Al Gore's Climate Reality Project brings on Miss Rhode Island to talk about sea level rise

UPDATE: Allison Rogers, Miss Rhode Island 2006, responds below

UPDATE2: Paul Higgins, who also appears in the video, responds in comments here 2011/09/20 at 6:31 am

Because, well, Miss Florida wasn’t available.

Our friend Ecotretas writes: It is rising…

Climate Reality has had some good moments. Like the moment below, where Paul Higgins, Associate Director of the American Meteorological Society Policy Program tries to answer some pretty easy questions. The first one is how much has the sea level risen in the past 50 years? And how much is it expected to rise in the next 50 years? Easy to get the numbers, as it has risen about 17 cm in the 20th century, so a good reply would be half of that, or about 8.5 cm. And if it is rising at 3 mm/year now, and it is not accelerating, it would rise 15 cm in the next 50 years, less than half a foot…

Higgins didn’t have a clue, but suggested that in the next 50 years it would be in the neighborhood of less than half a meter. Gosh, when scientists don’t have a clue, then the priests just jump in. Meet Allison Rogers, former Executive Director from Green the Capitol. Who is this cute girl, I thought? Well, like she was presented before, she has a degree in Religion and was Miss Rhode Island 2006! These beautiful girls just say whatever they hear, and for her, the sea level can go up 39 feet, well you know because all that ice from Greenland and Antarctica could just melt…

There were more questions. Higgins still didn’t know… We just can’t emit more CO2. You just have to see the video to get an idea how good this Climate Reality was… If you cannot see it below, or want a better quality, just go here, and fast-forward till 52:53


Allison Rogers, Miss Rhode Island 2006, responds in comments:


The source for the 39 feet reference in my response is here:

“World on the Edge” – Author: Lester Brown, 2011. See page 75.

“How far might the sea level rise? Rob Young and Orrin Pilkey note in ‘The Rising Sea’ that planning panels in Rhode Island and Miami assume a minimum rise of 3.5 feet by 2100. A California planning study uses a 4.6-foot rise by century’s end. The Dutch, for their coastal planning purposes, are assuming a 2.5-foot rise for 2050.

If the Greenland ice sheet, which is well over a mile thick in places, were to melt completely, sea level would rise 23 feet. And if the West Antarctic ice sheet were to break up entirely, sea level would rise 16 feet. Together, the melting of these two ice sheets, which scientists believe to be the most vulnerable, would raise sea level 39 feet. And this does not include thermal expansion as ocean water warms, an important contributor to sea level rise.”

– Allison Rogers

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September 15, 2011 12:18 pm

WHAT is rising, when Miss RH shows up? Inquiring minds would like to know 🙂

September 15, 2011 12:23 pm

This is sad and hilarious at once. All that’s missing is a bong.

September 15, 2011 12:25 pm

“I don’t want to bogged down in the metrics here…”
They never do.

September 15, 2011 12:25 pm

As a native RIer I could find this embarrassing. But then again I’m pretty used to the astonishing ignorance of my fellow-citizens. Sometimes you just have to LOL.

September 15, 2011 12:28 pm

We are all much dumber after watching that video. We award you no points MMGW pushers may god have mercy on your soul!!!!!

September 15, 2011 12:45 pm

So you don’t have to be blonde to be dumb?….

September 15, 2011 12:45 pm

I was going to make snarky comment. It would have been uncharitable.
These people would deserve pity if their agenda weren’t so destructive.
Steamboat Jack (Jon Jewett’s evil twin)

September 15, 2011 12:47 pm

dear god.
can we please get better people talking for my side.
my team sucks

September 15, 2011 12:49 pm

As long as she didn’t say something like “Soon rising sea levels may imperil the bridges connecting Rhode Island to the mainland, and not long after put the entire island under water”……….

September 15, 2011 12:54 pm

September 15, 2011 12:56 pm

They are truly competing with Spongebob Squarepants to render people dumb.
“The study suggests just watching nine minutes of Spongebob Squarepants can cause short-term attention and learning problems in four-year-olds.”

