Doha delegation using hurricane Sandy as a call to action

There is no trend whatsoever in US hurricane strength – this graph proves it. Click for story.

(via CFACT) The latest round of climate talks began this week in Doha, Qatar in the usual fashion – namely, with alarmist claims that the world is being imperiled by manmade global warming and it’s time for “action.”

Naturally, the U.S. is being chided to join the crowd, especially since it failed to do so last time by refusing to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. To pressure Uncle Sam into getting-with-the-program, some nations, like Gambia, have shamelessly stooped to using Hurricane Sandy and the outcome of our presidential election as a prod.

On Tuesday, the representative from Gambia said:

“We hope that the year with a monster storm . . . as well as the re-elected leadership will lead the U.S. to be more active and will no longer be a disinterested bystander in this process.”

To address this matter, CFACT’s Marc Morano recently appeared on Fox News’ Neil Cavuto show and said that using storms as a poster child for global warming is devoid of science.

Watch the complete interview below.

Stated Morano:

“We have gone the longest period since the Civil War without a major landfalling category 3 or larger hurricane to hit the United States. If anything, global warming would prevent — at least Atlantic hurricanes — from making landfall.”

These facts have not deterred the Green activists and negotiators in Doha, however. Over the next few days, I and my CFACT team will be arriving in Doha to hold the UN’s feet to the fire.

As we proved in Durban last year, when the UN scuttled plans for an International Climate Court after we broke the story, CFACT knows how to be effective at UN conferences.

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November 29, 2012 10:03 am

The Gambia, a place where their President Jammeh claimed to have discovered a cure for AIDS – a herbal mixture. I am sure given the small size of Gambia and how the country surrounds the river Gambia, they would consider themselves potetnial victims of AGW and expect a lot of Western money to compensate them.

Gail Combs
November 29, 2012 10:25 am

I am glad CFACT will be there.

November 29, 2012 10:29 am

I just love this from the Guardian correspondent Fiona Harvey reporting on the Qatar Doha conference (see related articles )
“ Even pouring a glass of water involves hurting a Polar Bear”!!
Dear Oh Dear she does have a bad case of climatephobia.

Louis Hooffstetter
November 29, 2012 10:31 am

1. Name a famous scientist from The Gambia
2. Name a top University in The Gambia
3. Name anything or anyone from The Gambia that has contributed to improving the world

Coach Springer
November 29, 2012 10:35 am

Warmists don’t have a lot to go with this time, do they? Still, you have fight the battles and the war. Go get ’em.

November 29, 2012 10:36 am

And let’s not forget, one of those at Doha, claims Greenland melted away entirely, in 4 days last July:

John F. Hultquist
November 29, 2012 10:54 am

The USA is deep in debt and continues to spend. Actions are taking place, but as Holman Jenkins (WSJ 11/23/2012) writes “none dare call it default.” Entitlements will be cut. Taxes are going up. Cities and states using bankruptcy to solve there pension obligations. Medicare paying less to doctors and hospitals. Payouts from savings (dividends and capital gains) by those now retired to be taxed more. Its only fair! Then there is inflationary financing – “printing money” – now just a key-click, no paper or ink required.
The future looks like this:

November 29, 2012 11:28 am

“We hope that the year with a monster storm . . . ”

In other words, we can’t let a crisis go to waste even if we have to confuse the public into thinking that “weather” is the same as “climate.” But if skeptics ever try to use a similar tactic, they are to be burned at the stake for blasphemy against the Church of Gaia. Are there still thinking people out there who can’t see through such obvious hypocrisy?

November 29, 2012 11:29 am

You might want to add a byline — other than “(via CFACT)” — to this post. Otherwise, it looks like you will be traveling to Qatar, per the line “I and my CFACT team will be arriving in Doha…”

Reality check
November 29, 2012 11:32 am

The amount of warming just keeps going up and up and up. I noted 4 degrees, 6 degrees. What happened to 3 degrees is catastrophic? Actually, the real problem appears to be people’s memories (can’t remember a warmer year) and their inability to deal with real life (“frankenstorm”–really?). Now 3 inches of snow is a winter storm. It seems the climate doesn’t have to change if we can make people think everything is just sooooo hard and if we only quit burning fossil fuels it would be so much better. Since people cannot remember blizzards from last winter, it seems safe to say they will never remember history and what life was like before oil and electricity entered the picture.

