27, 2014


EPA and other Regulators on the March

Breaking EPA’s Climate Science Secrecy Barrier

By Paul Driessen, Townhall, Jul 1, 2014 [H/t Clyde Spencer]


EPA Harasses Americans

By Robert Gordon, The Daily Signal, Jul 3, 2014 [H/t Roy Spencer]


[SEPP Comment: Demanding the power to garnish wages of non-federal workers, without court approval, for the EPA to levee questionable fines against citizens who have modified the property they own.]

FOIA Request Aims To Revive Fight On Validity Of EPA Climate Risk Finding

By Stuart Parker, Inside Defense, Jun 30 2014 [H/t GWPF]


How the EPA’s empire-building got in the way of its science

By Ron Arnold, Washington Examiner, Jul 1, 2014


Bush Agencies Got It Right on EPA

By Larry Bell, NEWSMAX, Jun 30, 2014


Energy Issues – Non-US

Powering the Fight Against Poverty

By Bill Gates, Gates Notes, Jun 25, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Disagree with the statement “While there is some uncertainty about the exact impact [of increasing atmospheric CO2], there is nearly universal scientific agreement that these effects will be bad.”]

As Poor Nations Grow, Carbon Emissions Rise

By Jack Dini, Canada Free Press, Jul 2, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


Two Videos That Illuminate Energy Poverty

By Bill Gates, Gates Notes, Jun 25, 2014


Winter Is Coming

Europe’s Energy Future Looks Bleak

By Walter Russell Mead & Staff, American Interest, Jul 1, 2014


Book: Fracking Means Freedom From Russia, OPEC

By Michael Bastasch, Daily Caller, Jun 30, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


Russia’s secret weapons in the energy war

By Vivienne Walt, Fortune, Jun 27, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


Would Russia Kill European Fracking to Protect Gazprom?

By Reuben Brewer, The Motley Fool, Jul 4, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


Energy Issues — US

Energy Efficiency Mirage

By Donn Dears, Power For USA, Jul 4, 2014


Washington’s Control of Energy

Message to the President: data shows ‘CO2 Reduction is Futile’

By Ed Hoskins, WUWT, Jul 4, 2014


Obama pleas to China, India to forgo use of coal falls on deaf ears

Far East shuns renewables for cheap energy

By Ben Wolfgang, Washington Times, Jul 3, 2014


Obama Continues his Attack on U.S. Energy

By Alan Caruba, Warning Signs, Jun 30, 2014


Oil and Natural Gas – the Future or the Past?

Fracking Benefits America

By Donn Dears, Power For USA, Jul 1, 214


‘Small number’ of gas drilling wells shaking up Okla., study says

By Javier David, CNBC, Jul 3, 2014


Link to report: Man-Made Earthquakes Update

By Ellsworth et al., USGS, Jan 17, 2014


Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Solar and Wind

As Wind Farm Gets Permit to Kill Eagles, AP’s Scott Smith Claims Wind Energy Has ‘Exploded’ Under Obama

By Tom Blumer, Newsbusters, Jun 28, 2014 [H/t Timothy Wise]


Obama grants wind industry permit to kill eagles, ruffling more than feathers

By Valerie Richardson, The Washington Times, Jul 2, 2014 [H/t Timothy Wise]


Renewable energy investments to surge globally by 2030

By Laura Barron-Lopez, The Hill, Jul 1, 2014


[SEPP Comment: Doubtful! Unable to find report.]

Alternative, Green (“Clean”) Energy — Other

The Renewable Fuel Standard: Issues for 2014 and Beyond

By Staff writers, CBO, Jun 26, 2014


This Standard Is One Reason the Price of Gas Will Increase

By David Kreutzer, Daily Signal, Jun 30, 2014


EPA’s ethanol mandate for 2014 behind schedule

By Christopher Doering, Des Moines Register, Jun 27, 2014 [H/t Deke Forbes]


Environmental Industry

Greenpeace Loses Credibility In The Wake Of Huge Scandals

By Michael Bastasch, Daily Caller, Jun 27, 2014 [H/t GWPF]


League of Conservation Voters brings in climate muscle

By Laura Barron-Lopez, The Hill, Jul 3, 2014


Other Scientific News

Hearing danger: predator vibrations trigger plant chemical defenses

By Roger Meissn,, Univ of Missouri, Jul 2, 2014


Other News that May Be of Interest

Second coming of Nigel Lawson: The former Chancellor on fracking, global warming and why David Cameron has blown it in Europe

Three decades after his glory years as Margaret Thatcher’s longest-serving Chancellor, the irrepressible Lord Lawson is revelling in his political twilight

By Jane Merrick, Independent, UK, Jun 29, 2014 [H/t GWPF]



Climate change could stop fish finding their friends

By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Jul 3, 2014


Kudzu can release soil carbon, accelerate global warming

By Staff Writers, Clemson SC (SPX), Jul 03, 2014


Scientists chart a baby boom–in southwestern Native Americans from 500 to 1300 A.D.

