Climate Skeptic Combusts in New [William J Clinton Foundation] Video

By WUWT regular “Just The Facts”

Correction: This video appears to be associated with the William J Clinton Foundation versus the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as was previously stated.

Updated Below – New “The Air-Conditioned Suit” video surfaces

‘Combustible’ is a web video, created as part of a campaign, for the Global Climate Initiative, an organization that was borne to raise awareness of the fact, that we as human beings, are actually having a negative impact on the global ecology, and we shouldn’t wait until it’s too late to see this truth, and act.”

From Ad Week:

“Global Warming Targets Its Enemies First in New Ad Climate change ‘doesn’t need you to believe’

“The spot was created pro-bono by New York agency Realm.”

“Combustible” follows 10:10’s “No Pressure” video of exploding skeptical children;

which was covered here on WUWT;

and Grist TV’s “How to Strangle a Climate Skeptic”:

Why are believers in the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Narrative so afraid of reasoned skepticism?


Another video from the same source as “Combustion” has been surfaced by reader Ecotretas. This one is a somewhat amusing video of a man going about his business in an “Air-Conditioned Suit”, that is until he suffocates on a subway…

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November 4, 2011 8:38 pm

Witness the lead up to Durban………

spangled drongo
November 4, 2011 8:45 pm

When all else fails [particularly the science] either: 1/ burn em down, 2/ blow em up or 3/ throttle em.
OK, I’m convinced.

Karl Maki
November 4, 2011 8:45 pm

Global Warming Targets Its Enemies First in New Ad Climate change ‘doesn’t need you to believe’
Wait, so that’s a pro-AGW acolyte combusting in the video? Surely they are the ‘enemies’ of Global Warming rather than we ‘skeptics’.

November 4, 2011 8:45 pm

Goody! Another CAGW snuff film!

November 4, 2011 8:55 pm

The astonishing thing to me is that the Woman in Red makes no effort to aid the poor bloke even though (in context) it’s clear she has no idea what he’s talking about on his phone.
All she does is kick his eyeball in the puddle of soot.
The people who dream up these idiotic self-serving spots are beyond sick. They’re inhumane.

Karl Maki
November 4, 2011 8:56 pm

Oops: I meant ‘surely’ rather than ‘sure’!
[And don’t call me “Shirley” … /Airplane. 8<) Robt]

November 4, 2011 8:59 pm

OMG!!! I’ve seen this before. Wasn’t this in “Sodom and Gomorrah”?

November 4, 2011 8:59 pm

I thought that admonitions against using aerosol canisters were related to the ozone hole and given that regulations forced changes in their contents as a result that they wouldn’t even qualify as a risk factor for that issue.

November 4, 2011 9:13 pm

“Just a moment….Just a moment.
I’ve just picked up a fault in the AE-35 Unit.”
(the earlier fright was about salinity, Dave……..)
“I would recommend that we put the unit back in operation and let it fail. It should then be a simple matter to track down the cause.”

April E. Coggins
November 4, 2011 9:15 pm

The left continues to ramp up their violent political rhetoric. This isn’t funny any more. Irresponsible ne’erdowell’s are shutting down American ports and threatening death to fellow Americans. That does not sit well with me.

D. King
November 4, 2011 9:26 pm

Wow, that’s about as edgy as a bowling ball.

November 4, 2011 9:28 pm

Oh gee thanks, a triple-whammy insult over breakfast…GIGO.

November 4, 2011 9:33 pm

“we as human beings, are actually having a negative impact on the global ecology”
Actually, no, we don’t. Ecology is a branch of science, and we actually develop it. As thinking human beings.

November 4, 2011 9:34 pm

Yeah, and these are the people who want to ban my son’s asthma medicine. Sure, joke about murder. Not funny. They are killing people with their insanity.

Doug in Seattle
November 4, 2011 9:36 pm

At least they have stopped killing school kids.

November 4, 2011 9:37 pm

don’t we realise we are no longer “sentient human beings”?
4 Nov: Forbes: Steve Zwick: The Climate Debate is Over. Let’s Tap Markets to Save the Trees, the Planet, and Ourselves
If you’re one of these self-proclaimed “skeptics” who still deny that man caused this mess and that man must fix it, then you’ve sacrificed your credibility as a sentient human being…
That’s the take-home message from the Berkley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) Study, which was funded in part by the Koch Brothers and headed by Richard Muller, a vocal critic of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)…
To fix this problem, we must fundamentally change the way our economy prices goods and services so that the cost of environmental degradation is embedded in the cost of production. If we do that, everything else will follow. That’s the basic premise of carbon finance, and it’s a conservative idea – first proposed and then implemented by fiscal conservatives just a few short years before the whole movement went collectively insane…
Smart money is moving in this direction, as we saw at the end of September with the publication of State of the Forest Carbon Markets 2011: From Canopy to Currency. This survey documents a record $175 million flowing to support forest carbon projects in 2010, representing commitments to sequester enough carbon to offset nearly 30 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions…
Encouragingly, the report shows that private-sector companies aren’t just buying credits to reduce their footprints; they are also developing and brokering projects on an ever-larger scale – a role traditionally filled by environmental non-profits. This indicates the market’s growing confidence in our ability as a species to do the right thing.
And, as we all know, the market never lies.
Steve Zwick
Steve Zwick is a veteran derivatives industry journalist. A native of Chicago, Zwick divides his time between Germany and Chicago and is a contributing editor to Futures Magazine. He also writes for Time, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, Ecosystem Marketplace and several other environmental publications…

November 4, 2011 9:40 pm

Surely they leanrt from that 10:10 stuff. Even warmists cringed at that, and now they’ve brought out sequel.

Doug Proctor
November 4, 2011 9:43 pm

The inability to see the threatening outrageousness of their behaviour is a clear sign of the Cult. God – Gaia, Pan, Allah – is at stake. All Unbelievers are disposable, should be disposed of.
This is more evidence that knowledge, sophistication and cultural awareness are not defences against the lure of Righteousness.

November 4, 2011 9:53 pm

So… with their logic, it would be perfectly fine to produce a video that depicted Mann on a spit… slowly roasting.

November 4, 2011 9:56 pm

If they are going to burn us, can we at least have a stake?

November 4, 2011 9:57 pm

Will someone please put the head back on the global warming chicken so we don’t have to keep watching it run around like this!

Cassandra King
November 4, 2011 10:00 pm

What is it about these perverts and their desire to portray the murder/violent/sadistic deaths of those that are considered their political enemies? There seems to be a sickness infecting the CAGW cult. We really truly do not want to be ruled by these fanatics do we? The more the fruitcakes are marginalized the more obviously deranged and dangerous they become, I suspect a new branch of the terrorist family is to be born when these people are finally excluded from normal mainstream society. Do they really think that by setting fire to dissidents they will appeal to normal human beings?

charles nelson
November 4, 2011 10:03 pm

Having once been an ad-man…I think I can follow the train of thought that ultimately produced the line ‘climate change doesn’t need you to believe’…The creative team met the ‘client’ who clearly told them at great length of their problem; that Global Warming was being seen by more and more people as a strange ‘belief’, or pseudo religion.
The creatives decided to tackle the ‘belief’ thing head on.. cleverly inverting the problem and shouting very loudly that Global Warming is not a belief and hoping that this cunning ploy will reverse the ‘skeptics’ advance.
Couple of things…negative advertising rarely works, and like so many of the junior creative hotshots before them, they have broken this cardinal rule of advertising…lead from the front, take the high ground…amuse, inspire, puzzle, challenge…but don’t snipe or sound shrill or appear to be on the defensive.
Unwittingly all they have done is highlight and reinforce the commonly held view that Faith is at the core of AGW belief…and that this Faith is getting pretty thin and worn out as more and more people see through the hoax.
It also takes a brave ad-man to tell a client that their message isn’t the problem…it’s that their product stinks!