September 15, 2011 1:03 pm

Dave said “This is sad and hilarious at once. All that’s missing is a bong.
LOL… 🙂

September 15, 2011 1:04 pm

I hate to say it, but as a nerd/geek who didn’t get much female attention… Gore should have chosen his speakers from this pool to get me to watch.
// I can’t decide if I’m being offensive to Gore, Warmists, or Women…

September 15, 2011 1:07 pm

Steven Mosher says:
September 15, 2011 at 12:47 pm
Obviously not! PMSL 🙂
and anyway – Lukewarmers aren’t a team – they are more of a hedge betting group! …..LOL.
and anyway part 2 – when are you gonna accept that the planet simply is not performing according to the dire CAGW based predictions and ergo, something in the data/methodolgy/models/predictions is clearly not right?
If, using the oft warmist quoted analogy of a ‘sick earth’ – the earth was that sick and the ‘doctors’ were giving prognoses and treatment regimes – we could be pretty sure the patient would be being given the wrong medicine/treatment as they still don’t have an adequate understanding of the (alleged) problem. (which of course begs the point, is there actually a problem?)

September 15, 2011 1:09 pm

Wow. Al’s really pulling out the heavy hitters.
But’s what is disturbing in the short clip is the prevailing tactic of the entire movement to spout out conclusions and predictions without even the slightest bit of factual or logical justification, e.g.”… don’t want to get bogged down in the metrics here…”.
Miss RI, and the moderator, who is no slouch in the eye candy department either, do distract the critical thought process and help fuel the faulty conclusions by diverting attention from the BS they just shoveled.

Nuke Nemesis
September 15, 2011 1:14 pm

I’m worried global warming will cause Rhode Island to float away, and eventually, inevitably capsize. With those darn Tea Partiers having such a stranglehold on the budget, who would pay for the cleanup?

September 15, 2011 1:19 pm

After watching that video with Miss Rhode Island and “the scientist” I have a massive headache.
Probably has to do with smashing my head against the wall wishing the pain of their presentation would end.

September 15, 2011 1:26 pm

You are so right. All those good questions and they can’t answer one of the frigging questions. Unfreaking believable. Where did they find that scientist? Is it Scott Mandia’s brother-in-law or something? Plus it’s scripted when they are stumped. For example, MS RI says we should defer to the expert scientist – who is clueless about sea level rise, natural rates of sequestration of CO2.
I bet she couldn’t find West Antarctica on a globe.

September 15, 2011 1:31 pm

That was like watching “The View” on drugs.

September 15, 2011 1:35 pm

I’ve see a video of her that says she is a “Climate Project Presenter (Trained by Al Gore)”.

September 15, 2011 1:36 pm

Nothing like teeing it up so skeptics can hit it out of the park. Wow.

September 15, 2011 1:44 pm

Sorry, but I have to link to this… ;->

September 15, 2011 1:46 pm

The stupid! It burns!

September 15, 2011 1:46 pm
September 15, 2011 1:53 pm

Eye candy , more eye candy and quickly. We need help because our ratings are in the dumpster. Can we get one of these ladies to show more cleavage?
Sigh. One brain between the lot of them but I’d still take one home 🙂

Dan in California
September 15, 2011 1:54 pm

So a skeptical meteorologist is not qualified to speak out on AGW because he’s not a climatologist. But Miss Rhode Island is qualified as an AGW enthusiast. No double standard there.

September 15, 2011 2:19 pm

Don’t despair, Steve Mosher… You can always fall back on Al Gore.
(Sorry for the cheap shot, Steve, but I considered as an alternative Dr. “Civil Disobedience” Hansen, Michael “I’m not a crook; stay outta my emails” Mann, and Phil “Lost Data” Jones, among others. You should probably be happy with Ms. Road Island (did I miss-spell that correctly?) and this generic climsci scientist–at least they’re not swearing at the audience.)

Craig Goodrich
September 15, 2011 2:20 pm

Now, guys, watch it. From one who’s well beyond the point where such activities have an overwhelming priority, tje fact she’s dumb doesn’t necessarily imply that she’s not dangerous. Quite the contrary.
But I have to admit that the indefatigable, unquenchable. persistent dogged ignorance of the CAGW crowd is amazing, even to one with such long experience in stupidity (my own and humanity’s) as I have.

Roger Knights
September 15, 2011 2:30 pm

Now we know where Sunny gets her material.
(Someone please post her video links here.)

