Cancun: the rationing rationalizing

Well the Telegraph article on rationing our modern lifestyle to reduce CO2 has made some waves since I covered it yesterday, fortunately it has not affected the attendees at Cancun. See the video below.

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R. de Haan
November 30, 2010 8:59 pm

Skeptic Journalist not welcome at Cancun.

November 30, 2010 9:05 pm

This should be called, Alarmist Gone Wild, (AGW).

R. de Haan
November 30, 2010 9:10 pm
November 30, 2010 9:13 pm

Well, come on. We all know that when you ply those AGW activists with liquor, they’re easy!

November 30, 2010 9:14 pm

The sacrifice is never meant to be for them. Just the people that produce everything in the world. Kinda like Hollywood people spending millions on a party to raise thousands for the poor.
Some people actually believe it matters, but mostly it is about money and power. On my site I get both. Those that care about the science I enjoy, even if they disagree, but some of them… Not so much.
John Kehr

R. de Haan
November 30, 2010 9:22 pm
Mark T
November 30, 2010 9:36 pm

Not only does their ideology blind them to the true consequences of what their plan would ultimately do (as well as it’s actual chance of success,) it further blinds them to how hypocritical their actions are, or appear to those of us on the outside. Really, what a shame.

Mark T
November 30, 2010 9:37 pm

No apostrophe on its… gah, my own pet peeve!

November 30, 2010 9:44 pm

No rationing on the tequila, that’s for sure. Now if only I could get a free pour like that from my local publican 🙂
Not that I drink tequila…

November 30, 2010 9:51 pm

Hey Man! You’re breaking the rule! Remember — What goes on in Cancun… Stays in Cancun!

Cassandra King
November 30, 2010 9:54 pm

The people you see believe they have a Godlike purpose, a holy mission to save the planet and you really cannot get a more important task. Save the world and make a very good living, look at me I am so very important they seem to portray so very clearly.
These attendees you see depend on these meeting for their jobs, their livelihoods but it goes deeper and this is the key, they rely on the CAGW fraud for their living and that is a key enabler. Save the world, take a leading role in saving the world, imposing your own views and principles on the world gives one a sense of power and destiny and this binds participants together in a shared crusade, now combine this with the real aim of these so called summits which is of course to gather together a like minded group of individuals in a separate space where no counter view can intrude. Cults use this method very effectively, they take a group and exclude any potential elements who might pollute the group narrative belief system while strengthening the group think prejudice and sense of belonging.
Cancun and all the other summits are designed to emulate the success of cult groups in controlling group minds and actions, its really nothing more than a large version of the heavens gate cult meetings. Seal of one group from the larger community and give them a Godlike mission to save the planet while making sure that adherence to the cult narrative is fiercely defended and continued membership of the group requires total belief, it helps of course to make sure that future invites and salaries are used as disciplinary weapons to keep the belief system pure.
The CAGW summits should be seen and examined closely in this light, base tricks and deceptions and cunning manipulation of human frailties to further a corrupt end, as old as humanity and still we fall for the tricks?

November 30, 2010 9:57 pm

Although I hate to say the warmists do anything right for fear this may mislead people into thinking they do other things right, there is no reason to rebuke them for this fiesta. There is no way they are going to agree upon rationing and thus no reason for them to ration before discussion really even begin. Also, such eleborate parties do, in fact, help the political process, which is a shame really, because it shows how easily our politicl leaders are influenced and leads to government sactioned bribery in the form of expensive dinners.

November 30, 2010 10:06 pm

Why refer to the World War II all the time?
Rationing of food, energy, and basic commodities for all who doesn’t belong to the carefully chosen, correct-thinking elite was a widespread practice in the Soviet Union, and still is an everyday, normal way of life in Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, and many other socially and environmentally disastrous countries.
These are perfect examples of the social regime that the environmentalists yearn to impose on the whole world: they rule and dance, we work and starve.
In the final reckoning it’s really that simple. Isn’t it, Parteigenosse Pachauri?