November 4, 2011 10:14 pm

If you dont believe, you will perish in flames.
With every passing day, ‘global warming’ becomes more and more religiose.

Baloun James
November 4, 2011 10:15 pm

Question: I recall charts of past ice age periods looking quite chaotic. It seems to me that climate change is complex and humans do not have the data on which to form a comprehensive understanding. And that a slight rise (if any) could just as easily tip the chaotic system to drop into an ice age as much as it could rise into a hot house? I do not think scientists understand all the interconnections and feed-back loops and long term factors…

Staffan Lindström
November 4, 2011 10:33 pm

I think we all think, conciously or subconciously that everybody who doesn’t do or think as we do, is a moron, or at least should know better. That is from the genes , nothing you can do so much about… So to counter our reptile reactions we have to use our brain…if we have any….That may require an excedingly great amount of time and effort so…LET your inner reptile rule….[sigh…}

November 4, 2011 10:40 pm

Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must assume that humans are responsible for climate change! The defense rests.

Christoph Dollis
November 4, 2011 10:45 pm

lol That’s funny.
Credibility, immolate thyself.

November 4, 2011 10:48 pm

They were just missing the onlookers chanting “burn the witch”

November 4, 2011 11:05 pm

I recently tried to have a discussion on Yahoo News about empirical evidence that Global Warming was trivial and marginal. WOW. I hardly knew I was a total fool who needed to be exterminated because i could not reason with someone who wants to collapse industry, civilization, Christianity, and the police.

Jimmy Haigh
November 4, 2011 11:16 pm

What’s with the eyeballs? 10:10 had a thing about them too.
AGW proponents are getting more desperate by the day.

November 4, 2011 11:27 pm

I think spontaneous human combustion is something that soon the whole global warming eco-movement might experience.
Not because the climate gets colder, not because utility prices increase, not because the scientists in this field are exposed to be more activists than scientists, but instead because of the cheap energy and environmentally friendly new technologies that are reaching the market, such as is the case with the E-Cat. Which I have reason to believe is real, I have followed the LENR/Cold Fusion development saga during the last 20 years. There is more to this story than can be found in comments in this site.
If people start to realize what is going on the whole eco-green energy industry are going to go belly up quickly. The greens are going to go nuts.

Pete H
November 4, 2011 11:31 pm

They just cannot avoid making fools of themselves! Burn a sceptic so releasing what into the air?
Even the line at the end, “Climate Change does not need you to BELIEVE in it” !!!!! So its not science but purely down to a belief! Do you get the feeling that people are starting to panic?

Ben U.
November 4, 2011 11:32 pm

The most popular skeptical videos are so gentle compared to this. M4GW’s “Hide the Decline” video used a terrific Shondells tune and did nothing nastier than claim that Mann “totally made up” the hockey stick chart and suggest, in a non-realistic still shot, that Al Gore could end up in prison with big aggressive inmates. The alarmists have videos in which average nobodies die horribly for being skeptics and the point is repeatedly to feel good or at least untroubled about one’s skeptical neighbors’ vivid destruction..The left in the past has made a lot of hay complaining about jingoistic dehumanization, via cartoonish caricature, of an opponent, and these alarmist ads have the subtlety to avoid such while still going for the jugular all the more venomously in the end. A more elegant and pc bloodthirst,

November 4, 2011 11:45 pm

Spontaneous human combustion. That was unexpected.
Jimmy Haigh says:
What’s with the eyeballs? 10:10 had a thing about them too. …

Not eyeballs.

November 4, 2011 11:55 pm

If only they hadn’t burned up all the witches the last time… AGW skeptics make a poor substitute, really, and just because our ideas are so combustible doesn’t mean that we are, as well…

November 5, 2011 12:02 am

“Question: I recall charts of past ice age periods looking quite chaotic. It seems to me that climate change is complex and humans do not have the data on which to form a comprehensive understanding. And that a slight rise (if any) could just as easily tip the chaotic system to drop into an ice age as much as it could rise into a hot house? I do not think scientists understand all the interconnections and feed-back loops and long term factors…”
Sudden cooling is going up a mountain to 3000′ [5 C] and cooling is going down from mountain 3000′ [5 C]. To get 5 C change in average global temperature of cooling or warming within a century isn’t likely. Suppose the completely unexpected event occurred which say gods or aliens
suddenly magically made earth warmer or cooler by 5 C; what would it be like?
First without taking temperature reading and comparing to past reading, you wouldn’t notice it.
The oceans don’t suddenly boil nor do glaciers melt. This isn’t a guess. Because having days 5 C warmer or cooler than average are occurring all the time.
Over a period a year of this warming or cooling one might think it’s seems warmer or cooling, but again without actually looking at thermometers you could guess wrong- you thought it was cooler when it actually was warmer.
If you imagine the world feels warmer because global warming, you are wrong- you couldn’t possible detect the change as compared to other variables.
After few decades of this warming or cooling, it would pretty easy to correctly guess whether it was warming of cooling. If you are farmer you notice it within a few years- it definitely be either a shorten or lengthen of your grow season and you guess fairly accurate predict when you start growing crops. The sudden increase or decrease temperatures would probably surprise a farmer but since they watch the weather, it wouldn’t necessarily mean the crops would fail. Because again there already is this level of variability in growing seasons, though obviously it adds to the variability- and particularly if it’s 5 C cooler one certainly could have increase in crop failure.
So decades of time being warmer or colder will effect the landscape of just about everywhere, but after decades of time, one still would have noticeable sea level rise- a few inches maybe even a foot. But generally rural folk are going to see changes whereas urban dwellers are not going to notice much. After decades of the warmth or cold glaciers are going to retreat or advance “dramatically” and globally- with some regions being even more dramatic. But moderate size glacier are going to disappear if it’s warming. In 50 to 100 years this could occur in some places- but glaciers in Greenland aren’t going to lose like half their ice mass of something like that.
Though 1000 year of 5 C of warming might wipeout most or all of ice mass in Greenland.
Antarctic has average temperature is -49 C so needs to be much warmer in the region. Though 5 C over enough time [centuries] would warm the oceans significantly- and perhaps significantly melt glaciers in the peninsula that reaches towards South America.
Point being it takes many decades or centuries for temperature to get increase or decrease 5 C warm or cooler, then more centuries of this “result” to possible have what could called significant effects.
If temperature were to rise or lower by 1 C, in next few decade or century we should in a position of having some clue about what we could do.
At this point I am not sure we really have certain solution if wanted to do something to change that warming or cooler trend. There lots ideas- i just don’t know if any would practical or effective- work well as as one might think they would.
But if I thought there was need to get to the point of solving such potential problems, I think space exploration development would cheapest and surest direction to take.
I happen to think space exploration doesn’t need “this particular excuse” and/or don’t wish entangle the pseudoscience and crackpottery of AGW with it- there happens to far better reasons and more significant merits of space exploration.