September 15, 2011 2:32 pm

Sorry, I am confused. I thought that the latest Miss Rhode Island was this blonde at 11:44:

She said that evolution should be taught at schools much like all other perspectives how we all came to being. 😉 Is that a different Miss contest? Miss USA vs Universe vs Multiverse vs Globe?

David Falkner
September 15, 2011 2:38 pm

…Gosh, when scientists don’t have a clue, than the priests just jump in…Who is this cute girl, I thought? Well, like she was presented before, she has a degree in Religion and was Miss Rhode Island 2006!
Nice double standard here.

P Walker
September 15, 2011 2:39 pm

Well that was 2:17 I won’t get back . I admit that I haven’t watched any of this claptrap – is it all this bad ? After reading about half of the posts on this , I will assume the answer is mostly yes .

Eric Anderson
September 15, 2011 2:48 pm

Ray: “They are truly competing with Spongebob Squarepants to render people dumb.”
Careful, Ray. Spongebob is very well written — juvenile and a bit crude, to be sure — but well written. Lots of fun subtexts and nuances in the shows. If Gore’s show were like Spongebob, it might well be worth a watch. Unfortunately, I’m sure it doesn’t rise to that level.

Rick K
September 15, 2011 3:23 pm

What, “97% of all super-smart scientists think global warming is happening and we are to blame for it” and THIS is the best Al Gore can get??!?! Hilarious!
If I believed in global warming I wouldn’t after seeing this!!
I hope this whole thing backfires like 0bama’s ‘attackwatch’ fiasco!
p.s. Anthony and Josh — excellent job! Great cartoons, great information and a great resource for later.

Frank Kotler
September 15, 2011 3:30 pm

They have to use someone who knows nothing to discuss sea level rise. Someone who knows would observe that sea level has fallen about 6mm over the last year.
Theo: Seal level falling! That’s Bad!!!

Bob Diaz
September 15, 2011 3:37 pm

The current average sea level rise is 3.2mm (1/8″) per year, that comes to 160mm (6.3″) in 50 years, not much. 39 feet = 11.887mm and at 3.2mm per year, it would take 11,887 / 3.2 = 3,715 years. Then again, given that we are overdue for another ice age, we may be entering the next ice age by then.

Frank Kotler
September 15, 2011 3:39 pm

Dave says:
September 15, 2011 at 12:23 pm
This is sad and hilarious at once. All that’s missing is a bong.
I have a bong. I’ve been smoking pot for about 47 years, and it hasn’t turned me into a warmist yet!
I’m an old hippie, and as you might expect, have some warmist friends. I also have many skeptic friends – more than you might imagine! Some tree-huggers know what trees eat.
Please don’t get confused about who your enemies are!

September 15, 2011 4:27 pm

You people are being really unfair after Miss Rhode Island is as well qualified academical to talk about AGW as St Gore is .

September 15, 2011 4:56 pm

Dear Anthony, I think Ecotretas is probably wrong on this one:
According to Nils-Axel Mörner, the sea level is not rising at 3 mm/year now, more like 1.0 mm/year (± 1.0) mm/year.
I write about this at (Sea level trends). As I live in a South-Florida Key, I have a vested interest in this.
Renowned oceanographic expert Nils-Axel Mörner has studied sea level and its effects on coastal areas for some 45 years. Recently retired as director of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics Department at Stockholm University, Mörner is past president (1999-2003) of the INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution, and leader of the Maldives Sea Level Project.

Jack Simmons
September 15, 2011 5:50 pm

I’ve always noticed the tendency in myself to pay more attention when a beautiful woman is speaking…

September 15, 2011 5:53 pm

Miss Rhode Island – now there’s a model I could get behind – or climb on top of…
get it? get it? climb-it model

Nuke Nemesis
September 15, 2011 5:55 pm

Ask any cult leader or nightclub owner. Get the hot chicks and dudes will fall all over themselves to get in.

September 15, 2011 6:19 pm

Higgins didn’t have a clue, but suggested that in the next 50 years it would be in the neighborhood of less than half a meter. … and was Miss Rhode Island 2006!