Mark T
November 30, 2010 10:09 pm

Interestingly, if you’ve ever been in on a meal provided to military personnel by any defense contractor you’d notice the exact opposite. Such meals are typically sandwiches and some soda/coffee/tea and a cookie for dessert. There’s also a box next to the table for the military folk to put in a “fair value” contribution for their meal (not optional.)

November 30, 2010 10:18 pm

Ok, as John Wayne said, “That breaks it!”
So when they get back they’ll be implementing skyrocketing energy bills for us, and telling us no eating meat?

November 30, 2010 10:29 pm

“Little man, another drink please!!.
Oh a vote? Please, no more indulgences for white people, or those uppity Northern Asiatics, et al. Does anyone else think that the Chileans need a bit of discipline also? Oh. And I will have a bit of that Iranian caviar. So rare now, eh Che?”.

Don Penim
November 30, 2010 10:39 pm

Maybe they should continue the party over at one of Cancun’s dance clubs where, according to this Cancun Nightlife website, they can experience something cooling:
“One of Mexico’s most popular clubs, Dady’O is known for endless nights of dancing, great parties, famous DJ’s, three dimensional laser show, CO2 cooling effects, action packed shows and theme parties. Considered an international hot spot for people from all walks of life..”

November 30, 2010 10:40 pm


November 30, 2010 10:43 pm

Interesting bit on upper atmospheric sulfur dioxide causing heat trap on Venus. I think I would have initially guessed a different scenario, but the measure is real and the article is a caution against AGW intervention. Venus is the most hard rock volcanic planet in the Solar System by far. I don’t think that climatologists appreciate how much vulcanism has to do with atmosphere, IMHO.

November 30, 2010 10:44 pm

Speaking of rational, cheers to Adam for having the only rational comment in the lot.

Baa Humbug
November 30, 2010 10:53 pm

Mark T says:
November 30, 2010 at 10:09 pm
Mark is that for real or are you pulling a leg? A fair value box to pay for their meal?
Soldiers don’t have to pay for their rifle and ammo, helmets and body armour, which they need to fight, but they have to pay for a sandwich? nah!!!

November 30, 2010 10:59 pm

How do you know these are Liberal Greenie goons?
Only Greeny goons would wear a back-pack to a party. Are they worried that someone might steal their hair shirts and sandals?

November 30, 2010 11:05 pm

There will be the same film in Cancun as it was last year in Copenhagen and nothing will be changed 😀

Mark T
November 30, 2010 11:08 pm

For very real. This is done intentionally so there is no hint of an attempt to influence a contract or related business decision. The standards are very high, and it is a shame this is not true across the board with our government.
Keep in mind, these personnel are often those that run the contracts or approve the contracts, i.e., they aren’t typically soldiers from the field, though they may have been at one time. The government may reimburse them if they track how much they’ve actually spent, though I don’t know for sure (never asked.)

November 30, 2010 11:08 pm

Dear Tim,
“Rational” and “Rationing” are two different words with two different meanings.

David Walton
November 30, 2010 11:17 pm

Re: Well the Telegraph article on rationing our modern lifestyle to reduce CO2 has made some waves since I covered it yesterday, fortunately it has not affected the attendees at Cancun.
Why am I not surprised?

Doug in Seattle
November 30, 2010 11:18 pm

The less I hear of what the bureaucrats are saying at Cancun, the more worried I get that they will impose their agreement upon us.
The US administration has already indicated they will implement an agreement with or without the niceties of congressional approval. The EU long ago drank their Koolaid. China, Russia and India will sign and simply ignore it.
I preferred the open reporting from Nopenhagen to the relative silence from Can’tcon.

R. de Haan
November 30, 2010 11:24 pm


Brian H
November 30, 2010 11:36 pm

Mark T;
Join me in spreading this little mnemonic:
His-hers-its; he’s-she’s-it’s.
Pick the right group, and U can’t miss! 🙂

November 30, 2010 11:37 pm

Alexander Feht says:
November 30, 2010 at 11:08 pm
Dear Tim,
“Rational” and “Rationing” are two different words with two different meanings.
First, that should be “rationalizing” and “rationing.” Second, no kidding!
According to them, we should do the “rationing” and they’ll do the “rationalizing” for their version of AGW (Alarmist Gone Wild, thanks Russ.)