Downunder Pete
November 5, 2011 12:30 am

William McClenney Spot on!
Mueller and BEST go direct to media by-pass peer review…Uhmmmmm
Trenberth wants to change the rules on the null hypothesis…Uhmmmm
Violent and sadistic treatment of rational sceptis a la 10:10 ….Uhmmmmm
But wait! There will be more before the faithfull gather
I smell more monieeeeeeeeeee.
The next pot of gold at the end of this rainbow is DURBAN!!!!!!!!

November 5, 2011 12:46 am

What is the scientific reason for the whole body turning to carbon. including the bones, but leaving the eyeballs intact? Since I just saw it with my own two eyes it must be true, so I must now believe in Global Warming.

November 5, 2011 12:51 am

Per Strandberg November 4, 2011 at 11:27 pm
The E-Cat is being promoted by a guy TWICE CONVICTED OF FRAUD. I’d be very careful there until we have way more evidence besides “secret sauce”, “secret data”, and “secret customers”.
He could be on to something real. Or he could be on to another scam. The weight is very much towards the latter.
I place more hope in Polywell Fusion which seems to be progressing nicely. And then there are tar sands oil and natural gas. About 100 years supply of gas just in American fields. And there are fields off Israel and in many other places. Breathing room to work out the next step.

UK Sceptic
November 5, 2011 1:17 am

They can wishfully burn, explode and strangle sceptics yet strangely they continually to fail to shut us up…
As for Grist and its “overwhelming data” claim, weren’t they the ones who wrote a disturbing article hitching their climate catastrophe zealotry AGW tumbril to the Japanese earthquake and subsequent tsunami within hours of all those thousands of people losing their lives? The article’s author, Christopher Mims, then tried to backtrack with updates as the outrage was poured upon him. The faithful believers attacked sceptical comments and make the their religious fervour cause look even more hysterical than ever
I’ve used artistic licence and re-interpreted the script and credits. Such as it is.
Find someone who, despite reason and overwhelming scientific data does not believe that climate change is real and happening due to human industry.
Trans. Find someone who, despite all our best efforts to hide the decline and play silly buggers with fudged data, does not believe that catastrophic climate change is real and happening due to Big Oil.
Attempt to talk with the climate skeptic.
Trans. Tell him he’s a denier and a Big Oil shill. Inform him that he and all the other climate criminals will die horribly, consumed by Gaia’s wrath, unless they repent and join the Church of CAGW.
Use solid logic, hard data and openness.
Trans.See this graph linking the rise of CO2 with the catastrophic rise in temperature? We call it the Hockey Stick graph and it’s all the proof you will ever need that AGW is real and is happening right now…
If your skeptic is unwavering, misguided and illogical, and your attempt fails…
Trans. If the heretic fails to accept the Holy Goracle into his life…
The next best thing to do is to strangle him or her.
Trans. We’ll reserve 10:10’s Big Red Button as the last resort.
Place your hand upon the skeptic’s neck.
Trans. He’ll be too stupid and stunned to kick you in the fork in self defence as you attempt strangulation. Honest.
Instant slo mo replay
Trans. I can’t believe the denier just kicked me in the fork!
As politely as possible, choke some sense into the skeptic.
Trans: But only if you are not busy curling into a politely agonising foetal ball on the ground.
Disclaimer to skeptics and non: Don’t be a fool. Please do not actually strangle anyone.
Trans. Okay. Okay. I’m a fool. I’m sorry I tried to strangle you. Please do not kick me in the fork a second time.
Happy April Fool’s Day
Trans. I was only joking. Honestly!
No climate skeptics were killed in the making of this film.
Trans. No one told me they could kick like a team of mules!
Special thanks Phelim McAleer
It was him! He made me do it, I swear! What’s that? He’s a skeptic too and adding his name to this travesty of a film was a load of unfunny satirical bollocks? Uh, Stranglegate anyone?

November 5, 2011 1:25 am

They believe they are all so immensely intelligent and superior and the “ordinary” person is not, that they can win the argument by scare tactics alone. They have been doing this for over 20 years and it hasn’t given them total victory. This might suggest to a person of only average intelligence that, just possibly, it was the wrong tactic and they should try and engage using the science behind CAGW. I wonder why don’t they do that

Steve C
November 5, 2011 1:39 am

Nope. Strange to say, repellent snuff videos produced by sick minds make no impact whatever on my perception of a complete lack of evidence for their god. They do, however, tend to confirm my opinion that what will follow when the globalist scum makes its eventual bid for absolute power is going to be very ugly indeed. I suppose we should give them one point for honesty about how they perceive the human race.

Steve Jones
November 5, 2011 1:58 am

If you believed you had made an unassailable case for an issue, would you need to resort to this sort of tactic?
I see this as propaganda put out by an increasingly desparate and, as is becoming apparent across the political world, increasingly marginalised and irrelavent cause.
The greenies are being abandoned by governments and they don’t like it. As the thermometer continues to undermine their case with inconvenient data they will become even more desparate. It will be fun to watch.

November 5, 2011 2:03 am

The lack of good Samaritans willing to help the chap is the psychological equivalent of actively pressing a button to make is head explode.

November 5, 2011 2:52 am

A repeat of 10:10 and WWF’s 9/11 morally unacceptable ads.
They don’t learn do they.

Pete in Cumbria UK
November 5, 2011 2:56 am

Its at times like this when I take a long term view and realise that the warmista are on an evolutionary cul-de-sac = dead end.
What is a basic requirement/necessity for any successful boy/girl man/woman relationship?
Check out any lonely heart classified section or interweb dating site and what are ALL the girls looking for..
Ans= a GSOH good sense of humour
And this is where the warmista always fail, badly. 10:10 was put together by a supposed ‘comedy writer’ What a Total Fail. Being all serious and emotional and caring etc etc might get you the occasional ‘sympathy sh@g’ but its not going to make very much bacon. That’s why they’re becoming so increasingly frustrated.
warmista are like pandas, ultimately doomed.

November 5, 2011 3:06 am

All revolting in their own way but the first guy deserves to burn because of his bad acting.

November 5, 2011 3:21 am

The take home message is don’t accept ad agencies that offer to work pro-bono. You never get more than your money’s worth, so if you pay zero…

November 5, 2011 3:39 am

I like the fact they suggest reasoned discussion first. I’ve tried that with a few and am always surprised at the low level of knowledge and reason I’m up against. I then end up feeling like a bully as they appear to be on the brink of tears. Usually ends with me denying their last ditch attempt to get me to agree to Pascals gambit. And that’s not even devoted members of the cult. It’s all very weird the desperate desire to believe this junk.