Oh man, that was worse than I thought! I don’t know what else to say. Clearly Higgins didn’t.
Would it be crude of me to note Heidi Cullen’s (the first few hours) skirt was rather short? Or is that okay, but noting she displayed her legs well is not?

September 15, 2011 6:47 pm

Steven Mosher says:
September 15, 2011 at 12:47 pm
dear god.
can we please get better people talking for my side.
my team sucks
You need more modeling, much more.

September 15, 2011 6:49 pm

Steven Mosher says: “dear god. can we please get better people talking for my side. my team sucks.”
Truly funny, Steven, though we know these people aren’t really “your team.”

Dave Worley
September 15, 2011 6:55 pm

Higgins didn’t have a clue, but suggested that in the next 50 years it would be in the neighborhood of less than half a meter.
I don’t think he was talking about sea level and Ms. Rhode Island was not buying it at all. She was probably thinking “never in a million years you perv.”

September 15, 2011 6:59 pm

Question: At what rate of pollution can the Earth, ahhh, not recover from the damage we are causing? Brilliant! Really
Easy answer: We are fast approaching that day!
Pannelist answer: Ahhh, so, bla, bla, climate change, greenhouse gasses.
Impossible question to answer. Who slipped that in?
Or just give’em enough rope.

Bernd Felsche
September 15, 2011 7:03 pm

When was the last time you caught a glimpse of Miss Multiverse? 🙂

September 15, 2011 7:28 pm

Steven Mosher says:
“dear god. can we please get better people talking for my side” Pobably not.
” my team sucks.” Yes – it does.

Joe Bastardi
September 15, 2011 7:31 pm

I see Al Gore invoked Miss Rhode Island, who has a degree in religion to talk about rising sea levels ( heh I just won the tall class of Mr North America Saturday, actually its the N American Bodybuilding championships) shouldnt I be called upon since I am a spiritual person too. Nah just a dumb bodybuilder.. negates my degree , you know.
You know whats funny? Remember the Woody Allen movie Bananas, where Woody Allen ( he was a revolutionary in a banana republic in the movie) was on trial for subversion and they called on Miss America to testify against him, because she is Miss America. He had to get that idea from that. Anthony should call him and find out if he ever saw the movie Bananas, though he may have missed it cause it was out around the time of Love Story, which I am proud to say I HAVE NEVER SEEN. BTW the best scene in the movie is when Woody Allen was his own lawyer questioning himself, and the judge had him bound and gagged, and he still got a guy to run in and confess… from another trial.

September 15, 2011 8:10 pm

Nuke Nemesis says:
September 15, 2011 at 1:14 pm
I’m worried global warming will cause Rhode Island to float away, and eventually, inevitably capsize. With those darn Tea Partiers having such a stranglehold on the budget, who would pay for the cleanup?
Well, the Dhimmicrats have already been worrying that the military might cause Guam to capsize so they should be on top of the cleanup bit already!!

September 15, 2011 9:43 pm

The only thing that was abundantly clear from watching that clip, was that Ms. RI was batting her eyes at him, relentlessly,while he was making a fool of himself.
When she was talking she kept looking back at him, to check if she had properly scraped him up off the floor he nose-dived into.
Love bites: He didn’t do his homework and was a dimwit, while she was quick with the evasive answer (political sidestep). He might even be dull enough to not notice her fawning attention.
There certainly wasn’t an ounce of climate reality anywhere in that room.

September 15, 2011 11:56 pm

PaulH says:September 15, 2011 at 1:44 pm “Sorry, but I have to link to this… ;->”
Ha Ha. Thanks so much for that gift!

Steve C
September 16, 2011 12:13 am

I really wanted to make a crack about the “ortho-doxy” … but it’s uncharitable to mock the afflicted.

John Marshall
September 16, 2011 1:27 am

Some discussion. Four bimboes and a bloke who didn’t know any data. I am now scared.

September 16, 2011 2:22 am

@Russell C
Time to play “Are you Smarter than a Beauty Queen?”
The fact is “Rhode Island” is connected to the mainland, aka the “Providence Plantations,” by bridges.
Thanks for playing.
The good news is that neither the Ile of Rode, an early US colony founded by a woman, nor the Providence Plantations, founded by Roger Williams, appear to be at risk of flooding due to sea level rise.