November 30, 2010 11:41 pm

Soon they will not have to worry about forcing greenhouse rationing.
Lloyds warns that nature will soon be forcing a reduction in conventional liquid fuels. e.g. by 2012 to 2015.

November 30, 2010 11:55 pm

Baa Humbug says:
November 30, 2010 at 10:53 pm
Mark is that for real or are you pulling a leg? A fair value box to pay for their meal?
Soldiers don’t have to pay for their rifle and ammo, helmets and body armour, which they need to fight, but they have to pay for a sandwich? nah!!!

Most DOD contractors would be prohibited from offering DOD personnel (civilian and military) a ride from the hotel to such a dinner/reception.

Brian H
November 30, 2010 11:56 pm

About that sulphur dioxide band around Venus, the close is

“We must study in great detail the potential consequences of such an artificial sulphur layer in the atmosphere of Earth,” says Jean-Loup Bertaux, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin, France, Principal Investigator of the SPICAV sensor on Venus Express. “Venus has an enormous layer of such droplets, so anything that we learn about those clouds is likely to be relevant to any geo-engineering of our own planet.”
In effect, nature is doing the experiment for us and Venus Express allows us to learn the lessons before experimenting with our own world.

Really, the experiment was done for us, a few million years ago by an advanced race on Venus ….

December 1, 2010 12:10 am

Groovy party, man. I’ll bet nobody got to bed before 9:30.

December 1, 2010 12:27 am

Louise Gray’s Telegraph article inspired an utterly brilliant rant by a teacher which was reposted by Bishop Hill –

This article is the last straw. For six years I have had to bit my tongue while force-feeding this climate anthropogenic global warming nonsense into the increasingly sceptical minds of my science school learners. They all know it’s a scam. I know it’s a scam. They all know that we will be notionally 1010ed if we don’t all toe the party line, give the “government approved” answer in the exams, fill in the approved plans, but carry on as normal. I cannot seriously go into a school next term and carry on like this.

read the rest here
Inspired by aritcles such as this at P Gosselin’s No Tricks Zone (news about German parliamentatians branding scientists for the crime of scientific dissent) I am interested to know how many people are sceptical but feel the need to hide their views in their working life.
This poll asks simply, if you have doubts about the ‘orthodox view’ of climate change, how open are you about it?

December 1, 2010 12:31 am

I remember someone suggesting to ban iced water in US in restaurants – and here they serve nothing BUT ice… 🙂 I love that stuff 🙂

son of mulder
December 1, 2010 12:43 am

A few weeks of the UK’s early freeze and I can envisage rationing. Already I’ve heard on the BBC that Brussel sprouts for Christmas are at risk and sheep won’t be lambing so I’ve done my bit for the nation and turned up the heating.

December 1, 2010 12:51 am

Food rationing! They warn us for the cold that is coming.

December 1, 2010 12:53 am

save the last dance for me . this the last dance for globle warming

R. de Haan
December 1, 2010 12:58 am
December 1, 2010 1:00 am

I wonder what sort of reception our bold Brit climate pioneers will get from their nearest and dearest when they get home from the beachfest?
Both the Tyndall Center (near Manchester) and CRU in East Anglia are paralysed by a few feet of freezing snow this morning.
Somehow I imagine that, if their wives have been digging the car out for the school and shopping runs, when Kev, Phil and the boys hop out of the airport limo, red eyed from pina coladas and belching from too many buffalo wings and bluefin tuna canapes – the reception might not be the moist eyed devotion they were expecting.
(NB -Personal experience has contributed to this theoretical scenario)

Peter Miller
December 1, 2010 1:08 am

As a very little boy, I remember the ‘Bonfires of the Ration Books’ in the High Streets of the UK. The disastrous economic policies of Atlee’s Labour government resulted in the UK – one of the winners in World War II – to be one of the last countries off rationing in Western Europe.
Rationing – except in the case of war – is not only a reflection of the stupidity of the economic system in which you live, but it is also a reflection of micro-managing, control freakishness of your political elite.
Rationing therefore makes perfect sense to AGW advocates, as i) it is stupid, and ii) it allows you to control the behaviour of the ‘little people’, especially those ‘little people’ who keep embarrassing you by pointing out how stupid you are.
For example: “So you’re a sceptic? OK, so that means no rations for you, until I am convinced you have seen the light!”
In the AGW believer’s vision of a new world order, just like in a communist state, there will only be two choices: i) submit to a stupid doctrine, or ii) starve.