November 5, 2011 3:45 am

They should be sued for promoting violence.

November 5, 2011 4:05 am

This video reminds me immediately of the Inquisition’s death sentence by burning at the stake. It would be great to associate this to this Religious practice of the past, that burnt thousands of people.
For those of you that don’t know about it, please read the two links below, from Wikipedia. The “autos-de-fé” are probably not so far from now, and they are already being enforced in our schools… When you get through them, just remind that one of the words that people would use when being burnt is “agua”, or water, the exact same words used in the skeptic video…

lemiere jacques
November 5, 2011 4:09 am

just like hansen….oil producer ( THEY, them) are culprits oil consumers ( we , us) are victims…greenpeace way of thinking…
we are the good ones whatever we “do”, we think good,and whatever do the opponents they think bad…
thinking good instead of thinking right…
This way of thinks leads to violence against the “bad ones”…

November 5, 2011 4:10 am

Repent, sinners, lest ye burn!

Martin A
November 5, 2011 4:11 am

Ha ha- it’s funny. Were thetwo round things the guy’s eyeballs? Why didn’t they self-combust too?

Steve in SC
November 5, 2011 4:24 am

That just makes me want to go armed more and more.

November 5, 2011 4:26 am

Wow. I touched a nerve. This is fun. Keep it going.

November 5, 2011 4:31 am

How childish and tasteless. Only true believers with a bad sense of humor will like this – so what was the point again? Is the WWF using money on this junk? I used to think of them as a serious protector of wildlife, but their wholesale adaption of AGW religion has made them into a really ugly beast 🙁

November 5, 2011 4:36 am that the video refers to redirects to the “William J. Clinton Foundation”, alas the Bill Clinton Foundation???
Gosh, am I seeing something wrong?

November 5, 2011 4:56 am

Just one step away from burning heretics at the stake. Just like in the good old days when bad weather and other mishaps such as failed harvests where blamed to be caused by those who did not strictly follow the teachings of Holy Roman Catholic church.
All we need now is that one of those bozo’s starts writing his own version of the Malleus Maleficarum. … Oh they already do at the IPCC.

November 5, 2011 4:57 am

The bottom line is if they’re reduced to using this sort of tactic to try to convince, rather than simply state their evidence-supported case, then it reveals there’s something fundamentally flawed in their case. Otherwise they’d present the ‘overwhelming’ evidence for it, wouldn’t they…
Conclusion; they’re losing the arguement because the EVIDENCE is not falling in their favour. And they know it.

November 5, 2011 5:04 am

considering the violent tone and the obvious religiopolitical leaning.
#occupyskeptics should be what we can call these sociopaths now.
hey, they think we are only 1% of the scientific world. it all fits.

Joe V.
November 5, 2011 5:09 am

…but dont you see ? Theres no time for reasoning & argument. What matters is , if the alarmists are wrong it doesnt matter, while if the skeptics are wrong we’ll have left it too long. If we dont act now we’re all gonna fry. OMG.
That is the ballpark thinking the alarmists are depending on in most of the population.

November 5, 2011 5:10 am

Well when you threaten their main revenue stream and their main connection to global influence they are going to bite back. I guess we must be having an impact then…….

Bruce Cobb
November 5, 2011 5:11 am

They just can’t resist trotting out the laughably weak straw man argument that skeptics/climate realists think that climate change is fake. We know that natural climate change is real, it is the much-hyped manmade climate change which is a fraud, and which most certainly does need people to Believe in it, or else it collapses into a pile of dust. Not unlike the man at the end of the video.
The video itself appears to be a direct appeal to the sensibilities of teenaged or 20-ish males, with the pretty female “bystander”, the “eyeballs” magically surviving the self-immolation and dropping comically to the pavement to be kicked by said pretty female, and the obligatory blaring rock music at the end.
Science and truth are winning the battle against pseudoscience and Belief, and they hate that.

November 5, 2011 5:31 am

We’er going to see more of this kind of emotional propaganda as Durban approaches. I love it when the latest ‘studies’ are released around this time as well, they are hilarious. Durban will be the biggest failure of them all, I would not be surprised if Al Gore himself finds an excuse not to attend. He’ll have the flu or something. Just watch.
I can’t wait for Durban. I can’t wait.

November 5, 2011 5:32 am

‘Each year in the United States fires kill more American’s than all natural disasters combined.’
Hmm so the WWF argument goes we have to stop the natural disasters?? by destroying humanity and all we have achieved but as for the fires we have now that are killing people every day and that can prevent now that they find funny??
Jerks !!

November 5, 2011 5:43 am

Man these guys settled science arguments are killing me

Peter Plail
November 5, 2011 5:48 am


John Whitman
November 5, 2011 6:12 am

Six Steps . . . .
Step 1 – have a ‘climate prophet*’ employed by the US government (James Hansen) say, “In my opinion, these CEOs [of fossil energy companies] should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature.”
Step 2 – have a former US Vice President (Gore) get quoted in all major world news outlets that skeptics of AGW are shills for big oil. Ditto every ideological environmentalist group in the world chanting the same. Ditto some climate scientists promoting AGW.
Step 3 – have ideological environmental groups make videos showing violence toward skeptics in in their AGW advocacy.
Step 4 – have AGW advocates laugh and say it was just being humor when the show skeptics getting hurt
Step 5 – have Australian news media suggest such things as tattooing skeptics or gassing them.
Step 6 – have most MSM enviro journals defend with moral justification all of the above in a harmonized apologist choir
In the future you can be sure if some legally sanctioned violence is implemented on AGW skeptics, then most of the public will say in shocked horror, “I did not believe they really meant it.” If that happens then history will be repeating itself, sadly.

November 5, 2011 6:21 am

“and we shouldn’t wait until it’s too late to see this truth, and act.”
Acting with what kind of solutions??? At this moment in time there are no real solutions which can reduce carbon emissions.

November 5, 2011 6:25 am

I posted this on Youtube.
“Empirical scientific proof (through their own propaganda) of how misanthropic, anthropological global climate change enthusiasts actually are.
This is what happens kids when people run out of rational scientific arguments.”
I also gave it a thumbs down and gave a thumbs up to the sceptical voices of sanity on that page.

November 5, 2011 6:36 am

Very Disapointing, why would 2 intelligent respectable scientists people, choose this quote from the article and retweet it to their followers.. Do they endorse it, condemn it.. or just merely pass on for information….
Highly selective quotes, reveal intention? perhaps..!/AGW_Prof/status/132569907081650176

Bob Johnston
November 5, 2011 6:38 am

Mike Gambino says:
Wow. I touched a nerve. This is fun. Keep it going.

Hey Mike, the only nerve you touched with your video was my funny bone and I’m definitely laughing at you, not with you. I don’t understand why it’s so difficult to understand that every time the AGW side produces videos of this type it’s just reinforcing my belief that the AGW types are totally misguided. AGW isn’t about who can produce the best propaganda videos, it’s about science. Produce some actual evidence and reasonable people will follow. Until then, you’re just a bunch of hot air.