Steve (Paris)
November 29, 2012 11:36 am

Gambia was a flea pit when I was there 25 years ago. Friends in Senegal tell me its gone downhill since. Shame because the people are real tough and really charming.

john robertson
November 29, 2012 11:39 am

Damn the canadian delegation must have dropped their talking points, to the learned brethren of the united nations, gathered here today to sign this historic document making the use of the deadly compound, Di-hydrogen Monoxide a criminal offence through out the civilized world, all right thinking educated people agree…..
Stupid is not self perpetuating. Is it going to end with a whimper or bang?
Will the French mind if we infringe on the patented use of the Guillotine?

Ken Chapman
November 29, 2012 11:40 am

Are the folks in Qatar promoting “alternative” energy nuts? Oil and gas account for more than 50% of their GDP, roughly 85% of export earnings, and 70% of government revenues.

Ian H
November 29, 2012 11:44 am

Looking at the many stories manufactured at Doha for the press this year, there is a lot of very loud and strident assertion of distorted truths and outright untruths going on right now. At the risk of invoking Godwin’s law I think this is called the “big lie” technique.

November 29, 2012 11:51 am

That’s the second Marc Morano interview I’ve seen today (one on MSM, one on alternative). He puts his points very well (well he did today anyway). We all know it’s a scam devoid of science, but the vast majority of the public do not.
Marc mentioned the Mayan calender in that interview, saying that’s the level of ‘science’ these alarmists have descended to. In the other interview he compared it to the burning of witches in the middle ages.
Yesterday I read somewhere that the Mayan calendar hangs in the entrance foyer to some UN building somewhere. I’ll need to check that out, but seriously, the UN is totally out of control. I don’t remember anyone electing these guys to run the planet. The latest I’ve heard is that they now want to control the internet. God save us from these wretched control freaks who know – so well – how to control the ‘mind’ of the public.

November 29, 2012 11:52 am

FrankK says: “I just love this from the Guardian correspondent Fiona Harvey reporting on the Qatar Doha conference (see related articles ) “ Even pouring a glass of water involves hurting a Polar Bear”!!
Is it a strange attractor? Is it chaos theory? Is it a fractal equation calculation? Is it quantum entanglement? No, it’s a “Tipping Point” in the Anthropocene Age:
Sustainable Climate Risk Management Strategies
“Human beings live in a new age, many scientists believe, one called the Anthropocene, in which human effects on Earth’s systems are powerful regulators of how those systems function. Or how they are beginning to break down.” ~National Science Foundation
“The Economist totally accepts that climate change is happening much faster than expected, the geological association of America last year entitled its conference as being about the Anthropocene. We have created a new geological era through human activities.”” ~Natalie Bennett: Green Party Leader and American Geological Association

November 29, 2012 11:55 am

$300 a day plus food and refreshments plus transport and travel for how many people plus junket support staff? The attendees to this conference could have done a lot of good in the world by staying home and donating the money to the charity of their choice. Whatever happened to video conferencing? Course you can’t lobby and have secret side meetings out of the public eye, or have publicity stunts in a video conference. Lots of people on the gravy train.

November 29, 2012 11:58 am

Sorry, going off tangent here about Doha( my mum always said I had no discipline), but just been reading about civalizations that have collapsed due to climate change in the past,
the Xia Dynasty collapsed while the Yi and Luo Rivers
dried up, and the Shang Dynasty collapsed while the Yellow River dried up.
Yellow River dried up!!!, it supplies water to over a hundred million people, how can a river
this size dry up.
Makes me laugh when they talk about climate change today when i read of the mega droughts and storms over the past 1000 years.

Climategate 2.0
November 29, 2012 11:59 am

This is proof that US hurricanes are obviously on the take from big oil.

Gail Combs
November 29, 2012 12:29 pm

richard says:
November 29, 2012 at 11:58 am
Sorry, going off tangent here about Doha( my mum always said I had no discipline), but just been reading about civilizations that have collapsed due to climate change in the past…
You might want to look at the articles E. M. Smith wrote links are here
He did a lot of digging on the subject.