R. de Haan
December 1, 2010 1:17 am
December 1, 2010 1:49 am

I cannot believe that Paul Crutzen, the Nobel winner for chemistry, is “advocating” injecting large quantities of SO2 into our upper atmosphere.
These are the thoughts of a madman, not a Nobel prize winner.

December 1, 2010 2:10 am

Orwell would be proud of Louise Gray.
How can anyone write this crap and look at themselves in the mirror in the morning?
Am I supposed to believe it? If not why write it?

December 1, 2010 2:22 am

The ‘settled’ scientific debate – lost
The blind acceptance of the public – diminishing fast
The enforced mandatory laws – yet to come

Al Gore's Holy Hologram
December 1, 2010 2:25 am

Blame it on the tequila…buckets of it

December 1, 2010 2:29 am

Teaching largely social sciences ( and some science) in secondary schools for the past 37 years I can say that none of my colleagues were/are warmists. I looked at both sides of the argument in class but always concluded that runaway warmism was bollocks. When I left it gave me great pleasure to gather up all the warmist videos and literature and toss them into a skip bin.

John Marshall
December 1, 2010 2:36 am

Nothing like conspicuous consumption to join the great and good together!
May this meeting fail as well.

December 1, 2010 3:16 am

Lloyd’s apparently doesn’t pay attention to the news. The relative flatline in oil production isn’t due to some bogeyman of peak oil…
Canada’s oilsands have already proven that novel ways of producing oil will become more affordable as the price creeps up, but to understand why we’re good for the conceivable future lies in the US production. While the EIA predicts a drop in crude oil production in 2011, it’s largely due to the fact that we’re still avoiding the Gulf.
Long story short on that article, US proved sources of oil are up, and will likely continue to rise as we tap more areas of shale, provided oil prices stay stable. If they go way up, more risky ventures will be used to continue the supply. As much as people love pushing how we’re running out of oil, we have better than 3 years of domestic use already available in market ready sources.
Furthermore, all of this hinges on the Ruskies being wrong about abiogenic oil, in which case we’re gooooood… but even if they’re wrong, natural gas in the US is huge and growing right now, and with the recent development of Methane to Octane catalysts that may provide a future of gasoline production from CO2 and Methane, the idea that oil is running out is specious at best.
Besides, if the price of oil goes too high, then coal and natural gas will eventually follow (steam powered cars or LNG… vroom?) and maybe some of these “green” energies might actually become… y’know… economically non-suicidal?

December 1, 2010 3:44 am

Well I can just see that lot voting to disband and get real jobs by the end of the week.
Activists, politicians, carbon scammers and their collective PR mouthpieces working out how to divide up the heist. Lack of warming no obstacle. They will only stop when they are made to stop.

December 1, 2010 3:49 am

Why is it that when people start talking about Venus in relation to Earth the elephant in the room is ignored? Maybe a lot of what happens there is not entirely relevant, what with it being 26 million miles closer to the sun?

December 1, 2010 4:01 am

They don’t need to…worst snow since 1919 in South Yorkshire has led to some shops introducing rationing.

December 1, 2010 4:03 am

“Mark T says:
November 30, 2010 at 9:36 pm
Not only does their ideology blind them to the true consequences of what their plan would ultimately do (as well as it’s actual chance of success,) it further blinds them to how hypocritical their actions are, or appear to those of us on the outside. Really, what a shame.”
I think you are too generous: my personal opinion is that they know exactly what the consequences of their plans are, and are unmoved. Rather, they are moved, but by the necessity of it all in their holy mission–Final Solutionists.
I don’t think they care how their behavior appears either–why would they? We are all enemies of the biosphere, and while we can’t be called “subhuman” (in this religious philosophy, there is nothing lower than us, humans), we are certainly subordinate to many other things, including our hypocritical self-proclaimed masters.