Mike C in NS
November 5, 2011 6:41 am

“Jace says (November 4, 2011 at 10:48 pm): They were just missing the onlookers chanting “burn the witch””
Sir Bedevere: There are ways of telling whether he/she is a climate skeptic.
Peasant 1: Are there? Oh well, tell us.
Sir Bedevere: Tell me. What do you do with climate skeptics?
Peasant 1: Burn them.
Sir Bedevere: And what do you burn, apart from climate skeptics?
Peasant 1: More climate skeptics.
Peasant 2: Wood.
Sir Bedevere: Good. Now, why do climate skeptics burn?
Peasant 3: …because they’re made of… wood?
Sir Bedevere: Good. So how do you tell whether she is made of wood?
Peasant 1: Build a bridge out of her.
Sir Bedevere: But can you not also build bridges out of stone?
Peasant 1: Oh yeah.
Sir Bedevere: Does wood sink in water?
Peasant 1: No, no, it floats!… It floats! Throw her into the pond!
Sir Bedevere: No, no. What else floats in water?
Peasant 1: Bread.
Peasant 2: Apples.
Peasant 3: Very small rocks.
Peasant 1: Cider.
Peasant 2: Gravy.
Peasant 3: Cherries.
Peasant 1: Mud.
Peasant 2: Churches.
Peasant 3: Lead! Lead!
King Arthur: A Duck.
Sir Bedevere: …Exactly. So, logically…
Peasant 1: If she weighed the same as a duck… she’s made of wood.
Sir Bedevere: And therefore…
Peasant 2: …A climate skeptic!

Jason F
November 5, 2011 6:47 am

I posted a comment to the YouTube video that said “fantasy climate porn, really”
I got an email from the guy that posted the video:
“Nope. In the true fantasy, blow-hards are locked in their little rooms, commenting on my video post, getting upset.”

November 5, 2011 7:12 am

Mike Gambino says: “Wow. I touched a nerve. This is fun. Keep it going.”
The majority of readers here believe in global warming but are skeptical about the magnitude which is attributed to man-made versus natural causes. I think most people (not just readers here) will be offended to see a skeptical businessman being burned alive. All we know about the man is that he is a skeptic and then we see him burning alive – I think your meaning was quite clear. Did you honestly not expect to touch a nerve?
I’d recommend you take a look at the propaganda videos lampooning the priests of CAGW – like Mike Mann or Al Gore. There is a more tasteful way to get your message across.
I suggest you consider carefully your motives and why you think “this is fun”.

Bruce Cobb
November 5, 2011 7:17 am

“Things worse than death”…… You’re a Believer in manmade climate change, a raging, frothing-at-the-mouth Believer, you Hate skeptics, wish they would all die a really horrible death, then you go to bed, and have this dream/nightmare where you now realize that it was all a giant hoax, and that climate is just doing what it always does naturally, and man has practically nothing to do with it, and now, you have this horrible urge to vote Republican. No-o-o-o-o-o! Then you wake up, and realize the dream was true, and now you are no longer a Believer, and actually do have this horrible urge to vote Republican. You have now become what you hated most: someone who prefers actual science and truth to a pseudoscientific ideology. No-o-o-o-o-o!

Martin A
November 5, 2011 7:20 am

These people are really out of touch. They are simply incompetent.
One of the first rules, in creating propaganda, is not to repeat the message of your enemy. You do not start off saying “Winston Churchill says xyz, but that is untrue!” The typical listener will take away the message xyz, saying “Oh, so Churchill said xyz. Interesting!”
Here it starts off with the guy saying “Guess what, global climate change is fake. It’s false, it doesn’t exist. The tornado is broken, it’s a hoax. Think about that!”
I think I have worked out what a typical viewer will absorb as the key message – and I don’t think it’s what the WWF wanted. Of course, True Believers will find it utterly convincing – but they did not need to be convinced anyway.

November 5, 2011 7:30 am

Who is reposnsible for the Global Climate Initiative? (is it an official eco group, NGO, gov?)
The guy that created it has this to say (youtube comments) before he hides them…
The comments are not going down to well… but I think he loves it winding people up he despises, apparently..
“Everyone’s entitled to a little venom oozing, once in a while. It can’t be all balloon animals and waiting for people to actually act in the self-interest of themselves, and their children.”
Fantasy climate porn, really Forced – Halo 8 hours ago
@ForcedHalo Nope. In the true fantasy, blow-hards are locked in their little rooms, commenting on my video post, getting upset.
thomasgrand1966 3 hours ago
Even the big oil companies finally agree with 97 percent of scientist that Climate Change is a scientific fact. You probably also believe in ghosts, spirits, and the Easter Bunny. It is an arrogant man who stands alone, against fact.
thomasgrand1966 11 hours ago
Only a fascist would make a video like this . More propaganda from the Green fascists.
david222444 7 hours ago 5
@david222444 When someone like a Tea Party zealot calls me a Fascist, I take it as the greatest compliment. It means I am touching a nerve. Or is that your conscience?
thomasgrand1966 3 hours ago
@thomasgrand1966 Yes I bet you would love to burn books too.
david222444 3 hours ago 3
PR blunder? You are promoting the video right now. Thanks for the PR.
thomasgrand1966 10 hours ago
You are delusional, as are all your cronies. And there is a especially hot place in hell reserved for those who would put personal profit before the good and well-being of all living things on earth. Sleep well.
thomasgrand1966 12 hours ago
I’m glad I don’t live in the USA, the apparent hatred of climate sceptics isn’t as bad as this.. Even 10:10 in the UK, very very quickly realised, what a total pr disaster it was. and pulled it.
No crass comments like the above. He seems delighted to upset people..

November 5, 2011 7:34 am

Surely the Phelim McAleer one is really and April Fool’s, and is merely satirizing the other ones (and climate alarmism)?

November 5, 2011 7:40 am

oh deep joy ;( ;( (sarc off)
The link shown at the end of the video…
Redirects to this !!!!
Anybody feel like asking ex President Bill Clinton for an apology..

November 5, 2011 7:49 am

OT, but back in grade school a teacher pointed out to us that uncured wood was used to burn a victim, so that death would come slowly, ever so slowly.

November 5, 2011 7:51 am

Totally agree.. ANY abuse of stupidity directed at Mike Gambino, will simple reinforce his stereotype of ALL sceptics… AND I even think he would revel in it…
Please be REALLY civil to him… but constructively critical.
Any abuse, and you become in his ‘eyes’ the cliche man in the video…
And I am VERY disapointed and concerned by this video..Durban only a few weeks away. Imagine this sort of rubbish in the run up to Rio 20 next year.
For people new to the debate ours, his and this type of behaviour is very enlightening.. let the sceptics be the reasonable patient, civil people, not forced into an abusive stereotype of this person’s creation.. (pls do not respond to this in anger) imho

November 5, 2011 7:57 am

I still can’t quite get over the fact that the URL at the end of the video redirects to ex President Bill Clinton’s Foundation. This is Totally polarising, democrat vs republican,
(which means nothing to me bcos I’m in the UK)
I would really like to know at what level this was endorsed and signed of.. if that redirection official or not?