November 29, 2012 12:44 pm

Hello Gail, Was having a snout through this one today,

November 29, 2012 12:44 pm

Steve (Paris) says:
November 29, 2012 at 11:36 am
Gambia was a flea pit when I was there 25 years ago. Friends in Senegal tell me its gone downhill since. Shame because the people are real tough and really charming.

I once met a guy who said his ambition was to buy the Gambia – and widen the river! (Atlas required for those who are geographically challenged.)

kevin king
November 29, 2012 12:53 pm

I would imagine gambia is like any other flea pit in Africa. Shocking that the UK still insists on throwing away 1% of GDP on a bunch of tryrants and war criminals. Still I guess Tony Blair kicked it all off and he should know one when he sees one.

November 29, 2012 12:58 pm

I’ve lately been watching the Qatar owned al Jazeera news station. It’s completely disheartening to see it also sending green propaganda films and talking of raising awareness. It’s no surprise that CNN and BBC are airing them but al Jazeera has so far been a more reliable and balanced news channel in almost any news.
I know that a lot of people in western countries do associate al Jazeera with terrorists, but it is actually a high quality news channel. A lot less biased than their western colleagues.
I hope that this is only temporary as Qatar is hosting the conference and that common sense wins in the end. But Qatar should understand that there is nothing whatsoever that they can do to get the environmentalists to accept them. No matter how nice or respectfully you treat them, the environmentalists just hate all that the oil countries stand for. So it’s completely pointless to even try to play nice with them.

November 29, 2012 1:02 pm

Gail says:
…. civilizations in the past ….
Right up there with Willis’ article on extinctions – “Where Are The Skeletons?”

November 29, 2012 1:08 pm

Just curious … why Doha, Qatar? Why not, say, Chicago,USA or St Petersburg, Russia?

November 29, 2012 1:23 pm

Glad to see the USA is willing to snap to attention when the representative from Gambia speaks.

November 29, 2012 1:35 pm

vieras –
u say u’ve only been watching aljazeera “lately”. sorry to tell u but it’s been a CAGW-pusher for years.

kbray in california
November 29, 2012 1:38 pm

The UN is dominated by ne’er-do-well countries with their hand out.
It’s an entitlement mentality that works until the 1st world goes broke.
It’s identical to the entitlement overspending problems we have in the USA and Europe.
As they say, Socialism works great until you run out of other people’s money.
Redistribution of wealth via carbon taxing will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

November 29, 2012 1:44 pm

Its been clear for years that AGW proponents have no issue at all with claiming that weather is climate when doing so helps support ‘the cause ‘ , In this case it really little more than an attempt to run guilt trip on some governments to pony up a ton a cash to give to other governments, which they will then of course spend on ‘climate change measures’
Frankly China and Indian have no intention of signing up to anything that requires them in anyway suffer and if the USA takes the same approach has list time its a dead idea anyway no matter which others decided to sign such a suicide note.

November 29, 2012 1:48 pm

NoAstronomer says:
November 29, 2012 at 1:08 pm
“Just curious … why Doha, Qatar? Why not, say, Chicago,USA or St Petersburg, Russia?

Because Copenhagen and a large part of the NH was being hit by record cold and snowfall during that global warming conference and Cancun was beset with record cold for that global warming conference. Totally embarrassing!
Oil country or not, this time they are holding the conference somewhere that there is no chance of snowfall…. or so they think ;o)
I am eagerly awaiting reports of snow in Doha. Twice was amusing coincidence. Three times will be absolute proof there is a Supreme Being with one heck of a sense of humor.

November 29, 2012 1:48 pm

29 Nov: UK Register: Lewis Page: Global warming still stalled since 1998, WMO Doha figures show
‘We’re looking into this thing which is NOT HAPPENING’
Figures released by the UN’s World Meteorological Organisation indicate that 2012 is set to be perhaps the ninth hottest globally since records began – but that planetary warming, which effectively stalled around 1998, has yet to resume at the levels seen in the 1980s and early 1990s…
Dr Peter Stott of the Met Office, head of Climate Monitoring and Attribution, had this to say while announcing the 2012-so-far-number:
“We are investigating why the temperature rise at the surface has slowed in recent years, including how ocean heat content changes and the effects of aerosols from atmospheric pollution may have influenced global climate.”