Robert of Ottawa
December 1, 2010 4:22 am

The UK Met Office predicted a warm winter, and while they’re getting one on their nice vacation to the Yucatan, the poor blighters at home are freezing their derriere’s off, if they could find them in all that snow 🙂

Robert of Ottawa
December 1, 2010 4:24 am

Sorry, forgot the link

December 1, 2010 4:28 am

Just think of all the lives that could have been saved if the DDT hoax had never happened. By my count we are over 40 million dead African children under the age of five, from malaria because of the DDT ban hoax. When the do goobers go wild, people die.
Next up, did you know whooping could is becoming a disaster in the USA? Yep that whooping cough.
Plenty of real stuff to worry about instead of getting wound up over a hoax designed to steal people’s money.

December 1, 2010 4:54 am

It’s Wednesday midday and so far I have seen nothing about Cancun on the BBC or Sky TV output, nothing!
It may be that the snow and bitter cold blanketing the country and the difficulties being experienced by the portion of the population that produces the goods and services necessary for life in the present harsh environment, has silenced the tax funded incubi and succubi .
Best not to tell us that this fourth winter in a row is weather not climate, and that a puny 0.7C rise in temperature over 100 years or so is more relevant and to be feared, than the now annual plunge below zero for week upon week of our maritime climate.
AGW in all it’s names is dead. The politicians (with the exception of the arch idiot Chris Huhne) have moved on to Renewable Energy which is fast developing the legs to stand unsupported by yesterday’s discredited scam.
As the goalposts move, I hope that this site will continue to move and cover the unholy chimera of green ideas and naked political opportunism. They already have a head start.

December 1, 2010 5:03 am

tarpon – the whole ‘greenies killed poor black children ‘cos they got DDT banned’ thing is a myth. DDT didn’t get banned from use as an insecticide for use against mosquitos. It got banned as a general pesticed in farming.
Even Greenpeace advocate the use of DDT.
“DDT was never banned for use as a malaria preventative.
We support the continued use of DDT in malaria control programmes where there are no effective alternatives. “

December 1, 2010 5:11 am

R. de Haan says:
November 30, 2010 at 9:10 pm
Mass suicide now the only option left say Cancun Scientists

What you have not “processed” yet is that that “rationing” it is already working, of course and as always, for the “little” and hard working people.
What do you think is it the “CRISIS” all about?

December 1, 2010 5:35 am

Just remember to ration your bullets when you need them. Make each and every one count…

amicus curiae
December 1, 2010 5:59 am

it seems to have escaped notice?
Hansens whole Theory….of global Co2 induced warming was based on Venusian atmospherics…UNproved but he ran with it. he didnt get to do the sat probe even, it was canned!
taken up later I read , but never!!! have I found what the results were.
his wiki bio shows what I am on about…all on a theory unproven and unquestioned.
how hes still alive? beats me, I would have thought someone would have got angry enough by now…

December 1, 2010 6:02 am

Hey, we already have rationing in the UK. It is caused by the amount of snow and freezing temperatures we are experiencing.
Is this what the parasites, sunning themselves in Cancun, had in mind?

December 1, 2010 6:10 am

Throughout history there has been a character type I think of as the “pursed lipped brigade”. They are never fulfilled unless they are inflicting austerity or puritanism on the world. They cannot behold anyone having fun, flamboyant or life-affirming without thinking it vulgar and wanting to ban it. This character type never goes away, it’s just that circumstances provide them with more or less opportunities to inflict their psychopathy on others. Throughout history they have packed the bureaucracies. closed theatres, banned dancing, advocated taxes on anything that makes life worth living, imposed religious or political oppression and on and on.
This type of person will latch on to any cause, bogus or otherwise, which give them an excuse and scope for their behaviour – and CAGW provides them with the perfect opportunity. Of course there are many hypocrites advocating hair shirts while retaining silk for themselves but never forget those who would not only would wear a hair shirt themselves from psychological need but are also determined to share it with others, whether those others like it or not.

