Inspector General Finds NOAA Climategate Emails Warranted "Further Investigation"

As usual, the mainstream media reads and reports only the summary page and so assumed NOAA is cleared of all wrongdoing. But there is a lot more to this story.…

More from Jerome Ravetz: Response to Willis

Guest Post by Jerome Ravetz First, let me respond to Willis. I owe him a huge apology. Yes, I was reading his mind, when I had a vivid memory of…

POLL and CONTEST: San Francisco Snow- How long before it gets connected to "global warming, climate change, climate disruption"?

Ah you know its coming, both the snow and the blame game. Here’s a NWS/NOAA graphic you don’t see very often: The forecasts say snow possibly down to sea level,…

Nature Magazine's Folie à Deux, Part Deux

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Well, in my last post I thought that I had seen nature at its worst … Nature Magazine, that is. But now I’ve had a…

A microbe albedo effect for ocean sunlight absorption

From MIT, something surprising. Like alignment of iron atoms in a magnet, microbes in seawater can align and change the albedo. It makes me wonder how much seawater can be…

Request for Assistance In Assessing an Important Sea Level Study

Note:John Droz asked me for help with research yesterday, and while I have no time at the moment, I did suggest he contact Bob Tisdale, and this is the result.…

NASA's Glory Climate Mission Hits a Snag

The story below was released yesterday, but the mission has already been postponed once, and, twice. Taurus Delay Extended: 2/23/2011 – VANDENBERG AFB, Calif. — The Taurus launch scheduled for 2:09 a.m. (PST),…

Carbon Trading: on in Australia, off in New Hampshire

Australia appears to be ready to run down the Carbon Rabbit Hole, from the WUWT Tips and Notes page Richard says: February 23, 2011 at 7:20 pm A PRICE is…