November 29, 2012 1:48 pm

‘why Doha, Qatar?’ lots of luxury hotels and nice places to eat , the weather is good not to warm this time of year and its got lots of flight into and out off . And best of all given the security needs its got the type of authority government that makes control of the people so much easer than in other countries. Its a bit to warm for the fools in the polar bear costumes , but then it not would be a ‘real’ green event without them .

David Jojnes
November 29, 2012 1:59 pm

NoAstronomer says:
November 29, 2012 at 1:08 pm
“Just curious … why Doha, Qatar? Why not, say, Chicago,USA or St Petersburg, Russia?
Who in their right mind would wish to go on a free jolly to either Chicago or St. Petersburg, IN DECEMBER, for chrissakes?
You have three guesses!

November 29, 2012 2:00 pm

NoAstronomer says:
November 29, 2012 at 1:08 pm
Just curious … why Doha, Qatar? Why not, say, Chicago,USA or St Petersburg, Russia?
‘cos it’s nice and warm in Doha, like ~ Cancun, Durban. Talk about carbon footprint.Hypocritical b*st*rds.
But seriously, it’s a good question and the answer’s pretty obvious really (if you read between the lines), in the context of the UN and its plans for world control, which is what this is really all about..

November 29, 2012 2:49 pm

vieras :
“I hope that this is only temporary as Qatar is hosting the conference and that common sense wins in the end. But Qatar should understand that there is nothing whatsoever that they can do to get the environmentalists to accept them. No matter how nice or respectfully you treat them, the environmentalists just hate all that the oil countries stand for. So it’s completely pointless to even try to play nice with them.”
JF: “The Russians have a saying: “If you are in a sleigh and are pursued by wolves; do not ever throw them meat to try and stop them hunting you” You see the wolves only see more meat (you) and that the meat you throw them only gives the the energy to keep hunting you.
All hardcore AGW environmentalists are very nasty pieces of work. Their private catch cry is “Lie to save the planet” They really do hate all humans; even themselves!

November 29, 2012 2:50 pm

Slightly off thread
: Sea-level rise from polar ice melt finally quantified
Goodness me.
Shock Horror.
Sea level has flown up.
Over Eleven millimetres!
In 20 years.
Ohhhhh Welll – ACGW is real. Isn’t it? Isn’t it??1//??

November 29, 2012 2:59 pm

As I’ve mentioned before, in the morning before I go to work I put on The Weather Channel. Since Wake Up With Al started, I mute it. (Sorry sponsors of Al.) I use “weather on the 8’s” to let me know when it’s time to leave for work. I value the time in the morning when I don’t have to watch the clock but just glance at the TV to know when it’s time to leave.
Anyway, I did notice that they’re still talking a lot about Sandy in one way or another. I thought it was just a desperate attempt to magnify and cling to the one disaster that actually happened that they had been predicting for years would happen every year. “The New Normal”. (Of course, they’re pushing the wrong “cause” of such events.)
Could Doha promoting Sandy and TWC promoting Sandy be coincidence?
Young minds full of mush need to know.

David A. Evans
November 29, 2012 3:24 pm

To those who answered NoAstrononer.
I’ve got a sneaky feeling Mike knew.

Gail Combs
November 29, 2012 3:32 pm

richard says:
November 29, 2012 at 12:44 pm
Hello Gail, Was having a snout through this one today,
Dr Joan Feynman did a study on the Nile River in Egypt that is quite interesting.
Is solar variability reflected in the Nile River? Alexander Ruzmaikin,1 Joan Feynman,1 and Yuk L. Yung:

Gail Combs
November 29, 2012 3:41 pm

mrmethane says:
November 29, 2012 at 1:02 pm
Gail says:
…. civilizations in the past ….
Right up there with Willis’ article on extinctions – “Where Are The Skeletons?”
I do not think you even bothered to look at what I was talking about. Does the French Revolution ring any bells?
World History in one time chart The image is “fuzzy” so as to eliminate any kind of copyright issue. It is from this book, and is the starting point of the discussion.

Gail Combs
November 29, 2012 3:47 pm

H.R. says:
November 29, 2012 at 1:48 pm
…I am eagerly awaiting reports of snow in Doha. Twice was amusing coincidence. Three times will be absolute proof there is a Supreme Being with one heck of a sense of humor.
Well it did get down to 35 °F in 1997 so there is hope.