November 5, 2011 7:59 am

The comments have now been disappeared/disabled.

David A. Evans
November 5, 2011 8:03 am

The real fun is that comments on the video are now disabled. 😉

John Whitman
November 5, 2011 8:04 am

Revision #1 => Six Steps . . . Seven Steps . . .
Add a step 7 . . .
Step 7 – have someone in MSM say skeptics are not sentient humans after all; that is have someone say skeptics are not normal humans. Like a journalist contributor in a Forbes article (Steve Zwick) said, “If you’re one of these self-proclaimed “skeptics” who still deny that man caused this mess and that man must fix it, then you’ve sacrificed your credibility as a sentient human being”.” There you have it, the circle is complete, skeptics are not Homo Sapiens; not normal human beings. It is the necessary de-humanization step that precedes justification by normal humans for acts against non-normal human skeptics.
I have attached below my new version “Seven Steps . . .”
PS – h/t to commenter Barry Woods (@November 5, 2011 at 6:36 am) for the reference to the Forbes article.

Revision #1 => Six Steps . . . Seven Steps . . .
Step 1 – have a ‘climate prophet*’ employed by the US government (James Hansen) say, “In my opinion, these CEOs [of fossil energy companies] should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature.”
Step 2 – have a former US Vice President (Gore) get quoted in all major world news outlets that skeptics of AGW are shills for big oil. Ditto every ideological environmentalist group in the world chanting the same. Ditto some climate scientists promoting AGW.
Step 3 – have ideological environmental groups make videos showing violence toward skeptics in in their AGW advocacy.
Step 4 – have AGW advocates laugh and say it was just being humor when the show skeptics getting hurt
Step 5 – have Australian news media suggest such things as tattooing skeptics or gassing them.
Step 6 – have most MSM enviro journals defend with moral justification all of the above in a harmonized apologist choir
Step 7 – have someone in MSM say skeptics are not sentient humans after all; that is have someone say skeptics are not normal humans. Like a journalist contributor in a Forbes article (Steve Zwick) said, “If you’re one of these self-proclaimed “skeptics” who still deny that man caused this mess and that man must fix it, then you’ve sacrificed your credibility as a sentient human being”. There you have it, the circle is complete, skeptics are not Homo Sapiens; not normal human beings. It is the necessary de-humanization step that precedes justification by the normal humans (AGWists) for acts against non-normal human (skeptics).
In the future you can be sure if some legally sanctioned violence is implemented on AGW skeptics, then most of the public will say in shocked horror, “I did not believe they really meant it.” If that happens then history will be repeating itself, sadly.

November 5, 2011 8:30 am

The warmist must use computer-manipulated images as reality just doesn’t play along. See as further examples the collage that is the banner image of realclimate or the photoshopped picture that skepticalscience uses as banner.
This is another piece of evidence that CAGW is a complete fantasy ideology. Just like socialists dream that socialism leads to wealth for the masses, so dreams the warmist about being right some day in the future. CAGW comes out of computer models, and is illustrated by CGI. Even Gore’s movie had CGI, the rendered polar bear, and the glacier sequence lifted from Day After Tomorrow.
Even Mann’s original hockey stick can be counted as a computer fantasy.
When I started studying computer science, I didn’t foresee that computers would become the major propaganda instrument of the future.

Nick Shaw
November 5, 2011 8:33 am

Re:Combustible. Gee, isn’t this the same argument priests, monks and the Spanish Inquisition used? Repent or burn in the fires of Hell? You don’t have to “know”, you just have to “believe”?
And we skeptics are the flat earthers? Please!
Is this how all religions start? It appears so with the warmistas, simply substituting God with, something else. Combine that with the UN giving serious consideration to giving plants and trees civil rights and we’ve come full circle back to being Druids!
Re: Strangle. Is it just me or does the warmista woman look just like every other unattractive, hysterical, liberal, feminist, save the earth female I have ever seen at an OccupyWhatever demonstration? Is there some reason they all look like this?
Maybe it’s the weather.

Bertram Felden
November 5, 2011 8:33 am

Does anyone know where I can find a list of Realm’s clients?
I just want to know what products not to buy.

November 5, 2011 8:38 am

It didn’t take long for a reaction video to come out:

David A. Evans
November 5, 2011 8:39 am

For what it’s worth, my two penn’orth before the comments were disappeared was…

In other news…
100 scientists sign a statement claiming Einstein is wrong.
See how it works?


Nick Shaw
November 5, 2011 8:43 am

Damn! I got there too late to leave a comment on the Combustible video! They have shut it down to new comments and haven’t left the old ones up!
That tells me only one thing. The push back from us must have been tremendous!
Good going guys and girls!!!!!
I only regret I didn’t get MY licks in!

corporate message
November 5, 2011 8:58 am

MIke Gambino; are we talking the “Lady Gaga of Climate Scare” ?

November 5, 2011 9:02 am

You are delusional, as are all your cronies. And there is a especially hot place in hell reserved for those who would put personal profit before the good and well-being of all living things on earth. Sleep well.
thomasgrand1966 12 hours ago >>>
Once wrapped in the cloak of morality, one need pay no heed to those of contrary opinion, for are they not, by virtue of their willingness to dispute with you, the wearer of the cloak of morality, not by definition both wrong and immoral despite the weight of their arguments? These immoral beings, unable to fathom the wisdom of you who are ensconced in the cloak of morality, may become troublesome as they raise others up against you. How dare they challenge you? For do you not wear the cloak of morality? Ensonced in the cloak of morality as you are however, your rage against those who dispute you knows no bounds. From within your cloak of morality, you may belittle them, accuse them of vile crimes, and if still they will not cease and desist from their unwanted criticism, dehumanize them, and wrapped still in the cloak of morality, eliminate them.
To those who brought this video into existance, you have wrapped yourself in the cloak of morality, and tread down a path walked many times in history. Those who have walked this path before you are well known. They have names like Hitler, Stalin, Pohl Pot, bin Laden, Kruschev, Milosovec and many others.
You seem amused that you have “touched a nerve”. You have. You’ve touched a nerve amongst those who survived these and other atrocities and amongst those who have studied sufficient history to know that it repeats itself. That you do not recognize that you have donned the same cloak of morality as they, and set your feet upon the same path that they themselves did tread, shows that you have already succombed to the fanatasy world of superior morality conferred upon those who wear the cloak. You’ve taken the step that those before you have taken, which is to deem further debate of the facts of no purpose since it is you that wears the cloak of morality, and so have no need of facts, and hence the next step, to dehumanize your detractors, is the next logical step.
Your amusement is no more endearing, and your facts not more correct, than those who have worn that cloak and trod that path before you.

John Whitman
November 5, 2011 9:23 am

We each as individual actually can choose which commenter warrants our individual responses. N’est ce pas?
Respectfully, ignore it is my conclusion about the baiting commenter phenomenon that is “mike gambino (@November 5, 2011 at 4:26 am) says: “Wow. I touched a nerve.”
Some savvy veterans of the skeptical blogs have pointed out to me that the best strategy to deal with such cases of baiting commenter phenomena is not to talk to them but to others about them in the third person in their presence. They then self-deflate. : ) I have seen it happen.