Vince Causey
December 1, 2010 6:15 am

I spent this morning shovelling 2 feet of snow off the balcony and car port roofs where I live in Derbyshire, since more snow is expected and I really don’t want the whole lot to collapse. I don’t how what kind of record this is, but I don’t recall anything like this in my lifetime.
I do get amazed though, when at the same time, NGO’s and bureaucrats in cancun are discussing ways to make the planet even colder. As Henry II might have said, will nobody rid me of these turbulent eco-loons?

Mark T
December 1, 2010 6:35 am

barbarausa says:
December 1, 2010 at 4:03 am
I think you are too generous: my personal opinion is that they know exactly what the consequences of their plans are, and are unmoved. Rather, they are moved, but by the necessity of it all in their holy mission–Final Solutionists.
I don’t think they care how their behavior appears either–why would they?
That’s what it means to be blinded by ideology. You know the consequences but they are acceptable since you have rationalized that your purpose is more important. The benefits, no matter how small, far outweigh any negatives. It was not at all generous of me to state that these people are nothing but irrational idiots. A truly rational mind would never consider such things.

Mark T
December 1, 2010 6:35 am

Damn… blew the block quote.

December 1, 2010 6:40 am

artwest says:
December 1, 2010 at 6:10 am

Enjoying life is a Mortal Sin (Of course if you are a dirty and pesky “commoner”). Gotto read F.Nietzsche “Anti-Christ”.

December 1, 2010 6:45 am

Vince Causey says:
December 1, 2010 at 6:15 am

LOL!!!, what you don’t know is that they do not remember even what you mean by “winter”: They live at the beach all the time…(I mean the real ones, not their employees)

December 1, 2010 6:50 am

Ref – Matt says:
December 1, 2010 at 12:31 am
“I remember someone suggesting to ban iced water in US in restaurants – and here they serve nothing BUT ice… 🙂 I love that stuff :)”
People are responsible for the lack of sufficient ice at the North Pole to cool off the planet. There’s just too many of them eating too much of this scarce resource. The more they put in their drinks the more the temperature rises. There is deffinitely a real scientific connection here. I’m surprised the AGW Mob hasn’t asked for a ban on ice cooled drinks. I’m further surprised they’re meeting in Cancun and not someplace like Fairbanks. That’s another reason I think they’re currupt. CO2 my @#@!$! It’s all about the ice! The more we use, the hotter it gets!

John Lieb
December 1, 2010 6:55 am

My sources tell me that out of a collective act of conscience only low carbon certified jose cuervo was served to the conference members.

December 1, 2010 7:01 am

The elites are attempting the biggest power and money grab in the history of the world and global warming is one of their ways to dictatorship. With partying idiots like those in Cancun it will be a hard sell to get people to give up their national identity and wealth and freedom so the born with a silver spoon creeps can fill their family treasure chest and egos.

deric davidson
December 1, 2010 7:02 am

Living the high life to save the low life!
Can someone estimate how many tonnes of CO2 this “save the world” binge in Cancun will put into the atmosphere?

December 1, 2010 7:03 am

Louise says:
December 1, 2010 at 5:03 am
tarpon – the whole ‘greenies killed poor black children ‘cos they got DDT banned’ thing is a myth. DDT didn’t get banned from use as an insecticide for use against mosquitos. It got banned as a general pesticed in farming.
Even Greenpeace advocate the use of DDT.
“DDT was never banned for use as a malaria preventative.
We support the continued use of DDT in malaria control programmes where there are no effective alternatives. “
Load of crap read this,

Dave Springer
December 1, 2010 7:18 am

Cassandra King says:
November 30, 2010 at 9:54 pm
“The people you see believe they have a Godlike purpose, a holy mission to save the planet and you really cannot get a more important task. Save the world and make a very good living, look at me I am so very important they seem to portray so very clearly.”
Bingo. Made the same point myself in WUWT commentary some time ago.
I wonder though whether we aren’t in the same business of saving the world only in our case it’s saving the world from other savers of the world. While many of us don’t depend on this to make a living some of us do. Controversies like this spawn cottage industries for both sides such as the lecture circuit where speakers both pro and con have money making opportunities, both sides write books and sell them, both sides attract eyeballs and solicit paid advertising, and etc. The same thing goes on in the creation vs. evolution wars and most of the paid participants know full well that their bottom lines improve in direct relation to the heat of the battle in the public eye.