November 29, 2012 4:38 pm

Louis Hooffstetter
November 29, 2012 at 10:31 am
Well, if one is interested in West Africa aqua-fauna, Gambia provides many interesting species including a shrimp that is also found in South America!

David A. Evans
November 29, 2012 4:44 pm

mrmethane says:
November 29, 2012 at 1:02 pm

Gail says:
…. civilizations in the past ….
Right up there with Willis’ article on extinctions – “Where Are The Skeletons?”

And your English Lit/Lang qualifies you how?

David A. Evans
November 29, 2012 4:56 pm

My previous comment BTW was not a provocative jibe but based on experience of the form of mrmethanes comment.

November 29, 2012 5:08 pm

Gambia is as big as Rhode island and Delaware combined. Not sure how to compare IQ levels.

November 29, 2012 6:43 pm

Wayne Delbeke says November 29, 2012 at 11:55 am
$300 a day [1] plus food [2] and refreshments plus transport and travel [3] for how many people plus junket support staff [4]? …

And to think, they could have met via Skype, VNC sessions or other ‘meet and collaborate-ware’ each in their respective libraries or capitols for that matter … but noooooooo!

November 29, 2012 7:03 pm

John F. Hultquist says November 29, 2012 at 10:54 am
The USA is deep in debt and continues to spend. Actions are taking place, but as Holman Jenkins (WSJ 11/23/2012) writes “none dare call it default.” Entitlements will be cut. Taxes are going up. Cities and states using bankruptcy to solve there pension obligations. Medicare paying less to doctors and hospitals. Payouts from savings (dividends and capital gains) by those now retired to be taxed more. Its only fair! Then there is inflationary financing – “printing money” – now just a key-click, no paper or ink required.

John, life will continue.
This is much like security-kabuki at the airports we now must endure, a show, while life continues (life has always been unfair, why should it change now?)
Since we lost our one big ‘enemy’ (the fall of the wall and all) with which we drew much contrast (and which served to differentiate our philosophy of governing from those behind the curtain) we (well, a great many people, maybe not you or I) have seemingly lost a ‘purpose’ for which to live, and what ‘living’ we have is (IMO) waaaaay too easy (for me, in engineering, there is no lack of goals or pursuits and always a mountain ahead to climb).
Now, to go much deeper I would have to delve into the theological arena (I won’t), which (in my view and not just a few others) presents reasons why moral, honest and hard work (to touch on just a few, w/o becoming polarizing) more than pays off in this world and the next, but I think those are not subjects or ‘concerns’ that ‘material’ mankind puts to mind these days …

November 29, 2012 8:20 pm

Just curious – The Gambia, #171, CO2 per capita is .25
China, #67, CO2 per capita is 5.31
Seems like The Gambia can pump up their CO2 output by about 2000% (per capita) and still be “greener” per capita than the world’s largest emitter.

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
November 30, 2012 2:04 am

From Wayne Delbeke on November 29, 2012 at 11:55 am:
Whatever happened to video conferencing? Course you can’t lobby and have secret side meetings out of the public eye, or have publicity stunts in a video conference.
I’m certain there are companies doing secure video conferencing suitable for all sorts of secret meetings. Nowadays we also have satellite phones, thus secure direct communications without the internet, thus ultra-secure and very secret video conferencing with an old-style modem-to-modem direct-dialed hookup.
As long as the media is monitoring, they can have publicity stunts. If there was an “alternate” channel for the NGO’s, easy enough to set up and get sponsored with live streaming, it’d almost be like a telethon fundraiser: “Let’s go live with Christy to the WWF demonstration in Portland.” “My apologies Jacques, but we’re delayed until Occupy Portland gets done burning an oil-drenched banker mannequin.”
The reason they’re not video conferencing is the electronic experience still cannot, and never will, replicate the direct physical and real experience, of hookers and drugs. Once a year lots of people get a paid vacation to a far away land, where their indiscretions will remain secret to avoid disrupting the noble work of the conference and the attendees. It’s better than Vegas.

November 30, 2012 4:44 am

@kadaka (KD Knoebel) says:
November 30, 2012 at 2:04 am
Re: the hookers
I forgot about the Copenhagen fiasco where there was a shortage of hookers and limos and they had to import quite a bit of both to make up for the shortfall. Remind me; weren’t the hookers offering discount coupons or something like that?