November 5, 2011 9:26 am

Grab a copy, before it disappears!!!

David A. Evans
November 5, 2011 9:31 am

Grab a copy, before it disappears!!!

Already done. 😀

November 5, 2011 9:38 am

Mika Gambino is the man behind the Youtube account. Since 1995, Mike has been employed principally in advertising, working at agencies like DDB Chicago, and BBDO New York. He has created campaigns for many of the world’s super-mega-conglomerates including Coca-Cola, FedEx, Mars, and Visa, winning virtually every advertising award, including the Gold Cannes Lion and Gold One Show Pencils. His Visa commercial, BROADWAY TRIBUTE, was nominated for the 2002 EMMY AWARD.
His homepage is here:
His biography is here:
He writes in this blog:
He is Chief Creative Officer at Realm after working at McCann:
LinkedIn page:

Daryl Bergmann
November 5, 2011 9:41 am

Comments have been disabled for this video at Youtube. I’m guessing they know what the feedback will be like.

G. Karst
November 5, 2011 9:43 am

I don’t know why people expect the ideological, pseudo-scientists to forgo their most effective warmist techniques. Propaganda and brainwashing methods have been their mainstay since they began. Socialists, communism, fascism AND the current establishment, prefer such techniques to empirical evidence at all times… because it works, most of the time, especially on the indoctrinated young. Schools are the perfect forum of such emotional trite, however it is also effective for the usual conformists and scientifically ignorant. It is political power these people desire and lust for, NOT truth. It always comes down to “the end justifies the means”. Evil?- you betcha! GK

November 5, 2011 9:51 am

Please correct the link to It has a typo.
Funny thing is that it is not redirecting to
anymore, as I and Barry Woods pointed out. It is now redirecting to
Boy, Mike is going to give some explanations. And the Clinton Foundation too!

Jason Calley
November 5, 2011 9:54 am

Ye Gads! Another snuff fantasy from the CAGW crowd. It is a good thing that they do not have an army, or they would have already marched into Poland by now.

November 5, 2011 9:58 am

One more *excellent* climate change stupidity video from Realm:

Someone grab it too, before it disappears!

November 5, 2011 10:00 am

davidmhoffer says: November 5, 2011 at 9:02 am
Thank you. Your comment also has forbears… along the lines of Winston Churchill…
What concerns me is that Mike Gambino is only small fry, expendable by powers further up. There are huge forces of disinformation in science these days, it seems – disinformation which is difficult for outsiders to disentangle, in almost every subject area conventionally labelled “pseudoscience”. Climate Science is simply the biggest and most obviously corrupted of all these. And WUWT does an utterly fantastic unique and vital job in this area. But even on the fringes of climate skepticism, I don’t think this blog is yet up to handling serious “fringe” evidence as it deserves. Yet I live in hope that the consciousness level here too can evolve. I hope, for instance, that we continue to get informative posts on LENR with or without Rossi. Perhaps it would be good to remember, apropos of Rossi, that Christopher Columbus’s crew went with him only because they had nothing to lose…

November 5, 2011 10:01 am

It’s so fun he disabled the comments on youtube. Soon he might even understand how stupid and bad the video is. But as the saying goes never interrupt your opponent while he is making mistakes.

Latimer Alder
November 5, 2011 10:06 am

What a pathetic wasteof-time little film.
If there was a point to making it, I have missed it. And if the director is really ‘head of creative’ somewhere, I think their reputation and revenue just tanked.
I almost feel nostalgic for ‘No Pressure’. At least I could see a point – unpleasant though it was. This was just …nothing,.

corporate message
November 5, 2011 10:14 am

Even Mike can understand, I think, that if the video were to portray another type of believer – say a believer of a religion – and that believer was talking his delusional stuff on the phone, and he got vaporized, and someone got to kick his eyeballs… even Mike would realize.
It would be a realization about someone else, though. Would he be able to connect it to what he did?

November 5, 2011 10:19 am

Poor fella couldn’t handle it after my comment became the top rated comment, with a few facts instead of histrionics. He’s now removed commenting.

Dave Springer
November 5, 2011 10:21 am

GeologyJim says:
November 4, 2011 at 8:55 pm
“All she does is kick his eyeball in the puddle of soot.”
Is that what she did? I was too focused on how high the wind was blowing her skirt up in the air to notice what her foot was doing.

November 5, 2011 10:27 am
November 5, 2011 10:58 am

The Difference Explained
They think it is funny imagining sceptics bursting into flame, even though we dont believe in ‘global warming’.
We think it is funny actuallywatching warmists standing in the snow to protest the ‘gloabal warming’ that they believe in.

November 5, 2011 11:14 am

I didn’t know that global warming burns people in suits in this way so that only eyeballs are left. It’s quite remarkable! Now, once I saw it, of course, I agree that global warming skepticism is misplaced and Anthony Watts may close this blog. 😉
More seriously, just try to estimate the IQ of the people who could be affected by this video, i.e. to completely fail to distinguish the reality (where absolutely nothing unusual related to the temperature is happening) from ludicrous video tricks. My estimate is 60.

November 5, 2011 11:25 am

I wonder if the Bill Clinton Foundation knew about the redirect or not?
I wonder if these people at Climate Central are happy with this new redirect:
ie VP communications Heidi Cullen, Jane Lubchenco NOAA, managing Editor Andrew Freedman, or Michael Oppenheimer, Princeton Uni.
I wonder if they even know about it. I wonder if they have given permissoin, maybe somebody could ask.. they probably will be horrifed to be redirected to lie this..
Could someone ask nicely…

Gary Pearse
November 5, 2011 11:40 am

Burning skeptics would sure put up a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere these days. I predicted on a WUWT thread (forgotten which) over a year ago that there would be a crescendo of hysteria from the CAGW zealots after the sea change that began to gather momentum after climategate. It is no surprise to me that reasonable believers in CAGW would begin to move away in outrage after climategate (Matt Ridley is an example) and that what would remain would be a tar-like, distilled down residue of desperate and hateful ideologues that never did have a scientific argument as their underpinning.

November 5, 2011 11:48 am

Are you sure this isn’t a video from occupy stupidity?

G. Karst
November 5, 2011 12:06 pm

Of course the “you may not believe in climate change but climate change believes in you” is a blatant rip off, from the fundamentalist and evangelistic religious meme “You may not believe in God, but God believes in you”.
Does one require further evidence of the religious nature of catastrophic climate belief. This is a new wave religion, and present day historians, are not cataloging it. The birth of a modern religion should be studied and documented. Where are the anthropologist? GK

November 5, 2011 12:42 pm

I wonder if some of the CAGW zealots turned into inhumane loons, or if the CAGW cause attracted some inhumane loons

November 5, 2011 3:08 pm

Lubos Motl says:
November 5, 2011 at 11:14 am
“… just try to estimate the IQ of the people who could be affected by this video, i.e. to completely fail to distinguish the reality (where absolutely nothing unusual related to the temperature is happening) from ludicrous video tricks. My estimate is 60.”
I hope you don’t make this a frequent occurrence of overestimating your figures, or I will have to think about double checking your work. /jk

November 5, 2011 3:52 pm

Barry Woods says: “The comments have now been disappeared/disabled….”
Looks like they touched a nerve, eh?
Talk about pro bozo work…

November 5, 2011 4:18 pm

Dehumanize the enemy. That is the first rule of a propaganda war. It works when the people are with you. It make you look barking mad when they’re not.