Dave Springer
December 1, 2010 7:41 am

Epigenes says:
December 1, 2010 at 1:49 am
“I cannot believe that Paul Crutzen, the Nobel winner for chemistry, is “advocating” injecting large quantities of SO2 into our upper atmosphere. These are the thoughts of a madman, not a Nobel prize winner.”
Those are the thoughts of an engineer. Not mad at all. If we were burning our fossil fuels as God intended the emissions would be laden with enough SO2 to negate any warming from CO2.
But nooooooooo. In a clear demonstration of the unintended consequences of enviromentalist whacko knee-jerk reactions the acid-rain and global cooling scares made SO2 into a pollutant which had to be scrubbed from auto exhaust pipes and industrial smokestacks. Instead of trying to limit CO2 emission (an economic and political impossibility) we should instead lift the restriction on SO2 emission which would restore the balance between the cooling nature of aerosols and the warming nature of greenhouse gases. I’m not sure if there was any substance at all in the acid-rain scare but even if there was the detrimental effects were localized around the largest industrial emitters and urban population centers. Restricting those might still be a good idea but elsewhere I say** cry havoc and loose the cooling particles of war.
**I’d say that only if I thought global warming was a bad thing but since I know that a warmer earth is a greener earth and that the earth is currently in an ice age with a vastly diminished biosphere as a result I would never advocate doing anything other than wanting more warming until such time as the earth is once again green from pole to pole with lush green plants and lots more animals farther up the food chain. Ice and snow pretty much translates to loss of life.

December 1, 2010 7:46 am

artwest says:
December 1, 2010 at 6:10 am
“Throughout history there has been a character type I think of as the “pursed lipped brigade”. They are never fulfilled unless they are inflicting austerity or puritanism on the world. They cannot behold anyone having fun, flamboyant or life-affirming without thinking it vulgar and wanting to ban it. This character type never goes away, it’s just that circumstances provide them with more or less opportunities to inflict their psychopathy on others.”
C.S Lewis got it right:
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
C. S. Lewis

December 1, 2010 7:55 am

Robuk – that’s an editorial, ie an opinion.
I quoted directly from the Greenpeace website where it states that they SUPPORT the use of DDT.
Horses mouth and all that

December 1, 2010 8:15 am

Actually, that video gave me the impression of what I would consider a pretty lame party, Cancun mega-resort wise. I’m wondering if attendance and funds are down this year for the CAGW conference. Now, that would be (good) news….

December 1, 2010 8:20 am

Let’s not misunderstand them, they just wanna “optimize” world markets, world labor, and…, with them , their scarce profits.
There is a funny observation: Do you know what did worry the most women, before being “liberated”?, well, they worried about what marmalade they were going to prepare “today”….
So they sold them “women liberation”, now, both, husband and women work for a living, however, adding both salaries, it does not reach what the husband alone provided in the past…
An the same with all the rest…. 🙂

M White
December 1, 2010 8:42 am

Liberal Democrat MP for Eastleigh and Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
latest!!!!!!!! checking through the British media Cancun is not being jamed down our throats in the way that Copenhagen was.

M White
December 1, 2010 8:45 am

“Most of our 350 team has arrived in Cancun, where the weather is warm, the Gulf of Mexico is turquoise in color, and where we’re all brushing up on our Spanish language skills”
Party time

Gareth Evans
December 1, 2010 8:46 am

Some comedy gold from the UK’s Daily Politics show today. Andrew Neil interviewing John Prescott about his role at Cancun. Things start to take a turn for the worse from about 5:20 onwards. Eventually Prescott hurls blasphemies and says that we must cut carbon emissions if we wish to keep enjoying our body weights.