Andrew Holder
September 16, 2011 2:35 am

I have to say that some of the clips and comments that I have seen/read here are so funny that this could have the makings of a new comedy series, classic stuff. But it’s scary that some people actually believe that these people know what they are talking about. At least they could pretend to know something, and say something sensible and look confident – it’s incredible.

September 16, 2011 3:42 am

Centimeters, millimeters are the same as feet and inches aren’t they?

September 16, 2011 3:53 am

‘” early colony that later joined with the Providence Plantations to form Rhode Island, the first colony to declare independence,” is a bit more accurate.

Alan Bates
September 16, 2011 4:12 am

I watched the first 2 minutes and lost the will to live … I decided to kill the video before it killed me! The trouble is, of course, that the questions were excellent but to answer them truthfully would have been extremely embarassing. A sealevel rise of 15 cm (6 inches in US units – 1.5 times the width of your hand) in 50 years is not exactly world-shattering.
Seriously, what twaddle! This is the best that Al (call me Vice President, even though I’m not) can come up with??? Mind you, it is hardly surprising when Al thinks the Arctic will be ice-free in what is now well under 5 years.

Steve Schuman
September 16, 2011 4:32 am

I think you guys are confusing a gong with a bong. The Gong Show went off the air years ago, but had similar entertainment and educational value.

September 16, 2011 6:00 am

Well, there is more from Miss Rogers. What can come closer to a Climate Change Priestess? Please check out at
or see the video directly below:

Allison Rogers
September 16, 2011 6:22 am

The source for the 39 feet reference in my response is here:
“World on Edge” – Author: Lester Brown, 2011. See page 75.
“How far might the sea level rise? Rob Young and Orrin Pilkey note in ‘The Rising Sea’ that planning panels in Rhode Island and Miami assume a minimum rise of 3.5 feet by 2100. A California planning study uses a 4.6-foot rise by century’s end. The Dutch, for their coastal planning purposes, are assuming a 2.5-foot rise for 2050.
If the Greenland ice sheet, which is well over a mile thick in places, were to melt completely, sea level would rise 23 feet. And if the West Antarctic ice sheet were to break up entirely, sea level would rise 16 feet. Together, the melting of these two ice sheets, which scientists believe to be the most vulnerable, would raise sea level 39 feet. And this does not include thermal expansion as ocean water warms, an important contributor to sea level rise.”
– Allison Rogers

Allison Rogers
September 16, 2011 6:25 am

The source for the 39 feet reference in my response is here:
“World on the Edge” – Author: Lester Brown, 2011. See page 75.
“How far might the sea level rise? Rob Young and Orrin Pilkey note in ‘The Rising Sea’ that planning panels in Rhode Island and Miami assume a minimum rise of 3.5 feet by 2100. A California planning study uses a 4.6-foot rise by century’s end. The Dutch, for their coastal planning purposes, are assuming a 2.5-foot rise for 2050.
If the Greenland ice sheet, which is well over a mile thick in places, were to melt completely, sea level would rise 23 feet. And if the West Antarctic ice sheet were to break up entirely, sea level would rise 16 feet. Together, the melting of these two ice sheets, which scientists believe to be the most vulnerable, would raise sea level 39 feet. And this does not include thermal expansion as ocean water warms, an important contributor to sea level rise.”
– Allison Rogers

Bruce Cobb
September 16, 2011 7:05 am

“How much will sea levels rise in the next 50 years?”
“Ah-uhhh, I don’t, uh, exactly have those figures at my fingertips.”, over the next 50 years, ah-uhh, I think it’s in the neighborhood of, ahh-uh, less than half a meter, uhh – please, other panelists?” Bwonggg!! Incredibly poor performance, and wrong answer. Bimbo to the rescue, though. The “correct” answer is 39 feet.
Well, actually, the scientifically correct answer would be that there is no reason to believe sea levels will rise any faster than they have been the last few hundred years, which is about 4-6 inches per century, meaning roughly 2-3 inches in the next half-century.
“Let’s not get bogged down in metrics”. Right, because with ideology, facts don’t matter, and are made-up anyway.
“At what rate of pollution can the earth NOT recover from the damage we are causing?”
Talk about a loaded question! He pretty neatly sidesteps the question, though, saying “the short answer is we don’t know, but blah-blah”. Bwonggg! The “correct” answer is, of course, 350 ppm, which has been “scientifically determined” by Hansen et al to be the “safe” limit for the Earth.