November 5, 2011 4:38 pm

Barry Woods says November 5, 2011 at 11:25 am
I wonder if the Bill Clinton Foundation knew about the redirect or not?
I wonder if these people at Climate Central are happy with this new redirect:
ie VP communications Heidi Cullen, Jane Lubchenco NOAA, managing Editor Andrew Freedman, or Michael Oppenheimer, Princeton Uni.

A wonderful lot of emotes, all, I’m sure …

November 5, 2011 4:49 pm

Seems to be a lot of hatred around; you can also see it in the postings of the warmies wherever AGW is discussed.
Not sure of the psychology behind it.

J. Felton
November 5, 2011 10:09 pm

I reported the video to YouTube, and sent a message to the original poster, a “thomasgrand1966,” ( who also appears to be associated with the video ) and is also one of the vehement attackers against anyone who disagrees with the video, ( thanks to WUWT poster Barry Woods, who posted some of the conversations) letting him know of my actions.
Wonder if Im going to receive a profanity-laced response? Im counting on it.

November 6, 2011 2:57 am

If anyone who has invested in carbon trading or credits, like the BBC has with their superannuation fund some must be worried their investment will go bust. Al Gore and cohorts in clean energy projects, and those stupid Australians still progressing into non effective projects. (They are advertising now in Australia for solar farms and wind turbines investors, with the Ord River hydro-electric scheme (that might be OK though). Geo thermal projects in Australia have gone bust. Australia is now becoming the last bastion for these scams, and our government is toeing the line too. These videos are disgusting. They won’t win converts put more people off I would think!

Steve Jones
November 6, 2011 3:20 am

I wonder who the scientific advisors were who worked on Mike Gambino’s wonderful film portraying the desperation of a lost cause. Presumably he did get some scientific advice. This is too important an issue to rely on purely the collective knowledge of the production crew.
I look forward to more of these comedy shorts in the finest Hal Roach tradition. Perhaps a scene with a climate denier hanging from a clock as they try to deny time moving towards the world’s inevitable CAGW fate should we choose to do nothing. Or the bungling attendees at the various climate conferences arriving in the style of the Keystone Cops.
Thankfully, after nearly 30 years, we are witnessing the beginning of the end of the CAGW movement.

November 6, 2011 5:11 am

As their cause gets weaker the cries get shriller. Quite telling how they don´t allow ratings or comments on that newest youtube video and seeing all the negative ratings and comments on the other ones.

Justa Joe
November 6, 2011 11:27 am

[SNIP: a sentiment I sometimes share, but, pleae understand, not really appropriate for this site. -REP]
Steve Zwick from Chicago was involved with the ponzi scheme that was the now defunct CCX. He has zero crdibility with me.

November 6, 2011 1:47 pm

I wonder if that video is picking up a large number of ‘dislikes’?

November 6, 2011 1:52 pm

Doesn’t pro bono mean that there is money to be collected later for the work done if x pays out?

November 7, 2011 11:56 am

Based on the one comment posted here and the snips of his comments on the YouTube page copied here, Mike Gambino strikes me as typical of the sort who believes themselves to be smarter, better educated and superior in their ability to think and create than most other people. For that reason they tend to think that anything they believe in has to be the correct way of thinking and anyone disagreeing with them as not worthy of even simple courtesy.
But I could be wrong here. After all I’m a former torpedoman – strong back and weak mind – whose knuckles are scarred from dragging along the ground. I doubt even the three degrees I’ve earned since have overcome that basic fact. Yep, I’m pretty sure Mikey is by far the superior intellect.
It goes well with his also being the bigger ass.

November 7, 2011 12:04 pm

If you don’t think the dehumanizing effect is real, just watch this video of a Prius owner confronting a pick-up truck owner in a parking lot.

Who knows what the pick-up owner thinks about climate change? It doesn’t matter, guilt is assumed because he owns a truck. Do you think a person would be brash enough to confront someone in such a hostile manner if it weren’t for alarmists’ mouth-foaming rhetoric and activist media outlet ads like this one emboldening them?

November 7, 2011 6:24 pm

That was great. Doubt the yelling woman saw the irony in her characterization of the driver and his wife as mindless, ignorant, obnoqueous, substandard intelligence, inconsiderate, etc, etc.
The wife was much more on target with her characterization of the woman.

November 7, 2011 7:14 pm

justthefactswuwt says:
November 6, 2011 at 4:25 pm
Myrrh says: November 6, 2011 at 1:52 pm
Doesn’t pro bono mean that there is money to be collected later for the work done if x pays out?
No, a “contingent fee (in the United States) or conditional fee (in England and Wales) is any fee for services provided where the fee is only payable if there is a favourable result. In the law is defined as “[a] fee charged for a lawyer’s services only if the lawsuit is successful or is favorably settled out of court…Contingent fees are usually calculated as a percentage of the client’s net recovery.”.
On the other hand, “Pro bono publico (English: for the public good; usually shortened to pro bono) is a Latin phrase generally used to describe professional work undertaken voluntarily and without payment or at a reduced fee as a public service. It is common in the legal profession and is increasingly seen in marketing, technology, and strategy consulting firms. Pro bono service, unlike traditional volunteerism, uses the specific skills of professionals to provide services to those who are unable to afford them.”
However, I think your instincts are good. The question remains, what entities contributed to the conception and production of “Combustion” and “The Air-Conditioned Suit”?

Thank you for sorting that, I’ve obviously not got the plot in American dramas where this was mentioned.. 🙂
I’ve always associated it with there being a payout at the end, for the benefit of the client in the interim…
Found this on pro bono: I’m impressed.

November 7, 2011 7:44 pm

And from my favourite firm of lawyers:
Denny Crane: So am I! Frankly, I hope this planet survives. I really do. But I am getting sick of you smug, hybrid
driving socialists telling the rest of us how to live our lives! I’m rich, okay? Like to guzzle a little gas now and then.
I keep my thermostat at 72 during the winter. I prefer night games in football. And I am fed up with you global-
warming wusses raining on my electric parade!!
Walt Bonner: He shakes his head. You can be such an arrogant, ignorant, ass!
Denny Crane: So can you! He lifts the gun in his hands and starts shooting. Walt looks down startled. The
gun flashes as the sound of a machine rattles on for several seconds. Denny keeps aiming directly at
Walt’s chest which is now splattered with red blobs of… paint. Good news! It’s paint. Bad news. It’s not bio-
degradable. Nobody comes into my office and ruins my Christmas with a load of ‘Save the Planet’ atheist,
communist crap! Off you go now.
Walt takes his jacket and leaves.

November 8, 2011 5:19 pm

I don’t like how they connect the ozone hole and AGW. The ozone hole is real and you can see it. You cannot see agw, and it does not cause cancer.