December 1, 2010 9:22 am

First, there is no connection between the Royal Society Phil. Trans. publication and the Cancun summit. Second, the Telegraph article only quotes one paper from the R.S. journal by Kevin Anderson. So the headline, “Cancun climate change summit: scientists call for rationing in developed world,” is amusingly misleading.
Beyond this the quotes from the Telegraph are not in the paper Anderson wrote. I do not know where they came from. Did the reporter interview Anderson? It is not clear from the Telegraph article. I could not find anything about rationing in Anderson’s article. He does say:
“Only if Annex 1 nations reduce emissions immediately [35] at rates far beyond those typically countenanced and only then if non-Annex 1 emissions peak between 2020 and 2025 before reducing at unprecedented rates, do global emissions peak by 2020. Consequently, the 2010 global peak central to many integrated assessment model scenarios as well as the 2015–2016 date enshrined in the CCC, Stern and ADAM analyses, do not reflect any orthodox ‘feasibility’. By contrast, the logic of such studies suggests (extremely) dangerous climate change can only be avoided if economic growth is exchanged, at least temporarily, for a period of planned austerity within Annex 1 nations [36] and a rapid transition away from fossil-fuelled development within non-Annex 1 nations. ”
But he is not advocating stopping economic growth. He is discussing possible trade-offs. And, he is only speaking for himself and his co-author.
The Telegraph article also quotes “Dr Myles Allen.” But he did not contribute to the R.S. special issue. Why is he being quoted at all?
But this is how myths are made. We jump from a statement that one scientist may or may not have made to a tabloid journalist to assuming the agenda of an internal conference, he may or may not be attending, includes WWII style rationing for the developed world. Does that sound like skeptical thinking?
REPLY: No connection of R.S. to COP16? Yeah, sure. That’s why the R.S. made these available Monday, the opening day of COP16 as opposed to last week, or last month, or a month from now. People last year tried to argue that the gushing release of dozens of science papers right before Copenhagen had nothing to do with it either. They failed too.
You live in a fantasy world Mikey.
– Anthony

December 1, 2010 10:19 am

I reckon that video should be played on a continuous loop – on a giant screen outside the Department of Energy and Climate Change…

Dave Worley
December 1, 2010 10:39 am

“Most of our 350 team has arrived in Cancun, where the weather is warm, the Gulf of Mexico is turquoise in color, and where we’re all brushing up on our Spanish language skills”
I thought the Gulf was destroyed this summer. It’s still there? Missed that story.

nigel jones
December 1, 2010 10:53 am

Could be a scene from the former USSR; party apparatchiks living it up as they discuss how “the people” (the other people that is) will be forced to make further sacrifices in the interests of the Great and Glorious Revolution, or something or other.
Thank you Andrew for that privileged glimpse into the Brave New World of Animal Farm these people are planning for us.
Their plans are obviously for a centrally planned world economy and we’ve seen where experiments on these lines have lead in the 20th Century. The Soviet Union, China, NK, etc. with millions of deaths and much misery.

December 1, 2010 12:11 pm

in Seattle
“The US administration has already indicated they will implement an agreement with or without the niceties of congressional approval.”
I would dearly love a reference to evidence of the above – please tell me you have one!

December 1, 2010 12:48 pm

The party in Cancun reminds of the bunker party scene in the move “Downfall”. Party like you have no hope.

Gary Pearse
December 1, 2010 1:09 pm

This party looks like a last blast. The CO2 in all that booze might up the Mauna Loa meter a goodly amount. Hey, this is going to be worse than Copenhagen so we might as well get blasted.

December 2, 2010 12:25 am

The worst winter in Britain for 100 years and our AGW nutters are whooping it up in Cancun – nice work if you can get it!

Bruce Parker
December 2, 2010 1:00 am
Jean Brooks
December 4, 2010 8:51 am

The beach party was a disgusting display of decadence. Not surprising, though, when you think about the disgusting decadence of our leadership. However, there are too many people in the world. Any species, if placed in an environment that allows for ample breeding and plenty of offspring, will outgrow that environment. How are we going to reduce the population to a level where all have the opportunity to live a reasonable life?

Brian H
December 4, 2010 3:28 pm

Jean Brooks;
False. Start here:
Then try this:
There is no excess population-to-resources ratio. It’s just fine, and improving.