September 16, 2011 7:49 am

Yea Frank I’m with you. Old stoner from the 70’s. I use my bong so I can laugh at this alarmist tripe. I’ve always been an environmentalist; always recycled whenever I could. I pick up other’s garbage at the beach. I think the Brazilian rainforest should be protected. Whales, seals and yes, polar bears must retain there habitats.
I believe all this should happen through capitalistic solutions. I have observed that wealthier countries are able to protect their ecologies. So with the consumption of fossil fuels, economies grow and wealth increases, hence efforts in ecology increase.
When I first heard the doomsday horsepoop from Gore and his ilk, I new it was a con job, I just new it. So I went searching for other skeptics and found many. Now I’m a “Wattsupper” . I’ll burn one and relish each debunk. I especially like it when the “warmistas” (love that euphamism) stick their foot in their mouths. Incidences of which continue to increase.

September 16, 2011 8:09 am

I Know how to spell knew. I just blew it. Yes, you all can blame the bong.
If you knew what the new gnu knew, you’ld be alright.

September 16, 2011 8:27 am

Do you guys have the whole 24 hours? I was working and only caught a little. But it seems like there was a guy from Brazil telling the audience you just have to put your trust in the scientists and your faith will bring about a carbon free future with no more storms, no more droughts, no suffering. Not sure if he said no more earthquakes be seems like there was an image of an earthquake. But it was totally like a religion. Just have faith and we will have heaven on earth. A world with no more suffering. It was golden! Or so it appeared from my distracted memory.

September 16, 2011 8:40 am

Absolutely priceless, “the short answer is, we don’t know.”
Allow me to add, the long answer is the same.

September 16, 2011 8:56 am

Yes, Ms. Rogers, and 15,000 years ago 2 miles of ice sat on top of New York. 5 billion years from now or so the Sun will explode. Unless you put some kind of rational timescale on these things, the numbers are nothing but amusing bits of trivia with no direct relevance to anything.
that’s the important bit that apparently no one ever told you.

Theo Barker
September 16, 2011 9:26 am

wws beat me to it! Ms. Rogers apparently didn’t ask for the time quanta and/or energy transfer rates required to melt said ice. Perhaps she is not familiar with the concept of the latent heat of fusion, i.e. the energy required to melt a solid even though its temperature remains constant (see also the similar latent heat of vaporization.) I don’t have time to do the arithmetic (others have done it here before) but as I recall, the time scale had an order of magnitude in the 1000-10 000 year range.

September 16, 2011 9:57 am

It’s like a scene from Mad Men

September 16, 2011 10:13 am

Well at least Miss RI HAD and answer, even if misleading. The “scientist” did too – but watch his body language and stammering – clearly a case of severe cognitive dissonance. Too bad we couldn’t see the sweat running down his face as he told what he absolutely knew to be bald-faced lies.
Maybe he was terrified that if he uttered the truth, the Denier Detector would be set off and Gore Almighty would hurl down a thunderbolt to strike him dead on the spot – now that would have been great television!

September 16, 2011 12:06 pm

Fascinating. Miss Rhode Island Allison Rogers’ comment update here refers to Orrin Pilkey’s ‘The Rising Sea’ book. Pilkey just put out another book a couple of months ago which regurgitates the same old accusation that skeptic scientists are corrupt – he sources his information about old coal industry memos from Naomi Oreskes, but those SAME words are seen in Al Gore’s 1992 book…. yet Al Gore says elsewhere that anti-skeptic book author Ross Gelbspan discovered the memos, while Oreskes ultimately sources her info about them from Gelbspan, whose own first-time mention of them appears to be in late 1995 – as I detailed in my article “The Great Global Warming Ponzi Scheme – how the mainstream media keeps it alive”
Forget the proverbial ‘six degrees of separation’, it always seems like Ross Gelbspan is only a few degrees separated from any given discussion of AGW.

Nuke Nemesis
September 16, 2011 12:34 pm

Did any of you guys ever consider that Al Gore’s new ocean-front condo may be on the upper floors? Maybe it’s like, you know, at least 40 feet above sea level?