November 30, 2012 5:38 am

The Gambia is a country that does have a potential to develop resources and to lift itself out of poverty. The problem is that radical environmentalists force agreements on these poor countries to restrict growth and follow sustainable practices.
So they are reduced to dependency and eco-tourism. But here is the statement on the official Republic of the Gambia website:
Message from the President
“We want to transform the Gambia into a trading, export-oriented agricultural and manufacturing nation, thriving on free market policies and a vibrant private sector, sustained by a well-educated , trained , skilled healthy, self-reliant and enterprising population and in so doing bring to fruition this fundamental aim and aspiration of Vision 2020.”
I truly wish them success in this.

Tom O
November 30, 2012 7:21 am

I am sure it has been said before, but I will say it here again – if again it is. I might take these “climate concern confabs” a bit more seriously if they were video conferences instead of “fly-ins” and party times for the conference goers. Really, if I am suppose to take their conference seriously, then they should not be contributing to the problem by staging fly-ins all over the world when they can sit in a conference room in their home town and do a video conference just as well, and accomplish more. Lead by example, which of course they do, when they don’t take their own purpose seriously.

November 30, 2012 7:31 am

richard says:
November 29, 2012 at 11:58 am
Sorry, going off tangent here about Doha( my mum always said I had no discipline), but just been reading about civalizations that have collapsed due to climate change in the past,
the Xia Dynasty collapsed while the Yi and Luo Rivers
dried up, and the Shang Dynasty collapsed while the Yellow River dried up.
Yellow River dried up!!!, it supplies water to over a hundred million people, how can a river
this size dry up.

Something on TV just the other night documenting the concurrent collapse of the Egyptian “Pyramid” and Mesopotamian cultures. A sudden N Atlantic cooldown some 4200 yrs ago caused a large pattern change that pretty much dried up the Nile & Euphrates.
That’s what cooling does.

Gary Pearse
November 30, 2012 11:01 am

Yeah, meanwhile, forget about arctic ice, the Rideau River in Ottawa, Ontario has begun its freeze and today’s high is -11C. I flew to Quebec City the other day and from the air, all the small lakes are covered with ice. I’m looking for a new record arctic ice extent this coming March.

November 30, 2012 7:49 pm

Why is there not an active “propaganda” counter effort to hand out history notes on PRIOR actual hurricanes to hit New England? Why isn’t there someone laughing out loud at each and every use of the phrase “Superstorm” with Sandy?
Yes, it was a big storm, and yes, a lot of folks got hurt. Mostly due to building too close to shore, or worse, on barrier sand bars (humorously called ‘islands’) that drift in storms. Thank you Government Subsidy for ‘flood insurance’ (that is really “go ahead and be stupid, build in flood zones – get everyone else to pay for your stipidity” government guaranteed slush fund.)

kadaka (KD Knoebel)
November 30, 2012 8:21 pm

Don’t mean to give offense, but I find it ironic to read Mike Smith complain about people building where they shouldn’t, when he lives in California, land of frequent mudslides and runaway forest fires.
But as opposed to cheap subsidized federal flood insurance that recipients are nominally directly paying for, they have to wait for official disaster declarations when everyone else pays for what the recipients will only peripherally contribute to after the fact.
Or at least you were still in Kalifornia last I heard. Did you enact your financial evacuation plan yet?

Roger Knights
November 30, 2012 8:46 pm

vieras says:
November 29, 2012 at 12:58 pm
I’ve lately been watching the Qatar owned al Jazeera news station. It’s completely disheartening to see it also sending green propaganda films and talking of raising awareness. It’s no surprise that CNN and BBC are airing them but al Jazeera has so far been a more reliable and balanced news channel in almost any news.
I know that a lot of people in western countries do associate al Jazeera with terrorists, but it is actually a high quality news channel. A lot less biased than their western colleagues

I’ve read that there are two al Jazeera channels, one for the West, one not. The two are completely different in content and attitude.

December 1, 2012 1:24 am

RE: “E.M.Smith says:
November 30, 2012 at 7:49 pm
Why is there not an active “propaganda” counter effort to hand out history notes on PRIOR actual hurricanes to hit New England? Why isn’t there someone laughing out loud at each and every use of the phrase “Superstorm” with Sandy?…”
I am doing my best, and will continue to do so: