The Sea Level Cycles Get More Elusive

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach In my last post on the purported existence of the elusive ~60-year cycle in sea levels as claimed in the recent paper “Is there a 60-year…

Nigel Lawson: Cool It

Standpoint, May 2014 This essay is based on the text of a speech given to the Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment at the University of Bath. There is…

Study: weather, not climate, is a political force in May Day

Ow, my brain. Below is the actual title of a publication referenced by Springerlink. While the title seems ridiculous, there is a valid point. The paper says it is from:…

In some coastal cities, subsidence now exceeds absolute sea level rise up to a factor of ten

There is a story in the Daily Mail cited by the GWPF which talks about subsidence due to groundwater extraction. For example, North Jakarta Indonesia has sunk four meters in…

Top Ten Skeptical Arguments that Don’t Hold Water

(Note: this originally published on Dr. Spencer’s blog on April 25th, and I asked if I could reproduce it here. While I know some readers might argue the finer points…

Claim: climate change targeting wine grapes

Neiker-Tecnalia studies the effects of climate change on Tempranillo grape wines Climate change is set to affect the quality of the wines of the Tempranillo grape variety, according to the…

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