Dave Worley
September 16, 2011 3:06 pm

Well, 4-6 inches is less than half a meter, so I guess Higgins’ answer was correct.
Allison, thanks for participating here with your citation.
Keep in mind that the 39 feet is only a wild projection, It’s a very extreme hypothetical, similar to “What if aliens came to earth”. I trust you will eventually work through your youthful propensity toward such horrific fantasies and will one day assume a more positive and realistic world view.

September 16, 2011 3:25 pm

Allison Rogers – good to see you paying attention to the discussion on WUWT.
The key word in your position is “IF”. It’s a passport to let the imagination roam free. “If the Greenland ice sheet, which is well over a mile thick in places, were to melt completely, …”
“IF” I ignore conservation of energy, I should be able to float around the room unsupported. But I don’t, and I can’t. The idea is not even worth talking about. Neither is melting mile-thick ice sheets near the poles, or the entire break-up of WAIS.
Not such a good point on planners Allison – they don’t know more than Joe P Average. British planning authorities listened to tales of a warming climate and saved on winter salt for road treatment. Then Britian found itself importing emergency supplies of salt when the last couple of winters failed to follow the script.

September 16, 2011 7:40 pm

I have yet to see any planning, anywhere by anybody, of what to do if the sea levels decide to drop precipitously, as in a repeat of the Little Ice Age.
Every sort of planning is afoot for only 1 face of the coin of climate.
Harbors would need dredging, as well as entrances to canals, navigable rivers and access to dry dock would be impaired.
Modern Maritime would be caught flatfooted.

September 16, 2011 9:16 pm

Wow, I can normally stomach embarrassing TV, but this is properly toe-curling, agonising tripe of the worst sort. I had to switch off after the ‘scientist’ did his second Hindenburg impression.
Whoever he is, I should imagine he’s got his head in his hands next to an empty bottle, wishing he could wake up from this enduring nightmare he’s brought upon himself.
My father-in-law (a senior lecturer for many years) would say to this chief “You’ve fallen foul of The 5 P’s, old boy – lack of Planning and Preparation equals Piss-Poor Performance. Go and do your homework!”
As for this whole Climate Reality circus, a gargantuan crock of bovine faeces. Al Gore should wind his neck in.

September 16, 2011 9:35 pm

To Ms. Rogers, welcome! We appreciate your participation.
Please consider, it takes two things to do anything, time and energy (ask my children, it is what they will tell you, and they will add that Gibbs free energy must be minimized). The amount of energy required to melt so much ice is beyond normal comprehension. The time involved to transfer that much energy and accomplish so much phase change is also outside our regular capacity to comprehend. Such time frames and so much energy required make discussion of sea-level rise within a human lifespan silly if we start talking in units as large as feet and meters.
Please, take the time to familiarize yourself with Dr. Scotese has one of my favorite quotes, “During the last 2 billion years the Earth’s climate has alternated between a frigid “Ice House”, like today’s world, and a steaming “Hot House”, like the world of the dinosaurs.”
His graph shows the current average global temperature to be about 286 K (~13°C). Note that the average global temperature over the time life has existed on earth (and a little longer) has generally been closer to 298 K, with an average of roughly 291 K. Given that the normal temperature of the earth runs about 5°C higher than it is now, and that it has warmed less than 1°C over the last 150 years, it hardly seems possible to suppose a catastrophe is waiting for our grandchildren. I am far more worried about the current political policies and debt policies for my children and grandchildren. Heating our homes, cooking our food, lighting our hospitals, running our factories is good. The fact that our current method of doing so produces plant food must actually be considered a bonus.
Educate yourself more and start with the writings of Willis Eschenbach here on WUWT. Aside from simply being worth reading, his discussion of the water cycle and tropical thunderstorms, and how this acts as a thermostat on earth should more than quell your fears regarding the small amount of warming that adding CO2 may account for. The earth is a ball of water. Only the sun and the water matter in the end. The rest just adjusts things up and down a little, no more than 5% according to Dr. Scotese and his graph sited above. We are in far more danger from another ice age, burying Rhode Island under unimaginably thick ice, and starving most mammals, but fortunately, geology tells us it will be millennia before that sets in again, well, at least a few centuries. Perhaps our inventive progeny will solve those problems long before then. (And they better do even more. We had better be able to get off the planet or be able to divert that rock when it comes. Another big one like a few that have hit the earth over the last several million years, and we are ALL gone.) Just the facts. And remember these facts: CO2 is as essential to life as H2O and O2. Human ingenuity and spirit has beaten the worst mother nature has been able to throw at us for tens of thousands of years. Sure, nature always wins the battles, but we always preserver and rebuild. Finally, cold kills; warmer is better—just ask the dinosaurs.