Southwest U.S. experience holds lesson in over-population

By Staff Writers, NSF, Jun 30, 2014


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July 7, 2014 8:31 am

I intensely dislike the number of links to paywalled WSJ articles.

July 7, 2014 10:03 am

Here is the link to the schedule and live feed for the Vegas climate conference.
There is a very extensive list of presenters, including our host here at WUWT!

July 7, 2014 10:27 am

TomB, chill out, man. If it so intensely fills you with anger, get a subscription to WSJ.

richard verney
July 7, 2014 10:57 am

Given that Climate Scientist know that the ‘science’ that they produce is used for the formation of policy, don’t Climate Scientist owe a duty of care to all those who may be adversely affected by policy which governments introduce based upon the ‘science’ being put forward to governments by those Climate Scientist.
The quote from Feynman is apposite. This is my biggest gripe. I can accept the science being wrong, and scientist making errors. It is the dishonesty that concerns me, that dishonesty being the claims of too much certainty arising out of over extrapolation of flawed data sets, which have significant but not properly acknowledged error bandwidths.

Walter Allensworth
July 7, 2014 10:57 am

Links to paywalled articles do not help the very people you are trying to help… the general public who cannot afford to go buy memberships at all of the common paywall sites.

July 7, 2014 11:11 am

Paywalled site = doesn’t exist.
Don’t bother posting it. It is more than annoying.

July 7, 2014 11:29 am

SEPP ==> This = “The decline is principally attributed to an overfishing of parrotfish and sea urchins…” is a misstatement. The parrotfishes have been overfished but the sea urchins experienced an unexplained die-off around 1983 (? – think I got that date right) — they were not overfished.

July 7, 2014 11:57 am

I second that Kip! As for the paywall, why not support one of the few papers that generally are skeptical of carbonmania. They are all struggling ( newspapers) so I willingly support those who more often than not give a balanced view… It doesn’t cost much more than a round of golf. (Which I just finished…81 thank you very much)

July 7, 2014 1:30 pm

I found that if you enter the title of the article into Google, you can access it for free from the search results.

July 7, 2014 1:39 pm

Perhaps not as newsworthy as some developments this week, I do have an announcement that may be of interest to some.
Though a backwater of hive-studies, perhaps, I have heretofore pursued, as the specialty area of my scholarly endeavors, an extended investigation of the Deltoid-blog. And, not to brag, but it was my continuing inquiries into the Deltoid-blog that uncovered the previously-unsuspected leading-role that “excarnation” plays in the hive’s burial rituals. And that discovery–again, not to toot my own horn too loudly–then served to answer the “Big Question” that had previously plagued my fellow Deltoid-blog researchers: Why has the hive chosen to display Deltoid’s grisly remains, in full view of the public, rather than giving Deltoid a decent and dignified interment?
I recall all this because this comment is likely to be my valedictory report on the Deltoid-blog. You see, I’ve just perused Deltoid’s July 2014 “Open Thread” and have observed no activity of note. Yes, one might spot, now-and-then, a few, stray carrion-feeders–and those, the most primitive of the life-form–scuttling about the blog’s post-mortem rot. But nothing to pique the interest of a veteran investigator, like moi, who can recall Deltoid’s glory-days, when Deltoid-land was a-teem with the pick of the eco-elite’s top-predator, pack-attack, motor-mouth hive-bozos. But they are all gone now. And who ever suspected that the “Deltoid Dead-Enders” had a gag-reflex, finally, anyway? One last, sad, little factoid-discovery on which to end my scholarly labors.
In other words, I am bidding my Deltoid-blog studies farewell and seeking new worlds for that simplest of reasons, best caught in words of George Saunder’s famous exit-line: “I’m bored.”

July 7, 2014 4:11 pm

webhp?complete=0 (if you don’t want auto complete)

July 7, 2014 4:26 pm

Willis – Palin clueless? Perhaps. Wimp? Um, I don’t think so.

July 7, 2014 4:28 pm

You only get one shot at the WSJ articles through Google before clearing cookies.