Mike Bromley the Canucklehead
September 16, 2011 10:09 pm

RockyRoad says:
September 15, 2011 at 2:19 pm
Don’t despair, Steve Mosher… You can always fall back on Al Gore.
(Sorry for the cheap shot, Steve, but I considered as an alternative Dr. “Civil Disobedience” Hansen, Michael “I’m not a crook; stay outta my emails” Mann, and Phil “Lost Data” Jones, among others. You should probably be happy with Ms. Road Island (did I miss-spell that correctly?) and this generic climsci scientist–at least they’re not swearing at the audience.)

Oh, the mirthful humanity…..

Steve Keohane
September 17, 2011 5:47 am

Robroy says:September 16, 2011 at 8:09 am
I Know how to spell knew. I just blew it. Yes, you all can blame the bong.
If you knew what the new gnu knew, you’ld be alright.

Is “you’ld” a contraction for ‘you all would’? Being a northern boy I may have missed out on a regional colloquialism.

September 17, 2011 6:12 am

It’s good for Miss Rhode Island 2006 to find out about WUWT, and participate. From the logs of my blog, timing and geographical location, she also visited mine… What an honor!
I hope she will continue reading. Maybe she’ll be a skeptic soon, but that will only happen if she is intelligent. Given she has a degree in Religion and a pageant title, I’ll doubt she is.
But I also have faith 😉

Just Sayin'
September 19, 2011 8:30 am

Oh good grief, so we’ve sunk so low as mocking a young person’s interest in religion? Shame on you all, especially Anthony for selectively setting the stage for making fun of the person rather than talking about the facts.
But since it seems to be more important to you to talk down to a lovely lady, here’s a couple other credentials you missed: Her religion degree and her Masters in Education was from Harvard. She’s also studying Studying National Security Strategy at the Naval War College.
She’s obviously an intelligent person with a diverse background. Plus judging from her reply, she has more class than you and no need to defend herself from your personal attacks.
Which is more than I can say for myself. I think y’all are pathetic.

Dave Worley
September 19, 2011 10:25 am

It looks like she only drove by to drop in an excuse for her ignorance; a reference to some hypothetical “what if” sea level numbers.
Apparently she did not stick around long enough to discuss or learn something new.

Paul Higgins
September 20, 2011 6:31 am

Hi Anthony,
Thanks for providing your readers with the link to the video of my comments during the Tonga panel of the Climate Reality Project. I’m happy that my remarks are getting attention and appreciate your help bringing traffic to the video.
Some readers of this blog might be interested to see what I had to say on the other panels I was part of. They’re all available in their entirety here:
I was on these six panels:
Victoria (the panel starts at 43 minutes, 20 seconds)
Tonga (starting at 34 min, 03 sec)
Aukland (starting at 17min, 30 sec)
Solomon Islands (starting at 39 min, 28 sec)
London (starting at 39 min, 04 sec)
Husavik (starting at 35 min, 50 sec)
Those who watch will see that I made four main points (all based on comprehensive assessment of scientific evidence): 1) climate is changing, 2) humans are causing climate change, 3) human caused climate change poses considerable risk to human society, and 4) basic economic principles suggest that putting a price on greenhouse gas emissions would bring net economic benefits to society.
Best wishes,
Paul Higgins

Paul Higgins
September 20, 2011 2:04 pm

Hi Anthony,
I see you posted Allison Rogers response up high next to yours. That was nice of you. Might you be willing to do the same with mine? (Not this one but my response from 6:31 am today).
Best wishes,
Paul Higgins
REPLY: Happy to do so, post updated with a link to your comments – Anthony

Paul Higgins
September 20, 2011 7:11 pm

Thanks for the link Anthony.